AntifascismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. II, No. 55 August 1, 1939 her even as there withom des hommes McNutt, Hoosier Hitler, Pushed proven er Copertine Forward by in 1940 Drive IN THIS CORNER Better Than Silence of Virginia Publaned tukce a week by the any war on foreign soil, and they trust Congress SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place, New York, so little that they want the decision for war or Telephone Alconquin 8517 peace to be taken out of the hands of Congress Subscription: 00 per year 00 for sunan horder: By PAUL FIELDING elen: 15. 00 per year Go for seventh cento per copy in publican enemies called him and not of substance.
and submitted to a popular referendum of the President Roosevelt once the lawyer who never tried a As High Commissioner he people. These constituencies have demonstrated again paid touching tribute to case and the soldier who never was a vital cog in the Roosevelt All foreign countries, Single coples: Bronz and Manhattan subscriptions are: 60 for their distrust of Roosevelt foreign policy by Democracy by appointing the fired a shot which is very war plans, which call for raisBy Max Shachtman monkeestered to recand cinematter February bombarding their congressmen in opposition to to head the Federal Security kettle black.
Hoosier Hitler, Paul MeNutt close to the skillet calling the ing an army of 500, 000 natives. letter Just received from a friend visiting the post once at New York, under the act of March the end of neutrality legislation. Fearful of their Administration While governor of Indiana, standing army. The natives Paris gives an interesting picture of what is going constituencies, the congressmen rejected Roose McNutt, the governor of In he had as much power as Huey were granted semi indepenon in France today.
Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN velt proposals to end neutrality legislation. And diana who kept Terre Haute Long had in Louisiana, accord dence, so that they could have For about an hour and a half watched the under martial law for months, ing to reporters who covered the privilege of paying for the communist demonstration on July 14, in honor of Associate Editora FELIX MORNOW so, much as they might have wanted to vote for will have charge of administer his administration, though this army and other military costs.
HAROLD ROBERTS the Great French Revolution It was the usual EMANUEL GARRETSI ander Member JOSEPH MANSON Vandenberg proposal, the members of the Sen ing the Social Security Act. He is probably a slight exaggera Soon after he arrived in Ma united front demonstration the two dozen Stal.
will, no doubt, show the same tion.
nila, he knocked any notions ate Foreign Relations Committee were afraid of SHERMAN STANLEY inist stooge organizations joining the in a regard for the unemployed, the WHY BIG BUSINESS of real independence out of the united front. The socialists and the official trade their constituencies, who had already unmistakaged and the sick as he showed LOVES MENUTT natives. The move he made unions refused to join the Stalinists who bemoaned ably voiced their opposition to further anti neu for the workers of the Hoosier reached most He which FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST the won front everlasting the fact that the great Popular Front demonstrastate, who under his rule asked friendship of Indiana business. Kuigh Commissioner McNutt be pages was to demand that trality moves.
WORKERS PARTY FOR: tion of 1935 could not be repeated. That rightwhether they lived in the Roosevelt, on the other hand, also hesitated men and industrial barons by toasted first in all state funcit could not be repeated. Daladier, one of the United States or Germany.
the following record. leading figures in the demonstration of 1935, is Job and a decent living for every worker.
to In naming McNutt to this imaccept the responsibility for this move. He tions. Following him, the presSent the national guard to now ordering the workers to work longer hours would have much preferred to have the Senate Roosevelt has indicated that ber of times in the history of Open the Idle factories operate them under Post: break strikes the greatest num. ident and other small fry might and more efficiently, he is curtly telling the combe mentioned.
workers control.
munists what they can and what they cannot do: get out in front.
this Fascist minded New Deals the state.
he is giving the big bourgeoisie the services it de1. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works As a matter of fact, if Roosevelt abided by er is his present choice for was wailing There and Introduced and had passed a and housing program, mands, thus, for a while at least, making unnecthe spirit of the American Constitution, he possibility of third term action by milk farmers a fel Deal when MeNutt was named An Uninspiring Demonstration president in 1940. Barring the law which made militant strike bright young men of the New grashing of teeth among the essary a resort to fascism. Thirty thirty. weekly minimum wage30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on would have had to consult the Senate on abro Fuehrer McNutt is Roosevelt ony.
all Jobs.
gation of a treaty when Congress is in session. man for the Democratic nomination.
