CominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceImperialismLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL Minnesota Labor, Pressing Labor Speaks In the World of Labor Fight, Honors Martyr Killed on Exposing Another Picket Line by Policeman Bullet Political Doublecross Peter Murck, gram concluded.
On the Line. with Bill Morgan Let the People Vote on War!
man of the Who Is the Murderer?
By Paul Stevens land and a British member Bevin Too Radical Parliament.
In the London Evening News of June 16, Mr.
for Mr. Harry Pollitt Beverly Baxter, makes public his interSomewhat scared by the speed with which view with Ambassador Maisky. Some of the his confreres were rushing through pro con passages attributed to the Ambassador sound like a less hypocritical reply that Pollitt might (Continued from Page sent to the public press, the subjected to numerous provocascription and pro war resolutions at the recent The official organ of the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly.
Southport Labour Conference, one of the more have given Bevin. For instance, asked by Mr. legitimate protests of hundreds President of the United States, tions and intimidations and atstaid British trade union leaders. Mr. Ernest Baxter as to his attitude regarding the pres of thousands of workers in ex col. Harrington, Linus tucks. We demand that you central body, the Minnesota Union Advocate, hitherto Bevin, delivered himself of the following quite ent alignment of the powers, Maisky said: a pro Roosevelt paper, published the following editorial in its ercise of their constitutional Glotzbach, Mayor George take appropriate action immecorrect but more or less vague and not too We have no love for you, but less love for civil rights to strike, to walk. Leach and the Minneapolis diately to close all issue of July 13: the German. We do not wish to die to pre out or to picket; and their eco City Council.
projects Hennepin county The blunt statement of President Roosevelt Tuesday that he binding opposition speech: be fighting serve the power of France and Britain in the nomic right and duty to make do not want this Movement Workers Alliance representa wherever labor disputes exist. was not opposed to the so called security wage and is deflfor the salvation of the Paris Bourse, the Lon West. That is not hostility on our part It is a struggle to live; and proved tives objected to the criticisms The Minneapolis city police nitely opposed to the restoration of the prevailing wage relieves don Stock Exchange, the Amsterdam Ex just pure reason. First: we do not want war by (his) inclusion of a five day of the Roosevelt administra have, to our knowledge, made Labor of the necessity of trying to place responsibility for the change and Wall Street. want this Move at all. We do not mind war, but it doesn firing clause which is in no way tors, but the resolution was no request for the assistance of recent enactment of congress on political interests outside the suit us. We have 50 years work ahead of us mandatory or part of any relief adopted.
the and no direct state White House. Labor now knows that it was Mr. Roosevelt ment in its peace policy to be fighting for the salvation of the common people of the world. and we must have peace to carry it out. act: Another resolution demanded ment condemning the conduct wish that the prevailing wage scale for skilled workers on Therefore we ask only one question Does That Mr. Bevin was not taking himself too Murphy Blamed of the City Council a thorough of the strike, and your unwar projects be abolished.
this non aggression front help Russia to reAt first there was a disposition on the part of many Labor seriously may be gathered from the fact that The inflammatory state Investigation of the actions of lanted insinuations of racket up to date he has not made a single move to main at peace? We are not sentimental like ments and the public sed or the Minneapolis police in the cering, etc. it honestly motiv. leaders to believe that it was congress that reactionary conactually fight conscription. Like the rest of you. We are thinking only of Russia, not of ders to the Federal Bureau or slrike.
ated, could only be the result gress which undertook to establish a federal yardstick of wages the Labour leaders, he is taking British war humanity.
Investigation with respect to Telegram to Murphy of gross misrepresentation and by which private industry could gauge its wage scales. Some preparations in his stride. IIis speech was As if to emphasize this last point, to make Minneapolis, which gave to the caustic criticism of falsification of the Minneapolis leaders believed that Col. Harrington, head of the purely verbal radicalism. But even that is too sure that it is understood properly, the vener people of the United States an Attorney General Murphy was situation by local and state was in deague with the economy bloc. They forgot that Harringmuch for Mr. Harry Pollitt. Stalin chie!
velt has seldom blundered by appointing executives out of symown representatives.
stooge at the head of the Communist Party question: Is it not true that the Soviet govern: true cause of the pro the press had carried blaring Unless our demands Great Britain. Writing in the current issue of ment is still planning and working for world test here as well as elsewhere; headlines on Murphy insinua sustained, we are compelled to during the hearings on the measure did Mr. Roosevelt are pathy with his own policies. They evidently forgot that not once the Stalinist Labour Monthly, Mr. Pollitt revolution. State administrations that the strikes characterizes Bevin speech in these words: Absolutely no, says Mr. Malsky. All tor Linus Glotzbach, who de apolis were Mr. Bevin line is a direct continuation that belongs to the past, when under Lenin manded police action against a racketeering.
connectedes with ducting strike breaking activi: against the prevailing wage scale and demanded the substituof the Munich policy. It was a try out at there was a lot of emotion mixed up with poll. inajority of workers was signed ties in Minneapolis, the teletion of the so called security scale.
