BourgeoisieBujarinCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Stopping the Cancer of Fascism grandes en contact met By Methods, or By Ours?
IN THIS CORNER Algonquinth Polite.
EMANUEL GARRETE Members: Stalin as Scientist to Party Convention SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1939 tion. Despite the dictatorial regime of Chiang SOCIALIST APPEAL Kai shek and his labor hating clique; we stand Vol. II, No. 45 June 27, 1939 unconditionally on the side of China against imPublished trelce a socok by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
on the side of any colonial or semi colonial at 116 University Pince, New York, NY.
Telephone country at grips with its imperialist exploiters.
But we do not distinguish by a hair breadth Workers Can Choose the Daily Worker Line of PerSubcriptions: 00 per year: 00 for alx six months For the imperialist gangsters of Japan from their ilk suading All Decent Americans to Pass Resolutions, ceata per copy in the Unicoples: cente per copy All forolan countries. Single in Britain or the United States. The latter are Or the Line the Recommends Class Struggle Action Brohy and Manhattan subscriptions are: 60 for six interested in freeing China from Japanese inBy Max Shachtman ing the meaning of Christian ing all decent Americans Reentered as second clam matter February 16, 1939. at By HAL DRAPER vasion so that they may have it for their own In its issue of June 14, the charity.
pass resolutions which the post office at New York, under the Act of March will exclusive exploitation of the type of open letter calculated to put Daily Worker issues a call for More action! The Reformed stop Coughlin now?
its recipient on the spot, few we know of are as And in that respect, Japan differs from her action against the Coughlin Church passes resolution: The Daily Worker editorial profoundly important as the one Norman Thomas MAX SHACHTMAN action: ites. Citing the shocking case Even America is not free calls for some more imperialist rivals only in that she is an amateur, addressed last week to Father Coughlin.
Associate Editors of the Jewish Baltimore school from the blight of anti Jewish The Department of Justice of HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW a newcomer in comparison. Most of the sweat boy who was attacked by 40 prejudice. Both Jew and Gen the must seize the criminBut Firm Esisiess Manager: JOSEPH HANSEN knife wielding Coughlin Inspir tile are responsible for existing als guilty of anti Semitio incite and blood of the Chinese masses was coined into fabulous profits long ago by England and Amered school mates, it runs a front conditions and both must coopment. The Its loftiness of purpose is matched only by the spirit of tolerance animating it. It is pollte, yet ica. Even now, in their conflicts with Japan, they page editorial under the head. erate for their betterment. against anti democratic Incite Stop the Cancer Before It Christians must rebuke all an ment, the Bill of Rights of the firm in its resolve to seek out and find the very FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST are cold bloodedly defending their right to Spreads!
ti Semitism. Our emphasis. essence of Truth. Just read a few of the sentences: Constitution, make such action extraterritoriality, their right to special imperThe workers, who echo the That all. What this organiza possible and necessary.
Tolerance: We who believe in demooracy and WORKERS PARTY FOR: cry. Stop Coughlin now. are tion means by action may be Mr. Browder! Some ques. civil liberty do not contest the Detroit fascist ialist privileges in China, their right to squeeze thereby given a full opportun gathered from its simultaneous tions from a worker!
right to proclaim his views. job and a decent living for every worker.
profit out of the Chinese people.
ity to examine the line which handling of the question of con. 80 you ask the men Alarm: What troubles us is that so many of Any war, any military or economic action the Communist Party recom scientious objection; It adopted to Jug Coughlin. But Coughlin 2. Open the idle factories operate them under your professed followers are leaders in denying or workers control.
which the capitalist government of the United mends for the struggle against a report upholding the admis been going on for some time Murphy hasn gotten trying to deny these rights to others.
