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Who Is Coughlin, BUILD WORKERS What Is His Program, DEFENSE GUARDS How Did He Rise? Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, NO. 43 TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1939 3c a Copy Aided by Big Business, America Number One Fascist Rose from Obscurity to Lead a Movement Socialist Appeal Organized Labor Stages Great Comeback In Minneapolis Elections By JOSEPH HANSEN INSTALLMENT III Coughlin Opposes Social Security Yes, Coughlin is thoroughly devoted to capitalism. He opposes capitalism granting even the slightest concession to labor.
Roosevelt Offers Jobless 22c a Day Labor Candidates Poll Huge Vote MY FRIENDS.
New World War Crisis Breaking Colling Strike On European and Asiatic Fronts the To guarantee food and clothing to a laboring man and his family when some sordid capitalist throws him out of a job would threaten the capitalist structure Father Coughlin thinks. Studying it (the Social Security Act) closely, one discovers that basically it is socialistic in its conception and aims. It is socialism of the old school socialism that offers a remedy more disastrous than the threatened evil; socialism that demands we take from those who have and give to those who have not. Social Justice, October 17, 1938. In the same editorial he advocates giving everyone an annual living wage instead of Social Security.
Shows Labor Has Reformed Political Ranks What Father Coughlin considers an annual living Since Gubernatorial Defeat Several Canswage in dollars he does not state. It inust be less than social security to gain his approval!
Congress Committee didates on Labor Slate Elected And what would be wrong with giving a decent annual living wage (not less than 2, 500 at present cost of living)
Accepts Bill Lopping (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
and Social Security? labor government could easily obBillion from MINNEAPOLIS, June 13 Organized labor made a great tain that as a minimum for the workers in the richest land comeback in Monday city elections, almost but not quite on the face of the earth. 57 per week is enough wiping out the crushing advances made by the Republican for any unemployed person to machine eight months ago Coughlin Favors Regimentation of Labor eat, house, drink and be merT. Eide, the labor candidate for mayor, received 74, 962 The industrial barons have long been struggling to enry so says President Roosevotes, losing by only 7, 257 to the incumbent, Mayor Leach.
act changes into the Wagner Act which would benefit them.
velt and so say after him the The extraordinary significance of this vote can be underCoughlin backs up the changes they want. There must be reactionary members of the stood by comparing it to the gubernatorial elections eight no conflict between labor and the employers, Coughlin House Appropriations Submonths ago, when Farmer Labor Governor Benson lost to says. National unity is what he wants.
the Republican Stassen by over 250, 000 votes in the state. Make the United States Department of Labor real Twenty two cents a day for with comparable figures for SICE power. Let it take over the functions of collective barMinneapolis.
gaining the functions which the American Federation all the needs of a human beof Labor is now trying to fulfill. Let it supplant the ing! That is the concrete, horOrganized labor resisted of entirely. Interview published in the Detroit rible meaning of the 1940 rethe reactionaries all along the Times, October 10, 1934. lief bill introduced Wednesline.
Does this sound like giving labor the right to organize day into Congress by the In the fight for the Board What Coughlin advocates in the quotation above is exactly House Appropriations Subwhat Mussolini and Hitler advocated and what they put committee. embodying the Hanson, laborite, squeezed into effect.
main recommendations on reout a victory over the capitallief made by President Roose700Concentration camps, forced labor, prisons, starvation, ist candidate, Benton, by 70, velt in his April 27 relief mes.
Fails In Attempt to 734 to 68, 610.
endless hours for labor this is what Father Coughlin sage to Congress.
The Sub committee bill acplan means.
Regain Following by Knight, candidate of cepted Roosevelt proposed the labor slate, was elected to Father Coughlin Favors War figure for for the fiscal the Board of Park Commisyear which begins July 1: Father Coughlin claims that he is opposed to war. But 1, 477, 000, 000, which is far more sioners.
By Staff Correspondent close attention to his words shows that he is opposed only than a billion dollars less than FLINT, Mich. June 11 In Margaret Larson, labor enthe amount allotted to to war against Germany and Italy at the present time. And in the current year, desperate attempt to recoup his dorsed, captured one of the two the Japanese drive for robber which was 2, 539, 805, 000. By lost and rapidly withering fol. library directorships.
even on this point he will shift quickly enough when the Japanese Challenge conquest of China has actually Blockaded Tientsin lowing, Homer Martin staged a Owen Cunningham, trade war actually breaks. He supported Roosevelt war pro Roosevelt own computation, gram once before. It will not be difficult for him to flop mit is a total of 3, 000, 000 British for Suprem been stalemated. Economic and strike Thursday at the Fisher unionist, rolled up 81, 447 votes Forces Far Eastern Body No. plant. hoping to win the election for the un back again during the war hysteria and cry sternly over jobs during the year beginning acy in China Japan British and American Control Issue against hope that it would take expired term on the school and French rivals have contribhold and spread throughout board. Roy Weir, Central his network: Roosevelt War or Ruin!
