AnarchismDemocracyFranceIV InternationalImperialismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL. WAA Head Workers! One Hundred Percent Chicago In the World of Labor Snipes at Support to the WPA Strikers! Relief PA Strike Slashed Akron etc.
an Minneapolis On the Line. with Bill Morgan By Paul Stevens unjust fines. The strike started with the weavMarceau Pivert Joins List of ers of the Cotonniere factory, and soon them stay on the Potomac, stated Hudson.
Persecuted Anti Militarists spread to the whole textile field. After sixteen The new relief bill is shocking proof of the In addition to our comrades Rigal, Steve days of struggle the basic demands of the need for real workers representatives and a strikers were accepted and the strike settled.
workers government, for a break with both and Schmitt, a whole series of other militants On May 31, more than 2, 000 workers at the Term Strike Action (Continued from page 1)
in the labor movement, ranging from the anarthe New Deal and the Old Deal, for the build Officials Introduce chists to the Socialist Workers and Peasants navy yard in Saigon went out on strike against strikers back to work last week. The Stalinists ing of an independent labor party both locally an attempt to cut down the rate for overtime Party (P. are now facing full barrelled Impractical. Hang rushed to the press a statement that they could and nationally. This won be the first demonCut with Warning work. The strikers are demanding time and persecution for anti militarist work in France.
do nothing since the new regulations stration provoked by the Roosevelt Woodrum quarter for overtime during the day and Latest among the attacks against the antiOn to Roosevelt were law.
bill. There will be others. This one is a spon to Case Workers time and a half for night work. At the present militarists is the prosecution initiated by the The Akron branch of the Socialist Workers taneous action on the part of hundreds of thouwriting the strike is still spreading.
Party distributod hundreds of copies of the Daladier regime against Marceau Pivert, leadsands of workers throughout the na. strike of 3, 000 unskilled coolies in the Saclalist Appeal to project workers who tion. The demonstrations to come must be. er of the Pivert has been indicted Saigon Cholon region has broken out recently By RAY ROBBINS massed in front of the headquarters better organized, more centralized and coorBy GRANT for provoking the military to disobedience.
with a demand for a twenty per cent increase NEW YORK CITY, July in an attempt to got their jobs back. Workers dinated. Don show any fear! If the The charge is based on a leaflet issued by the in wages.
Almost three thousand surrounded the comrades who distributed the Committee of Five Hundred relief client thinks you re party at Cherbourg, calling upon the reservists Anti tax demonstrations have been held in workers and unemployed, ea Appeal, and listened with keen interest as the The Committee of Five Hundred, set up a afraid of him, he ll take adto act against their arbitrary detention in bar.
Saigon, Hanoi and Haiphong.
ger for action under the inspir. party program of action was explained.
racks beyond the twenty one day period they few days ago by 544 Federal Workers SecAt the same time, colonial lackeys of intion of the strike wave now Other Workers Act were called out for. local leader of the ortion, will meet at a. Monday morning to vantage of you French imperialism have cracked down on the in progress on the ganization, comrade Mariette, had already On the projects, unskilled workers planned direct the closing of the projects. All This was the warning that native working class press. No less than three projects, gathered tonight at a their own protest after seeing that the Alliance been charged on the same grounds.
workers were instructed to come to the Fed supervisors of the Chicago Reeditors of working class Journals have been mass meeting of the New York had sold them out for the last time. One plan eral Workers Section strike headquarters at lief Administration gave case In a statement to the court, comrade Plvert arrested in recent weeks, among them our local of the Workers Alliance is to mass hundreds of unemployed to besiege a. to aid in shutting the projects.
takes full responsibility for the action of the comrade Nguyen Van Qua of La Lutte, organ held at Stuyvesant High School, the Chamber of Commerce and rubber facCherbourg branch of the Defending The Saturday evening papers have just come workers on July 1, when the alof the Indo Chinese section Fourth In hear the program their os their action, he reaffirms its correctness and tory employment offices, demanding the jobs out and record that Minnesota Officials ready deficient client budgets ternational.
