BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarDemocracyFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismMarxMarxismRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeTrotskyVictor SergeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL By Dwight Macdonald THE UNAUTHORIZED DIARY OF MR. ROOSEVELT SPARKS IN THE NEWS MY DAY Strike In Continues; Building Trades Unions Consider Tie Upon All Gov. Financed Jobs DEAR WORKERS FORUM Gold Is Where You Find It An average of fifty people write in every day of the year to the Department of the In terior asking about the chances for settling down in the Mantanuska colony in Alaska. los of people also write in asking where they can get a divining rod to locate buried treasure. Both these requests are in the same class, as far as the Department of the Interior is concerned. It has to write back that divining rods don work, and that the capitalist system doesn either or, at least, that there aren any jobs in Alaska, or anywhere else.
Boss Bites Business Manager In the July issue of The Guild Reporter.
mouthpiece of the American Newspaper Guild.
there is a little tale of poetic justice that seems worth reprinting here: DENVER Retribution has caught up with Moore, business manager of the Denver Rocky Mountain News, and a Scripps Howard executive for 19 years, who knows how to dish it out but can take it.
Some months ago, Moore, deep in the security of a well paying job, forced a sub standard bulletin board agreement upon the Denver Guild. The agreement, which was entirely hilateral, covered commercial department employes. He refused to even discuss a contract which the Guild sought as a supplement to an exciting editorial agreement. He challenged the Guild right to represent employes. Loyalty pledges, semi secret and open anti Guild propaganda appeared among employes. But an NLRB election gave the Guild an overwhelming majority, and bargaining started.
Moore stalled for months. Finally, under pressure, he posted the sub standard agreement. It included a maximum of 10 weeks dismissal indemnity for 10 or more years of service Several weeks ago Moore was fired. The next day he came around and demanded dismissal Indemnity. He was handed a check for 10 weeks pay. have been with Scripps Howard almost 20 years, he year salaryotested. should get half Nothing doing, he was told. The bulletin board agreement calls for 10 weeks pay as a maximum. The agreement was your baby.
Judge Manton Again In this column several months ago pointed out one episode in the career of Justice at aTrotsky Answers Moralist Critics of Marxism se to deducet napita tosas hour the income In New International plane.
of MEN AND WOMEN OF LABOR OUT OF THE PAST Up early and had hearty breakfast in bed. Turned attention to firing workers. Hate to do this but think the million Price Martin Manton which seemed to have to be let out ought to be absorbed by private industry. Must get capital and labor together. Signed additional army and been overlooked by both Dewey and the press navy appropriations bill. War (Continued from Page 1) School 27, Nelson and Hicks a building inspector from the the Judge last minute Interjection of himself situation getting serious. Must clined to make a public ruling Avenue in Brooklyn, Brennan Board of Education inspected into case involving the Associated Gas Electric Co. now see by the papers that a keep War Referendum out of is taken to mean that they are said that. After a full day work done by the crew of 12, 000 check made out by payable to Manton has turned up in the hearings on hind us without such non Roosevelt. Should either the courses (Lines) of brick are leaning Tower of Pisa, it had sense. now taking place before the Securities Had interesting chat with Attorney General or the Fed. laid, there is usually a two inch to be torn down altogether and Exchange Commission.
eral administrator issue outward lean. Recently, when started all over again.
Tom Lamont over luncheon. a ruling unfavorable to the The WIARY Can see eye to eye with the skilled union workers, responTories on the Giants chances sibility, it is taken, will be plac quick check indicates that any man who of winning the pennant ed upon Roosevelt.
belongs to the International Association of Saw Woodrum after lunch Strike Effective Marble slate Stone Polishers Rubbers and discussed progress of firings. Seems there trouble Meanwhile, the thorough efSawyers Tile Marble Setters Helpers about my Insistence on ending the prevailing wage. Minneapolis fectiveness of the strike in this ORGANIZE UNSKILLED, Terraze Helpers can safely bet any other bad place.
