Civil WarFascismFranceFrancisco FrancoGermanyIV InternationalItalyLeninNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySpainStrikeUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers Party

Appeal Readers Can Help Us Build the Party Socialist Appeal Disguised Federal Agents Were Rioters in Mpls. Strike Ohio Auto Strikers Agents Provocateur. Strikers Gas and BulletBarrage Ugly Word, Ugly Det meget om die ar Beat Back Police Tear Fact Await Decision On Wages HIT AT UNIONS IN GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION Coughlin Issues Call For Civil War Against American Labor Unions BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International. Issued Twice Weekly By FELIX MORROW Those readers of the Appeal devoted, ready for all sacri. VOL. III, No. 56 FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1939 3c a Copy who have no contact with our fices, they stand ready to party branches, but who get march to their designated posts.
the Appeal in the mails, at We want to send them into newsstands or from a street every vital Industrial center, to salesman this article is ad every field of the class strugdressed to you.
gle, where we already have We want you in our party. groups of members or sympa.
Many of you are thinking of thizers, and where within a few joining Many others want to months they, with the aid of a build read our press while longer field organizer, will before considering joining. Still branches sufficiently strong to others of you feel that, for one support full time organizers.
reason or other, you must re All we have to do is to prime main for a time on the side the pump for a little while, and lines.
the growing branches will do We want you in our party. the rest.
But if you don feel quite ready. that doesn mean that WE MUST PROVIDE THESE ORGANIZERS the only other alternative is for In the program of expansion you to stay on the sidelines.
There are many ways that adopted last month by our conyou could help us right now. vention, we decided that we must increase the staff by the Let me suggest one very imporassignment of twenty more tant way.
To understand how important full time organizers for field this way is, let me first say that work and in the center.
our press is only one phase of our activity. It is a big and im ready for this work. They need portant phase, for the press is. but a mere pittance of a few in Lenin phrase the collec dollars a week to keep going.
In our last issue, we launched tive organizer of the party, drive for 10, 000 to make posbut it is only one phase.
sible these organizers and the FIELD ORGANIZERS: further expansion of our press. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
We call to the attention of the Federal vocateurs. The authoritative Encyclopedia CLEVELAND, Ohio, July 31. Five thousand infuriated OUR PRESSING NEED We published the quotas as for the Social Sciences says that, by themParticularly in this stage of signed to the branches for this auto workers and sympathizers this morning hurled themselves grand jury, now sitting in St. Paul invesat an army of 500 armed police at the strike bound Fisher Body tigating the Minneapolis WPA strike, the selves committing actual crimes of violence the growth of our party. field fund.
organizers constitute our most Among those quotas was one plant and drove the cops to cover.
following paragraphs from a story in the attributed to radicals. the agents of the In a two hour pitched battle, between and this morning, the pressing need. Our party grows entitled, National office.
Murray Asks Investibureau kept the country conscious of their aroused workers incensed by repeated police brutalities save daily Minneapolis Tribune of July 24, only in the proportion that we 3, 400.
blow for blow, amidst heavy headed agents who posed as WPA services.
gation of Situation expand our staff of prcfessional That was the amount which, clouds of tear gas and in defi riot pickets to testify in inquiry. revolutionists in the center and we felt, would be contributed The stench got so bad that, under Attorance of bullets, clubs and ie the fleld. Wherever we have toward this work by you Appeal At Airport Project horses hooves, to send the ney General Harlan Stone, orders were The Federal Bureau of Investigaestablished full time organiz readers.
largest aggregation of police ers, there our branches flourish Give to the anti war party.
issued to abolish the political police function tion agents, about 25 of them, were in ever assembled in this city reelGet off the sidelines today.
and grow strong.
of the And now, through a casual NEW YORK, July 31 With We have in our ranks today Give and give as generously as ing back behind the plant gates a good position to learn what took place Fundreds of young comrades, you possibly can. Send your and crying Truce! Truce. around the sewing project in the series story in the press, we learn that Attorney 30, 000 skilled workers of the State of Seige General Murphy has re created the political Trades Counch still out on Construction trained and educated, ready contribution TODAY to the Intermittent fighting of riots July 14, it was disclosed Sunhas and willing to devote their en Anti War Campaign Commit.
