CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers Party

FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL Trying to Bring Idle Money, Idle Their Men Together by Mumbo Jumbo Government ut whom Friends of the Refugee. WANTES. CARRER מס 10 11 Attention, Briggs!
Equipped with Diplomas, School Graduates Join Lines of Jobless jeel that they have the upper hand for three Browderite Lies Labor, nevertheless has his mouth filled with hot SOCIALIST APPEAL potatoes.
Vol. II, No. 44 June 23, 1939 Ile can talk By James Burnham Picblxlere uu by the That why a thorough examination of the SOKIALIST APIENT. L BLISHING ASSN Milwaukee press during the whole period of et lac, New York, NY Altin brutal police action against the striking auto Mead Bill Offers More Credit, But There is Plenty of Unworkers fais to reveal a single word of protest Sucriptions: 00 your 00 for six months. For used Credit Lying Around Lending Instead of Spending 00 per year. for months. Benille olet ultered by Mayor Hoan.
ents per Cup in the United Ste cent per copy.
the thinks Sinule por cents Is we said, he can help it.
Scheme Hopeless because Wheels Won Turn Without Profits Box and Manhattan are: 50 for six niha: Tor ute His mouth is fuli of hot potatoes.
Bewildered by the ever con. down on the spending pro loan instead of 90. and the Xrentereil classmattor Pebruary 16. 1939. According to the provisions of the Constitution.
Bill may be changed to meet Late New York, NY. der the set of Arch But surely that not the case with EVERY tinuing economic crisis, and gram.
It is the function exclusively of the legislative arm member of the Socialist party.
dismayed by the effects which Appearing before the Monop this objection the crisis may have on 1940 eles, who has always been the WITH THE SCHEME oly Committee, Marriner EC WHAT IS WRONG of the Federal government that is, of Congress to appropriate money. The executive arm of the MAX SHHTMAX election prospects, the inner administration chief advocate government that is, the President and his subAnot Echlor circle of Rooseveltians is now of pump priming and expanHowever, the supposition ordinates has charge of spending the money, but HOLD ROBERTS ELIX MORROW busily engaged in trying to sionist money policies, pro that any such measures as cannot appropriate it. It is part of the ConstitutionJOSIPI HANSEN cook up a grandiose scheme posed that the government these could have any signifial task of the executive, however, to prepare and BERS Manager: which revives the tattered glor. should set up what ST. LIY submit to Congress the governmental budget, While inundreds of desperate Jewish refugees would cant effect upon the national ies of New Dealism. They are amount to a new bank which economy is just one more fan.
which includes the proposals of the executive for were clamoring in vain for permission to enter using the sessions of the Tem would loan money at low rates tastic dream of the bright appropriations. From a Constitutional point of FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST Cuba, one of the daily papers of Havana had the porary National view, Congress may vote the budget as submitted, Counch. Monopoly Commit States and municipalities for credit in the country. On the or may modify it in any way it chooses. The budWORKERS PARTY FOR: following comment to make: tee. as a medium for devel productive enterprises contrary, there are billions and get is calculated on the basis of a fiscal year But we now consider as just, very Cuban oping the theory of the job and a decent living for every worker.
This idea is not meeting with billions of dollars of potential beginning July 1st of each calendar year and end and very patriotic the inclination of our peoscheme, and have already be much favor from the private credit ready for use at the easing June 30th of the subsequent calendar year. Open the idle factories operate them under gun the first Congressional banks who see in it a competi lest and most generous terms.
About two months ago, President Roosevelt, in a ple to demand the prohibition of an overflow werkers control.
steps in carrying it out. tor in their monopoly rights for the trouble is that, within the special message, submitted to Congress his proof immigration, because the wretched condiThe bright young men at exacting usury from the nation straitjacket of declining capiposed total Federal relief budget for the fiscal Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works tion oi our country and the great increase of tached to the Monopoly Com However, the Eccles testimony talism, there are no profitable year beginning July 1st, 1939. It is absolutely esand housing program.
