AnarchismAntifascismCapitalismDemocracyFascismFranceImperialismImperialist WarMarxismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers PartyWorking Class

TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor 5, 000 Protest Cuts In Minnesota Coughlin Hides a Boss Solution Behind Plea for Living Wage Congress Shuns Action Needs of Jobless LYNCH NEGRO IN MISSISSIPPI the On the Line. with Bill Morgan By Paul Stevens Southport Conference of In France: New Blows against the (Continued trom Page 1) Ponts and the Morgans not, war and the diversion of this Reverses Stand on Conscription Opponents of Imperialist War bosses terms. It gives the boss the language of the jobless. money into productive chanDespite the tremendous wave of opposition While the Flandin Bonnet gang of Munich a free hand in sweating the Coughlin is vague as to how nels. All war funds to the unagainst conscription in its ranks, despite its Gis pacifists (sic) and the Reynaud Mandel workers and slashing their sal he would solve the problems of employed. If private industry repeated avowal of loyalty to the party antiaries to boost his own unearned the youth. He has plenty of cannot hire the jobless, and the gang of collective security war mongers conscription stand, despite its rebuffs to Leon (Continued from Page 1) reporting for the committee, profits. Destruction of the crocodile tears for them but no government cannot provide sufBlum who came from France to urge them Jockey for position, while Blum and Paul ed its way through the loop to told the unemployed that Stas trade unions is the usual fascist program. Tears won enable ficient jobs for them, then force fraternally to drop that stand in the name of Faure temporarily compose their differences the State offices, and sen had rejected all their state answer to decaying capitalism the youth to build for the fu the opening of idle factories unsocial patriotic common sense, and despite at the Socialist Party convention by agreeing returned to the Capitol where demands. mighty shout went. preserve the profits of the ture, marry, or become self der workers control.
the fact that only two weeks ago such prom finally to bury the Popular Front (breaking the delegation entered Stas up for a special session of the bosses by reducing the living respecting and self supporting To the youth, the sen office.
citizens State Legislature, after which standards of the workers.
Inent leaders as Ernest Bevin of the Transsays: The interests of the off all relations with the their governGovernor Tries to Duck the demonstration was officialport Workers Union and John Marchbanks of Contemptuous of Vague on Plans locked out generation are ment strikes new blows against the real opthe National Union of Railwaymen insisted It seemed that the Governor ly called off, just as a heavy identical with those of the To the unemployed, the radio Coughlin is purposely vague that even assuming that we are in a minor ponents of imperialist war. Democracy Is was nowhere around, though rainstorm began.
Your ity, and no one can judge yet, they were priest offers no more than he in outlining his future plans. It worker and the Jobless.
reserved only for the social patriots and their he had promised an appoint The excellent spirit of the does to the worker. He speaks he set down his real program future depends on an expand still satisfied it would be right to resist this ment to the delegation. After demonstration and the sacrifice contemptuously of the in cold type, he would gain not ing economy. If the present capitalist masters.
effort (of conscription) to destroy our liberan hour wait, during which shown by the workers worker as a dolester and of the one single adherent among the economy is so senile that it ties despite all this the Labour Party leadDuring the month of April wave of resis the unemployed milled through who participated, cannot be ex As the industry of workers, employed or unem cannot find a place for your ership last week foisted upon the annual contance to the government order recalling for the Capitol halls. Governor aggerated. The admin. dolesters. Coughlin has no ployed. His goal is the fascist talents, then that economy ference at Southport a reversal of policy on additional service reservists of the class of Stassen was located at the st. istration had refused to declare concrete program for putting state on the Italian style. Un must be changed. The first this crucial Issue.
