AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismLeninMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyViolenceWorkers PartyWorld War

FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL Before the Party Convention In the World of Labor Admits Brutal Puerto Rico Rule Blast a Way Forward with a Program of Party Expansion On the Line. with Bill Morgan By Paul Stevens Are Our French Comrades Facing adopted a resolution on war which affirmed the revolutionary class struggle as the only An Espionage Trial?
means of fighting against war. Reveals Role Cannon Seconds Last week we gave several instances of the That the Ceylon masses have responded to wave of persecution unleashed against the an this policy is attested to by the fact that the Pineiro Call for Independence By JAMES CANNON ti war forces in France and its colonies. As party has since elected two members to the a result of the rebellion among the soldiers of State Council and combined its parliamentary The question of war, which leads directly to more qualified comrades to work at full time activity with powerful street demonstrations the Maginot Line against the indefinite retenthe question of revolution, confronts every and the Nationalists are workers political organization with its sufor the party. One each should specialize in By DIEGO MONTANEZ in Columbo and other towns. The Ceylon Sotion of the reservists, which we reported in and direct Trade union, unemployed, and NeIn a public letter to General equally opposed to the appoint preme test. It is as clear as day and nobody gro work on a national scale. The others this column, the persecutions have multiplied.
In addition to numerous local headquarters, ing its weekly paper into a daily. Our hearti Blanton Winship, his infamous ment of the new Governor, Ad any longer denies that capitalism, which has should be assigned to work in the field at the central offices of the Socialist Workers est congratulations and warmest greetings of Governor of Puerto Rico, Pres. miral William Leahy. The overstayed its time as a social and economic least one full time organizer in every importcompletely gist of the opinion of the Na system, is about to inflict upon humanity anand Peasants Party in Paris have since been solidarity to the revolutionary socialists of ident Roosevelt ant district or center where we have party orgave away the contentions of tionalist Party was contained in other world wide military explosion.
raided twice. Similar raids have been made on Ceylon!
ganizations and a few men roaming the field the Stalinists and their con the statement of Lorenzo PinIt is self evident that America, the greatest to organize new branches and develop new anarchist and syndicalist centers throughout the country. But more startling than all these Unspeakable Stalinist Attacks gressional pet, Vito Marcanto eiro Rivera, their Secre and most rapacious imperialist power, will be activities.
incidents is the case of our comrades Steve nio, that the President is not tary General, that: The Puerto directly involved in the war, as it is already Agitation: Regular speaking tours by Against Revolutionary responsible for the brutal rule Rican people know that their involved in the diplomatic maneuvers which and Rigal, young militants of the French secparty leaders at intervals of not more than tion of the Fourth International.
The Stalinists in France are leaving no stone of Winship. The people of Puer freedom from Wall Street op: precede and prepare it. Irreconcilable opposi two months. Finances: Raise a special fund of 10, 000 Steve and Rigal have been held incommuni sible for the revolutionary Spanish refugees cold blooded massacre of un being shifted from military to velopment of a revolutionary struggle to end cado since their arrest several weeks ago.
to finance the foregoing undertakings.
This program, so modest in comparison with They were arrested for anti militarist articles asylum in that country. Because of the re and children, on Palm Sunday, of any individuals the group at the war with a workers victory. As the only group of party in the United States whose opposition to the magnitude of our task and the limited time appearing in our press and all efforts to see elations refugees, which exposed the in he city of Ponce at the individuals, but only by smash. war is taken seriously either by itself or othat our disposal is, of course, only a beginning.
them up to the present have been unsuccesscounter revolutionary role of the Kremlin in direct instigation of Winship. ing completely the grip ofers, we have to consider now the practical ful. In the name of the coming war for deBut once it is fairly in operation it will produce Spain, the agents are redoubling their whom Roosevelt appointed and Yankee imperialism.
ways and means to make our opposition effecmocracy. the most elementary democratic the new means and possibilities for further exrights are thus being abrogated even before efforts to silence these opponents by even kept in office for five long James Cannon, national tive and emerge from the revolutionary crisis, pansion. It should be realized within a period more despicable methods than they have em years secretary of the com which will inevitably ensue from the war, at the outbreak of hostilities. Outrageous as this of three or four months after the convention.
