AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismKronstadtMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1939 DELEGATES OVERFLOW In the Convention Resolution on DISCUSS ANTIMEETING HAILS Labor WAR ACTIVITY Workers Defense Guard CONVENTION Unions APPEAL ARMY BRITISH LABOR SKATES RAISE WAR CLAMOR the klinin BOSTON AT WORK AGAIN War paper. Workers in Dor Enclosed find 15. 00 for ad chester, Chelsea, Boston and for two enclosed subscriptions. elsewhere know that the Ap1. The collapse of the New Deal, and the in Guard must be trained and disciplined, and vance payment on our bul and peal is the only paper that mil Fight Boss War is superable, ever mounting internal conflicts of function democratically as an autonomous Party Spokesmen Ex We sold out both last issues, itantly fights Coughlinism and body. From a second point of view, the Workwith the increased bundle or knows how to do it. The SoKeynote as Regular more and more directly to the bour ers Defense Guard is the preparation for the pose Roosevelt War der. The following are our cialist Workers Party is the onSessions Open geoisie the necessity for abandoning parlia far broader organization of the masses, with By WIDICK street sales results: Tuesday ly Party that comes out into mentary democracy and resorting to fascism far greater tasks, which will in the future have Preparations 25: Thursday at o clock 34; the streets against the Social as the sole means for preserving its power and the task of defending the masses against the Thursday night 10; Friday Justice rag. Many workers The July issue of the Steel privilege; and these same factors simultane counter revolution.
30; Saturday 106. The last one want to know our address and Workers Organizer, voice of Continued from Page 1) ously open the minds of large numbers among want to know more about our was against the Coughlinites.
the Northern New Jersey Steel (Continued from Page 1)
these three headings: Enlisting the Unions the the unemployed, farmers, middle classes and Our street sales are going program. In the near future Workers. Council (C. carthe demoralized proletarians to fascist demagogy ries a good editorial on the struggle against war; From the nature of the Workers Defense directly into the new world fine and they will continue, we am sure we ll have workers Guard and its tasks, it follows that the Guard war, just as the Wilson, admin. intend to increase our bundle Solning us because of this acproblems of the steel workers struggle against fascism; and and organization. Recent months have witnessed a profound because of technological unem the fight for jobs. Under each order in the future.
should take form wherever possible through istration did in 1916 1917.
the established unions. Revolutionists within Ridiculing the contention of The ployment, and what can be of these, the following slogans transformation in the character of the fascist Appeal is becoming tivity.
were proposed. movement in the United States. Before this, it the unions must attempt to win the union the New Deal and politicians known far and wide as the andone. It says. had been confined largely to individual cranks, members as a whole to a realization of the ranging from Henry Stimson to ti Fascist, anti Coughlin, anti Boston Appeal director Machines and Men Against the War: Let the People Vote on eccentrics, and dilettante intellectuals, and necessity of the Guard and must aim to have Earl Browder that the coming Recently the Irvin continuous War. foreign groups such as the various Italian the unions initiate the actual building of the war will be a popular war, strip mill of Carnegie Illinois All War Funds to the Un fascist societies and the Nazi Bund. Now, for Guard. Where a union forms units of the Shachtman further stated, rolled 466 tons of tin plate in employed!
the first time, it is becoming a serious, naGuard, the aim must be from the beginning Why do Henry Stimson and COUGHLINITES eight hours with a crew of six Jobs: tive, mass movement. In the first stage of this to extend the scope and base of the Guard Alfred Landon unite with Presmena new record.
ARE SEEN FOR transformation, the Coughlinites in the big Thirty Thirty!
beyond the normal confines of union organiza ident Roosevelt and Secretary We asked John Grajciar, of Expropriate tion and activity: by drawing into the Guard Hull, to say nothing of that ii the Sixty cities, and to a lesser extent the Silver Shirts the in Warren, Ohio, WHAT THEY ARE in the farming areas and smaller towns, are Families!
an expert on tin mills, to give unemployed, youth and others who are not lustrious patriot and descendus comparison of this record members of the union and in many cases ant of patriots, Earl Browder.
Open the Idle Factories, playing a major role. Whatever may be the That numerous salesmen for are not in a position to be members of any to defy the unmistakable maand Operate Them un eventual fate of these two particular groups, with the old hand mills, in union. by linking up with other unions in the jority of the American people Father Coughlin Fascist rag.
terms of men. His findings are der Workers Control! and whatever may be the episodio rises and building of the Guard, by establishing rela who want the right to a popular declines of the fascist movement as a whole Social Justice. are hooligans interesting in light of the prob3. Anti Fascist: it is certain to grow in extent and depth until tions with the Guard in other cities and by referendum on war?
and ex convicts was confirmed lem of machines and men.