1936 who had already served more than their Paul Athletic Club He return. Friday a holiday. So that each the jobless to work. Coughlla der this system, the worker has step in bringing about that To be sure, the resolution adopted on this two years, spread throughout a number of the delegation, refusing every strated was sacrificing ed to the Capitol and met with worker who demon doesn believe that the gov no rights, no hope, no future. Changes expropriation of question does not bluntly come out in favor of regiments along the Maginot Line. Reservists one of the demands of the dem of work at 68 cents an hour. rament should support the He is tied to his job; must work America Sixty Famil conscription. It merely states that the party people (Social Justice, Mar. the number of hours and At the Workers are not accustomed in Strassburg began a hunger strike and re onstrators. Later he came out about 50. Despite this, 20. 1939. That means no kind of work he is told to work; to having favors handed them will not resist conscriptive measures. The flunkies who run Transport House (the party fused to drill. The strike soon extended to on the Capitol stairs to address workers by the hundreds no home relief. There in return he gets what the boss on silver platters. Whatever headquarters) for British imperialism could not flaunt the rank and file sentiment too Metz, Morange, Arras. Bitche and other points cogic talk he told the throng worth their while to demon. In this country. They are not means of protest, but must ac, they ve won through their own the demonstration. In a dema understood that it was well are some 15. 000. 000 unemployed sees fit to pay him. He has no they ve gotten in the past.
along the line of frontier fortifications. The that they had a right to dts Strate for their demands and being absorbed in private in cept in silence. Otherwise be more determination, more mili: militancy.
brashly. But in taking the stand they did, they finally squared their position on conscription ed the revolt with a conspiracy of silence. The like his old Age Lien Law, his slashing proposal anae war ma them or reflet and tire the Empty phrases, crocodile tears want to rethe une nengthening the with their general collective security position, thus reassuring Chamberlain, making all summarily imprisoned and the movement Hell, said a number of neapolis and st. Paul have jobs. He probably This is what coughlin offers to pression and safeguard your Blum and the French capitalists very happy thus beheaded.
and removing from their own path a very emIssues of papers of the minorities who gave we ve got a right to disagree spoken unmistakably for in draft them for forced labor at the workers, the jobless and right to a decent living.
barrassing inconsistency.
the movement prominence our own com with you, and we do, all the creased relief, for bread and no salary. Again, Coughlin the youth.
not bullets.
rades Lutte Ouvriere, Jun 36, the organ of the way down the line.
To make up for this change, so to speak, the talks the language of the Du In contrast. Socialist East Side Branch the Southport conference confirmed the ex Socialist Workers and Peasants Party, the an Stassen denied that the State Workers Party proposes a millpulsion of Sir Stafford Cripps and rejected the The Organizes Antiarchist paper Libertaire, the syndicalist relief appropriation had been tant program of action Popular Front line he espoused. From the point papers Revolution Proletarienne and Combat cut, though it is a matter of says to the worker: You Fascist Campaign of view of their fundamental social patriotic Syndicaliste and several others were confiswant a living annual wage.
record that his administration position, the action against Cripps makes cated and their responsible editors subjected has slashed one third off last Good. You have a right to that The Lower East Side Branch about wage, but no one is going to of the Socialist Workers Party.
much sense as their previous opposi to prosecution.
year appropriation. He a3tion to conscription. Small wonder then, that The headquarters of the Socialist Workers sured the unemployed that no give it to you unless you fight Local New York, is well on its Times correspondent from London re and Peasants Party (P. were raided in one would starve in Minnesota, for it. Your best weapon in way in the city wide campaign ports that the country tends to look upon the Cherbourg and several other cities and the and urged the unemployed or that fight is your union. Build to combat anti semitism and Churchill Eden Tory combination, rather than party threatened with dissolution.
ganizations to send him the and defend your union. Streng. fascism. Working from its loupon the Labour Party.
then the bonds of unity with all cal headquarters at 163 Northe real opposition In the colonies, the anti imperialist allies of names of all families who were Stalinists Organize Right to Work Conto Chamberlain.
the French revolutionists face similar perse in need. He promised to send workers, regardless of creed. folk Street, the branch has begress to Whitewash Roosevelt race, or nationality. Their gun a series of open air meet More consistent is the reported decision of cution. In Tunis, three leaders of the dissolved out state investigators in such Transport House to make membership in the Liberal Constitutional Party have been ar cases.
problems are your problems. ings. held every Monday and Militant Labor League incompatible with rested for reconstituting cells of that party Demand Special Session (Continued from Page 1) two hundred were fired from Disunited, you re licked before are held at Norfolk and Delan.
