AnarchismCommunismFranceGermanyIV InternationalSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers Party

Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International. Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III No. 40 TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1939 3c a Copy 5, 000 PROTEST AGAINST CUTS Down to the Bone To Cut Rolls Another 100, 000 in June Minneapolis St. Paul Demonstrators Press Demands on Governor RELIEF STANDARD Tie Up Projects For Day Marchers Ask More Jobs, No Firing CONGRESS ROOSEVEN TO ALLIANC LYNCH NEGRO get millions more cheap. But, WORKER IN MISSISSIPPI WAA CONGRESS borele day. Wirtually every SHUNS NEEDS OF JOBLESS Carlo Coughlin Hides a Boss Solution Behind Plea for Living Wagės Will Bring Total Number of Guinea Pigs Persecution of Sacrificed Since November to 850, 000 No French Labor Jobs in Industry for Dismissed Workers Militants Continues Fernand Vintriguer, manAnother 100, 000 workers are to be dropped, sent aging director of Le Liberto beg for home relief if they can get it, with no hope of taire. organ of the Anarchist Union of France, has private employment! That is the cold blooded decision of the been sentenced to one year (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Roosevelt Administration in jail, and Pierre Le MeilMINNEAPOLIS, June Pressing their demands for These 100, 000 are to be dropped in June, bringing the lour, contributing writer, reinstatement of all discharged workers for more to fifteen months in jail, by total dropped since November to the staggering figure of jobs at union wages, and against competitive bidding the Daladier government.
850, 000.
with it will go Roosevelt popTheir crime was the for trucking, an army of 5, 000 and relief In the words of Congress ularity. The masses cannot eat writing and publication of an workers descended yesterday on the State Capitol. comman Dudley White, the his cannons. They want bread, article, in the issue of De mittee of sixteen, representing the demonstrators, presented cember 22, 1938, on the les first cuts were an experiment and bread they will have, in sons of the November 30 the demands to Governor Harold Stassen.
to see whether relief expendi workers who showed the world general strike.
Early Friday morning, Local 544 Federal Workers Sectures could not be cut down the great sit down wave of The Daladier government tion dispatched truckloads of workers to the various has also suppressed the somewhat as economic recov unionization will not starve for Roosevelt or anybody else SIA. organ of Internationprojects to close them down ery progressed. When you al Anti fascist Solidarity in experiment with cutting up France, which took no part in internal politics, but project in Minneapolis guinea pigs it doesn matter which was active in rousing shut down. Hundreds of much if the pigs die, you can aid for the Spanish anti fastrucks driven by members of 700cist refugees.
the Independent Truck Ownpresumably, the millions of unSuzanne Charpy, Trotskyemployed and their families ist youth leader, has lost her ers Section of General Drivare not guinea pigs to experilast appeal, and must go to ers Local 544 carried the ment with, leave and die.
Jail, sentenced for anti war demonstrators through the Worse Than Guinea Pigs activity Yet in a laboratory experiIn many cases, it is diffi Right to Work Con loops of both Minneapolis and ment, once the desired result is cult to learn the circumTortured with Hot St. Paul to the State Capitol.
gress Aims at White The Holiday was called in the achieved, the experiment is stances for of arrests, concluded, and no more guinea among the infamous DaladIrons, Shot, for washing Roosevelt name of a united front Joint pigs are slaughtered. But in the ier decree laws, it is a crime Action Committee representing By GRACE SAUNDERS case of the unemployed, the Refusing Pay Cut to make public the news of the Federal Workers Section By STAN LAUREN slaughter goes on even after it the arrest of persons seized and the Independent Truck Father Coughlin, anti labor end once and for all of the thing that the unions must go.
has been ascertained that ecoradio priest, is now taking the waste of time loss and the men He not so positive that even for anti military work. Special to the WASHINGTO teme Owners Section of Local 544; nomic recovery has not taken (By Start Writer)
stump for a living annual ace to morale in strikes. then then the bosses would come the Workers Alliance of Mincare of those dropped.
NEW YORK, June The wage. Every crooked politi the bosses would probably be through. He says they prob. Salem More than 1, 200 delegates from neapolis and St. Paul, and the every part of the country were Workers Benefit Association of issue of the Socialist Appeal, Advancement of Colored Peo nun wage. Words and croco Coughlin assures us that in the a living annual wage. But sup Votes Relief brought here this week to at St. Paul.
tend the National Right to the American Association of ple today revealed the hot tron dile tears for the worker and automobile industry (in which pose the bosses double cross Investigation Stalinists Dragked Along Social Workers established in a torture lynching of Joe Rode the unemployed are cheap.