broken out this afternoon again police function of the strike, strike leaders were tire lives to building the revolu tee, 116 University Place, New as workers are mobilizing to Selfless. York City. Wearing overalls and other articles Questions that Need Answering tionary movement. standing pat today, awaiting meet the scabs coming out of of workmen clothing, the agents, posIf the grand jury wants to get to the bot disposition of the union proponews from Washington as to the Try to Get Something the plant, the few score who got in early before the picket lines ing as pickets and onlookers, mingled tom of this situation, it should pointedly ask sal to have the prevailing wage On Local 544 Leaders with the crowd surging around the these twenty five agents provocateur. restored on projects begun beA late bulletin received from project building.
Did you throw the bricks which, accord. Meanwhile, Thomas Murfore July At Mpls. Hearing Widick, national labor When the shooting and tear gas ing to the police, were the cause of their ray, pres secretary of the who is the Building bombing started, the agents scattered on the scene of action reports opening fire on the pickets and killing one and Construction Trades Coun(Special to the Socialist Appert) the complete stoppage of plant with the rest of the crowd.
of them?
cil, suggested, in identical teleMINNEAPOLIS. Confronted operations at the struck Gengrams to the Board of Educawith a united front of the entire eral Motors subsidiary. The Slip of the Tongue Those of you who posed as pickets what tion, the Board of Estimate and epithets did you hurl at the police?
the City Council, that a thorMinneapolis labor movement in Cleveland Union Leader, organ The most extraordinary thing about this Those of you who posed as pickets what tion be launched for the purough and impartial investigaits leadership. the federal Monday night in a special Issue story is that it somehow slipped into the did you call on the genuine pickets around pose of bringing to the public Father Charles Coughlin issued a call for civil war against grand jury began its hearing blasting police brutality.
papers. That government agents, in this and you to do?
attention the state of affairs the American labor movement, in his radio address this Sunday, Monday, July 24, on the Minne8polis strike.
other countries, do these things is a known President Boscoe of the Minneapolis Cen three weeks at the North Beach July 30.
which has obtained for the last were formed this morning and We will fight you in Franco way. declared the Fascist Egged on by Attorney Gen are now being held in a Virtual fact, but is usually a little hard to prove. We tral Labor Union stated that he is ready to Airport and other public works priest, addressing the trade union movement.
eral Frank Murphy, state WPA state of seige. Another mass, know most about such government agents prove that on Bloody Friday night there under WPA administrator Glotzbach, Gov mobilization of workers 18 acts under the Czarist regime and under eclared the priest, who advoernor Stassen and the press, called for 2:30 in defiance Napoleon III in France, because when these Calls Unionists Scum were no pickets either on the sidewalk nor WPA Officials Lying In his talk over his nation cates a fascist corporate state the jury heard about 40 wit of the establishment of a riot on the street in front of the Sewing Project ment continued. like all em WPA officials, the stateentitled The Call to Action. You are either with me or desses during the first three zone by the city officials and governments were overthrown, their secret at the time the police opened fire upon the ployers since time immemorial, demago letionale against me. You will see ausphyncludirents promobeteur police heads for 500 yards archives were laid bare. But in other counthe fascist people clear across the street. What pre have striven to minimize the efnounced the leaders of the such a defense mechanism as Murphy agents provocateur. around the embattled plant.
tries we find out about such actions only by text did you agents, posing as pick We consider it highly importrade unton movement, calling the world has mewer hestarea dictments from District Attor this morning when mounted po an occasional slip.
