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SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1939 belongs to an organization that advocate the Weakness of the Labor Campaign Their By James Burnham In Minneapolis. a Balance Sheet Government Step Mombers 10.
An The Negro Question SOCIALIST APPEAL overthrow of the government by force and vioVol. II, No. 48 July 7, 1939 lence. The other requires administrative employes (W. workers ed. to take an oath Published twice a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN. of allegiance to the United States Constitution.
at 116 University Place, New York, NY.
UP the air Telephone: Algonquin 8641 this implied slander against the Workers Alliance, which Mr. Woodrum is As the Socialist Workers Party Pointed out in its CamSubscriptions: 00 per year 00 for six months. For vel. 11. 50 for six months. Bundle orders perymino Onited States: cents per copy in foolish enough to think would undermine the pain Material, a Clear Anti War Stand and Concentration Bli forelgn countries. Single copies: cents.
United States Constitution, Dave Lasser and his sod Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for six on the Trade Unions Would Have Won the Elections monthe: 00 for one year.
crew make haste to state, We know of no memReenteved as second class matter February 16, 1913, at ber of our organization and certainly no officer By KARL SHEA The new army appropriation bill which went insentiment expressed at cam sons will be torn from them the post onice at New York, NY. under the Act of who believes in or advocates that our governDespite the great vote rolled paign headquarters, even be ord thrown into the bloody to effect July provides for the expansion of the ment shall be overthrown. We feel sure, conup for the labor candidates in fore the elections. This is 100 inash in some foreign country. regular army by 112, 000 men. During the past the Minneapolis municipal percent correct.
All the young men whose two months the War Department has been formuMAX SHACHTMAN tinues Lasser, that the members and officers of campaign, important alder STALINISTS WORKED thoughts turn daily to the hor dating its plans for getting its hands on wese Lasectete Editor FELIX MORROW HAROLD ROBERTS our organization are, if anything, more loyal. nanlc posts were lost by less FOR EIDE DEFEAT ror they feel awaits them on than two hundred votes in 112, 000.
EMANUEL GARRETT Giness Manager: The Stalinist controlled Hen some battlefield as yet unJOSEPH HANSEN more patriotic and devoted Americans than some wards, and the boss can nepin County L Association scarred. All the people who There are already several hundred recruiting SHERMAN STANLEY many of the reactionary Congressmen who owe aidate for Mayor, George not only didn want Eide and Lave shown in hundreds of stations established in the continental United allegiance only to the economic royalists. Leach, nosed out Elde by the rest of the union slate ways in the Gallup polls, in States including a major station at each of the FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST Gunning for Goliath scalp, David crawls 000 ballots. Why couldn the elected, it consciously worked resolutions, etc. that they vehelabor vote go over the top and for his defeat. That is the truth mently oppose the war that is army posts. You would perhaps think that this WORKERS PARTY FOR: nearer to the point, stating, The oath of allegi clean the entire field of boss and no amount of high pitched being prepared by the wealthy would be almost enough to solve the War Departance does not apply to the majority of the memcandidates?
hypocritical screams will alter These are the people who could ment problem. The problem, it seems, is more Job and a decent living for every worker.
Dozens of answers have been this fact. Stalinists wanted have been aroused to turn the difficult than it looks.
bers of the Workers Alliance, since few if any given; some of them hit the the defeat of the union slate be tide against the little colonel Open the Idle factories operate them under workers control.
our members administrative employes. nail on the head: others em cause they feared a huge labor Leach and Assoc! In Super Ballyhoo for War Nevertheless, squeals Dave, we want to now phasize matters of secondary vole would be a powerful industries ticket.
