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BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly Socialist Appeal VOL. III, NO. 55 TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1939 3c a Copy LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR!
Nationwide Campaign You re Right, Colonel, Don Let Strike In Continues; Congress For War Referendum Vote Against War!
Building Trades Unions Consider Bury the Issue!
Launched by SWP Tie Up on All Gov. Financed Jobs CHARGED TO DRIVERS WIN. under the control of the people as a whole, who would BIG BANKERS WAGE DISPUTE cerned.
Chicago Durham.
ALLENTOWN WORKERS FIGHT by the mass sentiment of the people the issue opere rencontre Pin e mais pertencentes LAYOFF was the major ately.
Oakland This is Colonel Taylor, speaking on May 31 for AN EDITORIAL the American Legion against war referendum, before Authoritative polls, the accuracy of which nobody has the Senate subcommittee Workers Asked to Help Circulate Petitions; of do not think that any Murray Issues Raise 10, 000 to Fight War; Distribute mother is going to vote to the people of this country are in favor of the plan for a send her son to war, and popular referendum on war. This plan would, by amendUltimatum in Move do not think that many Leaflets by Hundreds of Thousands young men. would want ment to the Constitution, take the power of entering a war to Force New Ruling to go into war or become inout of the hands of Congress and put it where it belongs volved in war at all. They By HAL DRAPER would vote for their own By TONY CHAPMAN Secretary, War Referendum safety. And that is a thing decide through a direct referendum vote.
that cannot be considered so Campaign Committee NEW YORK, July 26 While Branch Quotas far as military effort is conunion spokesmen declared toWhat About the War Referendum?
The campaign for a Set for Experts Testimony Stop Labor Commis day that the strike of skilled workers on projects in If we have to submit a people referendum on war is Congress is in the act of adjourning, after a session matter of that kind (war) to Exposes Attempt to 10, 000 Fund sion from Putting this city is at its height.
Thomas Murray, President a plebiscite, we might also lasting seven months. It has had plenty of time to vote Blame Unions submit various other quesof the Building and ConstrucThrough Wage Cut The Party Convention de every single military and naval appropriation asked for by tions. such as questions tion Trades Council, today precided that we must transform 10. 000 FUND DRIVE of relief. Let them vote on dicted a complete tie up of all the Roosevelt war machine appropriations totalling two the question of relief, and billion dollars.
By RUTH JEFFREY government financed construc(Special to the Socialist Appeal)
ourselves into a CAMPAIGN (50 of amount below to be raised by Sept. 15)
you will see where you go.
It has had time to revise tax laws in accordance with Testimony proving that the MINNEAPOLIS, July 20 tion Jobs if administraPARTY OF ACTION AND Colonel Taylor, don tell Branch Quota big banks were responsible for General Drivers Local 544 won tor Col. Harrington does us you re against a referenAGITATION This means Akron. 100 dum because you re certain the demands of big business.
the paralysis of the construc signal victory this week over not come across with a favor tion industry was given by ex the transfer bosses and over of the new Relief law in supAllentown 50 bringing all the forces of the the people would vote It has had time to launch the biggest attack on record perts last week before the Governor Stassen three man port of the prevalling rate of Baltimore 10 against war?
Temporary National Economic labor commission.
against the unemployed.
400 wages.
Boston party to bear upon a single isWell, answers the Colonel, The Committee, but got little or no Stassen commission Calais This is not a pure democ It has had time to waste hundreds of hours listening to mention in the daily press! after holding hearings on the Friday Deadline Likely sue, for a given period of Cambridge racy, but is a democracy in The week before, Assistant dispute, had advised Local 544 The unions claim that under its members shoot their mouths off about nothing at all.
time, concentrating our activity 530 which the confidence of the to develop mass movement Attorney General Thurman to accept a wage decrease and this section Harrington can pay Cleveland people has been placed in It has had time to debate day after day on neutrality Arnold had attacked the build to forget about paid vacations union wages on all projects beColumbus around our slogans.
their selected leaders.
gun before July Conneaut Colonel, did you say deacts which in the last analysis are only alternative pro ne trades unlons before the for the union members.
If no favorable word from Just as a lens concentrates Danbury mocracy or hypocrisy. posals for carrying out the war policies of the Sixty Fam the press, some of the papers the commission report and Harrington is received by Frithe sun rays into a burning Denver devoting almost an entire page opened direct negotiations with day, when the full Building shaft of heat, so we must focus ilies.
Detroit to his statement.
the bosses Trades Council meets, Mr.
the resources of our organizaAnnouncing forthcoming prosEast Chicago Murray strongly intimated that But Congress could not find one minute to Weekly Wage Principle tion into mass campaign ecutions of forces restraining Evansville Maintenance of the weekly the action to extend the tie up around the slogan: LET THE will not be delayed indefinshortening the take up on the floor the crucial issue backed building activity. Arnold had wage while Fargo proceeded to absolve the banks vreekly hours PEOPLE VOTE ON WARI Flint At last Friday meeting of Fresno.
