AnarchismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalNazismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL New Deal Votes with Letter to the Lovestone Group In the World of Labor Reactionaries to Pass Proposing Effective Labor Action House Anti Labor Bill Against the Coughlinite Menace meetings.
John Boscoe, Minneapolis Central Labor Union Head, Defends WPA Strike LEAFLET SCORES MOVIE WAR PROPAGANDA defense.
By Paul Stevens Leon Blum Reveals His Role patches with that of Otto Abetz, avowed Gestapo agent, who was expelled from France In Installing Daladier several weeks ago. The Daladier government In a recent polemic with a bourgeois oppo has learned a good deal from Gestapo and nent, Leon Blum speaks with startling candor frame up methods.
about the part he has played in installing the Belgian Militants Appeal for (Continued from Page vides for imprisoning aliens or current Daladier reaction as the political reNavy. places new and danger dered deported whom forThe Independent Labor with our Anti War Convention business, and Labor can meet gime in France. Writing in Le Populaire on Help in Miners Struggle ous restrictions on freedom of eign visas cannot be secured. League (Lovestonites through interfered with a prompt reply the menace they represent only its New York District Organiz to your communication. if it means business. By that July 8, he boasts of having done everything Some time ago we reported that the Belgian Speech and press in peace time, the Smith Bill is another con les. Benjamin, recently com We fully agree that possible to insure a peaceful transfer of power strikes at constitutional guar. vincing demonstration that the municated with the New York Coughlin movement, like the we understand the mobilizing (Into the hands of boss class locked out some 4, 500 workers who antees against searches and war Deal is well under way be District of the Socialist Work rising fascist movements in tant elements in the trade unChautemps, Daladier of the most devoted and millfriend) on June 20, 1937.
stood their ground against downward revisions seizures. This section would fore the war was started. It in the wage and hour scales when renewal of make it a crime to advise a also gives a good idea of what street meetings held on select and immediate menace to all Several union organizations in lers left no stone unturned. he writes, to Party suggesting joint general, constitutes an acute ions into Union Defense Guards.
see that things were done just that way contracts came up in the Levant du Flenu member of the armed forces we may expect from Congress, ed corners, against the growing labor organizations. Wherever Ohio, Minnesota and elsewhere If had bucked the Senate, if had de mines.
cided upon resistance, if had called upon the The lockout is still in full force. Some 20. 000 perior. leaflet against the machine, when the to disobey the orders of a su let alone the president war Coughlin menace. Below we any Coughlinite hoodlums have have already initiated the es masses of the people for support of such repersons are on the brink of starvation. The war machine would be so con sets really going hysteria publish the reply of been disturbing or threatening tablishment of such Guards and sistance. Indeed if had only allowed the reformist leaders of the miners union have strued.
Frank, secretary of the New meetings of any labor organiza with excellent effect from ev.
masses free play for their instinctive movetions, our Party is ready, for ery standpoint.
remained absolutely passive. Only our com. The second and third sections against the bill at the same York District rades of the Belgian Revolutionary Socialist of the bill are directed against time that it whines that the bill ment, very likely Wladimir Ormesson its part, to cooperate to As you are aware, the proJuly 25. 1939 the gentleman against whom the polemic is Party are carrying on a campaign for militant ron citizens. It would extend does not apply to communists, fullest extent in protecting such posal to fornt such Union Deaction. As the first need of the hour, they the grounds for deportation far who are not against the gov. Benjamin fense Guards 18 now being directed and his friends would have have launched the slogan of equal division of beyond anything in the past. It crnment (never was there a New York District Organizer, An Effective Means felt shivers creeping down their spines of the widely discussed in the more same kind as in May and Jurte, 1936. work among all the miners in the region in would amend existing law to truer word spoken. The moral Independent Labor League However, it is our conviction advanced sections of the labor Nor is this said in pirit of penitence. have nothing to regret in my conduct of fected. It is a demand which has found a preme Court in the Strecker turn the other cheek you will 131 West 33rd Street, that the Coughlinite and, in movement in New York, pargeneral, the fascist movement, the International Ladies Garthat time. Blum adds. The former Premier ready response among the active militants in Case, deporting any allen who eet slapped again. The stalin New York, can be effectively counteracted winds up his article by reproaching bourgeois the mines who know what demoralization of belonged to any anarchistic ists do not explain how the Dear Comrade: their locked out comrades can mean for their organization at any time, of progressive New Deal maonly by the militant, organized ment Workers Union. Were of the type of Ormesson that they simply dub as impotence that which they should whole movement.
