BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceKamenevKirovMarxismRadekRosa LuxemburgSocialismSovietStalinTrotskyURSS

TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL By Dwight Macdonald Before the Party Convention Officials SPARKS IN THE NEWS Start to Put Slash Into Effect For a Three a Week Appeal On the Road to a Daily Paper pas tre heavy count of the need comments Work Begins in New Int KREMLIN KULTUR By JAMES CANNON It seems to me that our intelligentsia turned its attention to the field of Soviet Art.
are living in a particularly happy time. Bertram Wolfe, in Workers Age, NovemA program of expansion such as the party Postcards Won Help because they have a more serious and deter. Continued from Page 1)
The Soviet system alone gives the Intelli ber 19, 1938.
needs at the present time should be a rounded mined revolutionary spirit and are willing to Federal and 50. 000 if Federal, gentsia an opportunity to unfold its crea.
Cinema In a speech before the Na program which sets tasks to be fulfilled in all pay more for any project which will advance tive powers. We shall release such There are very few building tional Conference of Social the most important fields of work. It should their cause.
forces that the mere thought of it makes On March 17, 1937, the Central AdministraDistribution is the Problem us breathless. Applause. Comrades, on tion of the Photo Cinema Industry stopped the meet this requirement, as even Work at Buffalo, Mayor La aim to push the party forward on all fronts.
At the same time, if the program of expansion It is noteworthy that in the comments have December 12 we shall all vote for the Com production of the much talked of and eagerly an ordinary school building will Guardia declared that he was heard and received about the project of the munist Party, for him who expresses the awaited film, Bezhin Meadow, on which Sergei generally exceed this amount opposed to the present slashes is not to remain on paper, as the product of irresponsible wish thinking, it should combine aspirations of the people, Comrade Stalin.
three a Appeal, nobody has seriously Eisenstein, of Potemkin fame, had work by a considerable margin.
in relief. We talk of democ the resolute will of the party to take a step (Stormy applause, turning into an ovation ing for over two years. In an article in Effect of Slash questioned the capacity of the party to manage it financially. On the financial question, as Shouts of Hurrah. For the Soviet intelli Pravda, Boris Shumiatsky, the head of the Reports from all over the racy, but the freedoms of forward with a realistic appraisal of the prac well as on the technical side, we can speak gentsia! For the creative work of the Soy moving picture industry in the country indicate the terrible ef speech, press, assembly and re tical possibilities.
right now with complete confidence in the iet intelligentsia. Speech by Kalinin, charged Eisenstein with having failed to learn fect. Roosevelt slash reliet liglon cannot be enjoyed on an Every item of the program should be judged feasability of the enterprise. The convention president of the Soviet Union, before the from life. with having placed too much faith policy is having upon those de empty stomach.
He declared that the present ford to indulge in idle speculation about what delegates can be presented with facts and figrepresentatives of the Soviet Toiling Intel in his own scholastic profundities and with pendent upon Jobs or ures on all sides of these two aspects of the ligentsia of Leningrad, Nov. 26, 1937. harmful formalistic exercises. Eisen relief checks for food, clothing. bill for relief would complete we would like to do if we had unlimited re(Quoted from International Literature, No.
question which leave no room for doubt that, stein admitted many of the criticisms. He te ad id shelter.
ly wreck our American system sources at our disposal. Rather, our plan, and every separate item of it, must be geared to from a technical and finarcial standpoint, the 1, 1938. mitted having been possessed of the intellec In New York the filling of of work relief. But he proproposal of a three. week Appeal is no pipe There is an aged joke about some state legtual guixotic illusion that revolutionary work vacancies by has been posed absolutely no way of ob the resources at our disposal in the shape of dream but a practical and feasible project, islature which once repealed the law of grav could be done individually. Fame came suspended, and Lieut. Col. Bretaining an increased appropria human energy and material and technical tion.
needs. There is one more proviso, however.