Campaign Objectives construction materials corpora ion won out.
the Council, the plan to extend Gardner Fitchburg.
of the war referendum.
tions and the building contract. During the two year period financed projects other than the tie up to governmentThe objectives of the camHartford ors, leaving labor paign are definite. By the time Indianapolis The cowardly Ludlow, in the House, and the chicken soat in the anti trust prosecu will be a progressive shorten was supported by.
this issue of the Appeal is out, Kansas.
Lexington hearted LaFollette in the Senate, introduced bills which Lions.
Wants Wage Cuts ing of the weekly hours from small minority. The minority the branches will have received Los Angeles 400 partly embodied the referendum plan and then sat back 46 3 to 45 3 while the week plans. Mr. Murray said, may In exchange for vaguely wage remains constant.
well become that of the majorifull directives. Between August Louisville 10 ty and therefore that of the 265 per Man and September 15the duraLynn Call on Unemployed like mice while their bills were buried in Committee pigeon promise of more work over the 100 tion of the campaign we want Marston Mills The difference between what Council Itself 11 by Friday ColTo Revive Old Time holes. Continued on Page 2)
onel Harrington does not come Minneapolis (Continued on Page 2)
to carry the slogan, and with 1100 across with a favorable ruling it the anti war message of the Newark 350 Militancy Meanwhile, on the twenty fifth anniversary of the start under section 15 of the new party, to at least 200, 000 work New Haven 40. Relief law in support of the preers.
New York 2200 vailing rate of wages.
We will distribute 15, 000 cop80 Important Projects Involved Omaha ies of the pamphlet Let the (Special to the socialat Appeal)
10 Among the construction proPhiladelphia People Vote on War by James within the next weeks. Before autumn begins, the war may 100 ALLENTOWN, July 21 More than four hundred workjects to be affected by an exBurnham Pittsburgh have started.
tension of the strike will be the We will secure 25, 000 signa Plentywood ers gathered here last night at Queens Midtown Tunnel, The recently concluded anti war convention of the Sotures to the Petition to Con Portland the courthouse steps to protest project, and the Queensgress for a People Vote on layoffs, the new 130Quakertown cialist Workers Party dedicated the party to the struggle War.
hour regulation and the abrogaReading bridge Housing Development, Communism. and Nazism financed by the Housing By JOSEPH HANSEN We will raise by September Ridgefield tion of the prevailing wage for against the war. We have pledged our hands, our brains, Father Coughlin, the radio found Communism too closely Authority.
Rochester 15 one half of the Anti War 50 union mechanics.
and our lives to that struggle. As, one by one, all other priest. succeeded this week in allied to Judaism to make any The meeting was called by utilizing Fund of 10, 000 voted by the Sacramento Asked by reporters what Liberty 20 magazine distinction between the two.
power could force either AttorConvention.
St. Louis the Lehigh County Unemployed parties, groups and organizations, swing into the war camp, 100 (Aug. 12) for an exposition of Wall Street Talk We will distribute ney General Murphy or Col.
100, 000 St. Paul and Project Workers Union as 200 WE AND WE ALONE CAN RIGHTFULLY CALL his Americanized version of Then he indicates his real Harrington to make a swift decopies of a four page printed San Diego 10 part of an organization drive.
anti labor Jew baiting.
target, the labor movement: cision under section 15 B, Mr.
San Francisco The strike movement on the Coughlin claims that he is not See what the o. has done Murray replied that It is up to We will raise the circulation Seattle 20 projects had not met with any Acting under the instructions of the convention, and an anti Semite, but rather he already in the United States the President of the United of the Appeal by 1, 000 per outh Bend nor. ner Workers spurred by the acuteness of the world crisis, we are begin interests of the Jews in gen chaos in Industry. the Harrington have thus far de 400 new subscriptions, 600 in Texas Toledo crease in bundle orders.
Alliance calling the men out on 40 ning a renewed campaign against the war, a campaign to eral against their own athels is pretty well contaminated Every branch will hold one Washington (Continued on Page 3)
stoppages. Only the 40 tic leaders who foster com with leaders who are Red in rally the masses of the people in struggle against the war.
indoor mass meeting and a Woonsocket issued literature endorsing the We propose to carry this campaign through to the end, to crusade.
munism by refusing to join his thought and action.
weekly street corner meeting Worcester 20 strike movement, and while un contribute during the campaign on the able to actually initiate strike the day when the war system and the war makers are overYoungstown 50 Then Father, asked Liber. heavily to coughlin treasure Baby Buggy Picket slogan: LET THE PEOPLE Yellow Springs.
action because of the division thrown, and replaced by a society of peace and freedom tys. Edward Doherty, why for that attack against labor, VOTE ON WAR!
National Office.
3400 of the project workers into manifold organizations, got an and socialism.
don you make it clear that maybe even add an station of Irks Relief Official two to.
