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Socialist Appeal, BUILD WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the fourth International. Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, No. 45 TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1939 3c a Copy GIVES WAR DEFY TO JAPAN Peace and Democracy!
OFFICIALS PUT Who Is Coughlin, SLASH What Is His Program, INTO EFFECT How Did He Rise?
Powers in Tangle Over China Loot BIGHT TO: STRIKE FD.
PLANS STALINISTS IN PRIMARY POLLS WORKING CLASS Poor Tientsin Blockade Continues Anglo Soviet Negotiations Stymied as British Envoy to Postcard Campaign By JOSEPH HANSEN Kremlin Makes Small Progress INSTALLMENT Futile Only Action Father Coughlin, Speculator and Stockholder Will Bring Results An American admiral defies a Japanese ultimatum. Stifflyworded American notes are delivered in Tokyo. Cordell Hull When Coughlin was supporting Roosevelt and the New Deal during the honeymoon first term, he pronounced a (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
fills the press with statements about American rights and WASHINGTON, June 22 interests in China. At Singapore the French and British series of discourses over the air on the silver question. With an order to suspend Far Eastern naval staffs meet and receive with joy these eviThe burden of these speeches was, briefly, that to save che forgotten man, increase world trade, give everybody new public building all activity in connection with dences that their friend Roosevelt is preparing to carry out. his appointed task of chief a job, and thaw out money, was necessary only to raise projects. Colonel Harthe price of silver.
rington, administratthe Pacific The restoration of silver to its proper value is of or, has begun to put into efWAR All this is a prelude to a Christian concern. send you a call for the mobilization fect the intensified drive of MOBILIZATION call to this country to interof all Christianity against the god of gold. Quoted in the Churchman, June, 1939. President Roosevelt and Convene to save the hoarded Eventually Roosevelt did raise the price of silver. gress against relief and the swags of the British, French And then Secretary of the Treasury, Morgenthau reW.
and American robbers The postcard campaign of vealed in April 1934 that the largest holder of silver fufrom the Japanese hijackers certain organizations protesting It is a fresh step toward what tures in the state of Michigan was one Amy Collins, sec the slash of relief appropriaProgressives Expect Roosevelt and Wall Street unretary to Father Coughlin.
tions has not had the slightest effect in stopping the drive of Election Victory Af cerstand to be the inevitable clash between American and She held 500, 000 ounces, costing 40 cents an ourice at the New Deal Administration.
the time of purchase, but purchased at 10 per cent margin. If anything, it has emboldened ter Primary Sweep Japanese imperialism for domination of China and the entire or 20, 000. Every time silver went up cent it meant and encouraged the attack, Pacific area.
Roosevelt and his henchmen in 5, 000 profit for the holder of the 500, 000 ounces.
Progressive forces in the Congress feeling that the Yankee Role postPainters Union are working for make no mistake about On an investment of 20, 000, Coughlin made 500 PER card campaign will succeed in CENT PROFIT.
dissipating the anger of those CONSCRIPTION at high gear in preparation for it: the British are being made affected by the cuts and prethe coming district elections latest drive against its rivals in It was this revelation of his silver speculations which vent them from taking militant on Saturday, June 24th, at China but everyone underturned Coughlin so savagely against Secretary of the action, Harrington Order the Lexington Avenue and stands that in the showdown it Treasury Morgenthau. Even the Bund since then curses Harrington order which 3426th Street armory.
will be the United States that Morgenthau regularly in its ritual. Not long afterward, was telegraphed to all State adwill take the premier role. It Organized into the Inter local is Yankee imperialism that will Coughlin switched his support from President Roosevelt ministrators on June 17 is as follows: Conference of Progressive do the fighting not to William Lemke. In view of provisions of Sec.
