BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyIV InternationalImperialismItalyNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1939 APPEAL ARMY Political Resolution of the Convention As Adopted by the National AntiWar Convention of the Socialist Workers Party, New York, July 5 the party MEETING CONSTRUCTION ATTACKED BY PROJECTS SHUT HOOLIGANS TIGHT IN CHI.
o The Perspective of or beginning to raise once more in the minds of the workers questions about political action. MASS STREET SALES: branch possesses. The comUnited States Imperialism So untenable is worn out New Dealism becom. Second in the series of ar rades who are to do the selling In common with every other great power.
ing that even Lewis and the Stalinists have in ticles on how to bulld mass Ap are then to be assigned to a the recent weeks been compelled to make cer peal circulation)
busy corner, Intersection, workthe course of United States Imperialism is set tain criticisms of Roosevelt. It is hardly coners meeting. unton hall, etc.
directly toward the second world war. The en.
ceivable that the disillusionment of the worktire life of the nation is being grooved into the ers with Roosevelt can in the main take the most important Appeal activity MASS SALES: Mass street sales are the WHERE TO CONDUCT war channel. Every political, economic and form of a swing back to Republicanism; and that our branches can conduct.
social issue is being more and more suborin any case it would disastrous if this were Mass street sales are not corners. a) At busy, central street dinated to the war preparations.
permitted to happen. The slogan for a labor only a method of selling many After six years, the New Deal, as a pri party. berly developed in connection with papers, but also a type of dem: exits and entrances (b) At subway, trolley or bus marily internal program of huge governmental food, vast unemployment wth its attendant this country to the building of the revolution the other aspects of our program, can play a onstration having many purexpenditures and subsidies, liberal demagogy social convulsions would come about without ary movement.
significant role in directing the disillusionment coses. It gets our paper out quarters, etc. c) At union meetings, headand social concessions to the farmers and a war. Just as in the case of the results of the 16. It is necessary to dispel certain illusions, with Roosevelt and the dead New Deal into the into the streets among workers, has ended in definitive collapse. The war itself, this would bring about and consti shared to one or another extent by our own sole progressive direction toward indepen workers and people of the com carry the Appeal. d) Near newsstands that intolerable economic crisis continues. The busitute a pre revolutionary situation. Within the membership. with respect to the Communist dent political activity by the working class. We munity: it offers splendid opness cycle refuses to turn upward for more non fascist powers, the fascists could grow Party. It is false that the communist Party must be ready to utilize every concrete situa portunities for popularizing the borhoods near the branch head(e) In working class neighthan fitful and unsatisfying periods. The imrapidly. But in this instance also New Dealism, consists only of bureaucrats and hopeless petty tion as it arises for propaganda and action in slogans we raise in our press: quarters. The entire branch possibility of a solution on the New Deal basis, Popular Frontism, reformism, Stalinism bourgeois. In its ranks and especially in its this direction.
and the fatuousness of any proposed solution and it helps train our comrades should be mobilized for this at would go to pieces both in fact and in their sympathizing circles it includes many genu 23. The slogan for the labor party, as we in the art of agitation and least once every two weeks.
on the basis of old fashioned. Chamber ofhold on minds of the masses. As in the ine and militant workers, as its influence in conceive it, is in no way incompatible with ningling among workers.
Commerce Republicanism, have become apcase of Italy and Germany, the crisis and the the trade unions proves. It is deceptive to conSUMMARY: parent. Internal measures having failed and growth of fascism would be accompanied by sidor that the is characterized through offering no hope, the United States bourgeoisie in elections. On the contrary, experience has PLANNING MASS STREET the wide and rapid radicalization of the ex an through and in every respect by an iron amply proved the great value of the SALES: We urge mobilization of the turns to external measures to the war. It ploited masses. Under such circumstances, as mouiolithism. The framework of the party is name and party candidates appearing on the Mass Street sales must be entire branch as is posplans to solve its problems through acquiring in the other variant, the prospects and perwholly monolithic. But in the heart of that mon ballot, with the wide opportunities for revolu planned well in advance by the sible not less than once every greater share in the world market, in parolithic framework there have grown in the spectives for the revolutionary party and the mass tionary education which this opens up. In all local Branch Executive Com weeks. for ticular by gaining monopoly control over Latin street social revolution would be in the highest de present period profound conflicts and para localities where this is practically feasible, mittee. All assignments, divi sales. If clear and simple inAmerica and a major position in the Far East.
