BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninMussoliniNazismSocialismStalinismStrikeWorkers Movement

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1939 APPEAL ARMY Anti War Convention Problems Under Discussion On Making the Appeal a PROPOSED Who Is Coughlin, In the Faper for the Masses REVISION OF What Is His Program, Labor SECTION EIGHT How Did He Rise?
Unions Leadership of Bedding favorably in his radio broadcasts Henry Ford, Walter Local 140 Persecutes Critic in be was must THE BRANCHES COME cur expectations, nevertheless, THROUGH: some branches did a splendid Enclosed find a money or job and accomplished more der for 20. 25 10. 00 on our than their share.
Appeal account and the balance Slightly over 100 renewal for new subscriptions. subs were obtained in a little STATEMENT ON THE SO cultural level, but of the conChicago literature agent. over one month time. The CIALIST APPEAL BY THE ditioning he has received from cutstanding branches were AKRON BRANCH reading popular bourgeois and Enclosed find 14. 00 to pay Minneapolis, with 29 renewal The issuance of the Socialist labor papers. We should take By DONALD BERGNER By JOSEPH HANSEN up on our account and 00 in subs; New York City. 17; BosAppeal as a twice weekly was this conditioning into account advance. Washburn, St. ton, 7: Philadelphia, Section of the Political Res.
a great step forward toward and adapt our style to what he olution should be more con INSTALLMENT VI Louis Appeal agent.
Minneapolis easily did the the winning of the masses by has been accustomed to. And crete. It is not sufficient to rebest job, with Boston and PhilRESULTS OF RENEWAL adelphia next.
By WIDICK The campaign to obtain rehowever, is still far from being done is to shorten the parte peat our position against im Who Is Behind Father Coughlin?
The United Progressive fur a mass organ. The changes sraphs, sentences, and words. below are concretizations: the What Father Coughlin secret files at the Shrine of the newal subscriptions from our NOTICE: Please make All riers of New York recently put that were made in the paper at Because it has become so third point deals with the Little Power would reveal as to his financial backers can readers who, for one rea checks, money orders, etc. pay.
the Stalinist administration of the time of its becoming much is part of us, we are problem raised by comrade only be imagined.
son or another, had failed to able to the SOCIALIST AP.
the International Fur Workers twice weekly were for the most sometimes not aware how Green amendment (Appeal: continue their subscriptions has EAL. Do not make them out Union on the spot with an open part regulatory and technical: much revolutionary Jargon we June 20. Hitler movement, when it was in the same stage as been completed.
to the editor or manager. Kind.
letter to Ben Gold, Stalinist the content, style, and make up employ in our press, and just While the results were not to ly adhere to this request.
Father Coughlin s, was secretly backed by powerful finan1. The Party should conduct president of the International. in sum, the whole approach how much of it is incomprehen We are approaching already remain too much the same. sible to the average working campaign for the immediate cial interests. the steel magnate Thyssen and other powerthe middle of June but thous Our paper is still too much euiff. It is a fact that to a large independence of Puerto Rico ful German capitalists.
ands of us are still crowding the propaganda rather than a number of militant workers, and the other colonies. We must Occasionally Coughlin will mention certain capitalists sidewalks of the fur market, mass organ. It is still too aca representing strata that have expose the hypocritical prathungry. tired and worried. demic in its approach: it is not been touched by no working ings of our Imperialists, as our the letter points out. at San The convention of our union age worker finds the paper dif bourgeoisie, im doing, by spreading the truth Simeon ranch of William Randolph Hearst while on a in Atlantic City had the task of ficult. We tend to underesti perialist war, class con about their brutal exploitation visit to California. Mr. Richards, president of WJR Answer Joe Kitain Charge of Union Missolving partly these problems. mate this difficulty because of scious, bureaucrat. class of the colonial peoples. When but the leadership of the Joint our comparatively long experi collaboration, demagogy. the social patriots shriek about is a generous financial backer mentioned by Coughlin. He rule by Deliberate Hounding Campaign Council forgot all about the suf once in politics, but it is never maneuver. etc. etc. have Poor little Czechoslovakia mentions too in one of his broadcasts (Father Charles ferings of the fur workers, the theless a fact. Our experience either no meaning at all or else we must teach the workers to what about in Akron, and in the Ohio a very fuzzy one. While recog answer: And Coughlin, an official biography, 107. the visit of Harris The Communist Party clique relatively new member, he letter accuses. It continues: Puerto Rico? Not only our You, Mr. President, have Michigan industrial Area gen rizing that these words have duty as the revolutionary opand LeBlanc to his shrine for intimate conversations, Rob running Bedding Local 140 has ran for the Executive Board contributed a great deal rally, confirms this.
