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Fot. Ti, No. 54 The Cloven Hoof of Democracy Their Shows Itself in the Day Plan Government Telephone ALronquin 854 The War Crisis One Out of Five do.
SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1939 factories operate them under workers control.
SOCIALIST APPEAL The money for all this is at hand the billions July 28, 1939 now earmarked for the war machine and the By James Burnham riches that should be expropriated from the Published solce a soeck by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN. Sixty Families who rule America.
at 116 University Place, New York, NY.
Organize. that means building the unions and building an independent Labor Party free of The Day Plan, Conceived by the Generals and Approved Subscriptions: 00 per year 00 for aix months. For.
capitalist entanglements, and building the Workalgo: 00 per year, 50 for six months. Bundle orders By the President, is as Firm in Status As Any Law centa per copy in the United States: cents per copy in all forogn countries. Single coples: centa.
ers Defense Guards to protect the working class Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for alx against vigilante and Fascist attacks.
Though Not Yet Passed by Congress to Avoid Public Alarm months: 00 for one year.
Fight or die those are the grim alternatives Reentered as second class matter February 16. 1019, at There is no doubt that Roosevelt blunt You the post ofice at New York, under the Act of March Committee at the end of 1934, flelally adopted by the War and By HAL DRAPER 1619.
facing the American working class. Fight like a number of articles on the Senator Clark accused the war Navy Departments, and has cannot strike against the government, with which man for a better world, or die of hunger and Industrial Mobilization Plan of the real motive: You propose dent from Wilson to Franklin Department representative of been endorsed by every presi he accepted full responsibility for the present Editor: smashing attack on the unemployed, came as a MAX SHACHTMAN uselessness or on foreign battlefields for the Sixstunning shock to millions of workers. There Associate Bators: HAROLD ROBERTS Stall Members: the imposition of a war dicta to wait until after the declara Roosevelt. All steps that can FELIX MORROW ty Families every thinking man and woman torship on Day having aption of war, then send it all up be taken to implement it be would have been no such shock if the same stateEMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN will have to make this choice in the coming days. peared in the Appeal, several to Congress to be passed in one fore actual war, have been takment had been made, and attitude taken, by, say.
Business Manager: readers have asked us the bunch as an emergency meas en or are rapidly being pushed SHERMAN STANLEY Vice President Garner or Senators Glass or Adams same question. It is: Why get ure, at a time when the cry will to completion. The War De so excited about a plan, a pro time to scrutinize it or study it tions, does not consider it as beor Representative Woodrum or Republican SenaFIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST posal? It has not been passed tors Taft or Vandenberg by Congress: and the Shepin detail, they are delaying the ing within the range of possiHow can it be that Roosevelt, labor dear friend, WORKERS PARTY FOR: With the approach of the fateful days of Fard May bili which embodies defense of the country in a nabilities that it will not be put the Roosevelt of the rosy first years of the Wagner Job and a decent living for every worker August, the continuing war crisis in Europe is mediate prospect of passing possible to send that legislation For they know that a bobbes Act and of ever expanding relief funds, turns Open the Idle factories operate them under heading toward another climax.
Reactionaries in the legisla up there and have it examined government cannot wage war traitor. workers control.
In the expectation that Hitler plans to force every day this is just another claration of warto tures propose bills just as bad the meantime, before the de under any other set up, and that it will have to be put into This question is mysterious only when it is not Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works the issue in Eastern Europe again within the cxample.
The War Department (as effect with or without Congresunderstood exactly who Roosevelt is. If we want and housing program.
well as General Hugh Johnson, to explain why Roosevelt sional sancti does, we must This question would not be who participated in the elabor. THE CLOVEN HOOF next few weeks or two months, Britain has ac4. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wagoforget his flashing smile, his charming radio voice, cepted a new Munich in the Far East. It has asked if the government attiation of the admits that 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on tude toward the Plan were the mobilization measures are OF DEMOCRACY ceded to Japan recognition of the actual situa known. The is not only completely his sweet promises, and even his personal morality All Jobs.