Build the Workers De its sources have been rooted out. This can be amplifying the types of activities undertaken What are they afraid of? in a New York Police Court (Continued from Page 1)
Mr. Grajciar writes: fense Guards!
by the Guard.
Shachtman asked, Can it be when it was brought out that In this appeal these craven took little time and just After a rounded and thor accomplished by nothing short of the social revolution. In localities where it is at present im that they fear the vote of the Coughlinite William Frank of roughly figured it out in com ough discussion from the floor, possible to enlist the established unions in the people?
202 15 Street haa served supporters of Britain war.
parison with the three and four the resolution, as amended and Immediate Problem task of building the Guard, it is now neces Our party demands demoeight months in the New York mongering rulers provide a part tin mills of the Republic supplemented, was passed by The transformation of the fascist move sary, in addition to constant agitation for cratic expression of popular State Reformatory at Elmira shameless example of the kind Steel Corporation at Warren, the convention.
ment dictates the transformation of the meth union initiative, to take concrete steps in the sentiment in the event of war. and had behind him a series of propaganda that will be used Ohio, and here are the approx Party Preparation ods of defense against it. Theoretical analysis formation of the Guard with what forces are imate figures: James Cannon, National and abstract propaganda, to which specifically to bamboozle the workers of We re Trotskyites Too! While selling Social Jus Britain into thinking that by available. Where such forces are meager it The Irvin mill had a crew Secretary of the Party, dellv. anti fascist activities had to be more or less would be an error to regard the group that the pitched battles with the au Square, Kelating her experience in tice on 14th Street and Union going to war they will be really of six me on its cold reducered the next report on Pre confined so long as fascism in this country can be formed as a Workers Defense Guard in traditional radical helping the German people, to barons of Michigan, Genora center, tion unit. In addition, would paring the Party for War. In remained primarily a threat for the future, the full sense; rather, since the genuine Guard Johnson declared, Sure, the young girl and called her a their German brothers they Frank accosted a that by bayonetting the guts of judge, there were not more a masterful presentation, com become altogether inadequate when fascism can be built only by enlisting the masses, are women of Flint armed them red whore.
than forty men employed on rade Cannon pictured the re has become a reality of the present.
such groups skeletons or embryos of the Guard. Selves in the defense of their will be helping the cause of continuous mill that re pressions that the war fever Arrested and taken to the reason. The long term defense against fascism They cannot substitute their action for that of husbands rights to strike for police court on Second Avenue auces the slab of hot strip for will bring, the moral and physcan be only the achievement of the social revthe masses, but must aim to win the masses better working conditions. It and Second Street, it devel of Hitler fills the minds of the In Germany the propaganda a further reduction into tin Ical persecutions that militants olution. Meanwhile, however, there is the implate on the cold reduction will be subjected to on the day mediate and direct problem of the physical bunding the Guard, by adding on however cassed in a factory, you would previously arrested on charges British encirclement, the resisThis gives a total of 56 men. war breaks out. Above all else. defense of the organization, lives and liberties modest scale, the lesson of action and exam break the windows down too. brought by his stepfather, for tance of the British and French Their output in eight hours was said comrade Cannon, it is of the workers, which the fascists aim first to ple to that agitation. In New York City, 447 tons, a record.
necessary to keep the organiza weaken and then to destroy, from the physical Newark, and elsewhere, first steps have been with the piddling Thomasite so been previously arrested on pand the empire of the Reich.
Referring to her recent split raping a minor. Frank had al to his, Hitler s, attempts to exAssuming that each of the tion functioning, to continue assaults of the fascist gangs. The experience men averaged 10 a day, which our revolutionary activity go of all countries, including the United States.
taken along these lines by the formation of the Socialist Party. Genora de charges of burglary and ped. The best way to break the hold Anti Fascist Labor Guard.
is a very liberal estimate, the ing without meaningless hero proves beyond any doubt whatever that the scribed her experience with aling.
total wage bill for the Carnegie ics. to make the name of the agencies of the bourgeois democratic state United Front Action militant workers anxious to of the Hitlerite poison will be The arresting officer related to show them that the workers Illinois company was 560 to Socialist Workers Party syn will not and cannot carry out this defense: The struggle against fascism makes pos learn why she had joined the Frank use of abusive lan of other lands are determined produce 417 tons of tin plate. onymous with the struggle but that on the contrary, reliance upon these On a three part hand tin against the war; not to sacrl agencies guarantees the smashing of the united front. The essential requirements for workers tell me, she said. publicly shouted. Drive outgering masters and join hands mill of the Republic Steel to fice single man the war workers and the victory of the fascists. Only membership in the defense Guard must be skyltes. What in the hell is a with the German workers in a produce an equivalent tonnage, anongers, to exercise the great the workers themselves, relying on their own formulated simply as a willingness to fight Trotskyite and if you re one we the story, Frank declared from who can only rule through war In addition to his version of common struggle against those it would require 74 crews with est care in the functioning of means and strength, can defend their own orthe fascists, to defend labor and other organ. want to be Trotskyltes too.
