BourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismMarxMarxismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismWorkers MovementWorking Class

FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor Starvation Bill Unemployed Becomes Law by Group Raises Signature Today militant JOBLESS SEEK ACTION, GET TALK FEST On the Line. with Bill Morgan Oakland Alliance Expells Two for Militant Action By Paul Stevens Brass Hats to decree just what newspapers, New Anti Conscription Slogan. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
books, and how many cigarettes the boys are OAKLAND, Calif. Local Cigarettes for Our Boys!
to be sent. The lickspittles are always ready fuehrers of the Alameda Not so long ago we mentioned in these colto comply subject to approval from the umns the odd fact that French Stalinists and Kremlin. And Kremlin Joe should worry.
on trial and expelled two British Stalinists were openly at variance Democratic Government militants of long standing in with regard to the proposal to introduce conTerror Rages in Syria resentatives abolished the Fed Aileen Saterly and Bollthe unemployed movement. Continued from Page 1)
scription in Great Britain. The Paris Humani(Continued from Page 1) and an assistant adA large number of native Syrian militants es hence the Stalinists devote eral Theatre.
Dollinger Objects ministrator te (official organ of the in line with man, who were employed on have been languishing in government prisons themselves to lobbying, trying Lasser Crawls the Daladier government, had urged support Delegate Dollinger explained a book binding project. that such a clause would ex York, New Jersey, Militant delegates from New for three months. They are charged with for the proposal. William Gallacher, lone to soften the hard hearts of the David Lasser, Stalinist Char carefully picked stalinist clude the Unemployed and vania and Ohio took the floor PennsylC. representative in the House of com conspiracy against the French army.
What is their crime? On March 8, on the so called Tory Democrats haillie McCarthy at the head of trial board found Saterly and Project Workers Union of New against this proposal and. mons, had openly repudiated his French col.
the Workers Alliance, changes Bollman guilty not only of the York from affiliation. The was voted to have the demonleagues, when Government spokesmen cited occasion of the anniversary of the declaration Ing from the Deep South, of Syrian Independence, they made speeches Charms Don Work his stand with every bulletin usual disruption charges, but constitution says that stration on Monday morning.
from the Roosevelt baloney also of the additional crime no worker shall be barred However after considerable them in parliament.
reaffirming their faith in the treaty of 1936. As a supreme touch of com factory. Yesterday he was on of urging Alliance adoption of from membership on account Caucusing a motion was made In this country. Mr. Jerome wrote a According to this treaty. French imperialism edy in the Stalinist parliamen his hands and knees.
lengthy piece of Jesuitical tripe for the Daily was preparing to grant Syria its independence tary operetta, Tallullah Bnk with the latest statement from measures against of race, creed, color or politi and carried on Sunday afterWorker, explaining why the was for within two years, of course, It has met with head charms were drafted. the White House, he is doing slashes.
lay offs and rellet cal belief or affiliation. Breit noon to reconsider the decision conscription in France and why the the fate of most treaties under imperialism. The Broadway actress swept the belly crawl in the mud.
man from the Unemployed and to picket the White House. It was opposed to it in England and why both It has become a scrap of paper.
into oCngress and focused her Presto change, and he forgets Hand Ploked Board Rellet Workers Union of New was evident that the leaderwere rlight.
Like their fellow French colonials in Tunis, seductive powers on wavering completely his own espousal of Although the consti Jersey told the conference that ship of the convention was opGallacher wrote in the British Stalinist these Syrian militants are kept in the prisons Republicans in order to save the Casey Bill that called for tution specifically provides such a provision was a direct posed to such militant action sheet: am absolutely opposed to conscrip without the benefit of a trial. Most of them the Federal Theatre Project. the maintenance of at that charges against any mem violation of the principles and as picketing the White House, tion and to those who are behind it. It is have contracted frightful diseases as a result The Stalinists had their brief 3, 000, 000. and inveighs solely ber be first heard by a com constitution of the organization even though Mr. Roosevelt the cruelist thing imaginable for fathers and of their long imprisonment. Some of them, moment of glory, all due to against the restrictive amendmittee elected by the defend. which he represented. was at Hyde Park.
mothers who sacrificed for years to give their like Munir Rayes, who suffers from facial Bankhead remember, when the ments. He tops off his betrayal ant own local, the board that McDowell and the Socialist boys education and apprentice training to find paralysis, are in danger of their lives.