Increased the size of the state to his new post in Washington Those who placed their faith It certainly was not an inspiring demonstration, Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability According to the Constitution the Senate conNeither to the onlookers nor to the participantes The professional and amateur Suspended all municipal elec Roosevelt for salvation felt penalon.
sent is necessary before a treaty goes into force, cheerleaders for the New Deal tions in every community in In they had been betrayed when as far as could judge. Certainly not to one Expropriate the Sixty Families.
ested in leading the French working class to an and the converse is necessarily implied.
will have to talk fast and hard dana for one year when his Fascist, got the choice political There is nothing wrong in principle of course, for other and greater revolution than that of 1789.
when they try to pawn off this power was slipping. All war funds to the unemployed.
Furthermore, the legislative body, the law Scissor bill as a friend of the Reduced property taxes by plum. people referendum on any and all wars.
a revolutionary party to celebrate the birth of the making body, is by that very token the policy Forgotten man.
raore than 50 million dollars.
Like the foolish maiden who bourgeois revolution, especially such a magnifiis being continually seduced by No secret diplomacy.
making body. According to democratic prin MONUTT HAS AN Levied income tax for all in the nicest men or the sucker cent one as the Great French Revolution, can 10. An Independent Labor Party.
ciples, the legislative body and not the executive UNSAVORY RECORD comes over 1000 to place the even imagine a revolutionary party organizing 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante should determine the policies of the government. quick look into McNutt burden of taxation upon the for horse races who is always playing long shots, these people celebration on July commemorating the Amer!
and Fasolst attacks.
can revolution.
This principle is of course constantly violated by record will uncover a reaction workers.
Levied a tax sale, which he thrive on betrayals and run It is primarily a question of the content of the Roosevelt, but he does not do so lightly. He match the worst the Republic passed off by the phoney name arounds. No sooner do they get demonstration. That content must further our their fingers burned, than they does so with a full realization of the implica ans have to offer. And it will al of a gross income tax.
stick them back in the fire.
present aim of hastening the dawn of the proletariso show the kind of men Roose. He further distinguished him.
an revolution. To take advantage of revolutionary tions, and only out of desperation. It is the des velt wants to carry on his war self by encouraging his local ever narrowing confines of capUnable to see beyond the traditions in order to inspire the masses with a willingness to offer the supreme sacrifice for the Bernard Tasser, publicity chief, wrote peration of American capitalism turning to world Deal.
After studying law for one speech. He was a member of italist politics, they choose the socialist revolution is not only permissible for a in the July Labor Chronicle, prgan of the conquest as a way out of its economic crisis.
This was the situation which the New York Clate professor of law at Indi Catholic year, McNutt became an asso the national committee of the lesser evil. And this time they got a Fascist minded politician.
revolutionary party but absolutely mandatory.
New York Central Trades and Labor Council: It is safe to predict that he Can that be done? Of course! Just think of the His side kick ana University, and, before the bat communca bization to com have a very definite opinion relative to Times of July 27 described as follows: heroic days of 89 when the disinherited of Paris. Officials said that it was the disposition of happened, he had retired the rest of the faculty knew what here was Senator Carter Glass will be white washed in short with weapons in hand, proceeded to demolish the order. McNutt is a clever polithose persons, no matter how high their posiOnly because Indiana has a while acting reactionary.
tician. He can speak liberall institutions of feudal tyranny. It would be so easy to stir up the most exalted revolutionary emotions tions, who have tried to smear the building the State Department to await action by the Dean of the Law School and taken his post.
