DemocracyFranceHitlerImperialismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeWorkers FederationWorkers PartyWorking Class

FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1939 New Deal Officials Threats Fail to Slow Up National Strike WE ARE NOT INTIMIDATED IN American Fund Answers Somervell MONDAY MORNING TEST FINDS In the THE LEAST SAY UNION LEADERS Threat By Offering Free Legal NEW YORK STRIKE LINES SOLID Labor Aid to Arrested Strikers Unions WORKERS SECURITY FEDERATION Popovich Raps LEADERS SCAB ON WPA STRIKE Strike Breaking Of Federation like thereat by David bermadie, work are thorought storation is the organization of the This seabbing action of the moderatibhe workerte Security Rochester Gears into Nat Anti Coughlin Campain The strike clash between the strikebreaking attempts, orderA. unions and the governing skilled men from other Jobs By TONY CHAPMAN The chief test was at the huge ment over wage rates to report to work on projects NEW YORK, July 10 The North Beach airport project, grows more grim each day as closed down by the strikers. P. strike gained ground in usually employing 23, 000 workgovernment officials make Work will go on, regardless of With an offer of free legal way deprives the workers of upon the city of New York its Monday morning test, 68. ers. Somervell claimed the threats to carry out punitive what the unions say. said defense to all workers the right to strike. maintains which does not allegedly have 000 out of 75, 000 workers being work was moving along.
actions against the strikers, Somervell. But the men so or who are arrested for striking or the American Fund. Where the the necessary funds. That is a recorded off the job. It will take twenty years to By WIDICK dered in almost all cases re.
picketing or other issues congovernment places orders with question which must be settled fused to check in on the job rected with the strike, the private industry the right of between the city and the gov. ing, with thousands of building they are going today. declared Picketing began this morn finish the airport at the rate BULLETIN Victory for organized labor in The National when they found it had been American Fund for Political workers to strike has never ernment officials or the city trades workers reporting for Thomas Murray for he unions this battle can mark Council has called a conferstruck Prisoners and Refugees. 125 been questioned. Merely be and the bankers. The needy picket duty.
and the press reports had to the beginning of a real offen ence for July 12 of all heads On Friday, Col. Somervell 33rd St. New York City, yes. cause the work is not farmed must not starve, sive against the wave of reac of its international unions on had attempted to frighten the terday attacked the threats of cut but handled by When Col. Somervell, concede his point. Mr. Hodson further states local administrator, tried to bea subsidiary Adding to national adtion that gathered strength in the strike.
strikers by announcing that he Colonel Somervell, Ad of the government does not that persons who voluntarily little union estimates of those Iton arguments for the 130ministrator Col. Harringthe past two years.
would prosecute on felony ministrator, that he would ar make the least difference. refuse to work should not be striking. his bluff was called This fight should serve as an and union leaders answer with charges all persons who inter rest those going out on strike Intimately tied up with the given relief. It is amazing that by Thomas Murray, president hour work month. colSomer.
on projects.
inspiratione forvente poured sharp condemnations and re fere with work on right to strike is the right to workers who are striking to de of the building trades council. cl. today went further than his Section 28 of the Federal picket. This right is guaran fend union scale of wages who telegraphed him: out the country. Unless the Above all, the stage is set for served from Thomas Murray. Relief Bill cited by Colonel teed to workers under the Wag which has existed for more Calling His Bluff primarily on the pretext of efWorkers Alliance, and this is head on collision by the threat president of the building trades Somervell says absolutely noth ner Act.
than a generation should be acficiency: Somervell, answering doubtful, can completely divert of President Roosevelt ap council: Ang about strikes, stated the Law Requires Relief The figures which you are reporters questions, went on to cused of voluntarily refusing the energy of the workers.
pointee, national ad. The demand of Col. Somer. American Fund in a legal opin It has been contended by to work. The American Fund giving out reveal that you eith indict skilled workers as chisStrong attention to the need ministrator Col. Harring: vell for the arrest and confine of the democratic rights gained Administrator, and 10 ugees supports the strikers in possession or else you are de permitted working men to work Fleetc. Harrington, Cr Political Prisoners and Rer. er do not have the facts in your eters The short hour system of organizing all and ion, that any striker absent ment in prison of these men is by the workers which has been cal Rellet Commissioner Hod their attempt to defend the liberately concealing the truth. on and then go out and unemployed workers rhes been from work five days would be at once a long step away recognized by all the courts of son and Mayor LaGuardia that union scale of wages and will as the administrator of chisel on their fellow workers Life or Death rolls democracy and a running Answering a similar threat broad fump in the direction of have this right as well not entitled to reliet. Such a them of the relief to which they good idea that you should during the rest of the month.
take a look see so that it will said Somervell.
ed this battle is virtually a le Brehon Somervell. Thomas cist type.