As a matter of fact, on the and psychology. Roosevelt, in his public capacity, unconstitutional.
tion in China and promised to do nothing to Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability is the chief executive of the capitalist state, the pension.
hamper the operations of the Japanese army in more firm than if it were al in wartime the Constitution be does not even need legislative chairman of the executive committee of United ready its robber war against the Chinese people. Expropriate the Sixty Families.
embodied in rassed by Congress. law comes another scrap of pa authorization. There is not a States imperialism. In minor matters he has a All war funds to the unemployed.
But the agreement in Tokyo is accepted as a per. and what Supreme provision of the but the First of all, the War Depart Court will question this in the principle of which was put into little leeway for expressing his personality: but people referendum on any and all wars.
temporary stop gap. It is not likely to last longer Plan does not want it adopted tutional provisions which pro the ruidst of war? Only the Consti operation during the World on major issues he has got to fulfill his function.
War. And this was done then The requirements of United States imperialism, No secret diplomacy.
or even as long as the European Munich of a by Congress at all at present. teet the profits of the bosses re legislation, merely on the basis without any special permissive of the Sixty Families who control that imperial10. An Independent Labor Party year ago. In all probability the accord will go on 1sm, imperatively demand a cutting down of social 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante the rocks in matters of its actual application that its enactment before war eeting erivate property, which war powers.
The Espionase beginning with rellet funds and soon to extend to Mobilization Plan itself states the due process clause pro of the government emergency concessions granted to the masses of the people, and Fascist attacks.
Meanwhile the British calculate on securing is upon us is not desirable be the specifically invokes Act of 1917 and the National wage and living standards more generally. In such some respite from a Far Eastern crisis while it cause such action would prob. as an answer to those who ad Defense Act are still on the a situation, Roosevelt has no choice but to obey waits to see how things will work out in Europe law of measures so detailed in tion of the war industries income into play with the openably result in enactment into vocate government confisca books, and will automatically orders.
this summer.
their provisions and accompan war time.
irg of hostilities. Indeed, the The Two Party System Obscures Around the issue of Danzig and the Polish led by so many restrictive It is my opinion that in time reactionary Republican Wads Certain peculiarities of the United States ConstiConditions were improving so rapidly that in corridor, meanwhile, a veritable smokescreen of tution and of the two party system make it harrumors and counter rumors, deliberately manurather than an assistance in blank check to the President, the bills before Congress the ensuing months private industry would take der to see what has happened than would be the war.
factured in London, Warsaw, and Berlin, has THE REAL MOTIVE said Colonel Harris, another on the ground they were.
case in France or England. In this country, the up the slack and provide a lot of jobs such was representative of the War De unnecessary. since laws al President is, in fact as well as name, the chief the argument made by President Roosevelt on been laid down. It is interlarded periodically OF THE GOVERNMENT partment. The government can ready on the books could be executive of the government. He is, however, The War Department offi not expect a blank check now used to authorize anything the elected independently of Congress, and continues April 27 of this year, when he sent his relief with threats and reciprocal blackmail.
clals know well enough that from Congressmen who want to war Department might want to to hold office for his full term no matter what his budget message to Congress, in which he advo Most spectacular of all was the revelation oí most Congressmen would re be re elected political relation to Congress may be.
cated the one third slash of jobs which a new appeasement deal discussed unoffi fuse to take the responsibility As a matter of fact, the gov It is in the Industrial Mobiliz. In France (as in England. however, the actual Congress accordingly through cially in London by an underling of Chamber before their constituencies for ernment has sought to keep the ation Plan that the cloven hoof chief executive Premier in France and Prime Minister in England) is a responsible officer Roosevelt April 27 message set the maxi lain and an emissary of Hitler. Both in London moment, and in point of fact, sible out of the public sazer. It democracy a betraysm itself of the Chamber of Deputies or of Parliament. He mum number of jobs on at two million and in Berlin these unofficial feelers are promptly this is just what happened in is not at all anxious to warn most openly. The fight against is elected not by the people or by an electoral colContrast Roosevelt two million figure with denied but meanwhile the Poles wonder increas 1935 when the Mewain mobili. the masses of what they must the plan is not a matter of leglege, but by the Chamber. If the political relations these facts established by the American Federa ingly whether they aren being put behind the antion Bull, providing for a expect when the war zor de islative lobbying, but of a struggle against the boss go in the Chamber (or Parliament) change sharply, tion of Labor in its current report on employ eight ball like the Czechs.
