CommunismFascismHitlerIV InternationalMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismTrotskyWorkers Party

Socialist Appeal BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International. Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, NO. 46 FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1939 3c a Copy. POWERS MOVE TO BRINK OF WAR Painters Oust War Crisis SWP Convention Machine Simmers on Opens Friday Europe and Asia Fronts 75 Months of the New Deal SUPER PROFITS REVOLT AGAINST Irving Plaza Hall, 15th Street LEADERSHIP IN GROWS of the Party from coast to COUNCILMEN IN ticket will remain with them OTTO POPOVICH less by Attacking carlo Trying to Save War Deal By Four Billion Dollar Program Progressives Hit Weinstock Gang in Vital Public Mass Meeting Will Open Convention Spot by Trouncing Stalinist CandidateSession with Party Leaders as ReportersElect Stevens Secretary Treasurer Lenthy Agenda Covers All Fields of Work Culminating a two years organized struggle waged by Sarajevo Incidents Darkening war clouds in Europe and the Far East which progressives in their union, New York painters last Saturday Mount with Awaited threaten to plunge the world into a catastrophe far more hor. dealt the Stalinist machine in control of District Council Summer Crisis rible than the plague of 1914 1918, give special symptomatic a decisive blow by electing Stevens as Secretary Treassignificance to the Anti War Convention of the Socialist urer over the candidate supported by Louis Weinstock.
This week marks the annl Workers Party which opens in New York City, Friday eveStevens received 3, 101 votes against 2, 822 votes cast for versary of Sarajevo the littlening, June 30, 1939, at the Gainer, his Stalinist backed opponent. Not even the atremembered incident that touched off the tinder of the tempt of one of their former stooges, one Pasini, to split boss war of 1914 1918.
and Irving Place.
the opposition vote by running on a third ticket, could save It is still five weeks to the anDelegates from all parts of the wrecking crew control. The third candidate only polled niversary of the actual outthe country are arriving in 514 votes. The progressives FREE break of hostilities 25 years ago.
the city, representing branches SOUP also took four out of the nine During those five weeks it is business agents posts.
quite possible that the masters coast, prepared to deliberate Whether all of the five busiwho rule us will send out the on the problems presented by ness agents elected on the ATTACK ON millions of us in all lands to the convention agenda in the writhe and die in another holoC. so called rank and file Gulf Seamen Hit at light of the past period of accaust not of our making.
Curran Bureaucracy struggles.
tivity in a variety of class Not Immune is And let no one bury his head this ostrich like and think Victory Foreseen In Autonomy Move First Session Public country, under the leadership The first session of the naThe election of Stevens was tional convention will be open foreshadowed by the victory of Evade Needs of Jobof Roosevelt War Deal, won be plunged right into the con(By Starf Writer)
the public, taking place as the progressives in the primar.
flict when it comes.
NEW YORK In the past a mass meeting of welcome to les, when they carried six out Like the diseased body it is, few days the National Mari the delegates. The keynote of the ten locals and when Leader the capitalist world is breaking time Union has moved rapidly speech of the convention, setStevens for the second time de feated Chief Commissar Weinout into ugly flaming sores toward complete disintegration ting forth the Socialist Workers everywhere. Ethiopia, Spain, as a direct consequence of rev. Party position on the war dan stock for the nomination in his By MARTIN DAVEY Austria, Czechoslovakia, China, elations official rottenness ger, will be delivered by the own local, No. 848, thus eliminating him from the race. The city Members of the New York Mongolia, Danzig, Poland and that have exposed accused and reporter of the party Political Council from Queens we are part, a big part of the accusers alike. The Jerry King Committee, Max Shachtman, progressive victory is all the more impressive when it is relaunched a bitter attack on world and we can expect trial by the Curran Communist at the Friday evening mase called that only last year, the Jamaica Unemployed and ProOtto Popovich, a leader of the some miracle to keep us im Party dictatorship over the meeting in Irving Plaza.
Stalinist machine seemed to be ject Workers Union, at the June union has had swift aftermath Under the chairmanship of Crisis in Full Swing in disillusioned reaction from James Cannon, national secimpregnable, carrying its com: 20 meeting of the City Council retary of the party, the meetThe expected summer crisis end to end of the union.
plete slate in the elections at following gains made by the deal smoke screen from utter at least up to the 1940 elections. Neighbors concerned.