To the unions involv. by the administrator, Col. a dictatorship of the Nazi fas as all other workers and there contention has no basis in law ere entitled.
is nothing the Federal Relief or precedent. It offers free legal defense be possible for you to appear a This slimy piece of hypocrisy and death struggle. Unless Murray, president of the New Bill or any other act of Con Striking mine workers into any and all workers little less laughable.
won get Somervell out from It is the most unspeakablygress which takes away this Pennsylvania recently received who are arrested either for Tomorrow morning (Tues under. The unions of this city projects, the door told him off Monday afternoon: shameful and vicious attack ev. right. It is therefore utterly relief from that state while out striking or picketing or for in day) at 10 o clock, we will have know how to defend the prevali would be opened for a nation We are not intimidated In er made on American workers monstrous for a federal official on strike. Many cases of simi ducing others to strike and several automobiles available wage, on and private wide employers drive against the least by the threat of Col in the entire history of our to threaten the workers with lor nature are well known.
to take newspapermen on a industry, and don need somthe building trade union con onel Somervell that men who country. The workers will not arrest Mr. Hodson and Mayor La The telephone number of the tour of the projects. shall be ervell or the government help.
be intimidated one lota by his tracts do not return to work tomorrow monstrous and utterly That the government oper Guardia object to paying relief American Fund is Longacre very happy to have you come And what help! By destroying Considerable dissatisfaction will be dismissed.
con stes the projects in no because it imposes a burden 8891.
along on this trip. think you the prevailing wage on already exists among the buildtemptible threat.
will find it illuminating. according to Somervell, he is Our work stoppage protest ing trades rank and file unionWhen Somervell pulled the Will you accept my invita helping the prevailing wage in against the vicious new ists. The has been ex tion and come along to learn private industry. Unionists ploring the possibility of enter law will continue tomorrow and old trick of saying he had lots of letters from loyal workers the facts at first hand or are ereeted Somervell alibi with thereafter until the prevalling ing that field.
you determined to continue to a horse laugh.
but wanted protection on the Reports from Washington in rate principle, which Congress who wanted to go back to work play the ostrich?
This professional militarist, dicate that top leaders had steadfastly upheld for five job the back to work forCol, Somervell ducked the in who has had nothing else to do years until July 1, is restored.
vitation, and continued to deny all his life but play soldier boy are already looking around for the scapegoat in the situation Utterly contemptible. was mula which has come to be union estimates.
and get three square a day on Mathew Woll, prominent in legthe characterization applied by known as the Mohawk Valley Union Proved Right the government cuff, has the islative lobbying, it has been New York State Federation of there in breaking a strike by George Meany, president of the formula because of its use Newly formed Organization Advises But even the daily capitalist nerve to call decent union men hinted, was responsible for the Labor, to New York City Wel. President Murray said: press, checking Somervell chiselers. The workers haev anMembers to Return to Work claims with eye witness AC swered the colonel with the onup a fight against the Woodrum Hodson threat to refuse home It appears that Col. SomerNEW YORK, July 11. Con counts of their own reporters, ly action he could ever underbili.
demnation of the strike break. had to lean toward the unions stand: STRIKE.
The simply can not af relief to all strikers, and Prest vell is trying to employ the By MCKINNEY the members to lose their jobs. Ing statement issued by ford to lose this strike, and the dent Meany applied the same noisesome Mohawk Valley forsharp term to a mula. The people of New The Workers Security FederClark Waldron, publicity chairtop leaders apparently know ti employed and project workers State Commissioner of with the despicable tricks of unemployed formed in Wash leadership of the Workers se Federation was volced today this strikebreaking formula ington a few weeks ago by the curity Federation is right in by Otto Popovich, President of has received a nation wide spotlight because of the cur: Roosevelt. appointed by it.
