BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismLiberalismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

Briggs Strikers Go Over The Top In Resounding Victory for Union Who Is Father Coughlin, What Is His Program?
The Kind of Action that Brings Results The enclosed 00 is a pay whether or not the Appeal can ment on our bundle order ac continue its twice a week pubcount. The Detroit branch will lication. We are waiting to do everything it can to main hear from you!
tain the twice a week paper.
We will send more money on Subscriptions picked up conour account in the next few siderably this past week due days. Ponicali, Detroit to a spurt forward in our reBy WIDICK agent.
newal subscription campaign. Right to Work ConNo Money? Why, Go am enclosing coples of a done the best work on this so Chicago and Minneapolis have Long Haired Boys gress Skips DiscusTo School, Says the APPEAL which we inserted in promotional leaflet for the far. Here the list: MASSACHUSETTS. 10 That this country needs a good sion of Jobless Needs President Wife back copies and distributed in Ohio five cent cigar and glass of working class neighborhoods. Minneapolis beer to make union leaders reaThe leaflet and the APPEAL Chicago sonable, evidently is the es. Special to the Socialist Appeal. Continued from Page 1)
were neatly rolled and held in sumption upon which the AmerCalifornia WASHINGTON. June The place by a rubber band. The New York City ican Economic Foundation, Alliance Alliance if it were militant package was then hooked over Philadelphia super super union busting or stalinized Workers organization fighting for the the front door knob. Later we ganization, is founded Right to Work Congress is needs of the unemployed was made a house to house canvass New Jersey Missouri The purpose of this outfit is continuing its do nothing sesindicated by a prepared state of the neighborhood with exto pour oil on the troubled wastons here in the Labor AudtNewark ment she had issued to the cellent results. Paul Fieldters of the class struggle, to press before she arrived to ing, Akron literature agent. The Detroit Foreign bring peace and quiet and nortorium. Hundreds of delegates Referring to mimeographed leaflet, by the Indiana malcy back to communities who came for an answer to the workers as government em way, was an excellent job. Connecticut which have been torn by labor problem of unemployment and layoffs forced to ployes, she said: Neat, simple and clear.
trouble and to restore work waste their time listening to No group that actually Total er faith in the capitalistic sys campaign speeches for Rooseworks for the government has The campaign for renewal tem.
Now there is nothing new that the Right to Work velt re election, a right to strike against the of subscriptions is in full swing. In Fitchburg. Mass. there is government. This was in an. Chicago has set itself a quota a new bundle order agent who about this faith healing. Joe swer to questions asking her to of 50 renewals by June 15. As is beginning with a bundle of HII, who immortalized in song Congress does not intend to explain her appearance at the signments have been made. 10 copies per Issue. His name the militancy of the American fight the battles of the nation Congress.
Sam Richter of Chicago.
workers, once wrote about unemployed workers was indiis Williams.
Belly Crawling Lasser Sol Margoltes, agent long haired preachers who cated here today in a resolution adopted which promise ple in the skysto unanimously Government people are in a APPEAL FINANCIAL of Philadelphia, now takes 25 which Joe thundered that a goes on record in support of different position than other SITUATION copies per issue.
the relief slashing New Deal This week we have addressed The Philadelphia branch has persons and if they cannot What is interesting is that the Administration in the 1940 presagree with the government, letters to those few branches been re instated in good standfaith healers and economic idential elections.
that either failed to respond to ing temporarily on the basis of they should get out.
she start our request for immediate pay their making a payment. cat medicine men should employ Resorting to the type of camtheir methods of gentle suasion paign the Stalinists conducted hands of the leaders bements on their debts, or did not pointing a new literature agent respond sufficiently.
and promising to adopt a new in an age when the class strug during the 1936 presidential fore she spoke and the gle is more and more being elections, the has given still While our situation has im attitude towards their Appeal presumably claims to We expect waged in the streets and not the signal for a Defeat Garner stand for the right of proved, the action of these responsibilities.
ia a labor management confer et all costs drive.
Sit down strikers at Fisher Plant No. watching the street from a second story window dur workers to strike. but that did 17) is still seriously handicap ises and assure the branch that about them to live up to their promRoosevelt ence over some nickle stogles.
Picturing a Vice Presidenting the great strike battle of 1937 in Flint, Mich: Which was then patrolled by troops. Winning pot prevent President Lasser ping our efforts to pull out of it will be given every oppor.
In the Backroom from grovelling at this wom the present financial slump.
John Nance Garner as the Con sn feet.
tunity to do so.
