CapitalismFascismInvasionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1939 In the Labor Unions Anti Fascists Arrested Lundeberg Raps Another Vicious Swipe At New Haven Meeting Stalinist Trick At Chicago Jobless APPEAL ARMY Despite Police Persecution Branch Economy Drive Hits Needy While Ward TION FRONT: Continues Fight Against Coughlin Fascism Heelers, Politicians Draw Fat Salaries 8 Total Let the People Vote on War!
WORKERS FORUM LETTER FROM POLAND go ON THE DISTRIBU newals Have you stopped beating The strike is still go STANDING OFFER your wife? Answer yes or no!
ing strong and so is the mass TO BRANCHES: This old lawyer trick was Aistribution of the Appeal to The Appeal is always ready dug up by the Stalinists to use he strikers.
send sample copies to lists Egainst the militant leaders of The Rochester, Detroit, Cle of contacts supplied by branch (Continued from Page 1) desire of the workers of New the Sailors Union of the Pacific, By GRANT tion. Many businessmen are of veland, St. Louis, East St. literature agents. It has been (Special to the Soclalist Appeal)
By WIDICK the cops. All their personal pa Haven for real action against on the occasion of the Harry pers were examined carefully. the fascists could immediately Bridges deportation hearings.
CHICAGO At the behest of Lave to be taught obedience extra bundles of the last issue and we want to continue.
the opinion that the unemployed Louls, etc. branches all took our policy to do this all alone Major concentration point of Friends put up the extrava be seen by the enthusiastic re. stooge introduced into the system of businesscenter is being and docility, have to be taught Branches must send in their Just send in your lists to the the organization work in gant bail asked by the police sponse. Large numbers of the San Francisco membership system of work relief is being te lick gratefully the hand that extra orders in advance by Manager and the sample coples the next period is the packing and the well known labor law. Anti Coughlin pamphlet were meeting a resolution to have installed. Every able bodied tasses them their daily. wormy nirmail or by telegram So as will be mailed out with no cost house industry.
ver James Belford, offered his sold. And the embryo of work the union go on record for sus man (they don tell us who is tosse to assure prompt delivery. to the branches.
This was emphasized last prvices to. ght the case in ers Defense Guards appear. pending any official of the coing to decide his fitness) will Bloodhounds week by John Lewis. speak ur!
ed for the first time on the that shall testify against be compelled to work for every The drive for efficiency goes THE BRANCHES AT WORK: Here the list of new subs Workers Turn Out of New Haven when Harry Bridges at his forthcom. In his monthly budget. He will on in a hot search for frauds streets We are going to work im that came in during the week: ing in Chicase, bone of the Big FX packers, Armour Tho peor le wttended the young workers gave spontane ing hearing on NEW YORK CITY 12 Swift, Wilson and Cudahy. doy ngh: meeting and ous assistance to the meeting, charges. Have you stopped be paid fifty cents an hour. Aland mistakes in budgeting, mediately on a systematic sub Massachusetts There is a twofold aim in the wire nesses to the police in guarding it against hoodlum at beating your wife? Answer yes man whose family receves thir. Professional bloodhounds drive here and want to get the Minneapolis ty dollars will thus have to known as auditors have been most complete file of expired concen ration on this in ricrence with free speech, tacks and maintaining order in or no!
work thirty hours. In other hired at 150 a month to sniff subs you have available. This Chicago dustry. One is organizational; ame again the next night and the audience so that the police Lundeberg Answer words he will have to repay the oul mistakes in addition made time we promise action. California the io wants a real base in listened to the speakers. would not have a pretext for We are not intimidated or breaking up the rally. Many of secretary treasurer of the sailHarry Lundeberg. militant city for the right to starve. by case workers. No case where Booth, new literature agent of Pennsylvania Chicago and his industry. The Leo Lyons, head of the the client was getting too little San Francisco.