ployed hitherto, procedure is, the rumors being spread about The American Civil Liberties menting upon Pineiro state the head of the revolting masses. This question There is no doubt whatever that we can the case are even more alarming. As in the These assassins of Erwin Wolf, Nin and Union, mild and respectable ment, said: will of necessity dominate our forthcoming an realize the program in full without any real case of the rebels in the colonies, according Moulin now have the unmitigated nerve to. ac though it is, uses unusually am in complete agreement ti war convention from beginning to end. strain on the resources and energies of our to certain sources, the government is going to cuse Spanish anti Stalinists of plotting the as strong language in characteriz with Pineiro statement. The But what does it mean to begin now to premembers and sympathizers. To be sure, any try the revolutionary anti militarists under sassination a Stalinist deputy, Andre Marty! ing the administration of this Socialist Workers Party, Unit pare an effective opposition to the war? Ob other party of comparative size would be flabbergasted by half these demands. But again charge of conspiring with foreign powers.
Nor do they confine the accusation to their loyal supporter of ed States section of the Fourth viously it cannot be done by a passive waiting If the frenzied lynch agitation of the Stalin press. They have taken it directly to Albert Under his administration free International, and the Partido for war to break out. On the contrary it means we are not like the others. We set ourselves tasks which are in some degree commensurate ist Humanite and its parliamentary expert on Sarraut, Minister of the Interior, whom they dom of speech and assembly Comunista Independiente, our to gear up all our work to a speed and inten with our great aims and the quality of our milmilitary affairs Gitton, are any indication, a not so long ago characterized as the arch Fas have repeatedly been denied. brother party in Puerto Rico, sity which breaks completely with the snail sitants. The demands of this expansion proframe up espionage trial against Rigal and cist in France. Furnishing him with lists upon teachers have been summarily stand for the immediate and pace movement of normal and peaceful Steve is being cooked up behind the scenes. lists of their opponents among the refugees, discharged or disciplined for unconditional independence of times. That is the gist of our problem. Unless gram will appear as child play compared to Already the recruiting sergeants for imperialthey have demanded that he round them up their views, violence by the Puerto Rico and all other coun we solve it we are lost. The trouble with us. the real tasks and sacrifices which are yet to and hold them for trial.
ist war in the ranks of the French labor move.
militarized police has resulted tries that are under the yoke the mortal danger that confronts us, is that come, and for which the minor efforts and sacrifices of this expansion program will help ment are every day hatching amalgams in The bloodhounds of the Kremlin hope by in deaths and in injuries run of imperialism. The working our revolutionary anti war program may reto prepare us.
their press between the Colonel La this means to cover up their crimes in Spain. ning into the hundreds, and people of the United States main on paper. We have repeated again and Our convention, venture to say, will not Rocque Fascist French Social Party) and They will hardly succeed. As with their other courts of law have been used have every reason to sympa again that the fight against war is not a specthe Pivertists Trotskyists in preparation crimes, here too truth is on the march. as instruments to support thize with the struggle of the ial task to be accomplished by some sort of stutter over the sacrifices this program enfor frame ups.
American colonial rule. Puerto Rican masses against sleight of hand. If war is only the continuation tails: more likely it will ask proof of its pracOf course, our French comrades are not beThe President letter tical feasibility. From this standpoint will An excellent account of the civil war in winship, as printed in the New Street White House gang of optionary struggle against war is the multiplied to the common enemy: the Wall of politics by other means, then the revoludiscuss the question here briefly.
ing intimidated by this campaign. They are Spain, submitting its experiences to the York Herald Tribune of June pressors.
extension and intensification of revolutionary Isn it foolhardy to undertake a three acarrying on their anti militarist work with ev searchlight of Marxist analysis, has just been follows in full: published by our French comrades in a spe My Dear Governor Winship: agitation and organization. We must prepare en greater vigor than before. But the whole week publication when the two a week is adrevolutionary movement of the world must for war by building a stronger party and remittedly in serious financial difficulties which, cial issue of their theoretical review, Quatstand ready to aid them against the frame ups have received your resig Brooklyn Businessman shaping it for war conditions. And we must only a few weeks ago, threatened its suspenrieme Internationale. The pamphlet is entitled nation of June 3, 1939, which Gives Lesson and persecutions which French democracy make haste and perform miracles of energy sion? No, it is not foolhardy, but on the conL Espagne Livree: Comment le Front Popu accept, knowing of your desire in the brief time left to us.
trary is entirely feasible. We need the paper and its stalinist and reformist agents are laire ouvert les portes a Franco (Spain sur to be relieved as soon as con In Americanism three times a week in order to get ready for hurling at them.