gree promising doxes, springing from the conflicting and par and where it will not conflict with the devel sion of branch into units, provi structions are issued before.
Indeed, it aims at nothing short of world hege.
adoxical social and political situation of interthe war prepar. Democratic Rights mony. In the present stage opment of genuine independent working class sion of protection for salesmen, hard on how to cover the best national Stalinism. These internal conflicts political action on a broader scale, the party etc. must be given in advance concentration points, then ations, Roosevelt has taken aggressive leadare the compelling sources of splits and de9. During the past eight months there has must in the next period try to enter elections Each salesman should be every branch should easily be ership. His New Deal has ended, and will not fections from the Stalinist movement. It is directly.
equipped with an attractive able to fulfil its quota in the be revived except occasionally in his holiday taken place a growing attack upon the democratic rights of labor, an attack required by even false to believe that splits have not taken the Prospects for the Party poster which can be obtained Anti War Campaign. Send in words or in those of his agents. The New Deal from the Appeal Poster Shop, reports on your mass street has been transformed into the War Deal. the bourgeoisie equally as part of the war recent times, after the Third Moscow Trial, 24. The defeats of the working class on an plenty of Appeals to sell, small sales activity. Because of the needs both of the war and preparations and in order to aid the suffering of tottering industry: the War Deal is business cycle. The illegality of sit downs has after Munich, after the fall of Barcelona, what international scale, the lack of organized re change. At least one comrade might be described as slow and passive but been made explicit by the courts. The courts, sistance to the approach of the war, and the in the unit should wear one of Next week: How to build up also a deal of social reaction. The months very extensive splits have occurred. But these State Legislatures. Congress and the police since Munich and the November elections have apparent passivity of the working class in this the newsboy aprons that each your Appeal Squad.
splits have led the dissident Stalinists, with as in other countries, above all since the fall witnessed a growing reactionary wave. This are engaged in a nation wide drive to limit or few exceptions, only to complete retirement smash the rights of picketing, boycotts, closed of Barcelona, have not been without adverse has been marked above all by the sharpest from political activity or to bourgeois politics.
shop. strikes, demonstrations, and through a effect in some quarters of the radical labor and most brutal attack since 1929 on the un17. The basis for influencing the Communemployed and by the sustained drive against variety of other means strive to hamstring ist Party, for recruiting its members and symof the entirely erroneous opinion that our perthe democratic rights of labor. In the period labor organization. This attack will not diminpathizers and for hastening its dissolution as ish but on the contrary will increase in intenspective for the next period must be one mereahead this attack and this drive will continue, an obstacle to the growth of the revolutionary 1x of consolidating a tight and firm cadre and and it is planned to climax them by the im sity during the next period.
movement, is present. What is required for of excluding the possibility of important nuposition of totalitarian military dictatorship 10. These democratic rights are indispensuccess is a conscious, deliberate and sus. merical growth.
on the day that war begins.