According to the program already announced. Twenty Billon dollar Federal public works importance.
centive to the workers to go DEEPER INTO THE and housing program, take this opportunity to make our position perIt is certainly true, as lead over to independent labor po. TRADE UNIONS 387 new recruiting stations are to be opened up. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage fectly clear. For this reason we are calling upon crs of the union campaign com litical action, to challenge both In addition there will be 18 traveling stations, each 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on all officers and members of the Workers Alli nittee have stated that the the Tory Republican machine been stronger if the campaign including a big sound truck and a substantial staff.
all Jobs.
ance to voluntarily take that oath of allegiance. handicap in the election. To slashing New Deal machine of the trade unions and the unemThe War Department has itself explained that all Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability Whereupon, with his hat held close to his thousands of workers, this la Roosevelt.
the most modern devices of big business adverpension.
bel has come in recent years The labor campaign would ing class organizations should ployed organizations. The work tising are to be used. posters, speeches, the radio.
heart and his fingers crossed in a smart salute, Expropriate the Sixty Families.
magazine articles, and high pressure publicity reLasser asks his membership to repeat aiter him to stand for Stalinist skulldug have been stronger if it had have been concentrated upon, sery, Bensonite stupidity, split disassociated itself completely to the exclusion of everything leases. All war funds to the unemployed. your name, please do solemnly swear ting the trade union movement. from the Stalinist controlled Cise if necessary.
What is the trouble here? people referendum on any and all wars.
There are approximately 135, 000, 000 people in that will support and defend the Constitution and worst of all, deals with the and it would have two boss parties and particu brought out thousands of more There are enough votes in No scoret diplomacy.
this country. 112, 000 are wanted for the army. This of the United States against all enemies, for Independent larly with the New Deal. The workers if it accented its di the trade unions and the or comes to considerably less than 10 of Among Labor Party.
eign or domestic; that will bear true and faith had no advantages to rection towards independent la sanized unemployed alone to the 135, 000, 000 are 15, 000, 000 or so unemployed including at least 7, 000, 000 youth. The unemployed 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante ſul allegiance to the same; that take this ob offer the labor campaign, to bor political action, not only win any election in Minneapoand Fascist attacks.
offset this handicap.
with or without relief jobs live at a minimum subligation freely, without any mental reservation on a city but on a state and lis If the workers are ennational scale.
thused and mobilized behind a sistence level.
SABOTAGE IN of or purpose evasion; so help me God.
program they know represents ANTI WAR STAND COULD HENNIPIN COUNTY Now, war mongers from Roosevelt to Browder ITAVE WON ELECTION their interests.
to Anthony Eden tell us daily that the war ahead, Nor is this all. The dishonorable gentleman The Hennepin County L Long before the primaries the Fifty five thousand members the mighty crusade against Hitler Germany, is from New York, Mr. Dave Lasser, writes fur Association certainly did no the most popular war in history. Everybody would ther, We propose that all locals call special Eide and the union slate. Their thout the mostlaring defi cate an average of two and work to round up the votes for Socialist Workers Party point of organized labor reside in The Second Convention of the and will support it, they say, because it will be the liberating war for people and freedom and democreached a high point on Monday afternoon membership meetings on or about July 4, at record in sabotaging the cam ciency in the April platform one half votes to a family. Here racy.
be present to administer the oath.
very real threat of the SEC enough to overwhelm any antiNow after the election they OND WORLD WAR TO SAVE labor candidate; and this leaves nally failed to address itself seriously to the The meetings carried on in connection with the If the war ahead is so wonderfully popular, why whine that they were deliber. DEMOCRACY. It fails to out of consideration the 125, 000 all this trouble for the War Department in the reNegro question and Negro work. With the turn ceremony should be devoted to the meaning of ately pushed out of the picture speak out unmistakably against persons in Minneapolis who are cruiting campaign? You would certainly think that of the Party towards mass work, the Negro Americanism and democracy.
with the result that the regular that war, and the Roosevelts. on on direct relief or the young workers and farmers of the country This scandalous action of the Workers AlliFarmer Labor forces were not Landons and Browders who are some form of madework and question assumed full and urgent significance in should be flocking to the colors at the mere anproperly mobilized to take combining to lead the workers dole.
