AntifascismFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSViolenceWorkers Party

FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor Boss Court Railroads LaGuardia Closes Eyes to Facts Iowa Union Men to Jail In Whitewashing Fascist Cops WORKERS FORUM James Farrell Answers Broun On the Line. with Bill Morgan By Paul Stevens Anti War Actions significant is the spread of strikes around economic issues In British India (Continued from Page 1)
On that front, the workers of India are in published in Sioux Falls. South (Continued from Page 1) last man. There is no need for teresting to note the further Meeting at Bombay three weeks ago, the the vanguard the independence struggle. criticism of them. The owner of Dakota, commented on the trial July 22 issue of the weekly, us to tell Mayor LaGuardia or comment of The Nation All India Congress Committee, governing orIn Bombay alone, 50, 000 night shift textile the truck admitted under cross that: From all reports that The Nation. LaGuardia an Commissioner Valentine how to Won Act workers are on strike. Lockouts and the closcxamination that he had had come to this newspaper, those swer appeared in the New go about that job.
gan of the five million strong Indian National Liberals Act Alike The anti fascist workers must ist Congress, adopted an anti war resolution ing of night shifts are spreading. The textile no labor difficulty for over six men did not get a fair trial and York Times of July 21.
strike is extending rapidly to Ahmedabad, months. Another witness had were railroaded about as much Specific Cops Cited LaGuardia answer, white realize, however, that just whose practical consequences are bound to Sholapur, Cawnpore, Jubbulpore, etc. and seen THREE men in a BLACK as anyone could be.
Incidents cited by The Na familiar pattern in Italy, Ger word of criticism of the Italian washing the cops, follows the LaGuardia has never uttered a embarrass British imperialism no end.
may soon assume nation wide proportions in car, all wearing striped over The Northwest Organizer, of tion included. Congress has repeatedly declared its polCoughlinites many, Austria and other fascist fascist regime but depends on volving hundreds of thousands of textile work alls and checkered jackets. But ficial organ of the Minneapolis beating up anti fascist litera lands, where liberal govern Italian fascist organizations for icy of uncompromising opposition to Fascism ers. These workers are engaged in conflict another state witness had seen Teamsters Joint Council, points ture salesmen while policements refused to act in any part of his votes, so LaGuardia, and war, the resolution declares, and its not only with the despotic British government, three men with Suede Jackets. out that the drivers union had stood by and did not interfere determination to resist the exploitation of but also with anti labor actions of the The chief state witness, Mrs. become the spearhead of or a policeman, arresting an antiway against the rising fascists. or any other capitalist politicIndian man power and resources in the interPopular Front Congress ministries. In many Hilda Chuasee, positively iden vanized labor in Sioux City as fascist and telling him: We Why do liberal regimes act that ian, has direct and indirect ties est of British imperialism.
cases the strikes are directed against native tified Fouts and Johnson in a elsewhere. The victories of the Coughlinites have 30. 000 men way?
The Nation explanation with fascists or their reactionCiting the necessity for active war resis Indian capitalists and mill owners.
big black car, though at the drivers have inspired thousands and when the time comes n was that they did not have the ary financiers, and will do nothtance, the Congress Committee directs ta. Behind the Breakdown of time she claimed to see them of workers in all trades to join resign from the force and we ll will or the good sense to take ing to break those ties.
she was travelling in a car at unions. Hence the fact that the settle the question our way.
even such strong measures The fight against fascism propaganda: to agitate among the people Anglo Russian Negotiations a rate of 44 feet per second and bosses in Sioux City and Omaha Another policeman in both against their enemies as were cannot be conducted by the Laagainst recruitment into the British army: to organize railway and dock workers for pre Anglo Russian negotiations for a peace was simultaneously picking muve tried every foul trick to cases The Nation has offered to compatible with democratie Guardias. It will be conducted only by the workers, organizing pact have virtually broken down. Sorely some books off the floor of the stop the growth of the driver produce their shield numbers)
venting the transportation of war materials: pressed, the British seem to have been pre car and straightening her hat. movement, and have now re boasted that 000 police are or the good sense? It will be in meet the fascist menace.
Does LaGuardia lack the will the Workers Defense Guards to to build up a national army of Congress volunteers for militant war resistance, etc.
pared to make all manner of concessions. The union car is blue. sorted to the foulest trick of enrolled in the Coughlinite Their lack of success has given rise to greater In answering the phony pros all frame up.