Justin of Pennsylvania then from them being handed over to the Brass Hats!
But all that was a month or two months ago.
Forensberantemperialist fighters are working Senate had okayed the contin promises of a fight in January 20t only hand picked by the New York, Baltimore and Mine made a motion that the picketuance of the Theatre Project. for a deficiency appropriation. Stalinist packed County Coun waukee were insistent however, ing take place on Sunday eveThe professions of opposition are not worth Carrying the White Man Bur But such low comedy couldn Now that Roosevelt has signed cil, over the head of the local, and the clause was adopted by convention. This motion was the paper they were written on any more.
The dispute between Gallacher and the den in South Africa: 1939 Style replace real mass action on the the one third cut, it wouldn but WAS picked by rumpa large majority. When asked carried and about one hall of meeting of His brow wrinkled by the cares of the white part of workers, and you see, be fair to keep on Needless to say, members ofrected; whether or not it was in front of an empty White Humanite has turned out to be nothing more County Council. at whom this provision was di: the delegates began picketing than the type of highinks that the lackeys of man burden, the current Minister of Labor peepul in the House of Repcallous representatives of the fighting for the Casey Bli.
Saterly local, acquainted aimed at the Socialist Workers the Stalintern are required to engage in while in the Union of South Africa, explains in the Workers Suffer with her three years record Party members of the organi House on a deserted street afeach carries out, according to the particular Johannesburg Star: local need, the general line of the Kremlin.
But what will happen to the of unceasing struggle in bezation, McDowell replied that ter dark on Sunday evening. Information at the disposal of the DepartW. workers in the mean half of the unemployed as it was aimed at the Oehlerites Withholds For the fight against conscrip ment of Labor shows that the movement to time? They, not Lasser and member of the were and the Coughlinites.
The name of the new tion has ended, now that conscription is a wards organization of native workers) is the labor skates, face the most carefully excluded from the organSidetrack Demonstration ization is the workers Security fact, with the slogan: Send the Boys Cigagrowing and that a number of so called trade brutal campaign against their trial board.
The other low point in a ra Federation of the United rettes, in the very best tradition of the old unions are in existence. In the absence of Jobs and relief standards since Phoney Charges ther dull, uninspiring and bu States with headquarters in ladies patriotic societies. Here is how the State recognition, control or protection, the the time of the starvation HooBritish Daily Worker puts it on May 27, 1939: The particular charges reaucratically controlled con Baltimore. Leith of the Baltinative worker is liable to fall into the hands of vervilles. They cannot afford against Saterly were centered vention was the attempt of more People Unemployed Next Saturday the Youth who are liable an undesirable type of organizer.
to delude themselves with around her efforts to change Rourke, president of Un League is Secretary Treasurer for mallitary training will register at the Labor And so the government kindly condescends the comforting statements Exchanges. few days later many of them to offer the native worker some forms of the Alliance company union employed and Project Work and Rourke of the New York Roosevelt. Their jobs are at policy with regard to job ers Union, Briggs of Wisconsin Unemployed and Project Workwill commence training.
recognition. But he is not, god forbid, to be stewards. It has long been a and others, to sidetrack the ers Union is National Organiz Keep in touch with our lads must be the recognized as an employe under the exist(Special to the Socialist Appeal) The provisions put through practice of the In Oak demonstration in front of the er. There is a National Comslogue of the working class. Why should not ing laws for it would entitle the native to full EVANSVILLE, Ind. The by Congress were only possible land, in its efforts to avoid em White House which had been mittee of two from each state.
every trade union and youth organization have trade union status and representation on in. 241 delegates to the second and in the relief wrecking atmo barrassing the adminannounced as one of the high All of the states represented, its committee which will keep in touch with dustrial councils side by side with European nual convention of the Indiana splere which Roosevelt created istration, to remove any job points on the program of the except New Jersey agreed to the boys, send them cigarettes, books and pa employers and employes. And that must Industrial Union Council at by proposing the one third cut. steward not having the approv that instead of a demonstration New Jersey delegates took the pers, and give them all the news from the workshops, and from the organizations of might make common cause with the white anys, June 23 and 24. listening crats, following the signal from Saterly took her position of mittee call on the president mit their organization to memwhile they are members.
workers and thus absolve the minister and to cast headed by John the President, have opened up sob steward on her book bind. Secretary and present a pets bership in a group that had That what the pseudo fight against con fellow imperialists of his white man bur Brophy expand on the merits of with a barrace of restrictions ing project seriously enough to tion. Also that the committee just voted to exclude workers scription has come to. It only remains for the den all too quickly.
