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We Can Rely Only On Labor to Fight Coughlin Gangs BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, NO. 48 FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1939 3c a Copy By JOSEPH HANSEN FINAL INSTALLMENT The Final Answer to Coughlin Democratic capitalism is doomed in the United States.
It can offer nothing but war, unemployment, misery, death.
In its desperate dying struggles capitalism will attempt anything to survive.
That anything is fascism.
The whole fascist movement is built upon the collapse of democracy and complete scorn and rejection of democratic institutions, except where they an be utilized to further fascism.
The entire working class, employed and unemployed, youth and aged, and their others toil the farms, must unite in common struggle to throw out the present government which represents the capitalists and place in power a government that will represent the workers and the farmers.
First step in placing labor own government in power is to organize labor OWN POLITIAL PARTY.
Socialist Workers Party Convention Calls for Fight Against Boss War Overflow Meeting Hails Opening of Every worker must begin thinking INDEPENDENT National Convention Action, Not Talk, Will Stop the Enemy! Delegates Discuss Anti War Activity WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS PETITIONS APITALIST COPS LIBERALS flowing tida British Labor Skates Roosevelt Signs Bill Sidelights Raise ar Clamor Wrecking the On the Convention WITNESSES GET Wall Street profits RUN AROUND LABOR BOR PARTY, organising INDEPENDENT LABOR PARTY.
Many Turned Away as Hall is filled to CaThis must be done immediately.
There is not a moment to lose pacity Socialist Workers Party Spokesmen ORGANIZE AN INDEPENDENT LABOR PARTY, Hit Imperialist War Preparations Branches in 32 Cities The Socialist Order of Plenty Democratic capitalism is doomed.
BRAZILIAN 4TH INTERNATIONALISTS FASCISTS Send Worker. DeleAlthough it loaded them with chains and branded them with irons, even a slave state could feed and clothe its GREET ANTI WAR CONVENTION gates to Convention slaves. But democratic capitalism can provide neither jobs nor food for those who toil.
The following greeting to the convention of the Socialist NEW YORK, July It deserves no other fate but to be crushed by socialist Workers Party has been received from the Leninist Workers Striking at capitalist slavery revolution.
Party, Brazilian section of the Fourth International: with the might of revolutionClean away the rubbish of democratic capitalism. To the second annual congress of the Socialist Workers Party, United States section of the Fourth International, the ary ideas and militant action, GOOD RIDDANCE!
Central Committee of the Leninist Workers Party sends its more than 100 delegates and The productive system is ready to pour out fabulous fraternal greetings, expressing its hope and its certainty that alternates convened Saturday riches.
our American brother section will emerge from its convention stronger and better armed for the struggle against the morning for the regular sesOpen up the vaults and the granaries!
threatening imperialist war.
sions of the Second National Open up the bursting warehouses for every working The Socialist Workers Party, which is today the standardConvention of the Socialist member of society!
bearer of the Fourth International, will become in the antiWorkers Party war struggle the standard bearer of the workers of the entire Harvest and distribute the crops that ripen in the fields. American continent in the struggle Yankee imperial.
Coming from 33 cities in ism, the most powerful of the impers and the greatest Open the idle factories and man the machines that will 15 states stretching from the produce undreamed quantities of wealth!
oppressor of the colonial and semi colonial peoples of Latin Atlantic to the Pacific coasts, America. In our sector of the struggle we shall wage, along An end to the blind alley of despair in America!
with you, the revolutionary struggle until victory is won. Long 75 delegates and 34 alternate Fight with the Socialist Workers Party for the so live the Fourth International!
working out a program of anBy RUTH JEFFREY and TONY CHAPMAN ti war activity for American One thousand people crowded into Irving Plaza Hall in labor. Auto workers, seamen, truck drivers, needle trades New York City last Friday night at the opening session of workers steel workers, unemthe Anti War Convention of the Socialist Workers Party ployed workers. all of them active militants in the trade Many were turned away after the hall had been filled to overunion and unemployed movement. are contributing their Leading labor militants from all sections of the country experiences, their ideas, to the solution of the immense probDiplomats Play at Game of Bluff While denounced the war plans of lems facing the American Stalinists and Labor Lickspittles of Adminworker.
and declared their resolve to War Main Point oppose the coming war for Revolution in Germany!