July 500, 000 fewer jobs than uted almost as much to this General Motors.
Labor Union organizer, came There no dearth of statements he has made on this today. and 1, 350, 000 those actually working on War this summer is the prestalemate as the continuing cessions in the Chinese treaty factional and jurisdictional another post on the school within an eyelash of capturing point too, disclosing his real views.
fewer than were working in diction cf some, the fear of dogged resistance of the Chin ports is being forced in a high strike without a vote of even ese army in the western provOn January 19, 1930, in the discourse entitled Christ November, 1938. Immediately many. The renewed crisis is inces and the guerrilla forces ly spectacular manner. The in his own members. Martin Boss Proposal Defeated or the Red Fog, Coughlin attacked a Milwaukee students after being re elected, Roose breaking simultaneously on two throughout the conquered ter ternational area at Amoy, south 50 and 100 men around the stra 10, sought by the reactionaries.
The charter amendment, No.
conference for adopting a resolution opposing war. He which he still continues ever Far East velt started the slashes fronts Central Europe and the ritory.
Make Scant Headway China port, and the British and tegic Fisher No. plant. was voted down, 69, 753 to 66, condemned the students because. further These recurring crises are Unable to pacify the land French concessions at Tientsin, men seeing a picket line, and 108.
The They are unwilling to assist in building up a better navy American Association really part of one permanent over run by its armies, the Jap are being blockaded by Japan in confusion as to who called in the aldermanic race, Syl and a stronger army to protect a country where Christ is of Social Workers, authorita and continuous crisis that will anese have been unable to ese forces. The Japanese have the strike, did not enter the Biosky, member of the Milk still a King. Father Charles Coughlin, 68. tive professional body of per be with us until the gangster make serious headway in ex made it obvious that they are plant. few sporadic fist Drivers Union and on the labor sons engaged in relief manage imperialists in London, Paris, ploiting the fruits of their con alming at the same time at the rights occurred, but in general slate, upset the incumbent, SulCoughlin is not less devoted to capitalism and private ment, on May 31 issued a re: Washington, Rome. Tokyo, and quest. Especially in the mone international area of Shanghai, the men refrained from going livan. Eide also carried this property than Roosevelt. He too wants a big navy and a port that 23, 000 persons in this Berlin resort finally to arms in tary field, the British have em chief stronghold of the wealth into the plants.
ward, the first labor candidate country were dependent on re a general war.
ployed the weapons of their of Japan imperialist rivals, Only later did the o. ever to win a first ward majorbig army. He too wants unemployed youth marching be lief, and that 59 of The developments in the Far superior economic resources to Britain, the United States, and members learn that it was a ity over Leach.
hind bayonets.
Federal funds were being ex East revolve around a direct block Japan attempts to France. That in the course of Martin move, called without In the sixth ward, Al Bastis, pended for every dollar spent Japanese challenge to Britain float a stable currency capable the present crisis the Japanese discussion or vote, and having old time laborite, smothered his The Fine Art of Jew Baiting by local rellet agencies. On this for supremacy in China. De of competing with the Chinese will extend the offensive to no meaning for bettering con capitalist opponent, and stanbasis, all relief, and lo spite the apparently broad dollar, which has been kept Shanghai is a foregone concluditions. Learning that the so ley Anderson, in the tenth, won So incensed are the American workers at the unparal(Continued on Page 2) sweep of its military victories, bolstered up by an exchange sion. Continued on Page 3) over bis opponent by 9, 106 to leled brutality with which Hitler has persecuted the Jews, stabilization fund manipulated 5, 521. Another laborite, John and so great has been the wave of sympathy for them that hy the British banks. The reNelson, carried the eleventh cent drop in the Chinese dollar exchange rate was a manipuFoley lost to the reactionaries We disavow all participation with those who hate lated profit taking maneuver by only 221 votes.