Regret: These things are bad enough in them States takes against Japan (or any other of its Daily Worker editorial (1) cites participation in war but re around to him. While you re Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works selves. They are worse in the light of their paralAnd housing program.
imperialist rivals) will be an imperialist war, what it considers the significant Jected a sentence immediately writing editorials, the cancer steps taken recently to stop ollow omising suppor spreads. What lel to the rise of totalitarian dictators in Europe.
we do Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage having nothing at all in common with the dePoliteness: do not hold you responsible for Coughlin, and (2) lists in cate and protect him and his rights NOW?
all the merchants of Social Justice may do or for 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on fense of China from aggression or with the gorical, unevasive fashion the in the event of his taking such Why don you ask your All Jobs.
friend LaGuardia to use his poadditional measures that would a stand.
the young hoodlums who may attach themselves to struggle for democracy.
your case.
be required to finish off this Roosevelt, Hull and Co. are just trying to Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability The Sons of Italy condemn ce to seize the Coughlinites menace. race bigotry. It is perhaps who are shouting anti Semitic Firmness: do hold you responsible, however, pension drag the American masses into a profit mad war What, in the eyes of the enough to point out that this or and fascist slogans on the if when the matter is brought to your attention you Expropriate the Sixty Families.
against Japan in the interest of Big Business and Pally Worker, has been done to ganization was a vehement streets of New York? How use your influence to defend this interference with protest block the spread of Coughlin propagandist in America for about some mass America democratic practices or by silence con7. All war funds to the unemployed.
its lust for a greater share of the loot which is ism? Here is the paragraph: the Justice of Mussolini war against the protection his police done it.
China Decent America recognizes on Ethiopia and went so far as are giving the anti Semitic Punch line: Your name and fame make this a people referendum on any and all wars.
the danger. There has just been to vote a revenge boycott on scum?
matter of such importance that am releasing this No secret diplomacy.
formed the Catholic Committee British goods at that time. Your editorial doesn men letter to the press in the full assurance that your to Combat Anti Semitism. The WHICH LINE WILL tion a word about what the reply will receive equal or greater publicity. Let 10. An independent Labor Party.
Sons of Italy have condemned STOP COUGHLIN?
working class should do. We re know where we stand.
race bigotry. The General SynStalin, the Sun God, the Father of the Peo11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante It is this spurious struggie decent trade unionists. How the side of such outstanding contemporary openWith this document Thomas takes his place by and Fascist attacks.
ples, the Builder of Noah Ark and the Pyra od of the Reformed Church of America has condemned anti against anti Semitism that the can our trade unions get into mids, is about to deliver another Stroke of Semitism. Others are moving communist Party optimber for Republic and author of famous unanswered episafter we ve finished peene Genius.
to action.
compare the attitude resolution and writing tles to Al Smith, William Hearst, Roosevelt, The press reports that he going to repeal SUBSTITUTE toward real action.
Hitler and Stalin (also, It is said, he is now conWashington?
FOR ACTION 50, 000 workers of New York templating addressing the Almighty Himself. and the Mendelian law, now stigmatized in Moscow The significance of the coming convention of Israel Amter, local Stalinist leader, whose open the Socialist Workers Party as the only political as formal genetics.
Now every worker must wel City staged a counter demon WORKERS, NOT COPS, come any sincere expression of stration outside the meeting of WILL BEAT FASCISTS letter memorializing the late Pope Plus is reported We hail this bold and long overdue step in hatred and opposition to the the Nazi Bund, Coughlin al. Do you mean we ought to to have been the final straw that broke the failing organization that is conducting a consistent and the advancement of science. The man who re poisonous spread of anti Semit lies, in Madison Square Gardepend 100 on the Depart prelate back.
systematic drive against the second World War ism. He is entitled, however, to den. At this late date, Father ment of Justice to take care of Now every fair minded person will agree that to divide up the globe again among the imper pealed the world revolution should not be fazed raise the question: Are these Earl Browder finds that he has the Coughlinites for us? In the Coughlin, if he half the man he ought to be, 18 ialist bandits, has been stressed in these pages by the theories and law of Mendel. Lucky for people moving to action. or to return to this subject in his unions we take care of scabs duty bound to answer Thomas letter, and finally on previous occasions.
Mendel, too, that he no longer alive, otherwise are they passing resolutions as latest pamphlet on The 1940 ourselves. When the govern show where he stands. There has been altogether a substitute for action? Elections. answering an ob ment steps in, it usually to too much uncertainty about the views and aims he get what coming to him.