Christian Front. On several The likewise stated that they will stress among British publicists on news items ecution testimony which bore Fouts and Johnson are now occasions observers have seen refuse to help the Central government in war relating to negotiations between Berlin and the obvious marks of coaching out on ball. Local 383 plans to policemen preserve the posts of and recruitment, and that they will resist with Moscow the defense proved that Fouts appeal the case to the State Social Justice salesmen until all their powers the working of the new amendAfter the revelations of Krivitsky and others, was registered and answered a Supreme Court to prevent the they returned from lunch, bar.
ments to the Government of India Act, Cummings, political editor of the London roll call in his union on March two men who have been identiring anti Coughlin venders who According to a dispatch from Peshawar, at News Chronicle, now reports that he has defi. and 9, and that on those same tied with the trade union move try to step in.
RADIO UNION RANK FILE fore the workers. Dubinsky a conferenc of various tribal chiefs it was nite information on proposals made by Berlin. mghts he was home. Three unment of the city for years, from Appeal to LaGuardia REJECTS LABOR SKATE will never fight against fasdecided to accord no support to Britain in Writing in that paper on July 11, he says: its editorial, The Nation Editor: ion officials established the fact being victimized by the bosses cism, he proving that now, in any war in which she might be involved. Unofficially and indirectly Hitler has made that Johnson was their office and their lackeys in the courts. said: Badshahgul (a chief) who addressed the conadvance! Hit hard, comrades the following proposals to Moscow: on March 9; and a newspaper Funds are urgently needed for The June 24 elections in Ra. of the Appeal, and harder and The Christian Front is not ference stressed the need of organization of (1) Freedom of action for Germany in owner testified that Johnson the defense.
a benevolent or religious fra dio Local 1010, International tribesmen with a view to making united action Eastern Europe, involving no threat against signed contracts in his office all funds and communica ternity. It is a faction of politi: Brotherhood of Electrical Work harder still. Your reply to the possible in any crisis.
Russia or the Ukraine.
on that very day which testitions of solidarity should be cal violence, whose police ers, were a vindication smug, supercilious Dubinsky From the looks of things, the war mongers (2) Partition of Poland.
mony was confirmed by a for sent to Sid Jarrett, secretary of members constitute an armed of the rights of the rank and set him right back on his heels.
Keep up the good work!
in Downing Street have far more to fear from (3) Freedom of action for Russia, with mer commissioner of Iowa Un the Fouts Johnson Defense fascist nucleus. As such its file members. Sullivan ran unRalph Stoneham national organizations in the colonies than full German support, in Asia and the Far East. employment Insurance. Fund, 1021 Fourth St. Sioux members should be purged out opposed for President and the from the Labour fakers at Transport House.
Lynn, Mass. 4) Germany withdrawal of cooperation Vox Popull, a weekly paper City, Iowa.
Beedie de Tof the police department to the arch reactionary In a crisis, however, it is not excluded that with Japan that is, dropping Japan from the clined to run for reelection as the working masses of the mother country Axis.
Business Manager, leaving that COUGHLINITES OPEN will break through the social patriotic bar. 5) Political Russo German alliance on Letter to the Editor post clear for Emil Katz. BROOKLYN CAMPAIGN riers put up by their treacherous leaders and these lines.
Only a few weeks prior to the Editor: join hands with the oppressed colonials to put No one can vouch for the veracity of these election, William Beedie, then! In a meeting that stank with an end to the tottering rule of the Chamber proposals. But, as Mr. Cummings points out, the Business Manager, and rep. filthy anti semitic lies, the lains and the Churchills.
for months past there has been practically resentative of the International Coughlinites opened their vino anti Russian propaganda from Germany.
Office, suspended Katz and Bul clous campaign in Brooklyn Workers in the Lead That speculation about relations between Hitlivan, the business agents on MacWilliams, number fasof Independence Movement ler and Stalin has reached such a stage of the fake grounds that they were Read Avenue and Fulton st. precision and that an actual truce in the bitter Editor And the Angels Sing!
behind in dues. The fight be. MacWilliams, numbeer tasThe anti war sentiment of the Indian masses propaganda carried on by both sides has been is only one phase, however, of the struggle tween Katz and Sullivan on the cist of the Bronx and three In answering a critic named reached, is in itself significant of the real Mr. Brent in The New Republic one hand and Beedie on the other Hitler stooges spewed for Independence from Great Britain. Equally trend in Kremlin foreign policy.