mittee, such as Isadore Lubin was part of a build up, and not fields of investment for the sential that every worker, especially every unemimemployment cannot stand the addition of and Leon Henderson (the latter meant for immediate action: credit. Making still more cred1. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wagenew masses of immigrants. It is very correct recently promoted to the Secur the plan is to return to the idea it available, whatever budget was the should understand that this rellef 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on product solely of Roosevelt and his that the Cubans should demand not only pro ities Exchange Commission. next year, in the pre election terms, will not increase an iota all jobs.
appointed subordinates in the executive branch of have suddenly discovered an period.
tection and the right to work upon our island the profitable fields of investthe government. Congress had nothing whatever to Thirty dollar weckly old age and disability amazing new truth which they STARTING THE but also that there should be rigorous measment, and consequently will not do with it. Congress does not enter into the picture pensien.
passed on to the President, who BALL ROLLING solve any of the underlying dif until after the budget is proposed. For everything ures taken to prevent workers as well as em used it in a speech delivered a Meanwhile, more modest ficulties.
in, or out of, the original budget. Roosevelt and Expropriate the Sixty Families.
few weeks ago. The trouble part of the scheme has been ployers from penetrating into and swallowing At most, the Mead Bill might Roosevelt alone is responsible.
All war funds to the unemployed.
with the country, lo and behold, embodied in a bill which has please a few of the smaller busup our exhausted sources of production, la is that idle capital and idle men been introduced in the Senate inessmen when their boding treated the Unemployed?
Who Leads the Drive Against peuple referendum on any and all wars. bor, trade and employment. Hence we have other the way to cure the Mead of New York. The Mead this is perhaps its main purNo secret diplomacy.
supported and continue to support all expeditrouble is to bring idle capital Bill would not provide direct pose. The administration is In his relief budget, Roosevelt proposed a total ent measures that are adopted to restrict imAn independent Labor Party.
and Idle men together again loans from the government to once again making a drive to relief appropriation for the year beginning July 1st migration of any class whatsoever. Basing This is just about as illuminat business, but would institute enlist the support of little busof 760, 000, 000. About 300, 000, 000 of this was to Workers Defense Guards kainst vigilante ourse. ves on these premises, we understand ing as to say of a man dying of governmental guarantee of 90 Iness and light industry, as go to comparatively minor, though important, unand Fascist attacks smallpox that his trouble is be of loans, up to 1, 000, 000, made shown not merely by the Mead dertakings such as NYA. For the major and dethat the government should close altogether ing sick and the way to cure to a business by private banks. Bill itself but by such events as cisive federal relief activity. Rooseves the doors of Cuba to all immigration that may him is to make him well again. The plan here is similar to the Roosevelt flattering speech to proposed exactly 1, 477, 000. 000. Remember this come to Cuba.
LENDING TO guarantees of mort. the national conference of reis Roosevelt figure, not the figure of Congress.
AVOID SPENDING Where did this statement appear?
gage loans, applied in the new tailers, where he put forward 800, 000, 000 less than was allotted during This sum. proposed by Roosevelt, is more than Since private enterprise Instance to the presumed re the utterly absurd theory that It a wise thing to read the press of the ene In the daily newspaper, Hoy, of May 28, doesn seem to be getting very quirements of the relatively the key to prosperity is to be the fiscal year now ending. It permits a maximum 1939.
far in bringing about the wed smaller corporations what are found in the light and consumer my regularly. You often find what he is thinkaverage of around 2, 000, 000 on rolls during ding of idle capital and idle referred to as little business. goods industries rather than in the next year, as against an average of around What is Hoy?
ing of and planning 000. 000 during the current year.
men, the beneficent Federal The Mead Bill meets with the capital and heavy goods inTile daily newspaper of the Communist Party There is now going on in Congress a complicated Government will step in to much The Annalist is a paper of the financial and more favor from the dustries.
fight over the relief bill. Some of the issues in this Cuba, Section or the Third International, stimulate the process. The gov. banks than the Eccles Idea: The War Deal has definitively industrial li wigs of the country. In its issue of champion of democracy, freedom, progress, eneernment will institute a gigan after all, what it amounts to is replaced the New Deal. And the fight are of considerable significance to the unemJune 1, 1939. it says: tic direct and indirect lend simply a governmental guaran sporadic efforts to revive the ployed chief among them, perhaps, provisions my of lascism and friend of the refugee.