sable to the very existence of organized labor, tained policy on our part. We must root out all 25. While the factors that have led to this both in the struggle against the war and in the traces of a defeatist or passive attitude toward The Struggle against War fight for jobs and food. The end term of the feeling cannot be denied, the inference drawn Stalinism, and orient boldly the perspect is by no means necessarily correct, and other The character of the present period dicpresent series of attacks, from the point of ive of major and fruitful work in that arena. equally important national and international view of the bourgeoisie, is the total wiping out tates unequivocally the main task of the party conditions point to a contrary conclusion. The The Struggle against Fascism (Continued from Page 1)
Injure Two Workers, 000. What is more every of labor rights through a war time military The struggle against the war. Just as the war is approaching, but the masses, in the dictatorship or through outright fascism. We bourgeoisie subordinates every other question 18. In the months since Munich and espeUnited States as in most other nations, are not WPA construction project in the understand and explain the present attacks in Topple Platform at to preparation for the war, so must the party cially since the fall of Barcelona, and with the in favor of the war, and have not succumbed city is closed down completely.
this sense.
subordinate every question to the struggle failure of the 1938 upturn in business to ex to a blatant war chauvinism. They are on East Side Meeting Even shovels and wheelbarrows against the war. What is required is not a 11. The party must, consequently, bring to tend into 1939 thus signalizing the definitive the whole against the war, however incomare stored up in rows because collapse of the New Deal policies, the fascist the forefront during the coming period the temporary or episodic campaign, but a suspletely they understand the implications of the essential skilled labor is not tained, deliberate and enduring policy. The question of defense of democratic rghts of la and semi fascist movements in this country their opposition. As the only party which fights Stalinist thugs on Friday, available. must aim to be and to become known bor. The struggle against war and reaction is have been growing rapidly in numbers and the war, there is every objective foundation July 28th, broke up a street The walkout, for example, of to the masses as: the anti war party.
intimately and acutely bound up with this boldness. The nationwide notoriety achieved for the growth, even the rapid growth, of the meeting of the on Riv 200 union plumbers from water In accordance with our analysis of the by Hague through his use of fascist and semiquestion. In the defense of democratic rights, party as the organization concretely embody ington and Clinton Streets, in pipe inspection projects threw nature of capitalist war as an integral phase of broad united fronts are both possible and de fascist methods symbolizes this development. ing the anti war sentiments of the masses. the heart of New York Lower out of work an additional 3, 100 capitalism, the struggle against the war can sirable. In localities where it is feasible, the The nationwide series of meetings and mobiliz Again, the masses want to fight fascism and East Side, and seriously in unskilled laborers. Of the elev.
not be conceived as a special campaign, party should take the initiative in forming ations by the Nazi Bund provided a kind of its growth at home, and only our party has pro jured a comrade and a young, en sewer projects, which embut must, rather, infuse all of our activities: committees for the defense of democratic dress rehearsal for native movements. The sequently every serious feeling or thought girl, a sympathizer.
ployed 10, 000 laborers, not one Silver Shirts have been especially active in trade union work no less than our press: youth rights of labor. As the tactic for defending directed against the present order of war and Growing success and defense and unemployed work no less than democratic rights, the party should advocate of the is in operation. The big gaping small towns and villages. It is reported that the wide use of militant methods of mass acour occasional manifestoes.
tyranny and starvation can find genuine outlet among the workers of holes in many parts of the city there are now more than 800 fascist and nearony in the ranks and actions of our party. the Lower East Side has made sland today as a powerful re6. We must recognize that our opponents tion strikes, demonstrations, marches, etc. fascist organizations in the United States. At Again, the masses wat to fight fascism and its the Stalinists desperate. Their minder of an effective WPA within the labor movement the social reform in place of the hopeless confinement of tactics the present time the most successful and ad growth at home, and only our party has pro constant heckling and disrup strike.