The American Economic gressional leader of the Tory to We address ourselves Introducing her, Lasser said: these branches again. Oakland, Foundation chose three Amerl Democrat and reactionary Recan cities in which to conduct publican bloc to which is as NOTICE: Please make all m sure that this day is an East Oakland, Chicago, Flint, checks. money orders, eto.
historic one for the unem University city. Newark, Ro payable to the SOCIALIST AP.
their experiment Terre Haute, cribed sole responsibility for Indiana, Massion and Akron, the recent cuts and layployed, the workers and chester. Youngstown, Cleve PEAL. Do not make them out Ohio.
offs, the Workers Alliance reso the underprivileged generally, land. Akron, Philadelphia, Se to the manager or editor of the This lady has not been content attle and Wisconsin. Upon your paper. Please observe this reIts methods are simple, al lution suggests a third term for merely to be the president immediate response depends quest.
most insulting to one finer President Roosevelt. The reso.
wife. This lady has considered sensibilities. In Terre Haute, lution declares that We shoule scene of general strikes, pitched form such organizations and (Continued from Page The rest of the union must able to achieve this splendid it her duty, her mission, her battles between the workers clubs as are necessary to rally Labor Relations Board election now emulate these methods agreement is due to another vocation to study the needs of and the state militia and seeth the utmost upport to keep the to be held shor local 212 Briggs 212 has blazed the trail important factor. The poison the humble people of this couning cauldron of the class strug. New Deal in the White House shall be granted sole collective for them. And as the entire or ous influence of the stalinist try. At a time when she is pregle, the bosses found that much in 1940.
bargaining if it wins a major canization passes over from its Communist Party has been reparing to meet the King and insignificance. One Queen of England, she has not of their trouble could be elim. That it was President Roose ity in that election. This vic precarious defensive position duced nated by being nice to the velt himself who initiated the tory is assured thus marking into strong offensive lines, it plant is under their control out forgotten the underprivileged labor leaders. Instead of call cuts as a means of a major step forward for the will find the workers eager and of the seven but so strong is unemployed.
ing in the militia, they called appeasing business, that his entire auto union.
Kind Contempt ready for the battle as they the anti Stalinist character of in certain union officials. They April 27 relief cutting message This contemptible were in the Briggs strike. It the main body of the leadership belly her Improvements (Continued from Page 1)
retired to Mike bar, and over is now before Congress providwill find that the heroic union that their union busting activi crawling of Lasser was supple The International bankers are on their way out, he a couple of beers and cigars, ing only a total of two million ments of the contract there is ing dead will serve as a spur every step. An analysis of the ous remark of Mrs. Roosevelt.
Among the other improve traditions of 1937 far from be ties have been check mated at mented by the half contemptu promised, side by side with Roosevelt. The prosperity the dispute was settled.
identified with the year 1926 is not too far distant. A, Jobs for the coming one clause which places the towards gaining what must main locals in the Chrysler and that one of the things that Fortune magazine, which re year, 350. 000 less than were union in a far more favorable now be the major objective of General Motors plants will strikes me most is not that And he waxed eloquent. cords these touching incidents, employed last November. ts position for militant action in the United Automobile Work show that precisely those locals young people are becoming March 4th, 1933! What memorable day that was!
falls to say how the rank and crassly ignored by the leaders case of company provocationers Union: the thirty hour week that are weakest and most sus radicais, but that they are set It was the birthday of the new deal. On that date a file is faring in this new era. of the Right to Work Con The No Strike clause previous at forty hours pay. This slogan ceptible to Martin influence, tling into hopelessness. This voice went ringing around the world announcing a new Declaration of Independence. Before the minds of the Billy Sunday of Business Instead. Roosevelt is por ty in the contract has been elt. is incorporated in the proceed are the locals being strangled Congress was doing its share millions who listened there was revived the drama of The Foundation has now trayed in the resolution as: minated and in its place mere ings of the Cleveland conven by this reactionary flag waving to make it possible for Mrs.
Christ as He lashed the money changers from the moved in on Akron in the per mane who has the feeling for the condition that there shall tion, it is uppermost in the crew known as the communist Roosevelt to say that with imson of one, Alfred Haake, Ph. the common folks that Preslil the regular grievance proce will become the battle cry in Victory is possible. But pospunity.
Temple. The New Deal In Money, 36. and one time official of the dent Roosevelt has, who has his cure has been exhausted.