In Rochester, y. the and won be deceived one lota Socialist Party under the lead line with their actions when the Unemployed and Relier ership of Art McDowell, Na they set up the organization in Workers Union, Jamaica Divirent strike wave. Never again Back to work on Monday or tional Labor Secretary of the Washington. There these lead sion, an affiliate of the Workwill it be easy to hide it on the director, Robert Hoffman, fired last pages of the newspapers. permanently 68 work lose your jobs. threatened While thousands of ers McDowell, Leith, Waldron ers Security Federation.
Victory in this battle brings ers as agitators. Police were John Clarke, Supervisor of skilled workers are on and Rourke made it clear and Mr. Waldron had advised (Special to the Socialist Appeal) eral weeks Coughlin salesmen ROCHESTER, The have been hawking the possibility of further strug the Twin Cities and other in Toledo. o. Van increase in hours, the lead would they personally be opcurity Federation to retura to opening gun in its campaign Justice unhindered in the Social gles and victories for the un places that protect the pros schoik, Chief Relief Examiner, ers of the workers security posed to the Federation being a work in violation of the against the coughlin fascists busy downtown streets, as soon employed and project workers.
Just as the first strike ects.
workers that they will be inelist press with a statement that tion, but they would be against to restore the prevailing rate of Rochester local or the socialist as the members ap: victories became national In New York, Monday after igible for relief while on strike, they are instructing members the admission of individuals wages on all PA projects. Workers Party, when it put were taken by the cops to the should serve as a powerful noon the administrator, and gave them until Tuesday to of the organization to return to with political beliefs that Wola Waldron work.
Col. Somervell, moved to direct return to work.
drive the crederation Inevitably clared Popovichinaignant the Socialist Appeal and the couldn sein papers on Main samulant for all labor. Clark Waldron, na in a militant direction. This y. does not reflect our senti pamphlet Father Coughlin Street. When the salesUp to Unions tional publicity chairman of the was the real meaning of the ments. A, workers in JA Fascist Demagogue.
men gave the lie to the cops by are their clause, inserted in the constitu maica federation, said that supporting The value of organized labor Cops Interfere pointing out thta the Coughlin Despite the fact that for sev. ites were given freedom of the members were only being ad tion, excluding workers from strike 100 perceat and will contaking up the problem of organizing the unemployed and vised to return to work and membership who held certain tinue to do so despite the press Main Street, the city finest the workers has been By STAN LAUREN to hear about it. We just can we are leaving final decision political beliefs, including the releases of publicity chairman nis, as well as other anti impe. pleaded Ignorance of the fas ciearly demonstrated by the in the matter to them. Wal belief in a dictatorship of the Wildron. Who gave Waldron permis Syria.
rialist militants in Algiers and cists existence.
present situation.
At the Strike Front, North do it.
dron said that the federation is working class.
When the members Contrast the Right to Work Beach Airport, Queens, Monnot giving up the fight but that sion to issue such strike breakAnother worker told of the the leadership does not want Opposed Demonstration ing statements? Certainly not press the solidarity of the showing them flesh and blood The demonstration will expressed the cops to the wall by Congress of the Workers Alli day.
hazards the men go through This attitude on the part of the Jamaica Division. We con: with the anti war fighters Social Justice salesmen on ance and 11. its phoney bally hoo. to the militant action of The North Beach Airportdaily when they work for this Waldron, McDowell, Leith and demn and absolutely repudiate in France who have fallen vic this stooge of the breadline the corner, the station house the building trades construction project. starvation wage. The men are has asked us to join them, one always in danger. he said. of the laborers explained. We Rourke was further demon unions. The Workers Alliance the biggest project of them all.
ures of the Daladier govern Coughlin crowd had newsboy served simply to fool the unem is completely tied up. Picket have been out on this project don live on peaches and strated in their attitude towardess and President Roose tim to the reactionary measboys ducked by saying that the ment, committee will ap. badges. On inquiry, the ployed and project workers in lines are maintained at all know of about twelve men who Its 54 a month for work that scheduled for the White House.