Indiana other is political; the o. efraid, said the chairman at these young worker have ors Union of the Pacific, an Chicago Relief Administration has yet been reported We are beginning to sell the Washington wants a powerful weapon to as the start of the meeting. We ready turned in their names for swered this slimy trick with the has not yet given full details Sist it in winning the farmers are aware of our rights, and we the first corps of Workers De following statement which the concerning the type of work he Union When the Social Workers Appeal in the streets, and we Foreign (affiliated with the are also preparing a printed Detroit support to the aims of the mean to fight to keep them. fense Guards.
Wisconsin membership ordered published wants reliefers to do, but he has State County and Municipal Leaflet on the Appeal. am sure The Socialist Workers Party is Washington, The Coughlin movement is in in West Coast Sailors of July indicated that they will do Workers of America, all fixed that in the future we shall be Terrible Conditions going forward with its fight vading the city, recently open. 13. after they had voted down clean up and scavenging labor up with Labor Nonpartisan come to amnet our solle tho they against Coughlin fascism de ing up a big headquarters in the Stalinist resolution: Few industries in America spite any and all attacks. the center of the town and carWorkers Defense Guards rying on the regular sales of posed resolution is an insult From now on the only differ idly suggested that these audi The introduction of this pro: picking up after the well to do forbidden in its contract) tim Philadelphia agent.
New York City is beginning John Malone is taking a bunTave the notorious ditin.
for as the packing houses, especial Workers Defense Guards was cense, you can bet) on the main the officials of the suptis gang victims is that the boys tion furiously said no.
The need for the formation of their literature without a both to the membership and ence between clients and chain tors be laid off the Administra to get results on its campaign dle of 35 per issue while coverfor renewal subscriptions. Uning the strike in Strealy in the Chicago area. Many the keynote of all speeches. The streets.
an attempt on the part of the on the chain gang have more And while the economy drive der the able direction of com tor, Illinois.
years ago Upton Sinclair author to continue against the security officials the slimy slan and fed.
The new branch established are better clothed goes on, and while the Tribune rade Milt Swachime Alvin.
achieved international fame are visiting all by our Canadian comrades in daily raises its snout to howi names on the lists of expired Calgary, Alta. is already tak with his devastating expose of This latest knife in the back that the poor and the social subscriptions and getting reing a small bundle of Appeals.
der campaign waged by the these conditions in his novel hangers on for the past is particularly vicious because workers are in a conspiracy to The Jungle They haven two years in connection with it prevents the unemployed destroy America, the ward the deportation changed much.
proceedings from supplementing their star heelers, soft job holders, cheap basis for unionism was algainst Bridges.
vation handouts by picking up crooks, political tapeworms, sit To my certain knowledge no the few miserable odd jobs that around with their bellies in ways present because of the official of the e has ever in many cases have thus far their laps drawing, in salaries rotten conditions. The been connected in any way. kept them going.
didn succeed in the past, and and graft, the money that be the IO. muffed its big oppor.
shape or form with the deportaBy JAMES BURNHAM tion case of Bridges.
Case Workers Fired longs to the unemployed THE UNIONS AND THE Roosevelt war preparedness tunity two years ago because Everybody knows, further UNSKILLED WORKER Opposes Deportation the Stalinists were in complete steam roller. True, the Appeal IV more, that the Relief AdminisON has mentioned all this but only charge of the packir. house also want to state for the tration is reducing its staff. Dis.
Editor: incidentally and has given it campaign The Referendum and the Fight Against War record that so far as deporting missal notices for 15 percent of Bridges is concerned am op the clerical workers and 25 per want to say a couple of whereas it should be the other One must add, however, that only very minor prominence in certain sections of the coun The basic reason why the great majority of the people rosed to it in my opinion a cent of the professional staff things about the tough spot a try, where the has proman who cannot show a clear are now in the mail. Every.
lot of common laborers on way around.
