BolshevismDemocracyFascismGermanyItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeTrotsky

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1939 Party Members Discuss Problems of National Anti War Convention On Leadership hat Farty Must Overcome In the Rank and Filer Thinks Organizational Defects APPEAL ARMY Labor Unions ESCOTEC PARTY AT WORK be seen Weinstock LOCALS DEMAND ELECTION BE HELD IN THE CENTER OF CITY leaders test ed.
1994 sky conceived his duty otherwise. Wherever the front was weakest there you would find him, inspiring the ranks to treniendous efforts, showing by example and self sacrifice a living example of what a revoAktuellen!
lutionary leader, who is serious about his business, has to be.
THE BRANCHES AT WORK: stated they need more time to By BEN LIEBERMAN nent spokesmen who personify RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY THE CALIFORNIA During the coming week we finish up on their renewal camOur Transition Program im 10.
That an orientation on the STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, are making a special drive for paigns we are extending it unplies a drastic change in our Lost Opportunity part of our top cadre towards The progress and revolu fore ourselves the tremendous more subs and hope to send in til July nabits of work and organiza: leadership is a purely internal tation methods and organiza in the last few years can best in this country, it was to be scent of the Toronto Fourth In been up to our expectations. So far the results have not As things stand today our popular leadership, mass agi tionary maturing of our party task of the revolutionary party several. literature total of 50 renewals has been is no longer sufficient for us Ciose sympathizers are aware ton mindedness is fraught with le gauged by the adoption of expected that every weakness, ternationalists.
Lo reach the few thousands we of its existence. What is more officulties, is obvious. Not all the Transitional Program as every habit of routine inertia Our comrades are following the branches can do lots betobtained in about weeks time.
By WIDICK: usually do. We have to reach it makes but few attempts to them are capable of being solution of the problems of the existence would stand out in up former subscribers for the ter and have a more weeks in hundreds of thousands. There break its introverted habits. mass agitators, some are poor American revolution of equal bold reliet. Precisely at this purpose of setting renewals which to prove it.
With lengthy negotiations are some comrades who doubt Last summer, for instance, the when the party has and at the same time are try.
over a period of five months that we can do this, whatever New York section of the party administrators, must of them importance is our active partic time, dragging into a state of inef our efforts, given the present ran an election campaign star are already pretty busy men. ipation in the formation of the launched itself on the road of there for new subs. Schlos: STATEMENTS IN MAILS: This week each branch and Unions in Ohio felt forced this pessimism is dangerous to us. Spokesmen as candidates. ways put forward as excuses American work, our aid to for over the majority of the work getter. He won the sub drive steady anti ing class do we feel the insup. Prize and now leads with four Appeal agent will receive the week to set an absolute dead. For to use the defeats of inter bad feature of the campaign for not even tackling the probe. gn sections, regular statement itemizing his line for final acceptances or re national labor as an excuse for was that it was a write in cam lem, and that is wrong. The war agitation, the marked importable weight of every weak subs jection of their proposed con reconciling ourselves to a lack Paign: but this was una vold. first thing is for our leaders to provement in the agitational ness in the party structure and Street sales of the Appeal Appeal bill.
We are depending upon tract by employing truckers in of growth is to doom ourselves able.
hat took the ginger out seriously consider the problem, character of the Socialist Ap activity. party that has the are going o. Four times each this area, Edward Murphy, in to extinction in advance. The oi the campaign as far as the and to adopt such an orienta peal, the tremendous achieve courage to pose great tasks for week, Saturday night mobili prompt payment in all cases.
ternational representative of time is short.
What with the comradesh the ranks a were tion for themselves as crucial ment of a twice weekly and itself must also have the cour zations in the streets, street Our financial difficulties are etc. Our branch not over by a long shot and the union, announced.
startling rise of fascist tenden concerned was the fact that the for the party. That the mem the anti fascist demonstrations. Ace to ruthlessly overcome all meetings.