To save the War Deal new continue on a steady upgrade, our interests with the Good is already in full swing. Jap. In New York itself, the partying will feature a number of that time.
unemployed union, It is impossible to exaggerate collapse. Roosevelt last week The New Deal Congress, pur an offensive against Britain stronghold in the sen nationally prominent militants The ate The had the importance of this defeat of fighting for the consideration of pump priming proposal, incor spending drive, added another cal analysis of New Deal Housopening phase. Open Warfare od of flatly refusing to pay duesment of the trade unions and been sent to Congress a 860, 000, 000 suing its own pre election lotment (see Page for a criti: on the China coast was only its men are taking the direct meth actively engaged in the move Vincent to an officialdom cver a union completely with workers. The Jamaien reliet inadequate relief measures now tion program. After abolishing cue the United States Housing in frontiera continuation of duct. This spreading tactic was many a teamsters every type of anti union. com Dunne, popular leader of the out leadership after the ousting bureau rebuffed the union dele pending in Congress. Approx in its tax bill what remained of Authority from lingering death the intermittent Soviet Japan given major significance by the Minneapons the course werkere battles to of the discredited and corrupt gates with more than typical mately 1, 000, 000, 000 will be the undistributed profits tax With nearly one quarter of the ese war of the last six years.
Stalinists had the complete con result the determined ects during the presidential it added 1, 000, 000, 000 for power frozen due to lack of Zausner administration, the arrogance and cynicism. As a spent for self liquidating proj for the benefit of big business, present borrowing Hitler has put 2, 000, 000 men crews of the SS Manhattan, and front in Detroit, Glen Trimble.
fidence of the membership. to picket the homes of all election year of 1940, half to se small business, 300. 000. 000 funds for low Tent subsidies, the wider arms and his minions are SS Washington, two of the lar party organizer in California, They made themselves at home queens Councilmen until the cure the votes of the nation for agriculture a disputed additional appropriation is well. The British in the hope of snage American commercial fleet. Newark unemployed, who trying to outshout, out threaten gest passenger ships in the Reuben Plaskett, Negro leader in the unlon as if they had needy workers would be grant disillusioned farm and factory s400, 000, 000 for river and har timed to set the wheels of the ging Danzig and the Polish The seamen aboard turned recently made a dramatic run it.
ed their just demands.
jobs gave them unlimited pospopulation and the other half brjmprovements and coreluc New Deal Slum clearance. Corridor at the least possible thumbs down on the boarding egestap, candidate hin the local Bureau Changes Tone sibilities to build up their mato appease business tantly tossed in 1, 735, 000, 000 fraud into action again. 350. cost. But whatever the cost, union delegates.
The surprised representachine to proportions hitherto The entire amount is to be for unemployment relief.
000, 000, the smallest appropriatried at expended over a period of sevnational secretary of the Young Roosevelt Program Continued on Page 3)
undreamed of. For nearly two tives of the people tion listed in the President (Continued. on Page 3)
People Socialist League (4th years they ruled unchallenged, made by the mass demonstra private investment. The bust. posed in letters to Senate and create just enough activity in first to evade the demands en years where it can attract The Presidential plan, pro letter, is similarly calculated to International. will be among the speakers that evening.
despite mismanagement, sellouts and treasury raids. Continued on Page 3)
Tress index, it is now hoped, win House leaders, covers four gen the field of Public Works to es, Lengthy Agenda About year and a half ago, eral categories of loans: Transtablish the necessary New Deal Saturday morning will open purtation, 1, 250, 000, 000 Pub background for 1940.
in the union, including former up the regular sessions of the lic Works and Housing, 1, 150. The American farm crisis. convention, which has before it members of the Communist 000. 000: Agriculture, 960, 000. gravest in the world and incapa lengthy agenda covering all 000: and Foreign Loans. 500, able of capitalist solution exphases of the party work and eration, organized itself into cept by war, has again been Several Hurt in Fracas Increasing Bold its program of action for the the Painters Educational SoSignificant the War Deal successfully soft pedalled. Concoming period.
ciety. The began a barpreoccupation with transporta gress has arranged to buy the Defense Committee Seeks Pardon for Youths tion, in view of the stiff opposi surpluses and the votes of some ness of Fascists Is Menace to Labor First on the order of the day rage of technically poor, but will be a report and discussion textually highly effective leaftion to be expected on such un farmers. For the others, the of the political situation in the lets against the Stalinist union Arrested During Illinois Mine Strife popular proposals as toll roads. President proposes that 460. gang of Coughlin fascist You re a liar, a Coughlin United States, to be followed by wreckers. Its prestige and For rapid war time mobiliza000, 000 be spent for rural elec followers, shouting Social Jus ite shouted.
