CommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeWorking Class

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1939 North Beach Airport Is Center of New York Strike Struggle Press Tour of Project BOSTON SUBWAY Drive to Organize the In the Gives Somervell the Lie WORKERS JOIN Unskilled Gains Speed Labor IN STRIKE Unions ÁPPEAL ARMY the Maine hole MILITANT UNION ROUSES Newark Fires Opening LABOR SPIRIT Gun in Fund Drive Strike Sidelights THE READERS HAVE ously affected our regular THEIR SAY: Union Wins Battle of Figures as Evidence Jamaica and Astoria Divisions of weekly income with the result You are right! have found that we are once again in a serShows Work to Be at a Standstill the Appeal Interpretation of ious situation. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Direct Organization Campaign interest and value. In these Financial statements have BOSTON, July 10 Fifty dark days yours is the only been sent out to all branches By TONY CHAPMAN on the job, particularly on east the Huntington Avenue hoisting engineers employed on voice know of in the periodi and are now in the hands of litBy RAY ROBBINS North Beach Airport is the hangars 2: and 6, which by subway project today left their NEW YORK CITY, July 13 bad attack of lock jaw, and note in a befuddled and bewil Keynote! We are not asking for By WIDICK The Stalinists suddenly got a cal field that sounds a clear erature agents. Action is the biggest construction night and day stand untouched. cranes to join the nationwide The intensive drive to organize seemed unable to cough up one dered world. special contributions. But we The National Labor Relations project in the country. It emW. strike. Members of the Electricians, McFadden con Hoisting and Portable Engin workers in support of Every afternoon this week the unorganized unskilled single word.
Board took a long back ployed are definitely asking for imme Enclosed find 00 on our diate and substantial payments nounced that hereafter it would Trades Council of the age. He had only 13 electricians inously to stop work last night called by the at the of the Airport have been greet literature regularly. The ApI on all bundle order accounts.
a 500. an employer request.
James MacDonald, bustIn the past this is a right administrator, said it was workwhich the employers not ing. The unions accepted the he claimed. Forty six had reness agent of the union, said topolitike movement in the met. tatars. All sorts of intimidation us and we value it immensely week fell off considerably past the strike was a protest against ropolitan area, has been gath. and coercion have been brought both because we are having a doubt the presence of many had and which they sought gauge of battle. They issued anported the day before, McFad50 per cent slash in wages. week under the energetic lead istrators. The trolley cars that cause your success encourages vention Accounted for this deering speed during the last into play by the admin tough struggle here and be comrades at the National Conkeenly because it gave them an invitation to the entire press to den said. He needs 131.
other weapon with which to harjoin union officials the next day Forty six steamfitters were 600 laborers, remaining at ership of the Jamaica and As transport the workers to the us more than we can say. cline, but that is all the more work and excavating with shovrus the unions.
ally required, said McFadden.
Plenty of trouble lies ahead the project which would After McFadden recited these strike. These laborers do not ployed and Project Workers ly guarded by LaGuardia Australian Revolutionary Work next week and make up for this cops, who try to intimidate the ers League.
lost time. Here the list: for the union movement under whether they or the nese realize that the engineers are campaign of meetings and militants by flourishing their NEW YORK CITY the new ruling. Take the cur ficials were telling the truth. figures, indicating his need for fighting the battle of all sub leaflets, calling upon the un clubs and swooping down on We are going to try to send California strike colonel to skilled workers.
Chicago General Motors. How will the come along, but he ducked. The asked how the Director was way workers and need all the skilled workers to organize for them on charging horses. But in news regularly to the Appeal.
making up for it.
struggle, led to a marked the deluge of agitation contin What have in mind is material New Jersey new ruling that goes reporters went. This is an open shop. McAs the four car caravan drew growth of sympathy for the ucs, and the restiveness of the that can be used by the writers Nebraska into effect July 14 effect the project union alms among the unskilled workers, waiting for in New York. think this is one St. Paul strike? The strikers are asking up at the main gate, the way Fadden answered. Bricklay SUBWAY LABORERS striking workers.