Ists, Stalinists, and the labor bureaucracy to parliamentary and legalistic maneuvers. vancing of these is the Coughlin movement, posed or attempted to carry out a serious fight tion has failed to stop our are separated from us now not by mere ideowhich, since Coughlin reappearance on the logical divergences but by their having be The Fight for Jobs. scene after two years of quiet, has taken on Deal once again poses sharply before the size and interest the meetings Responsible come part of the war machine. They have 12. The continuance of the unparalleled ecomore and more openly fascist character. workers the problems of political action; and of the joined the camp of the class enemy. Our atnomic crisis, the persistence of the army of Though it is doubtful that a movement led by a Catholic priest can be the authentic fascist here also our party alone gives an answer.
tack against them must correspondingly in This time, however, they de. For Ku Klux Klan unemployed at a level of twelve or more milcrease in sharpness and intransigence. We lions, and the drive of reaction against the un.
movement in this country, Coughlin follow period will be one of rapid growth for the would not be enough the voice Appointment must reveal them to the workers in their full employed, place the fight for jobs squarely ods for fusion into the definitive fascist move as our perspective, if we decide in advance workers and exposing the Fasers are being prepared in ideology and meth party. It is certain that if we do o not have this and true light.
and enduringly in the front rank of the probof our party speaking to the Our press and platforms must be con lems of the working class and of the party.
ment of the not too distant future.
that growth is impossible, then stagnation is cist Coughlin, the war plans of 19. It is absolutely inadmissable to neglect Short of the actual outbreak of war itself, stantly used to make clear the character of NEW YORK, July 21. Re assured. But our problem and aim is not to the Roosevelt Administration, sponsibility for the speed and the coming war. We must continue to support which would temporarily absorb (under a dicor minimize the importance of the current retreat, but to advance and to gain. The party was making a deep impression trickery in Jamming through the popular referendum on war declaration, tatorial regime) a considerable percentage of growth of fascism. Fascism in this coun, has never taken recruiting seriously it has on the audience. At the ques the confirmation of Elmer as a means for reinforcing anti war sentiment the unemployed in either the war industries or try is capable of spreading like wildfire, of always allowed new members to drop like ripe tion period the Stalinists de Davies, admitted among the masses, for putting forward our strangling the labor movement before it is ex member the army, there is not the slightest prospect of fruit into the ranks of the party, after suitable cided to swing into direct ac of the Ku Klux Klan, as federal own program and their exp makers. Similarly, ment outlays of the pre war Roosevelt Pro a major economic upturn. Even the vast armaaware what is happening. The great army of disillusioned unemployed and the disinherited and lengthy fertilizing by our ideas and the tion.
judge in the middle Tennessee ories. To assure the success of the party in with the demand for No Secret Diplomacy!
district, rests squarely upon gram have a comparatively minor effect on youth are particularly and immediately vulTopple Platform the next months we must radically alter this nerable. Europe has taught that in order to and with exposures of the secret maneuvers of the shoulders of our national economy as a whole. Chronic and stagA woman, on the preattitude: we must become crusaders and relegislative and executive leadthe State Department we must show the war defeat fascism the labor movement must gering crisis for the masses of the people has never let fascism get a step in advance, that it cruiting agents, not at all satisfied with a terme le dif askineke question probership. President Roosevelt as a conspiracy against the people. Our un become the normal condition of capitalqualified opposition to all imperialist arma ism.
must anticipate and prepare for the fascist this program will become the program of the crowd, urging them to ments, to all varieties of national defense. 20. Tents before they take place.
13. The older program of immediate demasses the immediate duty of the party workers. Habit and routine dictate break up the meeting. young. In a letter which described must be modified in no way whatever in the mands and restrained and legalistic methods caution and reserve. The future of the party girl who tried to remonstrate the action of the Senate in takface of prejudices seeking some patriotic loopto prepare educational and propaganda maof fighting for them are no longer adequate to and the needs of the American revolution de and restore order was immedi ing up the Davies matter out of hote. With oui ogan All War Funds to mand audacity and a bold offensive.
terial in its press and in cheap pamphlets dealrouse the masses to struggle or to make any stely physically attacked. turn and the speed of the White the Unemployed. we sum up both our analy. headway against the onslaught of social and number of our comrades went House in signing the commissts of bourgeois armaments and their relation movements. This material should be put in Campaign Party economic reaction. We must be bold, open and to her aid and immediately the sion as shocking. the Nationto the reactionary drive against the masses.