The present issue of the Appeal, containing a The group of Catholics fea scure Congressman who cred protect the scabs. Who the of the Detroit priest and it is high time the public But if we may suggest it, Stalin shouldn special supplement devoted to a membership distured by the Dally Worker, for ited the With the action National Guard shooting at in at large was put straight about them.
cussion on party problems, is itself a comment stop there. more dangerous and pernicious example, gives the following There is no doubt that the Harlan County?
Thomas, for example, comes right out with an prospectus in its statement: Nazis were very happy about Will we have to wait as assurance that he favors civil liberties for Coughary on another and perhaps not less important law ought to be repealed too, before it starts In order to oppose the danger the Trotskyite disorders outside long for Roosevelt to act lin. That fair and square. The least Coughlin can aspect of the convention and of our party itself. affecting Stalin powerful position.
ous aberration of anti Semitism their meeting, and there is lit against the anti Semites as do, if he going to be decent abou is to give a in the fullness of Christian tle doubt that the whole thing we ve waited for him to act No political party of labor will ever lead in We refer to Newton law of gravity. If Stalpersonal assurance that he favors civil liberties in is as slick a scientist as he has already proved charitate are Carmines the mere division of labor. No asumine the trade unions formed would immediately give a more gentlemanly and the establishment of a workers democracy if it does not establish party democracy in its own himself to be, he ought to wipe out that law too, Fight Anti Semitism. Our ap doubt, mark you, just as the workers Defense Guards to scholarly tone to the disagreements between the before he falls to earth like Newton apple. It proach will be positive and dig disorders in Harlan County fascists and the anti fascists. It would make it ranks.
would only be giving Newton what he deserves. nified, and there will be no per are a mere division of labor educate Coughlin anti semParty democracy is one of the jealously mainpossible to discuss divergent opinions calmly, over sonal attacks against any one. between John Lewis and the itic riff raft the way we do a dish of tea and an after dinner Cubeb removed.
Anti Semitism will tained traditions and practices of the Socialist be fought mine owners to embarrass the other scabs, would that be anfrom the hurly burly and above all the deplorable by explaining the Catholic government. But the conti democratic incitement too?
Workers Party. If we have not been, or pre Another Blow rancor hitherto attendant upon such discussions in teachings on racial bigotry: sotinues Browder proudly.
Yes, Mr. Browderthe streets. Best of all, a timely declaration by tended to be, without a single flaw in this refar the Committee fight has called upon the workers IT THE TRADE UNIONS Coughlin in opposition to totalitarianism and vio The announcement of the National Labor Reconsisted of quoting various boycott the meeting, to stay en THAT CAN SMASH COUGHspect, we have been ever on the alert to check lence would automatically act as a restraint upon lations Board that it has revised its rules to per Popes. This is action! We must tirely away from once the LIN NOW!
his more youthful and ardent adepts who, in their promptly and to eliminate any abuses. Without mit employers to petition the board for an elec not attack any one that is, we authorities had authorized it IT THE WORKERS THAT mistaken zeal, sometimes like fascists.
party democracy, we have learned from the bittion to determine which of two more rival must not attack Father Cough and given it police protection. CAN SMASH THE COUGHLINter experiences of the international labor move.
lin says the Committee, for Two lines! The line of the ITE MENACE WITH WORK Way to End Fascist Menace labor organizations should be certified for col after all, anti Semitism is only workers who moved to action ERS DEFENSE GUARDS!
ment, a living, fruitful working class movement If Coughlin would only take Thomas letter in Go ahead and pass resoluan aberration, and can be against the Nazi Bund or the lective bargaining is a stiff blow against labor.
is impossible.
the spirit of humaneness and tolerance that conwiped out by properly explain Communist Party line of hav. tion to that effect.
ceived it, the whole annoying problem would be Unbreakable unity in action full freedom of The new provision comes at the request of the resolved. We could all breathe a big sigh of relief, employers and their agents and is designed for discussion inside the party; democratic discusbecause that would simply mean the end of the no other purpose but to interfere with labor sion and decision of all policies united execufascist menace to American labor. That is, 11 right to organize, especially where a plant is not Thomas also sent a letter like that to Pelley, Roy tion of those policies once adopted. These axioms Zachary. Deatherage, and Moseley.