historical Justification and a ert Harris of the New York Cotton Exchange a seph Kitain, ever since he amounted to 25 of Sirota s, that towards this present condition Getting to Masses historical necessity and that position in the homeland of the southern bourbon well known as a cotton and silver specu opened his mouth and dared who received the biggest vote.
by stirring up one part incepeal along the lines which we our intervention in the class volved here, but also our effec.
of the change in the Socialist Ap they are important weapons in imperialist exploiter is workers against another.
lator, and George LeBlanc described by Coughlin as per to oppose the corrupt acts of The polls and count were of the administration.
haps the world foremost gold trader (an international course controlled entirely by you came back from the con shall indicate would, in our struggle, we must be careful tiveness in combating the jinJoseph Magliacano, the sec the administration. devention a whole set of schemes opinion, result shortly in our not to let them become easy goes and super patriots.
Our Responsibility banker. and maneuvers. were put into greater penetration into the substitutes for careful explanaretary treasurer, even went so mand for voting machines was rnotion Pedro Albizu Campos and order to whip the masses and the consequent ex tinn, simple terms, and fresh far as to physically assault rejected by the administration.
The forces in Coughlin financial background are, as workers in line again.
tension of our influence. In the approaches to old problems.
other Puerto Rican anti imperiThe controlling clique, seeing Speak American sinister as the forces that directed the breaking of the Lit You were convinced through process the Appeal financial Kitain exposed differences in the growth of the opposition slists are rotting the Federal Linked with this problem is Penitentiary. Not in some fartle Steel Strike.
wage scales, the leaving of around Joe Kitain, determined.
the open forums that the unem crisis, which we are now try.
prices and conditions to at any cost, to get rid of him.
business, and ing to solve in an organization our notable have therefore advised the al way through the circulation certain happy, exceptions. to but right here in the United Coughlin Program and the Fascist Program mediation board. favoritism His life was made miserable in leadership of the Joint Council department, would in good part speak, American. We do not States. They are in jail for se tor members, non exis the shop and he was physically Coughlin program as it now stands bears a remarkable tence of equal division of threatened many times. His felto rush through the convention be alleviated in the best way speak English as she is spoke. dition against the Wall Street decisions at the local meetings. through the workers actually Judicious use should be made government. The fight for their resemblance the programs of fascism and Nazism when You made your plan so that looking forward to our paper as of such native expressions as release is our responsibility, it they were at a similar stage.
the lack of representation for and were afraid to talk to him.
the spring makers, who numer. False charges were framed only few workers should attend they do their evening bourgeois going to town. getting to cannot be confined to occasion Coughlin appeals to the dissatisfied and restless unemJournal and continuing to buy it first base, on the make. al mention in the Appeal, nor ically make up 45 of the Against him.
local meetings.
and boost it themselves.
Silence Critics muscling in, angel, car membership is it primarily the task of our ployed workers and youth, and the farmers and small By crooked manipulations, Examining the Appeal from rying the ball, the razzber sections in Latin America. It Don Answer Charges merchants who are facing bankruptcy. Never in the history of our this point of view, then, the ry. putting him on the spot. is our work, here. We must Instead of replying to Kit they tried to force him to take union were there any kind of Akron branch would like to etc. This approach could be es take the lead in a campaign for Hitler directed his appeals the same sections of the win charges, the officers, Jo a low paid stretcher job, but meetings held on holidays. Will make the following suggespecially well used in the car their immediate release, asking population.
seph Magliacano, Alex Sirota, he refused. He was fined large you please tell us Mr. Presi tions toons.
such groups as the American and Sol Kitain, in the usual sums a number of times. After Mussolini built his movement from similar ranks.
dent, why all the four local (1) The stories should Foreign phenomena should Fund, labor unions and Latin manner, called Joe Kitain a long time, he was suspended meetings were held on the two shortened. We continually get be presented in the closest American organizations to take Trotskyite disrupter.
for a month, and then in an ilCoughlin, like his predecessors proposes a just and livnights of the Jewish holiday, complaints from workers that analogous American terms. In an active part in it.
