BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGermanyInvasionItalySocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1939 Why Has Curran Started NMU Spy Scare?
In the Knifing Tanker Strike Labor Mobilizes Behind Labor With Hot Oil Policy Unions Eide in Mpls. Election YOU KNOW, IT AIN CRICKET TO PICKET Bubin Postk Street Schroeders Euclid Ateame Seafarers Strike Ends with Some We are enclosing 10. 00 on BRANOX RESPONSE TO Concessions to Men our bundle order and will pay EMERGENCY APPEAL: up the balance in short To the The strike of the Seafar.
time. St. Paul branch.
mounting list of ers International branches that have responded Union against the Eastern SteamFrom Murry Weiss, Los An to our danger signal we wish The Membership of the Long Ago ship Co. ended on Saturday Trade Union Committee Directs Campaign geles organizer, we receive the to add East Oakland, Calif.
when the men voted to go following reply to our request Washington, and Minne For Slate Anti Labor Law Main Issue By WIDICK Had the Facts on King Treachery back to work on the basis of for increased circulation of the apolis. We can now report that minor concessions. granted Appeal, and payment on debts: Threat of a strike by the powby the company. This is what we intend to do our position has improved conWith the Curran leadership Hennessey as shipowners erful teamsters union in Cleve: still postponing the actual trial. stool pigeons as far back as In view of the fact that the MINNEAPOLIS With Governor Harold Stassen and his fero This coming Thursday at Red siderably but we are not yet land, this week swiftly the suspension of King and October 1938. This charge was the Eastern cious Anti Labor Law one of the major issues in the Minneapolis seamen on brought employers to Card meeting we will pose the completely out of the danger their Hennessey from the National substantiated by the personnel Steamship Company had not municipal election, the mighty trade union movement of this question squarely before the zone.
city is mobilizing behind the labor slate of candidates headed membership. The State Execu.
knees and won considerable Maritime Union on charges of director of the National Marihad a strike in thirty years, The following cities haven concessions for the truck driv being shipowners sples contin time Commission, Daniel Ring.
the conclusion of the strike, by Eide with a unanimity that has not been reached since tive Committee devoted prac been heard from at all: Oakers in a signed two year conues into its fifth week.
while it did not win the comthe campaign of the late Farmer Labor Governor, Floyd Olson, tically the entire last meeting land, Calif. Baltimore, Flint, who boasted before an anti Istract.
in the Fall of 1934.
plete demands of the men, to a discussion of the critical University City, Mo. YoungsThe new agreement provides ment of the spy trial is raising people were elected in the This continuous postpone bor gathering. some of our constituted a step forward In the primary election held May 8, Mayor George Leach. situation of the press and our town, Columbus, Philadelphia.
for a five cent hourly wage in doubts and questions among jingoist, National Guardsman and candidate of the bosses, led responsibility in this matter: Seattle and Wisconsin. Where in the unionization drive of crease, effective immediately, the membership. Is the Seafarers International Eide by 37, 000 to 31. 000. Prac.
Curran Despite this mounting evialso the course of action for are they?
for nearly 3, 500 union truck trying to hide his refusal to stop dence, Curran kept silent. His Union on the East Coast tically the entire labor slate. bor forces in Minneapolis. our Party locally. Everything drivers and loading dock workevery one. union member. While claiming that it is the in our power will be done to. The next issue will contato ers. It provides for 48 hour putting the blame on a scape every essential, the policies of the movement of hot oil by silence was understandable. In placed on the ticket.
policy of our administration not liquidate our share of the re information about our drive for work week, with a three hour goat? Is the postponement of King were the same as the polSince the primaries, the Stas to interfere in any election con sponsibility to the press during 250 renewal subscriptions by leeway in case of necessity sen machine has moved in all test. Stassen wrote that am the next months.
