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Do Not Fall Again For the Vile Lies Of 25 Years Ago!
Socialist Appeal BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly Skilled Workers Still Out; Minneapolis Rescinds Pink Slips The American Way?
Skilled Men Continue May Strike Strike for Union Wage; All Gov Union Raps Murphy Financed Labor Must Guard Projects BOSSES 1:16 VOL. III, NO. 54 FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1939 3c a Copy Twenty five years ago this week the bosses drove the youth of the world into a senseless slaughter that lasted four years and cost more than 20, 000, 000 lives.
They called it the war to end war and the war to save the world for democracy.
There has just about been enough time for another generation to grow up. The babies born in 1914 1918 are now young men and in all countries guns are being thrust into their hands and they are being prepared to go out and slaughter each other, The war of 1914 1918 did not end war. It led only to new wars throughout the two and a half decades that have since passed. It is leading today to a new and infinitely more ghastly mutual slaughter of the nations. It did not save democracy. It led instead to the destruction of what little democracy there was in large portions of the world and will lead before long to the complete disappearance of the rempants.
This is the cycle of life and death that the capitalist world offers to each succeeding generation. Driven by insatiable greed in a constantly contracting world, the bosses of opposing groups of countries cannot find enough of the world wealth to divide. They are forced to fight each other in repeated bloody wars in order to keep themselves and their system going. That was the point they reached Endorse Agreement Rein 1914. That is the point they have reached again today.
That is what the war crisis means. Let not fall again turning WPA Jobs to Against Frame Union Head Reports for the vile lies of 25 years ago! Those in all nations Unskilled Workers Ups, Says Union the Fascist dictatorships and the so called democracies Work Stoppage alike who are driving us into a new war are not preparIs Effective ing to fight for civilization, for democracy, for internaBy CARL SHEA (Special to the Socialist Appeal. Special to the Socialist Appeal) MINNEAPOLIS, July 20tional law, for racial purity, for freedom. These are just MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. July On Guard against By TONY CHAPMAN words they use to dupe the millions they use for cannon 21 With the retreat of the Frameups is the title of the NEW YORK, July 24As the fodder. administration from its leading editorial in today is strike of skilled union workers War is not the result of the crazy dreams of this or that YOU CAN STRIKE previous position that all work sue of the Northwest Organizer, on projects in this city dictator. It is part of the capitalist system and rises out of AGAINST THE GOV T!
ers absent five days from proj official organ of the Minneapo moved towards its fourth conccts would stay dismissed, the lis Teamsters Joint Council. secutive week, Thomas Murit just as naturally and inevitably as plants grow from seed.
trade unions and the organized Organized labor in Minne ray. President of the New York We re not going to fight war by shadow boxing with a lot SCAB RELIEF unemployed of this city voted epolis must put its guard up Building and Construction of meaningless phrases. We re going to fight war by putThursday to end the strike so immediately against possible Trades Council, declared today BILL far as the unskilled workers frameups which may be at that is our intention to conting an end forever to the capitalist system that breeds it. were concerned.
tempted by Attorney General tinue to exercise our clear cut The Building Trades Council Frank Murphy stool pigeons, right to refuse to work until the The masters may drive us into a new war but they will FIRINGS membership. all the skilled formally known as the Federal prevailing rate of pay is renever survive it nor their methods of sweating the labor workers will continue to re Bureau of Investigation.
of millions and slaughtering other millions to keep or exfuse to work on prof.
14 Contemptible Role tend their wealth. The workers of the world will tear this ects, and the projects that can. The role of Murphy and the cussed to extend the strike to While plans are being disnot be operated without skilled in the strike to all government financed projmonstrous thing to pieces and will bring into being a new 703workers will remain closed.
date has indeed been an utter. ects in the city, President Murworld of which peace and plenty, not war and starvation, Union Demands ly contemptible one, will be the natural product.
The Joint Action Committee, Murray, head of the New York spread effectiveness of the four Thomas ray, commenting on the widerepresenting the unions and un Building Trades Council has week old strike, stated that employed, met with ad pointed out. Murphy has issued the five borough chairmen reininistrator Glotzbach last Mon several slanderous and inflam port that our work stoppage day and advanced a programmatory statements about labor program is 100 percent effectcarlo calling for the rescinding of all racketeering and criminal live today. The projects are not 403 (dismissal slips. no re conspiracies against the na shut down but they might just prisals against any striker; the tion relief program.
building trades unions to reas well be shut down for all the Murphy isn the first labor productive work that is being main on strike until they re hater to talk loosely of labor accomplished.
ceive union wages; all projects cangsterism in Minneapolis. Somervell is still obeying requiring skilled labor to re Readers will recall that at the crders and issuing optimistic main closed until the prevailing time of the murder of Pat Cor statements for propaganda purwage clause is re introduced: coran the Associated Industries poses, Mr. Murray charged the building trades to retain the and their daily press, shameful. But privately he admits that right to picket projects using ly aided by the Communist Par. that 100. 000, 000 worth of pubA Fascist march through the Jewish quarter of New York rink labor.
ty, tried to brand the union lic works in process of conUnskilled workers will not movement with the label of struction will never be comwill shortly be staged, declared a spokesman of the Coughlin Resolution Calls for Full Text of Flint Resolution have to go through picket lines labor racketeering. Only the pleted if the union men confascist organization, formerly called the Christian Front and of the building trades. the solid front of organized labor tinue to refuse to work for now named the Christian Mobilizers.
