BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyItalyMussoliniPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1939 Araquistain Story of How Stalin Brought Spain Treasure to Russia SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. III, No. 41 June 13. 1939 Published frece a seck by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Algonquin 8541 Subscriptions: 00 per year 00 for six months. For cents per copy in the United States: centa per copy in all foreign countries. Single coples: cents.
months 00 forbeelyes pubscriptions are: 50 for atx Roentered as second 198! mee at condutter February 16, 1932. at under the act of March IN THIS CORNER Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN Associate Editors: HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW JOSEPH HANSEN Business Manager: STANLEY EMANUEL GARRET Staff Members: First Lady FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: job and a decent living for every worker. Open the idle factories operate them under workers control. Twenty Billion dollar Federal publio works and housing program. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on all Jobs. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension. Expropriate the Sixty Families. All war funds to the unemployed. people referendum on any and all wars. No secret diplomacy.
10. An Independent Labor Party.
11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante and Fascist attaeks.
Two Items WASHINGTON. Here are the White House menus for luncheon and the state dinner honoring King George and Queen Elizabeth today: LUNCHEON Minted Melon Balls Green Turtle Soup Broiled Sweetbreads, Mushrooms Asparagus Saratoga Chips Hearts of Lettuce, Roquefort Dressing Pineapple Sponge Shortcake DINNER Clam Cocktail Calf Head Soup Terrapin, Corn Sticks Boned Capon, Cranberry Sauce Peas Butter Beets Sweet Potato Cones Frozen Cheese and Cress Salad Maple and Almond Ice Cream White Pound Cake Coffee the Catholic Church, should occasion no surprise. The institution of organized Catholicism, as of every church, is wedded to the preservation of private property. When it can best be maintained by democracy the churches, as in the United States today, are generally speaking for Confirming Krivitsky Testimony, Araquistain Disdemocratic capitalism. When it cannot be maintained save by fascism, as in Germany, Portuclosures Expose the Great Stalinist Sacrifices for gal, Spain and Italy, the churches are generally Loyalist Cause Spain Gold Tied Negrin to Stalin By Max Shachtman speaking for fascist capitalism. Whatever the Luis Araquistain revela the way in which the deposit republic, people and army, political regime, it is capitalism they serve as tions on what Stalin agents was made. shall complete tired of keeping up a war that tad been virtually lost long be.
An indignant but anonymous reader takes us to spiritual shield.
did behind the scenes of the chose details.
task for our not overly enthusiastic comment on civil war in Spain, a story sup The gold of Spain was the fore, and the continuation of The pope, like his predecessors in office, is pressed for some unavowed chain that tied Negrin indissol which benefitted only Russia, the pathetic campaign which the paper of the only running true to form.
reason by the New York Times bly to Stalin, and what tied arose against Negrin and com Lovestoneites is making for uniting into a single (see story on page was nev. Stalin to Negrin. But it was pelled him to flee by air to organization the Socialist Workers Party, the Soertheless published elsewhere Negrin himself who forged the France. But what about the cialist Party and the Independent Labor League of in the United States, among links of the chain. By doing it treasure? It is not for nothing others by the Scranton (Pa. he could continue in power in that the communists, which is America (the Lovestoneites. Times on May 25, 1939. the the republic and could contin to say Moscow, declared the We do not know how many workers have been taken in by this patently fraudulent campaign, but One jeweled phrase was omitted in the Daily Staron Color Mores taan harta e ens phantom government Madrid Junta to be rebellious it was necessary to defend the since, as Lester Ward used to say, nothing is Worker account of Mrs. Franklin Roose disappeared from the Loyalist The Spanish treasury was remnants of Spain treasure.
treasury and turned up in Rus in danger at Cartagena. The According to a communica too absurd to be believed, we will assume that there are a few who find that the proposal is not velt speech to the Right to Work congress sia.
enemy knew surely of the tion dated February 10, 1937, without attraction of the Workers Alliance. Stalin saved Loyalist Spain! transfer and it is probable they from the Spantsh republic As far as the Trotskyist movement in this counStalin arms and munitions prepared an assault against ambassador in Moscow, Mar It doesn ways mean havin mond and airplane stopped Franco hiding place of republican celino Pascua mount try is concerned, it has no need to apologize for its record on the question of unity. While it never in his tracks! Stalin sacrificed reserves. myself advised Neg posited in Russia was 510, 079, to live better. It is a matter of more education.