Congressmen who had their the Premier is compelled to resign (unless a new The is not the uncon ernment in Washington and the general election is called. and a new Premier is ment and unemployment: The most permanent feature of the diplomatic ears to the ground. sidered proposal of some crack war for profits which it is preAt the hearings of the Nye pot reactionary. It has been of paring.
appointed, who in turn names a new Cabinet.
One out of every five working men and wo tangle remains the stolid hedging of Joseph StalThus, in France or England, a sharp shift to in in the Anglo Franco Soviet pact negotiations.
right or left in governmental policy is ordinarily men able and willing to work is totally unemindicated quite plainly by the change of the man ployed.
It has now been officially admitted in Moscow who holds the chief executive post, by a different Premier or Prime Minister. At the same time, In mid May, 42, 700, 000 people were gainfully and in Berlin that trade negotiations are in employed, and 10, 600, 000 were unemployed. progress and the air is as full as ever of reports at least in France, a new majority. made up of a different grouping of the numerous parties, is Commenting on cheerful news of gains in of a German Soviet deal. That England should constituted in the Chamber.
employment, the survey says, but when make terms with Japan while Japanese troops The same outward development cannot take place in the same way in the United States. But compared with figures for last December, when are actually engaged in undeclared warfare of course the same fundamental political process 42, 800, 000 were at work, we see that American against the Soviet Union along the Mongolian By RAY ROBBINS The editorial treatment given level than the falsification on nevertheless goes on in the United States as in industry, thus far in 1939, HAS NOT EVEN border is not exactly calculated to hasten conclu Every worker who wants to Roosevelt You can strike the editorial page. The left the other countries.
LAST WINTER UNEMPLOYMENT. We tight in his middle position until the guns go off. should carefully examine its is two days you couldn find a news GIVEN JOBS TO THOSE LAID OFF IN Sion of the Moscow talks. Stalin expects to sit know what the Daily Worker cgainst the government edict Wing New Dealers in leon rens The New Deal in France of the sweep of the na France also had its own kind of New Deal, simiare no better off now than we were last Decem That they will go off, everyone knows. Only the sues since the strike word about it in the Daily tion wide strike was relegated lar in many key respects to the New Deal in this began Worker!
to inside pages.
ber; in fact we are worse off, for some 240, 000 date and hour remain as yet unfixed.
country. This was administered by Leon Blum as Roosevelt responsible for the Then, in a voice hardly above TIMID ABOUT Premier, with his Popular Front majority in the have been added to our potential working populaw which precipitated the a whisper, the Daily Worker in STRIKEBREAKING MOVES Chamber of Deputies. It lasted for a little less lation since that date.
strike? Nonsense, screams the its July 15 issue says: Especially timid was the than two years, beginning in the Spring of 1936.
Daily Worker, only the Repub It would seem that Presi Daily Worker when it dealt But French imperialism faced the same basic licans and the Garnererats are dent Roosevelt heeded bad ad with the strike breaking actions problems as United States imperialism. On the grows, the need for workers in our factories the culprits. The strike is di. vice in issuing a statement at of Roosevelt W. officials. one side, it had to get seriously ready for imperial The Press steadily shrinks. Weekly News Servrected against the Roosevelt the present time about the right when Harrington made public ist war against Germany; on the other, found administration? In the first to strike against the govern his vicious five day ruling, the that the social concessions made through the Blum ice, July 15. By Arthur Hopkins place, wheedles the Daily, it ment.
Daily mumbled about Har government were cutting too deeply into profits.
These are the facts. The unemployisn a strike at all, it only a In other words, the Great rington who has been cracking Robert Pack, president of the Northern States ment surveys have always been regarded as exprotest. But Roosevelt named White Father didn know what down with unexpected severity Deal, which would be also a deal of social reaction.
