CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismGermanyIV InternationalImperialismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1939 More Discussion from Members of Party on Convention Problems Party Must Overcome SUBMITS TWO On Translating Party In the Organizational Defects AMENDMENTS Program into Practice Labor TO RESOLUTION Unions APPEAL ARMY 10 MPLS. LABOR IN COMEBACK She alsolut inte understand te realidade e ational directives and First Twice a Month Challenge Ready July 1st Who Is Father Coughlin, What Is His Program?
the Sorry to see that the Appeal, ton and Minneapolis have been is having a hard struggle to doing the best job.
RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY THE CALIFORNIA Submitted by a group of Los juncture and to translate them bad it the Appeal should fall! es that every former subscribkeep going. It would be just too We again remind all branchSTATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, Angeles comrades: Steve Rob into revolutionary terms: it it would be like cutting an er who failed to renew his or (Concluded from last issue) our weaknesses be scrutinized Intimately connected with in the light of the period just In accordance with Notice erts, Paula Aragon, Minna must participate in the day to Everett, day struggle, prove itself the artery in the working class her subscription has now rethe question of trade union before us which will undoubt to Members appearing in the Edith Mann, Max leader in these struggles and struggle. reader in Wise ceived sample copies of the work is the campaign against edly be a much greater testing May 23 issue of the Appeal, Heinert.
show the way step by step to ton, Sask. Canada.
war. The Political Resolution period of the party mettle.
ward the achievement of the THE BRANCHES AT WORK! If you haven visited the excorrectly states that the strug. In weighing these criticisms submit the following points for After ten years of permanent goal.
By WIDICK Send us 100 copies of the subscriber in your area, do so gle against war cannot be con of the party shortcomings we revising the political resolution crisis in American capitalism Program and Practice next Appeal. We may increase this week. If he is not home Testimony of the Goodyear fined to episodic propaganda cannot be oblivious to the fact also appearing in that issue.
resulting in the development of An examination of the his our order permanently. We then pay another visit and get officials before the National campaigns. It must become an that in this last period the lead. Paragraph should not fascist movements, increased tory of our party reveals in now sell the paper in the down a sub!
Labor Relations Board in hear integral part of the party acership of our party was active.
startling form the inability to town section where Social Jus Here the list of new subs ings going on at Akron protivity in every field, at all ly participating in the tremen remain in its present form. It war preparations, and a sharprogram into tice is sold. Three of us were for this past week: duced a powerful boomerang times. This, however, cannot dous task of launching the gives the impression that Yan pened attack upon the condi practice with notatie excep down today and we sold all of CHICAGO this week that sent the com exclude organized campaigns Fourth International. The sac kee imperialism is the only ons and liberties of the tions we have remained an iso cur 50 copies. It is our opinion Minneapolis pany reeling from the blow around specific slogans. These rifices in money, time, leading brand in Latin America. Latin masses, the has failed Isted group. This was recog that the Appeal can be sold if Lynn The company officials claim. campaigns must raise the personnel. cannot be regretted America has been meat for all to emerge as a capable revolu nized by the Founding Conven we ll take it out in the streets. California ed, in their testimony, that they whole level of party anti war by serious revolutionists. Far the imperialist nations, even tionary force. Like its forbears. tion of the In its adop. Ponicali, Detroit. Foreign had negotiated and bargained activity so that the main fea more than this will have to be though the grabbed the the Communist League of tion of the slogan TURN TO Akron Enclosed find money order with Local 2, United Rubber tures of what is started in a done in the future. The con lion share. Recently the in America and the Workers THE MASSES and 90 Connecticut Workers of America, and their campaign becomes the normal stant changes in acting secre roads of Nazi Germany in Party, it has failed to find its TRADE UNION WORK. for 00 to apply on our bill. Iowa smooth talk seemed to have an activity of the party.
taries nationally as a reflection parts of Latin America have way to the masses and lead year and a half after the adop We will forward the balance Boston effect in the hearings.
It is necessary to state that of this condition, has undoubt been considerable and further them into combat with the tion of these slogans we stin just as soon as we raise a little New York City However, Goodyear Local, while the Appeal carried an edly been a contributing factor more have been given wide forces of capitalism despite fa find it necessary to pose these more cash. Every effort will Colorado over the week end, passed a re excellent agitation in a sus to the deficiencies in party publicity. We, of course, sup vorable opportunities presented questions: Why is it that our be made to clean up the bal Wisconsin solution calling on the company tained and forceful form dur work.