blubbered sentimentally over the phrase or waved his all, staked his all, for De rin to take it out of Cartagena. 529 grams of gold (approxi as a catch penny slogan, for the more than ten The First Lady of the Land has something mocracy in Spain! Praise be to asked him to come to Paris mately 573, 989, 115 at 35 per the Great Stalin and blessed after having obtained, at his cunce for gold)
years of its existence it has stood for genuine there, especially for the unemployed whom she be His name!
own request, permission from How much of it remains unification on the solid foundation of principle.
was addressing. Let us give a few examples: know to inject the rude dis. When One of the first men in the Largo Caballero for the trip. Mystery. About this cold, Stal Our Record on Unity If you are sweating in an airless dump and harmony of truth into this him and suggested the conven the Spaniards, do.
Despite the brutal blows, the calumny and prov.
ocation of the Stalinist machine, directed first by can pay rent for a decent place to live in, hymn of adoration was Walter lence of placing the treasure in STALIN THE CRIMINAL Krivitsky, head of the Soviet a safe place, he told me, smil. AND HIS ACCOMPLICES Lovestone and then by Foster Browder, we of don think of more money. You don have to. Military Intelligence in Westing, that at that very moment fered, on the day after our expulsion from the Leaving aside for the moCommunist party for Trotskyism, to give up Just enroll in a night school or go to college. ern Europe during the first the cold was on its way ment Araquistain tender reour separate existence, our own organization, and If you are on the near starvation diet of the He told a good part of the real He explained how the de gard for Azana and the Madrid bers, enjoying nothing more than the rights of relief authorities, and you wouldn fight hard story of Stalin reactionary inposit was made. It had been Junta gate opener for Franco tervention in Spain; of the made in the name of Largo the facts he presents are any other member. We carefully refrained from against being served steak just to break the reign of terror instituted by Caballero, of Indalecio Prieto highly revealing. They will not forming a new or rival party, believing as we did that it was still possible to straighten the helm in monotony, you know there is no need to think the against the mill and of Negrin himself. If some be successfully challenged by the to set its course towards international of money. Just take yourself a six year post Spanish working class of the available, or all of them, four tain.
tants and revolutionists in the dey one of the three was not anyone, of that one may be cersocialism, to free it of the bureaucratic ballast that obsolete military equipment men would replace them It is interesting. in passing, threatened to sink it and finally did.
graduate course in astrophysics at the local Unisent from Russia and paid for three ambassadors (I was one to note that Araquistain him After we had broken Irrevocably with the Comversity. At the end, you will surely not worry in cold cash; and of the rifling of them) and a minister plen self, self styled left socialist. munist International in 1933, we continued to work about food at all.
of the Spanish treasury. Good, ipotentiary. am satisfied Lar 18 from every political point of for the union of all revolutionary forces on a princold blooded business that go Caballero never intervened view, nothing less than an ac cipled basis. The then Communist League of the Stalinist And if you re a doctor or teacher on the rocks, what it was for Stalin, among with his signature in the oper. complice to America gave up its separate organization in 1934 For other things, when he secretly ations concerning the gold de crimes. many crucial and merged into the new Workers Party together just remember, it isn money you need. It obtained millions of grams of posited in Russia. suppose months, he knew about the sorwith the young American Workers Party (Muste more education. Go back to school. Try it all gold from Spain.
that Prieto did not, either. did game that Negrin and the group. Araquistain, another man in STALIN NEGRIN RULED Stalinists were playing. Despite As sections of the Socialist party moved to the over again. There must have been something the know. now confirms Kriv IN NAME OF GOLD his attempts to absolve Cabal left and sought a clear cut Marxian position, we in your freshman year that you failed to pick up.
itsky account of the hi jacking In October, 1938, when lero, there cannot possibly be did not content ourselves with calling upon them operation. He even furnishes President Azana thought of any doubt that the latter also to leave their party and join ours. Without abanThe First Lady in Eighteenth Century France, additional and conclusive evi changing his policy, and con knew. Yet, in the name of God doning a single principle of our program, we dissolved the Workers Party and entered the Social a chippie named Marie Antoinette, told the the scranton Times he writes told him brutally that he was as silent as a man with ist Party to work, side by side with the old hungry people of Paris to eat cake if they HOW STALIN GOT irreplaceable and that if Azana mouthful of own left wing. towards a common revolutionary procouldn get bread.