Itation. It now appears that in the Soviet early to me, he said. overestimated myself, hon Somervell, adIt will be difficult. It will be a little more of In elaborating our plan we must take into acLaGuardia is scheduled to ap count the imperative political necessities of a strain than we were accustomed to in the Union, where anything can happen these days, and that was a major error. never advanced ministrator estimated that the desultory days of the past. But it can be done.
something of the sort is actually in process. beyond the stage elemental revolution new policy would reduce pear before the Senate Appro the time which impose upon us, as a condition According to Harold Denny report in the ism. Joshua Kunitz in Moscow News, jobs in New York alone priations Committee today for advancement, a greater expenditure of There remains one more question: Can the Times for June 15 last, Socialist Agrithree a week Appeal be adequately distributed March 31, 1927.
at the rate of 1, 000 Jobs a week. where he hopes to salvage energy, more sacrifices in the spirit of bolsheculture, the official organ of the Commissariat Boris Shumiatsky, chief of the Soviet mo There are absolutely no pros something out of the House vism and a faster pace all along the line.
by the party members? Here we cannot speak with the sam of Agriculture, has just published a letter from tion picture industry has been quietly re pects that those thrown off bill.
assurance as on the technical twenty four agricultural students denouncing and financial sides. The convention delegates, One thing is absolutely clear. No Question about Necessity moved. The magazine Soviet Art charged will be absorbed by inas bourgeois formalism both the Mendehan that his political blindness permitted savage dustry. Industrial activity is neither postcards nor LaGuar The proposal for a three a week Appeal, like who will represent all sections of the country.
who have already accumulated a considerable law of heredity and the theory of genes and veteran sples, Trotskyist and Bukharinist declining and the first effect of dia speeches will obtain one all the other items of the program, must be experience with the problem of distributing the chromosomes for which Morgan was agents and hirelings of Japanese and German this decline will be slashed cent for the unemployed. There weighed and examined within the framework awarded the Nobel Prize. The concept of the fascism to perform their wrecking deeds in payrolls, drastic curtailment of is only one language which established by the foregoing considerations. twice week, will have to say the word. How ever, some provisional opinions on this point gene contradicts dialectical materialism, the Soviet Cinema. He was also criticised staffs, and increased unemploy President Roosevelt and con: Many factors enter into the discussion of this will not be out of order. The same question of write the students, We share the opinion of for introducing the sex element into an almost ment.
distribution arose in connection with the prosAcademician Lysenko when he says, To my completely masculine story, Stevenson The only exceptions to Som the language of militant dem necessary and advantageous? Have we the ect of the two a week Appeal. Many comrades mind it is high time to extract bodily Mendel Treasure Island, by transforming cabin boy ervell rule forbidding new re onstrations.
technical facilities to produce it? Can we mainUnless the unemployed begin tain it financially? And finally, can it be efwho are not at all inclined to pessimism, had ianism and all its equivalents from the courses Jim Hawkins into Jenny Hawkins. placements or assignments are higher educational institutions. Denny misgivings when the twice week Appeal was Times, Jan, 17, 1938.
in few exceptional cases, organizing huge demonstra:fectively distributed by the members of our points out that the fact the editor of Socialist first projected, and even when the decision nearly half of those now on tions in front of every relief small organization?
History Agriculture publishes the letter under the home relief, will be dropped office they can expect Roose. There can be no question about the political launch it was finally taken.