en organization that will really of the ways to help make the Ohio according to press releases, for was blocked by three city cops ers are now being put on curb Roosevelt Stock Low fight their battles, is evidenced paper more readable for un New York a contract covering only their end four khakl clad guards. setting and semi skilled work DEBATE STRIKE The Stalinist leaders of the by many favorable signs. political workers and help eduown members. Will the new rul Have you got permission. ers are being put on skilled ing give General Motors loop asked the guard, ignoring their work. If they prove themselves (Special to the Socialist Appea. Workers Alliance have run to Wednesday at noon hour a cate them to our political view police press cards. Apparently to be competent, we ll keep BOSTON, July Featured cover as a result of Roosevelt contingent of twenty unskilled point.
Total Fortunately the auto the colonel hadn cleared the them there.
by tense debate, a meeting last strike breaking statements. Up workers marched off the job to feel that with the war danAt the conclusion of the air night of over 400 work until Wednesday morning when listen to Dollinger present a ger so near we all have to work Phil Axelrod of South Haven, strike, the stories of the mill way for them.
tancy of the workers, reminis Bar Photographers port tour, John Brennan, sec ers building the Huntington Roosevelt made his infamous program of action. The assem harder than ever before. This Michigan has joined the list of cent of the glorious days of the The reporters and the photogs and Construction Trades Coun er joining the nationwide strike. ing Harrington, the Alliance were eager for action, and the Appeal. Pauline T, at his camp. Phil begins with a retary treasurer of the Building Avenue Subway, met to consid statement to the press, support bled Negro and white laborers means a continued effort to sell those taking bundles of papers 1937 General Motors strike, sive went into conference outside ci, who accompanied the rear sharp Cleavage developed, had been desperately hanging promised to spread the word of Worcester, Mass. literature bundle of 10.
Pioneer Bookshop of London, anyone else will have a hard to call the Brains at 70. Co project to another, pointed his my rent tomorrow if we go strike, drumming up votes for Airport which employs at least ON FINANCES: time turning back the boys. lumbus Avenue. In little finger at the east hangars and out? and a small group of the friend of labor in the 14, 000 unskilled workers.
England has already increased Again we must sound the alits bundle from 18 to 24 per isorm about our financial posi sue and pays for them, too!
are on the march again. And the task returned with official at those hangars. If you see any won have your job at all un utter confusion, their ranks diston.
Cleveland, Ohio has doubled this serves simply to emphasize permission from Colonel Som man working there you re a less you strike.
illusioned and the workers genThe financial strain resulting its bundle and now takes a total the capitulation of the Gervell. The reporters were to be better man than am. There from the Convention has seri of 50 copies per issue.
The discussion waxed hotter erally unreceptive to their balScab Roosevelt permitted to enter but photog. isn a soul on those hangars. as the crowd grew larger. lyhoo for the New Deal.
raphers were barred.
Not a living soul.
When the workers read the Any doubt that the present few minutes later a large squad Once inside the grounds, the Turn Back Trucks reduction in the wages reporters walked to the adminof police and plainclothesmen papers Wednesday morning, According to the captain of rushed up. dick threatened Roosevelt stock hit a new low.
that caused the nation wide istration building, where Gayle the pickets outside the main one of the leaders with incit Some New Deal, the workers strike was a deliberate move on McFadden, Director of the Alr gate of the atrport, 36 out of 41 Ing to rlot. Meanwhile the were saying as they stood in ministration to bring labor into McFadden marshalled two delivering materials had been anti strike elements kine for war should be removed cars and personally conducted turned back by the pickets up winning out and the men trick stand. It an out and out Raw Deal now. The Stalinists, fearin every worker mind by two the tour to the land plane ad Photographers, walting for the The meeting was held in re ul of losing whatever prestige Projects Shut Tight cvents of this week.