THE SPANISH GOLD wanted to throw him out, he admission, he kept the sec.
gram and a common revolutionary party. If that Negrin ordered, as minister Negrin, would place himself at ret.
aim was not accomplished under the name of the Our First Lady is more modern and dignified. of the treasury, that the gold the head of the army and the But the guilt of an accomplice it was realized under the banner of the new She tells the hungry masses. Go to college. of Spain, transferred first masses and resist him. Azana does not clear the name of the Socialist Workers Party instead it was only befrom Madrid to Cartagena, be tolerated this flareup, which principal criminal. And his cause the vote catchers for La Guardia and the sent later to Russia. am not was really a coup etat, in name is Stalin.
toadies of the needle trades unions bureaucracy telling thereby any secret, ev stead of ordering immediately What will the Stalinists say Though Liechtenstein is small, it is peculiarly could not tolerate revolutionists in their ranks and important in the picture of world finance and in en though, were it a secret, the arrest of his insolent prime in reply to Araquistain story? proceeded autocratically to expel us en masse.
ternational capitalism. The little country is, in there would not any reason minister, or himself resigning What did the New Masses say? There, briefly, is our record, in action, on the effect, safety deposit box for corporations that now to keep it. The shipment at that very moment, which will it answer Araquistain as it question of unity.
deal in international trade. Among other mam ci the Spanish gold to the Sov was the right one and not be did Krivitsky? Will it perhaps moth organizations, the Standard Oil Company iet Union was known by many latedly, as he did in France. say that, in the first place. Lovestone: Trickster has magnificent offices in the city hall, and a Spaniards. The Russian gener. Negrin, as exclusive treasurer there is no such person as AraNow Lovestone knows that there is as much short distance away are the offices of the Royal al. Krivitsky, publicizes that of the republic, made himself quistain and, in the second chance of the three organizations he names fusing Dutch Shell Company. Cheek by jowl are the of fact. What Krivitsky does not unremovable dictator place, his name is Schmelka into one as there is of the proverbial camel passfices of Krupp, the German munitions firm and know is the exact amount and At the end of the war, the Aronberg?
ing through the eye of a needle. Lovestone knows Schneider, the French munitions firm. The income perfectly well, that an instructive experiment was tax levied on corporations is 75 per thousand and just concluded in the unity field between the the personal income tax is per cent, but neither Thomasites and the Trotskyists, the former of tax can be greater than 500 Swiss francs year, whom brutally expelled the latter. He knows this or 115. These are the companies which at home so well, that he finds in the call for unity a most are strong proponents of broadening the base inexpensive device for acquiring popularity at the of taxation.
expense he calculates of both Thomas and the Trotskyists, whom he will singly and jointly blame for the failure to adopt his proposal. But like all cheap gadgets, this device is too poorly conBy GRACE SAUNDERS take was made (in electing a Tom Girdler (representing structed to work.
steel. the DuPonts (muni Father Coughlin seeks to in Republican governor. It is not necessary to dwell here on all the basic tions. Morgan and Rockefeller Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Substall in the United States an HIS CONSTITUTIONAL political questions which divide us from the Love(banking interests. Ford (automobiles. and others stoneites, questions which their leaders apparcommittee on the Ludlow amendment providing out and out fascist dictatorship. CASE FOR FASCISM He uses the term corporative So long as we have the party ently consider organizational trifles: the Popular for a popular referendum on war, Major Gen Istate instead of fascism, be system of government, Cough America sixty ruling families.