nine men on a crew. In addi committees and branches so ganizations and life and liberties. The only izations and groups from fascist and vigilante the witness stand that We and mass starvation.
tion, there would be fifty shear that members will not be ex possible form of defense against the fascists attacks, and to accept the democratic disciFor a Colorful Party can sell our christian paper Repeating a Crime men and approximately 100 posed to war patriots, is the Workers Defense Guard. Whereas, forpline of the Guard. While taking every pre dress enthusiastically received and anyway Christians are be of the British labor fakers who But this is last in the minds openers. This makes a total oflrounded and murdered. merly, the Workers Defense Guard has been the overflow audience. ing persecuted.
816 men, or an approximate By a proper adaptation to primarily a slogan for agitation, the point has applicant and to preserve the Guard from spoke of the needs of the Negro have lined up solidly in back of wage cost of 10, 740.
wartime conditions the party now been reached, and more than reached When asked by the magis their own bosses and will do On a four part hand tin min, will spread its propaganda, do when the concrete task of the actual building or light minded elements, the effort must be race. Now, he said, Nes: trate whether he believed the their best to whip the Britisk 447 tons would require 88 crews its organizing, speaking only aſ of the Workers Defense Guard must begin in made to enlist membership and support as home in Newark searching for cated him. Frank rejoined, when war breaks out. By thus working class into the trenches of nine men each, plus 50 part of the truth where it is action, broadly and widely as possible on this basis. apartments with landlords who LaGuardia is a communist doing they draw a line of steel shearmen and 100 openers. This impossible to say more, but The Workers Defense Guard is, from one The significance of our party advocacy amounts 942 men at an ap never speaking an untruth to point of view an outgrowth and development and support of the Guard is in no way limites will accept relief vouchers. And and the police proximate payroll of 12, 240. the working class. Here espec of the picket squads used by virtually all take orders between the workers of Gerto the specific and all important tasks which ved. these poor misled work at the same time, he contin from him.
many and Britain, repeating In other words, the new ially, said comrade Cannon, is unions in strikes. From the beginning, howthe Guard can and must fulfill. Advocacy and crs say. Roosevelt is a good him, the magistrate deferred mitted 25 years ago during the After severely chastising the monstrous crime they comstrip mill with 56 men can pro the success of the orientation ever, the Defense Guard differs in key resupport of the Guard is an integral and deTaan he gives us these reitet sentence until a later date.
duce 447 tons at a wage cost of to the masses decisive. We spects from the picket squad. The Guard is cisive part of the political program of our last war.
8560, or a wage cost of 25 a must above everything else permanent, whereas the picket squads are party, and a political weapon of the utmost Referring to the Jersey secvouchers.
ton. While on a three part hand penetrate the mass organiza usually created only for the duration of the mill 616 men are required to tions and labor unions and not strike. The duties of the Guard are not merely mits the case to be adjourned produce 447 to and will more fully confirm in the future, that which to the communist party ANTI COUGHLIN tons at a wage cost go into hiding in dark cellars. picketing, defense against scabs, etc. but at the slogan of building the Guard meets with ing to penetrate the mass WITNESSES GET time after time so that the witof 10, 740, or 24 a ton; and, with a word, an idea we will all times the defense of the headquarters and nesses, who are eager to testieven worse, the labor cost per encourage union men, shop rights of the union and its members. More of the workers and the youth, and concretizes Plaskett said. In the unem RUN AROUND fy against the fascists, are diston on the four part hand tinmates to resist the war.
mill is 27. 30.
over the tasks of the Guard must be con.
the whole meaning of our conception of the played movement, one cannot couraged?