President Roosevelt endorsed court of the building, men, most reporters to return, shot a sponse to a leaflet put out by they had obtained in a very del As and Pledges 267 in National Party Building the wage reduction and the of them unskilled laborers, picture of pickets turning back the South End Workers Alli icate situation, circulated rua truck. The battle of figures at ance, which meets Wednesday mors that the press was distortstrike breaking policies of Col were at work. They did not North Beach Airport was over. night at pm at the Lincoln ing Roosevelt statement. But Back Strike Action Fund Drive for 10, 000 onet Harrington, admin number more than thirty. Up. The union had won.
nobody fell for that gag, and as istrator stairs, four plasterers were at the day progressed the antiAnother despicable blow at work. In the main upstairs koosevelt feeling among the (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
the workers was hurled court no one was on the job.
workers grew despite all the After an enthusiastic discus start even before the ConvenSTREATOR, Ill. July 500 bs the administration in an High above, surrounded by nouncing that 500 theatre scaffolding, blue and gold muefforts of Communist Party workers attended a mass meet sion of the Program of Action tlon sessions had come to III ward heelers.
ing on Sunday, July 9, in City lopted by the recent Conven close. In response to the preworkers of the Federal Theatre rai was untouched. The painttion of the Socialist Workers convention articles written by project would be laid off this ers had left the job.
Dollinger Speaks Park as a protest against the Party, the Newark Branch in. Comrade James Cannon, the month although Congress, in By STAN LAUREN He couldn help it.
stand. An Open Shop The same day, at a morning nationwide payouts. The meet tiated the campaign to raise a Boston organizer sent in a docutting out this project, allowed funds for it to continue until Job on the airport was coming day.
Asked by reporters how the Beach Atrport, Queens, Thurs. other workers who were hang open field before the riport, ing was held under the auspices siedlon Party Building fund by nation of 100 from an anong mous contributor, while conSept. Since Broadway aling around that spot gave him Abe Dollinger, member of the of the newly organized Federal Comrades at the meeting dug vention delegates were still along McFadden answered, ready has hit its low summer Despite the fact that 900 the razzberry. One of them unskilled workers Organtzing Workers League of Lasalle down in their pockets and hand meeting. Close we re operating at 75 percent North each workers asked him one simple question Committee of the Jamaica local County.
ed over the first cash install came another check for 10 order to starvation to the work efficiency and have 90 percent received pink slips this morn Why didn Roosevelt veto the of project workers, spoke to the Aroused by the anti labor and ment on the pledge of 23. 50. from an active militant in ers involved.
nad there really been even 25 Roosevelt Somervell order that ing it if he really was against win the strike how mainide the action and Congress, the work as it is the largest amount they Branch, the 10. 000 campaign is of our men on the job. But ing for refusing to accept the Woodrum Bull instead of sten men, presenting a program to wage cutting action of This pledge represents a new Rochester, New York.
With the Conference percent efficiency on the job. they go back on the project as it?
of skilled and unskilled workers of Streator, to a man, have have ever undertaken to collect going at top speed in the first ference in Washington to map shout above the humdrum of the ranks of the struikers hold One of the workers brought ers. Stalinists made a vain at joined the thereby sol for the Party.
vetene fight against the Roosenen at work to make himself firm. Less than a dozen men his little daughter out on the tempt to stifle the voice of the carizing themselves with the week since the convention deThe drive got off to a good cision.
ung policy on would asked if the plasterers on the while thousands remained out. picket line. That the stuff. militants by making speech at thousands of workers Not only the strikers children. ous style.
ter speech in the usual slander now on strike, by closing down hardly believe this could be an job were union men, McFadden gathering replied evasively. We make no No work was going on. The but their wives as well, should Many workers, fed up to the day morning. Prospects are Two Letters There some pretty strong distinction. Pressed by the re officials tried to fool the join them on the line. neck with these crusaders for that all projects in Lasalle language used against the porters. McFadden declared, strikers by filling the roofs with Roosevelt, demanded that the County, employing about 1800 the men they had on hand. But Roosevelt administration. Rich On return to his office in the only a blind man would believe pink slip and sald The way the floor to answer the Stalinist One of the men waved his members of the Unemployed men, will be shut down tight by ard Gray, secretary of the In and Project Workers Union get Monday night.
ternational Bricklayers Union Project Administration Bulld that the scabs were working.