Painters Clubs of District China but for the right to disCouncil No. 9, the Progressives place the Japanese as oppresIn 1935 the Detroit Free Press revealed in a series of tion 12 of Appropriation Bill, as have waged a courageous union sors in chief of the Chinese articles that in 1929 and 1930 Father Coughlin had specu passed by the House today, until further notice no public fight for two years against the people. That is what the preslated in stock of the Kelsey Hayes Wheel Co. and the building construction will be notorious Stalinist wrecking ent crisis portends, even though Packard Motor Car Co. that in one transaction alone he started which was not approved Street Commissar. Wein in the hot spot.
paid as much as 30, 110. 89 for Kelsey Hayes stock and by the President prior to June 14.
stock Confident that its axis partlost nearly 14, 000 in another venture. The Free Press also The entire construcTwo weeks ago the Progres ners, Germany and Italy, will revealed that Coughlin manipulated three bank accounts, tion program was so drastically sives realized the fruits of their keep Britain busily engaged in one in the name of Coughlin, one in the name of the curtailed by the provisions of two years battle for progres Europe, the Japanese are meanlast slash appropriation By car, train, freight and at which militant front line ing Party work and plenning its sive unionism. They made a while continuing their systemRadio League of the Little Flower, and a third in the name that it amounts to complete ell thumb, delegates to the great fighters in the struggle against improvement and extension. clean sweep in the Local pri atic offensive against the enof Ste. Therese of the Child Jesus Parish, and that he used mination of this phase of the anti war convention of the so. war and fascism will speak. The spirit of the party is con mary elections and convinced trenched strongholds of their these funds for speculative purposes.
former relief program. The bin cialist Workers Party are al. The business sessions of the rident and optimistic, as befits the whole union movement that rivals in the foreign concesFather Coughlin interest in the stock of certain auto cost of building activity by the The anti war convention to be convention will open at 10 the only party that seriously ten wise to the Stalinist dema continues. Proud Britons, used mobile companies sheds an intensely illuminating light on to structures costing held July to 4, will be formal ein Friday, July and will con. conducts a struggle against gogues and were determined to to kicking the Chinese around his early ventures into the labor field.
not more than 40, 000 if nonly opened by a large public an tinue through Monday, July war and fascism and aims to be rid of them at all costs. like animals, are being made (Continued on Page 5) ti war meeting in Irving Plaza Interviewed by the Socialist win. Continued on Page 2) to eat some of their own dirt.
Appeal, James Cannon deIt a real atrocity story when Father Coughlin, Labor Hater clared, The big trek for the you read that subjects of His Majesty are being made to anti war convention is under stand in line with Chinese coolFather Coughlin constructed his million dollar Shrine of way. Credentials have already ies! The only trouble with this come in from delegates as far is that they are being forced apart as Seattle, Houston, Texpaid his men 25 to 40 per cent below trade union rates. In as and San Francisco. There to do so by their Ja by the rival gangsters and this way Coughlin showed what he means by a living anTells Women to Support Husbands in Union really going to be. national Harry Milton, Trade Unionist and Veteran aroused wrath of the Chinese nual wage. As a result, the of at its 1934 convention at Struggles Dullea Calls for Defense Guards tion will present a picture of a of Spanish Civil War, Proposes Action simultaneously, the Japanese nationwide organization.
moved in on Swatow, one of the San Francisco unanimously adopted a resolution conGOSHEN, Ind. Special to the Socialist Adding played by the women in the sion has been conducted on a prominent and active member trades area by Coughlin fastheir direct control on the ring account of the vital role The pre convention discus NEW YORK. Harry Milton, of the invasion of the needle last two ports still not under demning Coughlin for his anti labor policies.
news of fresh victories great auto strikes of 1937.
Father Coughlin favors the company union. straight from the auto fields of free and democratic basis of Local 66. International La cists selling Social Justice South China coast. Japanese Had the motor manufacturers been in the least intelMichigan, Genora Johnson, Call for Defense Guards sage of anti unionism, religious there Wednesday morning and ligent, they would have helped to organize a friendly and prominent woman labor leadternal bulletins, the Socialist dies Garment Workers Union, which spews its poisonous mes army and navy forces landed Robert Dullea, organizer for Appeal and at efficient union years ago. Eight Lectures, 125. er of Flint, addressed a labor the Textile Workers Union of meetings. The discussion has of the Spanish Civil War in membership and a recently returned veteran intolerance and racial bigotry soon took possession of the gathering in this city last Sun America, who acted as chair revealed almost complete una which he fought with the 29th turbed by the recent attempt of They are particularly dis port.