yet organized and a union has not had time to guide the life of the Socialist Workers Party present to the unorganized employees the full If, on the other hand, Coughlin doesn answer a the letter, or answers evasively, there are a lot The present pre convention discussion conbenefits that derive from belonging to a union.
of people who will begin to get the impression that ducted inside the party and in the pages the The crimes of the employers, who stop at (Continued from Page 5)
Theatre he not as sound a democrat and Christian as he Socialist Appeal give a picture of a democratic might be. Thomas himself and he obviously not nothing in their drive against unionism, have Literature Vsevolod Meyerhold, head of the famous the man to believe readily that any one is really regime which cannot be found elsewhere. Readlong been notorious. In their bitter fight against The Soviet Union is purging its writers theatre bearing his name and long revered by bad at heart will feel that his efforts to redeem ers have but to examine the contents of the arlabor, the employers used rifles, tear gas, ma The tallest reputations to fall so far have been Leftist dramatic groups abroad as a prophet the fair name of the Coughlin movement were, to ticles printed to understand the organizational of the revolutionary theatre, has received a put it vulgarly, a flopperoo. Still others may even chine guns, thugs, intimidation, coercion, spies, those of Kirshon and Afinogenov, the terrific. drubbing from Platon Kerzhentseft, be led to believe that Coughlin just doesn believe principles and practices of our movement.
and even deliberate murder. It was against these two best known playwrights in the Soviet. They are only two of many. The chairman of the arts committee of the CounWhat a contrast to the Socialist party of Norin democracy and is actually flirting with totalitarcurrent purge. has turned up a nest of practices of the employers that labor unions de cil of People Commissars. Meyerhold ian ideas.
man Thomas and Daniel Hoan! Their way of enemies of the people in nearly every news first play in 1920, after he organized his new manded their legitimate right to organize.
theatre, Mr. Kerzhentseff says, had MensheYet, upon reflection, we would see no grounds dealing with members who differed with the paper, magazine, and publishing house. UnThe National Labor Relations Board was set for discouragement in such an outcome. We would til the new party line becomes clear, it would vist traitor for a hero and the second was dediparty leadership was speed, bureaucratic excated to Leon Trotsky. Times, Dec.
set it down to one of those all too human aberraup a few years ago. Its rules do not forbid the be a foolhardy Soviet writer who would adpulsion of scores of dissidents.
vance a new idea. One of them, asked recently 18, 1937.
tions to which all mortals are subject, and we wouldn relent for a moment that is, 11 we were employer from appealing if in his estimation the What an even clearer contrast to the Stalinist The long expected axe fell today on why he had written so little recently, quoted Thomas. He shouldn stop with one open letter.
unions engage in unfair practices. It carried an old Jewish proverb: While a pogrom is goMeyerhold. The arts committee of the party! For proposing a discussion during a preHe ought to keep hammering at Coughlin not too Council of People Commissars ordered his ing on, don rush out on the street.
no criminal penalties, imposed no fines.
convention period, we were expelled for Trotvigorously, to be sure until the priest softens up.
Herald Tribune, May 11, 1937.
theatre dissolved and members of his acting All it did was declare that the employers may company transferred to other theatres.
As a next step, he might send him of his latest skyism. Nowadays, expulsion is the least of the Music The arts committee charged. the Meyerpamphlets; or photostatic copies of the Declaration not INTERFERE with the rights of workers to punishments meted out by the party hierarchy Dimitri Shostakovitch officially went into hold Theatre throughout its existence was un of Independence and the Bill of Rights. They to anybody guilty of entertaining heretical eclipse today as the Soviet Union favorite able to free itself from the utterly bourgeois.
couldn help making a deep impression on the thoughts.
The new rule of the Board lets down the bars living composer. Pravda branded his music formalistie positions allen to Soviet art, had Gentleman from Detroit. Or he might introduce as un Soviet, unwholesome, cheap, eccentric, distorted the classics for the sake of Leftist the homely touch, just to show that he bears him for every crime against labor conceivable in the Like the Fourth International as a whole, the tuneless and Leftist and pleaded for music tricks, and formalistic stunts, and had falled no ill will personally, and send him a jar of home its American section, stands for the real grasping and sordid imagination of the most with a tune to it that one could whistle on the in the production of Soviet plays, such few as made apple butter or a box of cookies. Or Invite way home. His ballet, Limpid Stream, was brutal thug employer.
victory of workers democracy. The practice of it had produced being saturated with ambiguhim up to the house some evening for a bowl of removed from the repertory of the Bolshoi borscht.
ity, even downright and anti Soviet sneers.