Work Congress staged by the he seems particularly interest the workers? They have in the Stalinist controlled Workers Al unemployed for the demonstra Only the enthusiasm of the national survey two basicers, a Negro lumber worker, facts: Canton, Mississippl. Rodgers What every worker wants to ed) this could be done, and the past! They will in the future. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
liance, in an effort to white ton forced the workers All1. At its peak, failed was shot, brutally cut, tortured wage? Coughlin answer to ploye an annual wage of 2, 500. Coughlin, they would get in reknow is: how can get that bosses would pay every em If the workers foolishly obeyed LYNN Mass. The North wash the Roosevelt Administraance leaders to go along, and absorb large groups of needy by wat into the Pearl River by this vital question is the bosses Coughlin is certain about one turn for sacrificing their unions Shore Industrial Union council, tion slashing of the rolls they dragged their feet all the the possibility that the bosses delegate body of the on The first session opened yes mittee they refused to accept way. On the Joint Action Comeligible for such employment. the foreman of the mill at answer the same proposals they have tried to cram down would change their skins and May 19 voted to investigate the terday in the spacious Depart. such slogans New Deal claims that the which he was employed.
be glad to pay them a living relief situation in Lynn, Salem ment of Labor auditorium, with Funds to as All War sharp cuts since No. Rodgers crime was that he workers throats ever since Invember were justified by in had refused to accept a weekly bor organized and refused to er knows such possibility and other cities and towns an address by David Lasser, pointing out that the Workers creased possibilities for private wage deduction of 50 in pay work under conditions of vir.
is nothing but a fraud.
The action was taken after president, who stated that the porting the Roosevelt war ma employment were punctured by ment for renting a company. tual slavery. To get an annual Coughlin hides the facts. The the survey figures. From No owned cabin which he did not living wage, says Coughlin, you must destroy your trade unions unions have been strong in the numerous complaints had been fact that we are here. Indl chine. On at least one project vember 1938 to January 1939, occupy.
and remove the threat of. wages declined sharply Workers Alliance Official Silence automobile industry only since cene ved stromcereltet clients, entes that our national con hiday concerning forced labor prac gress has somehow failed in its steward was caught in the act 1936. If the untons, especially tices and chiseling on relief al responsibilities. But not one of insisting that the project re by nearly 10 per cent in two strikes. As simple as that.
No one has been arrested for the are the only thing lotments.
months while general (direct the crime, and the local papers Kick out the reds (Coughlin that keeps the bosses from payrelief rose even more sharply have maintained a complete and attack the Jews, send the In Salem, relief recipients lips that might show the dele the objections of both the working every worker 2, 500 a year, by 19 per cent.
silence. Town officials have ad foreigners back where they During that period 310, 000 vised residents to refrain from come from, call off strikes and Unionists Ask Free why did the bosses fail to pay are required to work a whole cates a way to fight for the ers and the supervisor who that sum before the industry day along with city employes right to work for the mill wished to close it down. Only were laid off but in the discussing the crime.
rely on the goodness and bensame time the general rellet According to the testimony of evolence of the bosses.
dom for Leader of was organized? In 1935, before on street or other work, but on lions of unemployed.
about 25 workers paraded unThis morning, the second day der the banner of the Minnely receive part of the day the had gained strength, rolls increased by more than the investigator, Rodgers on Gastonia Strike wage paid regular city em of the Congress, the dele apolis Workers Alliance, and a Detroit auto worker was lucky ployes for working the same gates were assigned to spend many women members of the 241, 000 cases. The same phen May refused to take a 50 Unions Must Go if he earned 1, 000 year. omenon has continued since. weekly cut, asking for full pay. If only we didn have the number of hours. Continued on Pare 3)
large percentage of the workW. who objected to the In other words, those cut oft ment. His foreman struck him unions, walls Coughlin, if only hearing on petition for ers earned far less. Why pro Roosevelt line of the StalW. jobs are not absorbed (Continued on Pare 3) industry were assured of an inists, came over to ride in the by private Jobs, but go to home pardon by Fred Beal, labor weren the bosses glad to trucks of the Federal Workers relief or starve.
leader now serving a sentence pay 2, 500 a year at that time?
Father Coughlin doesn exSection.
Yet in the face of these facts of from 17 to 20 years in North plain this, because it punctures Serve Demands on well known to the AdminisCarolina, will be held at Rahis phoney story.
tration of course the RooseAt 10:30 a. the motorized velt War Deal officials brazenleigh, on Thurday, June His Solution parade, several miles long. got ly continue chopping down the 8, before the Board of Paroles, The bosses are glad to pay under way. With horns honking employment rolls.
it was announced Monday by not 2, 500 a year but starva540, 000 Face Dismissal After World wide Criticism Batista Relents and with thunderous boos, the the Non Partisan Committee tion wages, and not a penny parade roared past the district Even in their present state for the Defense of Fred more, if unions don force Opens Temporary Concentration Camp office on West Broadof dismantling, the Increase in Number of Landlord Peasants Beal.