At anchor there were the Father Coughlin is opposed to strikes (exactly the way dice che decision was auspaber man, called for the formation nimity on all fundamental po Lenin)
Division of the Loyal the fascists to break up the Ange the destroyero Plisbury Hitler and Mussolini are opposed to strikes. of the o. unions of Goshen. tect the unions from the onist Army against the Fascists, street meeting of the American and the British destroyer Than Speaking on the recent slaught of growing fascist The National Union for Social Justice contends that Organization Convention strikes and lockouts are absolutely unnecessary. Ser istrikter, he neered by Martin forces, pointing to the way in The party is unanimous in Board of his Union, with a copy Quill. president of the Trans their departure and it was this demand that Admiral Yarnell mon, December 2, 1934. in Flint, she branded it as a which small bands of Hitler its position on war and on vir vid Dubinsky, a resolution urgto International President Doport Workers Union, spoke.
rebuffed. If necessary, he said piece of fakery calculated to Brown Shirts were able to re tually all other important poAmong the hundreds of thou in effect, the whole navy would In 1935 a semi company union, the Automotive Indusfurther blown factional pur peatedly break up union meet litical questions. The anti war ins immediate action on the sands of members of the be used to protect the 40 Amer.
trial Workers of Amerca, was organized. It was known as poses and the picket line asings and thus to disrupt and de convention will devote itself building of a company of Anti in New York are thou: icans in the city! And he prothe Coughlin union because of the blessing Coughlin contrast, she halled the new of movement. This must not ganization of the party arrec and every local of the dreds of returned Spanish War ships to the scene.
gave it.
fensive launched by the o. happen here. he said, and oncilable struggle against war, of This, of course, is the sort of forces in the coal and auto need not, providing the labor the question that dominates all Identical resolutions have pertenced veterans of scores of stuft heroes are made of in It was organized in order prevent the formation of a real fighting union which would gain better conditions, the struggle would be extended ing the necessary instruments one is pretty safe in saying American Federation of Labor They are determined to exer make the British take their fields, expressing the hope that forces waste no time in creat others. From all indications, been sent to other locals of the strikes and battles.
Tientsin the Japanese might better wages, and shorter hours for the workers.
into textile, rubber, steel, and for protecting themselves. that it will be pre eminently an and the But the Coughlin union despite its blessing, decided to so on down the line throughout The affair was held under organization convention. For There is a strong and grow. cratic rights and above all their keep old glory flying over Swastrike against the intolerable conditions in the Motor the country. She made a spe the joint auspices of the Tex the first time in our history the ing sentiment among the mem trade unions for themselves tow! What he is actually doing, cial appeal to the women to tile workers, Rubber Workers. convention will be able to con bers of the in favor and for all anti fascists and in effect, is to serve notice on Products Co. and downed tools on November 15, 1935. back up their husbands in their and United Furniture Workers centrate almost entirely on the of the building of such Anti they are becoming more and the Japanese that they cannot (Continued on Page 2)
Iunion struggles and gave a stir of Gloshen, Ind.
practical questions of organiz fascist Union Guards because Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
Practical Struggle Against War 1o Feature Party Convention Besides having his printing done in a non union shop: Genora Johnson Hails the Little Flower by hiring an open shop contractor who Drive at Labor Gathering Militant Urges to Form Labor Defense Guards People.
Irving Place at 15th Street, Admission 25c June 30, p.
IRVING PLAZA Hear the Internationalist Position on War ar Chairman: James Cannon; Reporter for the Political Committee: Max Shachtman; Speakers: Dunne of Minneapolis, Genora Johnson of Flint, Glen Trimble of San Francisco, George Clarke of Detroit, Reuben Plaskett of Newark, Nathan Gould, National Secretary