It may be interesting to note legal trial without any specing annual wage, cost of production plus a fair profit to Shevuoth. Can you tell us the stories are too long. Since this respect Krivitsky articles Our propaganda that Magliocano was never ification of charges, he why the largest local of our much of our present member in the Saturday Evening Post make it clear that we are opthe farmer, etc. He attacks democratic capitalism just as bedding worker, but is a bar expelled by the executive joint council, the Operators. ship has come to the position give some excellent pointers on posed to all imperialist oppres Mussolini and Hitler did, and attacks it contemptuously.
ber. He was not able to do his board. He was deprived of his with a membership of nearly of the Fourth International how to explain the Russian sit sion in Latin America. But that Stalinist dirty work in the bar job and his livelihood without 000 was assigned to meet in through a period of ideological uation. Expressions such as is not enough. Our main enemy He proposes revolution as they did, the use of force. ber union, so he was impor a hearing before the membera hall that takes only about clarification gained chiefly the Leningrad machine, the is still at home. That is, as He attacks the failure of the New Deal to solve unemployled by the into Bedding ship and was obliged to eke out 500? Doesn that prove that through intensive reading dur party bosses, and patron the section of the 4th In ment. He attacks its war program.
Local 140, where he immediate a subsistence from unemployyou were not interested to haveing the time that we have re age, for example.
explain ternational our agitational task ly became an officer, contrary ment insurance. In typical Mosthe furriers make an honest de mained largely a propaganda more than the ordinary de is to expose and defeat the Coughlin is attempting to divert these revolutionary lay to the by laws cow fashion, Joseph Maiman, cision?
group. there is a tendency on tailed exposition does in many machinations of imperial ers of the oppressed masses, just as Mussolini and Hitler The leadership, as they a member who supported Kit At the local meetings we the part of some of us to more words.
ism. Furthermore it must be do in every union they control, ain fight for bread and butter, found out that one of your de underestimate the difficulty in much of our material es pointed out that where Nazi before him did, from striking at the very heart and core of cut of the union funds paid in was forced to confess and recisions at the convention is to which just plain length imposes pecially the feature stuff there fascism comes to Latin Ameri the system that produces unemployment. He turns their by the sweat of the workers. pent his sins in a letter pubsilence those who dare criticize upon the average worker. And is not enough illustrative ma ca it finds much of its work you and your friends. You call from our own experience, even terialno nek semoue ho analogies from the ideological point money system. He proposes economic reforms chiefly in rage against the international bankers, the Jews, the proposed contributions to their shed June 3, 1939, in the FurStalinist puppet organizations, niture Workers Press.
such as the American League Consent to Hearing stitution You want everyone breath before jumping into an to make clear and clinch our accustomed to dictatorship)
the realms of banking and currency. In this way, like Mus for Peace and Democracy, But Joe Kitain did not sleep.
in our union to bow to the bur interminable story that contin. theoretical points.
Of our writ. already accomplished by the solini and Hitler, he attempts to dissipate the revolutionary They officially sponsored and He immediately began a cam.
eaucracy. You want us to close ces for column after column. ers, Bill Morgan does the best Yankee imperialists and their put pressure on the member paign of agitation which has our eyes and shut our mouths Stories should be broken up sob in this respect. We can native tools. And in most of energy of the masses against bundles of painted straw.
ship to purchase fake raffles lasted for four months. He to the so called victory of tem into several parts, if necessary, learn here, for instance from Latin America it is imTo the capitalists he makes clear exactly where he stands entitled Proceeds For Sup. circularized the membership in porary jobs, permits for learn and spread through the page. the popular technique of Oscar perialism that is the main ene by expressing his devotion to capitalism and the private port of Labor Newspapers and the different shops and pick which eted the office union. in one of the early so one the shop. party domination in in a box close to the main cialist movement.
natural resources he advocates nationalisation; but he embetween our broad, general have been the Daily Worker but it finally had its effect. The the union, dishonest elections, story, a feature highlight in a By and About Workers propaganda and the agitational phasises that he doesn want nationalization of industry.
and the Workers School, corrupt leadership is beginning squandering of union money. small box inserted in the story, As far as the Appeal is connecessities varies in different for there never was any draw to feel it, and has begun to fear collaboration with the bosses to etc.