of June 28, Heywood Broun other was smouldering for al their labor hating demagogy in made the following remarks most a year.
a manner that would have concerning me: If Mr. Brent Beedie wanted complete warmed the hearts of Mussohad attended the Writers Conbureaucratic unchallenged con lini and Hitler.
gress of two years ago he would trol over the union. Katz and Although the meeting was have encountered a oneman Sullivan, very popular with the mainly attended by half soused picket line in front of Carnegie rank and flle, represented the degenerates, there was a group Hall. The legion of protest conhealthy sentiment of the rank of workers who listened in siContinued from last week)
under the Street Bridge. They ask What do who wrote World Never sisted of Mr. James Farrell, and file for trade union democ lent disgust as the fascists racy. Katz and Sullivan ap. spoke. Pausing for breath only.
you want like you had made a slight mistake Made. Now Mr. Farrell in his Migratory Workers Camp pealed and thought you was in the First National sincere and earnest way can Beedie dictatorial the speakers crammed every move to the International Office phrase with Jew baiting slan The three of us pulled into Marysville dead Bank.
use many short and ugly tired and hungry. The kids were almost and were reinstated. There is no ders. While Coughlin hides behind his clerical skirts, preachTrying to Get Relief words as any writer living, but doubt that the fat boys in the ing charity and brotherhood.
asleep It was about ten and the dark his addiction to this theory of International Office felt that if streets were pretty unfriendly. So were the Well, fill out the application with the able literature has not made him a police. Keep moving Keep moving was all they supported Beedie, the his flunkies spread his real docthey had to say as we rolled along looking for assistant who is trying to determine how he progressive. There is nothing membership would not pay trine, the message of hate.
to prevent an author being a can give me the go by without no trouble. This realist and a reactionary. EsBoycott Racket place to camp. At about ten thirty see a penny in per capita to the Cheer Declination Buy Christian is their siobunch of workers in an old 28 Dodge heading guy is wise to all the tricks and he keeps mak cape can be found in a swamp At the membership meeting can. They intend to distribute for the Street Bridge. They seemed to know ing cracks about how difficult it is to take care as readily as in an ivory where nominations were held printed lists of Christian where they was going so we followed.
of everybody. get the hint and says, Look, tower.
the members cheered when Bee stores and to boycott all those Boy. you ought to get a look at that camping place. There is about a thousand it buddy, you don have to take care of nobody called for an answer, adFeeling that these remarks die declined to run. and for not on the list. This racket will good reason. Beedie is a name force even those Christians seemed people all trying to keep alive long can take care of myself. All you have to do dressed one to Mr. Bruce Bienough to get enough dough to get out of this that is synonymous with every who despise the Coughlin fasis this here slip for relief and your little ven, editor of The New Repubthing foul in the radio industry.
cists to sign or suffer the boypest hole. Old pieces of canvass and card job is finished. The State will pay the bill and lic. Without seeing fit to ask board were tied and stuck together to make His record is one continuous cott. am paying taxes along with about nine hu my permission to summarize tents. Many were sleeping without blankets.
string of sell outs. His latest one, MacWilliams introduced the Men, women and children all jammed in a dred other suckers who are living on a dump and quote from my letter rawas a two year sell out, in leader of the strong arm gang disease ridden camp. Concentration camp outside of town. am a worker and have ther than print full, he prewhich the majority of union who boasted of the co operation is what it should be called. No sanitary facil two growing sons to feed. If you don give sented a one paragraph summembers did not get a penny the police gave to the Coughlin ities. Just the river. And you should see the me relief then give me permission to hold up mary of it with quotations in in increased pay, or a minute in tes. As should be the case river! We parked the heap and after cooking a grocery store. don care which, but act The New Republic of July 12th.
reduced hours. None of the pro wherever they go, they are in like you was in a hurry.
up what was left of our coffee and beans, Inasmuch as am anxious that posals were submitted to the danger of having their sinister turned in for night fight with the mosqui. toes. And what mosquitoes! Millions of em.
calls in the head man which has overheard the am including it here, and offers the contumely, that his ation has not protested against ed reason for putting the skids who despise the mention of am up at the crack of dawn to get the whole conversation through a thin partition. would be grateful if you would boldness may be checked and the equal brutality and equal under Beedie.
denounced Says he. Now, my good man, you must not print it in your columns. he may not try such things injustice of the present regime low down on conditions and prices for apriThe speakers Members will be wise to contry to threaten or bulldoze this relief office. Sincerely yours.
