EnglandFascismFranceIV InternationalMarxismReform PartySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1939 What the Party Members Say on National Convention Problems On Translating Party Point of View on the In the Program into Practice UNITE FORCES Labor Party Question Labor Unions REVOLUTIONARY FRENCH YOUTH APPEAL ARMY PRE WAR CRISIS SHIFTS TO FAR EASTERN SCENE Martin Strike Proves To Be Complete Dud pages.
Stressing the necessity of unifying the revolutionary BOSTON SETS THE PACE: gans. Everybody sees the keen Submitted by a group of Les our party from the membership youth movement of France, Angeles comrades: Steve Rob. up to the leadership and back the Central Committee of By F, FERRY, ROGER with which it expects total for 15. 60 for balance of our We have to their so we Enclosed find money order competition and stops to look.
erts. Paula Aragon, Minna again is absolutely imperative CROSS, MYRON CARLSON about face in the party atte Appeal bill and for payment to make the best the Renary Socialist and IRVING KAPLAN Max and unpostponable. No less Everett, Edith Maun, Youth Fourth InterSome of our slogans are, Read drastic a reorientation is reHeinert.
quired of our weekly press. The national) has called upon its It is becoming a habit with but for the tragic aspect of the advance on coming issues.
membership to enter the our party, or at least with some thing to read how certain we thought it best to send the workers paper. Read an Coughlin, attention of the party must be (Continued from last issue)
ranks of the Workers and of its members. to preface are today that we are right money because know the Apexpose of Father American Fascist Number focused primarily upon the It is needless to state that American labor By WIDICK Peasants Socialist Youth about our evaluation, which is peal can use it.
movement their proposal for a turn into y directly contrary to our evalu copies each issue beginning bor not organized concentradirection hitherto question of Increase our bundle by 25 One. We want organized la(J. thus effecting a the leadership should have cor The energies of the party must ation the party with the of yesteryear Surprisingly little analyzed the Ludlow be devoted mainly to rooting attention rectly unity between the two organwas paid in the press to the Amendment from the start; it itself in the trade unions. be izations.
sert the new turn) has never hen as to the correctness of quite easily with Coughlin as papers, the second time 13.
the attitude toward (here in though we were just as certain with the next issue. The comtion camps. The first day we sold 23 semi annual meeting of the should have foreseen the anti: coming an inseparable part of The conditions upon which o. executive council in war movement and attempted the trade unions and their the unity was achieved were been a question of principle for the contrary evaluation. The the issue. Last night at a Jew. This only takes about hour revolutionary Marxists. Such majority resolution is a confes ish American Congress meet. We have Sunday morning me Washington, last week. to direct it into militant chan struggles. bulk of the party worked out by representatives of the two groups in a a serious underestimation of ences that existed in the Vital field of the class struggle.
work must be directed to this series of comprehensive dismore or less good English is months ago, but at the same New Internationals. We are ish districts and take up concussions. These discussions The attitude of John Lewis should have been submitted for speedily into life, the party is and the fusion hat resulte girls to go out hell bent for not to doubt the infallibility of becoming the outstanding anti tributions. We are planning a Boston tag day in the Jewis the new turn, in the present in our present tactical proposal. literature agent.
from them, were facilitated soon. We re trying hard to We all recall the scorn the flows from a resur Such a step would have prob: coomed to vegetate as an imliquidate our Appeal bill by by the fact that the political stance for a labor party.
program of the has It is obvious that a preface heaped by us upon the heads convention time. De The victory of the United Mine ror that was made. During the washed away by the waves of come closer to that of the as given above, and now set of the the Lovestonites. OTHER BRANCHES AT troit Appeal agent. in the last Workers of America in the na. past summer it should have ex the first serious social crisis.
few before the Labor Party Reso the and the Social Demo WORK: The Rochester branch in the In the light of this analysis, tion wide strike solved satisfachausted the possibilities for lution of the majority of the cratie Federation, when they months torily the acutest crisis of the having a better referendum in what happened? The national Members of the indicates some misgiv long before us. discovered past few weeks has made sub IN THE STREETS WITH THE troduced into congress. It leadership failed entirely to o. movement.
who now become members ings, if not a rather strong their duty to support the lastantial payments and has ANTI COUGHLIN APPEAL!