Now Labor knows that it has suffered another tical Southport of the policy of the Cliveden set and ties. Once the Comintern had that magnificent who are here on strike, in full president of the building trades 1934 Murderer Again doublecross; that the President is definitely and against the pro Fascist Chamberlain government. building near the Kremlin and exerted a dom knowledge of what conse council, and Walter Frank, Labor; that it was his wish and his will ac prompted congress Nobody was probably more surprised at inating influence. Now they have moved over quences might follow; chairman of the joint Instead of acceding to the to completely reverse the administr con Labor policy and these darts than poor Mr. Bevin himself. to a small house in the suburbs and the trade The local Mayor, his committee, on behalf of the en strikers demands, the that from now on Labor can loop for few crumbs under the colleague in the Glasgow Forward comes to unions have taken their great place by the Chief of Police and the admit tire labor movement here: authorities appealed for more table of the New Deal.
Bevin support with a rather apt quip: Kremlin. No, we do not work for World Revo tedly crazed brutality of the Your inflammatory state police, with the inevitable reLabor has enjoyed many fav rs at the hands of Mr. Roose How long will it be, he asks. before lution.
Minneapolis police, who acted ment to the press regarding the sult that the police Friday, at velt, but Mr. Roosevelt is just enother politician, and most poliHarry Pollit will be demanding that the InThere. That ought to reassure any Tory on orders to fulfini regulations strike in Minneapolis noms poured murder from ticians are willing to make cor cessions on occasion to enhance ternationale cease to be sung at Socialist diehard. For Mr. Maisky speaks with author for promulgated from has no foundation in any fact, shotguns. pistols and tear gas their own political futures. Ind while considered stubborn on meetings and that what we want is a good old ity. He had nothing to do with the Kremlin the Federal Office: said the message, and then told into a picket line of 5, 000 and as many things affecting his own egotism, Mr. Roosevelt is not anti Fascist song like Rule Britannia. when under Lenin there was a lot of emotion And be it further resolved: Murphy that the joint commit many bystanders. The police above the common tricks of hose who trade mass popularity.
Ambassador Maisky Explains tee has taken action to inves murder squad was commanded He undoubtedly feels that bor is sewed in a political sack and mixed up with politics. On the contrary he Frameup Warning was interested on which side his bread was That this labor movement tigate the activity of the Fed. by Sergeant John Albright, no safely in cold storage for 40. Now he must make overtures to Current Kremlin Policy buttered in the camp of the White Guards calls upon the people of the eral Bureau of Investigation in torious as the commander of a those who exploit Labor and the security wage is the batt That the Kremlin masters of Mr. Harry Pol.
litt have long ago displaced internationalism side his bread is buttered. And so are all the correct the laws, policies and whether they are involved in and Belor during the general Labor knows that governmental blessing on starvation wages with the Russian version of the Rue Britan other bureaucratic colleagues of Mr. Maisky, attitudes upon the part of the conspiracy of falsification and drivers strike of July August, raises havoc with the es ablished standards of ulving. During nia spirit may be gathered from a recent both in the Kremlin and on mission for it. No, above. mentioned the NRA when Mr. Roo :evelt permitted the various industries interview between their Ambassador to Eng these boys don work for world revolution which have precipitated this na ing workers and the tion wide problem. and calls Minneapolis labor movement as thon, Local 544 strike meeting maximum wage. The resent wage and hour law has estabAt a Federal Workers Secto establish their own cdes the minimum wage became the upon them to unitedly defeat e whole to deprive it and the that night, the embittered lished a minimum wage of 25 cents an hour and that is the any prosecution or frame up at workers of their con workers booed Roosevelt and maximum wage in many industries. If the New Deal can make tempt as a result of the mur stitutional rights to organize, Murphy as strikebreakers.
the security wage the prevailing wage, then private Industry derous assaults of the Minne strike and picket.