New Dealism. At no time were aimed at the unemployed and fight for settlement of griev. call on various congressmen on the basis of political belief.
opportunity for democratic dis for 18 month rotation, which ect. Naturally, this did not cussion of the resolutions, the goes into effect in September, meet the approval of the program or policy.
is a deliberate move to demor. heads and Friday was taken up with alize the unemployed. It part ists obediently removed her as Station Life and Liberty Under New Deal speeches the only business of the official policy of shoving steward, using the ridiculous transacted being the report of the unemployed around until pretext that she had missed a their heels. couple of steward meetings If you have ever been in the state of Iowa You can say the government didn the Rules and Credentials Com they re walking you will never forget the endlessly long and try Boy oh boy how it tried. Now the unem laittees. The evening session Demoralize them so they can while in.
smodul roads which reach out across the ployed at least know the alphabet. But where was devoted to a partial report right back, sap their spirits and The fact that large magreat plains where America corn grows.
are the jobs? They are fewer and thinner whose most notable achieve what this vicious plan means Jority of the workers on her of the constitution committee destroy their energy. That is Hour after hour you hum along over the every day.
prairie with never a curve or a bump in the And keep in mind that all during this ten ment was in voting down a res in practice. The wiping out of project signed a petition statcement ribbon and the distant horizon seldom years the men without work could not be ex olution submitted and endorsed wage differentials is but an ing that they wanted her to under pected to provide their families with all the by the large locals of other whiplash in the Roosevelt continue as job steward made (Special to the Socialist Appeal) and upon hearing her story told changes. The homey little farm hoods in tall green trees, the fluffy white NEWARK. Mrs. Laura her to wait for her voucher. All little things necessary for building a home in Gary, Kokomo, Muncie, Ander inspired scourge against the no difference to the bureaucracy.
the clear blue sky just overhead and the the American style. No, they had to stop pay son and Indianapolis. The res unemployed.
Saunders, mother of two chil efternoon Mr. and Mrs. SaunThe Only Road Opposed Polloy!
olution called for a bronder babright sunshine, all combine to create a neverdren and wife of an unemployed ders sat in the corner of the ing the rent and you know what happens then to be forgotten picture. So even if the story And, of course, they couldn always feed the sis of elections for the state. The only road is a deter The charges against Bollman and sick Negro shipyard work relief office without taking am about to relate had never happened, family and kids who have been brought up ing that each county with 500 fight waged by real mass ac only had he disrupted by de from arthritis, could not un without as much as exchanging Committee, specifically provid mined, militant fight nowa were of a similar nature. Not er, herself a chronic sufferer their eyes off the inner office.
would still remember Iowa.
of their lives on a meal members, and one additional tions against the rellet cutters fending Saterly right to her derstand why the relief inves: a word. Just waiting, waiting.
Far off in the distance, against the sky, we now and then are not likely to grow up to look noticed a rather strange sight. It appeared like the kids on the cover of Boy Life Maga member for each ten thousand of all stripes, Democrats and position, but he had even postigator, Miss Kusner, did not. Hours passed. At four to be a man with huge stick in his hand and zine. Not exactly.
major fraction thereof, elect Republicans. And the sharp sessed the temerity to express bring the coal voucher together o clock the officer duty anthis man was acting up something terrific. And when father was unemployed little endum vote.
that member by county refer peint of this fight is dulled in opposition to the policy of the with the food voucher as was nounced roughly that the room Jumping up and down and flourishing the stick Jimmy and little Helen had to lend a hand in advance if the workers are not customary. It is true the sum be cleared, that the relief office like a combination pile driver and jack in the financial crisis of the Smith family.
Back Roosevelt War clear about Roosevelt role. Questioned by an Appeal cor mer was here and no coal was was closing for the day. How a box.