Old Methods Outmoded the Daily which will be on the agenda tomorRevolutionary Socialists of Ceylon Gates to Franco. The author is Casanova, dicated to you, Admiral Leahy row.
The social crisis of capitalism is unfolding (Continued from Page 1)
one of the leaders of the Spanish section of the will be able to assume the govcop on the corner stop theat such hurricane speed, with a world war on Mark Important Advances The twice a week Appeal is already four Fourth International, whose miraculous es ernorship on Sept. of this meeting and the meeting was the order of the day, that the slow. modest months old. It is an inestimable weapon, as all Among the signs of revolt against British cape from Spain was related in the Appeal year, subject, of course, to his ordered closed for 15 minutes. growth of past times, the patient enrollment recognize. We strike now twice as hard and war preparations in the colonies, we recently twice as often and we distribute approxicited the struggle of the Socialist Party of publish it in English soon. Its appearance is Therefore, the arrangement of concluded in spite of the police the only thing possible in our preparatory another important blow directed against Stal your time as outlined in your man interference.
Ceylon. As we pointed out at the time, this mately twice as many papers as before. The only trouble is a very small one. Naturally party has consistently opposed collective se. inism and will be invaluable in educating the letter will fit in satisfactorily.
curity and at its recent national conference we operate on a close margin. Some of the cadres of the new revolutionary international am sure that you already few days later Raphael drive ahead; everything must be done in a branches became careless in the payment of know of my high regard for paper, the Boro Park Herala hurry and on a many times multiplied scale.
Fortunately, we are ready for such a radical their bundle order accounts. Quite a few have you personally and officially, the street corner meeting. Al transformation of the nature of our work and been too sluggish in getting subscriptions.
but can not refrain at this ter denouncing the Trotsky activity. In cooperation with our co workers Remedy these defects and the convention, time from expressing my ap. ites, the real Bolsheviks. re of the Fourth International we have worked by its authority, undoubtedly can and will remedy them put a stop to horse play about the preciation of your long and dis celving their orders from for out the program. We have educated cadres tinguished career in the service eign agitators. and invectives who constitute the skeleton of a national or payments for bundle orders, and increase the of your government. This ap. about the Party for flying the ganization. We are ready, prepared by the subscription list by only 1, 000 the mandaTimothy Toole is a carpenter by trade and tory assignment of quotas, and the twice aPuerto Rico but you a proletara damn fine carpenter at that. One day he week Appeal will be financially stabilized. The Irish and so it went. The Catholic workers cial and difficult assignments right side of the speaker platian power if we have the will to was hired by Mr. Murphy who was putting a decks cleared for the next necessary stepwere told that the Protestant workers were that you have had previously, form, the editor made the ly. This we can do without undue strain. In our new roof on his barn. Mr. Murphy and Tim to blame for bad conditions, and they would and which the three a week Appeal.
divided the work to make things a little easier.
fight each other. One day the workers got equipped you for the Govern. surging forward to tear the canization has burt himself very much yet.
So remarkably tried to stop the meeting by energy. We are not tired: nobody in our or Halt for Organization Work Mr. Murphy used a small pick ax to rip off We will, of course, require a reserve fund the old shingles and Tim followed him with a hammer and nails and put on the new shingles.
boss na nationality and religion and then the office there at a most atticuk speaker from the platform. Al. True, our militants have done much more than to cover the deficit and help the paper over the boss had to figure out a new way to keep the moment in the history of the it is significant that Raphael tound the other parties of half and half poll: first period. One half of the 10, 000 fund should It was not an easy job because the roof was be allocated to this purpose. The other half as slippery as ice and every once in a while And when workers fight workers the boss of unique and unprecedented cheers hoodlum actions.
one of them would start to slide down the wins every time. He can lose when the work gravity. am proud of the way should be spent exclusively on organization like the others; we aim to conquer the world.
Approves Thuggery slope where there was a fifteen foot drop on work as outlined above.
ers are divided. When one worker kicks the in which you carried through We need to put the party now on a war foot The crowd cheered when ing and move ahead by a forced march. We Ten thousand dollars is quite a sum of to a great big pile of manure which Mr. fellow next to him in the shop he doesn real this most arduous task in the they started to tear down the need to break with the habits of conservative money for a small organization of poor people Murphy was collecting for the farm. ize that the fellow on the other side will soon interest of the people of Puerto Platform. he wrote. This is routine and blast our way out of isolation by to raise at one time. But the rank and file of Whenever one would slip the other would kick him.
the way real Americans of a bold and ambitious program of expansion.
our organization have shown in the past that reach out and try to hold him back. This hapthey are capable of responding with enthuspened several times without dire consequences ers cooperate. If a fellow who is better paid loyal support during the years their disapproval of anti Amer Moral Rearmament lasm and sacrifice every time real needs and until Mr. Murphy happened to hit a loose and has better conditions helps out the fellow we have known each other and ican rallies.