Received letter from crank asking us to raise relier clty was confirmed by local WARNS MPLS. WORKER ARRESTED ANTI FASCIST TELLS HER STORY longest name of any international union in to Two more spies buying maps of in drugstore hon Somervell. Referring to short time ago wrote you on Saturday, June 15, was Editor: America. The Industrial Worker, May 13. seized by Took cold shower and plunge in White House the growing cessation of delle letter in which pointed out selling the pamphlet. Father 1939.
pool. Kept thinking of problem all during swim. Very eries of essential construction the dastardly attempts made Coughlin, Fascist Demagogue heartening to see workers Alliance trying to bring capital and materials to struck by the Stalinist controlled on 14th Street in front of OhrThe Cream of the Jest labor together. Got out in time for hearty dinner. Stuffed squab projects by union teamsters, Workers Alliance to destroy the bach Department Store. On The New Deal attack on the economic excellent must have cook prepare it more often.
royalists remember when used to coal mines. Conversation drifted to Spent evening with friends. Eleanor recounting stirring trip today that If it becomes wide particular the General Drivere tance away, were Coughlinites to talk in such terms. has never been more midnight snack. strikes. Had spread, it will prove a serious Union 544 and its Federal selling Social Justice. had than a bad joke. And the other day the royalhandicap.
Workers Section. Since that been selling for about 20 minIsts skimmed some very rich cream off this Angered by the growing lack time we have had a visit of that ules, Oncidentally, sales were of such essential materials as cute and darling little prosti very good. when a policeman particular jest.
sand, rock and gravel. Col. tute of the Workers Alliance, its told me to move on. asked When it was discovered, in 1933, that Somervell stated. Apparently president, Lasser, who ended a him where could sen my Morgan and his partners had paid no income there is some form of intimid telegram to Congress some pamphlets and he told me taxes in 1931 and 1932, the New Deal made ation being used, naturally, or thing like this: to go to the next block.
the nation ring with demagogic outeries. With the vendors would not stop May God help you in your much pomp and circumstance, pushmaking deliveries. The public noble undertaking. Amen. minutes on the corner of Fifth After selling for about five ed through Congress a bill making it impossi is setting awfully fed up with Well, he didn get very far Ave, and University Place, anthe attitude taken by the Amer. here and left the next day by other cop came over and told tax the particular loophole Messers. Morgan ican Federation of Labor. Co. had crawled through. With equally loud me to move on, lower my voice lamentations, Morgan Co. paid up sums in Labor Answers Somervell Press Praised Lasser and that couldn shout anyback taxes.
Leon Trotsky supplementing ond variety of the August num Informed of the Colonel re Before he left, however, he thing but the name of the pammarks relating to intimida made a statement to the press phlet. told him that had a They paid, but they also appealed. And his now famous article, Their ber: TABLE OF CONTENTS week or so ago, without any pomp and cir Morals and Ours. with a cri.
cumstance or public uproar whatsoever, burdinates of the critics, Stop More The Editor Comment: Nation would appear that Mr. somer bis executive board on soing anything ay liked to advertise al Convention of the Socialist vell is either not aware of the back to work pending future the pamphlet, and that was Workers Party facts of the situation, as re negotiations with administra shouting no louder than the Treasury Department, the following tax re Acainst Marxism, and an exfunds for 1931 and 1932 were announced: haustive review of the signifi The Moralists and the Syop gards the refusal of Local 282tion officials. The daily press Coughlinites.
The сор cance of the recent National phants against Marxism by of the Brotherhood of Team at once picked this up and an tough, and started shoving me MORGAN 938. 774. 25 Convention the Socialist Leon Trotsky sters to deliver materials to the editorial in a Minneapolis Dally around, trying to get me to Thomas Lamont 138. 783. 45 Workers Party are among the The Socialist Crisis in France Jobs, or else he is de thought that Mr. Lasser had a move on. By this time a crowd 80, 254. 53 important features of the Aug. Lerringwell by Rosa Luxemburg liberately trying to conceal very good and sensible idea had gathered. number of ust issue of the New Interna. The struggle for National Su these facts.
there. Well, just what little people in the crowd started arJunius Morgan 45, 231. 73 tional, which is now off the premacy. 1789 1848 by Gee. It is important that the re David thought or said didn guments with the cop. telling George Whitney.
44, 587. 25 press Novack cord should be kept straight. make any difference because him to leave me alone and go But the really rich cream of the Jest heavy.
Trotsky article takes up. Graphte History of Bolshe. Accordingly. call attention to his fake organzation was not chase the Coughlinites for vism the fact that the teamsters ac unning the strike here. charge. Other cops appeared.
Grade A, 80 cents a quart is that these gen: among others, the views and Organize the Unorganized tlemen will get not only their money back criticisms of Boris Souvarine, The Suicide of Ernst Toiler tlon is simply in compliance dispersed the crowd and pushed with the terms of the agree In my last letter said that me along.
but also interest on it at which is a lot of France, Victor Serge. Mar. by Oscar Fischer Crowd Defends Her more than they could have hoped for in any ceau Pivert, Henri De Man of Reading from Right to Left ment entered into between Lo believed that there is a remedy Belgium and others.
by Dwight Macdonald cal 282 and the material deal for the terrible conditions walked the block and reasonably safe Investment these days.