ets, provide the police with so that they tant that all the people of the them miserable cowards and defense in Italy and Germany. Ley Victor Anderson, the (Continued on Page 4) One famous slip happened when New opened fire. seum who hid behind the like city, the members of Congress skirts of the civil authorities. Then Coughlin went the whole night to reconvene next Mon York police broke up a great unemployed Just what orders were you given by your of administering WPA, should and those specifically in charge asking these authorities to fight hcg: day, July 31 at 10 a. superiors when they sent you among the learn that work on a 40, 000, 000 Coughlin with their police in Do you know that units of Move Against 544 stead of meeting Coughlin fol the Christian Front are formpickets in your workingmen disguise? Did airport, the two public schools It is becoming quite clear lowers shoulder to shoulder ing in New York and elsewhere that Murphy and Anderson with. and cheek to Jowl. His fol in the country. The Chris. the encouragement of the emthey tell you to try to stage a riot?
had marched in the demonstration, shouting completely paralyzed and will lowers, on the other hand, tian Front is not a debating Where Else Have They Been Used? continue until such time as would use force said Cough society. It is an ACTION Soci ployers are doing their damn the Government authorities see The jury might also demand that sub fit to pay the prevailing rate of Whalen boast was made the subject of ety. We will fight you in dest to try to get something on lin.
the leaders of the Minneapolis It is a death struggle de Franco way.
phoenaes be issued for Edgar Hoover, head wages again.
Central Drivers Union, Local a notable article by the late William Bolitho 544.
in the New York World; in biting sentences of the and for his superior, Attorney august bodies declined the inNeedless to say, these three The St. Paul Pioneer Press Bolitho asked Whalen whether he had ever General Murphy. The broader question Vitation.
yesterday headlined the news that Activity of higher ups heard the term agent provocateur. the should be looked into, how regularly and Minneapolis General Drivers New Dealers and reaction malodorous French word which has become systematically the government has been emUnion 544 during the recent Aries alike joined last Saturday ploying agents provocateur.
WPA strike in that city is be in the House of Representatives part of all languages, to describe the goving investigated by the Federal to pass the vicious Smith omni ernment spy who disguises himself as a In how many strikes during the past years AN EDITORIAL grand jury and the Minne bus anti alien, anti labor bill, worker, participates in a strike, demonstra have undercover men posed as strikapolis ers. We will fight you Franco way. declares fascist leader Witnesses who told about un to 48. This bill, one of the most tion or other labor activity, and incites others Coughlin ion operations in connection reactionary pieces of legisla. or himself to do things which serve to justi In how many demonstrations have these The same day Franco takes another step on his way: with the strike spent more time tion ever passed in Congress in fy governmental repression of workers. agents provocateur carried placards. BURGOS, July 30 Generalissimo Francisco Franco today in the jury room than did those peace times, combines the reHow many of labor martyrs, murdered decreed that all Spanish men between the ages of 18 and 50 who told of interference with pressive features of several Vicious Instrument workers.
others which have previously must work fifteen days each year for the State without by troops or police in strikes and demonstrabeen rejected.
In effect. General Franco has adopted the law preThe Federal grand jury should be reInquiry Expanded pay. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
tions, died because of the presence Mur.
vailing in some European countries in the Middle Ages when Now the press reveals that Outlaws Anti War Work CHICAGO In spite of any minded that in the post war years, under phy agents provocateurs?
peasants were required to labor a specified number of days the jury will expand the field The first section of the bill, Attorneys General Palmer and Daugherty, ups or downs in the strike siteach year for the State without pay.
of inquiry next week to take in prohibiting incitement to as the Federal Bureau of Investigation agents These are some of the questions that a uation the Illinois WPA officials Franco way: strikes for better wages and conditions have Mankato. Rochester. Albert effection in the real investigation of the WPA strike would always manage to come forbeen abolished, and the unions converted into the Nazi sysward with what they call cheerLea, Stewartville, Hopkins. Continued on Page 3)
were notorious for their role as agents proseek to answer.
fui news. Thus on July 24 they tem, where bosses lead the unions.
Robbinsdale, and St. Paul.
reported less than 1, 800 acFranco way: a state decree setting the daily wage of The national administration credited WPA workers still out workers at pesetas less than a dollar a day.
may prolong the jury hearing in the state, exclusive of ChiFranco way: an endless chain of concentration camps for some days yet in order to cago, and they described the filled with the flower of Spain workers and peasants.
increase the intimidation of Franco way: daily executions, day in day out, of the WPA workers, one of the main How did they arrive at this Loyalist soldiers who laid down their arms.
reasons behind the jury hearfigure? By the very simple Franco way: civil war against the masses of the people ing.