The experience of five months of the twiceheading. CHASE FORMAL GENETICS One of the biggest problems confronting within the near future. Large velt slash relief program to necessity and the enormous advantage of a FROM THE UNIVERSITIES strongly indi the Bolshevists is to get a comprehensive his scale cuts are now being con gain new heights of fury in its three a week publication over the present two Despite difficulties, disiocations and malad. cates that that is just what will be done that tory of the Communist revolution. None has sidered by officials for drive to throw every unem a week. Things are happening very rapidly in the Mendelian law, so far as the Soviet Union ployed person on the streets.
yet been written, and no one appears willing immediate application.
justments here and there, the twice. week the world today. Problems multiply and quesAppeal, on the whole, has been effectively disis concerned, will be repealed. Unless the ed to undertake the task because of the virtual tions arise in dizzying succession. party tributed. It is a fact that we print and sell itor of Socialist Agriculture made a fearfully certainty that whatever line of thought he purwhich answers soonest and oftenest has an inbad guess.
twice as many papers per week as we did five sued today would be unpopular five or ten calculable advantage over its slow poke rivals.
months ago. And no more than half of them, The Philistinism which has laid waste Soviet The twice a week Appeal, which has so clearly 1996 roughly speaking, go to the same people. We 1936.
culture under Stalin appears clearly in the input us in a commanding position in the radical increased the circle of our literary propaganda vidious comparison the students letter makes labor field, is already inadequate for our between formal and modernistic genetby a good fifty percent at one stroke. And Party have now been turned on the works of needs. Here in this issue, for example, we are lcs which is dismissed as academic hocus. the late Pokrovsky, who until his death obliged to print two extra pages to take care those who subscribe to the paper, or buy each issue regularly. get the message of bolshevism pocus, mere theory and practical genetics. in 1932 was almost idolized as a Marxist hisThe formal school of Mendel Morgan is led torian, and on the younger Soviet historians twice a week instead of once.
Editors Review National Scene in Comment the editors tell me, their desk drawers are by Vavilov, an internationally famous who studied under him and now are accused choked with excellent and timely articles and Humdrum Routine Disappearing plant expert. The practical school is led by of being active Trotskyists. Pravda is es On Republicans and 1940 Elections stories for which they have no space; and These facts outweigh all other consideraT. Lysenko, who is in high favor with the pecially angered by the low estimate of Peter other vital material, already set up in type, tions. The publication of the paper twice Kremlin (and unknown outside the the Great made by Professor Pokrovsky and has to be left as hold over on the printshop week acted as a form of mechanical compulLysenko is thoroughgoing in his Philistinism, his followers. Pokrovsky pupils, writes The June issue of the The all interested in Marxism and stone. The framework of the twice a week sion upon the branches to devise new and rejecting not only Mendelianism but even the Pravda, were fertile soil for all sorts of anti New International is now off its method of analysis will be Appeal is already too narrow for our political more effective means of distribution. The old science of genetics itself, which he terms party hesitations and wanderings. Many of the press, and once again the intrigued by Luxemburg bro and agitational needs.
humdrum routine had to give way before the merely an amusement, like chess or foot them became Japanese German Trotskyist contents of the issue place the chure.
deluge of papers coming to the branches twice ball. Times, Dec. 14, 1936. Lysenko.
The popular and clear think We Have the Forces as fast as before. The system of handing out and his followers charge the Mendel Morgan April 18, 1937.
Marxist thought. It is fully up ing writer, George Novack, Have we the journalistic facilities to prothe weekly bundle order at branch meetings, Vavilov school with placing a fascist em Nikolat Bukharin and Alexei Rykov, for to the calibre of other issues contributes a most revealing duce a paper three times a week without too and perhaps assigning a comrade or two to phasis on hereditary factors, and insist that mer premier, are denounced along with Leon and is varied in content. and informative article on the much difficulty? For one who knows the rich cover some radical meeting or other, broke any good Bolshevik must put the emphasis on Trotsky and other one time Soviet leaders as The Republicans and the oil industry, entitled. The literary resources of our party, to ask that down. In order to dispose of the papers the environment. Several years ago they kicked murderers of Mr. Kirov in a new textbook on 1940 Elections is the subject Struggle against the Oil Octo question is to answer it affirmatively. don comrades had to get on the street with them.
up such a row that Vavilov was arrested as a the history of the Soviet Union just published. discussed by the Editors. The pus.
think it is boosting but merely stating obvious They had to break into new fields. This, in Trotskyist and the Seventh International This is the winner of a government competi situation as related to the New Other important and stimu facts to say that our staff of writers is second turn, resulted in the establishment of new conCongress on Genetics, which was to be held in tion, and the group of historians who com Deal, etc. is fully reviewed. lating articles are contributed to none, in literary and Journalistic competacts, and general invigoration of the He Moscow in the summer of 1937, was abruptly of the party branches. We have seen in this cancelled on orders from the Kremlin. rubles. The textbook awards considerable wahes peablemen expmperialist by Dwight Macdonald in his tence and political quality.