The lady spoke generally and Father Coughlin described Roosevelt to his rapt followAmerican Liberty League liberalism, his practical sense the days to come. It can be sible only through militant ac without reference to the con ers as the New Lincoln, the protector of the common At the moment, he is con of the country needs, who has Improvements in the senior won!
tion and without Stalinism. crete needs of the unemployed people, and he declared himself ready to follow our ducting his moral rearmament his patriotism and courage to ity system were effected so Lesson of Strike That is the lesson of the Briggs workers. She recommended a leader to the end.
program through the various keep our nation at peace, must working at Briggs shall be previously That the Briggs local was strike. greater interest in the comluncheon clubs and American be nominated and elected in called back to work before munity. It doesn always mean still proclaim to you that it is either Roosevelt or Legion, the latter of which has 1940, having more money to live bet Ruin. support him today and will support him tomorbeen in ill repute since the 80new men are hired: departter, she said. It is a matter row. Radio Speech, March 11. 1933. Delegates Stampeded cialist Workers Party in Akron The stalinist whips are stamtain their seniority as chief mental shop stewards shall re of more education.
held a counter demonstration to peding the unemployed dele stewards for one year de Father Coughlin even held a number of secret conferDecent Homes Utoplan ences with New Lincoln Roosevelt himself. The nature one of its flag waving rallies. Igates into accepting every res. moted because of lack of work; Staying on after her address to answer a few questions.
of those conferences has not been divulged to this day.
on the firing line is Deloss Congress is run from a behind lower to a higher classification Mrs. Roosevelt was asked Frequently he called the President personal secretary Walker, associate editor of Lib the scenes conference room. shall receive five cents below whether she favored larger over long distance telephone.
erty magazine and self christ from which emanate all propo the higher classification and Federal subsidies to enable ened Billy Sunday of Busi sals, and the delegates merely receive the maximum after 28 children to go to high school.
High, wide, and handsome, Coughlin rode the great ness. In a former Akron ap vote. The committee on reso days the vicious practice of am not familiar as to its ne wave of popularity that swept Roosevelt into office amidst pearance. Walker jumped on a lutions was named to the dele. the Ford Motor Co. in reducing cessity, she replied. Person gol promises.
table, threw off his coat and Bates by the Workers Alliance wages by this kind of transfer ally what would prefer to feel threatened to bust anyone in bureaucrats at the first ses had been partly carried over An Unusual Combination Offer!
is that we are working for a Roosevelt was going to end the depression, put everythe jaw who said he couldn sion.
democracy in which every one body to work, give everybody an annual wage, permit labor get a job. He must embarrass to Briggs prior to this con The first departure from this tract. until June 15th)
can give his child a decent to organize, and MAINTAIN PRIVATE PROPERTY.
the bourgeoisie. home until he leaves school. Of In Massilon, where the little the resolution booming Roose five Detroit plants of the practice was made today, when the agreement includes the In Combination course, realize that that Coughlin was a key man in the propaganda machine steel strike was fought to a velt for a third term was pro Briggs corporation and its two NO. 1sounds Utopian.
that deluded the people into supporting Roosevelt.
bloody finish, the Foundation posed FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and by the convention plants in Evansville, Ind. UnMrs. Roosevelt was not so has set the milk and honey of southern delegation. This was der its terms shop committee Father Coughlin, the Detroit spell binder, was a fellowSOCIALIST APPEAL for one year both for 75 Utopian, however, but that she traveler of Roosevelt s, a high pressure salesman of his class collaboration flowing by judging from the well planned members are to be paid for (Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign) 75 advised the delegates to use bringing certain union officials succession of the speakers, a time spent in weekly meetings: your ballots intelligently. For wares. When he abandoned the job it was taken over by into the civic organizations. maneuver to make it appear as meetings with the management FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and whom was, of course, previous Stalin Communist Party.
SOCIALIST APPEAL for six months both for 00 ly indicated by the 56 Junk Pile, or Else (Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign)
spontaneous demonstration can be arranged on 24 hours Of course, Coughlin has since turned against Roosevelt.
leaders who pushed through a notice instead of five days as resolution to keep the New His reason is very simple.
NO. No worker, of course, can ob from the convention floor.
previously and guarantee Speeches Befog Delegates ject to creating better cities to Deal in the White House after FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and Highly sensitive to the moods of the masses, Coughlin that workers found to be un Prior to this resolution in 75 NEW INTERNATIONAL for one year both 1940.
understands that Roosevelt answers no longer satisfy the live in or to bringing about support of the New Deal in the Dustly discharged shall receive prosperity. But that can be (Foreign. 25 people, especially the unemployed. They are restlessly done only by obtaining a higher 1940 election, the delegates all back pay. One of the Best Order from: seeking a way out. Coughlin is not blind to the finger standard of living for the la bave been subjected to speech Emil Mazey. President of boring masses by Jobs at de after speech from CongressPIONEER PUBLISHERS. 116 University PI.
writing Roosevelt doom on the wall.
cent wages. On this problem. The New Deal Administration, the agreement as one of the men, boosting Roosevelt and Briggs local 212, characterized New York City The obscure radio priest of 1926 has come a long dation is understandably silent.