since last September and cream on the laboring projects. the demonstration which was proach the consul with the fol members were told by the imto a false sense of security by times. The airport project usu have lost their lives in that plenty hard. know that a Leith and Rourke were flatly lowing demands. 1) Immedi partila arm of the law that trusting our friend Roosevelt. sily employs 23. 000 men. time. Nobody knows how many union organizer came around ate release of Rigal, Steve, they could get no permit whatIt weakened the will to strugSchmidt, Boheys and Charpy. soever to sell on the main hundreds have been injured. here we all would join. No man against the demonstration, the gle of the workers.
the persecution of the anti street. The salesmen human being others giving only luke warm mass meeting was held this and we are expected to lose can feel like The building trades war fighters of France. 2) were given the same runnot only have showed them morning by the Building and our lives and take pay cuts trying to take care of his fam support. In the face of this opIzn mediate release of the three around when they attempted to leaders of the Constitutional sell the anti Coughlin pamthe Alliance but more capable an open lot a few blocks from we will. Why, only the other one of the Negro laborers ly get through a vote to hold Party of Tunis, of Chabane All phlet, only this time they were of putting up a fight for its Stration pour workerste solidarity got his foot caught as he tried his race on We Negro right with the White House o: Algiers, and of Munir Rayes threatened by arrest.
and his comrades in Syria. Stop But Sales Continue And when one reads the could not be found. Every to take a truck out of the mud laborers would organize in a empty and the streets deserted.
jalling the anti. imperialist Northwest Organizer, organ of the union involved in the strike He lost his foot, and he was minute. The big shots! This policy now bears its fighters of the colonies. 3)
On July 14, Bastille Day.
This police persecution, howthe Minneapolis teamsters was present. Speakers from taken to the hospital after he think that colored folk have to thoroughly rotten fruit. The movement on the real fight ue the fight until victory is as was dead an hour after he ar dirtiest jobs on the projects. return to work, to scab on their socialist League (4th Interna France and its colonies to ing forward of the anti fascist and victories of the unem sured. Thousands attended.
every unton pledged to contin was bleeding for wo hours. He le kiven the lowest paid ana federation members are told to rembers of the Young People Full right of all organizations ever, did not check the carry.
rived at the hospital. We have. We would join up and walk out fellow workers who are fighting tional) will participate in publicize and fight against the campaign. Socialist Appeals ployed section of the truck t even a doctor at the proj too, if we had a union to pro the government for the right to picket line before the French arrests and pamphlets were sold on drivers union, one sees again eat and against long hours and Consulate. 610 Fifth Avenue the streets just off Main the tremendous value and vital Hundreds of men, coming to ect where 23, 000 of us are con tect us.
Street and canvassed from reduction in pay. Waldron says near 49th st. at P. This necessity of organized labor report for work, saw the picket stantly facing danger. Stalinist from the Workers that the leadership of the fedImportant Notice demonstration has been called house to house with great sucdirectly handling the problems line, put their tools aside, and cess. Several large outdoor ralStill another worker told of Alliance, when told that the eration has not ceased to pro in protest against the repres AMERICA 60 FAMILIES lies were held and young workof the unemployed and projectoined the line.
the conditions on the job. lot present strike at the airport is test. That is, Waldron will con sive measures taken by the by Ferdinand Lundberg ers at the meeting volunteered workers of people say that is a a strike against the govern tinue to give out press releases, Daladier government against now available at 49 worker, Herman told of racket. Far from it. We sweat ment something the workers Rourke will interview congress the French Fourth Internationto sell the anti Coughlin pam book that reveals who FASCISTS THREATEN the plight of the North Beach like hell while we re working Alliance said it would NEVER inen and Leith will sit in his alists, including the Youth, and really controls America and.