Police Planned Attack will take full advantage Its opportunity to destroy the estaba polis police Demand Projects Closed The police attack was care lished standards of mud Labor. Be it further resolved, that The striking workers fully planned, with six armor One of these days perhaps Labor will see the folly of subcopies of this resolution be and their pickets have been ed cars taking part, as well as ordinating its economic purposes to political expediency. One One day last week am on Farrell Street them birds are they know where the butter many squad cars and motorcy of these days Labor may get its eyes open to the fact that praewaiting for a cable car and watching some comes from. So when busted two ribs and cle cops.
tical politics has nothing in common with principle; that polia leg during a strike in Seattle decided to pretty stenogs cross a windy corner when Even the conservative Minne ticians are not crusaders for the common but mere rest up and work ashore a while. It was there apolis Tribune makes clear in crusaders for themselves and their own kind; that Labor has along comes an old heap all piled up with joined the its story that the firing was de enough to do in maintaining its own organization without dividcamping gear and three slim guys on the You call it the Third Period but call it liberate without reference to ing its energies with ward heelers and political connivers.
front and only seat. It must have been a 1912 the Last. Boy, them were the days. organany strikers actions. It states: model. When they reach the curb near where ized the unemployed al in town. We used in Seattle and was chair. An hour or more before the am parked the guy at the wheel leans his scheduled quitting time for the gaunt face out the side window and says, Say. to raise hell and fight like demons. We organsewing project workers, brother, how do we get to Marysville?
ized big strikes and we won our demands crowd of pickets and strike Well, am a stranger in town and cannot hands down until the State Relief Officials be(Continued from Page 1)
sympathizers congregated take the responsibility of directing traffic but gan to use goon squads to dump our commitaround the building.
at the same time am afraid these birds will tees. Then we went to Washington.
representatives. If a freely conducted popular vote went Roofs of buildings across the James Montalto, 30 years. Not Montalto, who killed himbe given a bum steer by the police which is Remember the big Unemployment Insur against the war which they proposed, that would prove street from the sewing project old, shot and critically wounded selt. Not his wife, who bawled unfriendly to anything less than eight cylin ance Congress? Well, was a delegate and his wife, Helen, 31, and then him out because he was unemders. walk over and look and the three guys was a member of the committee elected by that they did not really represent the will of the people; it swarmed with people Shooting started as soon as killed himself after a quarrel ployed.
who are looking me up and down like was the Congress to see Harry Hopkins. Mr. it went in favor of the war, they would be strengthened the women began moving out in their third floor apartment The MURDERERS are THE boy scout. Then asks, Where are you Amter, a boil on the face of decency if ever as the genuine representatives.
of the building. An armored at 319 East 101st Street.
there was one, headed the committee. When SIXTY FAMILIES. who domifrom?
car lobbed a tear gas shell on Oregon, Washington and points North and Mrs. Montalto had up nate and control the economic Hopkins give us the run around and left wilSimilarly in the case of the other two arguments. If to the roof of a one story build braided her husband at break life of the country. THEY close West, says the guy at the wheel, and we liams, the director holding the bag. the people are in fact divided on the question of the war, ing across the street. police fast because he was unem down the factories, throw milare going to Marysville to pick fruit the apri Amter didn squawk. He says, Let us send do they not have the right to say so? What if in a division. man crouched and fired his riot ployed.
lions of middle aged people in cots will be ripe soon.
a committee of three in to see Mr. Williams. Well, says thinking fast because am That made me sore because the Congress a majority were against the war? Do the representatives suni Tribune, July 15. This was in the strike extra. New York Times, July 11. 1939. TO SUICIDE. They LOCK OUT So reads the report in the to the human garbage heap and anxious to meet some agricultural workers elected about two hundred of us and we had want to fight the war in any case, against the will of the By later editions, of course, the WHO is the MURDERER?
about which have heard a lot, you got to plenty to say all of us. Amter tried to talk majority? The argument against the referendum on the editors fixed up the paper to millions of enger YOUTH from cross the Bay Bridge and so have If you give me a lift we will find the right highway jobs in private industry and grounds that it will disclose a division of opinion indicates read that the police replied got in there spoke up. That made Amter see grind ALL unemployed into on the other side of the Bay.
red and he says to me, Comrade, you got the indeed that those who will be for the war when the time the way.