It is these people who would Front, support of bourgeois candidates in the elections, war, trade union policy, the International, eral John Ryan, retired, opposed the cause fascism is too malodor lin goes on. we are doomed. control the destinies of Ameriamendment because it would substitute the ous. But his model is the bru! Partyism, he states, was not can workers. They would de etc. These have been dealt with more than once lal, repressive, anti labor govi provided for in the Constitucide how many hours the workin our columns. Soviet idea for the American concept of rep ernment of Mussolini Italy. tion. When it suits him. Cough er would toll per day: where But it is interesting to point out that save for resentative government.
Coughlin tries to destroy con lin pretends he is a firm up he would work: what salary he the purely hypocritical advocacy of unity. Love.
stone hasn changed his attitude towards the Now it seems to us that the General remarks fidence in democratic capital holder of the Constitution. He would receive; what he would ism while spreading the illu says: Partyism, like many eat, wear, say, and think; how Trotskyists by one lota. It was he and his clique are not without point.
sion that fascism opens the other abuses, was introduced much he would pay in taxes; who expelled us from the Communist Party which The American concept of representative gov road to a full life. refers into our national lives many how much free labor service he then led expelled us merely because we had the audacity to ask for a discussion, on the eve of ernment, little children are taught in school, is bypocritically to the evils that years after the Constitution was he would perform. These are The right to vote the people who would detera party convention, of the problems raised by the the acme of democracy the rule of the people. hopes the dissatisfied workers, as one sees fit, Coughlin terms mine the prices of farm prodRussian Left Opposition. Before that, he helped to Fascism, on the other hand, is abominable be influenced by his fake sympa an abuse. Under fascism. ucts; clamp down an iron cenorganize the international machine of Stalincause the people do not rule. The various Fuhr thy will leap into the arms one does not vote as one sees sorship over the press, the ra Bukharin for expelling the Trotskyists everywhere else in the Communist International dio. the theater, the movies, ers rule, they decide everything themselves with the fascist butchers. He wants fit.
To replace partyism, and the school. They would He is still dedicated to that aim in Hfe! As out even making a pretense of consulting the frying pan of decaying demo Coughlin plugs for the corpor. have complete power to force shown by the Paris letter we printed last week, ruled. They operate on the principle that we cratic capitalism into the fire ative state. He says: cor the country into war.
his main concern, during his visit in France to know what good for you.
of decadent fascist capitalism. porative system in nowise de As in Italy. trade unions the was to help the right wing and cenTe conceals the extent to which istroys representative govern. would be destroyed, work trists the Freemasons, pacifists and all other Now everyone knows that the decisive mathe ordeal of the fascist fire ment: it perfects it a patenters organizations ruthlessly varieties of muddleheads to expel the Trotskyists from that organization. He loudly proclaims his jority of the American people is for a national will seer and maim the bodies lie. In passing it should be smashed. Any who protested and minds of the workers.
popular referendum on war. In taking this ponoted that Coughlin concern the arbitrary and discriminasolidarity with the right wing leadership of the Like all demagogues, Cough for representative which, although itself expelled from the corporation sition, the people are saying, and justifiedly, lin resorts to misrepresenta ment is so fitful that he fails heads would be summarily Comintern years ago for Trotskyism, is now enthat they do not trust the President and Con tion. The choice before the even to mention it in his Six. tried court martial, if they gaged in expelling its revolutionary critics on the American people, he says, is teen Principles.
weren simply sent to concengress. They want to decide on war themselves.
same grounds.
one between the chaos of un Says Coughlin again: cor tration camps or shot without At the same time this trickster has the effronThey want to exercize the democratic preroga employment and misery amidst porative system will abolish the formality of a trial. tery to instigate and encourage in his paper a tives they were taught in school. Especially plenty under the New Deal for many of the sins and shortcom This. in outline, is what campaign for unity with the in this when their very lives are involved.
the Old Deal. and fascism. ings of our present brand of coughlin and America ruling No, say Ryan and his fellow American Roosevelt is backed by those political partyism. recouhine families are ursing upon the Engels on Unity ciemocrats. That not the kind of democracy we though they must support sins and shortcomings to put ture. It is therefore no acci We must not let ourselves be misled by the have here. WE LL decide FOR you. reier chaos. Social Justice, May it mildly of the fascist dicta dent that coughlin always clamor for unity, wrote Friedrich Engels to 22.
avoids stating what will really August Bebel on June 20, 1873. Those who have endum, he says, would base grave questions on Coughin fails to mention the Coughlin leaves no doubt that happen if the workers follow this word most often on their tongue are the greatthe emotional reactions of the electorate of the third choice the road to social. he looks to fascist Italy as his him into the fascist abyss. est instigators of discord, like the Swiss Jurassian ism. Mussolini, he tells The radio priest does all in Bakuninists at this very moment, the instigators country.