Monday session spent most best in the industry. That the way. The future scems bright for his particular talents.
Strife and dissension, wars and rumors of wars, these ring Capitalism has shown itselt of its time hearing Rep. Coffee Briggs workers have moved of the common people. Our lot. tion of New Deal candidates in workers and to a lesser extent, FRIENDS OF THE Russian a sweet clangor in the ears of Father Coughlin. To be continued in next issue)
Instead, is getting worseur Ante 1940 as the solution to the sun. Chrysler men have been beat ANNOUNCEMENTS Bulletin We are getting to everyone is realizing it more preceded by the presentation of great lesson of this strike lies in FURNISHED ROOM to rent.
employed problem. This was en back is indisputable. The gether again for a swell time on June 17 at P. at 321 Do you want to see this series of articles on Coughlin pabLarge or small. Nr. 8th Ave.
Everyone remembers the fa And this is where the baloney an innocuous resolution stating the effectiveness of the methSecond Ave. Singing, dancing mous dinner we served last lished in a popular pamphlet, at a low price, for mass disand Rent very reasalesmen come in with their the horrible condition of the un ods employed and of the milltribution? Pioneer Publishers is undertaking to get out a and refreshments. special time at Byron Hall, Byron St.
sonable. Address all replies large edition immediately IF it receives contributions from slightly adulterated tripe. They employed while praising the lancy and organized action of its membership. Local 212 has to Stanley, o Socialist movie of the Fair and New in Boston. But that was only a will fail in restoring our faith New Deal.
ali friends and comrades to make it possible. Readers are Appeal.
The Tuesday session was de probably the best Flying in their skin game.
York street scenes will be sample!
shown. You may bring your We are urging all Bostonians Their outfit must either end voted to still more pep talks Squadron in the whole Inter friends along.
Pioneer Publishers, 116 University Place, New York City.
to help the Appeal by attending in the junk pile with all those for Roosevelt by Dr. Harry national.
Liebknecht School our buffet supper on June 16 that came before it or develop and Democracy and Robert nounced a single word at this into at 6:30 All food served Burke and her chorus of PL June 17 The Special Offer!
will be home made!
REMOVAL NOTICE strike breaking. union busting Hanchen of the National Ne Right to Work Congress on of Life TWO BOUND VOUMES the necessity for the unembeauties will perform.
Antoinette Konikow will be Dr. Paul Luttinger Ero Congress.
cang, which it is at heart.
Speaker Ernest Erber of the Mrs. Roosevelt Coos ployed to struggle against relief our hostess and Nathan Schech Also, after supper dancing.
Announces the removal of June 24 Symposium on ZFor information and tickets his office to Tomorrow session will be slashes. Keeping Roosevelt in onism and the Jewish SOCIALIST APPEAL et will be the guest of honor.
addressed by Mrs. Roosevelt the White House for a third 1684 Grand Concourse, Bronx Question There will be entertainment by call Kenmore 4088 or CommonBoston, Mass.
1937 and 1938 Speakers. Felix Morrow who will take time off from her term and exhortations to join Boston own impersonator and wealth 5919. Make reservations Street 2 and 8 Office and Lofman Both for only 00 includ. dramatic preparations for the welcome the Democratic Party are the actor. Professor Benefit Supper for the at P.
Phone: TRemont 2126 to the King and Queen to tell only advice given the unemIng postage John Taber, assisted by Verne early! All proceeds to the SoSocialist Appeal 8th Ave. Subway Train C31 EAST 7th STREET the unemployed Just how ployed by the Stalinist traitors FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 6:30 Merritt (exclusive discovery of cialist Appeal, the voice of This 25 reduction holds to 174th St. or New York City who call themselves leaders of grieved she is at poverty.
the Boston militant America Byron Hall, Byron St.
good for only a few weeks!
working Lexington Woodlawn to Mt.
Admission 10c: Yipsels 5c In addition, the exotic Bessie class.
Eden (173rd)
Admission, 49 cents There is still to be pro the unemployed.
Fascism and Big Business The New International Socialist Appeal APPEAL WILL BENEFIT FROM BOSTON PARTY Presenteshevik Way