ganization had to proposed to which Congress said they could find if they denounces the war mongers in the following are concerned because even the watchmen are for relief were given still an.
back up the fast growing strike. only looked hard enough.
striking the jobs and leaving the equipment other stiff cut.
terms: Canadian Comrades Organize But what did they hear. declare that the appeal to the reservists Many workers who will not be laid off in unguarded. The heads are planning dastardly, underhanded attack tend to put out one fourth less work since their Bad as it was the scienFarmers Branches in West seems to us especially justified since, as we to call the cops to guard the tools and give tific budget worked out by the against the valiant strike led wages have been cut one fourth.
protection to those who may try to fink.
have proved in the columns of our paper Juin estimating Within the last month, our Canadian com by the building trades unions!
relief authorities, 36, the big capitalist powers which are the Our wages have been cut from 69 to 46 rades, the Socialist Workers League, have orIt was pointed out at the Federal Workers just how much a family could Yes, that is what the state cents. So we ll give them 46 cents work for Sections meeting that the boss papers Rre hid live on, was a long time ago origin of the war threat continue to exchange ganized two new branches in the Western part ments made by Sam Wiseman, 46 cents an hour! is the battle cry.
among themselves the materials necessary for of the Dominion. The branches are located in Stalinist chieftain of the Working the truth about the extent of the chopped down. On the basis of war minerals, gas masks, airplane motors, Wiseton and Saskatoon, Saskaters Alliance, meant. Here is county have passed strong resolutions conBoth o. and L, central bodies in this walkout. Each locality is seeking to make it not having enough funds, the the towns appear that the workers in that city authorities were providing clichewan and are composed almost exclusively an exact quotation: The first hearing of the case was held on demning the new law. But thus far only the are isolated and that very little strike action ents with 80 percent of the esof farmers. So popular has the party become The leaders say that A:F. has backed up its words with action.
is being taken elsewhere. reading of the timated June 21. The actual trial is due to be held in these towns that for the first time in its they are going to fight to a fin. Forced by mass indignation to make some scientific budget.
later this month.
history the local authorities granted the use ish. Now that means that the show of opposition, the workers Alliance has press from a dozen or so widely scattered Now they have put through an cities indicates that the boss press is con additional 15 percent cut. In Strikes Against Lower Living of the schoolhouse for a meeting of a political workers have been called a half day holiday tomorrow sciously following out a policy of belittling other words, the client is now party. meeting held there on June 14 at called out on unlimited Standard Spreading in Indo China and underestimating the widespread strike to get 65 percent of the estitracted farmers from the whole countryside strike until they win, and that tant action by both the O, and the The urgent need of the day is united miliaction.
who came to listen to Carl Hichin, Western nieans when Congress changes to aid in organising a genuine project workers mated budget needed for exist Numerous important strikes are spreading throughout French Indo China, linked with organizer of the League. Most of the particl its mind. To us such an action and unemployed organization backed up by ence! No wonder the officials have to warn the case workers Rochester mass demonstrations against the new pro war pants braved heavy rainstorms and almost im is impractical.
the rubber workers.
Riot to show fear, taxes Both the strikes and the demonstra passable ronds in order to attend. Impractical. that is the tions are directed at the declining living Congratulations to the Canadian section of stalinist way of looking at a (Continued from page Permanent Cut standards.
the Fourth International! In breaking the mass movement which has the workers continued the strike with Is this cut temporary? No, On May 8, more than 3, 000 workers went ground among the farmers they have accom raised anew the hopes and asundaunted enthusiasm.
it may go even lower. Thouout on strike at Haiphong with the following plished a real pioneering job for our move pirations of every worker, emThe reactionary role of the Stalinist con sands of workers are bedemands: Increase of 30 per cent in wages; ment in North America. It is an example wor. ployed or unemployed, skilled (Continued from page 1)
trolled Workers Alliance came clearly into ing driven back to direct relief. Special to the Socialist Appeal) Regular payment: Sick benefits; Rec thy of emulation by our comrades in the farm or unskilled.
view as soon as the strike broke. In the first The city is putting up no money ing regions right here in the States.