nouncement that the rolls are open. You would the future development of the Party. An inter ance is neither unexpected nor unique. As an part in the campaign. This is into a war that can only be an The way for trade union can especially think so in the case of the unemployed sheer rot. The Hennepin Coun other imperialist struggle to didates to win elections in Minnal bulletin was issued containing material for agency of the relief slashing Roosevelt adminiswho can at least get a certain kind of security and tration within the ranks of the unemployed, the ty L central executive com increase the profits of the bossnes polis or in any city is to run discussion, resolutions were prepared, and so mittee had 12 members on the es. Though repudiating the war on a militant platform and enough food in the army. But the fact is that for this miserable handful of 112, 000 all of the biggest determined was the membership that the Negro Workers Alliance leaves no flag furled in its L and Trade Union Cam mongering line forced on the concentrate upon the organ publicity guns in the arsenal have to be trotted out.
paign Committee of 26. If they late Farmer Labor Party by ized labor movement.
question should be part of the deliberations of efforts to tie the unemployed workers more In this circumstance, the truth becomes abunhad wished to work for the the Stalinists, the labor liberal Labor does not have to worry this Convention, that where doubt arose on closely to the skirts of the President.
election of the union slate, they conference has failed to take a about losing the vote of the dantly clear: it is a vicious, and deliberate lie that Monday morning as to whether the Convention Especially at the present time, when the numthe war ahead is a popular war. The masses of would have done so, and they clear stand of opposition to any lower middle class. militant the people here and in every country fear the war schedule would be completed in time, it was of unemployed has swelled to its highest wouldn have waited to be war conducted by a bosses labor campaign, far from re and hate the war.
pelling the lower middle class unanimously decided to place the Negro ques point in seven years, the Workers Alliance, Selma Seestrom, stooge, It is exactly the same in Great Britain. And the will attract it to the labor banHad the trade union camsweetheart of the administration, bends every came around blubbering the paign committee come tion on the agenda for Monday afternoon.
big pressure campaign for recruiting began imout ner, will offer it a way out of mediately after the Munich crisis. All the disDiscrimination against Negroes in the presmuscle to head off mass discontent. Mass discon day after the defeat, saying she boldly against the war that its misery. It is only when la patches in the newspapers kept telling us that they ent stage of American society is basically eco tent is dangerous to an administration girding wantedasn askea. mais en er en Roosevelt are the sixty staple pe care lases te middle class didn have enough application blanks for the nomic. Some million and a half white families the nation for war. And so, while with one hand conscious people claiming to down the throats of the people, sees no hope the truth came out when Chamberlain introduced hold positions from which Negroes are excluded, Roosevelt and his satellites sabotage represent the cause of the the labor candidates could ment and goes over to the re and drove through his conscription bill. Why consuperficially on account of their color. The only the needs of the workers for jobs, food and workers have to be asked really have aroused the work actionaries.
scription for this so marvelously popular war?
By taking this line of action possible solution of their difficulties is a revolu housing, with the other hand they shove oaths of never saw an honest militant crusade against the war. In. spurning the And even in the new European crisis over Crecho Farmer Labor tion in American society even more complete allegiance to capitalism into the hungry mouths worker waiting to be asked stead of losing by 7, 000 votes, le bel, emphasizing that this slovakia, all they wanted was a mere 200, 000.
to join a picket line, and you the union ticket would have was labor own independent they have to drive them with police guns and They could not find even a fraction of 200, 000 so than that which took place in 1861 the spcialist of the unemployed.
never saw an honest Farmersmothered the singo, Leach, by campaign, proclaiming a stand bayonets.
revolution Laborite who had to be asked a majority of 30, 000 or 40, 000 ogainst the war, and concenA plan of work was outlined which would The war mongers find it very necessary to try to join in an election struggle votes.
trating upon the unions and the against the candidates of the Tens of thousands of people unemployed. the labor camto make their war appear popular. They think that enable the Party to participate in the daily strugAssociated Industries.
would have backed an anti paign would have been crowned in this way they will discourage the opponents of war by making them feel that nearly everyone is gles of the Negroes. The Party was warned that We would have been a hun war campaign who did not with victory. We would have for it, and so what is the use of keeping up isoit was necessary to take into consideration the Having whipped up public indignation over dred times better off if we had even come to the polls. All the won by so many tens of thoulated resistance. That is why, every other day, the historic suspicions of the whites prevalent the fate of the kindergartens, the New York campaigned a straight werking class mothers whose sands of votes that not all the headlines declare that England Is Ready.