June 15.
the trial a sign of Curran fear icles of Curran. Both supported making maximum hours 51 per that a public trial might bring the government fink hall. Both finals on June 12. It was the that the people of Minnesota SOCIALIST APPEAL NEW INTERNATIONAL week.
out his own complicity in the supported the government Under the new wage scale policies of King? Is the sus training ship. Curran, like Stassen issue, above all, that who supported me last fall to loading dock workers will get pension without trial a means King, favored cooperation with drew the tremendous labor end the radical and corrupt 67 cents an hour and helpers of holding a spy scare over the the government. Curran, uke vote May and continues to control of the State Capitol are Can be obtained at the following Newsstands 62 cents an hour. Drivers of membership in order to keep King, was using the union pile up support for the union now opposing you and support MANHATTAN 817 Straight St.
Eckhart News Agency, ordinary cartage trucks will re back any progressive tenden membership as a means of slate Cherry Katherine St. Monroe ing Mayor Leach.
With the Farmer Labor ParMadison St. Stationery Store 104 Washington St.
When Stassen answer was lard General Store. Ellex DeNear Knickerbocker Village. VI NEW HAVEN, Conn.
drivers of the truck and trailer cies from fighting the slow suf caining personal power and (Special to the Socialist Appear ty in Minneapolis, as through published in the daily press, lancey staS. Houston clinton.
Nodelman Newsstand outfits used in local hauling focation of the tanker strike in prestige. An Investigation that NEW YORK. At a meeting out the 160 Rm. 305 will receive 88 cents an hour, the stream of moving hot oil?
showed King policies were on Friday, June 2, the New wrecked, the direction of the rushed to the courthouse to stan with an est Cor. Sith Weston, Heavy machinery drivers will those of the shipowners would York Teachers Union took an municipal campaign is in the register for voting.
Cor 12th Charge Camouflage Nowy store and AM Sang Set News, 37 Monroe Ceshinsky Bookstore get 95 cents an hour.
The charges that led to the also show that Curran policies other long stride backward in hands of a Volunteer Trade Committee campaign, the Labor Campaign and Ave. 12th st. near Cate Roy With but ten days left in the Ave and Ave. sth St. Stuyvesant suspension were made on May were the same as King Ex. its career under stalinist con Union Campaign 2730 Division St.
Crack Boss Unity 12 when Joseph Curran gave pulsion of the big shot of trol. Faced by a crisis in the headed by the president of the Committee is on the radio ev 20. Waverly we saw Water Baltimore St.
Blederman 184 Second Ave. Univ.
But Local 407 of the Interna. report on the connection be. yesterday would justify the ex city educational budget, and Minneapolis Teamsters Joint ery night blasting away at the Pi. 12th SL NE 14th sl Univ.
North Howard St.
bluntly told to accept a cut in Council.
tional Brotherhood of Team tween the efforts of the em pulsion of Curran today.
Stalinist Strategy Leach Stassen machine. Scores PL. 14th St way.
the city educational services ployers to destroy the union, sters of which Ed Murphy, and the present situation reAn even more important rea or a drastic cut in salary, the local Farmer Labor Executive letters to their memberships, 1st Stand SE 1th st th Ave Nominally members of the of trade unions are sending out the last Robert Zettlemover Hamilton St.
Paul Sherr, 7th Hamilton st.
20. est president, broke the ean: garding the tanker strike. He son for the silence was the cun stalinist leaders of the union Committee are supposed to urging them to vote the union 1806 North Franklin se PHILADELPHIA PA.
ployers united front by reach charged that the tanker strike in the leadership. They they voted down a proposal for mittee. Actually, they have pate in the last minute cam ticket straight and to particl SLOpD. Jefferson Theatre stoth Cor. In and Markets Sts.
Ing an agreement with the was being undermined by Jer wanted to save King for a fu a picket line to be drawn played almost no role in the paign work.
40th st. and Girard Ave.
8th st. and Arch St.