are in favor of the war referendum is because they are like myself are being figure it this way. In order gressive leaders, they do have strike record in 1921, so far as thing is being conducted in the scod and strong unions in pack afraid a war is coming and they do not want a war. The the seamen strikes are con dark. Nobody knows who is go put on by this strike to be a successful and powering houses. In Ohio, for exam bulk of the people the workers and farmers and teachers cerned, and a man who has ing to be laid off, or on what now going on.
ful participant in the coming ple and professionals and small shop keepers know that they of the to the extent of make things a hundred times On my project talked to Grodno, Poland, Recently, the o. had a relot of the other laborers and slaughter, the American ownJune 20th, 1939 surgence in the packing indus have nothing to gain and everything, from their lives to walking through picket tougher both for the remaining explained what was the meaning class have to accumulate try. Top leaders have all of their liberties, to lose from a war. They are looking lines, is a rat but Union Labor case workers and the relief suf We have lived through a ing of the strike and why the as rapidly as possible a trebeen directing the work. nafor some way to stop the war, or at least put a big obstacle should take care of these kind ferers. Even under former con nightmare in the last two skilled laborers walked off and mendous amount of war matetional convention of the Pack of birds and will and they ditions, it was not unusual for a weeks. The government im that it is our fight too, because rial, just as the British owning inghouse Workers Organizing in its path. They believe that the popular referendum is Committee was held in Chicasaould not attempt to make a case worker to have a load posed a war hoan. From the they have cut our prevailing class, the Italian owning class the way in which the war can be stopped, since everyone phoney labor martyr of him of over two hundred. Attention about torty thousand people us work hours a month more Worker, is the goat. John Delegates from 94 local knows that if the people had a free chance to decide they unions attended, and the would vote against participation in any war which is now icquiries regarding deporting sible. Now the sick, the crip one million zlotys equivalent and they are going to cut our Worker has to be squeezed him pled and the helpless will be in to 200, 000) were demanded monthly pay pretty soon too.
and squeezed and squeezed.
o. claimed 78. 000 out of the or is likely to be on the horizon of the United States Incidentally, while the como fiercer jam than ever. It will within five days. But no such When it is explaned to them, is an 129. 000 directly employed in rats scream their high heads take even longer to get help sum could be collected within the laborers understand the the way. John Worker has this industry Democratic Demand In 14 Armour plants, the Revolutionary socialists, and their party, the Socialist Harry Bridges, at the same discharged workers, most of additional quarter of a million are not dummies just because ion wage and the owners can 0. has been certified by the time in New Orleans, in tantiem will have to apply for re zlotys was imposed. citizens they do only common labor cut his pay so that they can National Labor Relations Workers Party, do not think that a popular referendum inter union fight between two her themselves.
committee was formed, it taxed work. But these are the ques. buy more gunpowder as easily Board as sole collective barcan, in and by itself, stop war. We believe that modern groups of men, Joe Cur All these ducky reforms are every last person to the utmost tions they ask: gaining agent. In most of the wars spring from causes which are deep within the present ran and Steve Harty put the a direct result of the campaign and still the required sum could don the ask us to come look around and look around Cnicago plants, there is a dispute between the and the capitalist system of society; and that to get rid of war per retary of the in the their journalistic prostitutes to penalty was imposed by the au hard question to answer so they their pals in the government on the question of rep manently we shall have to remove those causes by overresentation National Labor Re. People walked around like in a ing to come off and help them is cooked up. The government lations Board elections probabthrowing capitalism and building in its place a free socialist cause he is illegally in the reasons to suspect that econ daze. they cried, implored, win, one worker says, but will has a and through it ly will be used to settle this society.
omy is not the only considera tainted.
It was no use. The How is it that they don want will be smashed in a big way.
The Sixty Families and their agents who administer the entire Jewish community was to take us into the Lots of publicity, etc. so the Principal Demands government for them will go to war whatever laws are on clever statesman could find a way of maintaining that the threatened with banishment. Another worker said sure, we lesson will sink deep.