MINNEAPOLIS, July The strike of ognition of shop delegates; Suppression of Impractical. a movement workers that began spontaneously July place, the stooges called on the at all: the state is giving four officials and announced that the strike really million dollars monthly out of stratum in the labor movement in Minneapolis and St. Paul has now spread has been impelled to undertake, and the Dakotas. An estimated 10, 000 are out to Duluth, the fron range, southern Minnesota wasn a strike at all but only a protest. its average monthly sales tax Then at a mass meeting which they held at the of eight million. Even this sum Labor Lyceum, they spent a major part of is the result of a compromise.
to save the skilled crafts from in Minneapolis, 7, 000 in St. Paul, 000 in Dutheir time attacking the Socialist Workers Governor Horner offered only starvation wages and jobless Luth. 10, 000 in the iron range, and thousands ness.
Party for handing out leaflets to the workers three; Mayor Kelly insisted on more in southern Minnesota and the Dakotas.
The Minneapolis Building Trades Council of telling the workers the truth about Roosevelt five. They settled it between role as relief smasher in chief.
The main part of the meeting the has officially sanctioned the strike Here And just why is the government so anxious them. Both these ardent Demoa story which ought to be read and to restore the 1934 conditions. This liberal gov was consumed by the long and agreed to stay out until all work Robert Hoffman, local thought over carefully by every worker no director, crats, each trying to outdo the struck savagely ernment and this liberal President is trying its winded speeches of Benjamin ers receive union wages and conditions, and matter what Industry he works in especially the strike by immediately other in his support of the New if he is still waiting for President Roosevelt to damndest to smash the because unless and Wiseman, Stalinist big to encourage support for the strike from all dismissing without hearings 65 workers whom Deal, settled the relief questhe is smashed, the government and the shots. Desperately they tried to other working class organizations.
he labelled agitators. He also made public tion alright. They might just as come through with the many promises he made about the one third of the nation which, bosses will have a hell of a hard time trying distort and gloss over the real Friday morning the Policy Committee of the Roosevelt administration answer to the well have put the clients in said the President, are 111 fed, 111 clothed and to wage a war for democracy enti Roosevelt meaning of the the Minneapolis Central Labor Union, author workers demands that all workers who did trucks, taken them to the nearill housed.
Unless the government and the shipowners strike movement and re direct ized to speak for all the unions on strike ques not return to work by Tuesday would be fired. est quarry, dumped them in The Postcard Brigade can browbeat and fingerprint every worker, it into the safe channels of a tions, endorsed the strike.
Today the Government, the shipownand covered them up.
every seaman, it cannot hope to defeat reac fight only against Republicans. Joins Strike ers and the Stalinists are frantically engaged In response to the demand of the workers The Chicago Relief Administion!
Wiseman once again pulled Saturday morning the Federal Workers Secpresent for the formation of a strike commit tration does not hire experts at in a three way attack on the Sailors Union of Unless the government and the bosses can out the moth eaten apology the tion of General Drivers Local 544 held a mass tee, Costa, Stalinist leader of the called high salaries for nothing. These the Pacific in a desperate effort to smash the union hiring hall and set up in its place a gov.
regulate wages and hours and conditions, out. stalinists use to explain away meeting in the strike headquarters of 544 for. getting up petitions to send to Congress experts know their stuff. They law strikes and prevent meetings and smash Roosevelt leadership of the Transfer Section åt 7th and Bryant, and voted and our President. That, for the Stalinists, have everything figured out so ernment cohtrolled hiring hall.
picket lines it will be unable to conscript the cording to his fantastic tale, the Building Trades Council, to strike all Now it is a fact, admitted by everyone conconstitutes militant action. Clayton Bennem, that the clients will keep the Socialist Workers Party organizer in Roches breath of life in them. But very cerned, that prior to 1934 the seamen on Amer If the government and the shipowners are Roosevelt Woodrum starvation projects until the government backs down and ter, spoke to the assembled workers, and re little more.