Reaping Results ceived, from the start, not in narrow terms of struggle against fascism in a manner accom see the Stalinists anymore. There is little wonder that quick conviction would After the first flush of patri the given single union which may be first in plished by no other part of our program. Continued from Page 1)
this country is in such difficultotic enthusiasm, during which volved, but of the labor movement as a whole, have nalled the Coughlinite terThey hids in such very conserSUPPLENMENTARY MOTIONS economic times, because none the war mongers will appeal to and indeed of all groups, individuals, organ1. The convention instructs the incoming nige pares som Mercro and white pelbaum, has had charges of anti fascist forces a legal proof vative dress. Declaring for a in the stabbing of Samuel Ap. Por campaign, and given the of this saving has been passed the workers to Back up the izations, racial minorities, etc. threatened or mission to be in charge of carrying out and these next months let us make against him by seven wit fascist bages against the National Committee to appoint a special com workers, Plaskett stated. In disorderly conduct brought of their on to the consumer, because Boys. during which the paci attacked by the fascists, vigilantes or other Instead the tin plate is selling for a short fist opposition will collapse in reactionaries. The duty of the Guard is to deco ordinating on a national scale, the work of the Socialist Workers Party a nesses.
Appelbaum case has been ton more today than two years gloriously into patriotic fervor, fend all who need defense from the assaults the Party in connection with the building of garden of colorful blends.
Four Adjournments handed over to the District Atago. And, furthermore, more disillusionment, resentment of the fascists. To carry out this duty, the the Workers Defense Guard.
than one half the tin plate that will sweep the masses. Reds.
Real Unionism To date the case has been ad torney to play with as long as is produced in America is pro labor militants, will everyVincent Dunne, speaking journed exactly four times he pleases.
of the militant Minneapolis la without any sort of a hearing.
Right Idea Cuced on the continuous strip where be hounded. But the sole spokesman of the war tor this cannot be a project of the bor movement, stated. Union. According to the workers who One of the witnesses was mills.
zation, in order that it be com. are witnesses against Migliore very angry after the case had Steel Council Answers ie strain will speed the crisis. will resound through the world. ceived as a united front action plete, must have a leadership the adjournments have been been called off again. He came The answer to this problem Revolts will occur in the vari Workers of the World Unite! in which the trade unions form capable of infusing it with rev demanded by the District At teering out of the court room was given by the Steel Council ous armies of imperialism. M11 Turn the war of imperialist the base. Comrade Smith follast month and the second tants here will raise their slavery the liberating civil lowed with a supplementary chutionary in of really worthwhile District Attorney claims, to stooge who has been telling the issue of the Organizer. The heads, make demands, and a war of revolution! And through report on the means of organtrade union policy: revolu make a thorough investigation witnesses to wait, wait, wait.
delegates that met in Erie, Pa. worker here, a worker there the victorious social revolution izing the Workers Defense tionary, militant action against of such attacks. But the wit Here, he said, shouting at last month Joined our national will say The Trotskyltes were establish a new social order of Guard. The resolution on the employers, with no reliance on nesses are getting very skep. the top of his lungs, Here is parade when they adopted res right, they told the truth. Our peace and freedom, and hu Workers Defense Guard, which tabor boards, Roosevelts and tical about the good faith of what you ought to read. And olutions for the hour day and prestige will mount, militant man solidarity. To envisage is printed in page two, was ache whipped Joseph Hansen the 30 hour week at the base sentiments will gather around such a social order in the mad cepted unanimously by the del (Continued from Page 1) by strong and alert labor de Most of the witnesses are exposure of Father Coughlin pay rate of 00 hourly for us. The clear political line of capitalist world of today is to egates.
this battle.
fense guards.
employed, and lose pay and out of his coat pocket. Fight Heel workers.
the Fourth International will live. And to take part as a Tom Johnson, the next reIn the name of fair play.
Glen Trimble, veteran West working time by appearing as the fascists; not sitting around It is the duty of the o. reap results. Without hysterical soldier in the strugele for it, porter, described the plight of several liberal ministers have coast militant, in speaking of witnesses. They want the case in the court rooms wearing a to solve the terrible effects of martyrdom, or capitulation we is the highest happiness.
unemployment caused by mod will continue our work in a In the discussion that fol program of action for party been cooperating with the ern labor displacing machin business like way.
ery. Negotiations with Big As the terrible debacle of port many delegates took the cuted Negro masses. Respond have been presented to the Bu that our seamen are ready for tion. But the case is allowed to Trotskyites got the right idea.
lowed comrade Cannon re work among the deeply perse committee. Protest resolutions sensfaring men the world over they have the goods on Miell fascist hoodlums with workSteel must contain the de war makes clear to the work floor, made recommendations ing enthusiastically to comrade reau and committees have revolution, the situation is rev. drag on and on The Stalinist bureaucrat had mands for a reduction in hours ers the death agony of capital for preparation of the party or Johnson report, the delegates called upon the state and local olutionary, but the workers in Stalinist Hand nothing to say.