istration Head Off Miltant Action of Jobless with realization of the menacing reality of war apby Concealing Roosevelt Role From dozens of American proach, with the understanding Sounding the keynote of cities, in railroad cars (and be that only by revolutionary acWar did not quite break out in Europe this week end. That By RAY ROBBINS tween them. in hired Jalop tion can wars and the system the Anti War Convention, is the only way to describe the continuing game of bluff and The Roosevelt Woodrum Starvation Bill was passed late niong the highways, came which breeds war be eliminpies, and thumbing their way of exploitation and oppression counter bluff that is coming perilously close once more to which will be in session from Friday night, and its original author, President Roosevelt more than 100 out of town dele aed, the major portion of the July to 4, Max Shachtman, immediately signed his name to the wrecking appro sands of miles to represent blood brother, fascism, a showdown.
and In Danzig the police force was swelled into an army by Stalinists Help Dis editor of the Socialist Appeal declared, We are gathered priation.
their distant branches at the how to wage the battle against the addition of thousands of young recruits freshly back trict Attorney Stall here to mobllize and prepare But that doesn phase Roosevelt or his lickspittle allies, Socialist Workers Party Na both.
from Germany. Fortifications, our forces for the struggle the trade union bureaucrats and the Stalinist leaders of the tional Anti War Convention. The convention began its regular On Applebaum Case against the impending world Workers Alliance. Roosevelt, in brazen defiance of his own sessions Saturday banned by treaty, were being permitted to go out over the Dick Seattle delegate, got morning, after an enthusiastic rushed along the Danzig Pol casting corporation, the leaders Party is the only party in the actions, issued a statement de to the convention by hanging open session the night before.
ish frontier.
of organized labor in Britain m fed up with this busi United states that is intransi ploring the hardship that the Sie bitte beach lip twice before be on to the blinds of passenger After the organization of the trains. Hopping freights is all convention, James Burnham In Warsaw the Polish col Germany to overthrow Hitler ness of depending on the courts rently, militantly, consistently Ibill he was signing would in effect urged the workers of The Stalinist method of fight right for others, Fraser sald. delivered the major political onels waited for a signal from while they. Of course, stood to fight the Coughlinites. You and uncompromisingly opposed London and Paris to resistiast under the coat tails of the see what happens. Four ad to the war. And, in that, it ren mean for more than 000. ing the relief smashing pro But give me the blinds for de report on the United States Pofeelings and aspira: 000 workers. Slav sram of Roosevelt is exposed luxe transportation. Dick had litical Perspectives in the Light rulers of Britain.
journments. We need action now for what it really is: a a narrow escape in the reac of the War Crisis and the Corthe completion of cold an Workers of all lands, said against these fascists real actions of millions of tollers In ishly, the trade union pie card run around for the workers. tionary Bible Belt of the Deep responding Tasks of the party.
schluss between Danzig and the Labor Party appeal, must tion.
this country.
artists and the Stalinists took The Republicans are the only South. He was ploked up by the Comrade Burnham, reporting Prominent Speakers the Reich insist that disputes be settled That what one of the wittheir cue from the White relief cutters say the Stalin Law in a city just east of the on the Political Resolution Prominent speakers included ists hence the Workers A11 Mississippi, and almost got (printed in a past issue of the shrieking threats, Chamberlainan rulers regard as reason Court in the case of Salvatore James Cannon, national sec. House demagogue and at ance spends all its time pick thrown into the local calaboose Socialist Appeal) for the NaIn London and Paris, amid by reason e. by what Brit nesses appearing in the Essex. Congress is the main battle to escape the ministrations of ly analyzed the role of United nal in the vain hope that were not as war guilty as Hit said to the Socialist Appeal re: Party and active in the Amerl only criminals.
field not the streets in front Southern justice is a story that states imperialism, its concenthey threatened loudly and ofporter. Migliore, a participant can revolutionary movement Run Around for Workers (Continued on Page 2)
since before the Wolrd War. Continued on Page 2)
of Administration offiche refuses to tell in detail. Itration above all else on the ten enough Hitler would back Genora Johnson, leader of the Roosevelt is a polished past. Continued on Page Continued on Page 4) preparation for war, and the down far famed Womens Bat master of the baloney school necessity of moulding the parAmbassadors Cool Heels talion during the 1937 auto of politics. Give him the smallty activities around the war In Moscow Stalin kept the problem British and French ambassaDunne, leading figure in the visions attached to his relief.