Union Backing bhintly blamed Roosevelt for ing, reporters got down to the Those who didn know that things are now. With the charges. As one worker put it: The Federal Workers League, This letter appeared in the Appeal: business of asking for figures, men were on the roof thought government forcing us to work You guys (the Stalinists) been which is about five days old. Socialist Call, July 8, 1939, page The Socialist Call Another speaker said Roose. The figures, released by Me that the airport was being dec. longer hours for a stinking running these fellows down all was organized on the initiative New York City.
velt had given the the Fadden, proved more than his orated with statues.
wage, it just like Hitler is do morning. Now don know of John Malone, Amalgamated Socialist Appeal To the Editor of the Socialist organizer ran around and had even re eloquence the almost complete New York City Call: fused to see a committee to talk shutdown of work on the airAn attempt was made to get ing in Germany. Hitler tells whether you re right or wrong. Clothing Workers port.
laborers to lay brick. The elec. you that you must work at the but d like to hear what they Mat Coley. Gus Mandula, and To the Editor of the Socialist have to say for themselves. other leading labor militants in asked your student directover the matter.
Appeal have purposely unbalanced trical workers who were out on wage he wants you to. or That is the democratic way to streator. This new organization Speakers urged a nation wide or not to print the letter she has the wholehearted support of In a recent issue of your wrote and had me sign, accusstekke on until Congress my schedules to provide for a strike laughed at the stupidity starve. Now they tell us the handle it.
rectifted its error.
majority of men working in of the Officials. All the same thing in the United States. The will of the workers pre both the o. and the paper, an article appeared con ing the Trotskylst organization McFadden daylight, New Jersey and Pennsylvania ex brick that has been laid must It looks like they are trying to vailed and Dollinger spoke of Lasalle County.
cerning the resignation of two of falsifying my political posl Why is the Workers Alliance be ripped open because there have fascism here also.
delegates said their members plained.
At the Sunday mass meeting members of the Young People tion, having come to the conwould never go back to work Grounds Deserted were no electricians on the job so scared of us and our pro the speakers included John Socialist League, youth secclusion that the error had been That same night this writer to lay wire. And the bricklayers The crying need to organize gram? Dollinger asked. Are Scot, Federation of Glass Work tion of the Socialist party, entirely mine and not theirs.
Scinded. They urged all other visited North Beach Airport by laughed too. One of the men the unor micized Liste alized by they afraid of our campaign to ers, Gus Mandule, chatrman These two individuals, Mitcheli She assured me you would states to pursue a similar pol car and found that the grounds were doing. He assured the were organized now, then they are they afraid that if we or. Chicago, and Sunkel, ed. have supposedly joined the of July 3, found it possible to from Raffer and Ernestine Simon, not use it, and yet in the Cali of course, Bill Green tried to All work on hangars during the electricians betray my confidence and take divert the sentiment from direct night was at a complete stand didn know the first thing about side, said one plumber. All the and pull them out on strike in the highlight of meeting action channels into purely par still. In other words, in re ar May say that so far as advantage of the political inlaying brick and the walls others agreed with him. The support of the skilled workers, was the speech delivered by liamentary pressure. Both are ranging his schedules, McFad would have to be ripped down Unemployed and Project Work Roosevelt will be embarrassed Lydia Beldel, who set the tone am concerned, the statement experience which led me to no necessary especially strike ac den has shifted all available anyway.
ers Union is on the scene trying again? Are they afraid of the of the meeting by declaring to was nothing but one false and can see that loyalty to to do just that job. They are militant proposals that make an tion.
audience, vicious lie, calculated to raise the Socialist Party should not enthusiastic When the most conservative to make a good impression on Roosevelt ever heard the passing out leaflets to the un victory for you strikers dead either we stand up on our doubts in the minds of my com have kept me within its ranks, men to daylight work in order hind legs and fight this anti a rades as to my status in my despite my awareness of its in section of the American labor all who might visit the project. names he was called for back organized using them to join certainty?