them to pay more. Without the way, where a committee enterrolls include 500. 000 more workBeal was convicted for the trade ed to press their demands.
unions, workers have ers than are provided for in Exposes Wide Crack in Soviet Economy shooting of Chief of Police o. been forced to slave twelve, concentration camp on the that they were to be deprived From there the demonstrat Roosevelt relief budget mesF. Aderholt in the celebrated fourteen, sixteen hours a day Isle of Pines, and that only as of succor and returned to the ors circled the Minneapolis sage of April 27. proposing an Gastonia textile strike of 1929. at coolte wages.
a temporary arrangement until fascist hell, struck the imagin courthouse, in which the city average of only two million drastic and sudden new to the statements of the new of which he was the leader.
they can be re embarked for ation of millions who had never Welfare Board was meeting. Jobs for the coming decree on agriculture, signed decree, that this right has been Under the North Carolina In free, that is non another destination, was all hitherto warmed to the plightEach truck and car had coloryear beginning July These by Stalin and Molotott and is exercised by many of the peas. law, the governor of the state untee market wother boss bia that the 917 Jewish refugees of the refugees.
ful banners and signs: All War half million workers face dls sued by the Kremlin on May ants to such an extent that they acts in petitions for clemency free to set workers to bia Aboard the liner St. Louis could Thousands, perhaps tens of Funds to the Unemployed recommendation of the against each other for ever missal shortly before or after 28. provides ten times more have virtually withdrawn from on secure from the Batista regime thousands, have committed su Give Stassen a 403 in 1940 For lower salaries. In the non of Cuba.
July, 11 Roosevelt has his way. significant comment upon con the collective farms and spend State Board of Paroles.
icide, in the fascist countries, a Special Session of the State union labor market, which Unionists Ask Freedom Sardonically enough, the Gal. ditions within the Soviet Union all of their time on their own And even this niggardly and rather than go on, and the facts Legislature. We Want Rat Beal petition is backed by Cousblin, advocates, worker cruel arrangement came only about mass suicides survey in which stmasked a triumph of socialism and the ants. comments the New York pleas for favorable action ad making 35 a week is asked to after world wide attention seeped through to the outer. Abolish the Stassen Anti Lacross section of people: What first stage of communism at Times dispatch in some redressed to Governorembers of If he refuses or is hesitant, he stead of the deportation he had one of the refugees, slashed his Stockyards, Stassen, We Want complishment of the Roosevelt faked statistics from the most have worked up their own pri Congress, labor leaders in hired in his stead at 25 or 20 wrists and plunged overboard Jobs Thirty Dollars for Thirty recent The shipload of suffering in Havana harbor, it moved Hours No Concentrayears it has been in office? The new decree attacks such an extent that they are Green of the noted week. That is what always men women and children. the world as thousands of prev tion Camps for single Men collective oing little or no wor Voters in the lower income abuses in the churchmen, writers and edu happens when the worker has ent up in Havana harbor deaths had not.
men War Workcators.
no union to protect his wage agonizing days of negotiations The grim horror in the report Maintain Relief Standards or groups, who of course provide practices. In 1935, in a con collective farms.
the decisive majority of the cession to the peasantry, there Certain of the peasants have Beal and six other leaders of and his job.
and pleas, dramatized as no that cooler heads among the We Fight More Jobs, population, listed as the major was legally confirmed the right gone much further: In some the Gastonia strike were con Coughlin solution on how single event since the German refugees had appointed a com etc.
last istration its relief and bers of collective farms to till out a part of their illegally ac October 21, 1929, before Judge ing annual wage is a solution stark refugees against suicide attempts the parade was joined by a program.
small plots of land as their quired holdings to others and Barnhill. They were released for the bosses and for nobody Facts and figures about refu drove home the full meaning large contingent from the St.
But that was the Roosevelt own, and to use or sell the thus becoming landlords. on ball, pending an appeal to else. Coughlin thinks the work gees have failed to awaken any of the refugees desperation. Paul Workers Benefit AssociaNew Deal. Now it is the Roose produce from these plots; and One result has been a seri the Supreme Court of the State. ers are dopes. Sacrificing the overwhelming sympathy for And not once in all those tion, and the motorized demonvelt War Deal. And to feed the similarly, the right of individu ous deterioration in the work While out on ball, they were right to strike, giving up the them. But the terrible single days, did any of the democratic stration, strung out for miles voracious war machine, the al peasants to own and use a of the collective farms proper. persuaded by their associates trade unions, means accep picture of these hundreds, at countries or the Russia of Stal along University Avenue, then entire relief and sys cow, pigs, chickens, etc. Pravda also reported that on to visit Soviet Russia. Eventu tance by the worker of the last out of Germany, but dis in come forward to offer them circled the State Capitol, wendtem is being abandoned. But It now turns out, according (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 3) covering within sight of haven a haven. Continued on Page 3)