CominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsFranceImperialismMarxNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

One Project That Will Be Well Financed!
IN THIS CORNER FUNDS your choice WAR MACHINE Inaccurate Roosevelt Roosevelt Prepares Frame Up to Destroy Building Trades Unions Johnson Knows SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1939 ing that the Trotskyist analysis of Roosevelt SOCIALIST APPEAL relief policy is unthinkable because Roosevelt Vol. III, No. 53 July 25, 1939 must remain, by definition, the leader of the Democratic Front. Therefore the Daily Worker Published theice a sock by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASB offers an alternative to the Trotskyist analysis.
at 116 University Place, New York, And its alternative explanation comes down to Telephone: Algonquin 8549 this: Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. For eign: 00 per year. 30 for six months. Hundle orders. The President, his research staffs, the statis2 cents per copy in the United States: cente per copy in foreign countries. Single coples: cents tical bureaus of the Departments of Labor, ComBronx and Manhattan rubecriptions are: 50 for six merce, Agriculture, etc. etc. are a pack of By Max Shachtman months: 00 for one year. Reentered a second class matter February 16, 1919, 4t New York, under the Act of March idiots who can add figures or count noses. The Two objections have been received to the coms. 10. oce President wanted to give jobs to all the unemments made in this column (June 13) on the Loveployed but couldn find out how many of them stoneite socialist unity campaign.
Editor: MAX SHACHTMÁN there were.
One comes from an member in New York, Associate Editore: who declares that he is for unity, even HAROLD ROBERTS PELTX MORROW You have our explanation, and you have that Stall Members: though he does not trust the leaders of any of the EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN of the Stalinists. They are the only two possible groups, including his own party. But the NASINEN ways to explain Roosevelt relief policy. Take SHERMAN STANLEY the portion had with the Trotskyites. would be opposed to such unity today as was opposed to it when you enterFIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST In carefully laying out his program, ed our party. Unity can be achieved on a proWORKERS PARTY FOR: Roosevelt had to take many factors into account grammatic basis only if there are organizational safeguards against factionalism and personalism, Job and a decent living for every worker, Especially he had to be as sure as possible that and an intelligent fostering of activity and not he could put this program over without being factional perspectives. Open the idle factories operate them under workers control.
successfully resisted by the labor movement. On Another objector is a Brooklyn member of the Lovestone group. who claims to have been Twenty Billion dollar Federal publlo works this score, he was reassured by the support he the first to raise the question of unity in his own and housing program.
could depend on from the bureaucrats in the organization and in an article in its pre convention Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage labor movement like Bill Green and John discussion. It was not, he states, instigated by 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on Lewis. But above all, he was certain in advance Lovestone; indeed, Lovestone. rejects the idea all Jobs.
that the can be absorbed into a healthy that his relief slashing, strikebreaking, unionrevolutionary movement. The unity letters in Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability busting program would be dressed up as progresthe Workers Age are not a Machiavellian plot of pension.
sive the Stalinists.
Lovestone but reflect a widespread sentiment, a Expropriate the Sixty Families.
longing among radical workers.
To sum up: Roosevelt could decree starvation Although personally subscribing to everything All war funds to the unemployed.
for ten million unemployed because in advance 703TLUS Lovestone is purported to have said in France people referendum on any and all wars.
he could be sure that the Stalinists would invent about Trotskyism, am in favor of unity with the Trotskyites. believe that the Trotskyite move9. No secret diplomacy.
any number of alibis, even if in their desperament is inverted Stalinism; that Trotsky is an 10. An Independent Labor Party tion they have to concoct such preposterous authoritarian Pope, le leading his worshippers with 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante the weapon of infallibility on one hand, and exalibis as the one we have just analyzed.
and Fascist attacks.
communication on the other; that he has his mind in the days of 1917 1923, and not in the events of to day: that he would still return to the Comintern of The grandchildren of the pioneers young peoits first Four Congresses, which contained the roots and manifestations of every evil which has ple of the present oncoming generation can go out and find new opportunities on unoccupied since destroyed the world communist movement.