the most popular and simple form, directed al Association for the Advanceresolute in advancing the broad and positive especially toward the youth and the unem27. The serious advance of the party in the Stalinist thugs went into ac8. The first aim of imperialism in the slogans of our transitional program. a job mass movement depends upon its adoption of tlon. First they rushed the ment of Colored People reviewwar is monopoly control over Latin America, ployed, and must aim at mass circulation to and a decent living for every worker: the the campaign principle in its activity. As in platform and knocked it overed the whole case, from the and the plans also to use Latin America combat the fascist ideas directly on the ground opening of idle factories under workers con the case of a military campaign, a political right on top of a girl comrade. time Davies was mentioned for as a strategic base and a source of raw mater. trol; the 30 hour week and 30 minimum week where they chiefly germinate.
campaign means the concentration and coor During the rush, another girl, the post up to the time Mr.
ials and personnel in the conduct of the war. ly wage; 20, 000, 000, 000 public works program: 21. The struggle against fascism at home, dination of all available forces in advancing a sympathizer, was surrounded Roosevelt made him a judge however, cannot even now be confined to propOur struggle against the war cannot be di. expropriation of the Sixty Families: etc.
toward and achieving a concrete and definite by a group of these sadistic for 11fe.
vorced from the firmest and widest support of aganda and agitation. It is necessary to fight objective or set of objectives. For the party. thugs and brutally beaten process, said the letter, 14. We must take care not to permit the the Latin American masses in their own strugthe fascist movements in action from the very transitional program to become a mere literit means gearing in the entire national organ over the head and across the which in its normal course gle against imperialism. During the past beginning. Our slogan For Workers Defense ization and every aspect of its activities stomach with a strong cane. would not be completed within ary exercise. It is not intended as a finished year, the Fourth International, which is the Guards against Fascism cannot any longer document valld as a whole and just as it press, pamphlets, leaflets, meetings, tours. The girl, small and slight, who three or four days was rushed be confined to agitation, but must be put into demonstrations, petitions. fund raising. mohad recently recovered from to completion within less than the anti imperialist movements of the colonial stands for all times and occasions. In the first concrete effect. beginning has been made tions in unions and other mass organizations, an illness, was knocked uncon twenty four hours.
place, it must be lifted out of the pages of our and semi colonial peoples, has made notable in a few localities. But the party must now street meetings as a single unit revolving scious and fell to the ground. The letter cited the fact that progress in a number of Latin American counpress and thrust into the midst of the unions attempt in every section of the country where around the specific axis of the campaign. Cam. Luckily, she was rescued by both the President and Attorand other mass organizations. In the second tries. The must in the next year vastly it has branches to begin the actual organiza paigns cannot be properly conducted place, it must be understood as a method for tion of at least skeleton defense units, which increase its concentration upon Latin Amerhaphazardly, nor for vague or genesely or workers in the crowd and takenney General Murphy had been proto a place of safety.
linking the party with the actual struggles of warned as early as April 11 ican work, and must link this with what has will work indefatigably to broaden their base, grammatic aims. They require systematic the masses. The conception of the transition been almost entirely lacking in the past: polit especially through union support. Ideally these organization, and by their very nature have also surrounded later, thrown of the Klan. Affidavits attestAnother male comrade was and 13 that Mr. Davies was reprogram must be used to give depth and exical activity among the Latin Americans rest should be based on and built through the untension to issues which arise naturally out of ions, as in Minneapolis. But where this is not 28. For the next immediate period, the beaten over the head a num forwarded to the White House to the ground and severely ing to this membership were dent within the United States 8A. The outbreak of the war is certain to be the living experience of the masses. The pop possible, the party must nevertheless lead the party will concentrate its activities on the fol ber of times, resulting in lacer and to the Department of Jusfollowed within a comparatively short period.
ular movement for a referendum on war is way and itself take the initiative in forming, lowing three campaigns. 1) Against the War: ations of the scalp.