Washington to negotiate for a signed agreeing the entire period the party However, this in itself, should port the struggle of the Latin by the upsurge that took place party still finds itself isolated ance. Rochester, Pennsylvania ment immediately, in view of as an organization did not util serve as a warning to the whole imperialist racket. Our vclopment of the the the most elementary tasks so At the last meeting of the New Jersey the policy that its officials out ize half of the opportunity to party. The task of strengthen particular concern with growth of the the intro difficult? Still has not even be Central Branch in Chicago the lined at the carry the slogans contained in ing the leading cadres of the imperialism must not lead us auction and extension of the gun to put its program into comrades were informed of the Total hearings.
the Appeal into the living mass party, of developing new lead to state our position in such a sitdown strikes, and a wide practice?
condition of the Appeal. They ing material, should in the light way as to allow the acusation spread anti war sentiment.
Company lawyers professed movement.
New York comrades, please Explanations have been giv were asked to take up a collec to the belief in collective bar. a) On the People Referen of the experience of the past pro Nazi to be made against Unless we are satisfied that en in the past. that our tion to help insure its continua notice where you are near the us by our enemies.
gaining when this resolution dum. The Party should have year and the prospect of war, be approached with great care the American revolution go membership was of a poor tion. They responded immedi foot of the list! In the section of the reso down to defeat, it becomes vi makeup. non proletarian, etc. ately to the tune of 16. 50. Ev.
was introduced in the hearing. organized national petition and seriousness.
We introduce into our ranks So suggestion was made by campaign which would have lution The Struggle Against tally necessary that at this con that conditions made it impos ery comrade without hesitation a new agent from Worcester, union officials that the hearings enabled the organization to Fascism a new part shoula vention, perhaps the last before sible, that comrades were im realized the need of continuing Mass. the second Appeal be postponed whie negotiations have utilized the referendum be added. It is imperative in the coming war, we search for patient and expected too much the semi weekly paper and agent in the growing Worcester were carried on. The com slogan in many forms as al the fight against fascism that the causes of our failure. The it was all part of a process each contributed a dollar to the unit of the Party pany has denied charges that wedge to introduce our full the unions enter into the strug. resolution omits a tally such excuses are insufficient collection.
it refused to negotiate. Stan anti war program. The resolugles of the unemployed. The sheet of the failures and activi The events of the past year Our new literature commit REMINDER NO. 1: ley Denlinger, union attorney tion campaign within the unmore solidarity created be ties that have marked our past and one half have made evi tee, since its organization, has What action have you taken declared. The union resolution ions on the Referendum begun tween the unions and the unem period, therefore accepts them, dent that the fault does not lie succeeded in doubling our on the Appeal bill you have just asks the company to show about a year ago was never ployed the less chance does and it is logical to believe win in the membership nor in the street sales. Sam Richter, received?
proof of its willingness to sit carried through with any ef(Continued from Page 1)
fascism have to gain the sup repeat them. This must not period in which we live: but Chicago literature agent.
down and bargain.
port of the unemployed happen NOTICE: Please make all that our party leadership has Refusal of the company to labor political ranks and put use the latter for smashing the The party which sets itself failed in the elementary tasks CAMPAIGN FOR checks. money orders, etc. permit a recess in the hearings sive against labor and the into the labor movement of the ver. Our comrades in the un socialism must have a correct party which does not have a ive Thinsturkoot deel het en ap a fight of major significance unions. We must get this idea the task of leading the way to which its very name implies. SUBSCRIPTION RENEWALS: payable to the SOCIALIST AP to enter negotiations with the creasing government interven entire country.
Our drive to obtain 250 te PEAL. Do not make them out exposed testimony tion into the unions, must be The Republicans and Demo We must hammer on this idea teristics of capitalist society doomed to disintegration and it really begun to go ions must work along this line. analysis of the general charac. competent leadership is newal subscriptions has finally to the manager or editor of the paper. Please observe this of witnesses as lies and fraudes exposed as an integral part of crats will find little to console in the Appeal and in special and a program for the destruc is for this reason that we find so far New York City, Bos request.
and proved the union charges the war against Goodyear.
New Deal Government. Our Stassen has the unhappy prosion meetings. This work has to not stop there. It must have sound the alarm.
leaflets for distribution at un tion of that society; but it can it necessary at this time to press has carried an insuffi pect of being a one term gov. be done by us. Guild Contracts cient amount of material on ernor. If the labor movement this question. Moreover the in the rest of Minnesota is able SUSAN GREEN desires of the workers at each guidance has our leadership reader asks for information question has not been posed as to dress ranks and come back given us and what could it have on the kind of contracts the a problem on which all sections along the trail being blazed in done?