Building of an Inde WHEREAS: The strikebreaking policies of the Roosevelt agreement expressly providing shut the mouths of the enemies coolle wages.
administration have taught us that labor cannot depend on that those projects) that can of unionism at that time. We re holding meetings in the Bronx, Brooklyn and pendent Labor Party either of the old boss parties, and proved that the New Deal not then be operated will be On Guard!
Colonel Somervell, whom the Queens, shouted the Coughis nothing but a raw Deal as far as the workers are con union leaders again invited to So many rumors have been tour the struck prosed as soon as feasible to the afoot that the is up to ects in another effort to demlinite to a large crowd gath This Man Didn cerned. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
ered Saturday night at 153rd other projects.
FLINT, Mich. July 22AND WHEREAS: Roosevelt who used to pose as labor friend has told us we have no right to strike for a decent stan(Continued on Page 2)
much more than just an inves onstrate the strike effectiveStreet and Third Avenue, Strike Against Rranding Roosevelt as Strike tigation of the strike in ness, ducked the invitation for breaker Number 1, the Flint dard of living, while at the same time he is spending billions Minneapolis that labor should Manhattan, and listen, you The Government the second time. Since late last and Unemployed Auxilfor war and throwing hundreds of thousands of work MAN BITES DOG(Continued on Page 2) week, when Mr. Murray public.
Marxists in the crowd, we re ers off the rolls to starve; By BLAKE LEAR iary of the United Auto Workly described Somervell as a holding meetings in Germania ers adopted a militant AND WHEREAS: The combined strength of labor can PAPER TELLS TRUTH This is the story of a man man whose lucid moments are Hall (Third Avenue and 16th who didn strike against the resolution yesterday calling for wield a tremendous influence in national, state and local elecbecoming increasingly rare, your back government.
Street) right in tions, this strength having been used in the past to support the building of an independent the Colonel has shrunk behind to the Soololat Appeal)
UNN men who have only turned traitor because they are in reality yard.
Labor Party, and proposing This is the story of a man Mass. July 20 his large oak desk with no Then he made his ominous the agents of Big Business; who didn starve.
that the o. nationally and Here news for you all rightgreater public offering than threat.
locally break all ties with canBenjamin Hawley was No comment today. boys.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the and Un la capitalist daily newspaper In the near future, we plan didates of the old boss parties.
business manager of the employed Auxiliary of the condemn the actions telling the truth about a strike!
Somervell is still firing 2500 to run a parade down Delancey federal theater for The resolution, which placed of Roosevelt and Murphy in the current crisis, and go daily under the provisions of It the strike of the editorial Street the main thoroughfarell youth in Cleveland. Wheri at the door of the administra: on record against supporting either the Democratic or Repub workers of the Lynn Evening the Roosevelt Relief Act of the Jewish East Side.
tion, the blame for the current congress abolished the redlican parties in any campaign for any office; Item, conducted by the Lynn This threat was the highlighteral theater projects he felt vicious slashing at AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we urge the chapter of the American NewsA Fink Gets of a meeting devoted to longstandards, and which minced pretty blue. He spent a lot locally and nationally to break all bonds with the old paper Guild.
winded insults against the no words in condemning the of time in his room thinking boss parties and set up a genuine labor party, the candidates Puts Disrupter Label His Reward strikebreaking acts of RooseThe Item competitor, the about it.
Jews, their eagle beaks. etc.
of which will be members of organized labor and responsible Telegram News, yesterday pubThis threat to parade through Last Friday he finally figvelt and Murphy, met with im to organized labor, and which will rally the workers around lished a front page editorial, On Martin Who Also John Connolly of Union the Jewish quarter must be tak ured it all out. He went to mediate support in the meeta program designed to answer the needs of the workers: charging that the hands of the St. Rochester, is a very en seriously, for it is a repeti his closet, took a silk scarf, ing, which was the largest since AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be chamber of Commerce have Loses WPA Auxiliary loyal man. When 300 work.
tion of the notorious tactics of tied it around his neck, and the formation of the auxiliary in Flint.
sent to the Flint o. Council, the International Executive not remained clean. But soiled ers on his project the Nazi movement in Ger hanged himself from Board of the and to John Lewis.
hands are no novelty to the struck their job last week, many during its rise.
the clothes hook.