that would automatically drop anyone who had The Briggs strike may well prove to be a ing program. Everything will tee of bank profits. The only brave young days of New DealStalin didn offer the refugees shelter. be solved, and at the same serious criticism made so far ism for 1940 election purposes or more and anyone who had subversive ideas been on the rolls continuously for eighteen months turning point for the better in automobile The Stalinists here didn call on Roosevelt to time the government can obey is that they want the guaran are all of them destined to the the Tories command to cut tee to extend to 100 of the most grotesque and dismal failabout the government but most of them are triva labor conditions. Reports from Detroit last offer the refugees shelter.
ial, There is no important fight at all on the point week indicate that the motor and motor ac The Cuban Stalinists merely played Follow which is so basic that it completely overshadows cessory companies have clecided the time has your leader.
all the rest on the size of the appropriation, come ior a showdown. The manufacturers In the House of Representatives, not one single member, either in co committee or on the floor, has proposed the cut of a single dollar in the Presireasons. namely, the production svason is dent figure. rom April 28 until today, the Daily Worker, How can this be? What has happened to the drawing to a close, the unions are fighting has reierred exactly twice to President Roose By TONY CHAPMAN get decent wages in order to and his kennels and stables. champions of economy. to the bitter enemies of each other, and the membership is discourvelt relief Dit get message to Congress of The vain, heartbreaking attain the level of material Dr. Harry Woodburn Chase, the President, to all the Tories and right wingers?
chancellor of New York Uniaged. The companies feel, therefore, that the search for a job in a land that well being. The answer is simple: the President took the April 27. The first time was April 28, when already has thirteen million President Paul Moody versity, told 4, 636 graduates: leadership in the drive against the unemployed.
time is ripe for concerted action and they do under a very modest one column head, it car jobless men and women, many told the class at Middlebury We must accept the disci He proposed a cut in far more drastic than not propose to throw their opportunity away. ried the United Press report on the issuance of of them young people, is today College that the present gener plines of democracy as well as any of his so called Tory, opponents would bave on the curriculum for hundreds ation increasing search for its freedoms. One of the forth dared to propose. He took their breath away. With The companies are not asleep. They are pre the message. Why a report, when there is of thousands of young gradu comfort and ease would make coming disciplines of American such a slash already contained in Roosevelt budparing to smash the unions and to smash the a very well staffed Washington Bureau of the ates leaving school.
them all soft. To avoid this, democracy, Mr. Chase might get, there was, on the basic question, nothing furnone too wonderful standard of living of the Daily Worker? Because, clear reader, that gave Leaving his cloistered. ivy we might begin by having have mentioned, is discipline in ther for even the bitterest reactionary to suggest.
automobile workers.
tive Roosevelt worshipping Browderites an ex laden collegiate or high school Moody give up the prexy Uncle Sam uniform.
sanctuary and armed with mansion, his servants, his car Edwin Arden Jewel, art crt How Can the Unemployed Fight?
Are the automobile workers thinking and lief slashing proposals.
cuse for making no comment on Roosevelt renothing more substantial than ic for the New York Times, told What have explained is so simple that a small the graduating class at Yale a beautifully engraved sheep Roosevelt Men Jam planning as far ahead as their laimor hating emchild can understand it. It is not an interpretaUniversity School of Fine During the ensuing two months, when the skin, attesting to his proficiention or guess on my part: it is a clear direct ployers!
Arts. The artist is being uted fact. No one has to take my word for it. It is part LA question was the most burning problem cy in the arts and sciences, the Bill Wrecking out of the relatively small luxThey should be. Especially when it is borne in of the public record.
conisenting the labor movement, the Daily prospect of intelegerea bing Through House ury class. And being dumped mind that the power of the organized workers But open and simple as this truth is, it is being Worker wear once referred to Roosevelt April himself, not in business, in the into the ranks of the unem deliberately hidden from the workers of this couhin the auto industry is truy invincible. The re(Continued from Page professions or in industry, but ployed, as witness the Congres try. It is being hidden by the Stalinists and by the cent Briggs strike, which the Annalist attaches message which, please keep in mind, fixed in the ranks of the unemployed.