ican ships worked and lived under conditions unable to employ scabs and finks and dicks law was solely the work of a restores the prevailing wage clause.
ceived a good hearing when he called upon which no human being should be forced to enthem to fight to the end for a decent living Slow Murder they cannot insure a campaign to plunder for small band of fascist minded Speakers made it plain that conditions on dure. This was admitted by Mr. Kennedy Food allotments are calcuprofit which they will undoubtedly call a war Republicans like Senator Car. will get worse and worse, that even standard on Chairman of the Maritime Commission, in his to end all war or a war for democracy er Glass who put over their more ugly aspects of the Roosevelt Woodrum meeting of strikers has been called by the lated on the barest subsistence report to Congress in 1934.
The Sailors Union of the Pacific under slick conspiracy in the dark act will confront the unemployed, such as the unskilled workers of one of the projects to level. Even the best planning. Starvation wages, miserable, clammy, and stands this very well. The seamen of the secrecy of a smoke filled con 30 day holiday actually permanent to go form an organization of workers to in the world cannot prevent insect ridden quarters; rotten food, poorly preanemia. know they have not gone through years eressional conference chamber. into effect August 31, and the shower of 800, 000 meet the growing needs of the strike move rickets, bad teeth, ment.
pared: long hours with no overtime pay and Finally, after a long har. Four o Three slips which Roosevelt has handed Children of two are often so harsh treatment were all the order of the day and years of bitter fighting for nothing. They underrlourished that they canare well aware of the situation. And the augue filled with evasions and the Jobless.
not walk or even stand. The It is also a fact, and one admitted by Mr knows it can rally thousands and mil. Sniping remarks Hudson Speaks Kennedy, that many steamship lines subslrent allotment has been relions of workers around its banner som har strike Wisemaks perainst the The mass meeting voiced its vigorous apdized by the government were then pocketing duced but the landlord has not it keeps the issues clear and maintains a mili put the Workers Alliance on proval as Carlos Hudson of the Northwest or(Continued from page 1)
more than half the amount allowed for wages record in support of the strike. ganizer, Teamsters Joint Council organ, spoke tant stand on the question of the fink hall.
at Scott Field, army air base near Belleville, ately and, as a result, people lowered his price proportionand at the same time threatening the men But the called the in favor of supporting the Building Trades Illinois with the fact there is another man on the Stalinist Strikebreakers strike. Wiseman quickly add Council and urged unemployed to demand Mass Picket Line are compelled to sacrifice some dock to take your place if you don like the of their food money for rent.
The government and the shipowners are ed, and they re the only ones a Twenty Billion Dollar public works and hous mass picket line was formed by the Scott treatment.
Field strikers, blocking the highway leading no household items, no amuseAnd no electricity, no clothes, fighting to smash the openly and with responsible for it. We take no ing program, to be financed by expropriating Where was the government then? It did not out hesitation. But what about the stalinists responsibility. This nore the Sixty Families; to transfer all war funds to the air base with a human wall of men. nents. help the seamen then.
the bootlickers par excellence and union sponsibility refrain cropped to the unemployed; to force the government Afterwards, a great cavalcade of 150 automo Sometimes clothing is At last, no longer able to endure such conwreckers of the first water. Here is where up time after time in the Stal to appropriate billions to open up the idle fac biles and trucks carried flying squadrons of siven away. But often there is ditions, the seamen banded together and went the rats really give a demonstration of their inist speeches.
