CommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1939 They showed the way to Fight Cuts Militant Urges In the to Form Labor Defense Guards Unions APPEAL ARMY Progressive Painters Rout Stalinists In Clean Sweep of Local Primary Polls Total.
Technological Progress such guards as the only method of effectively combatting preparations to set a record Chief stooge of the a 18 BOSTON BENEFIT PARTY subscriber to the Volk. HUGE SUCCESS!
zeitung, the Call and the We opened our mail this Socialist Call. was a member morning and there awaiting us of the Socialist Party, and subwas a check for 54. 39, the en scribed to the Appeal to Reason (Continued from Page 11 and is to build Lire proceeds of a party run by until it became a book agent more convinced the only effec companies of Anti Fascist Lathe Boston branch for the bene paper.
ELE nit of the APPEAL!
By WIDICK tive weapon against fascism bor Guards, as has already None of these papers howbeen done in numerous locali Our warmest thanks go to ever, showed a spirit as mill.
and for the preservation of ties, notably Minneapolis.
the comrades in Boston who tant and courageous as the We know some unemployed their liberties for every local This resolution presented by made this possible. That places Socialist Appeal and hope it xilroad worker ia Astoria, Boston on a par with Los An will keep up this spirit because, New York, who will be especl in the and the Milton, reads as follows: ally interested in the following General Executive Board geles and Minneapolis as the in my opinion, militancy is the best APPEAL branches in the only characteristic that will apilem we picked up in Cleveland, Attention: David Dubinsky country. And now, how about a peal to the masses and arouse Ohio, this week The convention of the BrothDear Brother: few more parties for the semi them to throw off their chains!
crhood of Railroad Trainmen is appear before you to present for your consideration and weekly APPEAL. of St. Louis Park, still going on. Its cost is now adoption a very urgent resolution which calls for immediate Minn.
nearly 1, 000, 000. By he time action on an issue that is vital to the organized labor moveTHE BRANCHES AT WORK: ment.
the convention adjourns, over Reading the June 13 issue ONE WEEK LEFT IN cne million bucks will have The recent activity of the Coughlinites has placed the issue of the paper noticed the sug SUB RENEWAL DRIVE: gestion of Paul Fielding for There is still another week to been used from the union treasof fascism squarely before the workers of New York. Not only ury for convention expenses!
have the Coughlinites sold their fascist literature in the prin The start of the recent Holiday Demonstration in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Thousands disposing of copies of the Apeso in the drive for renewal sub of unemployed workers joined the motorized procession to the State Capitol to protest against peal. We in St. Louis have descriptions. Right now Minnes hat more dough than the cipal sections of the city, but they have now begun to organize the relief slashing program of the state, city and Roosevelt administrations. Seen here is Local cided to try his suggestion by apolis and New York City are used to organize the auto physical attacks against workers and working class organiza544 Federal Workers Section.
tions, using copies of the Appeal con far ahead and have easily done taining the articles on Coughlin the best job.
They have attacked street meetings of workers organand distributing them in the Set Back for Whitney izations, attempting to break them up with violence. Their Next week we shall announce Jewish neighborhoods.
By the way, President literature has long engaged in Jew baiting. Now this vicious the complete results and list anti Semitism has begun to take on an extremely provocative Washburn, St. Louis agent.
Whitney took some severe setwhat each branch obtained.
During the past week we Here the list of new subs for tacks al this convention form. Under the guise of calling labor speakers Jews and have been shouting our transi this past week. communists. they have attempted to drive these speakers George Anderson, secre: tional slogans and anti Coughoff the streets.
Minneapolis 16 tary treasurer, who blasted the lin slogans on the streets when The whole history of the Coughlin movement shows that is extravagance of the Whitney New York City is a deliberate fascist movement designed to crush the Amerselling the paper. The response Philadelphia regime as reported previously Continued from Page 1)
ican labor movement. Its anti Semitism alone would characers of Local 1035 of Long Is formed within the local in for our address. They buzz with is really inspiring. People ask in the Socialist Appeal, was reOhio terize it as similar to the movements in Germany and Italy Stevens, one of the Proland District Council 28 have years, having as its base the excitement. They pat us on the California elected to his post.
Foreign Whitney defeated Charles which put Mussolini and Hitler in power and which wiped out gressive leaders, received four formed a Rank and File biggest and most influential back, tell us that what we the labor organizations in those countries. There is good rea hundred and eighteen votes out Group on a program of sweep union in Queens. The Progres need.