IAW which prevents He can and did denounce in the masses of workers showing them that they workers by calling their refusal to work a strike Foreign Relations Committee at its meeting to must follow the example of their forefathers and against the government.
day on the resolution of Senator. Sermany for its treatment of The other professors wonder. from succeeding themselve hors destroy. bourgeois tyranny. need not tell you that the Stalinist demon believe this opinion is identical with that favoring denunciation of the treaty, but when university, according to these But he picked Governor Town: the Jews, while erinding down stration had no revolutionary aim in view. That of every union man in the country, and am the committee postponed action to a later meet who witnessed the transaction. temel who carried on the dic natives in the Philippines ter: In 1928, he was elected natatorship, though with hardly lands.
is why it was so uninspiring, sickening as a matconvinced that no worse blunder could ever be ing President Roosevelt and Secretary Hull de tional commander of the anti the talents and gusto of New In his new post, he will speak ter of fact. There were tens of thousands of rorlly Labor American Legion. He Dealer McNutt.
high sounding words about aid made by any public official than to try to outlaw cided to act at once.
militant workers who would gladly offer up their It appeared to be their opinion that further because of his presence considered himself a veteran COLONIAL RULER to the aged, help to the unem.
lives to destroy the Bastille of the French bourthe present highly effective peaceful protest a FOR ROOSEVELT ployed and assistance to the geoisie but these tens of thousands of workers delay was not only not warranted but also might training camp. no less than Not to be shoved out of the week and infirm. And under marched meekly around the Place de la Bastille stoppage of the building trades.
be taken by Japan as evidence of timidity or 3500 miles away from the front, limelight where he wanted to cover of this, he will try to cut without any enthusiasm because they were not in Tassler statement wasn as strong as it divided counsels between the executive and legis mis koond work on the other to remain to run for president in to the bone the meager benefits spired with any great visions of a struggle to create a new world for themselves and their chilmight be. But it was infinitely stronger than the lative branches of the government. Action, ac statement of the News, which has yet cordingly, was taken immediately.
racy won him the title of ma Commissioner of the Philippine He has learned a lot from his dren. They did not even know what they were jor.
Islands by Roosevelt.
boss, Roosevelt. That why he demonstrating for. There were absolutely no to comment on Murphy and Roosevelt threats But there were divided counsels between the In all his relations with work He got off to a flying start in got the job. That why he is banners with any slogans. Daladier had forbidden against the strikers. Under the editorship of crs, he seems to act as though the Philippines by telling the such a fine candidate for the the showing of any slogans in any way hostile to executive and legislative branches. The indi he still wore a uniform. natives who want independence New Deal in 1940.
the government. And since the Communist Party Len de Caux, Stalinist stooge, the News vidual senators and representatives might agree In his campaign for gover that democracy in the Philip Watch out for McNutt he is compelled to assume a position of hostility to the is miles to the right of the leadership with Roosevelt but as a body they feared their nor of Indiana in 1932, his Re pines is only a matter of form no boob.
dictatorial regime of Daladier, in order to keep the and hundreds of miles to the right of the confidence of the masses, it had to choose between constituencies. Thus the counsels were divided defying the government, by carrying banners with rank and file.
in actuality. So.
Roosevelt took the decision Quotas Set Chicago. 35 50 National Youth Group slogans, or submitting. The of course does Cleveland 10 20 no defying nowadays and so there was a sloganColumbus.
Forms Defense Guard less demonstration In other words, Roosevelt decided that where For Branches Denver Detroit. 10 There Was One Slogan East Chicago Formation of Anti Fascist ecutive bodies, the executive will have the deDefense Guards was author must correct my statement about slogans.
Flint 15 ized by the recent annual con. There was one slogan much in evidence, the one How extraordinary was the action of the ciding word. In other words, he has acted on a Of Fresno Hartford vention of the Avukah, national calling for the completion of the pact between State Department in denouncing America 5 theory of the supremacy of the executive over Jewish student organization, Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union.