ECONOMIC DEGRADATION wrong tactic. We must be reasonable. We Speak the Same Language conies intend to suppress all contrary opinion. The same woman eyewitness story and DESPAIR must be ready to understand that Mr. WilThe MURDERERS are their In get and the guy at the wheel says, My liams is a very busy man. Bah.
argument of course applies to anyone who will express Bergstrom death. it will Charley McCarthys inside and name is Martin Joe Martin and these galoots Smelling a Rat opposition of any kind to the war, quite apart from a refer be brought forward in the investigation demanded was: here are my kids. Pat and Howard. Shake outside of Congress the Demoendum. Again, the referendum could hamper diplo Me and my son in law were crats with their Roosevelt and hands with the brother, boys. We shake Back ride on a box car to Seattle. After right in front of this old man macy only if the diplomatic maneuvers were going in a (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
hands and start asking about how much Woodrum and the Republicans that, little by little see they are turning the (Bergstrom) when the cop shot By ART PREIS with their Landon who are de money can a fellow make picking apricots party into a fink hall. Every time my local direction contrary to the will of the people. If the diplo Him. All the police seemed wild CLEVELAND, July 17 stroying the only other source Soon the old junkpile is tearing across the Bay goes out and pushes in the front door of the macy were in line with the will of the people, the refer that night. The old man didn Ranks of the strikers of employment, the Bridge like a cement mixer in a hail storm. relief bui get a no appear the endum would strengthen and reinforce the diplomacy.
have a club or a gun, of course. are slowly swelling here as re THEY are DRIVING THE Pretty soon the four of us is friends. Joe section committee. There they beg me to lay Martin speaks my language. He, too, is a Red. off the Progressive Phonies in the State Legis Under the barrage of the opposition, on January 10th, wasn doing anything. only pay cut and dismissal drive CIDE and others TO INSECUThe questions ask and the answers he lature and write a post card to the President. 1938, the House of Representatives voted down the Lud standing there. The policeman mounts. At least 000 skilled RITY WORSE THAN DEATH gives and the questions he asks and the an Little by little they expel all the guys who did low motion. Earlier in that same week, the Gallup poll looked at him quite a while workers are out, and several Let us NEVER FORGET swers give soon lead around to a little disthe ground work in building the party. Them who is RESPONSIBLE for this cussion on which party is the party for the they can expel they begin to send to Spain. had shown that 72 of the people favored the bill! Could pulled out his gun, levelled it thousand unskilled workers.
As yet, however, only a small suffering and suicide workers of America and here is what Joe has After about ten of my comrades from there have been a more striking demonstration that on the went right in the forehead. My fraction of the 47, 000 Let us SAVE OTHERS from to say. don know much about the Trotskyists Coast had been rallroaded into enlisting in the question of war the Congressmen are not the representa son in law ran up to help. When workers here are involved, due the fate of Montalto.
OPEN THE IDLE FACTOR Never heard much about them until was were too well known and too important to be tives of the people. that the people are correct in dis. he saw the man was badly hurt, largely to the failure of the he called to the cop to stop and to raise demands for the IES. UNDER WORKERS expelled from the They said was one expelled begin to smell a rat.
trusting the President and Congress, that the President help him. The cop only started unskilled laborers, and to the CONTROL!
but to tell you the truth couldn deny it be That rat was Mr. Sam Darey, Browder cause didn know but what was and didn and Congress do not express the people will!
The factories are idle and deaming at my son in law and failure of the o. and Workpersonal stool pigeon on the West Coast. One know it. So just said, Yeah, m a Trotsky.
Lurking behind the fake arguments which the opponents we both ran. The old man must strike would have shot him too, only ers Alliance to support the crying in the hands of the night he got to talking a little too much and SIXTY FAMILIES. Let the ite if Trotskyites are like me, and let it go dropped a hint. They will get the fight taken of the referendum use on the surface, we can find the real have died right away. Over 35, 000 workers GOVERNMENT TAKE OVER at that. But that ahead of our story out of them over there in Spain, he said and meaning of their fierce opposition. By their attitude they Bergstrom was 60 years old, have been fired here in the past THE IDLE FACTORIES and Do you remember the great Lawrence it was enough for me. blew my top and strike? Well do. was only sixteen then within a few days all the comrades knew are proving that in reality they are against democracy and unemployed and on relief. His montes, onlymas few hundred work them at tull capacity.
brother. 33 years a member of workers have received private jobless AT but picketed and yelled and fought along where stood.
democratic processes of government, and that their aim is the painters union, was at a employment, while the reliet WAGES.