The work of these branches The Briggs auto strike vic should have instituted a pro carry out the decisions of the of the will work in feeling of insecurity on the bor party. Then it was the practically paid up in full on its Appeal account is outstanding and proves that tory gave further impetus to cram such as we now propose No attempt the latter on the basis of part of certain supporters of shedding of their revolutionary the Appeal is a powerful weap.
the growth of confidence in the Formation of a National last convention.
the labor party: but as a hearty mask and following up their their own political program Dept.
industrial union movement.
anti war work whatsoever was made on their Please increase our order to on in the struggle against culp for the development and of fire water gives reformist tendency: now, when Initiation of a National part to gear the party to its Encouraged by these develstrengthening of the unified courage if not foolhardiness to proposed by us, it becomes in 100 per issue regularly. am growing American fascism.
opments, top leaders are war Referendum Petition cam tasks. vational trade union Every branch should plan organization some of us when confronted by spired revolutionary tactics. positive we shall have no crisis, so the talmudist classi We can still hear the ringing trouble in disposing of them. immediately to have systemreturning to their forgotten perpaign similar to the one recent department does not exist to fication of terms principled or of our scornful voices castigatly started in Los Angeles. The Coughlinites sell their atic mobilizations for Appeal spective of building IO movement so powerful and Launching of a nation this very day! National frac.
otherwise gives some party ing Waldman, then Thomas, magazine downtown in Detroit. sales. Into the streets twice members the right hur1 then Lovestone and Browder, We station a comrade on either each week with America leadlarge that it would simply en wide committee for the adoptions were not organized; utter gulf the tion of a War Referendum. disregard of the necessity for hemselves forward on the road for their stewing in their ref side of them and yell our sto ing anti Coughlin paper!
That is why Lewis declared a. Dept. to supply direccarrying on correspondence owards and into the labor ormist juice when they prothere could not be peace with tives on methods and propa. with fractions where they were party posed a rapprochement with 11 the labor party. Now, however, the at the present time ganda to all sections of the organized.
It may not be amiss to recall the Socialist Workers Party and with its present leadership.
The complete lack of trade to ourselves that plain tactical Unless unity came on IO Neighborhood formation union directives from our leadturns may be ruinous to such gives positive and unambigu.
terms, Lewis feels that the of Referendum groups an extent to the party and the ous support to the labor party ership culminated in the tragic Mass meetings, sticker events of the situabasic need of organizing milworking class, that workers movement in general, and to into industrial unions would campaigns, all its local manifestations, must sooner or later inquire because we are bold, decisive house to house tion, where the Appeal held Axis Powers Create for themselves whether or not and resolute. Do you rememlions of unorganized workers work three different positions in the suffer. Certainly the entire rec5. Extension of campaign in space of a few weeks. Differ.
they can conscientiously favor ber the guffaw emanating from (Continued from Page 1) is cultivating: that there is a New Front for Rivals such ruinous policies just be ord of the bureaucracy to o the trade unions.
ent sections of the organization There are no picket lines real picket line and a real our ranks when Browder, re6. Introduction and popular found themselves in opposing testifies to the charge that they cause such policies are labelled turning from Moscow, came to Worry About As a matter of fact, Martin strike and the men walking would impede any such organi ization of our slogans camps within the union at a in advance non programmatic out from the labor party and desperate adventure is not at through are scabs. This lle left zation drive.
a. All War Funds to the time when the fate of one of ones.
when he tried to explain away all a strike against General Mo uncorrected will do tremendous Unemployed.
What Will Happen?
the most important unions in (Continued from Page 1) It may be useful to recall the changed attitude and tors. It is a union busting ac harm to the when they Nationalization of the the country was at stake. When as the British displayed signs in 1923 towards the Ger a reformist labor party (being only organization with any fol tion, as they must, this fall, often in the New International and the Socialist Appeal we Abolition of Secret have been most alert in analyz of fright and hesitation.