The Editors review the vari Cotton Economy in Depressioners in New York City, to which which today exists among the stationed myself in front of cus stages of development of by Jerry Pytlak agreement the Building and workers and particular. Grands. In five minutes the the Fourth International move Economic and Political Life in Construction Trades Council is ly among the unskille labor. same routine started all over ment in the United States, de Argentina by Pedro Milesi party at the specific insist The unskilled workers should gain. Again a crowd gathered.
scribing tis evolution from a The Congress of the ence of the material dealers of be organized into militant labor a crowd hostile to the police propaganda group to an organ by Fauchois organizations and Charters except for one or two patriization, which, though as yet Ten Years of the Russian Bul Local 282 is doing what granted them by the and ots. One woman wanted to sections of this roots amongletin by Editorial Board of every other union in the Build the Trade unionists must know why the cops picked on small, has sunk masses.
the Russian Bulletin ing and Construction Trades not be lulled into thinking that me when there were three The August number is unuCorrespondence Council has been doing in the they can be replaced, for right Coughlinites on the same sually varied in content, deal. Irish Labor and the Bombings present wholly just fight to pre here in Minneapolis, for in street. The cop told her to shut By EMANUEL GARRETT ing with several problems of by William John MacCaus vent the abolition of the pre stance, we have a trade school up or he pull her in too. FiAmerican economic and polit land known as the Dunwoody Indus nally the cops gave up the cal life and also with interna The readers of the New In.
Section of the Teamsters trial Institute which is turning crowd left, and was actually the Joe Hill stood up against the tional Issues, among them Ire ternational are requested to ob agreement provides that out hundreds of mechanics ev. reacefully wall of the fall yard, looked into the muzzles of land. Argentina, Russia and tain their coples immediately. Where selling pamphlets the decision of the ery year in every trade of to again. Suddenly, was grabbed the guns and gave the word to fire since the supply ts limited. Building and construction day.
by either arm and lifted bodily They put him in a black suit, put stiff col: graphic history of Bolshe. Single coples are. 20: the sub Trades Council of Greater New Unskihed Alded Strike off the ground and across the ler around his neck and a bow tle, shipped him vism, as related to the leading scription rate is 00 per year. York a non union condition exI wish to impress on you that street into a waiting Black Braphed his handsome stony mask staring into lution will stir much interest in the magazine, address: to Chicago for a bangup funeral, and photo cadres of the Bolshevik Revo For information or coples of Ists on any job, the dealer mak. the major work in closing the Maria. still have the mark of ing deliveries shall be notified Minneapolis projects was not a bruise on my right arm.
the future.
all political circles. citation The New International, 116 of such condition. If not reme done by the tradesmen, Fascist Police Matron The first day of May they scattered his alone of the Table of Contents University Place, New York died within 24 hours, the Team but by the unskilled was taken to a jail on South ashes to the wind.
reveals the extraordinary value city.
sters and chauffers union re workers when they were asked Street where spent eight hours serves the right to stop deliver to do so by the Building Trades trying to decide whether to sit les to such Jobs by withdrawing Unions.
on a mattress THE NEW WAR knows, is only the first step in their men therefrom. was employed during May bugs, ortos Alive with bedstand on the floor attacking union wages in pri. believe section is clear, on military project near crawling with the biggest cock The same causes, inseparable from modMr. Murray continued. The Minneapolis known as Fortroaches ever saw. The maern capitalism, which brought about the last teamsters are complying with Snelling where a hundred cartron enlivened the dreary hours imperialist wer have now reached infinitely the terms of the agreement, the penters were employed. On by informing me that Father greater tension than in the middle of 1914. The Building and Construction June the and the Coughlin was her priest, and a fear of the consequences of a new war is the ANTI FASCIST Union Guard Trades Council is complying of Local 544 staged a one day good man, and ought to be only factor which fetters the will of imperialsocial has been postponed to with the terms of the agree protest demonstration here eshamed of myself.
ism. But the efficacy of this brake is limited.