Power Company of Minneapolis tells of the situatremely conservative estimates. But we don the figure in his relief budget he was doing.
in its July 12 issue.
The political side of this change was accomtion in England from whence he has just returned: have to go further than these unquestionable Many Englishmen told me that England is makmessage and signed the bill? The reportorial handling of Murphy had come out with Well, what did you expect him the strike was even at a lower statement invoking the Federal plished in the early Spring of 1938. crisis was precipitated in the Chamber of Deputies, and Blum figures to puncture the ballyhoo of the capitalisting a mighty stand against the doctrine that might to do, the Daily whines, his law against the strik resigned After a short, Interim government, press and Roosevelt figure, or two million is right. Uh huh, like the stag at eve that had hands are tied; a good man ers. Under the fantastic head Daladier was made Premier of the War Deal govdrunk his full surrounded by scoundrels and Tobacco Workers line, Has No Complaint On ernment, which still continues in office. Of course jobs as all that needed.
thieves. Strikers, Says AL Daladier cards were not shown all at once. In One other significant fact reported by the Symbole of the quicker pace (of army prepared GIVING THE WORKERS Local Demands torney, the Daily Worker on deed, both the Socialist and Communist parties ness) is the electrically operated differential anaA. BIG LAUGH July tried to cover up for voted in favor of him as Premier. But after a lyzer, which occupies most of a large room. With Murphy!
Under the caption, At Odds Union Convention National Industrial Conference Board infew months came the crises of Munich, the decree it a mathematician can compute trajectory and with the Tories, the Stalinist Although William Green is a laws and the November general strike, and the dexes show that production per man hour in our range tables in three or four days work that for editor expresses a child like pet bogey of the Daily, when true character of the Daladier government became merly required a month. It is the army mefactories this year has been per cent above last chanical brain. And a damned sight smarter and wonder at the mere thought clear. At the bidding of his masters, he has been that the strike could possibly year in the first four months. Part of this inpiling up armaments for the war, and at the same LOUISVILLE, Ky Fourteen he gets a big boost. Ta on Jups, more human than the brain of an army officer, be interpreted as anti Roose Tobacco Workers International Green is quoted approvingly: time hammering away at the wages, living standI ll bet.
crease in productivity is due to the savings velt. As he hopefully puts it, Union locals and H, Weyler, refuse to believe the Presi ards and liberties of the workers.
which usually occur when production increases. This must have The mystery of Roosevelt, then, is done away On the way to the trenches: Already, activity on given the secretary treasurer of the Kendent will for a single moment but part are due to labor saving devices, for workers a big laugh. tucky Federation of Labor have stand for discrimination against with if we the 35, 000 acre Aberdeen Proving Grounds in we realize that there are two Roosevelt s: Following such logic through joined together to force the In workers who go out on strike. the first a Blum Roosevelt; the second a Daladierproduction per man hour is per cent above Maryland has increased 75 percent since last year. the workers must be ternational officers to call a SUMS UP STRIKE AS Roosevelt. Because of the Constitutional set up in 1937 when the pace of production was higher Colonel Mettler, ordnance department com roaring with glee, now that they convention of the union in Oc. UNFORTUNATE EVENT this country, and the two party system, the same mandment of the post, predicted the increase than today.
are getting their pink slip tober.
But the pay off is the promiman has had to perform the two functions. In would be 150 percent within the next year. presents from Smiling Recent recoveries liave consistently shown No convention has been held nent space given to Newbold France, the transformation of New Deal into War Deal was shown openly by the shift from Blum to Major activity at the moment at the Aberdeen Daily Worker made truly her Throughout the strike, the in 34 years, a vote of the locals Morris anti strike declaration, that employment lags behind production and it Daladier as Premiers. In this country, Roosevelt Proving Grounds) is the assembling testing takes a constantly higher level of business activculean efforts to force it back out by Evans, president Council of New York, is a darlhas to be both Jekyll and Hyde.
three Inch anti aircraft guns and carriages. About into passive, post card writing secretary treasurer of the In ing of Stalinist progress. On But the first and chief error is, after all, not that ity to put the same number to work.