Together you can solve them. Friday evening. The meetings membership in the party. The has con. the reconstituted organization of the La After he had ducked back in the morning at religious ser the projects in his lo you start.
sistently opposed collective security and Rocque Fascists is, of course, allowed to pro the Capitol, Max Geldman of vices. Perhaps the idea was cality, and how they had been cey Streets, and Rivington and conscription and has recently been making For Workers Action Clinton Streets.
considerable headway in local branches.
ceed with impunity. In Algiers, Chabane All, the Federal Workers Section, they would get further by pray. reinstated as the result of a the editor of El Ouma, the paper of the Peoing than by any plan that the strike.
When the bosses say they Pointing out the menace of It is attacked as Trotskyist. The Militant, ple Party of Algeria, whose recent election Stalinists had to offer. woman delegate from Chi can afford to pay a living advancing fascism in the official organ of the League, announces in its victory we reported in these columns. has Like so many Big Businesslast issue a campaign, centered around an orcaso brought the house down wage, then let the workers take United States, the members of been held in prison incommunicado under a men, the stalinists talk more when she said, We delegates selves. Elect shop committees. among the workers of the East branch are agitating ganizing tour, to resist and to ra despicable charge that becoming usu in about economic recovery than ought to stay here until we take support in the local sections for revolutionary these persecutions: Connivance with foreign relief; the climax of the Con home something.
Demand the right to inspect the side for the need of building a socialism.
gress is to be adoption, not of One after another, the dele company books. Force the workers defense guard as the a fighting program for relief, gates told their story of starva cutting of the 50, 000 and 100, only answer to fascist but of a resolution on econo(Continued from Page 1)
tion, misery and repression in 000 salaries of the bosses. Form threat.
mic recovery.
the land of the New Deal. But defense guards to protect your In addition to the open air on the head with a shovel Rodgers lifted another shovel the leaders about the workers Alliance, this session says: Demand jobs. branch has planned, there will Not a word is being said by to the Stalinist leaders of the unions and your right to strike. meetings, leaflets and literathat the he was set upon, tied hand and ingredie nearly haine hundred wates Simple one stehe dele and organize into unions to en: be regular meetings at the One afternoon while waiting for the mall to to walk right by without even so much as the river from which his body from rolls by the Rooses offered soles ar as that the open be expanded, not cur are interested in joining the was glancing at the papers.
recovered come in a group of us are talking about the days velt administration.
later gress support the Casey Murtailed. Demand 30 for 30 hours campaign against anti semitThis makes them a little peeved as you can coming war which we agree will be conducted and fascism are urged to Mississippi Democratic GovMisery Described ray Bill for three million a week. Demand a cessation ism in the name of humanity and democracy so imagine and they run after him and grab him. The delegates themselves at Ar jobs. Casey addressed of the squandering of billions get in touch with the local parof dollars for the coming boss ty headquarters.
that the Steel Corp. will not perish from by the arm and say what do you mean by not much less ordered action. Nor tested to the need for action the Congress and how seriSaluting the officers and what do you mean has any word been uttered on when, during the Sunday after ously he takes his bill, which the earth, when one guy tells us a story about by not picking up all the papers when we tell the lynching from the head of conditions in their home com jobs than that proposed by more a friend of his who did not feel like dying for you?
the party to which the Gover. munities. One after another. Roosevelt, is indicated by the dear old Standard Oll in 1917.
The Paper He Was Waiting for nor belongs, President Roose they told of the misery and fact that he spent this time, not It seems this guy was a conscientious obvelt.
The guy just looks at them and says, first jector and tried to avoid the draft by ducking Other Lynchings of all, my friends, am no longer in the army in a closet or pretending like he never was The lynching of Rodgers is home towns. Every delegate ing hosannahs to Roosevelt.
born, and so of course he was soon snatched and you have no right to yell at me, and if the fifth in these democratic showed that the condition of the The bill only provides a minup by the government goon squads which payou do will inform the President of the states for 1939. It followed by than it has ever been, and rap workers and even if seriously York Division of the Youns tween other Yipsel activities Last Saturday night the New, only one or two rehearsals beUnited States and secondly, my very good only nine months the lynching idly growing worse.
trolled the streets and made sudden raids on friends. am no longer interested in picking in this same town of Claude pushed does not begin to pro People Socialist League promuffed lines here or there, homes in the middle of the night.
up little pieces of paper because have at last Banks, on July 21, 1938.