The principal demands the statute books. In an article attacking the Ludlow bill, referendum could never apply.
with concentration camps if the are willing to help them but Then with the principle in the proposal for a signed Walter Lippman once gave this cynically away: an demanded sum was not pro after this is all over, where do smashed, the owning class will contract include full recogniIn order to bring the proposal back to its clear original duced. Grodno les in the mini. we stand? Is the AF. going be able to do what they wanted tion of the union, reduction in American President, it wrote, wants to go to war, he form, and to put it on the most solid foundation, three the speedup, establishment of can go no matter what the Ludlow amendment says.
zlotys was collected. This was labor or will it leave us hold cut wages so they can turn the changes in the current versions are necessary: acceptable to the authorities. ing the bag without any pro difference into guns, etc. To a proper seniority system, and Nevertheless, we, as revolutionary socialists, fully and the elimination of health haz. 1) It should call for a direct, popular, referendum Every last person from the tection?
help the campaign along, the ards, as well as wage adjustfirmly support the demand for a popular referendum on That is what want to em union wage is called the prevote in the case of any and all wars. This is the only safe. People sold their last belong phasize. good many labor. valling wage. And John ments. war. We stand with the great majority of the people ings guard. History has shown that diplomats in each and In his speech, Lewis indicate against the war mongers and the war makers. The pro sewing machines, bed ers want to help, but the Worker has his wages cut (the cing, chairs were piled in the isn asking them, and they 18 months business) to help posal for a war referendum is truly democratic, and re every country are always able to claim that any war into market auction place.
working with the farmers in don want to organize into the him forget the real issue, the connection with the packing volutionary socialists favor every genuinely democratic which their nation enters is a defensive war. Calling a And today came the demand independent unemployed or wrecking of the backbone of his house drive. Just as milk com process. The question of the war must be brought into the to pay for the gas masks which canizations because they feel union, the wrecking of the un war defensive is only a way of trying to make it look re the government puntes try to play off the truck light of day! The people, in endorsing the war referendum, distributed these don have the power and ion wage. The role of the Stalspectable. The people who should decide whether to fight dificult it is to live these they don know what to do How very protection of the So nists in trying to whitewash ers, the meat packers seek to give expression to their hatred of the war and their wish My Friennnnnds by blaming divide those who work on the a war, are also the ones to decide whether or not a given days!
The big thing that ought to the Tories is obvious to John to struggle against it. We share that hatred, and take arm and those who toil in the come out of this strike should Worker whose backside tells war is defensive.
our place in that struggle.
packing houses.
be the beginning to or him who really is delivering The fight for the war referendum, whatever its limita(2) The referendum decision should be required not Scissorbill Sam Acts It will be a real job to offset ganize the common la the kicks.
this device of the Big Four bor even if they don have the should very much like to tions, is unquestionably one powerful means of fighting merely prior to any declaration of war, but prior to the use His Part, But Fails packers money for high dues.
see the Appeal give this the against the war. This is shown plainly by the nature of of any of the armed forces of the United States in any To Spike Militancy Calling on Roosevelt to force Yours truly, prominence and attention it dearmed conflict whatsoever. Nowadays wars are someA WORKER the big companies to sign the opposition to the referendum. The movement for the serves.
Newark, agreements indicates that Lew referendum finds itself at every stage in the sharpest conJOHN FISHORT is, urged on by the Stalinists, flict with the war mongers. If there is still disagreement times not declared. but undeclared wars can be just as (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
still has many illusions.
destructive as any others. The point is for the people to HUTCHINSON, Kansas. POLICY WOULD It seems almost incredible about the best means for fighting war, we can learn from Scissorbill Sam, the bosses WRECK UNION BASIS MONKEYS WELL FED, that in Chicago, where the steel the experience of common struggle.
decide not only the partly formal question of the declara man, is sometimes born that Editor: tion of war, but the concrete question of the war itself, way, but mostly he made by have just finished reading JOBLESS STARVE Chuse of Roosevelt double Upon Whom Shall We Rely?
the current issue, No. 51, of which means armed conflict.
a little careful grooming.
cross, the is prepared to Take, for instance, Donald the Appeal. It is one of the bank on this same man for as.