TRADE UNION side my old man who was a textile worker and Next thing knew was in jail! Framed to drag the people of this country into a war of imperialist union meeting when notified of load remains Wobblie.
up on a charge of deserting my wife! called Emil death.
about 18, 000. Let the workers who run the There were four kids on that picket line aggression and conquest for the sake of profits. What the No answer. called the section and they were all from my family. My old officials announced factories also CONTROL them.
Committee. No answer. When appeared in other real reason could they possibly have? if they actually Saturday that 1, 000 pink dis Then there will be REAL man was proud of us, you bet. We got what court there were the faithful stooges and they believed in true democracy, if they were fully and sincerely IMPORTANT missal slips have been sent to PROSPERITY and PLENTY he called a class education during that strike. had come not to testify for me but to prove Negro Department openstrikers. Eight thousand addi. FOR ALL. saw National Guardsman run a bayonet to the boss court that was a red and not a against any war except perhaps a war of honest defense, ing up. Badly needed: typetional lay offs are starting to PROPOSE and SUPPORT all the way through a baby in the arms of its fit father for my boys.
they could only welcome the plan for a people referwriter, cabinet file and other Gay under the 18 months clause. this program in your unions, mother who was standing on the sidewalk Well, fixed those finks. When got endum.
office accessories. Readers The o. and Workers Al JOIN with those who fight for waiting for the soup kitchen to open up for through the court gave me custody of the kids are urged to donate these liance held a mass meeting on it everywhere JOIN THE SObreakfast. wrote it up for the school paper It is because they are planning a war for the benefit of and threw the case of wife desertion out of absolutely essential items.
the crisis last Friday CIALIST WORKERS PARTY!
but they didn print it.
court had been expelled from the party the banks and the big corporations, for the Sixty Families, Their donations will be afternoon in the Public Square. From a neighborhood leat When left Lawrence went sea. was while in the can and had no trial or anything. that they oppose the referendum so bitterly. They dare greatly appreciated. ComAbout 1, 000 workers participat let issued by the Jamaica a member of the Marine Transport Workers Back went to the Section Committee and municate with National or ed, who heard from the lips of Branch, Local New York)
Number 510. When saw the Wobblies were not let their plans see the light of day; they dare not subfice.
the Stalinist speakers not a unable to organize and were making the same busted the organizer beak. And here am.
Now we are out on our own and going to pick mit them to the verdict of the people. They plot behind fighting call to support their pis putting out a series old mistakes over and over again quit the apricots.
the backs of the people with secret diplomacy, closed door working class brothers on of bulletins to the workw. and being a class conscious worker.
joined up with the Marine Workers Industrial (To be continued)
strike, but open sanction to ers on how to win the meetings, secret treaties and military agreements. And, INFORMAL HOUSE scab the strike under the guise and restore the hourly rates when they are ready, they prepare to whip the people into Box 245 Yeah, knew it was never going to get Kerhonkson, of simply doing their duty and jobs. The branch is putting General Motors Corporation announced the line and to plunge them into mass slaughter. In the eyes through a one day protest. forth the demand for joint acsuspension of its income security plan in (Near Ellenville)
anywhere but figured it would be the beginning of something maybe we would get a real plants on strike or affected by the United of Roosevelt and Stimson and Browder and Lippman and Arnold Johnson, chairman of tion between the 120 acres of greenland in the the Ohio Workers Catskills. 40 acres of pine for Alliance, and independent unemployed militant National Seaman Union after a Automobile Workers (C. walkout. Here Hoover, war is not an issue for the people to decide. It sunbathing handball. ping pong. reached the low point of his organizations and the issuance while. Well, went through all the ropes tryArchery; swimming and horse.
another instance of something given by the is for the people, like slaves and cattle, to obey the orders back riding nearby: dancing. plenty low career, when he of general strike call, organing to get the bureaucrats to recognize the bosses from the fullness of their hearts turnof the masters, to suffer and to die in order to make the UNUSUALLY LOW RATES branded as a lie the story ization of picket lines to shut fact that they were only keeping the revolu ing sour. Everything that is sweet in the work 18 Weekly Weekend tionists away from the ranks of the seamen printed in every paper in the the projects down and spread er life has been won from the bosses by the world safe for the Sixty Families. that Roosevelt had con the strike, and the incorporaby insisting on making the red strength of his arms and the brains in his (Continued in next Issue: The Referendum and the Tel. Kerhonkson 118 demned the strike, tion of demands for the ununion to start with but you know how smart Fight Against War. The Cleveland branch of the skilled workers.
Cleveland Strike Growing West rike Union.
Bunsen met at station head,