Action in establishing the cles in the and the im All this testifies to the funda: habitual, organizational weak passed a motion that every we expect a steady response candidates never made any bership will respond is certain deadline of June 17 was taken pending war.
campaign speeches. And The fact is that whenever our mental ability of the political nesses that stand in the way of member give one night to sell from the branches. Liquidate ing Appeals on the streets. This all back debts by the Convenby the Ohio Highway Driver held an outdoor demonstration workers would ask our outdoor direction response was enthu the revolutionary internationalMay Day, New York City whom should we vote for the leaders have stepped out in this leadership of our party and to carrying out these tasks. To overcome this contra has worked very well. Those tion: Council at a special meeting held last week in Columbus, at which comrade Shachtman speakers. Write in the names siastic witness the Madison ism and devotion of the mem diction between the enormous comrades exempt for one reapolitical responsibility of our son or another must sell Ap NOTICE: Please make all attended by unton representa made a brilliant speech one of and y, true representa square demonstration and its bership In adopting the concep party and its lack of Bolshevik peals each issue. Bos checks, money orders, etc. tives from all parts of the could see people in the auditives of independent labor ac effect all over the country, and payable to the SOCIALIST APence, who had never heard of tion.
state. And who are and the twice weekly Appeal cam tion of the Transitional Pro training, the tendency to con ton Appeal agent.
routine agiPEAL. Do not make them out Speaking for the council, us before, nodding their heads Y? at which point our speak patgn.
sram, in posing sharply be fine ourselves tation and our lack of energy. RENEWAL CAMPAIGN to the manager or editor of the Murphy stressed the fact that in agreement with the speaker. ers were usually a bit embaralertness and self sacrifice in EXTENDED: Progressive paper. Please observe this rethe proposed contract was in Yet all shachtman was doing rassed, for to the workers of Since many branches have quest.
line with other wage agree was talking the Transition Pro comrades and do Progressive Action Painters dem the day to day activity, is the central organizational task of ments for the same type of embram and it all sounded sorot mean a thing. After all onstrating the party in the coming period.
simple. For the first time those who expect to appear beployment in other sections. realized that in these Transl. fore the masses as their leadoutside the of. With our correct program and fices of the the organization geared to the same companies operate, and then Demeundsresoreally bad ers have to at eese New York swiftly moving events, we will same that further delays would be the elements of about as pop. and heard by AS District Coun then have the instrument to ular a program as one could masses. Naturally, the camThroughout the last weeks, lishing themselves in their lounreasonable.
The proposed contract in no wish for. Then as an after. Paign was a dud. The effect PROTEST Painters Un tion of the political backward been conducting e widespread gaining recognition as THE SOgradually way varies from other similar thought it struck me that this upon the ranks was devastat ion Wednesness of the American working agitation against the growing cialist movement of New York an opportunity for day evening. class and the maturity of the menace of Father Coughlin and city.
real reason why the employers or so of its existence, that prominent party to June 7, in pro objective factors for a revolu his fascist movement.
should not sign it, Murphy add had ever heard a prominent popularize themselves and the Meanwhile mass sales of the against tionary overthrow of capital party spokesman deliver a party missed.
Weinstock Sales of the Socialist Appeal Socialist Appeal are going full ism spech centering around this Stump the Country!
plan to hold Some comrades recoil be er the previous period and we Square and other main thor.
have increased appreciably ov steam ahead in the Times Transition Program.
Terms of Contract Now by a popular leadership, the coming fore the immensity of this can state definitely that our oughfares of the city. do not mean that every com elections in problem and choose the road Socialist message is reaching The Key Question Demands made upon the emLet the old ladies of both rade in our top cadre has to And in this lies the nub of become an agitator. Obviously ployers are only that a pay rate the Stalinist of desertion. This road can hundreds more workers in New sexes, let the cowards and the of approximately 75 cents an the party organizational prob that is silly. But a certain secra: lead nowhere. It is the solu York than at any previous per chicken. hearted snivel and hour be established: pay for lem. After having adopted a tion of it has to devote itself tion camption of prostration and fear iod.
in weep: our anti Coughlin camover the road drivers is to be policy calculated to jerk us out Harlem. before difficulties.