Thus far, over 500 pamphlets NEGRO ACTOR Bronx, and works on one of the when it rains, we have to spend wasn a strike against the gov rank and file who have proven for their anti war and anti im No revolutionary agitator have been sold in this town by electrical construction projects our time getting out here to re ernment because the people is indisputably that they want to perialist activity.
should be without a copy.
the Rochester branch. The NEW YORK Lou Layne, at the airport. Herman Fi port and then get told there is the government. oh, yeah? The fight, have been told to sur As reported by the Challenge LABOR BOOKSHOP workers of this city are learnacting executive secretary of story is practically the story of no pay that day. If we miss people, we know, never signed render, to scab, to betray their of Youth, twice a month organ 116 University Place ing from the Trotskyist activity the Negro Actors Guild of every worker who hree days work because we the Roosevelt Woodrum starva fellow workers on the picket of the League. Among the 4th New York City and the rest of the organizaAmerica thst week received a works on one of the six hang. have to. well, we re just tion bill!
Internationalist youth who have (Add 3c per book postage)
tions inactivity who the real swastika signed letter which ers under construction at North fired. When we work we give a universal complaint of both The anti fascists are.
membership of the been jailed in Paris is Suzanne threatened to finish Jew kikes Beach.
eveyrthing we ve got and don striking and non striking Workers Security Federation Charpy. administrator of Rev.
and Negers. We found it damn difficult think they permit us to let up workers on projects have a job to do. First they olution until recently the The vilifying message before the cut, when we were for a second. The story that we throughout the city is the in should refuse to carry out the monthly organ of the French THE CONVENTION PHOTOS scrawled in a semi literate making 85 a month for 120 workers sleep on our ability, not only to get all the instructions of the leaders of Fourth Internationalist Youth.
hand, asserted We American hours work. Now its the same shovels is just a lot of hot air. facts about the spreading strike the federation. Support the She was sentenced to 10 months By an unfortunate error, the descriptive lines underneath Nazis will finish the Jew kikes, pay for 130 hours. live way from the capitalist press. but strike by remaining away from in prison for asking the French the series of photographs of men and scenes at the National then we will get rid of you Neg uptown in the Bronx. To travel All the building trades crafts even to trust the facts that do work; participate in the picker workers not to support the. com Anti War Convention of the Socialist Workers Party printed ers and we will have all white here to work every day costs men were sorry to see the la. appear, in the last issue, were omitted. Interested readers may com Nazis and will keep you for me thirty cents a day. plus borers unorganized. Some We don what really Federation leadership with pro Morel and Boheys were arrest pare the photographs with the following: horses, till we kill you all by three and a half hours wasted thing should be done about it going on. workers complain to tests, repudiate them. Maintained and jailed similar TOP ROW (from left to right. Howard Stump. Quakerorder of our Hitler. by traveling. That about was the unanimous sentiment Appeal reporters. You can solidarity in action with the charges town, Pa. Robert Birchman, Indianapolis, Ind. Vincent This letter is another indica alone for carfare. Rent costs of the strikers. Even without a trust these fellows on the big striking workers. Subsequently, comrade Steve Dunne, Minneapolis, Minn. Ernest Erber, editor of Cha. tion that the fascists will at me 35 a month and my family union, hundreds of laborers papers to tell the truth. They was arrested on the charge of lenge of Youth; Ernest McKinney, New York City.
tempt to whip up a tremendous don live like kings. Before walked off the projects. make us out to be a pack of re At Your Service putting up a sticker which said race hatred campaign in this get done spending money for llef lakers. They re not on our BOTTOM ROW (from left to right. Reuben Plaskett, lead This is not our war. Comrades THE APPEAL country against the Negro and food for my wife and chila The laborers want organiza side. Strikers add, They lie, Schmidt and Regal were also er of Newark, unemployed, speaking at convention mass the Jew there is nothing left. If any one tion too. Every laborer that and we know it, about how POSTER SHOP arrested for anti militarist meeting: James Cannon, national secretary, opencan figure out how we can buy talked to explained his desire many of us are out; and they ing the meeting: Genora Johnson, Flint, Mich. women leader, addressing meeting: Max Shachtman, editor, Socialist Buy the Socialist Appeal clothes, or pay for a doctor to be a union man and strike keep trying to scare of the Join the Socialist The French Government has also imprisoned the leaders of Appeal, delivering anti war report.
at Your Newsstand sick, we would damn well like only trouble is that no union out and join us.
Workers Party the Constitutional Party of Tutha Strike Sidelights. WILL PICKET FRENCH CONSULATE phlet on work.