Lynn Smith for presidency. He was of a total of seven hundred ing. the son to believe that the Coughlin movement is secretly shocked to find opposition to Chicago Communist Party sive Rank and File Group is At a recent meeting we covhis office. Whitney attempt to financed by Big Business as were the Mussolini and Hitler cast for the post of Secretary, wrecking crew out of office.
New York State confident of victory despite the ered, the People World organizations. Now the Coughlin forces in New York City have Treasurer in the primaries of Just as District Council of fact that the local is a strong. Stalinist) salesmen went into Pennsylvania get Smith defeated subsequent become so bold and provocative that they have organized Local Union 848. In Local Union the painters has its Louis Wein hold of the which has 14 a huddle when they saw the efIndiana ly for the position of raids into working class sections. Last Saturday, they began No. 261, Brother Arber, Pro stock, the Long Island District of its 18 Queens fraction mem fect of our slogan on the workdent which he had held, was Connecticut gressive selling their fascist literature in Union Square and stabbed a candidate, defeated has its Redler, a notorious and bers concentrated in the local. ers. One of them unsuccessful. FarquharWashington, son, editor of the Railroad school teacher, Samuel Applebaum; and they have now in the Stalinist machine man by o discredited commissar simply Running against Benny Lar stopped selling the rag! Leo Trainmen and national legisla vaded the Needle Trades area. Saturday night, they invaded large majority. In Local Union who was caught red handed in kin on the Progressive ticket is Hassul. Los Angeles Appeal tive representative of the broth the Debs Labor School, 114 West Fourteenth Street, and No. 892. Wm. Haupt, another the misappropriation of union Dave Morten, whose clean, acent.
erhood, another Whitney oppo wrecked it, smashing typewriters, destroying records, and leading Progressive, routed funds by the alert membership. honest and aggressive union Boston has increased its bunnent, was also re elected. stealing lists of names. This is exactly the way fascism and Weinstock stooge, Crawford. Removed from office, Redler ism is dle order by 25 per issue and known to painters THE READER SPEAKS: The climax in many respects now takes a total of 130 copies, Nazism began by smashing the headquarters of labor or In Local Union No. 51. Cronin, has continued to apply his throughout Greater New York, Some years ago was a twice each week.
ganizations, stabbing and shooting workers under the guise when 300 anti Whitney the Progressive candidate for wrecking policy through came the With Local 1035 providing the celegates held a special dinner of Jew baiting.
and dance to honor opposition If labor does not answer these attacks, then the Coughlin by a wide margin. In Local Stooges in the local. Organized painters, the Rankranes File SOCIALIST APPEAL NEW INTERNATIONA leaders this week.
ites will begin a bolder and more daring series of attacks en No. 1874. Brother Baldinucci, a within the local as the Unity Group hopes in the near future larger organizations, and eventually crush the American Whitney attempt to achieve Can be obtained at the Following Newsstands dictatorial control of the Broth trade unions.
gressive Group. defeated the ihe behind the scenes leader ference in District Council 28 MANHATTAN Stalinist candidate for Business ship of Redler has been con which will put an end to Red. Madison Sta K Stationery Store Cherry Katherine Sts. Monroe CHICAGO It is estimated that there are more than 800 fascist organ.
erhood has collapsed. UnforCHICAGO, ILL.
tunately, the opposition is no izations in the United States beside the Coughlinites, and all University of Agent by a four to one vote. Inducting the union affairs in lerism and the policy of Near Knickerbocker Village VI these organizations are now beginning to gather together. The more progressive on most is.
Harry Lenett. 355 Madison St.
illis Ave cash store.
Local Union No. 1011, Brother such a high handed and ineffi uniting with gangster elements. lancey Semers. Estocons Clinton Rubenstein. the Progressive cient manner, displaying favor. Their program calls for equal dels hookahon Weston Hotel Cigar Stand experience of the labor movement in Europe has proved be sues than Whitney. The worst aspect of the railroad unions is st.
yond doubt that labor can withstand the onslaught of the candidate for Business Agent, itism towards all who agree division of work, the organiza Ave N. 9th St. Ave. DSith Rom. 308 fascists only if it relles primarily on its own organized led the ticket by sixteen hun with it and discriminating tion of the one family homes, Candy Store and Ave. And st.
the huge bureaucracy set up Cor. 12th Kodalom strength.
dred votes.
which eats the finances of the Ceshin 37 Monroe against the bulk of the member jobs and adeguate compensa pana sem se istus vero Bookstore Stalinists on Run 2730 Division St.
unions and weighs them down In view of the rising fascist danger and especially the ship, that virtually the entire tion for pickets, against politians Aviath Stearate Rose Into impotency. This conven activity of the National Union for Social Justice (CoughlinWith this preliminary victory local is up in arms.
tlon illustrates the fact strikcal discrimination and favor Waverly Pl. Bway. Sum Weisbers. 1113 ites) Local 66, favors the immediate organization under their belts, the Progres.