with no reduction in the weekly ism, continued comrade Canganization for war, criticized discussed the question fully. relief officials. As usual the of other parts of the country are The paralysing hand of Stalpay. Make America Sixty non, it will become apparent the shortcomings of the past. The convention continues ficials have simply passed the not yet fully aware. The rev inist influence can be seen in Familles pay.
that the revolutionary struggle As had comrade Cannon, every with these items next on the buck, and although the wave olutionists must bridge the this case. Who told the wit Join the Socialist the for speaker stressed the necessity agenda: The organizational re of protests has the Veterans gap. Trimble continued. nesses to rely on the good of Workers Party ers who learned to use wea of becoming rooted in the port, the party press, the war Bureau worried the men cut Seamen see that the bridge fices of the District Attorney WANTED pons in the army of capitalism unions and the mass organiza crisis and the work in trade off relief still are going un is necessary that the only to fight the fascista? Who per.
Anti Fasolst Salesmen will learn how to make use of tions of the workers. The youth unions, unemployed organiza housed and unfed.
to sell way to win against sea slavery The Bureau, thoroughly is to win against workers slav gle for socialist victory.
these weapons in their own in delegates reported what the tion, the war and the Fourth Just Out. FATHER COUGHLIN terest.
Young Peoples Socialist International, youth report, and scared, has tried to divide the ery! Worthwhile Example Fasolst Demagogue All questions will be re League (4th International) is the anti war manifesto. The opposition by reconsidering. Acting as chairman of the THE TRUTH pamphlet duced to simple terms of life coing to prepare its members convention will conclude on the cases militarfew individuals: experience with the militant mass meeting, James can. ABOUT Big Sales and death. An fictions will be for war time activity, to root Tuesday with committee re but the militants fighting this auto workers of Flint and De non pointed out that the millLiberal Commission exploded.
All pretences, au out laxness and carelessnese. ports and the election of a new abuse have pledged themselves troit. stated, When ask taucy of the New York organ KRONSTADT See Miller, Labor Bookshop. half measures, all subterfuges. Comrade Cannon report was National Committee. to continue the struggle until workers of Flint why they want ization of the party is on 116 University Place the practice is stopped. So far to join the they tell me par with the most militant AU deceptions will be swept unanimously accepted by away. Two things will remain Anti Fascist Work ANNOUNCEMENTS such militant action as picket today that they join because units of the party nationally.
ing has been withheld in order they want the revolution and in its recent anti fascist camJohn Wright the invincible The next order of business power of the laboring masses: was the report of comrade CAMP SEVEN OAKS Esten: erals to have joint meetings of will bring it. They see an entire printing of 000 anti terial in refutation of antito try the suggestion of the lib they are confident that the paign, it sold out in one week New unpublished source maINFORMAL HOUSE the doctrine and party of Burnham on the development Marxism which Articulates of fascist forces mine ping ponte Plumbing the action committee and the that the choice today is be Coughlin pamphlets.
the United Bolshevik slanders concerte Box 245 Kerhonkson, their necessities and leads the States and the means of com per day. 14 a week. Bureau, It is safe to say that tween socialism and fascism The meeting opened with a (Near Ellenville)
way to victory!
batting them. Burnham cauCar leaves every Friday at only when the veterans them and the workers are ready to dramatic demonstration by the bellion. Mimeo. pamphlet, 120 acres of groenland in the In the blood and fire of war tioned the delegates against p. from 58 4th st. to selves and their supporters fight for freedom from the color guard and an printed cover.
Catskills 40 acres of pine for cents sunbathing: handball, ping pong the Fourth International will using slogans which are supercapitalists and their impressive review of an anticents in bundles of 10 or archery, swimming and horseplease! You may also pitch Bureau offices will the fight lated system.
Fascist Labor Guard continarise as the sole representative ficially revolutionary but which back riding nearby: dancing more 15 cents for single of the masses, and the hope do not correspond to the objec your tent at Seven Oaks. We be won.
Nathan Gould, speaking for gent, both units standing at at copies by mall.
UNUSUALLY LOW RATAS of all humanity! They will turn tive reality. The workers, said equip it and you can have the youth, made stirring tention throughout the meetSocialist Workers Party 18 Weekly to it as the one party that told comrade Burnham, in order to Bussen met at station use of Camp Kitchen. 20 for Join the Socialist speech for the mobilization of ing. The precaution served as National Educational Dept. them the truth and did not be protect themselves will have to the summer. Phone: Eatenthe anti war fighters young and an example of proper protecTel. Kerhonkson 118 116 University PL.
Workers Party tray them. It will become the organize defense guards. But town 515.
old, in the revolutionary strug Ition of working class meetings. FIGHT WORK CAMP SCHEME FOR JOBLESS Weekend