Our anti war convention must give the sig serious tasks are presented to them in a raboard which banged Timothy in the shin which who is not so well off or who is not so skilled. express my best wishes for the Raphael super patriots on nal for a moral rearmament of our own, in tional fashion. The 100 achievement of the is a very tender place and Timothy began to then both are helped. If the average wage future.
slide down the slippery roof like a special quotas for the twice a week Appeal and the level can be raised to the point where all the the Chamber of Commerce of the sense of transforming our more or less Very sincerely, delivery letter in a mail chute in the Empire simultaneous collection of the international guys in the shop are making a decent living FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT realize that the hoodlum ac army on the march; an army whose discl.
Boro Park haven the sense to placid, easy going propaganda circle into an fund should be eye openers to those who doubt State Building.
then the higher paid worker is just that much that our militants are ready to take a step Admiral Replaces General better off. And on the other hand when there tions that they are encouraging plined militants are determined to conquer Quick Watson! My Parachute!
This letter serves as added are setting in motion the forces and who shrink back from no endeavor and forward and to pay for it, if necessary. with is large number of underpaid and over proof of the statements made of fascism. The Chamber of no sacrifice. We must aspire to build such Frantically Timothy reached out like a their own skin.
drowning man and tried to grab at everything worked men on the job the fellow who is a both by the Socialist Workers Commerce members are for party as Lenin built, and to adapt to the con The whole party is dissatisfied, and properin sight and just in the nick of time got a little better off is in constant danger of being Party and the Puerto Rican the most part, Jewish and when ditions of America his concept of professional ly. so, with the way our organization work lags behind the literary propaganda. Part of the firm grip on the seat of Mr. Murphy overskilled, the better paid and the underpaid. Nationalists that Winship was the fascist axe falls they will revolutionists who live and work all the time difficulty can be attributed to individual de alls. Then they both went bumping and slipping down the roof until they hit the gutter stick together the boss is hogtied to maintain by no means the main ene not spare these Americans for the party and with the party. The conven linquencies which may or may not be corpipe. Timothy went over the pipe and for an higher pay and good conditions. It works like my of the Puerto Rican at the head of the Chamber. tion, in calling for such a transformation, that every time.
people, but merely a tool of just as the fascists did not should implement it by setting concrete tasks rected in the coming months. But a convention discussion on this level and a chorus of instant hung in mid air by virtue of his powerthe Wall Street Government spare Jewish patriots in which, by their very nature, will operate to ful hold on Mr. Murphy posterior.
recrimination cannot yield anything very val.
The Old Army Game headed by Roosevelt. Both the Germany.
hasten the process.
Mr. Murphy, being a foresighted man with Up till now, for explainable reasons, we have uable. That would be simply nibbling at the once worked for a boss who took me aside great physical strength, managed to retain been a party primarily of literary propaganproblem, anyway. We need not merely an adafter the second day on the job and said, his pick ax which he at once used as a skydists and critics. On the organization side we justment here and there although that will Look here, you are a nice American fellow hook and hung onto the gutter pipe like a have been woefully weak, and we have made be useful but a drastic, wholesale reconstrucand a gentile and you will go a long way in passenger on the Lexington Avenue Express FULL DAY OUTING AT THE BEACH! only a few feeble experiments with mass ortion of our conceptions and methods of orthis business if you just keep away from all hangs on to a strap in the rush hour.
ganization. This lop sidedness, which had its ganization. We must have done with amateurThey made a great picture, the two of them, the Wops and Jews and Swedes and stick to justification in our days of preparation, must ism and the lackadaisical organizing methods me. didn answer him but he must have with Mr. Murphy hanging on the pick which be corrected now by a drastic shift in emphasect that does not contemof a pror actions. We need a bigger staff, not was caught on the gutter pipe and Timothy figured fell for his lie because he went on sis. Propaganda, which Plechanof defined as plate big to say how all the others were no good, etc.
hanging on to Mr. Murphy seat. They danthe dissemination of many ideas to a few peoonly in the center but also, and especially, in gled in the air, swinging to and fro as grace.
