BolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismItalyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1939 The New Deal Skirts Housing Their Needs to Build Its War Machine Government Kitar.
HAROLD ROBERTA Late Editora: Painters Victory ish a democratie regime in the union and really On Provoking Riots millions. If the war of 1914 1918 opened up.
SOCIALIST APPEAL the prospect of world revolution that found flamVol. II, No. 46 June 30, 1939 ing realization in the Russian revolution, only By James Burnham to be crushed again by a recovering reaction bolPublahed solce a week by the stered by the labor fakers and social democratic SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place, New York, liars of all countries, the coming war finds the Telephone: Algonquin 8547 Government Housing Program Is a Drop in the Bucket world much closer to the explosion that will wipe Bubucriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. For olan: 00 per yerine United States: cents per copy in Which Doesn Come Near Answering the Pressing Needs the disease of capitalism off the face of the tor2. eto por countries. single coples: cents.
tured earth Of the Jobless Millions Who Are Forced to Live in Slums Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 60 for six This is what the boss politicians know in evmonth: 00 for one year.
By RUTH JEFFREY annual income of families on interest to this radio audience. Reentered as necond class matter February 16, 1930. at ery country. This is what has made the crisis so New Deal Housing. like New relief something ridiculously The hospitality extended to Perhaps the best comment on the Administrathe post office at New York, under the Act of March tion new lending program was provided by 1679.
us included, in Columbus, Ga. much more extended, so much more agonizing, Deal work relief, has value on like 81. 50.
for in England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, have been done to aid the most by the very worst slum areas, tion from the commanding offiof these workers, who occu. and Pensacola, Fla. an invitathe stock market. There the passions which seek release in Chamber of Commerce speeches and publicity releases are sobered by the imMAX SHACHTMAN and in the United States, the rulers all under seriously underprivileged one it frankly declares. The only cer of the local military and mediately controlling aim of making money. On FELIX MORROW stand that the war may well be the end of all of third of the people If a New relief families unable to enter naval post. At Fort Benning, the day the program was announced and on the EMANUEL GARROW vanager: Members: Deal for the forgotten man aided projects will be Columbus, and at the United them.
JOSEPH KANSEN Lad really existed.
those receiving incomes abso States Naval Training Station two following days, the stock market did nothAnd it will be! The Russian revolution of SHERMAN STANLEY During the first five and a Intely inadequate for minimum at Pensacola we were given an ing. The average stock prices changed scarcely at all, and trading was at an old dray horse 1917 was aborted when capitalism managed to half years of the Roosevelt Ad maintenance, and who there. opportunity of inspecting the pace.
FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST survive in the rest of the world. But capitalism dertake practical slum clear cannot pay even such very low of the training and education This may seem odd. for the enemies and will not survive the crises to come! Misled, batance and rehousing remained a rentals as will prevail in Given the young men. The im. friends of the program will have a lot to say WORKERS PARTY FOR: tered, betrayed, drugged, beaten into temporary world scandal of governmental assisted projects (where pression conveyed in each case about it in the weeks to come. To the latter it will publicly prove that Rooseveltism is still on the indifference to the housing the median is per room was one of tremendous effl1. Job and a decent living for every worker. submission, hurled out to die, the workers of the needs of a people. Finally, in monthly. The first problem ciency. The neatness of the march into the land of honey and almonds) the world will soon come to their feet, turn on their Open the Idle factories operate them under former will find one more convincing piece of September 1937, the Wagner for such familles is to obtain a grounds, the precision of the workers control.
masters and put an end to senseless slaughter of Steagall Act was approved, cre minimum maintenance income, drill, the appearance and conevidence that Roosevelt is running business into the ground. Beneath both varieties of ballyboo, their brothers. This is the specter that haunts the ating the United States Hous, in order that they may satisfy duct of the happy and healthy the stock market tells the truth that the program Twenty Billion dollar Federal publlo works and housing program.
war makers! This is the firm hope and determining Authority whose efforts their basic needs not only for men whom we saw were indeca doesn amount to much of a damn, one way or ation of revolutionists all over the world who to only percent of the most quate food, clothing and medi telligent care given by our milthe other. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum warehousing will join with the Fourth International in fight pressing 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on needs. cal care. This makes it clear itary and naval establishments Little Drops of Water all jobs.