One has only to transformation of the method of distributing Denny comments on the remarkable fact praise to Peter the Great. Times, fully in two articles. The first from Left to Right. and a dis Appeal with its dull, gray and spiritless rivals our paper, the beginning of a transformation that such a controversy, involving cardinal Aug. 25, 1937.
contributed by the Editorial cussion of the problem of Bato satisfy himself on this point. And refer of our methods in general from routine propapoints of political doctrine, should have been Joseph Stalin was characterized today as Board of the Bulletin of the shevism and Democracy by not merely to the professional staff of the ganda to mass agitation.
allowed to drag on for three years indeed, not only a great statesman but as a model his Russian Opposition in an ar. Alper and Albert Goldman, Appeal, who are all journalists who know Our party and youth members, by and that it should take place at all. agree it is torian and scientist by Emil Yaroslavsky. ticle entitled The Step toward with the latter upholding the their trade, but also to the occasional contrib large, have taken the distribution of the twiceremarkable, and suggest that the Kremlin Comrade Stalin personally executed a vast Social Patriotism. which con basic tenets of Bolshevism. utors, and the small army of voluntary work. week Appeal in their stride. There is good finds itself in a difficult position. For the more amount of the work of compiling Short cerns itself with developments Jan Buchar article. The ers and developing apprentices who wait only reason to believe they will tackle the still more national consciousness the Kremlin finds it ex Course on the History of the Communist Party arising from the Czecho slovak National Question in Central the call for full time service.
difficult problem of distributing the threepedient to stimulate, the more expedient also in the Soviet Union. said Mr. Yaroslavsky. ian crisis.
Europe. is concluded in the In addition to that, we have a vast reserve week Appeal and solve in action.
it must find it to emphasize heredity over en Isn our admiration stirred by this work of The second is an article by July number, in the shape of worker correspondents in the If the problem of distributing the paper vironment. And so, while on the whole inclin Stalin, for which he found time amid gigantic Hal Draper on and the Readers wishing to obtain a field, a reserve which unfortunately has been three times a week looms in the minds of some ing towards Lysenko doctrines, the Kremlin State work. The concrete instructions of Industrial Mobilization Plan. copy of the July number should all too little utilized up till now. Room must comrades as an insuperable obstacle, it is cannot quite bring itself to summarily outlaw Stalin to our historians, and concrete criti The first installment of the do so immediately. The sub be found for the contributions of these work pertinent to ask: How and when are we going Vavilov.
cisms of their mistakes all this caused a ver famous work by Rosa Luxem scription rate is per year. er correspondents in order to give the paper to distribute a daily paper? We are by no For these very special reasons, the Vavilov table about face in our history. burg. The Socialist Crisis in Address The New Internation a more proletarian stamp and make it a truer means three a week fanatics. We see it only school has been allowed to survive and even Times, March 13, 1939.
France. appears also in the al, 116 University Place, New reflection of the workers lives.
as another transition step on the road to the to dispute publicly with the dominant school.