among Negroes, and intensified by the treach City Board of Superintendents has finally pulled bearded union ticket, and disree at the thought that soon their crooked work at the polls could France Is United to Resist Hitler. But these are garded the. the its real plan out of its hat a plan to cut teacherous role played by the during the last lies, just as it is a lie when the papers tell us that the people of this country are ready to fight the three years, when in its drive for support of ers salaries.
standards, the red apples, inwar of the Sixty Families. The facts prove them Admitting that this is what they intended all American democracy it has been forced to to be lies.
stead of leading the chorus of adopt the discriminating attitude against Negroes along the board submitted to Albany a bill that Convention Sidelights approval, have begun to kick If his war is popular, why does Roosevelt fear like Texas steers.
will enable the city school system to absorb the characteristic of American capitalism.
the war referendum? Why does he, the democrat of Democrats, fear to let the people vote on war?
The discussion showed great interest in the 5, 300, 000 cut in state aid by taking it out of question of self determination for Negroes. It the teachers hides.
Recently the dynamo branch auto In other words, the teachers have been taken workers in Flint was generally agreed that though the Party brought a new member into stood for the right of self determination it would for a ride. In response to the howls of the real the full blooded not itself raise the slogan, as this was essentially estate interests and the bankers, the huge sum American Indian from the The Press a matter for the masses of Negroes themselves of 9, 700, 000 was cut rom school funds Chippewa tribe. Now that he is a revolutionary red, he is throughout the state. Heedful of their masters to decide. The proposals for practical work were By Arthur Hopkins anxiously waiting for some ar(Continued from Page 1) Genora Johnson, militant dent reactionary to tell him to enthusiastically accepted. Comrades gave their voice, the Democrats as well as the Republicans would sound like an awful leader of the fighting women go back to where he came Horror Item: John Rudin, president treasurer experiences which showed that merely by the made no real effort and are making no real ef How hard if told you all the of Flint, shows us again that from. On the way here with of Dowds Rubin department store, declares that fort to fight the cut. The revised budget now preparation and discussion preceding the Confacts, Dick modestly said. it is only a matter of how you Kermit Johnson, their car and there is an immediate need in the government of more real statesmen of the Andrew Mellon type.
vention the Party has already attracted a numbeing drawn up at Albany will apparently conlook at things. Asked by this barrage burned. They made He favors a program of balancing the budget, en tain the cuts intact.
Marie Schimmel, Ray Shar provincial, lopsided New York the rest of the trip by thumb.
ber of Negroes.
couraging private capital (give the bosses a bigger There is no doubt that the session marked a It is at this juncture that the New York Presser, from Frisco, mourn the of Detroit, she answered powhip. stop wasteful public spending (to hell with the reliefers. eliminate government subsidies (exmost important stage, not only in the Conven Board of Superintendents has come forward passing of the good old days nitely but firmly: No, com Oscar Coover, Max Geldman, cept to struggling businesses) end government of hitchhiking. It took them 11 rade. It Detroit that outside Ted Dostal, Charlie Williams, with its salary cut plan. It means that the teachtion but in the history of the Party. The whole competition with private business (except where drove in from the Twin Cities.
days to get to Chicago a world of Flint!
ers are being singled out to pay a special tax, record, according to temper and tenor of the discussion showed that the business is plainly an unprofitable one. avoid their They refused to believe that these Comrades Ferguson, Lear, they should have had at least price fixing and price slashing (let the bosses do in the field of Negro work, the Party recognizes ranging from to percent of their sal story. Unlike Fraser.
this. increase purchasing power through stimula comrades its responsibilities to the American workers and aries to absorb a cut in school funds dictated by breath taking stories to relate. from Akron, They see the er. the way in.
have wierd and Fielding and Martell drove in one interesting adventure on tion of private initiative (more yacht buying and the like. and the return of the relief problem to farmers, and the great possibilities opened for the bankers and real estate owners.