But when come out for unity with the Trotsky Karl Marx once made the interesting observalend. says Aubrey Williams, National Youth Adtion that rulers are always far more class con ministrator. They have to stay at home and take ites, mean that there is room for people even with such ideas in a united party.
it. Which causes the heart of that great scious than their subjects, because in seeking to humanitarian in the White House, to You may believe that this unity plea is un preserve their power the rulers have to be clear bleed at their plight. So he means to change this feasible; you may oppose it. But can we discuss in advance what the effects of their decisions will state of affairs by sending them abroad where it on the basis of its own merits? Must the net they can give it to some poor inoffensive foreign argument against it be that it is inspired, be. Especially in these turbulent times, it is By RUTH JEFFREY vigorous attack upon unions HIS REAL GAME: youth trick, insincere and that Engels wouldn have The Roosevelt Administra and a carefully qualified criti. ASSAULT ON UNIONS been for it, so why should we?
certain, rulers do what they do with a conscious tion destruction of the prevail. cism of contractors and sup Having absolved bankers and furthermore, sees a contradiction in our understanding of all the consequences and iming wage on construc pliers; but to the basic factors, landlords, suppliers and conremarks a few weeks ago when we pointed out that plications of their actions.
tion projects is. only the open the banks and real estate inter tractors, Arnold has left to we had consistently stood for unity then, strangeWhen, in his April 27 relief budget message.
ing gun in the government ests, he devotes Just one sen prosecute just one other group ly enough, you dig up from Engels quotation war against the building trades tence each and those two sen in the building industry: the warning against unity howlers!
President Roosevelt told an obedient Congress Like it or not, if war actually comes to us, We readily grant the good will and the good inthat the figure for should be 1, 477. freedom of speech will dry up overnight. Such attack on restraining activi. trom the investigation! Here is his real point: the destruction tentions of the two comrades who wrote in. We are of union wage and hour scales, 000, 000 and a maximum of two million jobs is the nature of modern war that only a dicta ties in the building industry what he says: ready to grant, further, that there is a sound sen Of course do not suggest under the pretext getting un timent among many militants who, realizing the and Congress did as he said he was unques torship in the full Nazi sense can successfully General Thurman Arnold, fol to the committee that unlawful on workers to join in a broad.
weakness of the movement and the enormous tionably acting on the basis of a carefully conduct it. Knowing something of these mat lowed by Attorney General restraints are the only source co ordinated program for the tasks it must still fulf, want to see a drawing Frank Murphy costs. reduction of construction announce of high construction thought out program.
ters from first hand experience, this writer together of all revolutionary socialists that can be ment of his intention to employ Credit facilities offer one of the costs.
The President has at his disposal the most would be among the first to advocate that. the Sherman Anti Trust Law outstanding means of reducing Arnold concludes: We can But we cannot agree with the conclusions of the efficient and large scale fact finding apparatus Hugh Johnson, in the New York World against unions, contractors and ultimate costs. Land values are say to labor, You can get the correspondents nor do we find any reason for withsuppliers.
often high. Remedies. how same thing that the heavy indrawing the comments on the subject made on available to any man in the world. The Statis Telegram, July 16, 1939.
Just who is going to be pros. within the scope of this report. annual income, based on hav.
ever (for these lis. are not dustries are getting a greater June 13.
tical Bureau of the Department of Labor is Johnson certainly ought to know. He used ecuted by the Department of justly famous for its accuracy and comprehen to be President Roosevelt right hand man. Justice? Principally and priFurthermore, Arnold care ing more work to do during the Few General Rules siveness. The research bureaus of the Departmarily the unions this can be fully exempts from blame the year, without need to stretch The Trotskyites of the Communist League of seer by an examination of the big corporations which glean the hours of work and the rate America, quite unconcerned with the petty aspects ment of Commerce tell the President the day tomillions of dollars lengthy statement prepared by from supplying building ma in plain English, the New profits of pay on each particular job. of organizational prestige, did not hesitate for a day facts about production in each industry, proMr. Arnold.
minute in 1934 when the question arose of uniting terials. Having talked the mat. Deal will demand backing up But first let us state the real ter over personally over whis its demand with trumped up into a larger organization with the American Workers Party (Muste group. Regardless of presituation in the construction key and cigars, no doubt with prosecutions of the unions and unemployment, just about as accurately as any ceding criticisms and conflicts, we took the initia Now is the time for every member of the industry. the leaders in those indus their leaders that the building tive in proposing a fusion of the two groups on an society will ever be able to compile similar data Socialist Workers Party and the Young People Between the years 1919 and tries, Arnold reports, They trades workers give up their equal basis but above all, on the basis of a reLikewise the Department of Agriculture pro Socialist League, and every sympathizer of our 1933 on the average the con were afraid that any decrease union wage rates in exchange volutionary Marxian program. Our estimate of vides the President with the best possible data struction industry accounter, in price would be absorbed for coolie wages and the speedmovement, to talk to the members and sympa directly and indirectly, for 15 elsewhere in contractor prof up. and a promise of more the briefly, was that it was a centrist on agricultural production and the extent and group (the term is not an epithet with us, but a thizers of the Stalinist organizations.