Cleveland group of Certified ome King and Hennessey and Permit Motor Carriers, an who were shipowners spiesture day, to use him as a scape around the Board of Education campaign. The stalinists on the QUAKERTOWN, PA. 42nd SL 5th Ave. Active Esser Newsstand Fifty ninth Street. L Executive Committee, and Front West Broad Sta.
organization composed mainl; The reason he gave for asking coat whenever their control be Building One Stalinist exclaimed with the Communist party, have acThe Socialist Workers Party 6th Ave 8th St, sth Ave, 38th St of long distance haulers. The their suspension was that he needed to turn the hatred of horror, What, picket line tually sabotaged the labor cam BOSTON, MASS, is playing an active role in the 38th St 13i 33rd St Andelman Tremont st. opp. Hotel Cleveland Draymen Employ intended in this way to the membership away from with signs. On being assured paign. few days after Eide campaign, and has many mem 1704. 76 Greenwich Ave, 8th steth Ave. 51 Univ. Pl.
Rand Book Bradford)
ers Association knuckled under strengthen the and the their own sell outs to the sell that the progressive group in was nominated by the trade bers working in the trade union Store 15th st. 23rd St. 4th Felix Massachusetts Ave, at following this development.
tanker strike.
outs of others.
Harvard Sq.
Members charge that Murphy announced that rep.
the union wanted a picket line unions, the Stalinists prevailed campaign committees in the Sten So White Sama Sandole the Were they honest themselves. not a secret parade, the Stalin. upon Kleve Flakne, political all workers to clean the stas Away. candy store oth St LYNN. MASS.
various wards. We are urging Ave. 2nd st resentatives of all truck driv. claim of strengthening the the Curran. 10 Foto Lyocum.
and Communistists stalled for a half hour tillhack, to file ers unions in the state engaged or the tanker strike is party machines in control of their innocents could cool off.
sen Leach Associated Sam Corner, Olympia Square in long distance hauling would simply a camouflage to hide the would long since then, by a straight machine Stalinist Sabotage ROXBURY, MASS.
tries gang out of the city court! Columbus Aves 06th St, Cent meet this week in Columbus, the drowning of the tanker have suspended the alleged vote. they killed the proposal. Communist party started the dates of the April trade union St. Nicholas Ave Wigerson Labor During the campaign the house by voting for all candi Moon Shola Ave. Friendly Variety Warren St. Grove o. to formulate a state wide strike in hot oil. Had Curran, stool pigeons. The membership Local of the American worst sort of whispering cam MINNEAPOLIS, MINN contract for the over the road they charge, been really inter demanded it. Curran himself Federation of Teachers was paign against Eide and the la convention.
Madison Ave. 90th St.
Slinder Shorts 21 Marquette BRONX Kronan, Fourth Shop haulers.
ested in strengthening the admits that he received once militant. Friday meet. bor candidates. In at least one the socialist workers Party has long and Ayat Se Southernobyte The Cleveland contract is an. against internal enemies, he flood of resolutions demanding ing is a good example of what ward, they were caught sabo distributed 5, 000 leaflets in sup in Seth Sheremerome Jerome 410 Washington Blvd.
other impressive step forward would long ago have exposed that libel charges be pressed happens to a union under Stal taging the distribution of elecCLEVELAND, Himac control Drug port of the trade union slate of the Teamsters Union in the the Kings and the Hennesseys against Loones to find out how linist not cricket to plcket. bor candidate was too close to In this leaflet we also set forth 174th St Boston Road, King For Browder tion literature because the la mid west area to the membership. Months be much truth there was to the boys, it not Ave, Freeman st. Southern vd.
Meriam Bullding. Room 214 the Trotskyltes. Their behavour basic differences with both bridge Rd Jerome Avea East MoBook Shop. Public Sq.