We regret the delay in reply. action of the unions themselves. one or more Locals of this pow.
Meanwhile our comrades, whose main base or how far in the past.
no matter how short duration, jority has shrunk to a tiny mi ing to your letter of June 26. The fascists have demonstrat erful Union to endorse and orpraise, they more than anyone else, as an act nority of 48 to 273.
is in the mine regions, have encountered the The press of work connected led to the hilt that they mean sanize a genuine Union Defense of wisdom.
It makes even more represGuard, it would constitute a Fortunately, he concludes, we are wiser greatest difficulty in raising the material sive our present laws which great step forward in the strugmeans for their campaign. The miners who are more stringent than in gle against Fascism.
than they.
Fortunately, for the capitalist class, naturalmake up the bulk of the members of the party any other democratic country Zimmerman Support Asked ly. Not for the workers, certainly.
are penniless.
in the world, according to the We consider highly desirable In a deeply moving letter, Comrade Walter Civil Liberties Union.
cooperation among all elements Daladier Plans Frame Ups Dauge, the leader of the has appealed looking toward such a goal. It to us here in America to come to the aid of Toward Domestie Passports Against French Anti Militarists the Belgian party.
The fourth section provides would be especially desirable, in our opinion, if so prominent To the list of French anti militarists ar The of our Belglan miner comrades coming alles, which is an for the fingerprinting of all in leader of the as raigned before Daladier courts has been addmust not be left unanswered. Collect and send Vice President Zimmerman, a ed the name of Lucien Weitz, youth leader of in contributions for them to this column. They opening wedge for fingerprint(Continued from Page 1)
ing and registration of all all!
the Socialist Workers and Peasants Party days would be dropped from the Minneapolis labor leader member of your organization. Together with Marceau Pivert. Send all monies to socialist Appeal, Att. ens, and eventually all citizens women were participating in the rolls; that striking A: ship of causing great loss and were to give his support to the in workers would be denied re injury to the Workers proposal in question.
Jaquier, Goldschild and Lafeuvre, other lead Belgian Fund, 116 University Place.
ing militants of this party. Weitz is charged a domestic passport system protest against this attack on lief; and then the Press cam and with placing 10. 000 men We are interested in hearing with inciting the military to disobedience. Stalinists Attack Thomas Mann: similar to those under dictator their living standards. paign that: YOU CAN and women in dire need. Who from you on the matters raised But, aside from that charge, the youth leadships.
Most Popular Strike STRIKE AGAINST THE GOV. is it that is injuring the work in this letter.
End of Another People Front?
Fraternally, er is also being prosecuted for divulging inOne section of the bill, thrown ers of Minneapolis and Minne Half a million strikers! ERNMENT. FRANK, Organizer, formation relating to an espionage case. In line with the alleged negotiations between out in committee, was success Never before, not even in the No wonder that the sota and placing them in dire New York District, This latter charge is based on the publication the Kremlin and Wilhelmstrasse, it is inter fully reinserted on the floor by great Railway strike of 1877 workers felt desperate and that reed? Is it the Minneapolis laSocialist Workers Party of the following item in Jeune Garde, the paper esting to note the attack launched by the Gerits author. Democrat Smith of nor in the nationwide struggle the entire labor movement bor movement that works untirwhich Weltz edited: man Communist Party press against Thomas Virginia. It would outlaw teach for the hour day in 1886, had joined hands in protesting this ingly to protect labor and win Comrade Steve of the Revolution Mann, the well known novelist. Up until very ing or advocating in any form so many workers engaged in a attack against the American for it a greater share of the good things of life? Or is it the ary Socialist Youth, French youth section of recently Mann has been played up by the Stal the overthrow of the US gov joint struggle. It is certain that standard of living!
connivers in the Fourth International which recently Unions Led Strike Congress who inists as the true prophet of the German crnment; the printing or pub the strike was the most merged with the youth) has been un People Front. No matter what inane, anti lishing of books teaching or ad popular movement of protest The Minneapolis labor move pushed through a last minute der arrest for more than a week; he is held in socialist and anti communist literary twaddle vocating the overthrow of the which has ever occurred in this ment took quick and effective relief bill that violated the solitary confinement without the possibility of Herr Mann saw fit to bandy about, on the pub government or the defending country. Governor Stassen action to organize the protest pledges these Congressmen had any contact with the outside world.
lic platform or in print, the paid German or justifying of such actions: gives full credit for it to a locally. On Thursday, July 5, made to the people, that From the charge, it is evident that Comrade agents of Stalin have always leaped to his and membership in any organ small handful of local leaders. the day after the spontaneous slashed the wages of Steve, as well as our comrades Rigal and ization devoted to such pur The fact is that such wide walkout began, the Minneapolis workers.