ing the war makers and war mongers, rejecting ponding to the New Deal era, relief familes is a problem that believe that any citizen who is According to the headlines, the new scheme calls Thirty dollar weekly old are and disability the traitorous leaders who would send the masses Polon to death in the name of the bosses super profits! Lion rated lowest in rehousing It is not enough to supply ants: these melthborhood of one of is only to be authorized. The proposa msund spend at most 870, 000, 000 during the next fiscal It is to the organization of this struggle to ment assisted building pro sary to secure at least mini learning of the kind of training should spend a few hours in year. The anticipated national income for the cur6. Expropriate the Sixty Families.
the conversion of this firm hope into hard real gram, on a proportionate basis, inum maintenance incomes for kiven by Uncle Sam to recruits.
rent year is around 68, 000, 000, 000. The total of Al war funds to the unemployed.
the Roosevelt plan, therefore, would amount to ity that the anti war convention of the Social was ten times as extensive as the unemployed through high. It is my feeling that this train 1 of the national Income. people referendum on any and all war.
er home relief payments, more ing fits the men not only to be hardly be bought at so cheap a price.
Salvation can ist Workers Party dedicates itself. We stand in the Although experts estimate a work relief, and, most import better military or naval defend3. No secret diplomacy.
against the war of the bosses! We call upon the need for 1, 000, 000 new dwellings ant of all, more employment in ers of the country but, Indeed, As a matter of fact, examination shows that, every year (if the United States private industry workers of this country and of all countries to to be better citizens.
spite of the headlines, there is really nothing 10. An Independent Laber Party. new in the program. It amounts to little more is to keep pace with its housresist such a war and to turn it into a war for This admission, however, of than a bookkeeping change from the practises of 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante ing requirements. the inability, within the BUILDING WAR and Fascist attacks the liberation of all the oppressed of all peoples, was allotted, in 1937, 800, 000, New Deal relief framework, to MACHINES, NOT HOUSES the past six years. For example, has been of all races.
000 with which to operate as tackle lending and spending billions of dollars on many worst slums the Can there be any doubt but This is our banner and we write on it no suring the construction of 150. areas it penetrates is never that the New Deal is carefully.
kinds of construction projects. Roosevelt budget 000 dwelling units, at the rate mentioned when New Dealers consciously, molding itself into provided nothing for in the next fiscal ifs and buts. Twenty five years ago a tiny of 60. 000 a year. As amended go on the air to tell the under a bigger, more expensive War year: Congress has, so far, ear marked 125, 000, 000 of funds for but even that The victory of the progressives in District band far smaller than we are today held aloft privileged one third of a na Deal, under which diseased and may not stand. Much of what is included in the Roosevelt latest pump prin achievements.
tion all about New Deal dispirited unemployed slumCouncil of the Painters Union in New York this banner in the midst of the lies and frauds of ing program the Wagner dwellers can become happy new program is simply a modest substitute for the preachers and so called socialists who sup sall Act now increases the and healthy men. heartP. to be handled under the recently created City has more than local importance.
ported the war. That banner led to the revolu bonding authorization of the INTERRUPTING HOUSING Federal Works Agency.
ening evidence of the intelliThe District Council, one of the most importsent care given by our military Other sections of the program will merely con tion in Russia. We hold it aloit today and under by an additional. WITH MILITARISM tinue the already functioning activities handled ant sections of the powerful building trades under Rural Resettlement, Rural Electrification, unions in the city, has been under the control of it we shall march to the victory of the workers number of dwelling units, to be than Straus, appointed by the. youth star Slum entearance supplied the nation by the New President, made a glowing indeed Marches Forward! and Home Owners Loan Corporation.
The last sec tion will make 500, 000, 000 available for loans to the Stalinists for several years. They came into revolution here and throughout the world!