Up to Branches excellent response in the form As the first stage in this campaign, we are going to take nists. Why make a sharp dis For this was the exact line. Father Wins Bed Total 10, 000 These are the first steps of of the courthouse meeting the issue of the war referendum out of the Congressional tinction between Jewish com of propaganda pursued by HitCharles Hautman of the the campaign. Branch quotas for these objectives are printed Federal Agents Try was chairman of the pigeon holes, and call upon tens of thousands of workers munists and Gentile commu ler and Mussolint both political agents of Big Business on meeting at which a former join with us in demanding that the will of the people (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Because the leaders of the their road to power and de CHICAGO. That Kastile shall announce the standing of Blow Against organizer and Sam Gor shall be carried out.
Russian revolution were Jew truction of the labor move baby simply would grow! Its the branches in carrying out con of New York were invited It is the masses of the people who must suffer and die in Jewish people are silent about Pirst they made a scapegoat buggy. It didn seem to speakers. The speakers related feet hung over the end of the each quota New York Teamsters We want to develop mass incidents from strikes a war. The masses of the people, then, have the right to communism. the Jews, whom they blamed realize that its parents were in other areas and called upon workers actions around the decide whether a war is worth suffering and dying for. Coughlin Cloven Hoof for all the country Ills. Then the Allentown workers to reon Relief and couldn buy a campaign. More of that later But the people can win that right only by fighting for it.
Having put the finger on the they labelled their victim, the bed for it. The Relief doesn NEW YORK, July 27 James vive that militancy which sevfurnish baby beds.
now that everything depends Dolan, untion delegate of Team al years ago placed them at Roosevelt and Congress have proved fully that their inten theme listove sponsored labelitne halbea astraye mente wish comishu Brother Kastile took his upon the initiative of the sters Local 282, was yesterday ized unemployed tion is to deny the right to the people, and to flout the Russian revolution, although it nist leaders and wiped it out troubles to the Local of the branches in putting the slogan subpoenaed by District The crowd greeted the call to movement.
democratic will of the majority.
is well known that Jewish cap with terror and violence. Illinois Workers Alliance (no into action.
The people must, then, take the fight for the war referitalists, like other capitalists Praises Fascism relation to Lasser outfit. The demand for a people Attorney John Cahill, in action with repeated applause.
opposed it and only the Jewish In the course of the meeting, Coughlin ends his diatribe There he got some advice.
referendum must be carried connection with the refusal of endum into their own hands.
workers like other workers, against the non religious Jews into the homes around your the teamsters union to make of the local jobless, was called Lester Heckman, long a leader fought for the revolution, with a big hand to Nazi GerHe put his baby in the bus.
gy and wheeled it up and neighborhood, to Let the people vote on war!
the shop deliveries to Coughlin Justifies Hitler with many and Fascist Italy and struck down in front of the relief mates who work next to you. to the platform by the chair.
the assertion that Nazism was Fascist Spain which he claims, station with a placard. The branches must reach them projects. Continued from Page 1)
Let the people decide!
a defense mechanism against in the teeth of all facts to the crowd gathered around. Peocven if they have never reached After lengthy questioning by contrary, have escaped the in ple began to look out of secthem before agents of the Federal Bureau ternational banker and elimi ond story windows. Just Into the shops and trade un. of Investigation, Dolan was renated unemployment.
then one of the officials from ions Into the homes of the There, ends Coughlin. down town Chicago arrived workers into the streets, with lessed. ve actually said a good word in his car. He dashed into the slogan: LET THE PEO. This was the first move to the totalitarian countries, stat PLE VOTE ON WAR! repeat in New York the prose Strike action against all of the Sailors Union of the among the union representa tained. We will hear more so naturally, ll be called both Get that man off the Just as the fight against war cution of striking unions and government projects was the Pacific, in the minutes of the tives at the L, meeting, about this.
a Fascist and a Nazi.
street! he cried. Take his begins at home, so the organ labor vote of the majority of the The only public announceleaders which was the majority of them went Headquarters branch meetsend him No, Father Coughlin. not address and ization of the anti war mass heads of all international ments on the July 12 meeting home!
both a Fascist and a Nazi. Only ing where Harry Lundeberg.
unions of the when movement begins with the launched in Minneapolis on on record in favor of strikwere Green statement, a fool would accuse you of be In a few days a check for gearing of the party for action. Monday. when grand jury they convened at the call of secretary treasurer, describing all government projects headlined in the press, that ing merely an agent of Ger twelve dollars arrived to buy Give to the anti war party! was convened by Attorney Gen William Green in Washing ed the union representative that employ skilled not strike action but an ap rany or Italy. You are an the baby bed.
Build the anti war paper! cral Murphy orders, to act on ton on July 12.
report on the July 12 meet workers, as a protest and in peal to Congress was the agent of Big Business right. Moral: An ounce of action Recruit the workers to the evidence against the unions This fact was reported for ing: the event some form of re right course, and sending of here in the United States you Dushane (the union repmovement for the people vote gathered by an army of the first time in the July 20 is worth more than a pound llef from this wage slash by to a lobbying committee are an AMERICAN fascist of postal cards.
on war!
agents West Coast Sailor. organ resentative) reports that the government is not ob Roosevelt and Congress. demagogue.
ens hourly. In all probability it will rise to a new height FATHER COUGHLIN ATTACKS AMERICAN LABOR MOVEMENT Seaflet. WANTED STRIKE EXTENDED