Schmitt, whose case has been reported in this Recently Herr Mann referred to certain poses.
spread protests do not occur Building and Construction hours, and promises to throw column repeatedly, are actually being framed. similarities between the political regime in The War Deal without impelling reasons. Trades Council officially en 142 million of them out of emup as spies.
Russia and that in Germany, at a lecture in Coming on the heels of much Here are some of them: dorsed the protest strike. The ployment off Recalls Stassen Promises (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
That some such kind of an amalgam is be New York. For that speech, he has now been fantastically reactionary legis After the cumulative effects various Building Trades unions YELLOW SPRINGS, Ohio ing planned is further confirmed by reports attacked by the Stalinist Runa Korrespon lation already passed by the of ten years of unemployment. voted unanimously to remain Come to think of it, it is novel and effective anti war in last Friday paper of the arrest of a stenog denz of Zurich as lackey of American biz House, such as the Hobbs Con a more concerted drive against on strike and to refuse to work passing strange that there are rapher employed by the Senate military ap business propriations committee who is alleged to be a If this attack is at all indicative, centration Camp Bill that pro the unemployed began after for anyone at less than unton ANY unemployed persons in leaflet was distributed here in it is as an adumbration of a change in line on last November elections when wages. The Minneapolis Build this state, for did not Governor picketing local showings of member of the pacifist wing of the Socialist the part of the bowdlerized Comintern. Ap500, 000 workers were dropped ing Trades Council, like many Stassen promise to create Jobs Confessions of a Nazi Spy.
party which recently split away from the main parently, the German People Front, alin 1939, non citizens. widows America, has not receded from absorb the unemployed? Did On the way to the trenches body. namely the The Senate sten ways more of a caricature of those in France ographer is also held on an espionage charge. and Spain than anything else, is also about to with children and old age pen this position and is determined he not promise the assembled was the title of the leaflet. It His name is linked in the newspaper dis be officially buried.
sioners were dropped from the to defend the union wages and workers on the capitol steps on said in part: rolls.
conditions won during fifty June that no one would go. Tomorrow we will be asked Government Attacks Continue years of struggle.
hungry in Minnesota?
to fight a new world war. This In recent weeks, the attack On Friday morning. July Where are these jobs you time it will be for Democracy on workers reached aith the Policy Committee of the were going to create for the against Fascism instead of peak. Under the leadership of Minneapolis Central Labor Un youth and unemployed. Gover Democracy against Kaiserreactionaries Congress passed ion endorsed the action of the nor stassen? And is it not true. ism, but the real purpose will cut of 800 million dollars from Building Trades Council. In the Governor, that while you are be the same as in 1917. to Single Person. quate security wage was sub County Workers Alliance, the group of Minneapolis labor in America comes not from the Per Month; Forced stituted for the prevailing of bederal workers. Sectione leaders, that during the past Bunds or Germany. but from By NEIL WHITE tween July 11 and July 20 they consider the resolution of SenThe record of the Workers devote themselves to the mail ator Murray.
Labor Also Decreed Woodrum amendments includ. neapolis Central Labor Union. tion of labor leaders from the economic system that offers Alliance in the WPA strike is ing of letters and postcards? The Workers Alliance dellbing the 30 hour lay off for all all voted officially to endorse Minnesota Federation of Labor neither jobs nor the hope of WPA employes of 18 months and support the protest strike along with Mr. Zanier from Jobs to twelve million Amerione of deliberate misleadership Simply because Lasser and crately misleads the workers standing: and the ad called by the Minneapolis and conscious scabbing. the rest of the unsavory A111 when it ascribes responsibility By Grant ministration made it clear that Building Trades Council and tional union calling upon you comes from the Duponts, the the government employes na can workers. The main threat One day after the strike was ance crew give unqualified sup to Woodrum, whose task it was sanctioned by the AFL Build port to the Roosevelt governo adapt WPA to Roosevelt death by starvation is a very chance of re employment. Fi rum Amendments be repealed criminatory dismissals of their Hagues.
CHICAGO The possibility of those dropped have a slim their demand that the Wood, for a hearing on wholesale dis Girdlers, the Coughlins and the ing and Construction Trades ment. Any action against the reduced figure.