One lesson can already be drawn from the experiences (3) In the war referendum, the right to vote should be Dunn, a foreman on a best so far. Clear, incisive. Continued from Page 1)
of the movement for the war referendum. That lesson is given to all of the age of 18 and over. Those who are 18 protect here. Occasional news and with excellent coverage to the 22, 037 on the rolls. For Unless the adopts more that the official leaders of the movement, the Ludlows stories in the paper praised and a swell first page. It seems the month of July they are to realistic plans, there is a possibility that another Little and LaFollettes, cannot be relied upon. They give lip If they are old enough to fight in the war, they are old eyalty and patriotism. has missed up in perhaps the each for food, 19 cents for rent Steel tragedy can occur. De service in speeches and at election time, but they have al enough to vote on the question of entering it.
Then the Sunday paper gave most important factor in the end nothing at all for clothing, mess. The present the smallest appropriations pending on local. or state offiready shown in practice that they cannot be counted on to cials is just as fatal. The same The people want the war referendum. That is the un tures about how he had built drive is primarily for the pur. here in any month since a pubold gang that sent the Chicago carry the struggle through.
challenged fact. What must be done is for the people themhimself a house out of scraps pose of completely destroying lic relief agency was set up in killer cops against the steel In the first place, they have not rallied the people behind selves to take the fight for the referendum into their own and junk. It was a good job. the untons by wrecking their 1933. Further reductions are workers remains in power.
them in a great popular wave that would sweep over the hands. Nothing has been or will be done by waiting for It made a Scissorbill Sam out fundamental basis, the union expected in August and subse of him sequent months, according to heads of the opposition. They jockey around in the of confuse the issue calls it the John Rowland, local Social INFORMAL HOUSE Acts His Part Congressmen and Senators. The issue the referendum fices or committee rooms of Washington, and permit the so that when the prevailing wage. secondary Security Administrator.
must be brought into every trade union, farm organization Box 245 Kerhonkson, war mongers to file their bills away in dusty pigeon holes. and farmers cooperative, every fraternal society and club all primed to give the papers that an enormous mass of 1a About 800 additional familles strike came along, Dunn was and quite incidental aspect of Relief grants to non citizen (Near Ellenville) For such a cause as the war referendum, there is no hope in 120 acres of greenland in the and youth Rallies, petitions, hes, meetings.
Catskills. 40 acres of pine for legalistic by play at the top; strength can come only from of organizing the relief workers bor will be thrown on the mar. with one member classified as sunbathing: handball ping pong.
canvassings must gather the already vast but unorganized ket to further depress wages. employable will be removed the surging voice of the people.
is all wrong, said Dunn, and Archery: swimming and horsesupport of the referendum into a powerful, united force. he said lots more which the All this, of course, is part of from the rolls after getting a back riding nearby: dancing UNUSUALLY LOW RATES In the second place, they have tacked so many modificaFriennnnds final grant of food for two Before the assembled might of the people, the secret diplo paper gladly printed. 18 Weekly 36 Weekend tions onto the simple, clear demand for the referendum mats, the star chamber heroes, the war mongers and their weeks. There is practically no Busses met at station that they have warped it beyond recognition. With all of Sam and the paper, there is a by a man named Gola likelihood of these persons getTel. Kerhonkson 118 Latin America, all United States possessions (including, fellow conspirators, will be routed into the open and com lot of resentment and militant ing put the heat on the city ting on or in private pelled to give their accounting.
feeling here.
commission so well that they industry.
no doubt all consulates and embassies, which are technicA few weeks ago when the reconsidered the shutdown, Join the Socialist ally possessions, in every country) excluded not merely if Let the people decide!
city closed down the airport raised the necessary funds by a Buy the Socialist Appeal Workers Party project for lack of funds, quick action bond issue and put invaded but even at the immediate threat of invasion, a (The end)
e band of workers led the men back to work pronto. at Your Newsstand