Kansas. 5 treaty with Japan, may not appear at first the legislative body.
the Avukah Student Action Streaming banners announced the fact that withLos Angeles. 25 WAR REFERENDUM announced in its July 28 issue.
out the help of the France could not deAre the American people awake to the impliLouisville After describing Coughlinite fend itself against the fascist aggressors. The triBut the incident is well worth studying, not cations of this action? How long is the road PAMPHLET Lynn. 10 assaults on anti fascists and Minneapolis party pact would bring peace, liberty and democfor any new light it throws on Roosevelt drive between this action and the action of wiping Branch the connivance of police and racy.
Akron 300 Newark 20 40 courts with the fascists, Stu don know whether you read Humanite toward war, but the way in which the President out altogether the powers of the legislative body, Allentown 150 New Haven. these days.
dent Action states: If you do you know then that, day is shouldering an insufficiently compliant Con as Hitler and Mussolini have done?
Baltimore New York 50 These factors, the violent after day. Gabriel Peri, their star journalist, pours Boston Oakland 600 10 anti semitic campaign of the gress out of the way.
The Congress that permitted this is a body Philadelphia forth his contempt upon Great Britain for its softChicago Coughlinites and other fascist ness to Japan. He demands a firmer stand by Just a week or so before, the President had which can be trusted little more than the Presi Cleveland Quakertown 10 groups, together with the re Chamberlain to defend British citizens from insult sustained a very serious defeat at the hands of dent. Today, in theory, this Congress has the Columbus 150 Reading.
fusal of city officials to end a Rochester and humiliation at the hands of the Japanese. The Denver flagrant pro fascist tone of British and French attitude towards Germany dur.
Congress on precisely this issue: he sought abro final authority on determining whether this counDetroit.
450 St. Louis. 10 large section of the courts and gation of existing neutrality legislation and try shall go to war or not. But the Japanese East Chicago St. Paul. 20 ing the Danzig crisis and subsequently was termed police, have produced the need supine and violative of the promises given to heCongress refused to go along with him. So treaty incident shows that in substance the Con Evansville San Francisco 10 for anti fascist defense groups roic Poland. And every single article ends with 25 Texas badly indeed was he defeated, that he announced gress will surrender its power to the President.
a demand for the immediate consummation of to protect anti fascist action Toledo Flint 200 such as distribution of litera tri party pact. It was therefore to be expected that no further attempts would be made to ab One thing is immediately clear: the Japanese Fresno Washington.
25 ture exposing the real nature of that during the demonstration stress would be rogate existing neutrality legislation until the treaty incident is a further warning to the people Gardner Fitchburg 10 the Social Justice movement. placed upon that demand. And since there were to demand a popular referendum on war. NeiHartford next session of Congress.
Youngstown. The Convention, confronted no other slogans the demonstration assumed exKansas 25 with a need for immediate ac clusively the character of a demonstration on beAt that point not the New Deal but the ther the President nor Congress can be trusted Lexington 400 tion toward formation of such half of the tri party pact.
Los Angeles 1000 groups. authorized Avukah Tories insisted on going ahead with one phase with this vital decision. Those who must die in What a glorious opportunity there was of showthe trenches or starve at home in the event of Louisville 50 of the President program of abrogating neuBuy the Socialist Appeal chapters to initiate or cooper. ing the masses the differences between the promLynn 300 ate with existing antifascist ises and hopes of 1789 and the reality of 1939. The trality legislation. arch reactionary Senator war they must decide.
Minneapolis 2000 at Your Newsstand units.
act of the Daladier government in prohibiting the Vandenberg pressed in the Senate Foreign Re Let the people vote on war!
Newark carrying of slogans against the government showed lations Committee for denouncing the Japanese New Haven more than anything else the real character of the Let the people decide!
New York present regime. Everything is now settled by deTreaty in order to pave the way for subsequent Oakland 250 crees without consulting parliament. The chances legislation for an embargo against Japan. DurPhiladelphia 300 are that the elections for the Chamber of Depuing the hours prior to the sudden move against york looked to Washington as the last hope for Officials of the Standard Oil Company of New Plentywood ties, which are to take place next year, will be Portland Here is the text of the petition which is being circulated postponed by decree for two or three years. The Japan by the State Department, the Senate For defeating Japanese moves to wipe out the AmeriQuakertown for a people vote on war. We urge readers of the Appeal Stalinists and socialists are crying bitterly against eign Relations Committee had been in session can and British petroleum Industry in north China.