Diplomacy. etc.
man revolution was nothing but at all times against refor lowing at all in the Keeping Public Opinion have written that it was ing the day to day events and The Japanese apparently see an incorrect tactic, but in its mism. We do not attempt to plants, the The desire of large sections great tragedy to the American these committees for purposes with all comrades in the Britain the rich concessions the fatal direction taken by the revolutionary party Aim of Strike hos Raisingit te funds through in keeping in constant touch their chance now to grab from effect it had such a far reach create a revolutionary labor of Flint best militants in This strike had as its main Chevrolet, Buick and even did not continue to advance and of a publicity campaign news in the aim to vindicate Martin fan Fisher Body is to mobilize their lastic claims to a majority folnot only failed to do so but wrested by the British and German and European working but we want a classe become the dominant and deci papers, radio, etc.
forces and remove the Martin sive stream of the labor move action such as: demonstrations, letters, telegrams, from the bayonet point nearly century the in England prior to but now we declare (and with plants. It has, however, they can do damage to the Organization of militant failed to acknowledge frantic French from the Chinese at class. The position taken by labor party. Then guffaws. lowing for the F. in the goons from a position where ment, forcing the to strikes, with possible culmina comrades on the West Coast ago. The British, waiting dessubmerge itself into the new tion in march on Washington who were pleading for instruc perately to see if their friend ion the general strike, in creating out laughing ourselves in the proved just the contrary. Act forces and maintain their movement which had industrial and or nationwide work stopthe British Russian Trade Un race) that while the Social ing as a vehicle for conserva fiction of a strike. Over a thousCommittee, workers as its basis.
tions. The final national auto represented Democrats, Lovestoneites, etc. tive and anti militant sentiment and Buick and Chevrolet work victory over the Agitation policy was adopted in this cri Roosevelt would step in to pro buto a tactical step, but one to advocate a labor or farmer among the non union elements. ers jammed the hallast fect, although at a much great into a slogan for the Socialled the Oakland and Los Angeles helplessly in search of a diplo. tionaries justifiably felt com ormist program, and more of this group for strike action. He has poured cold water on their would even now have this efaround this sis without consultation with tect the swag, fingered around incorrect that many revolu labor party with a purely ref Martin gang soon found that night demanding action. But campaign to be incorporated For it was impossible to mobilize the top Flint leadership Cr cost.
pelled to leave the tactical mismatic loophole.
less confine themselves to unAppeal and dealt with week by Whether the proposal week. This to be supplemented No excuses can be accepted At Moscow, meanwhile, it able to follow the tactical leadder cover of this slogan, the picket lines but he could never keeping public opinion on our leaders. Those who were un principled top combinations un might have led them through enthusiasm all in the name of to remain independent of the by articles in the New Interna and failure to carry out the was clear their diplomatic posi ership of the agreed with advances its program lead them onto picket lines. is progressive or not, tional, popular pamphlets, etc.
for these woeful occurrences tion was not exactly growing Trotsky who expressed the of transitional demands in ored in Martin ear that side depends primarily on the kind first simple organization task Someone may have whisperof program it follows as a sepThe Trade Unions This lack of organization is der to fructify the particularly in view of our any stronger. William Strang, that nothing is so calculated mento in tavor of a Tabor party would negotiate with him and directly attributable to the des arate organization The IO. movement caugnt leadership own sharp posing the special envoy sent to the to disintegrate the revolution and lead it in a revolutionary grant a contract if he could tle organizing policies oporterstan continued organization us entirely unprepared. The op of the question as quoted Kremlin to talk Stalin into a ary spirit of the proletarian direction.
on the South, is vitally needed trade union movement and the coming convention take what iting his fingernails, reading, vering (we hope that the exdrive, concentrating especially portunities arising out of a new above. We demand that the deal, was cooling his heels and party as unprincipled maneuin America. Hints of indepen possibility of entering into in ever steps are necessary to in the dispatches from Tientsin.