Clay Workers had known the details he later flle interest in an honest lead. Special Discussions lor in this election has become the political program and the Avec Micellar Grand concours NYOUNGSTOWN, OHIO The United Brick and Clay disclosed. He had written a ership it became doubly the Nick s, Wick St. and Commerce a state scandal and has clearly bor campaign. We urge the BROOKLYN Workers Union, affiliated to the pamphlet called The Member. duty of the currans and the On Program of SAN FRANCISCO exposed them as being the most trade unions to take the next cor. Myrtle Ave Havemeyere Straus cor. Pitkin Ave. Tompkins Church Stbet. Chapel Conter American Federation of Labor, ship Wins Again Record of Communist party machines to Liebknecht School bitter opponents of the developannounced in Canton. o. this Recent Events in the National expose the kings and the Henlogical step and form Minst Sutter Pin Xan Sensatte MacDonald Bookstore, 4th St Embarcadero newsstand ing Labor Party movement.
Rockaway cor. Pitkin Ave, 176 Sutter week that it had obtained a Maritime Union in which he nesseys. This Curran had promTwo special discussions will It is the Minneapolis neapolis Labor Party and sug Avessth St Bric. tontech Ave one year contract with 32 clay exposed some men and added ised to do.
on Monday, March 6, the Na Golden Sutter Newsletter. SL products plants in Ohio, Penn There are others. Yet he did Inside, he tional Council of the the Kari Liebknecht School, carrying the burden of the a party should have Against Avechi Ring, Shoes Boulanger as New Arrency: ald Ditmars Ave. Sth Ave 10th.
not name them.
sylvania and Indiana.
QUEENS Ray a Smoke Shop, 1203 Butter It was a compromise agree wrote, was the big shot. But met at the Hotel Governor educational center of the campaign on its shoulders and the War For Twenty Billion Room 11. 542 Valencia St. SWP)
Socialist furnishing all the finances. Public Works Program For Young 3023 Grand Ave. 19. Broadway. BookClear Store 132 Pollettore 433 Clinton st. 257 Clinton St. Bookstore 03 Haight (nr. Fillmore)
of the present 58 cents an hour suarded his name with a cloak But the charges were shunted League in New York. The first Scores of unions have donated the expansion or for cor.
Cumberland clinton Sta Cedar Care Cigar Stand, 544 Larkin basic rate of pay and the 40 of silence and permitted bim aside. The Pilot anaounced that Life. a lecture by Ernest Er Trade union campaign commitWorkers Defense Guards, etc. OS ANGELES, CALDES cor. Main Clinton Sts.
Broadway. Room 312 hour. to bereditor of the challenge of cor. Main South Ave.
SAN DIEGO, CALIF Main Street East Clinton Ave.
Universal News Co. 212 Broadway South, southeront corewards Main Street East, Cronstore 1166. 13a St.
AKRON, OHIO manded a 10 per cent reducKept silent cisions that had to be brought held on Saturday, June 17 at the work for the labor slate.
News Exchange, 51 Main St 208 Clinton North Cumblant and labor campaign headquar: CAMP SEVEN OAKS. Eaten Levine Dellentessen, tion.
The members point out that before the membership for acon June 24 at p. a sym ters have been set up in all town, Tennis. Swim Ave. North at 257 Clinton Next cor. Bartges Main St.
The clay Industry was the Curran waited until May 12. tion immediately.
ming. Ping pong. Plumbing Carl Brothers, 433 Clinton Ave.
scene of long and bitter strike almost a full month after the The spy charges against King posium on the currently spot parts of the city.
Stassen Exposes Self 50 per day. 14 a week.
12th. betwoxAnd Washington struggles especially from 1934 tanker strike had begun and and Hennessey, which were not lighted Palestine problem will Last week, after unmistak Car leaves every Friday al. Reitman cor. Brond William Broadway. Hear Toket to 1937 in this area. One of the the flow of hot oil was al important enough to take up be conducted. Prominent com7 from 58 4th St. to Leren Bodeton Market, Camp. Make reservations, Stand 11 Springfield Ave.
during biectives as the undon ready beginning to drown it, uime in the quiet of a meeting Fades among them, Felix Mor that sexscence came to light 3513 Woodwal Pel please! You may also pitch Admission for both sessions political bosses and state emST. LOUIS, MO.