forces grew until it became a report on the preparation of promoting harmony among the tion up to date rail and motor trification to reach 1, 250, 000 tice slogans and heckling the hurtled toward the platform. against war, both before and Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Rotten eggs and soda bottles the party for the struggle Tallying point for all opposition CHICAGO The Du Quoin Illinois miners.
currents in the membership. Miners Defense Committee has The five boys were convicted This major expenditure is en rural families, although im speaker, broke up a meeting of Fists and canes swung and the after it breaks out.
elections, the e. forces to rally support behind efforts of firing the shot that fatally such in the President letter, still, when the seven year pro Garden last Sunday under the were instrumental in organiz to obtain pardons for five wounded Laverne Miller, a broken as it is into two parts sram has finally been carried auspices of Jehovah Wit Coughlinites came to the meet include the trade union work, Trade Union Work There is no doubt that the Other points on the agenda ing the broad Conference of Pro charges growing out of the ing between adherents of the heading Federal Works Agen able to purchase this service. organized religion. The meeting break it up. In the fracas that ployed, the question of the gressive Painters Clubs. It was Southern Illinois warfare be rival unions. They were grilled, cy. 750, 000, 000 is allotted for The remaining farm provi was listening to ex Judge Jo followed, many people were in press under which heading under that banner that the suc tween the United Mine Workers beaten, shifted from jail to jail, Express post roads: Self liqui sion of the Roosevelt letter to seph Rutherford speak on jured, eight hurt quite serious will be discussed plans for concessful fight was carried on, and the Progressive Mine tried before a jury of farmers dating toll roads, bridges, high Congress asks for 500, 000, 000 Peace and Government when ly culminating in last Saturday Workers.
This action by the Coughlin a three times week paperon a change of venue, and sen speed highways, and city by lor Expansion of the self liqul coughlinites began to heckle verting the Socialist Appeal invictory. The Thirteenth Street Both unions are supporting tenced, four of them to life passes. 500, 000, 000 is handed dating portion of the program tive speaker, turning the meetites is symptomatic of their in a program of action for the disciples spared no the campaign. Pres. Ray Ed terms, one to forty years. to the heavily over capitalized of the Farm Security Adminising into a turmoil of fist fights. creasing boldness in the use of party, to include a comprehenframe ups, no terroristic meth mundson of the in II Over 200 labor organizations and virtually bankrupt rail tration. This is for tenant Judge Rutherford brought direct action methods. Labor Sive plan for building up the ods in their attacks against the linois and Pres. Dave Reid of have sent Governor Horner and roads for equipment. on ir farm purchases. rehabilitation the mounting fury of the organizations, can next expect party throughout the country opposition. Up to the last min. the Progressives, members of the State Board of Pardons and resistible terms.
program, loans for minor re Coughlin hoodlums to a climax to receive the brunt of this ter by means of a staff of organute they denounced the opposi the executive board of the de Paroles resolutions or petitions The half billion dollar provl pairs, loans to resettlement co by assailing Catholic roristic fascist campaign in the izers, national speaking tours, tion as the handiwork of the ſense committee. recently asking that the boys be freed. sion for loans to Latin Ameri operatives and loans for water Church as a supporter of Hit coming period. The only an a series of popular pamphlets hated Trotskyists. But all their signed a joint petition to Gov. The committee, which has of can countries in default of facilities. This can be likened ler.
swer is the defense of the work for mass distribution, etc.
fices at Room 404, 549 Ran debts, is to be used for devel to the plan for small The Catholic Church sup ers democratic rights, the dethem. The Inter Local com dons for the five boys and as colph St. Chicago, is headed by opment and reconstruction pur home owners, and is similarly ported Hitler. Mussolini and ſense of their meetings by the the question of organizing the Prominent on the agenda 18 bined in its ranks all honest suring the Governor that their Gerry Allard, chairman, and poses in the foreign country. incapable of improving the lot Franco in Spain, said Ruther organized strength of Workers struggle against fascism by (Continued on Page 3) release would go far toward Loren Norman, director and should concretely promote of those most in need. ford.
Defense Guards. Continued on Page 2)
Coughlin Followers Disrupt Meeting of 18, 000 in secure runner National Campaign Launched Party discusted with the lett For Framed Du Quoin Miners 000. the June 30, p.
Mass Meeting IRVING PLAZA Friday. Irving Place at 15th Street, Admission 25c Greet the Opening of the Anti War Convention of the Socialist Workers Party!
Hear the Internationalist Position on War Chairman: James Cannon; Reporter for the Political Committee: Max Shachtman; Speakers: Dunne of Minneapolis, Glen Trimble of San Francisco, George Clarke of Detroit, Reuben Plaskett of Newark, Nathan Gould, National Secretary