The Bronx branch has been paign has demonstrated to us based on a mileage basis of of our isolation, we have thus comrades have to stump the to The progres becoming just that. These sives want the party 5. For serious revolutionists, conducting a variegated series that we are on the right track, 39 cents per mile for single far neglected, except for occa country like Debs or Haywood the elections. structure, weaknesses in of activities, including numer that the workers of New York units, and 49 cents a mile on sional stabs at it, to adopt the aid. They must do what coughleading which are and activity in the past year ings. mass sales of the Social no means reconciled to the rise double units, and the straight attitudes and organizational lin does all the time speak to personnel ous indoor and outdoor meet are by no means licked and by 55 cent per hour rate is only steps that such a policy neces, the masses. True we can use paid when the trucks are halt sitates. The fault lies with all the radio. But certainly frebene 24, to be the light of a united conception 1st Appeal and distribution of of fascism in America.
thousands of anti fascist hand With the anti Coughlin camed for checking. spotting, of us and no section of the quent tours can be arranged breakdowns, etc.
center of the of the party task. In com bills. Last week they invaded paign, which we will continue party is blameless, whether not the usual haphazard kind city.
However, Murphy points out. amongst the ranks or in the we get once in a blue moon, the entire party from top to Socialist message, thus carry. York has hit its true stride!
a single unit driver would have leadership. But certainly one but carefully planned ones.
bottom must systematically ing the anti fascist fight right te average 22 miles per hour to of the first places to correct the with a campaign manager, ap.
and energetically root out into Africa.
receive 75 cents under the fault is in the leadership: for every one of these weaknesses. rolling rate a difficult task the ranks will succeed in mak sound truck going along. The Eropriate literature, and a Results thus far: The Bronx However, utilization of the with the huge single and dou ing the turn towards mass agl effect upon the membership of criticism of our national lead branch is beginning to root itself in the Bronx community.
ership in order to create bitter the sales of the Socialist Appeal ble trailer outfits.
tation only when the leadership such action would be invigoratWhere the driver owns his itself makes that turn and not ing to say the least. Imagine and hostile relations between have been greatly increased.
our local organization and the several new members have own equipment, the proposed before Let no one misunderagreement sets forth that in ad stand. think that by and what a serious election camPolitical Committee is an ac been recruited into the party dition to the amount he re large we have a pretty good paign in which some of our (Continued from Page 1)
tivity incompatible with Bolshe within the last two weeks.
vik inner party practice. It is (Continued from Page 1)
Mussolini fascist state.
celves for operating this equip group of individuals leading the leaders played an active role, The Boro Park branch has with this understanding and in ment, he also be paid at the party, We have in our top speaking night after night, us corporate state in which parties would be abolished union rate.
cadre some of the best political ing sound equipment, would this spirit that we list those had several tussles with the lo government employes (W.
and the President would be chosen by a House of RepreIt seeks to guarantee that all brains, orators, agitators and the effect upon a branch out in cal Chamber of Commerce in workers) had no right to strike features of the party work which the latter has come off against the government.
sentatives elected by occupational classes was proposed drivers be permitted one off writers any group was ever the sticks of a prominent party which merit serious criticism. Second best.
Sunday ty Father Charles Coughlin. United Press In full agreement with Mrs. It has been recognized dispatch in the New York World Telegram March 14, day in every seven days and blessed with. The trouble is The other branches are Roosevelt that workers that no driver be called upon that, as this cadre conceives its spokesman coming to stay a over and over again that the swinging into line, holding cught silently to accept the New 1938. to work more than 60 hours in duties, its sole business is to few days, speaking at several But he has been more frank even than this. In a signed the penetration for the trade large open air meetings, estab. Deal engineered dismissals, the any one week period, according formulate policy and run party meetings, attending a branch meeting. getting acquainted to Murphy. Establishment of institutions. do not wish to article in the February 13, 1939, issue of Social Justice unions. This understanding was rection from the Center and spent most of the sessions palsummed up in the slogan 90 complete failure to keep all avering to keep the New Deal seniority rights is included in minimize these important func. with the comrades needs. page 7) he declared. tions: but such a narrow con Think of what it means for the of our activity in the trade sections of the party workers in the White House after the youth to have someone like a am beginning to understand why have been dubbed Around 30. 000 truck drivers ception of leadership hardly Debs or a Haywood to look up unions. The simple fact that in auto informed on changes in 1940 elections.
a Nazi or a fascist by the Jewish publications in Amer every point in the party pro party policy.