an area pact. It has succeeded. and fixed upon King and Hen come sufficiently important to your tent at Seven Oaks. We Foster Book Company SEATTLE WASHINGTON nessey. He was familiar all be thrown like a bombshell in will be ten cents. five cents to ployes to work for Leach.
furnish it and you can have PATERSON, Rymer Book Store, 90 ron Roth Cigar Store, 1407 First Ave use of Camp Kitchen, 20 for Guabello Stationery Store Spontaneous action by fifty along with the facts which led to the midst of the tanker Yipsels and friends. Both Eide wrote an open letter to 4033 University Way workers on a project in him to conclude that they were strike. Why? Because, Curran courses will be given at 51 the Governor, asking him if it the summer. Phone: EatenYoungstown brought expected shipowners spies.
is drowning the tanker strike Street, the school headquar was with his sanction that state employes were active in town 515.
results. The men stormed into Loones, self confessed King in hot oll and wants to divert ters.
Leach campaign. offices demanding that tool who had been double attention from this crime Join the Socialist Stassen answer was an ad. Get Your APPEAL an order to drop their project crossed, had come out with an against the striking mission that his machine was be rescinded.
expose of Jerome King and seamen.
Workers Party backing Leach to defeat the laThe men won their demand at MILWAUKEE WOODS and decided to form a permatrend of Roosevelt policy. definite policy the Congress No less Is there confusion of nent organization of which has been so evident since contented itself with passing a mind in the Government party (end of Milwaukee DUBLIN LETTER and unemployed workers to the failure of his New Deal. resolution welcoming the ef. itself, and the problem of holdAvenue carline. Continued from Page 1)
protect their interests. It has Having criticised De Valera forts being made by His Holling all the rank and file with Games Sports Barbecue ally Beal returned to the United been named the Federal Workin some detail, the article ness the Pope and President out making speeches which Drinks States with the determination ers Union. Shop steward sysadds: It will be seen that Roosevelt towards to seek vindication. On Januworld will merely encourage the in Ballgame ary 14, 1938, he was suddenly tems were set up on various Roosevelt and De Valera are peace.
crease of anti British feeling projects and over 1, 000 workleft with the sole support of Leader of the Party, Bill Nor among them is taxing the arrested at his brother home ers enrolled. All this has hapthe bankers, the international ton, speaking of Eire defense brains of Mr. De Valera and and the men of our Army win place and the scene of many in Lawrence, Mass. his birthpened in little over a month. ists, the British few militant unionists did this Freemasonry, and the pink in contemplating complete collab in their day to day utterances stand up against it today the of his earlier labor activities good work. It shows what can Lellectualists of their respective oration with Britain, said: We still more in those of their same as we all stood against it He waived extradition, surrenbe done.
countries. Both ally themselves have one invader in the six back benchers in 1918.
This hymn reached its apex 16. 1938, and going to North By RODERICK CONNOR year and a policy Drivers Celebrate DUBLIN. June The May fight that election. Which to to England and seek ways to Counties (British troops in Defense Minister Frank at Cork County Council on May Carolina to begin serving his Roosevelt, cover their utter failure.
Northern Ireland. Is there any ken is feverishly exhorting Akron truck drivers are soon issue of Republican Review, it continues, Instead of seek The article is symptomatic sense, therefore, in putting out young men to join the Volun when Martin Corry, sentence while continuing the to celebrate the sixth anniver a monthly political review ex ing to attain the goal of social of the steady development an invader in Kerry with the teers and the Eire Army who Government deputy. referring fight for vindication.