Deal, to the glorious total of speech entitled Slum Clear clearance, out of the slums, 300, 000.
office with a clear majority of the membership ance Marches Forward. over all potential cannon fodder: inforeign nations, chiefly, no doubt, in furtherance of the administration aggressive Pan American NOT FOR TENANTS a nation wide NBC network re to the military and naval posts!
suppo LIVING ON RELIEF cently. And before he had There is only one way by policy.
Far from being a bold step in advance, the preIt is the proud boast of the turned the first page of the tale which this type of relief to the gram does no more than carry on old devices do something substantial to improve the condiFascism aims to smash the entire labor muve Housing Authority that: Rents of his triumphal project inspec. unemployed slum dweller can which have already shown their hopelessness in tions of the workers. They leave office, routed ment all of its sections, beginning with the in aided projects will tion tour, he gave the unem be halted, and that is by active the past, and in most cases it does so not on a be well within the reach of ployed something nicer to think support of the Socialist Workby just as clear a majority of the membership most militant and ending with the most congreater but on a much lesser scale than during large numbers of families on about than their unsolved housers Party unceasing cam.
several previous years of Roosevelt regime.
And they more than earned their dismissal by servative.
both home relief and work re ing problems. Sald the Presi paign for. The most advertised change is also nothing new.
the wreck they have almost made out of what Only the blind can fail to see that the fascists JOB AND DECENT LIVlief. But, having previously dent appointee: The administration is under pressure to reduce stated that the average an At this point want to inter ING FOR EVERY WORKER!
should be a tower of strength in the building are already beginning their work in this counthe rate of increase of the national debt. The new nual incomes of tenants will rupt my speech to tell of some ALL WAR FUNDS TO THE trades.
appropriations will not be handled directly by the Tange from about 1, 100 down thing which is not related to UNEMPLOYED!
Treasury, but by special agencies created by ConThe Stalinists may capture a union here and The cowardly attack in the dark of night to about 450 a year. the the housing program, but was TWENTY BILLION DOLgress which will do their own financing: their is not unaware that gov of the greatest interest to me LAR FEDERAL PUBLIC there playing demagogically on the progressive upon the Thomasite Debs School has already obligations, however, to be guaranteed by the ernment slashes of already in and will, especially in view of WORKS AND HOUSING PRO Treasury. Thus these obligations will not have to aspirations of the workers. They cannot keep been brought to our readers attention. adequate relief run the average world conditions today, be of GRAM!
appear on the books of the Treasury as additions control of it except by the most arrogant and The American Labor Party has not been imto the national debt. However, this has been done bureaucratic measures. In District Council 9, mune, as witness the Coughlinite attack on the frequently in the past: and even now there are not even these measures helped the Weinstock meeting in the South Bronx at which a more than 7, 000, 000, 000 of such obligations out standing machine. It has been smashed, as it will be Councilman Quill spoke several days ago everywhere else in the country.
Now the Daily Worker reports (June 17) that The Meaning of the New Program The new program shows once more the beghtNow it is up to the aroused and vigilant mem last week the Coughlinites in the First ning and end of New Deal wisdom. It flows from bership to see to it that the union is converted Bronx, organized a march to break into the local the theory that was once called pump priming into what it should be: a militant, progressive, headquarters of the Communist Party after atBy First of all it presupposes that the laboring masses. Thus, in and is now known as compensatory spending.
Walter Duranty, correspon Stalin himself far more lim volved here were not acciden According to this theory, when private enterprise democratic institution, which every worker will tempting to disrupt a open air meeting on dent of the New York Times, ited than he really is. Yet he tal exaggerations, nor irra has a temporary slump, the government steps another corner who has always been given the possesses, especially in this tional zeal on the part of execu in with heavy spending to get business out of the This means: a thoroughgoing house cleaning These are exactly the same methods employed filthiest Journalistic assign sphere, ample experience to be lors, but conditions indispensa hole: then private enterprise catches up. and ments by the Kremlin, has now able to foresee in advance what ble for the success of the basic new wave of prosperity follows.
by the Blackshirts in Italy and later by the Nazis of all bureaucrats and reactionaries found it necessary to report proportions a purge would have plan. In the capacity of execuIn line with this theory the government has, This means: reestablishing democracy, free in Germany.