Ohio were represented in the suffices for our present needs to and emulate. And what el ica; for practically all the sixteen principles of social Businessmen Slogan Council through representagram from the struggle against justice are being put into practice in Italy and Germany.
war to the struggle for a Labor We propose: The keynote of the conventives of their unions when the now is a popular leadership. fect would such actions have on our press. Social Justice Like all true fascists he is bitterly opposed to the great (a) That one of the first tion, hoarsely sounded by Dav.
Party is dependent upon the contract was proposed and the Our leaders have consider, sells because it is Coughlin deadline set.
as part of their job. to do for paper and every one has heard majority taking power and favors the rule of a small degree of party entrenchment tasks of the incoming National Lasser, was to promote Among the prominent Ohlo us what Debs did for the old town Pecoughline Who has hever minority the capitalists. In an editorial in Social Justice ando non fuente indicate unions, should indicate that in a National Industrial Depart. like a businessmen gathering.
our leaders or our (February 20, 1939) he ated. this sector the maximum of nament.
at the council meeting were: his movement, what Roosevelt Party? When the names of our The promotion of fighting Paul Lave, secretary and bust did for the New Deal. Even leaders become known to thou. b) The Department should program for more adequate re The principle of mere majority ism sometimes tional leadership and direction ness agent Akron Local 348; Norman Thomas understands sands of workers, when workcalled democracy and sometimes Bolshevism is not as well as organizational effi be headed by an Executive ilet and better housing went McGritt, business agent of this particular function of leaders will see and hear our leadenough. The popular fallacy is that 50 million Frencaciency should exist. It is not Secretary who shall be a mem wholly unmentioned. The sole Cleveland Local 407, who is alership. Our leaders must populers, then we will really be able men can be wrong. As a matter of experience and his the aim of this resolution to ber of the Political Committee, effort made by the conso president of the Ohio High Ierize our program and popu to sell the Socialist Appeal.
toric fact, 50 men are much more likely to be right than examine the party policy in and a Field Secretary, The Ex vention to secure more ade different trade union situationsecutive Secretary shall main. quate relief was confined to a way Drivers Council: Harry larize themselves. The two Leadership wheh conceives In this case Coughlin can add TEN to his fifty men and nent to the problem we are spond on the current problems sressmen were asked to be on tain constant contact with all cne week lobbying campaign, Card, business agent Toledo things go together, for without its functions solely in terms of trade union fractions, corre ouring which all available ConLocal 20, who is secretary of a popular leadership we can policy making and institution make it the SIXTY FAMILIES.
During the 1936 election campaign, Coughlin clarified a functioning Industrial De and convey the line of the Roc dulgent enough to vote favormembers of the Council ex program. Mr. Average Citizen running has other drawbacks ecutive board which includes of the is no theoretician besides not providing popular his position still further in an unguarded moment. In anpartment during the past pe Secretary shall be sent to all Field.
In the matter riod. To our knowledge such a vital points in the trade union quate relief, the Casey. Murray more adeLave, David Finn, business He never considers any pro: figures. It tends to develop a interview at which Dale Kramer, former national secretary agent of Dayton Local 957: gram apart from the prominess and create a hiatus be of the National Farm Holiday Association, was present this very day. As a result of situation either to establish Bill provides for less Leonard Newmaker, president of the Columbus Local 413 He is John Grisby and has de things stand today. posts are Coughlin stated that Democracy is doomed and take inadequate financing the Labor connections for the Party or Jobs than existed prior to the Sam Butcher, business agent nied being a spy.
staked out, each one runs his the road to fascism. Coughlin, Lemke and the Union Secretary has functioned spor aid the party fractions in the last general election. The case situation.