American Newspaper Guild ob of the labor movement must Minneapolis, 1940 will see a laThe War Question The party that was to have tains for editorial workers. unite in order to organize a bor party candidate in the brief digest of a contract just militant counter offensive to state capitol.
led the way in the struggle against war, took issue with all a month The first issue of the twice concrete proposals to solve signed between the Guild and the political attack of Capital. Preachers Aid Reaction CHALLENGE OF their problems.
others on this question, said it YOUTH will come off the press the Philadelphia Evening Bul In the course of such agitation The uphill fight the labor letin will answer this question. the slogan for a Labor Party movement made in the elecwas the most important ques in time for national distribuThis issue, expanded to six Minimum wages under the should be introduced. It is also tions could only be fully under tion, what is its record? The Lion before July The work of pages to accommodate Guild contract are: experienc necessary for the party to or stood if one were to give a defirst test on war was complete hundreds of devoted members many ads and greetings se(Continued from Page 1)
ed rewrite men, 65 a week, canize systematic drivetailed description of the way ly fizzled by our leadership of the Young People Socialist cured during the campaign, copy readers. 65, reporters, within the union to gather the in which the church leaders Social Justice from one end to the other is crammed with the past year witnessed the League, and the financial re will further feature articles by 55. district reporters, 50, most progressive elements to and the daily press came to the insinuations and innuendoes attacking the Jews. In issue worst war scare since 1914. sponse of many branches and James Cannon, national secrephotographers and artists, 50, gether to fight for the united aid of Leach.
This has been the year which individual members of the so tary of the Socialist Workers after issue, Coughlin published the infamous Protocol of revealed the Roosevelt admin cialist Workers Party, has car: Party, Max Shachtman, editor copy boys 18 after one year action of the unions in this sit In the primaries, the city experience. These rates are uation. In gathering the proreligious mentors were unani the Elders of Zion, which was proved a vile forgery istration as unmistakably lead ried the campaign for a 500 of the Socialist Appeal, and for journeymen. During the gressive forces together and mous in condemning Leach for years ago.
ing us to war, and the Stalin reserve fund, to guarantee the Martin Abern, business manfirst three years of work, a launching campaign within the gangsterism and vice that ists as the leading recruiting appearance of the youth paper ager of the New International.
graduated scale of wages ap the unions the party would be abounds under his regime. Yet, In the December 19, 1938 issue of Social Justice, Cough sergeants. Among the masses, during the first period of its other articles will deal with plies. Night men get a week able to raise concretely all of when the choice finally narrow lin attempted with the following lurid allegation to black however, strong anti war increased frequency, to within the history of the Challenge, more than day men on similar the main points in the transted down to Leach and the canthe during the last six en the Chinese who have been defending themselves against movement developed. This was striking distance of the goal.
tional program: 30 hour week, didate of the labor movement, An important section of any Relief Cuts, Defense Guards, the preachers led their sheep the attack of Japanese imperialism: The issue, dated July will months, The in Ac the Ludlow Amendment. It feature the answer of the revo tion. What is the guild contract is dismissal pay. Trade Union Unity, Labor back to the Leach fold. The Abraham Cohen, who has been variously known as was given a mighty impetus by lutionary youth to the demo and similar subjects.
In this contract it is provided Party. War Referendum, etc. boss daily press distorted and General Ma and General Moi Sha, is the power behind the United Auto Workers. cogic appeals by the Coughlin new permanent feature that dismissal pay for anyone It is precisely in such matters suppressed campaign news and the Nationalist government.
quickly spread to other unions, fascists to America locked will be added in the form of a employed more than months as the development of our work presented a thoroughly biased and soon had the attention of cut generation. The main ar regular column of political and less than a year amounts within the trade unions on a picture of the real campaign isEven if it were true, there would be nothing wrong in the entire labor movement.
ticle will analyze Coughlin comment on problems of interto two weeks salary. The scale unified national plan, with na sues.
a Jew fighting with the Chinese against the oppressing taking place, the National com problems faced by youth and by Nathan Gould, the national While this movement was speeches and articles on the est to young people, conducted goes up until a man with ten tional Information and direc. The fact that Leach had a years service is guaranteed six tives that our weakest side has dollar for every dime behind Japanese armies. But not even Japanese propaganda claims mittee spent months in discus expose Coughlin complete secretary of the months dismissal pay. Sick been revealed.