Here is the difference, if dif pay any attention when they the Flint leadership. The lack dent political action, if carried custry in this period, will not sure that the following be carpression unprincipled maneu ferences there is between us erating as usual and only in the union ranks is one of the out, would be a major step for present itself again in the near ried out at once: Is it an accident that soviet vering will not cause any of and those who saw the rising few goons on the outside main most criminal neglects of the entire situation. The organizaward for the future. It was not until the The formation of a National Japanese friction burst for a the hooray. boys any head sun that the labor party, before taining the fiction of picketing What will happen on these movement had crystallized and moment into flame a fortnight aches in understanding it. tion of union defense guards in Get the Reds Industrial Dept.
ago and then died down when To two questions remains to be was headed for decline that our tify the mass movement in faTo sum up this preliminary of Flint is a job of paramount ima which we happen to know the colonization in the different in by an Executive Secretary their offensive against the Brit eral agreement in saying that it in a revolutionary direction. misguided followers has been of Martinites cannot be coped and Field Organizer, both leadership We shall do so, even though contemplat dustries. Here and there com to be members of the Na ish?
a revolutionary party may uning that definitely would not be rades on their own volition entional Committee, and full are beginning to be heard that upon a questionable path and ture of the labor party is such last night they have kept aganization, what will happen Is it an accident that reports der no circumstances embark Marxists recognize that the na to get the reds. Since with now because of this disorprogressive in character tered industry but without di time functionaries.
The is weighing the rection from the leadership.
Stalin has raised his price expect not to pay the price in that it cannot but stand in the group of workers bottled when the armed forces of the Duties of Executive Secre again by demanding that the the eyes of the working class path of the revolutionary move up in their hall which is located state are concentrated against possibility. very seriously, of At this time our leadership tary: in an adjoining building from the Flint auto union?
ment. We shall support it, even the Martin headquarters. Five entering the building trades should have given its main ata. To organize national trade Far East be included in the by simply declaring such though we know (or at least times they provoked vicious as lack of confidence and respect Indicative of the complete field as a rival of the tention to this new and virile union fractions. guaranteed zone?
turn only a tactical one. Tacti knew six months ago) that Certain trusted lieutenants of movement of Industrial unionIs it an accident that Musso cal mistakes may be just as there are no short cuts to the saults on the o. hall, smash prevailing in labor circles, even To maintain Lewis are surveying the field. ism. It should have made a sur correspon. Ini ambassador was reported ruinous as programmatic ones.
dence with all fractions.
In some places. cautious atvey of the possibilities of the a week ago to have given assur sometimes even more so the building of the revolutionarying the plate glass store window Martin honey Duties of Field Secretary tempts to sign up building various industries and consid a. Tours throughout the coun. ances in Moscow that the axis cause of the apparent light movement, surely not through and brutally beating strike was the position taken members so they required hos today by international officials trades members were made. ered the importance or ripetry setting up local frac had no territorial designs on mindedness with which some it organized, is organized for pitalization. As this is being of the Teamsters Union who but action of local progressive ness of the various sections of tions.
unionists squelched this ten the country on the basis of such Whatever the speculative posb. Consultations with existing sibilities, the facts are plain periments.
make such simple tactical ex the revolutionary tendencies gated in front of the hal to cross the picket lines at dency a survey. It should have given fractions. jurisdictional war, and it instructions and directions to To be present in critical enough. The axis combination the labor party distinguishes it The majority resolution on which may appear among the Sasinaw Street facing the their own risk. The Flint drive Fisher Body plant and prepar ers union had previously adwell established would be a plenty bloody and the local leaderships and indi masses.
following its situations.
ing a new attack.
hered to the traditional team(Continued in next issue)
Influence Weakened bitter war, between the o. viduals on how, why and where: It shall be the duty of the strategy, has created a new self by the light mindedness sters attitude of not crossing and the could and would to get into industry. National There is no doubt that Mar picket lines. Aware of the spurcreate the worst sort of havoc, tours should have been mapped Industrial Dept. to establish front for its rivals tin Influence will diminish to ious nature of this strike, they a regular bulletin which shall about the Far East while It would open the flood gates out to impress upon the comcontain information on party planning at an early date to FULL DAY OUTING AT THE BEACH! insignificance before this made the change on advice and for more repressive legislation rades the importance of this strike is over. Yet it is equal consultation of their interne against the labor movement. work and how to accomplish work in the trade unions, proceed with its appointed task of re carving the map of Eur analysis of trade union situ ope and the Moscow govern ly true that this episode has tional officers.