With all the force of a steam hammer the new party democracy in its ranks is a guarantee of Theatre. His opera, Lady Macbeth of Mensk, Times, Jan. 8, 1938.
We don swear that this will work, but what can that future.
rule drives home the truth that when labor re was cancelled on the eve of its opening in a Et Cetera: Anthropology, Archae if it does work, just think of the vistas of progress laxes its vigilance and begins to trust capitalist theatre that had been rehearsing it for ology, Buddhist Lore, Ethnography and peace for humanity opened up to us by the courts, capitalist lawmakers, and capitalist polit months. Times, Feb. 14, 1936.
Chinese Loot Joseph Stalin. yesterday attended the ical parties it can expect nothing but a stab in and Soil Culture revised version of Glinka nineteenth century Hitler, Mussolini and other erring souls.
the back.
patriotic opera, Susanin. The original ver The directorate of the All Union Academy The jingo press, in which the Daily Worker is This fresh attack from the reactionary forces Czarism. The revised version retains the sion, entitled. Life for the Czar, glorified of Science has recommended the immediate expulsion in disgrace of Nikolai Bukharin.
Columnists Joseph Alsop and Robert Kintner of course included, is sweating bullets in an famous finale music but changes the words say: Attorney General Murphy has carried out an of the bosses, who control the New Deal, must The grounds given were that Bukharin preeffort to work up a pro war spirit among the sided over the most dangerous counter revofrom Glory, glory to the Czar! to Glory, intelligent and much needed reorganization of the be answered blow for blow by labor.
American masses in connection with the Japanglory to the fatherland. Mr. Stalin repeat lutionary nest within the academy. According justice department. He has launched a campaign ese aggressions in Tientsin and elsewhere in Organize Workers Defense Guards to protectedly applauded his approval. Times, to drive the worst of the numerous shabby political to the report of the permanent secretary, Gorbunov, who presented the expulsion reso Judges from the bench.
union men from the violence of the employers! April 4, 1939.
lution, many departments of the academy Once more our interests are at stake, our Organize an INDEPENDENT LABOR Philosophy were riddled with counter revolutionary ten BULL ETIN: The board of directors of the Na.
honor involved. It high time, our foaming PARTY which will put into power for the first Professor Shatkin, who said in a lecture at dencies which disrupted the work of the scien tional Manufacturers declares Its unalterable op the Moscow Power Institute that Aristotle had patriots clamor, we sent a few hundred thoustime a government of the workers and farmers laid down the fundamental principles of Mentific institutions. Mr. Gorbunov report position to war and pledges the organization to specifically condemned the Pulkavo Observa make every effort to maintain peace.
and) boys over the Pacific to clean up the that will represent their interests, and forever shevism and that Plato was the father of fas tory. the Boil Institute, Literature Insti Japanese end the rule the handful of stockholders who cism, has been summarily removed. This tute, Law Institute, the Institute of Buddhist Japan does not object to the open door principle action was followed by a full faculty meeting govern through a puppet Congress and a Charley They are all liars literally MURDEROUS Lore, which was accused of publishing an but believes that the United States and Great at which both the Communist Party and the organ of the Buddhist lamdist religion, and the Institutes of Archaeology. Anthrow many for Britain should set an example by applying it liars.
McCarthy President Young Communist organization were repreand throughout the world before they demand its ap.
Our attitude towards the war of Japan against There is no other way to safeguard the rights Commissariat of Heavy Industry.
sented, as well as the administration of the Ethnography. He attacked plication the Far East, a foreign office spokes.
expelling her best scientists and falsifying man declares. Gad! but these gangsters can spot the Chinese people needs no elaborate amplifica of labor!
Times, Oct. 22, 1938.
science. Times, May 21, 1937. each other weaknesses!
Kremlin Kultur Annotations to organize