Elde campaign naturally was that such a person exists.
sing what our attitude should bankruptcy in the sphere of Among the other features leave pay is also provided for. On the Transitional Pro a factor, though by no means a Outside his editorial page, Coughlin does not pay the be toward it and finally adopt will be an exclusive interview The agreement provides for gram and the Labor Party. The decisive one. Altogether the slightest attention to differentiating the religious Jews from cemnation. The movement was ed a position of complete con 22 CENTS DAY FOR by a Challenge correspondent the five day 40 hour week with Political Resolution sums up unions contributed approxlstandard overtime provisions.
the ones HE thinks are non religious. They are ALL Jews charac zed as pac UNEMPLOYED IS policies of the Ford Motor our experience in regard to mately 4, 000 to the main camthis question and establishes paign headquarters, and this in the news articles.
tist war preparations: we were ROOSEVELT PLAN and a first hand description of the activities of the fascist Wages and Hours our approach to the problem in was all the Trade Union Cam For example, in the issue of Social Justice for June 5, to influence it along militant groups in liberal, pacifist, and Another query is for informa agreement the future. Regardless of our paign Committee had to spend 1939, he attacks Leslie Hore Belisha as the only Jewish lines, and the Ludlow Amend(Continued from Page 1)
or disagreement in the campaign, Corrupt eleclabor meetings in certain section on wages and hours in cer with the resolution formulation practices of the Leac mamember of the British cabinet. Who certainly as Min ment was opposed as an instru cal inclusive will amount to tons of Philadelphia tain major industries. The fol tion it is necessary to recog chine also played a role.
lowing is presented from the nize that since the adoption of Denounce Stalinist Sabotage ister of War is devoted to capitalism, and cannot be dubbed among the masses. The only ine year, if Roosevelt and the have been on the rolls for eightLabor Information Bulletin of the Transitional Program there. Progressive trade unionists a communist by the wildest stretch of the term. directives received at this time Congressional committee have een months.
their way. For 23 million perthe United States Department has been a sad absence of dis particularly bitter about Dissatisfaction within the British Army over the fact for the guidance of the comStick to Main Fight!
of Labor. May issue.
cussion, exchange of experi the sabotaging role of the Com that England military arm is led by a Jew, fed by a rades in the trade unions were sons that means an average of Weekly hours: 38 in the foun ence and a nationally directed munist Party. Harold Seavey. 57 a week, 22 cents a day!
distinctly opportunistic and un Jew, and now clad by a Jew, despite severe censorship Though the fight against then dry and machine shops: 37 in attempt to learn how to apply chairman of the union camUnion Busting Provisions realistic restrictive provisions is importSawmills: 36 in brick manu the to hush the matter. the article asserts.
Adding insult to injury, the ant, it is above all vital that practice. paign committee, Ole Oge of When the movement was in program facturing: 34. in blast furIn his fantastic efforts to prove that there is an interThroughout the whole period the Milk Drivers, and many othperiod of decline, the Nation House Appropriations Sub. com. trade unions and worknaces and rolling mills; 33. in one statement was issued byers, have declared that Stalinnational plot of Jewry to enslave the world, Coughlin al Committee suddenly reversed its position on the Lud nineteen restrictive provisions main fight against the main inauto.
the clarifying the impor ist sabotage was a decisive fac stops at no lie or distortion of the truth. That is one of the low Amendment and called for designed to strangle uniontza jury: the eleven hundred milHourly earningst ta 2:5. cente na sente cuestiones and her o usleding fore The major diference in po things he must accomplish: construct a hook nosed wolf is support. But even this dia ticn of PA. workers. This is ton dollars relief slash initiated rolling mills: 71. in foundries must be understood that if the son disastrous campaign with golden fangs and label it JEW, if he is to succeed in and machine shops: 54. in party is to learn how to wield eight months ago and Eide becoming Fascist Dictator of America.