Great Task dors waiting in his anterooms Minneapolis labor movement smashing appropriation by Alone among all the parties and the mayoralty can Congressional majority, and he in possessing a consistent, rev.
would happen in Danzig.
olutionary program against Chamberlain and Daladier kett, recent candidate nanitarian spiel. The war, the duty of our party is and their respective fellow in Newark for the New Jersey worker who faces the streets indeed great to make the ministers have been warnState Legislature, who, as aand utter destitution will look Women Committee Leads Fight Against ing Hitler that they would recognized leader of the Jersey Violates Principles of Movement by Exclud workers conscious of the war carry out their pledges to PoVeteran Relief Bureau Plan for Single Men wollen polopende mulher the parelles Fraternal Hand ing Members for Political Beliefs land to fight if Poland Inde against war, to help crystallize the anti war sentiment, to link pendence were threatened.
Glen Trimble, member of the From the British the anti war activity with the But neither one mentioned California State Committee of Danzig or what they would do ROCHESTER, spe denied relief, and some one the George Clarke, fight for jobs, to be ready with 4th International The Socialist Party formed ers who advocate dictator la proper program, a proper sloif Danzig already 99 44 100cial women committee of the hundred of them who refused fresh from the scene of the rea new unemployed organize ship.
Nazl proclaimed its adher Street and Sewer Workers Un to go to the camps at 16 a cent auto strikes at Flint; and Igan a proper answer at every Dear comrades: tion in Washington June 24 25 Militant and class conscious turn of events.
ence to the Reich employed and Union month are now on the bum or Nathan Gould, national secre Revolutionary and on the initiative of Arthur delegates kreetings pointed out Several amendments to the Clamor for War Measures Workers, headed by Mrs. Burt are living in Rochester sleep tary of the Young Peoples So and best wishes for the sucIn England, however, heavy Johns, long a militant fightering under bridges or in box cialist League.
cess of your National Con retary of the put a clause that this was something new resolution were introduced by pressure was being brought to for the unemployed, has been cars.
the National Committee: one, Expose War Deal vention.
in its constitution making po and reactionary in unemployed elaborating on the social conhear on the government to leading a campaign for the Branding these camps as Reporting for the National We in England look upon litical belief and opinion ba crganizations and only to be vulsions that will ensue from force the sis of membership in the or found today in the practices of the coming war; another, elabwar issue immedi past several weeks to put a ately. Loudest of all in the hys stop to the practice of the Vetvige slashing institutions and Committee of the on you as an example that we denouncing the forcing of indi the present war crisis, Shacht have to follow and the hardganization the reactionary Stalinist con orating on the possibility of a terical clamor for war meas erans Relief Bureau of forc viduals to leave their homes man exposed the rottenness of you set the pace the hard The constitution of this new trolled Workers Alliance. These postponement of hostilities, the ures was the Labor Partying unemployed single veter and live in the camps as Hit the Roosevelt administration er will we attempt to over. unemployed organization pro delegates also reported that severe economic crisis it would The Labor Party, commit ans into work camps. Ierism, the centra war plans. The Roosevelt War take and surpass.
vides that no worker can be a such a provision was a viola entail, the pre revolutionary ting itself to support the mas Some time ago the Relief body, the o. Council, the Deal, Shachtman declared, Yours fraternally, member who advocates dictation not only of the spirit and situation it would create. In adters of the British Empire to Bureau notified all such veter Brotherhood of Railway Train is striving to replace the forc. STANTON, horship either from the right or principles of the unemployed dition, a supplement to the resthe last drop of the workers ans that they would have to get men, and the Socialist Workers gotten man by another UnSecretary, the left and no local unem movement but also of the con olution was introduced setting biood, called for revolution in a job, go to these work camps. Party have been supporting the known Soldier. The Roosevelt British Section, ployed group can affiliate to stitutions of groups that were forth the campaign nature. Germany! In a radio appeal or get off relief. Since that Street and Sewer Workers in administration steering 4th International ihe national organization which represented at the conference. the party activities under while the government gladly time all of these men have been (Continued on Page Continued on Page)
admits to membership work. Continged on Page Continued on Page 2)
resents the Militants Fight Scheme to while he wanted to see whai Put Jobless in Work Camps options rest van de meest toutes les heures et Jobless Organization andate in 1938: Treuben pas can maken heart wrine ng hu Raises Political Barrier is