adically. Correspondence on ey Murray Bill provides for the of Cincinnatti Local 100. and Conclusive evidence was in particular Institution, and no Party, by Dale Kramer. vital questions of national trade Industrial Depart maintenance of an average of Thomas Oakes, business agent troduced, however, that Percy one knows too much about what (To continued in next issue)
union work was conducted very ment shall issue a regular Bul. three million jobs, of Canton Local 92, and presi. Booth, former corresponding is happening in the organizapoorly and at times not at all. party activity in different un existed in November, 1938 letin containing information on which is 350, 000 jobs less than dent of the Canton Federation secretary of the Akron Central tion. The result is, for exam o! Labor Do you want to see this series of articles on Coughlin pabThe formation of national fracIn general this development Machinists Union, and later vention which occurred under Labor Union, an officer in the ple, that the district conlished in a popular pamphlet, at a low price, for mass dis tions proceeded painfully and ions, analysis and estimation Conscious betrayers of the follows along the lines of the very active in Goodyear Local, its very nose, could go by with tribution? Pioneer Publishers is undertaking to get out a without direction from the Po of the general trade union situ hungry masses whom they mislitical Committee. During the ations, exchange of experiences lead, the stalinist organizers of large edition immediately IF it receives contributions from Over the Road contracts which was on the payroll the top cadre only dimly crisis in the auto union, the on campaigns the party is car. had simply brought 1200 delewere negotiated in the nine of the spy agency. Booth is re aware of this important event all friends and comrades to make it possible. Readers are state area during the past year portes being in California now. in our par Mast Inspire party experienced an internal rying on within the unions, etc. gates here to befuddle them in life.
urged to send contributions for the Coughlin pamphlet to under the direction of a special crisis that was characterized William Neil, former prestPioneer Publishers, 116 University Place, New York City.
Leaders (d) The immediate formation to thinking that something had by the absence of any firm di.
Teamsters committee set up dent, business agent and one When such things happen, the of national fractions with a been done by coming here. But in that section of the country time secretary of the of rank and filer cannot help but fraction secretary in every un the business of sitting and liswith official sanction of the In Retail Clerks Union was also feel, perhaps wrongly, that the ion feasible.
tening to windy speeches, walkternational Union named. He skipped town two top cadre is only casually in(e) Adequate financial provl. ing around Washington and sityears ago with a large sum ofterested in what goes on in the sions must be made from the ting in Congressmen offices, union funds and went to Penn ranks. He feels that with the Greet The Anti War Convention of the Socialist Workers very first for the efficient func. was a deliberately planned subOn Labor Spies sylvania.
big task ahead of us, it is not tioning of the Department and stitute for the necessary street Unionists throughout the Hanna, prominent in enough for leaders to sit in sesParty! Hear The Internationalist Position on War! its personnel. This work must demonstrations in the cities ountry should pay the closest the Diamon Mat Local Sion be carried on well even if we and towns back omplacently givir home. The attention to the latest public Union and in the Barberton ders.
Chairman: JAMES CANNON Leadership has to inmust sacrifice other important Congress was simply a runfindings of the La Follette Civil Central Labor Union was de spire. It must be alive to what Reporter for the Political Committee: MAX SHACHTMAN projects. It must not be thought around, and worse than useless.
Liberties Committee which clared to be a paid spy. He is the ranks think. It must really Speakers: DUNNE of Minneapolis, GENORA JOHNSON of Flint, GLEN that we do not recognize splendid trade union work that has were released on June 11. They reported to be in Michigan now. lead. If morale is low, it never TRIMBLE of San Francisco, GEORGE CLARKE of Detroit, REUBEN concern spies in labor organiza In listing the spies active in pays to blame the ranks, for been done during the past tions.
the Akron area, the La Follette morale is a leadership probPLASKETT OF NEWARK, NATHAN GOULD, National Secretary Boston, Mass.
period under the guidance of the national leadership. Many Benefit Supper for the prominent member of report says they are based on lem. When Trotsky headed the FRIDAY, JUNE 30, P.
examples can given. How Socialist Appeal Goodrich Local, United Rubber a confession of the chief direct Red Army in 1917, he could ever, the crying lack was and FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 6:30 Workers of America, was ac or of the Corporation Auxil have done as many generals Irving Plaza, Irving Place at 15th Street cused in the report of being an iary, and the names are taken do stay behind in an office remains the absence of nation Byron Hall, Byron St.
ADMISSION 250 al co ordination and direction Admission. 40 cents agent of the Corporation Aux from the 1935 payroll of the and issue fine ukases. Fortuniliary Company of Cleveland company.
ately for the revolution, Trot(Continued in next issue)
Who Is Father Coughlin, What Is His Program?