Reading to secure copies and circulate them such a possibility but their opposition amounts to on Vandenberg proposal oil company representatives were convinced that Rochester 300 Local petitions have sprung up here and there, but we very little. That is the kind of democracy which legal arguments in north China were worthless.
Sacramento believe this text is the best medium for organizing the exBut the committee hesitated to act. Here is the French workers are asked to defend against American interests. Washington, e. the reSt. Louis pression of mass sentiment for a war referendum on a na Hitler. Young militants are charged with espionhow the New York Times of July 27 puts it. presentatives of the bosses, wants YOU for a St. Paul 400 tional scale. The printed petition blanks may be obtained, age for attempting to spread revolutionary propatarget.
San Diego There were some indications that leaders of and should be returned to the Committee for a War Referenganda among the soldiers. Death oan be the penSan Francisco dum, Box 66, Station D, New York City.
alty found guilty. Hundreds of thousands of the proposal (to denounce the treaty) preferred The one hope of the world today is that the Seattle.
Spanish workers, former soldiers of the Republic not to force the matter to a vote at this delicate nations turn to God and apply these (Buchman South Bend can army in Spain, are herded together like beasts Texas PETITION TO THE CONGRESS OF moral rearmament) principles not only to national 25 juncture unless absolutely assured that there in concentration camps. far cry from the fralife but to personal, business and civic life, reada Toledo would be a unanimous vote in favor of the resoTHE UNITED STATES ternity, equality and liberty proclaimed as the resolution of the Minneapolis city council, welWashington foundation stones of the French Revolution.
lution. They appeared to fear that one or two coming Frank Buchman. it surely looks like the Worcester We, the undersigned, hereby petition ConSenators might vote in opposition, although con nations are turning to God, for it well known that Youngstown gress to submit at once to the several States, How Long Will They Remain Quiet?
God is on the side of the largest armaments.
fident that the proposal would carry by a heavy Total Disoriented by the policies of the socialist and 15, 000 in accordance with the provisions of the Concommunist parties, frustrated by the failure of majority. The White House and the State De An official delegation of Nazi storm troop of stitution, an amendment to the Constitution the Popular Front government, the French workpartment then cut the Gordian knot.
ficers in Rome watches guard at the entrance of APPEAL CAMPAIGN ers are quiet, submitting to the arbitrary acts of Why did they fear a mere vote or two in op the Palace of Venice super umph into the of the United States which will provide that the government. For how long? It is impossible to position? The Times doesn say. But the reaSCOREBOARD conceive that it can last for a very long time. As guard foot was level with his shoulder. can any proposal for the declaration of war, or Quota Quota the burden becomes greater the forces of resis.
son is obvious: see one good thing about the goose step. When Branch Subs Bundles armed hostilities, against any nation or people tance will come to the surface. The most millThe senators and representatives, generally Soldiers and workers learn to shoot in the right Akron 10 shall be submitted to a direct referendum vote tant and conscious elements of the French workdirection all this goosestepping will be helpful in speaking, are for Roosevelt war program. They Allentown ers, that is, the French Fourth Internationalista, giving a boost to the officers and the bosses. That Baltimore.
of the people of the United States. must work feverishly to prepare party to lead vote for appropriation after appropriation for the kind of booster like.
Boston. 20 the French workers. 5 President and Congress a division exists between the legislative and ex 10 40 10 5 50 Quote 20 75 40 60 10 100 10 20 15 750 400 10 75 15 20 25 20 10 25 Fargo 5 Worcester.
25 25 20 26 Total 600 800 150 4250 MODEL PETITION 25 25 75 25 25 50 350 50 50 200 75 100 150 10 10 10 40