The returns show that Eide Jews because they are Jews. Social Justice, May 1939. If and when anti Semitism shows its ugly head British financial control. carried a majority of the olty here, shall be the first, without hope of receiving reward The issue of the foreign con thirteen wards. Eide won out in to condemn it both by voice and deed. Reprinted in the first, third, sixth, ninth, Social Justice, May 1, 1939. Rigal, Steve, Schmit Held Incommunicado Report to Party National Committee Re tenth, eleventh and twelfth. It was the fourth, seventh, eighth But a fascist movement if it is to be successful must Technicians Federation Protests fers to Widespread Discontent in Ranks and thirteenth that won for have a scapegoat on whom the frenzied masses can vent Leach, particularly the uppermiddle class eighth and thirtheir rage in place of the capitalists who deserve it. Natu Repression of working class By arresting Steve, Rigal and sweeping purge of the Publishers. the Stalinist pub teenth. Leach polled 21, 970 rally the capitalists pay well for this service. And so militants continues in France Schmit without any specific ranks and especially the lead lishing house, under the title votes from these two wards, with unabated fury. Latest in pretext or charge the govern.
Coughlin too must have a scapegoat. Coughlin like Hitler ership of the Communist party The 1940 Elections, by Earl and that gave him the election.
a series of persecutions direct ment has however added a in this country. purge as Browder.
The unions had been able to and Mussolini has selected the Jew for his scapegoat.
thorough going and vicious as Reports are current, howev break down several of the borIn order to maintain that he is not anti Semitic, he who conduct consistent anti suppression.
those conducted by Stalin in the er, that the first edition of the der wards. The second, always war activities, is the prevendivides Jews into two categories. Five per cent of them are tive arrest of comrade Schmit, All Workers Affected The showdown fight between ducted under the direction of been withdrawn from sale and Leach by less than a thousand religious, he postulates. This five per cent he favors and a young Fourth International Appealing to all working the Sailors Union of the Pacific Chief Stalinist Commissar Earl circulation and is about to be votes, and in the fifth, Leach if they are ever persecuted, he declares, you will find him ist. Rigal and Steve whose class organizations to take ac and the Maritime Commis Browder, party general secre issued in more carefully re got less than 800 majority.
in their front ranks! The other ninety five per cent, he preventive arrests have al lion against the arrests, the sion is still going on full blast tary, according to his own an vised form.
Extent of Comeback ready been reported in the Ap Fourth Internationalists In at Seattle, Washington, where nouncement.
The pamphlet report reveals When, last November, the says, are not religious. They are communists, socialists, peal have not yet been re France point out that the the commission is vainly at the news of the purge is con that large groups of leading Farmer Labor movement, atheists, international bankers, and dealers in gold. In fact lensed. No explanation of the guestion which poses itself for tempting to get one of its ships tained in the text of a report Stalinist functionaries are which two years before had Father Coughlin does not pause at words far more lurid delivered by Browder on May about to be exposed and won by a quarter of a million Daladier government which may be posed for thousands of sailors and firemen pick to 1939.
than these in marking the Jews for victims on the reeking acted under the anti labor de others tomorrow. They further et line at the Coldbrook is New York at a meeting in purged as stool pigeons and votes, instead lost by an equal the National Com provocateurs. in accordance number, and that half million altar of capitalism cree laws.
point out that while working being supported by teamsters, mittee of the The arrest of Steve, Rigal class editors have been hound longshoremen and trainmen. Party.
Communist with all the rules and regula vote change in the state was tions laid down by Stalin in his paralleled in Minneapolis, polit.
At the very height of Hitler persecution of the Jews, and Schmit for their anti mill ed, and scores of militants Although the text of the re series of frame up trials.
when the whole world watched horrified, and even reactiontury agitation is only the most tarown into jail, the fascists the ship and teamsters for port as originally printed in the We have sufficient evidence that the Farmer Labor Party aries scurried to place themselves on record as opposing flagrant of many instances of Mieho permitted to tracte freely warding freight have refused Dally Worker deliberately to convince us that a number and by implication, all labor omits any reference to the of these various types of agents party movements. would be this persecution, Father Coughlin defended Hitler bloody ers are still in jail for their the newspaper of the Feder trainload of logs arrived purge and the discontentment hold party membership books, dead for years in Minnesota pogrom and attacked the Jewish victims. Radio speech, participation in the November ation of Technicians, to which un flat cars, but trainmen re among the ranks of the mem said Browder. we know that Yet, scant eight months 30 general strike. Many work organization Steve belonged, fused to drive the train through bership, it is contained in de some of them have been or are later, the trade union moveNovember 20, 1938. ing class editors have been im published an appeal in its May the picket line.
tail in the text of the report as members of state committees ment has been able to re form (Continued on Page 3)
prisoned, their papers seized. Lissue calling for his release. Continued on Page 3) published by Workers Library (Continued on Pare Continued on Page 2)
board. Coughlin has attempted to deny that he is a Jew baiter. French Dictatorship Jails Another Young Militant en reprendre de les content of Ranks and Leadership BUCKS GOVERNMENT ad veranderersecreventioned to the one whinkelenowe remedio HIRING HALLS