tories and give jobs to all workers at union Scott Field pickets through the neighboring little available besides houseon strike abilities as finger men and finks. If you have But the masses wanted a real wages and conditions, counties. The walkout at Scott Field, which dresses, slips and bloomers for It was a bitter strike. Long, weary days and not learned how the Stalinists work from the program of action, and the Joseph of the Minneapolis Public Wel became the spear head of the strike move the women: for the men, work nights of picket duty in thin soled shoes and many unions they have already wrecked, take Stalinist leaders, caught in a fare Board tells us all to go quietly back to ment in this area, came as a result of a mass shirts and overalls. An last thin, ill fitting clothes were followed by huna gander at this slimy maneuvertight corner between their loy work and wait for OUR representatives in meeting of 600 workers at Belleville winter there was no warm unger and cold and tear gas and bullets. Union The tactic and it follows naturally from alty to the Roosevelt war deal Congress to fix the wages and hour provisions. last night, adopting a resolution to continue derclothing for adults and no brothers were shot down. Martial law was declared against them. Police squads charged their line of betrayal) is to outwardly pretend and their desire to remain mili WE haven any representatives in Congress. the strike movement despite the threats of the undervests for children were their ranks with clubs and horses. But because to some extent that they are against the fink tants in the eyes of the mem The Congressmen who passed the Roosevelt Roosevelt Relief Czar, Col. Harrington. Given. Shoes are hard to get, hall. Then, with this thin covering, they carry bership. had to come through Woodrum bill aren our representatives, they The spirit of the workers is very high, and but easier than overcoats.
they knew they were right, because they knew on frantic and scabby campaign of petty with some sort of proposal. are the representatives of the bosses. And they they are determined to win their fight against they had the strength of their individual Some families (not all: an cheap slander against the and its lead The four point program which might as well know right now that we don the relief smashers in the only way possible extra dollar on the budget and brothers welded together in compact resistership. They have no following in the the Stalinists proposed, apart want them to come back to Minnesota. Let on the picket line.
ance against a common wrong. the seamen you re out of luck) get surplus but they have money which they use to issue a from the building trades strike foods such as oranges, butter, won that strike.
phoney paper known to the seamen as the demand, were: restoration of Out of that victory the seamen won decent beans, celery, flour, eggs. But Rank and Filthy. No names are signed to the Federal Theatre Projects; Stalinist bureaucrats from the on fighting, and if we don get wages, livable quarters, conditions comparany of the articles in the paper, no names of maintenance of the former unemployed ready for struggle, vur demands we ll go to wash ANNOUNCEMENTS ing to be passed out: You never able to those won by workers in other industries. They established an organization of com financial contributers and most indicative of wage differential for the North, became clear from the fighting ington and picket Congress itall, NO PROGRAM know what you re going to get, CAMP SEVEN OAKS, Eaten or how much. Besides you of abolition of the eighteen months words of one worker after an sell.
petent, confident, efficient seamen. They are They attempt to magnify every little issue rotation plan. These four other.
Wiseman had the difficult job town, NJ Tennis, swim. ten get cypped because you proud of their record as seamen proud also and every little beef in the in the hope points are completely within one worker demanded that of quieting the meeting. He ming, ping pong. Plumbing. have to sign for the articles beof the fact that in little over four years they.
raised the standard of their calling from veri 50 per day. 14 a week. fore you get them.
thta some one will be fooled into believing the the confines set by Roosevelt the workers Alliance send a spoke at length of Roosevelt Stalinists are the champions of union democ hypocritical criticism of his delegation to LaGuardia to de good will and cautioned the Car leaves every Friday at table slavery to that of militant union men racy (do you hear me laughing. and they own relief slashing bill. Not a mand removal of Hodson, the workers not to let anybody tell p. from 58 4th St. to Bosses Still Balk aware of the class struggle. They call their try to get their filthy hooks on any and all who word is said in the program relief czar who threatened the them that this strike was di Camp. Make reservations, But according to the Tribune organization the Sailors Union of the Pacific.
will be bought or bulldozed or scared into pull about the amount of the appro strikers with starvation if they rected against the real friends please! You may also pitch and the business men, relief New Strikebreaking Method ing their chestnuts out of the fire.
priation itself. That is sacred stayed on the picket lines over of labor. e. the New Deal your tent at Seven Oaks. We costs are too high and have to Now, if they were concerned about these ground, for the figure of the the five day limit. Wiseman majority in Congress. The equip it and you can have be cut. They clamor for more And now, because they know they cannot de vital issues. democracy, militant action on new appropriation, cutting one stepped in immediately and meeting then came to a close use of Camp Kitchen. 20 for efficiency and they get it.