Scab Henchmen itism, the abolition of local au. Pode 12th St. 14th St. Univ.
Pricate Book Sh Baltimore 80 North Howard St.
of an Anti Fascist Union Guard. It further urges all other sives are confident that they to have the Stalinists on the run. office, his henchmen in the 1o work in every part of Long Is Lost WWE Robert ZeLLENTOWN They are making last minute cal include old time scabs. land.
th Ave. math stedet AS Robertsbettlomeyer Hamilton St.
discredited fascist formations and preserving the democratic rights and 2nd stand E, 14th St. 3rd Ave. Paul Sherr, 7th Hamilton st.
An idea of what technologiturnout of the membership for Redler is the notorious Sam 14th SL 3rd Ave. 14th ILADELPHIA PA.
civil liberties of labor.
cal development and subsethe coming elections. Inform Geventer, leader of the ComSt. opp. Jetterson Theatre 14th St. Cor. The Northernekeists. Sen.
2nd Ave. 13th St Ave quent unemployment mean to The purpose of this Anti Fascist Guard will be to defending the membership that the munist Party fraction and un4th St Sth Ave 23rd St.
10th St And Cinenses.
a worker was furnished by a the civil liberties and the democratic rights of our union, and 8th St and Arch se painters are not alone in the til he joined the union two XE Yna sto sth Avechaw.
QUAKERTOV tire builder who reports the fol to work together with all labor organizations against fascist fight against the Stalinist can years ago had a 24 years 36th st 7th Ave. 38th st.
6th Ave. 38th st. 8th Ave, 38th st. Front West Broad Sta.
cer, they point out that honest standing as a scab. Ten years ago used to Fraternally.
BOSTON, MASS, unionists in the S8th St. 13i 33rd St. Rm Andelman Tremont st. opp. Hotel Automobile On a par with Geventer is the make 28 special size tires in a HARRY MILTON 704, 76 Greenwich Ave. Sth St. 6th Workers Union, the National incumbent Business Ave. 61 Univ. Pi. Rand Book day work. was making 56 Store 15th st. 23rd St 4th Maritime Union, the Furriers Agent, Benny Larkin, whose CAMBRIDGE MASS.
FelixAve at of the same tires until recently. Continued from Page 1)
Ave. 14th 42nd opp.
Union and other unions are be progressive character was Stern South side 42nd St. 9th Harvard Sq.
They had improved the maginning to revolt against the best revealed when, in apply expect to go much farther in Ave SE SW 2nd Street. th LYNN, MASS chine and figured out in times Lynn Labor Lyceum, Stalinist tyrants and wreckers. ing for a leave of absence, he their drive against their rivals Avey. thy Sofe th Bt Sam Corner, studies how to save operations Wall way and St. Bway, 93rd St. Oxford St They conclude their appeal by temporarily installed in his without bunking into Columbus Ave. 96th St Cent PK that increased my work to the urging the membership to vote place the even more notorious Street navy.
West. 110th st. Columbus Ave Friendly Variety, Warren St. Grove MASS 56 tires.
down the distrusted, incompe Little Gangy Davidson. Dav Germans Set War Stage 181st St St. Nicholns Ave. Now am scheduled to tent and corrupt Commissar idson was described by the The Japanese frontal drive St. Nicholas Ave. Wigerson Labor LANEAPOLIS, MINN.
make 180 of these tires in six Administration! Enough of ster Long Island Daily Press of on the British along the China Madison Ave. 9oth st.
BRONX Shinder, Sixts 12 Marquette hours with a new tire building vation, discrimination, etc. September 10, 1937 as having coast is not proceeding, howKroman, Fourth Sepin machine they are setting up!