far shorter than in the case of the last world prominent example of such an issue. Another, together with sympathizers and non party (2) Jobs. 3) Anti Fascist, in particular Antitice three months before extremely important at present, is the drive workers now ready to participate, initiating tremendous social convulsions within Coughlin. These campaigns, in turn, shall be Workers Disgusted Davies name came up in the all of the warring countries. The war itself will for a 30 hour week begun by the electrical nuclei of the anti fascist defense guard, func still further limited and concretized around In spite of the vicious attack, Senate, the letter said.
have smashed the illusions of Popular Front workers and the plumbers and in a somewhat tioning as independent, organized, disciplined the following slogans: different form, by the auto workers. This 30cur comrades succeeded in ism, New Dealism, reformism and Stalinism.
and active institutions. 1) Against the War: raising the platform and con the Stalinists, appeared and hour week movement is a concretization of Let the People Vote on War!
tinued The subsequent social convulsions will provide the meeting. Many the transition demand for a sliding scale of every premise for the revolutionary advance.
The Labor Party All War Funds to the Unemployed! workers expressed sympathy broke up the meeting.
at an entirely unprecedented speed and with hours. and should receive the full and active 22. During the past year, the sentiment (2) Jobs: with us and remained to listen To the Communist Party, we unparalleled scope, of the masses toward the support of the party.
among the workers for a Labor Party has re Thirty Thirty!
to our speakers. One worker say. Act like Fascists and overthrow of the world system of imperialism The Communist Party mained inert, held back by Roosevelt, the Expropriate the Sixty Families!
was heard to say ve heard you will be treated like Fasand the conquest of workers power.
labor bureaucrats and the Stalinists. Any ex Open the Idle Factories, and operate a lot about the disruption of cists! We will defend our meet8B. realistic appraise the present 15. The Communist Party must occupy a tended general campaign on our part around Them under Workers Control!
the Stalinists before this, but ings against your hooligans world crisis can lead to no other conclusion central place in the propaganda and general the labor party slogan would have been on the (3) Anti Fascist: this is the first time ve really with all our strength! WE than that the outbreak of the war cannot be activities of the party in the coming period. whole academic, and our agitation on this is Build Workers Defense Guards! seen it, and am disgusted! have a duty to perform to the long delayed. However unlikely, it is not how The total of all other opponent organizations sue has been largely, and correctly. confined 29. It shall be the task of the incoming Na Prom now on m with you fel workers: to show the road out ever absolutely excluded that the present rul Social Democratic Federation, Socialist Par to specific and local situations where it was tional Committee to organize the entire work lows! The got two of misery and hunger and the ers of the imperialist powers, seeing in the war ty. Lovestoneites, etc. does not add up to a relevant. Nevertheless, the organized inter of the party for the coming period around new recruits right after the coming world slaughter. YOU their own certain downfall, may find some small fraction of the importance of the Com vention of labor in politics has continued and these campaigns, with the aim of penetrating meeting. young workers who WILL NOT STOP US!
means of postponing general hostilities for a munist Party. Insufficient attention to the in some respects increased during this same with these central slogans deeper into the had been wavering between us few years. But in this case there is sure to Communist Party, almost equal attention to year. The collapse of the New Deal and its mass movement than ever before in our his and the At Your Service result the most terrible economic crisis, ag. other opponent groups, have been one of the transformation into the War Deal, the wave of tory, of becoming known to the workers as However, the meeting was gravated unbearably by the weight of the col. most serious weaknesses in the work of the social reaction, the more openly reactionary precisely the party of these slogans, and of not allowed to continue. Four THE APPEAL ossal armament expenditures. postwar situ party during the past year. The Communist character of the Roosevelt administration, the extending all of our activities, especially re or five police squad cars, reation inflation, high cost of living, scarcity of Party is far and away the greatest obstacle in approach of the 1940 elections, are all raising cruitment, through these campaigns.
ported to have been called by POSTER SHOP war,