Catholics cots, and see that daylight is the right time who oppose on us again, according to the of the Soviet Union in jailing tinue watching Beedle, who is those We are only trying to carry out the duties as to really appreciate this camp where migraJAMES FARRELL. text: Answer a fool according writers. am for freedom, not cne of the slickest labor skates Coughlin as more treacherous signed by the state government and you are New York City, tory workers are forced to stay until they find to his folly. lest he imagine only in Germany and Italy, but in the country. He may have true Nazi style they proceeded than the international Jew. In not going to get anywhere by acting tough. July 6, 1939.
work. It was bad enough in the dark but now lumself to be wise: the other also in Russia, and everywhere few aces up his sleeve. don like this guy at all. He has a profile is the good of the many, whose else in the world. The Tasks before Union it looks like a prison yard. At the river find to refer to Roosevelt as Rosenmen. women and children all pushing and like a bird of prey and eyes which remind me James Farrell letter to advancement is hindered by League of American Writers Now that the elections are feld and shuddered at the shoving for a place to bathe, to wash clothes of a herring. So ask him for advice instead the New Republic follows: the contumelies put on us. has either defended or remain over a great responsibility rests thought that Frankfurter and and dirty pots and pans. Kids trying to swim of going over the ground twice.
Bruce Bliven Since then, it is my duty to ed silent concerning the many on the shoulders of Katz and Lehman held office. MacWilaround in garbage and filth. Men shaving in Ahem, says he like a man unveiling a The New Republic answer Mr. Broun, shall do brutalities of the Russian re Sullivan. If they are to continue liams stooges, with tongues statue of himself, You had no right to come 40 East 49th St.
water full of dirty clothes. It is the combined so, and my only hope is that gime which refer to political having the respect of the rank oiled by the mania of Inquisiwashing and, bathing and sanitary arrangeto California in the first place. You should New York City.
have stayed in the State of Washington. We Sir: he be led to face his own duties rather than literary life. am and file they must inaugurate tion, threw the blame of the ments for migratory workers as arranged by in this matter with the proper opposed to such a policy. frequent democratic shop meet capitalist society on the Jews the city Fathers. What a dump! And we are are not responsible for you or your two sons! trust that when Haywood gravity. At the second American ings to air the pent up griev but did not mention once the forced to remain until apricots are ripe. Is that all you got to contribute? asks. Broun takes his next catechism Statement of Position Writers Congress, the only re ances of the membership. They real money grabbers of this So should have stayed in the State of Wash lesson, or if he has completed Mr. Broun seeks to dishonor presentative of a political par. must begin to educate the memHow About Relief?
ington, eh? Perhaps should have remained these when he examines his me by stating that am a re ty who spoke was Earl Brow bers in trade unionism. They Van Morgan, Astor, Samuel Ford, Isaac. Are they Jews?
Everybody is broke. There is hardly a dol they kicked me out when was sixteen. May his Easter Duty, he will seek tumely on the allegation that wanton political and personal the slogan of the for lar bill in the crowd. They have come from be should go back there, eh? And you are to acquire some information picketed the second American attacks, the majority of the the thirty hour week!
all over. Oklahoma, Washington, Oregon, not responsible for my two boys, eh? You re concerning the sins of contume Writers Congress. did not membership was described as They must start a real genuUtah, Nevada, southern California, Arizona god damned right you re not! am and ly and mischief making. For picket that Congress. But had having applauded him. ine mass campaign against To our readers: and Idaho. hundred different accents and intend to remain responsible what do you it is a moot point whether or done so, such conduct would 6: In the reports of Congress Emerson. They must fight the In sending letters to the a million different reasons for being on the think of that? And as the responsible person not the sin he committed not prove rocks. Each family is a little suspicious of the in this little gathering of humanity am going against me in the New Repub ary that am a reaction es held by the League of Am rotten speed up by controlling Workers Forum, please sign The League of American erican Writers, have clearly the rate of output on the lines. your name and address and other at first but poverty and misery soon get to see that my boys and eat. What do you iic (June 28) is describable as Writers organized this con observed that the League Finally they must expose the then indicate whether or not everyone talking the same lingo. We swap a think of that?
little coffee for some sugar. We swap an old If you don give me relief one of contumely or as mis cress. Some of the reasons makes insufficient distinctions supervisor stooges who pene you wish your name to be pubwill take some. And will go back to the chief making. Personally. why am opposed to the between serious literature and trated the union.
tire which has already gone thirty thousand Street Bridge and tell the men that you said it think it is contumely. However. League of American Writers commercial writing. think Members have to doubt the miles, for two gallons of gas. We chip in was to go ahead and help themselves do not wish to labor the point, are the following: that such action aids Philistin str. cerity of Katz and Sullivan aleven cents toward a brand new second hand from the local cockroach capitalists. Now and would suggest that Mr. 1: On all major issues and ism, and have no use for too long have they associated Limited Offer!
blanket for an old man with the cough.
what do you say?