that the proportions assumed to assume given the apparatus tor was required a hysterical since 1933, undertaken compensatory spending What conclusions does the Daily Worker by the purge were far beyond in the creation and training of scoundrel of the Yezhov type. which can be roughly measured by the increase dom of speech and freedom of criticism in the in the national debt. 23, 500, 000, 000 plus the union.
draw? The most polite ones imaginable. The these conceived abroad. Half of which he holds preeminence. Moreover, Stalin foresaw in adthe expelled communists werel It is well known that the vance the character and sweep seven or more billions in obligations of the special This means. a carefully planned and executed Communists carefully avoided being provoked again returning to the ranks of preparations for the purse be that Yezhov activity would as agencies: a total of more than thirty billion dolserve the party. But how many inno gan long ago. They began in sume, and he prepared before lars.
program of action, backed up by organized into a riot and rather left it to police to cents had suffered among the 1935 with the expulsion from band to renounce him once the One thing was correct about this theory: with union strength, to restore the living and work order.
non party people! And so on. the party of tens of thousands main goal had been attained.
Now we too, like any sensible person, are ing standards so badly shattered during the Walter Duranty indignation of Oppositionists who had long in this sphere, the work pro economy would have folded up. But much more Weinstock administration, against allowing ourselves to be provoked into this time too, is manufactured since recanted. No one plumbed ceeded according to the plan. important side of the theory was wholly wrong: a riot. But that is not at all involved in the to the order of the Kremlin. At this measure. Least of all, of It was back in the period of in spite of all these thirty billions of pump priming The painters who just completed their elections not merely vote to change one group above cases. What is involved are the simple the present time Stalin urgent course, those who had been ex struggle against the Left Oppo and compensatory spending. private enterprise ly requires the loudest possible pelled. The task Stalin had set sition that Stalin revealed to has not caught on. on the contrary, private enindignation by his own flunkeys himself was to kill the Fourth the clique of his closest co terprise continues in disastrous shape, in fundaof officials for another. They voted for a clean, alternatives. Shall the workers organize to de democratic, progressive, militant union not a fend themselves, by their own strength and mili over the perpetrated abomina International and to destroy en thinkers his great sociological mentals getting steadily sicker tions and crimes. What they route the old generation of the and historical discovery: All all the patches, they just cather year by year. With seem to get Humpty docile tool of bureaucrats and the 13th Street tancy, against fascism or shall they leave their thereby seek to instill in public Bolsheviks and all those in the regimes in the past fell only Dumpty together again.
defense to the order preserving police? opinion is that Stalin himself is succeeding generations who because of irresolution and vac The latest spending program is a confession of The new administration has a huge job cut The Stalinist leaders who, in spite of every brimful of indignation, and, in were morally tied with the nation on the part of the rul failure. The talk of the money being loaned excluconsequence, that frameups. traditions of the Bolsheviking class. If the ruling power sively for self liquidating projects is a farce: out for it. It has a clear mandate from the mem thing, are on the murder list of the fascists in provocations, arbitrary exiles party. To execute so monstrous evinced sufficient ruthlessness if they were genuinely self liquidating. e. profitbership. Let it take the right road at the right this country, say: and shootings had been carried a design, without parallel in in the struggle against its ene making. there is plenty of idle capital which Leave it to the police. The police will preserve at mass exspeed and it will find solid support for its acon without his knowledge and the annals of the history of mies, not stoould always be Rooseveltians are hoping that they can whip up a would finance them through private channels. The mankind, it was necessary to cutions, it tivity order. The police will defend labor rights. The against his will. Only incorrigpolice will stop the fascists. Workers, don be ble of believing this. But even ible fools are to be sure, capa clamp the apparatus itself in able to cope with all dangers. brief flurry of fictitious prosperity which would steel vice.
STALIN WILL SHARE get them through election year. But even for such provoked. people not so stupid are in STALIN GREAT HIS SUBORDINATE FATE a purpose, the new program is so small and timid In the first place, at least half the cops of New clined to met Stalin, at least HISTORICAL DISCOVERY In the autumn of 1927 this that its effect will be hardly noticeable.