of the national income pro its or in labor reward. week work per year.
political characterization. but one that was moy.
possibilities of employment in the rural areas.
duced: no other industry has He concludes sympathetically: That promise (we pass by ing to the left. Our estimate of that unity with the In a word, when the President wrote his relief The Stalinist leaders and pie card artists conever even approximated that Business men caught in such the fact that weather conditions was possible on the basis of a principled tinue to draw their pay as usual, but their vic amount. Between the years situation are unable by them and other factors decisively budget message, he knew better than any of us no wise conflict with our program that would in 1933 and 1935 this key industry selves to change the pattern. limit the number of weeks contims and dupes, the Communist Party members own point of view. The Declaration of Principles just how many people were unemployed and was accounting for only They have to violate the lawstruction workers can possibly on the and relief and the many who are finally adopted jointly by the two groups was how unlikely were their chances of finding emof the national income! in order to survive against ag work in any year) cannot be unemployed and can even get relief these ployment during the coming year, This was the situation Robsegressive combinations which cashed in on because no wage eminently satisfactory and made possible a fruit.
ful fusion into the Workers Party of the United cuts can do away with the par. States. Not only were the Trotskyites not obliged Yes, Roosevelt knew just what he was doing pitiful workers are suffering all the torments of velt sought to remedy with are attacking them.
The building contractors, too. alysis of the construction indus to yield a single inch of their principled position, when he wrote that message. By limiting the the rest of the unemployed. The rank and file such measures as his ineffectual Federal Housing Authority need lose no sleep over the try induced by the profits in but they succeeded in accelerating the leftward of the Stalinist organizations have been led (to encourage private building) pending inquiry. My Justift sisted upon by the banks and number to be employed on to two milevolution of many militants (as well as handcuffed to the Roosevelt relief slaughter by and his United States Housing cation, says Arnold, in giv real estate interests, not to in learning a good deal from them, in turn. lion Roosevelt knew he knew in his mind and the corrupt bureaucrats to whom they looked Authority (for public low rental ing the idea public circulation speak of the supply companies What possible analogy is there between that in his heart that he was condemning at least housing) His utter failure can at this time is to interest build and contractors: unity and that which is proposed by our two corfor leadership to a better life.
be directly traced to his refusalers in it. For both the benefit! Every worker and friend of respondents, among others? Each in his own way ten million others to the low standard local relief The gulf between the Stalinist leadership and to attack the basic causes of of contractors and suppliers is labor must prepare to defend proposes, in effect, that the Trotskyites be in systems if they could get on relief.
the Stalinist followers is as deep as the gulf Ing. first among which standsment of Justice acts only on against this the high ultimate cost of hous his statement: The Depart the construction workers cluded in the unity as second class citizens, He knew it and yet he did it. He did it be.
governmental scarcely tolerated pariahs, people who must be between exploiters and exploited. Just as many the amazing cost of financing. complaints of business men. frameup.
cause every last dollar that he can hang on to circumscribed by all kinds of safeguards. he wishes to spend for his war preparations. He of the most exploited workers over long periods due to the stranglehold the is not for admitting us into the unity in the of time fail to understand who their exploiters BANKS AND LANDLORDS way we were admitted into the thee years has long given up hope of reviving American are, the unfortunate workers taken in by the THE REAL CULPRITS ago. after an eloquent characterization of industry by priming the pump at home. His us, believes that there is room for people even Stalinist highbinders have permitted themselves This can readily be seen by face is turned toward the outside world there, with such ideas in a united party but in a united party whose program is. anti Trotskyin Europe and Asia, by imperialist conquest, by to be herded like sheep to the slaughter until the man in the street whom the billboards tell that, under the ism. rather odd conception of unity!
now. plan he can purchase a making America the master of the world, he Now, however, the gulf separating them from his present rental. After 20 5, 000 house for 40 month, hopes to start industry going again. And the Different Situation. But wasn the anti Trotskyist when their corrupt leaders is becoming apparent to years the 5, 000 house is en society where labor shall not ers Alliance of Minnesota, and Continued from Page 1)
wheels of industry are to turn, first, to create the Watson, president of the Workyou joined it three years ago?
war machine. That Roosevelt program now, many of them. In the strikes in a numThe situation three years ago was entirely difber of instances, Communist Party members, the bank, with the inclusion of should be: he will have paid labor may enjoy those bless of the Minneapolis Central La ferent from today. The was, or seemed to and if ten million must starve for it, he cares be, on the road to a mass party. It was attracting not a tear for their suffering.