We know of a dozen import. Such a course would have left a bad taste in the mouths ations, and discussion artant labor centers where there resulted in a real penetration ment still stands cautiously on ticles on policy of countless auto workers. The is a good working agreement of the o. giving us an intop leaders in Flint and Protests Headline between the and the fluence which we do not have It shall be the duty of the the sidelines in the hope of savIndustrial Dept. to constanting itself by having its enemies Restricted beach: Swimming, sun bathing, their friends and advisors on On League for Both sides benefit immense today.
ly from the united front they Some comrades may argue ly survey the national in tear each other to pieces dustrial scene and convey intennis, handball, baseball, croquet, etc: Board are largely responsible Cultural Freedom can present against the em that this orientation was imposfor this situation Months of inployers sible because of the fact that formation and directives to WANTED plus the comrades as to the best activity followed the Cleveland Editor.
If the invades the part of this period found us in Anti Fascist Salesmen convention last April. Union or On behalf of the League for opportunities for coloniza building trades field, these the Socialist Party. Entry into to sell EXCELLENT HOME COOKED MEALS ganization disintegrated: griev Cultural Freedom and Socialtion.
united fronts would be broken the Socialist Party should not (Concluded in next issue. FATHER COUGHLIN (dinner and supper)
ances were neglected: the cor ism, must repuclate the in a minute. Bitter warfare. have hindered a correct revoFascist Demagogue poration destroyed union condi headline our Entertainment, Dancing. etc.
description of goon squads, crashing of picket lutionary leadership from car pamphlet tions without resistance. De League which recently ap.
lines, slugfests would resultrying out the most important Liberal Commission spite the anxiety and demandspeared in the Appeal. The At Your Service among union men who now task that faced it.
of the militants, this leader League is Anti Stalinist but See Miller, Labor Bookshop work together against their Our Previous Analysis THE APPEAL ship blithely continued its do by no means Anti Hook in common enemy, the bosses. With the Founding Conven116 University Place nothing policy.
the same sense. There is no POSTER SHOP This would not be a question tion of the and the sloEven the current critical sit reference to the Dewey Hook of industrial vers un can 90 Trade Union Work, uation has not served to shake Committee in our entire mani4909 Beach 49th St. Brooklyn ions. The would be it was hoped that we would fi Joseph Hansen series of articles on Coughlin will appear them out of their indifference. festo. There are major differforced to organize craft unions. Dally in actuality face toward early next week as a low priced pamphlet published in a Not a single leaflet or plece of ences of principle between the The proper tactie, in our the masses. The trade union large edition to allow for mass distribution. Publication of SUBSCRIPTION 50 propaganda has been circulated two manifestoes, but certainly opinion, is for the to resolution was an exhaustive the pamphlet was made possible by a loan which must be explaining the stand. no such hend on collision as the Reservations are limited in number and must be sent in help the progressives within the analysis of the American labor repaid quickly through donations from our readers and by Nothing has been done to coun fevered imagination of your ahead of time, no later than Thursday, June 22, 1939. Send building trades by showing in movement, an appraisal of the teract the inevitable impression headline writer conjured up.
the following contributions which came in response to our reservations and remittances to Frank. 116 Univeraction what a progressive pro the roles of the appeal: a sympathizer in New York, 5: in Chicago, s1: a among the workers assisted of Thank you for printing this corgram for labor can do. various political parties, and sity Place, New York.
doctor in Detroit, Orders and additional donations should course by the yellow press rection in an early issue.
Arrangements have been made to leave by boat from the It is as fatal for the the tasks of the Under be rushed IMMEDIATELY to Pioneer Publishers, 116 Univ.
that the present conflict is Sincerely, leaders to think that the the section COMPLETE RE ersity Place, New York City. If you want Pioneer Publishers Battery for a forty minute ride to Seagate for 15 cents. merely a squabble between DWIGHT MACDONALD can be smashed as it has been ORIENTATION IS DEMAND to send the pamphlet to any person enclose a list of names The grounds can also be reached by subway.
two outside groups. Nothing Acting Secretary.
for the leaders to hold ED we quote the following: and addresses with your contribution.
has been done to correct the League for Cultural Freethat opinion of the complete reorientation of impression that Martin gang dom Socialism SUNDAY, JUNE 25th SEA VIEW MANOR