sary of the formation of their pressing Irish Republi justice for his people and the of nationalist sentiment here aid of a power that continues will be called on to defend our to English explosion trial senkilled on the night of June 7, union. Dan Tobin, International can Army) viewpoint features preservation of their essential from being merely anti British to occupy six of our counties in coasts against an invasion by tences said. the Axis Powers, should such When you talk of culture 1929, during an attack on of Teamsters, is scheduled to ing with the British King vis neutrality, now seeks to link not yet affected the definitely Perhaps more significant of occur, but when he got down can only wish that some Ger headquarters of the National it to the and with De Va the destinies of America to the republican and anti British but growing anti British feeling in to the wilds of West Cork on mans or somebody else would Textile Workers Union, which Local 348. which is sponsor lera abandoned visit. Re Western democracies.
ing the celebration, has some ublican Review is run by an The ordinary observer would Party, but so strong was the the action of 22 Irish labor to Brigadier Sean Noonan who some of that kind of culture This attack followed a similar thing worth talking about. Be editorial committee, chief tig be staggered at the extraordi divergence of opinion on the unions, all affiliated to the Irish died fighting the British, he that we had from an English assault on the headquarters of high as 100 a week for over the bride. barrister. Irish corre ship of this latest example of the annual congress of that admits British unions operating purposes of arming Irish tences on men who did their when the headquarters was duty to this country.
wrecked and the food supplies road drivers down to 60, and spondent of Havas agency, from 70 and 80 to 40 for local former Adjutant General the article referring to Presi decided not to take vote ting up a new body called the that memorial should be the British Hun and whilst one the attack of June Aderholt peace blundering, continues party on April 19 that it was in Ireland to affiliation, in set youths. It is fitting, he said. have a life experience of the shooting that accompanied of the strikers destroyed. In drivers, the union has raised It is sponsored by the Separist dent Roosevelt recent invita on a resolution proposed Advisory Council of Irish Trade erected here to inspire the wages from 25 to 100. With Club which mainly comprises tion to Germany and Italy, if by Trinity College undergradu Unions. Important unions in. youth of today to defend the sod of Irish soil is held by them was killed and two police of all but two firms vacations university undergraduates who Roosevelt had not already ate William Maslin declar cluded in new move are: Trish Constitution and to recover our so long will they be entitled to ficers and one strike reader with pay are in signed con belong to the tracts This article asserts: De Va he has abandoned the poor and association with British imperi Union, Irish Bakers and Con Addressing a recruiting meet my No. in the eyes of the were wounded. It is the conten tion of Beal and his supporters Milk drivers, coal drivers, Iera has lost the confidence of forgotten men of America andalism, insisting on Ireland fectioners Union, Irish National ing at Swords, Dublin County Irish race.
that he did not take part in the bakery drivers and newspaper the nationalists of Ireland and gone over to the international right to pursue her own foreign Union of Woodworkers, Irish on May 1, when the conscrip Limerick City Branch of the shooting and that he was in no drivers have been organized Roosevelt is rapidly losing the money lords of Wall Street and policy and calling on the Ad Union of Distributive workers tion scare was at its height Government party on May 16, way guilty of the crime for. So to which he was convicted.
Podobo essagin At Your Service left. It has the United and Eire Premier at this time many and Italy. But, the in untii provision has been made Transport and General Work be imposed by Britain, he of Eire citizenship. to ban the Rubber Workers Union in situ because he is seeking two sult to Germany and Italy im to satisfy the needs of the Irish ers Union, Dublin Typographi said, let Britain have no doubt wearing of British uniform by THE APPEAL ations like the Goodyear strike things: a third term of office plled in this cheapjack, cute people at reasonable prices. cal Society and Irish Women whatever that the men of Ire members of Army on leave in POSTER SHOP last year.
at the Presidential election next peace invitation shows the Instead of expressing any Workers Union.
land, the men of Fianna Fail, Eire.
People asked for a 12 per cent pay in. amde betray them to the shiption was taken, because of the roue dit mis discussionlenece be working class wards to further ANNOUNCEMENTS DETROIT SocialROATMICHL card Book War Room CHICAGO PICNIC BEAL PRESENTS At the Newsstand This Sunday: une PARDON PLEA On the Growth of Irish Nationalism speak,