Jimmy left the seventh grade and took to The resolutions committee in He proposed the relief program respondent, Bollman stated needed to heat the place. But about my coal voucher, officA Profound Lesson while he got a day work in a crummy Eatommendations endorsing the final proof that he stands un peal the obviously unconstitu Mrs. Saunders to cook her You told me to wait anachow Oar curiosity grew as we came closer and joint. As for Helen, she quit taking plano les dentably in the camp of the tional decision of the trial meals without coal. Did she all you tell me is Get out of soon we saw that the man was furiously strikmending President Roosevelt wreckers the fact board, the iron grip in which think the family had a gas here. What are we to do?
ing the earth with huge stick. We decided school club because it costs money to pay for his South American policy. that he signed the bill. That is the stalinists hold the county, slove or maybe an electric Get out of here. shouted to investigate dues and wear new dresses. She just hung other resolutions called for the the most important fact for the state, and national apparatus stove?
the officer. In confused desperWhen we reached the field where this release the worker who wants to makes any sort of fair hearing around the house and helped her mother with immediate How am too cook for my ation the man and wife continstrange sight was going on we parked the car the washing. You know how it is. Mrs. Smith Scottsboro boys, and walked out across the ploughed ground. knows too. She saw what was happening and unions to picket at local fight effectively for his job and of his case virtually impos family without coal. Mrs. ued to stand around.
agencies of the continuance of sible.
Saunders kept on asking. The Little Joke There stood the man, sweat glistening on his she even tried to get work in the laundry until the Singer Sewing Machine investigator did not trouble to police wagon drew up, Mr.
sunbarned brow, beating a dead skunk with reply. The coal voucher was and Mrs. Saunders were shoved a baseball bat!
she saw the line up outside the employment Company, whose South Bend office one Monday.
plant has been struck since Ap.
not given this time, that was all into it. They were held on Immediately we retreated to a good safe Now you might argue that Mr. Smith had ril. The balance of the report there was to it.
charges of creating a disturdistance where the atmosphere was sweet and a duty to his family and that he should have was then referred to the incomNext morning Mr. and Mrs. bance. From four o clock in pure. Then someone spoke up and asked the Saunders went to the relief of the afternoon til ten in the everealized what would happen if he didn do ing Executive Board, thus cutman, What are you doing that for can you something about the situation. But Mr. Smith ting out the presentation of a face to find out about their coal ning the friends of the arrested see the skunk is dead?
voucher. But the clerk on duty tried to raise ball. Finally the knew what they did to men who robbed banks minority report favoring the The man paused in his labour and looked did not allow Mrs. Saunders to up with a determined scowl on his face and and Relief Workers and stole money. Sure, he often thought of try. Ludlow Amendment.
ing it who wouldn but he knew he didn A motion submitted by Don Faces Wide Revolt in Ranks Fourth Inter she her do, where was she to ball. At 11 o clock the saunders replied, Yeah, know he dead but m not stand a chance with Mr. Whitney and Judge Zinn, Stalinist delegate from a going to stop pounding this here animal until turn?
nationalists Make Steady Progress Manton. No, Mr. Smith was a carpenter and the state, County and Municihe stops stinking!
were released. But not before Finally the officer on duty the desk sargeant in the main Now, the way look at it there is a prohe tried to stick to his trade. But it was no go. pal Workers Union, called for an increase in the Secretarycame over to Mrs. Saunders police headquarters played his found lesson to be worked out of that fellow A Substitute for Treasurer salary from 2400 little Joke on the friends of answer. There is lot of dead things still There are fifteen million Mr. Smiths. Fu to 3000 a year. Although the (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
see very clearly and from day Mrs. Saunders who came to wallding around smelling up the neighborhood TORONTO, Canada. The to day the work of Stalinism in Finns.
teen million guys who are unemployed. And constitution committee recomThe latter have com ball her out. He told them there and they ought to be buried because the stink now the capitalist government has thrown in mended non concurrence on the Daily Clarion, Canadian Core the labor movement, where pletely severed their connec was no such persone hooked is something awful.
the sponge and is doing away with the motion and the convention ap organ, Take the capitalist system for instance. It and the relief. It got another idea. proved the committee action, out of business, Julys it to discourage every manifesta exodus during the past few the 2nd police precinct where been dead a long time but it still needs some It called the And this is practically John Bartel, the secretary will resume publication as a tion of independent militancy. Years, mainly in a social dem Mr. Saunders was held. In the sertom pounding before it ready for the boneyard.
you, the And the best feature of the the Stalinists, arose to speak port that the whole Pemove most acute because of the ob ian Stalinist movement is now Mrs. Saunders was held at the And if you don think capitalism has out idea is the fact that no matter what happens for the increase, shedding tears ment in Canada is undergoing jective economic situation undergoing a similar process. main headquarters as first relived its excuse for being, consider a couple of in the di ported, and that they were to facts. If the stink doesn get you the facts lasts. The initials stand for Industrial Mobil for the increase was then carcially in the West where in mer in life and death strug rection of revoluhunately to This delayed the release of Marx go back there to ball her out.