Broun consult his confessor. policies, it has followed the line Philistinism with Beedie and done the dirty We ask what is the chances of getting some In the end they give me a ticket for some Likewise the question as to of the Stalinist Third Interna These are not reactionary work for him. They have to vin FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY State Relief Administration assistance. surplus commodities. Corn meal and beans, whether or not his sin is mor tional. When the Third Inter reasons for opposition to the dicate themselves in the eyes Not much chance, says a guy with a wife and coffee and canned beef and a few other things. tal or venial is one which he national changed its political League of American Writers. of the rank and file.
four kids, went up there yesterday and they But do not get certified for regular relief. raust settle in his own con line in 1935, the League of By calling me a reactionary.
Fraternally, 1938 BOUND told me to leave town! It seems he gave them am an alien in this country although was science and with advice from American Writers altered its Heywood Broun proves that an argument and they sigged the bulls him. born here and worked most of my life to put the proper authorities. Saint policies to fit the new line. he has not changed his political ANSWER TO DUBINSKY VOLUMES We talk it over. We are without a scrap aside enough to send the boys to school. And Thomas Aquinas said: con am opposed to the Third Inter line. But then, have done my HAILED IN LYNN to eat and there is not only no chance to bor. here am. Now, we got a job to do. You tumely essentially involves a national.
duty for his own good. leave Editor: row anything in this crowd but it is criminal know what it is.
certain dishonour, if the speak 2: am convinced that the him to his conscience.
Congratulations on your to even think of doing so. It will be two weeks When them apricots are ripe we are going er intention is fixed on taking policies of the League of Am would like to add that Islashing answer to Dubinsky in Socialist Appeal before the apricots are ripe and until then we to get skinned alive on prices unless we begin away the honour of the hearer erican Writers are calculated have presented in detail, my the July 18 issue of the Appeal.
have to hang around. There is no place to go and the now to put up fight. We got to organize. by the words that he utters, to lead this country into war, conceptions concerning natural it has the enthusiastic approval and on two gallons of gas you can go Joy We got to go to the migratory workers and this properly and in itself is and am opposed to war. ism and realism in literature of the Lynn militants. When a riding.
tell them that we know the answer and if we utter contumely, and that is a Undemocratic New International Down to the local Office in Marys all stick together we will get a decent rate mortal sin no less than theft or and my views concerning the bureaucrat like Dubinsky calls 3: The League of American relationship between literature a proposal to form Workers Deville. In front they got two bulls and you are for them apricots. Unless we do we are going robbery. However, while Hay. Writers has already furnished and politics in my book, fense Guards crazy. when he supposed to have a pass signed by some chair to be living in this pest hole of a camp for wood Broun sin raises prob abundant illustrations to prove Note on Literary Criticism. labels anti fascist fighters like 00 warmer on the public payroll. leave the boys the next twenty years. We gotta build the lems in his own conscience, my that it is an undemocratic or Heywood Broun reference to Milton who make such propo including postage in the heap to watch out the bulls don borrow Socialist Workers Party, too, so that we can duty in this matter is perfect ganization.
my theory of literature is a sals lunatics. when he starts none of our belongings and walk over to the take over them apricot trees and give them ly clear. As Saint Thomas 4: The League of American misrepresentation.
crawling before Coughlin and front door. After a bit of verbal dodging and back to the people. We gotta get in there and Aquinas said: Sometimes. Writers has protested against Sincerely yours, sniveling about his sanity, his bluff get to go in. Upstairs there is an office Join the Socialist which work and organize and build a revolutionary we must rebut contumely put the jailing of writers in Ger signed: James Farrell respectability, such a man is almost as crummy as the camp movement.
up on us for two reasons. many and Italy. agree with New York City June 22, 1939 must be pitilessly exposed be.
Workers Party 70ic Carla of the