Some of Hitler most prominent demands make intercerned, the American worker countries and situations. Agitaing of the raffle and no one for its existence. They have the extent of obtaining thous The story should be continued is an abstraction, upon whom tion Against Yankee, German esting reading beside Coughlin The Nazi platform for ever reported what was done finally consented to give Joe ands of dollars in loans from quickly so that the front page: we peer benignantly from our and British Imperialism, instance called for abolition of the domination of inter with the hundreds of dollars Kitain a hearing before the that were collected.
membership at the meeting to That is what you call de with paragraph squibs, short of the ele ture tier kendishes Best while correct ate present in Boest, the complete confiscation of all war profits, and actual worker what he livia, would be ludicrous in participation in the profits of large concerns.
Fear positi be held June 22, 1939, at Irving mocracy. But tell us please, news items, and feature mate thinking, what he sore about. Puerto Rico.
Although Joe Kitain was only Plaza Hall.
Mr. President, if you were a rial, will not be so solid. Rewiat he doing the shop.
These demands, of course, were NEVER carried out. being trained by fascist organizations right now in Practically all the sixteen principles of social justice aiso tolerate such conditions averaged around eight stories the whole business, what he Illinois Jobless are being put into practice in Italy and Germany. Social America.
and accept in good faith such per issue on the front page. said to the relief investigator convention decisions?
Back Yipsel In city after city, the fascist movement is spreading.
That is just too much to hur what the foreman said to him Justice, February 13, 1939, Please be honest about it, dle. We can learn from the and what he said to the fore Job Campaign Let that statement of Coughlin burn like fire on your Trained squads of Coughlinites, protected by the police, Mr. President, you know that bourgeois newspapers in this man, what happened during the memory!
sell Social Justice in the busiest streets of every city, in the workers are dissatisfied respect. Their stories are short last strike little of this ap with the leadership in the Joint snappy, and within the limits pears in our press.
CHICAGO real impeworkers sections, in predominantly Jewish and Negro tus has been given the Jobs And we might remind the lieutenants of Father CoughCouncil. You know that people of their ideology. punchy.
We need more stories about for Youth Campaign by the in the labor movement have no one thing that we should re: workers and more stories by lin, that the secondary leaders in Hitler organization who endorsement of the House of use for totalitarian regimes ev member is this: You don workers. By having them we Fights between workers and fascists break out almost insisted on carrying out the Nazi program were purged Illinois Delegates of the en though they are covered by have to explain everything will be better able to gauge the every day.
in a ghastly blood bath.
Workers Alliance so called united fronts such as every time. There should be temper of the masses, and the body of the unemployed or When fascism marches into power it smashes the trade (To be continued in next issue)
you claim to have in our union. more sloganizing. less long. masses will begin to read us ganization in Chicago. The Aren you ashamed to speak of winded explaining.
and to be influenced by us. One has taken upon itself unions, arrests regularly elected leaders and appoints Simple Stories has only to recall how Plechan JUST OFF THE PRESS!
the task of popularizing the fascist chiefs in their place who dictate the new rules and the entire history of your fight (2) Stories should be simpli ov and Lenin in exile pounced for power has shown a sneer fied. The stories, we hear again upon every bona fide worker ofbers and the unemployed in campaign among its mem regulations. They confiscate the union treasury.
ing attitude and full disregard and again from workers in the whatever level of development general. 40 petition blanks They confiscate the savings accounts and the insurance for the union constitution?
shops, are too complex You have spoken at the lo paragraphs and sentences are questioned him, drained him or to have filled out by the AlThe who came abroad and how they were taken by the delegates of the workers, if they have any.