Exposes Alliance bor action of the capitalist pol organization.
effectual stand in current a hint of the days of struggle to that he could claim only 87 would have to admit that his the laborers and the strike as Dollinger went on to blow up iticians or remain a bunch of It is a sad commentary on struggles. This lack of ethies come.
bricklayers: 789 are usually bluff about being a friend of a whole has needed. Good luck the fake stoppage program 24 cent an hour jackasses.
the revolutionary integrity of has killed my loyalty.
to you, Unemployed and Proj of the Alliance. Why does the employed daily. The day be labor will no longer work.
Bloody Harlan The revival of militant labor your organization when it has herewith submit my resigect Workers Union organizers. Alliance set the date for the action in Streator has aroused Bloody Harlan came into were 54 on the job. Throughout Painters Union, 9, said: fore, McFadden said, there to resort to such tactics, per nation from the Young Peoples Joe a member of the stoppage so far in advance, the entire working class in the lected only by the Stalinist Socialist League of the Socialist its own again this week.
nine days to be exact and even vicinity with a new spirit and school of misrepresentation.
the tour, newspapermen were Important Notice Party.
One man was killed and six unable to see any bricklayers was taken in by the New Deal this date is only tentative? enthusiasm that has not been Mitchell Raffer wounded in a day of shooting in the last election. Never emphatically believe that AMERICA 60 FAMILIES nine days wait before they do witnessed here for many years.
involving United Mine Worker May ask that you give this again. What we union men by Ferdinand Lundberg anything and they have the The demands of the strikers inif your organization continues pickets, National Guardsmen INFORMAL HOUSE need is a pour own. now available at 49 brass to attack us as disrupters. clude Stop the paycut and the in such activity, you will have the same prominence that you and scabs. book that reveals who can it be that they are hoping layoff, Give every unem carned nothing but the disresave the letter was promised Garbled press reports fail to Box 245 Kerhonkson, would not be printed.
Another striker was not con really controls America and that they won have to come ployed worker a job at a living spect of all honest liberals and say on what side the dead and (Near Ellenville) vinced. Roosevelt probably how they keep their power. through with the goods, Dol wage. Find jobs by making radicals.
wounded belonged. Two of the 120 acres of greenland in the didn say he was for the men No revolutionary agitator linger asked, in line with their the 30 hour week national MITCHELL RAFFER IMPORTANT six wounded were strike breakCatskills, 40 acres of pine for sunbathing: handball, ping pong.
eving back without the prevail should be without a copy. policy of not hurting Roose law. and All war funds to Brooklyn College Negro Department opening guardsmen.
archery: swimming and horse ing rate. You ll see. The news. LABOR BOOKSHOP velt chances in 1940? This is the unemployed.
YPSL Circle ing up. Badly needed: typeFirst result of the shooting back riding nearby: dancing papers are filled with lies. Wait 116 University Place undoubtedly the case.
Latest reports are that in should appreciate the writer, cabinet file and other was to give the guardsmen an UNUSUALLY LOW RATES until he gets on the radio. We New York City Why Not Now? streator 600 to 700 are out with reprinting of this letter in the 18 Weekly Weekend office accessories. Readers excuse for rounding strikBusses met at station hate to think of how many Workers in the crowd took up only six working. In Marseilles, next issue of the Appeal, inas(Add 3c per book postage)
crs. 250 were hurled in jail are urged to donate these the cry on the question of the two projects are out. In Ottomach as the article in the ApTel. Kerhonkson 118 years the men will have to wait absolutely essential items. reign of terror against the before Roosevelt comes out stoppage during Dollinger wa, a mass meeting has been has ensued.
At Your Service Their donations will be against the pay cut.
speech. Pull them out now, called for Monday night and 400 peal was a misrepresentation greatly appreciated. ComHere is a real fob for the Buy the Socialist Appeal THE APPEAL the workers shouted to the sil strikers are going to Ottowa for of my political affiliation, LO. The Harlan strike must municate with National or One Stalinist tried to apoloThis letter, dated July 10, ent group of Stalinists. What the meeting. Sixty five are out at Your Newsstand POSTER SHOP be won.
gize for Roosevelt reactionary the hell are you waiting for? in Peru.
was received by the Socialist its heels On Their Morals and Ours.