From a journalistic and technical point of July number. Every reader at York, Law Daily. That is the direction in which we must But this is a unique situation. In other fields view we could start the three. week tomor be pointing all the time. In a country like the of culture, the Kremlin never hesitates to lay Serious charges are faced by Eugene row morning without any serious hitch in the United States, above all others, it is somedown the law swiftly and with finality. In his Pashukanis, until a year ago regarded as schedule.
what ridiculous to hope to become a serious intellectual pretensions, if not in other ways, chief theoretician of Soviet justice. Mr.
factor in the political life of a country without The Money WILL Be Found Stalin is a twentieth century Leonardo Da Pashukanis had taught that the State was a daily paper. It is only when party ceases Vinci, settling out of hand the most abstruse withering away. Times, April 4, Can we find the money to produce and mainmerely to contemplate events and to com problems of science and esthetics, turning his 1938 tain a three a week Appeal? This question is ment on them long afterward, through the colattention from astronomy to cubism to the ex Lexicography not to be airily dismissed. Money, like type, umns of a monthly or weekly review, and bepressionistic theatre and with the most devdoes not stretch; and nobody has yet invented gins to give answers and to pose actions from The Lexicographical Institute in Leningrad astating effects in each field. Below have a way of producing three papers as cheaply day to day, that it breaks out of its propaganda catalogued a few of the Kremlin more specis one of the latest institutions in the as two. But on this point our experience with to suffer in the constantly widening purge. Aged Man Ejected Angier Biddle Dukes shell and becomes a living political tacular recent exploits in such matters. They the twice a week Appeal is the best criterion movement.
will perhaps give some faint impression of Academician Derzhavin, editor in chief From Burrow Entertain we have to go by. In one 60 day campaign our of the dictionary, who enjoys international comrades contributed close to 3500 to launch what the intellectual atmosphere must be like With the Will to Move Forward at present in the Workers Fatherland. reputation, has been removed from his post. In California At Tuxedo Park this enterprise. Despite difficulties, accidents We must aspire towards a Dally, and exert His assistant, Professor Obnorsky and his sec MODESTO, Calir Ejected of all the luxurious estates in and miscalculations, this reserve fund was suf every possible ounce of energy to take another Art retary are likewise accused of counter revolustep in this direction by the decision of our Purification of Soviet art from decadent tion and wrecking and there is no reason to from the underground burrow Tuxedo Park, America most ficient to carry us through to the present.
anti war convention. The political and agitaWhen the convention convenes the twice ndoubt that all three have been arrested.
in which he had lived like a exclusive residential district, tional advantages of the three a week publicamodernistic influences as well as the sticky sweetness of romanticism was demanded to The entire work will be rewritten under the mole for ten long years. Hans the most luxurious of all is the week Appeal will be five months old. With the of the Angier Biddle exception of a crisis a few weeks ago, caused tion do not need to be labored. They are obday in Izvestia. Neither French impresdirection of new editors.
Fansen, 77 year old man, who Dukes. It is situated on a slope by delinquencies in the payment of bundle vious enough on the face of it. The moral efsionism nor post impressionism nor bourgeois Leningrad Pravda published a bitter at tred to earn a meager living of the rolling fairytale Rama orders, we had no serious financial difficulty, fect of the twice a week Appeal on our memromanticism in the art of the French revolu tack on Professor Derzhavin, asserting he doing odd jobs, is looking about po hills. The still waters of the Even in that crisis we did not have to appeal bers, on sympathizers, on the radical labor tion, nor the spirit of eighteenth century paintsubtly introduced heretical Trotskyist theories for a new home.
tarn below reflect its palatial for contributions. All we asked was that spe movement in general, has already been enorinto circulation. It cited the definition of the ing, can harmonize with Soviet art. The philMr. lines.
cial efforts be made to pay up bundle order mous. further step forward to a threeosophical basis of Soviet art was defined thus: word emigre as one who lives permanently Hansen had dug out a space Angie and his blonde wife, accounts. And the really inspiring response of week Appeal will operate similarly, with cumNew ideas, new spectators and new beauty outside his own country as a sample, pointing under the floor of a warehouse. Prune, are very proud of their the branches to this emergency call was sufuintive force.
are the principal accessories of socialistic art.
out indignantly that the definition sald not one There he had lived since the summer home. The front door, ficient to alleviate the crisis. It demonstrated decision by our convention to establish a Its basic morality is Soviet humanism. word about the treason of such people to their depression began in 1929, eat opening onto the cobblestone the determined will of our party comrades to three a week Appeal which everybody will Times, Sept. 3, 1938.
tively few quotations from Stalin were given receiving no visitors.