The very next day happened to overhear the field.
Restricted beach: Swimming, sun bathing, ple, must be counter balanced by a ten fold him telling another new man on the job the fully as a couple of aerial acrobats except for increase in agitation work, which he defined We have the qualified people to make up the expressions on their faces and the way very same thing only this time he was prais.
such a staff, young militants who have reas the spreading of a few ideas to many peotennis, handball, baseball, croquet, etc.
ing the Swedes. He said, Look here, you are their heels whirled about in space.
ple. That is the true meaning of our transition ceived their political education in our incomAfter a while, there being no one in sight a nice smart boy and if you mind your own plus program. To accomplish this in a few months parable school, who balk at no sacrifice and business and keep away from the Irish and to bring a ladder, they became tired. Espetime that is all we can allow for the change are ready for any assignment. At the same Jews and the Wops and you stick along with cially Mr. Murphy who was fat and not used EXCELLENT HOME COOKED MEALS We need a concrete program of expansion time the party has reached the point where it me you will be all set. And after all the guys!
to having a one hundred and sixty five pound (dinner and supper)
as follows: needs and must have their undivided labors.
man hang on his rear end while he was in the shop got together we found out he had The three a week Appeal and the augmented dangling on the end of pick ax. Let go tried to pull the same thing on every one. To The Three a Week Appeal Entertainment, Dancing, etc.
staff of organizers can soon lift the party highme pants you idjut, he howled. But Timothy one he would praise the Italians and to an1. On the literary front: Change the Appeal er and prepare it better for bigger things to other he would knock the Germans or the was nobody dope and he just said nothing to a more popular paper and publish it three come.
Jews or the Swedes. But we got wise to this and hung on like glue.
times a week as the necessary next step on The convention will mark a real step for little trick when we found that each guy in the road to the Daily Appeal.
Finally Mr. Murphy could bear it no longer.
ward if it adopts a program of expansion the shop was getting a different wage and had On the organization front: Draft twenty His pants were in severe danger of becoming along these lines.
separated from his person and his arms were been promised a promotion If he would keep too tired to bang on the pick. He looked behis ears open and stool on the others. We 4909 Beach 49th St. Brooklyn Camp. Make reservations, fixed that boss, believe me.
shown. You may bring your low at Timothy and shouted, Let go me pants ANNOUNCEMENTS please! You may also pitch friends along.
or ll hit you with the pick!
You may think you are saving your little your tent at Seven Oaks.
Don Lead with Your Chin job or are fixing things nicely for yourself 11 equip it and you can have you reach down and take a swing at the guy FURNISHED ROOM to rent.
SUBSCRIPTION 50 Large or small. Nr. 8th Ave. use of Camp Kitchen. 20 for REMOVAL NOTICE There is a moral to this story. Timothy below or alongside but what you are doing is and Rent very rea the summer. Phone: Eaten Dr. Paul Luttinger learned it very well that day. Mr. Murphy nothing more or less than greasing the skids Reservations are limited in number and must be sent in sonable. Address all replies town 515.
learned It especially well. And everyone else for your own exit.
ahead of time, no later than Thursday, June 22, 1939. Send to Stanley, o Socialist announces the removal of his office to If everyone should consider it carefully When things get tough it is time not to fight Appeal.
reservations and remittances to Frank, 116 UniverFRIENDS OF THE Russian learned it there would be much less trouble with your fellow workers but to gang up on sity Place, New York.
1684 Grand Concourse, Bronx CAMP SEVEN OAKS. Eaten Bulletin We are getting toin the world today.
the boss with a few immediate demands and Years ago in Pennsylvania the bosses used a bunch of brand new picket signs all ready Arrangements have been made to leave by boat from the town, Tennis. Swim gether again for a swell time Office hours: and 8 on June 17 at P. at 321 to divide up the various nationalities and re In case. That is the way to ease up the tenBattery for a forty minute ride to Seagate for 15 cents.
Phone: TRemont 2126 ming. Ping pong. Plumbing.
Second Ave. Singing, dancing 8th Ave. Subway Train Cligions so that whenever they decided to cut sion on the job and it works every time. If The grounds can also be reached by subway. 50 per day. 14 a week.
and refreshments. special 174th st. or the pay they could blame it all on some other you don believe me, try it out sometime.
Car leaves every Friday at movie of the Fair and New Lexington Woodlawn to Mt.
You ll be surprised. p. from 58 4th St. to group of workers. The Poles were sore at the York street scenes will be Eden (173rd)