ordered by the bureaucrats to prepare a back to his 1, 000 down payment, a to ings which it now produces for bol Union After the funeral services in to itself many young revolutionists and militants We can imagine anybody not understanding work movement, revolted and kept the picket tal of 10, 960 for that 5, 000 Other speakers included Joe the hall, the procession hopeful of progress now that the had rid house!
lines going. Thousands who thought that the that when Roosevelt got together with Tory Van Nordstrand, Director of of cars and marchers wended itself of Old Guard domination. The party was Real estate interests have the Minnesota Chester their way down 1st Avenue frankly in a state of flux. Its program was not Leader of the Democratic Front in the White similar stranglehold on the land Woodrum on the Roosevelt Woodrum Starvafixed. It allowed wide latitude for discussion that North to the sewing project.
tion Law, he knew just what he was doing. He House was going to take care of them, are now needed for housing. They often GUILTY OF BRIBERY?
charge more for the building APPOINTED COP!
would help shape its further evolution. Above all.
Here the hundreds unable to as sane and shrewd as he ever was, no doubt awakening to Roosevelt real role.
it was moving to the left; it invited left wing millsite than the entire subsequent BOSTON Chief of Police of Lake cemetery. where Bergfind transportation to Crystal tants to join it; it did not make a profession of about that. We can imagine anybody who If we do not make immediate contact with building operation will cost. Revere, Tighe: charged with strom was interred, disbanded anti Trotskyism.
would pretend different anybody, that is, ex these workers, they will fall by the wayside; as while those in cars filed their When we joined the we did not forswear United States Housing Authori. ing. decided to plead guilty. way to the cemetery.
disillusionment with Roosevelt and the Commucept the Stalinists.
our principles; we were not asked to forswear ty. which has miserably failed Mayor Gillis then them. On the contrary, we openly proclaimed For lo and behold, after the most abysmal nist Party sets in, they will simply drop into to provide the low rental hous. Tighe to the rank of patrolman. Bergstrom was a members them and also our intention to persuade all other silence concerning Roosevelt responsibility for passivity. unless we have meanwhile established ing for the one third of the Squandering of hundreds of ot the Painters Union, Local members of the to adopt them as their own setting the figures for the Daily Worket comradely relations with them and bring them ration which Roosevelt admit thousands of dollars is the 383, but was out on a withdraw The unity was an open covenant, openly arted 111 housed.
Lactful way the boss press de al card at the time of his mur rived at even if reluctantly on the part of the over to the revolutionary movement. They is finally constrained to attempt to explain it In a word. the New Deal has scribes the rake off racket der. He was a relief client. right wingers in the away in a casual sentence in a long editorial.
joined the Communist Party because they never attacked the real cul worked here by Public Works Dozens of unions of the city Now the is a cracked shell. It is bureau We rescue this sentence from its obscurity. to wanted a new social order they will join us prits. Now, instead, the De Commissioner Callahan, in con contributed floral displays and cratized. It is moving not to the left but to the partment of Justice has been nection with awarding of hurri the hall was laden with the fra right (as is the Lovestone sect. It provides a preserve it for posterity. Here it is and fight in our ranks for the new social order, instructed to make the building cane and flood contracts last grance of the blossoms. But loyalty oath for all collaborators. You can Unfortunately, President Roosevelt. basing if we reach out a hand to them before they drop trades unions the scapegoat. fall. Connecticut company all the flowers in the world even be a member of its private unemployed or himself on inaccurate estimates, did not ask away from the organized movement.
This is clear from the docu offered to complete a project could not have made us forget ganization if you believe in the dictatorship of the ment which Mr. Arnold pre for 310, 000. Callahan rejected the smell of the tear gas and proletariat!
for sufficient funds for for the coming In these significant weeks, every comrade sented to the Temporary Nathis and awarded the contract the gun powder which is the Unity between us and the Lovestone comyears. Daily Worker, July 19. should make it his business to contact these tional Economic Committee.
Mr. Arnold fills an entire 000.
to another company for 409. way of the boss class to anbination is simply utopian, fantastic. Its advocates What is the Daily Worker saying? It is say Stalinist workers. cool 100, 000 went swer the protests of the work continue to belong to Engels category of unityprinted newspaper page with a somewhere.
ler against slave conditions, howlers, ductivity per man, extent or employment and Talk to Stalinists!
Minnesota Workers Salute Their Martyred Brother demoted