Yet, the majority of dele. vide sufficient jobs.
vided an audience that filled were obviously nervous at their When he is marched into the training camp. found the one am looking for, and with this Mrs. Roosevelt to Speak this bird tells the Generals he is unwilling to the Cultural Center with a real first attempt, yet they perhe shows them the discharge paper which the ing 1939 are: Walter Lee Fra other known lynchings dur gates followed the Stalinist line dutifully, no matter how it con For the rest, the further ses thrill. Faced with innumerable formed commendably.
fight against people he has never even heard Generals have given him.
zier, shot, Eldorado, Arkansas: flicted with their statements stons of the Congress will be obstacles, the Drama Every member of the cast of or even seen. They throw him in the jug to wait for a trial where he will be charged with Well, some of the group thought this was a Charley Williams.
about the actual conditions at given over to pretty speeches Group nevertheless put over a deserves a round of applause: hanged treason and suspicion of being an enemy spy pretty smart trick and that this fellow should Woodcliff, Georgia; Miles home. One, for example, called from Mrs. Roosevelt, and as moving and dramatic presen Abe Hart, Stanley Jobes, Joe which is a joke because he had been a Sunday relief slashers Hoover Repub sorted New Deal Congressmen, tation of Irwin Shaw anti war Brady, Henry Addis, Manny be given a medal for outsmarting the govern Brown (white. shot. Panama ment, but it was agreed upon by several of us City. Florida: Lee Snell, shot. llcans and Garner Democrats. and the like.
play Bury the Dead whch Wein, Martin Harvey, School teacher and a Boy Scout leader for Arty eleven years back home in Davenport, Iowa, that there ain going to be no such tricks as Daytona Beach, Florida.
No one mentioned Roosevelt This Congress takes place left every one in the audience Fox, Edith Shorr, Earl Coleleading role in slashing relief. on the eve of Congressional more than pleased at having man. Arlene Montauk. Saul before anybody ever thought that the German want to get sucked into a light in which they Provocateur Exposed Southe described not only its proposed rellet budget for the of Roosevelt come.
Silverman, Sylvia Shwartz, people were only itching to slaughter the entire world with their bare hands.
have nothing to gain except six feet of nice Local San Francisco has erable conditions of the unem year beginning July 1, which plank, and a corner of the cul. And an extra round few yards of drapery, a Bert Bender, Connie Hammett.
brown earth or a pair of crutches they will This guy sits around in the cooler for two applause de expelled William have to be a lot smarter than the bird in the Fuente, convicted and adla civil liberties, discrimination million Jobs averaging over the for stage and set. be realism Gerold and Bob Chester.
ployed, but suppression of provides a maximum of two tural Center were all they had for the director. Martin Eden weeks waiting to be tried before a military story.
jury, and all the while he is thinking how can mitted thief of party funds, year which Yet, they and the technical staff, Bert against Negroes, and the union coming means This time the bosses are all prepared and he present his case in such a way as to make smashing attitude of the local 1, 350, 000 less jobs than and horror of trench lite. Au It is to be hoped that the managed to convey the paid informer and provocathe soldiers see his point of view, and he has anyone who hopes to be excused from service teur.
politicians. But that these poli there were in November. And but one or two had never be Drama Group will now plan just about given up when a knock comes on in the gang which is to divvy up the world for Description: Age 24, the door and he ticians are part of Roosevelt this Congress remains silent on fore appeared in a stage. Yet, series of performances in varitold he is about to receive the sole benefit of the Chamber of Com height feet 11 inches.
sentence and will he oblige by standing up and merce and the Generals will be thrown into democratic machine was not this question. Such is the mis. they made real and poignant ous parts of the city, and that weight 155, dark complexion, once mentioned.
rule of the Stalinist scoundrels the story of dead men risen they will be allowed more time facing the judge.
the jug pronto and then tried for treason, the brown eyes, wears glasses, Respond to Militancy who rule this affair.
penalty for which is death.