will zation Plan ried by a small majority and many sections only the frame gle with Eastern finance capi ism, another First of all there is unemployment. Back This plan was cooked up by some bright comes at a time when funds work of the paid bureaucrats tal on wheat prices which will wards fascism. Anything but Mrs. Saunders by another hour.
in 1999 when Wall Street laid an egg, there boys on the public payroll in the capacity of are urgently needed for addio and their personal following guarantee them a bare subsis. Stalinism is the general feel were, according to the Department of Labor Sthu Waiting Generals and Admirals. They got thinking tions to the organization staff. remains.
tence standard of living, and ing of these workers, so thorabout one million workers without jobs with about a nice war which will give them a Resent Stalinist Control The Popular Front policies over their farms which are oughly disgusted have they beThe hearing in the Saunders out the means to eat and buy shoes. That was chance to snatch a slice of some other country Little action of progressive were, on the whole, accepted heavily mortgaged.
come case was scheduled for next before the depression really got under way. and at the same time stick all the unem character can be expected by the membership. Only re The Stalinists have lined up morning but postponed till Fri8. Progresses without a few months there were ten million ployed in the army where the chances of com from the Stalinist controlled ex cently have they become aware solidly in this struggle with the Socialist Workers day, June 23, on the request of in the same boat. Ten times as many as during back are not so good.
ecutive board. number of del of the real implications of this moneyed interests. After sup League of Canada, Canadian the lawyer, furnished by the ing good times. Now, there are some people So now the capitalist government is work egates, especially those from reformist development. In the porting King Liberal regime section of the Fourth Interna American Fund for Political who claim that the unemployed are still bums ing overtime getting all set for the solution the o. locals, clearly re latter period, the has for another term, they have tional, has reacted splendidly Prisoners and Refugees.
who don want to work but don argue with of the unemployment problem. War. Why sented the fact that the time of been compelled to avoid mass now shitted their support to to these developments. During At the Friday hearing the such people. If you think there are ten million didn somebody think of it sooner? Remem the convention was taken up work, has turned over its un Ferridge New Democracy July, with only slender re court was packed with other bums in the country you got to admit right ber the last war. War to end all war. with so many windy speeches employed organizations to the movement, which resembles sources, it will send out five unemployed members of the now that there is something wrong with capi That came out pretty well when you consider while so little time was allotted church and charity outfits, and Roosevelt late New Desl pro organizers to all points in the and Relief Workers talism and it ain a mere head cold.
the profits made by the Families and the for the business sessions. in the trade unions has sabo gram very much watered Dominion. special Party Union. For lack of evidence the That was ten years ago. And today. 1989. number of unemployed who got killed. Be The resentment among the taged all militant activity in down. This sudden shift from Mobilization fund been or case was dismissed.
there are these ten millions of workers still sides didn we save poor little Belglum? Now delegates was clearly ex crder to assure the bourgeoisie King to Herridge has not saved sanized for this purpose. Two The Saunders family is stiu trying to get located on a payroll while in the we got something the unemployed can join pressed against the Stalinists. of its respectability and the the Stalinists from disaster in new branches, in Wiseton and waiting for their coal voucher.
meantime another five million have grown the army.
Many delegates went home sincerity of its plea for un the West.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, were up without nobody hardly noticing it. That is If that is the best the capitalist government from the convention with aity.
Language Groups Split organized in June. The former a serious symptom. And what has capitalism can do it is time to keep pounding it until it clearer understanding of the It is this role in the mass The Canadian was built is composed entirely of far At Your Service done about it?
stops stinking. We got to increase the pound necessity for organizing in their movement that has, more than up almost wholly on the lan mers, and the branch was Well, you remember the and the ing until there is nothing left of it and then locals and county councils for anything else, brought about guage movements. At one time formed immediately following THE APPEAL and the and the to say we can go ahead and bury it. Then we can a real fight against the stalin the mass revolt in the 90 of its membership was a mass meeting in the public nothing of the and the and the POSTER SHOP build a Socialist America.
ists at future conventions ranks. The members can now made up of Ukrainians and school there.
When a Jobless Family Asks for Some Coal of Canadian Suspends Publication of Daily Paper The