August See ad on page ment and the material dealers in Minneapolis and the Build. My case came up in court The stress of inner contradictions pushes one are likewise holding this agreeing Trades were asked to as the other day. The Judge discountry after another on the road to fasciam MODERN APARTMENT which, in its turn, cannot maintain power exsub let. 4th St. Refrigerat held.
to rent sacred, as it should be sist. asked several carpenters missed the case, but instructed (Special to the Socialist Apport)
17 they would support us and the cop not to answer questions cept by preparing international explosions. All SAN FRANCISCO, July 20or, etc. Low rent. Communi Colonel Somervell, know, they answered that it did not put to him by my lawyer (from governments fear war. But none of the gove At the last regular meeting of cate Socialist Appeal. Mr. Murray charged, does not concern them all But the American Labor eraments has any freedom of choice. Without the Headquarters branch of the FURNISHED ROOM to rent believe in holding agreements when the unskilled were asked which attempted to establish Aid. proletarian revolution a new world war is sailors Union of the Pacific, inevitable. from War and the Fourth later the membership Instructed its An privacy. Facing Bronx as witness his attempt to break by the Building Trades to come the pro Coughlin attitude of the Park in national)
officials to refuse to attend the quire any day. 690 Allerton Schools 27 and 64 would be 100 percent.
Labor Day celebration NATIONAL DEFENSE Ave. Bronx, Apt. 55W. percent union. Section of this Now the least that the skilled Series of Arrests Treasure Island the Frisco agreement, which have just workers who are organized can socialist who preaches national defense World Fair and instructed GARDEN BEER Party Satur: cited, shows that the Colonel do is to invite us into the trade court, learned that another day, July 29. Games, enter once again is going off the deep unton movement and support comrade had just been arrestis a petty bourgeois reactionary at the service its delegates to demand that tainment, ping pong tourna end.
of decaying capitallam. Not to bind itself to the San Francisco Labor Coun us in our present struggle be ed on Fourteenth Street while the national state in time of war, to follow not cll, central body. re ment. Downtown Labor Cen Dismissals Continue cause if the Workers Alliance selling the anti Coughlin pamobserve ter, 51 7th St.
the war map but the map of the class struggle, scind its decision to Up until Tuesday night 4, 609 Is to settle and negotiate our phlet and that two Ylpsels had Labor Day on Treasure Island cause we is possible only for the party which has al surely sunk, been arrested in the Bronx for For that reason believe that selling the Chahenge of Youth.
ready declared irreconcilable war on the new and instead to observe the tra CAMP SEVEN OAKS. Eaton had been assigned to the townN. Tennts, swim from the Home Relief rolls tional state in time of peace. Only by realizing dition of marching up Market fully the objectively reactionary role of the street. 50 per day. 14 a week, wholesale dismissals of work relief clients throughout the na that was arrested another imperialist state, can the proletarian ValAlways before Labor has Make reservations, please: ers who came under the 18 tion should pattern their organ anti Coughlin salesman guard become invulnerable to all types of so demonstrated its power to the Phone: Eatontown 515.
clal Patriotism. This means that a real break bosses by marching up Market of workers under the 18 month Federal Workers Section of 544. It is obvious that this series with the ideology and policy of national de street.
PICNIC AT PELHAM! Swim, rotation section continues at Danger Ahead of arrests is part of a campaign fense is possible only from the standpoint of Show of Strength Needed sun, eat, play ball! Sunday, the rate of 500 a day. The My motive for writing this on the part of the Police De.
international proletarian revolution. Now, by narrow margin, July 31, at Pelham Bay Park. roll for New York is no Appeal to do all in its power literature salesmen oft article is to urge the Socialist partment to drive anti fascist (from War and the Fourth International)
the San Francisco Labor Council has decided to observe LaBay Station 11 Auspices lowered to 103, 000 by Septem to urge the unskilled workers streets and give the CoughlinThe Defense of Democracy bor Day on Treasure Island Lower East Side. Subscrip ber Apparently this is for the benetion 15 cents. The sham of national defense is cont of businessmen and concesThese arrests. coming one John Brennan, secretary unions and to impress upon the ites free hand.
treasurer of the Building Trades already organized unionists to after another in a period of less wherever possible by the additional of sionaires who have hiked their The August issue of THE Council, on his return today recognize the fact that if they than two weeks. and without the defense of democracy. It even now, in the prices to such an extent that a NEW INTERNATIONAL Is from another of his many visits do not now give these unfortu: eny Coughlinites being arrest imperialist epoch, Marxists do not identify working stiff can hardly afford off the press, featuring an anthe paralyzed North Beach nate victims of. raw dealed, are the living refutation of mocracy and fascism and are ready at any to take in the Fair more than swer by Leon Trotsky to the Airport project stated that the help they are asking for, Mayor LaGuardia statement moment to repel fasciam encroachment upon once. declares today issue Renegades from Marxism. The area around hangars sooner or later organized that his police are fair.