Socialist fatherland. Worse stin, compara ing, sleeping, and reading, but court, leads into a formal white maintain the twice a week Appeal.
understand is going to be carried out to the marble hall on the second floor. In consultation with the comrades respon letter, for we do not make idle gestures will Astronomy while they freely relied on quotatic) is from He burned wax paper bread Prune own room is a sible for the financial management of the pa ring roughout the progressive labor move Professor Boris Gerasimovitch, head of the Bukharin, Kamenev, and Radek.
ment like a clarion and rally new supporters Pulkovo Observatory in Leningrad, was ac The editors encountered difficulties a fewl wrappings when he cooked in dream boudoir in blue with a per, it has been estimated that we can safely to our movement. It will be felt and said on cused today of servility toward foreign sciyears ago. They issued the volume. with order to make as little smoke huge canopted four poster bed undertake the three a week publication in we raise a preliminary fund of 5000. That can be every side: These Trotskyites stop at no obence by the newspaper Leningrad Pravda. the finition of the word passport. explaining as possible and so avoid dis. quilted in blue satin.
By contrast the bar is infor done, not because our comrades have more stacle; they have the determined will to move Professor Gerasimovitch is the foremost asmal and cozy. It is filled with money than the members of other parties on forward and to conquer. And that the truth tronomer of the Soviet Union, and he posses Czarist regime. The volume had gone to By accident he struck of the matter, too.
ses an international reputation as one of the press when the Soviet Government suddenly root of his home which was trophies and ribbons which the the whole they are poorer and have less but world greatest astrophysicists. The curannounced the introduction of a law requiring also the floor of the warehouse. horse and dog shows, and the every citizeri to carry a passport. Manches. loyal company man hearing walls are lined with photoINFORMAL HOUSE rent campaign against servility is based on the ter Guardian Weekly, August 27, 1937. the rap investigated and disgraphs of their round the world Special Offer!
fact that many Soviet scientists first publish WANTED (Continued on Page 6)
Box 245 Kerhonkson, covered the aged man in his honeymoon their works abroad. Times, July 19, TWO BOUND VOUMES Anti Fascist Salesmen 1936.
strange home.
Few know how to entertain as of the (Near Ellenville)
to sell By arrangement with the author. Having jailed Director Gerasimovitch of Police came in response to a well as the Dukes. The hospit SOCIALIST APPEAL 120 acres of Emanuel Garrett column, Out of the skills or green plne for FATHER COUGHLINthe Pulkovo Observatory and shot Director sunbathing: handball ping pong.
Past. is being held over this week so call from company officials and able young couple keep conFascist Demagogue archery: swimming and horse Numerov of the Astronomical Institute at LenThey stant open house and the six 1937 and 1938 ejected Mr. Hansen.
back riding nearby: dancing that the material prepared by Dwight pamphlet ingrad and removed and jailed so many Macdonald may appear at one time in its found little force necessary.
bedrooms are usually overflow Both for only 00 includUNUSUALLY LOW RATES Liberal Commission wreckers and traitors of star science that They would come and get ing with guests. Their bar is ing postage entirety. Next week, Garrett will present 18 Weekly Weekend See Miller, Labor Bookshop.
no Soviet astronomers could be sent to the rea biographical sketch of the great 19th me some day, figured, Han the most popular in Tuxedo This 25 reduction holds Busses met at station 116 University Place cent meeting of the International Astronomical Century abolitionist, Wendell Phillips.
zen said. But they were a Park with its swirl of gayety good for only a few weeks Tel. Kerhonkson 118 Union at Stockholm, the has now long time coming.
and laughter.