York (if not more) are already in the Cough SPECIES OF Every agent of the wisdom was already being reBut from the program the War Deal will get every Soviet functionary, every peated in all keys by Stalin one important weapon, and it may be that this punch drunk world waits for the Sarajevo linite camp, to one extent or another. Watch FALSE REASONING party member had to be made agents so as to prepare the was the reason for all the rest: half a billion more of 1939. It was exactly 25 years ago that them on the streets when they get a chance to Yes, yes, they say, Stalin is to feel that the slightest depar. party public opinion for the dollars for the State Department to use in lining up additional Latin American dictators for the Princip bullet found its mark in the Archduke show where their sympathies lie, and you will unquestionably guilty of the cure from this or another bes: coming purges and trials. Totial instruction meant the death day. to the masters of the war. The Johnson Act, which was once supposed Ferdinand of Austria. Five weeks later the great see. In the second place, to tell the workers to let latest colossal wave of terror of the insubordinate, the ruina Kremlin it may perhaps appear to protect the United States from those financial opposing camps of imperialist powers were at someone else do the work of defending them, is but he wanted it restricted tion of his family and his in any case it appeared to entanglements which played such a role in swingwar. Five weeks from now they may well be at to tell them a lie that must have disastrous. conwithin the framework of politi friends. It was necessary to de them yesterday that Stalin ing the country into the last war, is being suavely cal expediency, that is, to destroy beforehand the very idea great theory has been proved and effectively superseded by the maneuvers of war again. Sarajevo was just a spark for the sequences. It like telling unionists to rely on stroy only those whom it was of resistance in the party, in by facts. But this time too histhe Roosevelt war machine.
tinder. This time there have been Sarajevos at the police to protect their rights against scabs essential for his regime to detory will shatter a police illustroy. Meanwhile, irrational sion. When a social or political In Trenton a public school teacher in the first almost every turn of the seasons during the last and thugs in a strike.
and demoralized executors.
Special Offer!
regime comes into an irrecon grade is exonerated of the charge of having taught three years.
How many nore headquarters hav to be guided by far baser motives, TWO BOUND VOUMES cilable conflict with the needs her pupils horror tales, which oncerned fightStriking as are the similarities between the broken into, how many more meetings have to invested the purge with an abof a country development, reing between Japan and China, automobile accisolutely monstrous sweep and be broken up, how many more workers have to dents, etc. It dangerous business to tell children crisis now and the crisis of a quarter century pressions can unquestionably SOCIALIST APPEAL prolong its existence for a certhe facts of life, even the mildest kind.
ago, the differences are far more profound. The be beaten to a pulp by the fascists before the thereby aroused universal in. 1937 and 1938 Hain period, but in the end the gangsters, who took the lives of innocent mil workers (members of the Communist party in this meaningless destruction Both for only 3, 00 includ very apparatus of repression Czechs feel a greater kinship with the United lions in the last war were filled with confidence. cluded) learn the simple lesson: even from the standpoint of the ing postage will begin to crack, will be States than with any other democracy. says Dr.
interests of the Kremlin itself To defend itself and its movement from the come dulled and crumble. The Joseph Hromadka of the University of Prague, The capitalist racket was paying dividends. It of hundreds of thousands of This 25 reduction holds because Czecho Slovakia has been without an police apparatus of Stalin has was simply a question of enlarging the sphere of claws of fascism, labor must rely on itself, must neutral people, Stalin is of good for only a few weeks!
entered precisely this stage. aristocracy since the 17th century. Quit quibbling.
operations. Today their racket is rotted through organize itself.
course not guilty.
The fate of Yagoda and Yezhov Doctor. The nastiest, foulest, meanest, crassest and through. It isn working any more. The To organize itself means: Build the Workers lure middle class logicians, it is kind of aristocracy is that of money, and both the However such reasoning may Buy the Socialist Appeal presages the future fate not United States and your country know this kind gangsters sit on the fused dynamite of starving Defense Guards!
false from beginning to end.
at Your Newsstand mon master of all three.
too well.
Sheet on the Kremlin Purges rightly feel is his.
Against Boss War!
of the