Trimble swears that while lost ſects of capitalism very clearly local communities (let the poor feed their own like the Party future development.
Thus without waging any real fight to keep on a lonely Nevada desert in industrial Akron. The rubber Reuben Plaskett, militant they did in the good old days of Hoover, and the school funds intact, the board has succeeded waiting for a hitch he miracu companies are rationalizing the Negro fighter from Newark, al before. in making the issue appear as one between the lously escaped death by sun industry to the tune of 2, 000. most missed the convention bestroke.
000 worth of labor saving me cause of an attack on the Negro Says the Chicago labor paper, the Wrecker, teachers interests and the children interests chinery. The fly by night Tech population after the Joe Louis alias the Midwest Daily Record: It is not too late instead of an issue between the schools as a Nevada gave the comrades a nocrats are moving into town victory over Tony Galento. to drum the fascist General Mosely out of the army Having demonstrated in the past that it can whole and the bosses who want to quit laying taste of all the elements. Sear to capitalize on the layoffs that The streets were filled with he has discredited (for his vicious blasts against not fight for the real needs of the unemployed out so much cash to school girls and boys for ing heat in the desert, and, a this will mean. In the last few real vigilante mobs after Louis workers and his general all around ratishness. tale for mysties and crystal New Deal open transforma whipped to fever pitch by the weeks, under the impact of the heat Galento. They were all Once upon a time the Communist Party, whose and workers, the Stalinist Workers Al whom the capitalist system no longer has any paper this is, would have told us that the general gazers, a rip snorting snow. tion into a war machine, reac light, said Plaskett. mob place.
liance has now called upon its countrywide lois but the rotten ripe fruit of militarism, the watch cals to pledge allegiance to the constitution of The teachers must rally the broadest united storm on the windy plateaus. tionary groups with fascist and of Italians came down the block dog of capitalism.
And to cap the climax of this semi fascist programs of sal. live on, throwing bricks the United States and to defend it against all front of their own organizations, of labor tale told by the California delevation for the masses are through windows and beating Says Ragsdale: History does not afford enemies, foreign or domestic, so help them God. unions and parents associations and the public gates under the influence of experiencing mushroom up any Negro who they came an instance wholly comparable to the situation in across. The cops stood around, Jules Verne; a beautiful mirage growth Sent out as a communication from its Wash generally, to fight this back handed attack on which stand the relations between Roosevelt and rose up in their path in the The temper of rubber work with their big mitts in their Garner. The two are personal friends yet differ ington office to every local in the country, the the school system. Against any cut in school shape of Ely, Nevada, a small ers is excellently portrayed in rockets, and making sure to widely on questions of national policy. That is letter reads, As part of their effort to funds! Against any discriminatory tax on the to say, just what is the best way to keep a firm slander the Workers Alliance, the House Com teachers! This is the fight they have to wage and under the Mine, Mill and Smel. Lear. In Akron, workers who jumped a defenseless Negro. seat on the backs of the American workers?
ter Workers Union, where the stooge for the boss are known protested and the cop, acting mittee (Woodrum Committee. made much of this time against Gov. Lehman, the Republicans, wages are good, and the grlev. as red apples. In recent like a real protector of demo How we love you, Morgan. Love is the two provisions which were included in the new Mayor LaGuardia, and the politicians in the ances of one waitress in the months whenever the boss got cratie liberties in Roosevelt only cement strong enough to unite into a nation relief bill. One would exclude from the benefits school boards, all of whom are directly respontown beanery could pull the the workers together to tell America, arrested me for dis the poor and the rich, the strong and the weak, entire working population out them of some new measure de orderly conduct. The hoodlums the employer and the employe. Alexis Carrel, of the program any person who believes in or sible.
on strike signed to slash at their living got away scot free. Married Loye, Readers Digest.
Tax on Teachers as of Delegates Tell Tales all and Otherwise Labor Looks Through Loyal Subjects a