On the basic question, thesional elimination of the Fedunds for at 477, 000, 000, an amount labor officialdoms. They hide it because in their so much importance to showed that the miliThat is the fact, Illustrated by amount of funds for eral theatre and other art proj. politics they are committed to support of Roose.
velt. They must therefore lie to the workers, attancy which made auto workers struggles so perfectly, acceptable to the reactionary House the history of previous gradu there was no controversy, for ating classes since 1929. Roosevelt had named the figAN HONEST ADDRESS and Senate appropriations committees tempt to make the workers believe that not Roose.
amous, is still there. Ii it is not held back, it it liter the Roosevelt Woodrum Starvation Bill velt but congress or Republicans or conservative But the young graduate, ure, his lieutenants had lined AT COMMENCEMENT It is high time the sugar Democrats are alone responsible for the drive is not dampened, it is strong enough to beat hopeful and ready to make a up his forces, and all the worst assecl te llouse Saturday by a vote of 372 21 clown e resistance to la!»or progress offered by place for himself, the pride of reactionaries had to do was fol. ceased to flow. It is high time against the unemployed, and that Roosevelt is the his parents who have sacrificed low behind Roosevelt. passed by the united vote of the New also that an honest man was friend of the unemployed.
automobile barons.
The so called Casey Murray permitted to address a graduNo lle could be baser, more treacherous.
Prepare for the tight. Ali indications are that Desers and the Torics the Daily Worker so much to send him through school, is this month also the Bill, providing for million ating class. Imagine the spec Not only does this lie hide a truth which every correct y esetiled it as a wrecking victim of soothing liars. Teach Jobs by a proposed ap tacle of an unemployed worker the slow clown is coming this fall. Let the auto worker has a right and duty to know. This le preers and preachers, pedagogues propriation of 2, 250, 000, was arising to address the class of vents the unemployed from struggling against the 39!
workers present an iron front of solidarity and measure. BUT called it a Tory Relief Measrelief cuts. It is because the workers still believe and demagogues, magnates merely presented in the form Standing beneath a violet this lie that there has been up to the present no aggressiveness which will make the auto lords we. Only alter thorough and diligent search, did we manage to fin l, in the second section of and mountebanks are in sea of an amendment to the Roosewise they ind never starteti tienght son, going about the dirty bus velt Woodrum Bill, if one could trimmed white marquee and effective struggle against the cuts; and there will tie lune 18 Dairy Worker, the second reference iness of building in the minds describe it as presented at ranked on both sides by the not be until the workers stop believing the lie.
You cannot fight against the cuts when you put to Roosevelt April 27 relief message fixing the of these young people a host of all. Representative Casey. a carefully preserved wives of your reliance on the man who is chiefly responamount for The Daily Worker says: impossible illusions. Just listen Roosevelt follower himself, the University Board of Di sible for making them, who is the leader in pro to some of them at the com whose speech at the Workers rectors, our unemployed work It is also possible to see very clearly now, mencement exercises!
Alliance Right to Work Con er might begin with the story posing them and carrying them through. Isn that the most obvious common sense?
Daniel Welister Hoan is the Mayor of Mil as Le. 0and the Workers Alliance had gress recently was one long of the Apple Days of 1930 1932 THE WISE MEN hymn of praise to Roosevelt. of the Hunger Marches to The unemployed have lost the first big round.
point out all along that the President and had no stomach to fight for a Washington and the Anacostia By all signs, the slash is going through at Daniel Webster Hoan is also a soci dist is advisors had male a strategic blunder in George Barton Cutten, presi proposal counter to that initi. massacre of the unemployed Roosevelt figure. It would have been another dent of Colgate University, on ated by Roosevelt. Neither he. veterans, of the promised Hal story if there had been a widespread, militant, at least he a member of Norman Thomas par assing or oniy 1, 477. 000. 000 for mass action fight by the unemployed. Roosevelt ty. member oi its National Committee, ais. Of course, the Pres cent expects to ask for world is still holding its crown made any serious effort to line his abrogation of the promise and Congress are in the last analysis contemptible and in general, its pride and joy.