cal meeting of the cutters. You too long, the words are too big. Information. We should do the lance locals, as a starter They build barbed wire concentration camps and herd jumped and cursed everyone In this connection it might be same for the Appeal.
the unemployed inside at bayonet point.
that disagreed with you, but well to have a style sheet for The backing of the by They spread the industrial spy system throughout every which has 12 branches in you must admit you met with the Appeal just as bourgeois city, town, and hamlet of the entire nation and intensify Joseph Hansen tenants trial hard to follow the writing might be standardized OPENS FRIDAY no success. Then your lieu papers do. in order that the CONVENTION Chicago marks a substantial gain for the Jobs Campaign. its grip a thousandfold. new pamphlet exposing the Radio Priest footsteps of the Leader. They in the most effective style.
Libraries are burned. Schools are shut down. Hours real program.
even tried to outdo you in dem Here, too, it should be rememagogy, but the result was the bered, it is a question not only building up a movement for (Continued from Page 1) ANNOUNCEMENTS are lengthened. Wages are slashed. The speed up is Read it. Get your shopmates to read it. Send it to your friends.
of the worker relatively low Workers Defense whipped up to new heights. Terror and torture are turned Guard Of course we admit one COMRADE wanted to share Give us the names and addresses, accompanied loose. The streets flow with blood. Strikes are punished against the reactionary mob thing. You people know the by cash, and we will mail the pamphlet direct.
an apartment during sumgame. you dragged out the think, Mr. President, that such sters. Other points scheduled mer. All improvements. Reawith death. Racial minorities such as the Jews and the Single copies 5c; in bundles of of more, 8c.
sonable price. Inquire 244 Negroes are nailed the cross.
meetings with meaningless important decisions as elections for discussion include the NePionee blishers, 116 University Pl.
speeches until the majority of once in two years to which the gro question in the United 13th St. Apt. 27.
Fascism is hell for the workers and the unemployed.
those present left in disgust. membership obligates itself to States, the development of the But it saves the profits of the small handful of capitalists Then with your own boys left, provide people with two years world movement of the Fourth CAMP SEVEN OAKS. EatenTennis. swimINFORMAL HOUSE town, you were able to take a peo pay and vacations, and the International, the work among who control the nation wealth. And some obscure figure WANTED ples vote and pass all deci boarding of the leatherworkers the youth, and other urgent ming. ping pong. Plumbing.
becomes the all powerful dictator of the nation fate.
Box 245 Anti Fasolst Salesmen Kerhonkson, 50 per day. 14 week.
sions overwhelmingly with a in the house of the fur workers matters which have already (Near Ellenville Car leaves every Friday at To many good hearted people it seems impossible that to sell few hundred votes from all of which will involve us in new formed the basis for an exten7 from 58 4th st. to the four locals for the entire expenses with possible jurisdic. sive discussion in the ranks of 120 acres of greenland in the fascism could come to the United States. FATHER COUGHLINCatskilla. 40 seres of pine for Camp. Make reservations Fascist Demagogue membership of 15, 000. Is this tional friction in the future. And the party membership before But it is impossible to wish away 17, 000, 000 unemsunbathing handball Daras: last but not least, please! You may also pitch democracy?
silencing the convention.
pamphlet back riding nearby: dancing your tent at Seven Oaks. We ployegl Liberal Commission UNUSUALLY LOW RATES Why No Referendum? important enough to be decided on Friday, sessions of the con equip it and you can have It is impossible to wish away the dizzy downward See Miller, Labor Bookshop. 18 Weekly Weekend But what about our proposal by all the fur workers and not vention will be open only to use of Camp Kitchen. 20 for Busses met at station y a handful of those present members of the Party and the to put the convention decisions by 116 University Place plunge of the rate of capitalist profit since 1929, the summer. Phone: EntenTel: Kerhonk on 118 town 515.
And it is impossible to wish away the storm troopers to referendum? Don you at the local meetings2Y.
ers. permits for over time, on the background can be put in Ameringere and the momes pun. my. But Latin America is not ownership of property. For certain public necessities and newspapers and choois a must etenem struggle of the unificult, leading Father COUGHLINFascist Demagogue