feat them in any other way, the shipowners each and all questions, there are such unions third off is Roosevelt stifled this militant demand, wtihout any patriotic demon the summer. Phone: Eaten The Tribune editors and the have turned to the government of the peo as the Furriers in New York, the Longshore own figure.
which would have put his stration. That had been taken town 515.
business men don have to live ple. and have managed to induce a gov. men on the West Coast, the Teachers Union As usual, the stalinists pro friend, LaGuardia, in an em. care of at the start of the meet04 beans and neckbones. They ernment agency to attempt to wreck the and the Workers Alliance not to bring up the pose legislative action to win barrassing position, saying that ins when the Stalinist leaders MODERN APARTMENT to don have to worry about milk by doing away with the union control Painters in New York where the champions of such proposals, but impelled by Hodson is not an issue at the led the singing of the Star sub let. 4th St. Refrigerat and rent. They don have to of hiring by setting up halls run and controlled democracy and militant action were just the strike wave they also pro moment. don think, said Spangled Banner and adminby the government.
heaved out on their fat behinds for using rule nosed a local one day stoppace Wiseman in reply to this work istered a mass oath of alleor, etc. Low rent. Communi sleep four in a bed and put cate Socialist Appeal.
some of their relatives on the The Maritime Commission is made up of or ruin strong arm methods to suppress the on Suspicion of the er, that the administration siance to the constitution of the floor or chairs. They don have men selected and appointed by the President membership and where the finky role of Wein good faith of the Stalinist lead supports Hodson statement. United States!
to battle rats and bugs. They by Congress. The Board is sup stock, the Stalinist, in his dealings with the ers was aroused, however, it was a stupid thing for don have to go to the Johnny posed to be impartial; supposed to represent bosses almost wrecked the union.
when after proposing the stop him to do.
INFORMAL HOUSE IMPORTANT in the hall for their drinking the people. But President Roosevelt deliber It a three way fight to smash the strong page, every speaker apologized Another worker asked why Negro Department open Box 245 Kerhonkson, and washing water. They don ately went out of his way to select and appoint est, most democratic, most militant and class in advance for the possibility of the didn pull out the ing up. Badly needed: type(Near Ellenville)
have to burn smoky Indiana Mr. Joseph Kennedy, a man who openly rep conscious union on the West Coast if not in the failing to put through the ac laborers on all the prowriter, cabinet file and other 180 seres of greenland in rocks to keep warm. They don resents the shipowners and who openly de Any little trick to force the to tion. That is certainly not the jects. No answer from the lead office accessories. Readers Catskilt 40 acres of pine for have to wait for days for an clares he is opposed to the Sailors Union of fight on some minor issue, to be drawn out of best way to mobilize the fight ers. Another member spoke are urged to donate these sunbathing: handball, ping pong. interview with some dizzy archery; swimming and horse the Pacific in particular and to all unions in its present stronghold, e. the fink hall fight, ing enthusiasm of the Alliance against the Hodson scab or absolutely essential items. back riding nearby: dancins.
flunkey who doesn under general. He was opposed by the union because is all meat to shipowners, the government and membership for militant action. starve edict. He was greeted Their donations will be UNUSUALLY LOW RATES stand that a client is a human the union knows he is shipowners stooge. the Stalinists. But don be surprised if the Voice of Workers with thunder of applause greatly appreciated. Com 18 Weekly Weekent being.
The Union notified Roosevelt of this opposition Sailors Union of the Pacific dumps all three When the floor was finally when he said, We re not going municate with National or Buses met at station The rich only pay with their and the reason for it. But Rosevelt merely overboard. It will if we all recognize the real taken over by the rank and file to take that bluff from Hodson fice.
Tel. Kerhonkson 118 money not with their lives, like smelled and said, approve of Mr. Kennedy. issues and get behind the fight with both fists. the wide gap that separates the or anybody else. We ll go right the poor.
St. Louis