a ciciency grant later but in asking for of olives before the young men up votes for his proposal. Tled of 23 millions of men and wo cowards: they dare to put through the slash only Don you see them and can hand and foot to Roosevelt, men and their children, cold because they do not have to face real resistance The Miwaukee suburbs of West. Viis has been radequate appropriation now the reactionyou discover the roads that they made the gesture for the and hungry, underfed and un But the matter will not be closed when the bill le scene in the past iew days oi what the cap aries got their chance to make a grand show lead to them? Not olive record. the proposal was clothed. the victims of Roose is signed. Roosevelt cut has the same effect on italist press calls alor violence. Labor vio o generosity, by granting the budget estimate leaves, but olive oil! howled down by the House in velt rellef slashes. the vic the food supply of the unemployed as a Tory cut.
lence, you understand, consists of police club for and then concentrating their fire Speaking at the University of two minutes, and Roosevelt tims as well of sixty Bourbon You can eat pink slips, even when they are New Hampshire commence figure prevailed.
families for whose profits these signed by Roosevelt administrators.
bing, shooting and gassing striking workers, in on te tructure and set up of work relief.
ment, Nelson Aldrich Rockemillions go In housed, 111 fed What of the next round? Will the lie of Browder this case, striking automobile workers.
The Stalinists lie and they know they lie. feller, of not unknown pedii11 clothed. Our unemployed and Lewis continue to strangle the unemployed?
The sheriff of Milwaukee is not a member of Titaw printed out an where that the presi: the crowd and let the next felgree: We cannot retire from CHICAGO BENEFIT worker in his commencement Or are the unemployed ready to cast off that lie: address would tell how workers once and for all?
the Thomas Hoan Socialist Party. He is in clent had made a strategic blunder, but on the low bear the burden. What, for The New International in the reign of Roosevelt were pray. is Mr. Rockefeller burcharge oi the labor violence. that is, he gives ortrary systemuically concealed during these of fac Cordell Hull writes to Senator Pittman regard CARNIVAL IN FLANDERS shot down at the gates of t. ie orders for the clubbing, shooting and gas two crucial months that it was the president den? He never worked a day tories when all they demanded ing the war danger: Our purpose must be, at all in his expensive life, except Voted the world best picture was union recognition.
times, to endeavor to foster that state of relations ow figure. It was not a strategic blunder when he perspired rubbing sing of the strikers who so inscientiy want. in 1936 Our unemployed worker among nations which will maintain the fabric of better wage and the recognition of their union. Lut a deliberate destruction of in order down a polo pony.
would end with a message of world peace. In pursuance of that aim we have At Union College in Schenec SATURDAY, JUNE 24 to secure more funds for the president armahope to the graduates. He According to the laws of the sovereign State done, and must do, everything possible within the oi Wisconsin, we are given to understand the limits of our traditional policy of non involvement ment program which the Stalinists also support. graduating class: It is the tady, Walter Gifford told the Two showings: and 9:30 would tell them that they will find security only when they Admission 35c in overseas affairs. That tradition died one deatn Slayor o Miwaukee has no control over the To say, of course the president expects to ask lack of material well being are ready to fight for their at Tripoli in 1804; another in Japan in 1854; anSteril.
10: a deficiency grant later on is a pure inven which is the cause of most of CAFE IDROTT needs, when they are ready to other at Manila in 1898; another in China in 1900: the wars, the revolutions and 1308 Wilton Ave.
unite with employed and un still another in France in 1917. That policy is as But the laws of Wiscousin say nothing. setion of the Stalinists. backed by nothing but the unrest within nations. You Chicago, IN employed workers alike in the dead as your memory, Mr. Dodo Hull.
far as we have been able to find out about May their fren ied desire to shield Roosevelt from said it, Mr. Gifford. When are coming struggles for a job and decent living for everybody CULTURE NOTE: One of Dorothy Lamour ons bein: compelled to stuff their mouths with te hatred of those whom he is starving. Delib you, as president of the Americrately, co bloo ledly, calculatedly, they lie and can Telephone and Telegraph lor potatoes wlien a strike is going on.
Join the Socialist Anything else said on com sarongs is in the Los Angeles Museum of History, Company, going to permit your mencement day during these Science and Art, along with Charley Chaplin Mayor lloan, right wing socialist. Friend of they how they lie.
Workers Party employes to join unions and times is a lie and a fraud. shoes and some of Mary Pickford curls.
The Silent Mayor