15 of the complete weapons are turned over to channels. Again and again, the ternational, and no intelligent July 12, Morris was quoted as of misunderstanding Roosevelt today. It lies in It is encouraging that there are 1, 100, 000 troops each week. Capable of hurling 20 to 30 shells editorials warned against the account has been given of follows in the Daily Worker: the illusion that any capitalist politician, any capia minute, each weighing 12. pounds, the gun is more at work now than there were in May last danger of misdirecting the funds received by the Interna By ordering the strike you talist deal whether New Deal or War Deal, any said to be more efficient than comparable equip struggle year when the 1938 recession was at its worst.
against the New tional, the locals and Weyler have given reactionary snipers capitalist government, can function in the interment But when we consider that, of the 3, 500, 000 laid murderers call it a killer diller.
rother armies, suppose these hopeful Deal why such a danger pointed out in filing suit in Cir: at the opening they ests of the workers and the masses of the people should exist if the New Deal cuit Court here to secure a have long awaited.
hands were so lily white is court order requiring holding of off since 1937, less than one third are back at That is the best way of sumleft sounding or right sounding, at the service, Officials of the Minneapolis American Legion never clarified by the Daily a convention.
work a year later, the prospect is not so bright announced that ceremonies in the municipal audiming up the Daily Worker atfirst, last and all the time, of the bosses. They Worker master minds.
titude toward the are all the sworn enemies of the workers.
Meanwhile industrial production, by June 1939, torium August 6, honoring the war dead would be Keep Your Eye on the Tar.
strike: an unfortunate event, has regained half its decline.
the most impressive ever attempted. The exercises cet was the title of an edi.
At Your Service which endangers Roosevelt will stress dedication to the ideal of self sacrifice. torial published on July 14, While twenty per cent of the total working Expenses in staging the services will be included reputation as a friend of la Return of the Prodigal According to Drew Colonel Harrington had just inPearson and Robert Allen, the most signifibor and should fold up as population is unemployed, among union mem in the convention budget to which industries and voked the Federal law as a THE APPEAL quickly as possible so that the cant thing that is happening in Jersey City is a only per cent are uner oyed. But cutbusiness firms are being asked to subscribe. Now threat against the strikrapprochement between the and Mayor (I peaceful work of writing post this seems eminently fair: no workers are being crsThe Daily Worker gives POSTER SHOP cards can go forward quietly am the law) Hague. Once the bitterest of enemies, ting down the hours of work, resisting the speedasked for money all that required of them is him a piece of its mind as fol.
the spent a large amount of money to beat up, etc. the unions have been able to save the their blood.
lows: Hague senatorial candidate last fall, threw all jobs of a considerable group of members. New Deal circles must be Concert of the Classics of Swing its weight behind the ponderous Warren Barbour Frank Zedar, chief engineer for Chrysler There the signpost toward what must be done: Motor corporation declares: There is nothing fun particularly vigilant not let Drinks Dancing Refreshments Barbour made liberal, labor speeches and was the reactionaries maneuver elected. Once in the senate, however, he has been Organize the working class to fight for a job damentally wrong with industry, and if the poli against them They must be SATURDAY, JULY 29, at 9:30 against almost every labor bill. So thanks to the and a decent living for every worker. 30 hour ticians would clean thetr own mess and leave us Careful not to give the people at 317 EAST 17th STREET, Apt. 4a Supreme Court and Morris Ernst, John Lewis alone we would get somewhere Now, frankly. ike Woll a handle on which to weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs.
For the benefit of the Needle Trades Brigade of Anti Fascist and Mayor Hague have kissed and made up. They hang Anti New Zodar, as an engineer, which comes first the Deal propa chicken or the egg. 30 weekly minimum wage. Open the idle Union Guards Bulletin.
Admission 25 cents are now working together for a Roosevelt delegaganda.
tion from New Jersey in 1940.
The Daily Worker and the WPA Strike Typical Stalinist Record While our working population steadily Labor Looks Through