Coughlin hammers way us, is no longer an arbitrary his power to blur the real issue of all the splits, who clamor for nothing more than The war mongering rulers of the land would steadily at props that sup ruler. Italy has taken her that faces American workers for unity. These unity fanatics are either feeblenot be emotional at all. They would decide port the American government. with a Christian Social order. and anti fascists, which is not. minded people who want to mix everything into a to plunge the masses into the slaughterhouse He denounces Roosevelt. But What is this corporative as he would have us believe, shapeless mush which needs only to settle in order he also hits out at the Republi state under which Coughlin the fight between decaying to bring back all the differences in much sharper without a nerve quivering or a hair turning. And cans. It is well for the Repub would chain and gag American democratic capitalism and fas conflict, because they are then all together in one their kind of democracy doesn provide for the licans to know now that the workers?
pot (you have a fine example in Germany in the American people, says Cough Coughlin corporative The fight against both the people intervening in any way on the matter.
people who preach the reconciliation of the work.
lin, wil not take a step back state means government by rottenness of present day soci ers and the petty bourgeoisie. or else they seek That, you see, would be Sovietism, towards Hooverism. The corporation heads, who, in turn, ety and the fascist blight is the to falsify deliberately. That is why the greatest At bottom, Ryan is right! Capitalist de Republicans in Michigan) are ruled over by a dictator, fight for socialism. The issue sectarians and the greatest squabblers and scoundrels are at certain moments the loudest unitymocracy is a fraud. Only a Soviet democracy, have discredited themselves to the corporation heads would is clearly fascism or socialism, shouters. In all our life we have never had more a workers democracy means true democracy for such an extent that the major form a corporative council. fuscist chains or a full and exity of persons in the Wolverine such as exists in Italy, and panding life, slavery or libera trouble and spite than from the unity howlers.
the masses, the real rule of the people.
State now recognize that a mis would be composed of men like tion.
Sound words then; sound words now.
KEARNY, While his wife was at the town hall here today seeking relief, James Gilmore, unemployed and ill for three years hanged himself in a clothes closet in his home at 143 Brighton Avenue, according to the police. His wife found him hanging when she returned home, and notified the police. Gilmore, who was 59 years of age, was the father of five children.
With Italy as His Model, Coughlin Agitates for a Totalitarian State Soviets and Democracy of If he was hungry, why didn he get himself invited to the luncheon and dinner to the King?
Isn this a democracy?
Say Drew Pearson and Robert Allen: Just how close the president and his lieutenants believe Europe is to war is illustrated by the following: The Justice Department is secretly collaborating with the Treasury, the Federal Reserve Board and the in preparing a set of economic and financial bills for submission to Congress immediately upon the outbreak of hostilities. The bills are designed to protect banks and stock exchanges from demoralizing echoes of a European conflict and are based on the lessons learned from world war experience. Naturally, there are no bills to be presented in Congress designed to protect the workers and their organizations, but the Socialist Workers Party is now, as always, working on its own methods of protecting the workers. Democratic Pope When the new pope was elected by the cardinals at Rome the excitement and joy of the Daily Worker knew no bounds. The election was a victory for democracy and a blow to fascism. Pius would show the war mongers where to get off at Now the press brings the report that the pope is considerably perturbed by the planned alliance of Britain, France and Russia because of fears that the Soviet will be allowed to play an important part in European diplomacy. The church is an irreconcilable enemy of Bolshevism, so there is little doubt that the pope will do everything in his power to prevent the conclusion of this alliance or to minimize its effect iſ the negotiations now in progress are successful.
Pius is actively at work trying to establish the notorious Four Power Pact England, Germany, France and Italy which would of course be directed towards isolating and eventually crushing the Soviet Union.
His policy, or, more accurately, the policy of model