So enthusiastic were Chamber of Commerce which John Connolly, loyal servEast Side workers must or (Union News Service)
He was a good man, members, and so bitter were permits no opportunity to esant, told them Come boys, ganize into neighborhood Anti He didn starve.
they about the betrayal by their DETROIT, July 22 The big cape to take sides on any issue Packard local of Homer Maryou can fight Uncle Sam.
Fascist Defense Guards, who He didn strike against former Idols, that attempts by in which the working man ortin rump auto union withdrew And because he was loyal will be able to resist this fascist the government.
one or two Stalinists to throw woman is the underdog.
from the affiliate today enough to stay on the job invasion.
Mark the Chamber of Com and took steps to rejoin the when every other man met with no response whatev.
er. The resolution was adopted merce attitude in the past. Automobile Workers struck, John Connolly was Whenever a strike occurred Union quoted in all the papers, and unanimously, even the communist Party members voting (Special to the Socialist Appea ists, who were accused of de the Chamber tried in every pos President Ed Linder of the his picture was printed.
for it, in fear of exposing themSIOUX CITY, Iowa, July 18 stroying a truck in Sioux Falls sible way to suppress news of local, strongest in the Martin and, as was only fair, his outfit, said the decision had selves in the role of defending Howard Fouts and Ralph John on March 9, is a bald frame up. st.
director promised traitors to the working class.
him an advance in rating son, officials of the Sioux City The testimony of the prosecuAfter listing some instances been taken by the executive which would carry more to the question of independent L) are being railroaded Turning with a sure instinct Drivers Union Local 383 (A. tion witnesses is shot through of slavery conditions here beboerd.
The announcement stated political action, after the be to with contradictions and con lished, the editorial asks: Do that your brief association with The director was true to his word. John ConLiberals last week published gave his police force a blanket trayal by the New Deal, mem four year prison terms by the tains not one bit of real evi we want such conditions to re the has convinced us material proving that New whitewash: ber after member took the boss courts of this city in an dence against the two men. One turn to Lynn?
that the federation entered the nolly was given his new ratYork police were members of The police have rendered floor, flayed the old boss par woman picture not to organize the auto ing. But with his new rating the fascist organization led by excellent service and have ex ties, and pointed out the poten union movement and to harm ton Bridge, pretended to identi drawing wages must rise with workers but to attempt to disstrike against Uncle Sam er.
John Connolly who wouldn Father Coughlin and appealed ercised the proper kind of re tial strength of labor once it the unionization campaign of ty Fouts, but not Johnson: all the strength and power that rupt the en if it meant every: to Mayor LeGuardia to dismiss straint. Arrests have been pursues an independent course the International Brotherhood when asked to identity others is within them to preserve what fascist cops. Mayor LaGuardia macie where they should have Genora Johnson, who intro of Teamsters in the Middle who had crossed the bridge and they have fought for for so William Taylor, director of one of his fellow workers, re.
inmediately announced to the been made. We will continue to duced the resolution, explained West.
spoken to him he failed. The many years.
the Auxiliary of the ceived. a pink slip. For press that the claim of police maintain law and order. La that our task today was to John Connolly had been on The character of the test drivers of the destroyed truck This is certainly news all Joiner Martin auto union, anthe over 18 months partiality toward the fascists Guardia only comment on the change the whole system, do mony. the fact that no union testified that no truck had folright! Of course the struck panounced recently that his orand so under the law absolutely isn so.
specific facts cited was, That away with the autocratic rule or Ignoring the numerous inci absolutely isn so. as the weather to candice de me the women were upstaiteed now labore difficulties that the course the competitore puiend and Martin and home beben to Weihe which couldn be struck dents of police partiality toward The liberals statements ap that although the Labor Party surrounding the case and the had never driven a truck in cetting wide support. But even against, he had to be fired.
Connolly, now 55 years old, fascists cited by the liberals, peared in the form of an ar in itself would not necessarily tackground of boss worker resoux City, had never seen ei. so, this is a case of man bites Loss of the setup and is not yet disillusioned. But and not even offering to investicle by James Wechsler and an solve the whole problem, it lations in the Sioux City Sioux ther of the accused men, never dog! It never happened be the Packard local leaves Marsuch is the irony of fate, and tigute specific policemen re editorial by the editors in the would be a mighty step for Falls area prove to the hilt that talked with them and had no fore or, most likely, will nevtin with no mainstays left to the fate of finks.
ferred to. Mayor LaGuardia (Continued on Page 4)
ward, the conviction of the two union Continued on Page 3) er again maintain himself with.
Coughlinites Threaten March Through Jewish Flint Auxiliary Brands Quarter of New York Strikebreaker Number PACKARD LOCAL QUITS MARTIN, REJOINS Boss Court Railroads Two cold water on the resolution lowa Union Men to Jail LAGUARDIA GIVES WHITEWASH TO FASCISTS IN POLICE FORCE