Gets Five Years speaks with a slight stutter.
against the horror of war. They to prepare the presentation of No, trying to hide under the bed or hoping Obedient to the Stalinist Speaks Spanish fluently. apwere imperfectly rehearsed this and other plans. The Group So they sentence him to five years of hard that the bosses will allow you to remain at leaders though they were, these parently well educated, Special Offer. they were able to sandwich in has a great future before it.
delegates responded with labor and assign him to a training camp for home just because you are a conscientious objector will not mean a thing, because one guy quick witted, interesting constorms of applause whenever TWO BOUND VOUMES work but he is by this time of very little use versationalist, interested in the slightest hint of militancy of the to the army, because he is all the time runhere and another one there will be easy pick music, art, literature. was uttered. When the dele SOCIALIST APPEAL ning around picking up little pieces of paper ings for the special squads and the to Claims to be journalist, and stuffing them in his pockets.
locate and arrest. But if the trade unions and gate from Racine, Wisconsin has worked as clerical work told the audience that we 1937 and 1938 Every time he spots a discarded newspaper the other workers organizations resist and er. Olaims special knowcome down here not to theorize Both for only 00 includor an old cigaret package he rushes over to it demand peace and fight, we ll get somewhere.
ledge of psychology. At but for action, the other deleYou can bet your last shirt that if the workand snatches it up like a demon and stows it ing postage time of exposure. May 20.
away in his coat and soon all the soldiers ers sit down in the steel mills, the coal mines, gates lustily applauded him.
1939, had broken right arm Another burst of applause This 25 reduction holds make fun of him and deliberately litter up the the railroads and the clothing shops, the Genin cast, good for only a few weeks!
grounds so as to make him run around all day erals would have a tough time trying to drag came when a delegate told how collecting the papers, and everybody knows the youth of the country off to the slaughter.
he is teched in the head and soon there de The bosses would be very happy to isolate velops a kinder attitude on the part of the An Unusual Combination Offer!
all the individuals who are against war and ESCAPE FROM THE WORLD FAIR!
soldiers and even some of the officers shoot them one by one in dark basements, but (until June 15th)
cause it is a pitiful sight to see this poor fel it is a horse of a different color when tens of low become so delirious over a mere scrap of thousands of workers decide to stay on a sitIn Combination old paper.
down strike instead of shooting their class Studs Lonigan NO. 1After this goes on for several months and brothers somewhere in Europe FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and they realize he is of no use the army and The bosses do not fear the lone conscienCaptains James Cannon and James Farrell promise a rip roaring kame SOCIALIST APPEAL for one year both for 75 has about as much future as a cake of ice, tious objector because he can be spotted at DANCING REFRESHMENTS (Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign) 75 they call him in the office of the General and once what the bosses fear is the united action shoot a lot of questions at him which he either of the working class, because only such action FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and cannot answer or replies to so foolishly that OC can put a crimp into the war plans. SATURDAY, JUNE 10 SOCIALIST APPEAL for six months both for HECKSCHER FOUNDATION 56 (Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign)
they decide to discharge him, and tell him he So if you know anybody who does not want can go home and forget all about the army to fight for the profits of the 60 Families, tip P.
104th Street and 5th Ave.
NO. Well, he thanks them and goes out. On his him off to this little idea, because otherwise FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and way across the big parade grounds there is a he will be snatched before he has a chance to NEW INTERNATIONAL for one year both for 75 bunch of second lieutenants who have had even make a statement. Tell him that his (Foreign) 25 great fun with our friend teasing the dickens place is in the ranks of the working class and Order from: out of him whenever they could and when they that there is a real job to be done if the war see him coming they throw a lot of scraps of is to be stopped, and it can and will be stopped No extra charge Bring bathing caps.
paper all over the grounds and when he walks when the workers as a class decide to clamp near they yell at him and say hey dumbell, down on the bosses and their stooges. the Admission: 850 Special price to Yipsels New York City here is a nice new batch of papers to pick up Generals. Peace will come about then and Proceeds go to the American Fund for Political Prisoners and Refugees but he pays no attention to them and proceeds only then. Round of Applause for them to me internen in gebeur beds The Yipsel Drama Group Fascism and Big Business The New International Socialist Appeal BASEBALL The Marxist Maulers in a Return Match with the SWIMMING Exclusive Use of the Pool