Frocess of counting those who There is still time to prevent Franco way from becoming The hearing opened Munday have returned to work, and the way of America.
in a nice dirty atmosphere.
tinere have been some, and There is still time if we prepare now, quickly and firmly.
with the St. Paul Pioneer Press eliminating from consideration to resist the Coughlin fascist gangs who Coughlin makes no screaming that scheduled witentirely the thousands of workbones about it are already organizing, training and arming.
nesses had received actual en to the Socialist Appeal) the governor in the name of the dropped their tools and refused all parts of the state in Duluthers who have already received There still time If we begin, in every trade union, the threats warning them not to MINNEAPOLIS. John Bos Minneapolis labor movement.
task of winning the workers to the formation of Workers appear. The Press was the coe, president of the Central to work. In the Twin Cities, the on the Iron Range, in southern their 403 s, for you see, those Defense Guards. First of all, was it a small daily press agrees, the Minnesota. At the same time are fired and no longer accredonly Twin Cities paper that car. Iabor Union, in a speech Fri handful of men who caused the walkout began at the projects workers all over the ited WPA workers. But the efRemember the lesson of Spain, where the workers were ried this lie, and of course pre day night over stations WCCO trouble and created the situa on the State Fair Grounds and country in New York City. in fects of the strike on WPA proutterly unprepared, where Franco onslaught came like a sented no evidence to support bolt out of the blue to workers to believe that the its talk of threats. So far and KSTP, sharply defended tion? This is what the Gover rapidly spread throughout Hen Ohio, in Pennsylvania, in Chtjects were not revealed in the Popular Front government would adequately protect them. about 40 witnesses have been the WPA strike and its leader nor charged. The truth is as Depin and Ramsey Counties. New Jersey and California and tensive interruptions were incago and southern Illinois, in news. Unofficially, however, exDo not listen to the Dubinskys who, like their Spanish coun heard, and 70 more are under ship against the assault made follows: When the WPA work Members of trade unions, of terparts, counselled the workers not to build Workers Defense subpoena for testimony.
The on them the previous Friday by ers of the city, state and nation unemployed organizations, and elsewhere were walking off pro dtcated throughout the state.
Guards. Dubinsky swore to Coughlin that his union would witnesses are of three sorts: Republican Governor Stassen. returned to their jobs Wednes. workers who had never bejects in protest against the More Walk Out have nothing to do with building Workers Defense Guards. finks from the WPA sewing The governor, joining the on day morning after the 4th of lor. ged to either, walked off wage cutting outrage commitPerhaps the case is somewhat and Coughlin repays him by calling Dubinsky and the other project, the scene of the worst slaught initiated by Attorney July holiday, they found posted their jobs in unison in protested by the sponsors and sup. similar there to what is taking trade union leaders cowards and scum.
Listen to our martyred brothers in Spain, in Germany and WPA officials and assorted grand jury investigation of the that their union wage scale was slashing and hour lengthening Amendments.
week has witnessed additional Italy. who say. compilation of strike fig. walkouts by members of the rascals who have petty griev. strike, had denounced the lead cut as much as 50 and their provisions of the new slave Re. Don repeat our mistakes. Prepare well and quickly. Save ances against one or another ership as unsound and vi hours of labor greatly in lef Act.
ures indicated that approxi building trades unions bringing yourselves and thereby avenge us. If you win, we shall not sections of the Minneapolis lacious.
creased. Spontaneously. WPA Almost simultaneously the mately half a million men and their total number to above have died in vain in the struggle against fascism.
bor movement.
President Boscoe answered workers throughout the nation. same reaction was occurring in (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
Anti. Labor Commissioner Grover Whaten then boasted Bill Passed Slogans and carrying placards.
Union Answers Attack on WPA Strike