democracy, must not the proletariat in case of of West Coast Sailors, the Order your copy Immediate and is like a deserted vil skilled labor will be confronted Workers who value their civil war support the democratic governments weekly. The militant la ly from the lage. If there hadn been with the impossible task of Herties and don want Fasagainst the fascist governments. Iber paper concludes: NEW INTERNATIONAL fighting capitalism. Flagrant sophism! We defend democracy work stoppage at the airport, Fascism cism here, must join with the This year, more than ever 116 University Place, Brennan pointed out, good and ruthless law enforcement Socialist Workers Party in de against fascism by means of the organization before, it is the duty of the laNEGRO DEPARTMENT part of the skeletons of those agencies alone.
hangen would now be well then be standing on the side New York cops.
manding an investigation into The unskilled workers would the pro Coughlin activities of social democracy, we do not entrust this de Market Street, stronger than Thanks very much fonse to the bourgeois state. staat. greit zul. ever, to show the bosses and of for your contribucovered with briek.
Scabs See Crooked lines telling uplonists the same Comradely yours, And if we remain in irreconcilable opposition their reactionary colleagues, tion. Thanks also to Describing the manner in thing that the union carpenters RUTH WILNER.
to the most democratie government in time the politicians, that the Ameri and of Much which brick is laid at Publie et Fort Snelline told me: New York City.
of peace, how can we take upon ourselves even cas labor movement will not equipment is still required This does not concern us! July 27, 1939.
a shadow of responsibility for it in time of war tolerate the fascist action tak fles, office furniture. Send Yours, when all the alples and crimes of capitales by Congress and the Presi all contributions to National Join the Socialist Buy the Socialist Appeal sa take on a most brutal and bloody forma? dent in slashing rolls. office, 116 University Place. From War and the fourth International Mineapolis This, as union labor welll New York, Workers Party July 18, 2039 at Your Newsstand JOE HILL (Executed Nov. 19, 1915)
Joe Hill wasn the sort of man who left much of a record of life what he had done this year, where he had gone the next. All he left was monument of song known and sung by every worker militant. That and the memory of a courageous working class fighter who stood his ground up to the very last moment.
What is known of Joe Hill life, John Dos Passos has put down in the magnificent portrait we reprint here: DEMANDS MARCH TO SHOW ANNOUNCEMENTS LABOR POWER on young Swede named Hilstrom went to sea, got himself calloused hands on sailing ships and tramps, learned English in the focastle of the steamers that make the run from Stockholm to Hull, dreamed the Swede dream of the west; when he got to America they gave him a job polishing cuspidors in a Bowery saloon.
He moved west to Chicago and worked in a machineshop He moved west and followed the harvest, hung around the employment agencies, out many a dollar for a job in a construction camp walked out many a mile when the grub was too bum, or the boss too tough, or too many bugs the bunkhouse: read Marx and the Preamble and dreamed about forming the structure of the new society within the shell of the old.
He was in California for the strike (Casey Jones, two locomotives, Casey Jones. used to play the concertina outside the bunkhouse door, after supper. evenings (LODE.
haired peachers come out every night. had a knack for setting rebel words to tunes (And the union makes us strong. Along the coast in cookshacks flophouses jungles wobblies hoboes bindlestifts began singing Joe Hill songs. They sang em in the county jails of the States of Washington Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, in the bull pens in Montana and Arizona, sang em in Walla Walla, San Quentin and Leavenworth, forming the structure of the new society within the jails of the old.
At Bingham, Utah, Joe Hill organized the workers of the Utah Construction Company in the One Big Union, won a new wagescale, shorter hours, better grub. The angel Moroni didn like labororganizers any better than the Southern Pacific did. The angel Moroni moved the hearts of the Mormons to decide it was Joe shot grocer named Morrison. The Swedish consul and President Wilson tried to get him new trial but the angel Moroni moved the hearts of the supreme court of the State of Utah to sustain the verdict of guilty. He was in jail a year, went on making up songs. In November 1915 he was stood up against the wall in the Jail yard in Salt Lake City.
Don mourn for me, organize, was the last word be sent out to the workingstate of From 1919 by John Dos Passos. Pp. 421 438.
the the