Council, David Lasser, presi WPA slashes is directed mainly The American workers who employed today as the relief al. slash in monthly wages of over stored.
real thing to the Chicago un nally the new act called for a and that union wages be remembers during recent days, Movie Propaganda Scored WORKERS ALLIANCE against Roosevelt who reduced have been deluded into follow. lowance per person sinks to 30 one as well as the charges leveled We who publish this leaflet dent of the Workers Alliance, the WPA appropriation this ing Roosevelt into a Land of percent of the estimated budget North and West.
million workers in the In the light of these facts, at your highway department for are forthright enemies of Fasdeclared in the New York year by one third, and directed Plenty that never materialized. needed for subsistence! Relief what happens to the claim of wage cutting and wholesale lay cism, and against these sinister Times, August 8: also against Harrington and encouraged by forces Workers requests have risen 300 percent onstration grew came three ful of men in Minneapolis We are not so concerned Murphy. Roosevelt appointees, Alliance to remain under Machinists Unions?
in a war which, under hypocritwith the prevailing wage con. who have the task of putting spell of the Roosevelti hypnother in the last week, as discharged more blows in succession the started the walk out, vana Pehlat Labor Assembly and the state strength, but we want no part workers continue to announcement that all those the strikers had no chance to troversy as with the fate of the Roosevelt economy into while the magician in the White Storm central Intake offices for away from their jobs for five vote on the strike? The truth is President Boscoe concluded: ical protestations of anti fas700, 000 WPA employes who practice.
House does a quick change help. These figures, given out that the overwhelming major. demonstrations here. tlve the preservation of Eing In this as in all previous a Nazi Spy. has as its objeccism, such as Confessions of are going to lose their jobs. One day later, on July 13, from New Dealer to War by Relief Administration head, ity of the Minneapolis labor or Already, with the strike but Lasser, asked the question as Dealer.
Leo Lyons, may be found in back when the full budget wasganizations having members the Minneapolis labor move lish, French and American vey was obscuring the issue, Roosevelt intimation that by withdrawing from all stop anional thousand applicants for The single woman has been restrike. The truth is that all this clared that the main function Analyse for yourselves the Finally, the Workers Alliance, any local newspaper. Each ad actually received by anybody. on voted to join the menta has recognized and de trade empires.
skillfully belittling the prevail. Administration forces would not ages of a protracted nature, aid reduces the budget perceiving 65 percent of the bud talk about the strike resulting of such demonstrations is to dihalf truths of this pro war antiing wage fight by counterpos support any move to change that is, from strike actions heldcent. Already there are 35, 000 get: 13. 80. 80 for rent and from a conspiracy untrue, Irect public attention to the ing to it the dismissals. the present WPA law, replied. jointly with the building trades new cases. An additional 60. 000 00 for food. labor propaganda and rememand deliberately circulated to justifiable problems of unemWhy Lasser Scabbed Mr. Roosevelt is badly ad unions throughout the country, are a dead certainty within the 20 Cents Day! blind the uninformed as to the ployment. That was our prime bering the real reasons they That the attack of the gov vised.
But the 65 percent budget 18 true cause of the strike, namely purpose. The fight for jobs at want us to fight, answer the ernment upon the prevailing wage was giving the signal for WPA law, who took a billion united front of labor in time of bulit like stockyard pens, are according to Mr. Lyons calcu living standards. The truth is aud for decent relief standards Roosevelt, the inspirer of the ion workers by splitting the The central intake offices, soing too. At the present rate, the attack upon the workers union wages and conditions. We are not your army. This is not our war!
a wage cutting drive in private dollars away from WPA and strike, consciously scabbed by daily packed with stricken clllations, the monthly budget for that the anti union and pauper for those who have no jobs, did industry of this Davey and his added it to the War Budget. sending the workers Alliance ents already showing evidences a single woman will be about izing provisions of the Wood not begin nor end with the group of students and faculty sang said not a word. Why? appropriation. slashing, union nembers back to work at the of starvation. Hundreds are six dollars a month.
Because their beloved leader. busting. War mongering Roose highest When the unions were understaffed social workers, this bounty, 43, 000 unemployed the country. If there was anels. There must be no ad The point in the nation wide turned away by harrassed and To show their gratitude for social repercussions throughout the struggle, by the logic of and a number of others, includ Roosevelt. was for smashing velt is 111 advised. strike when events, now takes other chan ing Socialist Party members.
the prevailing wage.
Preparing a Pause still out fighting a life and and roughhoused by the police have begun scrubbing street conspiracy, it was a conspiracy Fournment to constrebe until Next, on July 11, the Work As time went on, and the death struggle against was carried the when they make the smallest signs and gathering rubbish up of the paid political representa: vicious Woodrum project through in the face of vigorous ers Alliance issued a call for a 000. 000 letters and postcards Roosevelt government.