Otherwise, there is danger pages of the Socialist Appeal. Woodrum of the committee.
brick manufacturing: 53. in the Transitional Program and campaign was that Benson that a sham battle may be carWith all the deliberate intent of a fascist demagogue lution calls for a continuation tions that would strike a body strictive provisions, while the The Political Committee resou who stated. This bill contains restric ried on in Congress over the resawmills.
correctly raise the slogan for clung to the coat tails of the Weekly earnings: 31. 10 in a Labor Party, intensive and New Deal and went down who knows exactly what he is about, Coughlin has charted of its support of the anti war blow at the relief racketeer. basic question of more funds auto: 28. 80 in blast furnaces continuous discussion and ex with it, while Eide made a bethe moves which he hopes will bring him to power.
that a continuation of such sup There are some organizations for the unemployed will be softand rolling mills: 27. 00 in perimentation must be carried sinning of differentiating or What does Father Coughlin hope to accomplish by his port as we have given in the that flourish today because pedalled, and under the plea foundries: 19. 60 in brick man on, on a national and internacanized labor from the New ufacturing, and 19. 35 in saw tional scale, The important War Deal. Precisely for this Jew baiting?
mills, thing to keep in mind is that reason, the Stalinists. Roose Split the labor movement into warring camps.
to actively support it in the fu the worker that by af fiscal year is almost upon us, ture.
filiating with them they will be progressive Congressmen In another classification of the program will never have velt most vociferous backers Hack and chop these camps into splintered bits. Continued in next issue)
able to perpetuate his job, as will unite with their oppoindustry, namely the non dur any meaning until it can be knifed Eide. Controlling the Grind these bits into dust.
it is called, with the Federal rents in shoving through Presable goods, we have the follow raised forcefully within the empty shell of the Hennepin ident Roosevelt mass proposed organizations of ANNOUNCEMENTS covernment.
ing wages and hours: the County Farmer Labor Associa That is the purpose of Jew baiting, These restrictive provisions figure.
working class. To learn how tion, the Stalinists were deter Hours weekly: 40 in paper to do this, to find the correct mined that if Eide would not First the Jews, then the militants, then the trade unions, COMRADE WISHES unfurn include abolition of the prevedis Even the conservative and pulp: 40 in packinghouse: slogans, to gain confidence and run as a New Deal candidate.
each in turn will be sucked into the ravenous maw of ished room in downtown ent law, which gave some pro were said to regard Mr. Rooseing wage provision of the presnembers of the committee)
36. in cotton goods manufac audacity, the collection, corre he would not get elected. American fascism; each of them tagged: agent of interarea. Preferably West Side. tection to union wage standards turing: 36. in petroleum refin lation and dissemination of our Fortunately, many leading Address Socialist Appeal.
national Socialist Jewry.
ing: 34 in tire and tube plants entire national experience is laborites from other parts of in the community: and another velt request for 477, 000, 000 and divisions.
That is the purpose of Jew baiting!
automatically dropping all for the as most reason required.
the state were in Minneapolis CHICAGO BENEFIT a workers on October who able reported the Y?
Hourly earnings: 97. cents in In conclusion we feel that as observers during the closing (To be continued in next issue)
for The New International Times. June 13. Why shouldn petroleum: 96 in tires and the past period has been a se days, and did not fail to obCARNIVAL IN FLANDERS BY POPULAR DEMAND! Re they appreciate him? He has tubes: 69 in packinghouse: 61. vere test for the party. Against serve either the leading role Do you want to see this series of articles on Coughlin pubVoted the world best picture peat performance of Bury done for them what these open in paper and pulp: 38. in cot the great weight of accumu played by the trade unions, nor lished in a popular pamphlet, at a low price, for mass disin 1936 ton goods.
lated international defeats and the treacherous maneuvers of tribution? Ploneer Publishers is undertaking to ret out a SATURDAY, JUNE 24 Theatre of Youth at the themselves. In the name of 11. Weekly earnings: 35. 15 in the demoralization of the radi the Communist Party. These large edition Immediately IF it receives contributions from Two showings: and 9:30 Downtown Labor Center, 51 eralism, the grinning ghoul in petroleum: 32. 65 in tires and cal workers, our party has on lessons will not be lost, in the ali friends and comrades to make it possible. Readers are Admission 35c East 7th St. Sat. June 24, the White House pushes us tubes: 27. 30 in packinghouse: the whole, been going forward. reorganization of the Farmer urged to send contributions for the Coughlin pamphlet to CAFE IDROTT 9:30 Dancing. refresh down road with only two 24. 45 in paper and pulp, and it is therefore of the greatest Labor movement.
Pioneer Publishers, 116 University Place, New York City.
1308 Wilton Ave.
ments. Subscription 52c. Aus forks: one to starvation, one to 14. 05 in cotton goods. importance that everyone of (SEE EDITORIAL, PAGE 4)
Chicago, pices, Downtown Branch. death on the battlefields.