410 Washington Alvaret Continued from Page 1)
Vote for the entire Progressive beaten murder raps and ever, independently of the situ01 od Ave. Southern Boule171st St Fulton Ave And this is in six hours! My has behind him a record of 37 ation in Europe. The Japanese it7th St. Jerome Ave. Jeronid 110th SL Jerome Ave.
CLAYTON, MO In the vicious strike breaking campaign that followed. slate!
pay isn any higher than it The Book NOON Moramac the strikers asked Father Coughlin for help.
Burnside Ave. 161st St. Prospect was ten years ago! Of course, Rubin DM Stano Ave. Freeman st. Southern Blvd.
1072 10615 Street installing this new machinery He REFUSED to see their delegation. He refused to Long Island Progressive tihis trinity. Redler, Geventer close collaboration with the and Davidson, have nearly Germans, who are setting the bridge Rd Jerome Ave, Want Mor Meriam Building. Room 314 will mean that one tire builder ruined the local during the past stage for the summer war hold medCon broadcast in their behalf. He refused to speak a single Painters Prepare to Schroeder Book Shop. Publle Grand can do the work of three. What year.
threats that may in fact lead YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO word in their cause.
happens to them? They can Oust Stalinists Nick s, Wick St. and Commerce Confident of Vietory to war but which they hope will BROOKLYN even get on anymore.
SAN FRANCISCO Let it not be forgotten, that many of the leaders of this The Rank and File group, lead to another Munich.
Straus cor. Pitkin Ave. Tompicing ally, this tirebuilder strike were members of Father Coughlin organisation.
Church St. bet. Chapel In preparation for the inter proceeding against this gangThe Far Eastern crisis unsek Strattere. com Coto von Henderen.
Sacha Siddeo Market Scenter isn interested in the slogan 30 30 for himself. He makes the National Union for Social Justice.
union election to be held in the ster clique, is the first or folds this time in rhythm with Rockaway frikin sester MacDonna Bookstore anth St.
near future, progressive paint Igenized opposition group to be the continuing crisis in Europe. Goth St Brionton Bouch. Avo Sutter Fillmore Sts.
more than 30 a week for a 30 The police, the armed scabs, the organized company ter In Moscow the Anglo Soviet ne. Biemnats Aves Avetio Kits UNED! Golden Gate News Agency, hour week. What he wants to gotiations were thoroughly QUEENS ror these, combined with the Judas kiss of Father CoughFitzgerald News Agency: e th Ave. 40th know is what can be done and be easy for the Republic Steel Corporation to prove to any Store 20. 3057 16th st.
stymied. After characterizing Room Smoke Shop. 1203 Sutter how can it be done so that he lin, broke the strike.
jury that it cost them the 7, 500, 000 for which they are the latest British alliance pro3023 Grand Ave. 31 10 Broadway Room Valencia (SWP)
gets the benefit of his increased Yes, Coughlin promises many beautiful things to the ROCHESTER, Sinton Bookstore, 602 Hatchtofmore suing the workers they attacked. Editorial in Social Jusposals as not entirely favor Cedar Cate Cigar Stand, 544 Laria work.
able the Kremlin issued a fur Cor: Castelo de chuston SSE LOS ANGELES, While there is a lingering re oppressed, but when the crucial moment comes, he is the tice, June 5, 1939. ther communique through Tass cor. Man Clinton Sts. 233 sentment against the introduce first to plant the dagger in their backs.
sw. cor. Main South Ave.
The editorial continues with a vicious attack on the Agency stating that not much Main Street East Clinton Ave. Hoom 812 tion of new machinery, most Since the formation of the Coughlin has assailed!
WewsBroadway workers show their resentment To Father Coughlin any militant worker is a red, Progress, was being made. Main Street Earth front car awards it venomously and incessantly.
a socialist, a conspirator in the ring of international News Bachan at Main St.
against the right place, the When Governor Chandler of Kentucky ordered viding cows with false teeth 308 Clinton Av. North at Cumbilan bosses. The job of the union is Jewry.
Levine Delicatessen, 257 Clinton Next cor. Baruges Main St.
to fight for the benefits that President Roosevelt National Guard down to Harlan company gets from the new When he retired forever from the air and public life cow press from news of the al Carei Brothera Sis clinton Ave.