But a one dealt blow after blow at the gesture of objection. WPA stoppage.
from the local Company Union No Money city departments. Those who over an attack upon the wages are repeated.
Young Communist League and day stoppage!
nasty reactionaries, the WorkWherever they could Meanwhile the city govern refuse to comply with the work and living standards of the of conspicuous non cooperation When? week and a half in ors Alliance drew a deep breath away with it, the workers Alli ment continues to insist that it relief order will be cut off com American people.
the future July 20!
from Paul Jones, Ohio state and prepared for the general ance leaders even called off the does not have any money, and pletely.
HE WON NEED Governor Stassen second chairman of the Socialist ParThe Daily Worker, July 11, pause on all the projects one day stoppages, the Daily the state administration refuses The Communist controlled charge is that the Minneapolis PINK SLIP ty. who took the position that quotes Lasser: nation wide (Daily Worker, July 16. Worker. July 18 reporting to contribute more than its workers Alliance of America labor movement has elected a picketing in this quiet village one day stoppage against the Finally, the day before the The Workers Alliance heads present quota. Lyons, who is has not made a single gesture, leadership that is thoughtless, was so wholly exotic as to all20 was called today by the stop the Tories dead in their stration zero tront their demon. somewhat of humorist, says not a threat, not a move. How ut. sound and viclous. Thereby motion was not a The outlook is pretty gloomy can it? Didn it support Mayor he implies that Minneapolis enate the populace. Events NEW YORK, July 28 The proved him to be seriously in Workers Alliance. While tracks, the following statement strike, and that it was not nec if you ask me.
Kelly and the state New Deal in workers would be wise to de administration can save error.
Lasser said that he expected of Willis Morgan appeared in essary in many localities toJust an illustration: the full Illinois? The unemployed grow sert this leadership.
itself the trouble of sending a speedy legislative action in the the Daily Worker, July 19: have all day stoppages. monthly budget for a single restive, sensing a sell out. The Outstanding Union City pink slip to Cormack Meehan, Senate, he expressed apprehen. Our stoppage voices our. Yes, the Workers Alliance is woman is 21. 24. That figure is scheduled one day strike of the Minneapolis is among the 35 year old cement worker, of ANNOUNCEMENTS ion as the situation in the Proteste in cabina complete detipos: be company union of the Big more or lesse lotion because the core wheth washealed rode burst updonized cities in the en: 27 West 93rd St.
tion, the workers Alliance head sibility for which belongs to ment caused revolts in many of Slassen, it will remain so. All Harlem River, today, for Mee at the last motire country and Governor Police were dredging the FURNISHED ROOM to renturged that 1, 000, 000 letters and Clifton Woodrum and his cothe locals, especially in the the benefits of organization han body after he leaped into Park at Allerton Station. Inpostcards be sent by July 20. horts. The Workers Alli Concert of the Classics of Swing Negro district where the worst came to the workers is be span of the Triborough bridge.
and un the water from the Manhattan quire any day. 690 Allerton The Why and Wherefore ance will never strike against Drinks Dancing Refreshments sufferers are.
employed of Ave. Bronx. Apt. 55W.
Why did David Lasser set the the Government. The declTwo choices le before 300, 000 cause they have organized un The cement SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, at 9:30 date for the first nation wide słon of the National Executive Tellef sufferers in Chicago: der this leadership whom the slated to be fired from worker was CAMP SEVEN OAKS. EatonWPA action 13 days after the Board of the Alliance to withtown, Tennis, swimat 318 EAST 13th STREET, Apt. a either learn to eat gravel cin Governor accuses of being at the end of this month under beginning of the strike? And draw from all current stopming. ping pong. Plumbing For the benefit of the Needle Trades Brigade of Anti Fascist ders and glass, or unite to de thoughtless and unsound.
why did Lasser advise the WPA pages of a protracted nature the 18 month ruling of the Union Guards Bulletin. 50 per day. 14 a week Admission 25 cents mand the right to live, support In his third charge, the Gov Roosevelt Woodrum Starvation workers, that in the interim be. was done to allow Congress to Make reservations, please!
ing that demand with action. ernor, in a pious tone, accuses Law.
Phone: Eatontown 515.
CHICAGO RELIEF CUT FAR BELOW Workers Alliance and the WPA LIVING NEEDS Strike. Company Union Record provisions opposition get