NEWARK, NJ County with orders to shoot to kill if necessary to break 13th, bet. way and Washington machinery. Much higher in 1936, he returned in less than two months, January 1, form the balance of power in Lorenzo, Washi ctonos Market, asw.
the strike, Coughlin whitewashed the coal operators who Andrew Willams Market and much lower hours is the Brondway, near 1945 1937, with an attack on thousands of striking General Mo. Europe. Stand, 14th and Fruitvale Ave.
Chuck, Broad Market Sts.
Stand 11 Springtield Ave.
Stand, 14th and Broadway way to squeeze the benefit from have been notorious throughout the nation for half a centors workers.
At the same time it was reStand, 20th and Washington the bosses.
tury as one of the most tyrannical, bloody, and violent His civil liberties record is no better than his labor ported from Berlin by the New Poster Book Company Stand, 10th and Clay sections of the boss class.
York Times that German soDETROIT, MICH.
PATERSON, Socialist Appeal Club, viet trade negotiations have Gunbello Stationery Store 3618 Woodward Ayo. Room CASS Book Mart Book Proceeds The Union Leaders Made Troops Necessary. Social In the March 13, 1939, issue of Social Justice, for ex reached the point where Hitler Eckhart Now Agency Justice, June 1939, 21, headline to article on Harlan. is selecting the personnel of a 104 Washington St.
SEATTLE, WASHINGTON To Chinese 4th ample, he opposes anti lynching legislation.
Rymer Book Store, 906 3rd Ave. To guarantee the men their right to work, Governor delegation that is to go to MosRoth Cigar store, 1407 First Ave.
In the December 19, 1938, issue, he attacks the La Fol cow to conclude the talks there.
Nodelman Newsstand 4033 University Way Internationalists Chandler found it necessary to call out nearly 1, 000 National Guard troops to stand guard over the mines.
lette Civil Liberties Committee, which exposed the million In other words, as Molotov sympathizer has donated Lewis defled the forces of law and order in Harian dollar labor spy racket and the widespread use by powerful forecast in his speech a few JUST OFF THE PRESS!
a number of copies of Freda County, Ky. where Governor Chandler said that 75 per corporations of thugs, machine guns, poison gas, intimida not intend to permit Chambercent of the mine workers desired to work, despite Lewis Utyle book, Japan Gamcommand that they continue in idleness. The cry of tion, terror, and violence against their workers.
lain pious hopes from inter ble in China. The proceeds fering with its hopes of making revolt (against Lewis) was heard in other sections sick Father Coughlin does not like investigations or expoa deal with Hitler if it can are to go for the work of ened by Lewis one man rule over their jobs, homes, and sures such as those conducted by the La Follette Civil LiChinese 4th Internationalists, happiness. Social Justice, May 22, 1939. berties Committee.
whose appeal for funds to The coal operators, who are also the county officials, Let the fools and the suckers bite at the gaudily featherENJOYMENT OF carry on their vital work by LAUGHTER was published recently in openly admitted that THEY sent for the troops to break ed hook Father Coughlin dangles! Labor right to organthe Socialist Appeal. Com the strike.
Joseph Hansen ize? Father Coughlin believes in it the same way Tom by Max Eastman new pamphlet exposing the Radio Priest rades are urged to obtain a As a propagandist able and willing to paint up violence, Girdler and Henry Ford and the Harlan County coal oper 49 real program.
copy now on sale at the Labor Bookshop for terror, and intimidation of the bosses with the gentle colors ators do. Just let the workers dare to carry a card in a This is a textbook in the sciRead it. Get your shopmates to read it. Send ft of the lily, Coughlin has no equal in America.
ence of humor and the art of to your friends.
genuine union! There are ways of changing those workers enjoying it to be read in the Give us the names and addresses, accompanied The Memorial Day massacre, in which Republic Steel minds. Memorial day Massacres, multi million dollar THE APPEAL laziest and most sell indulby cash, and we will mail the pamphlet direct.
Corporation shot down unarmed workers in the back is damage suits, rifles and bayonets of the National Guard, a gent manner Single copies 5c; in bundles of or more, 3c.
POSTER SHOP blamed by Father Coughlin on the workers. He character spray of machine gun slugs in the back.
BOOK sesible.
116 University Pl. 2nd fl.
Pioneer Publishers, 116 University Pl.
At Your Service izes the massacre as a bloody riot and asserts that it will (To be continued in next issue) GIVES WAR DEFY TO JAPAN. PA lowing Who Is Father Coughlin, What Is His Program?
Father COUGHLINFascist Demagogue LABOR rer