BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerMoscow TrialsPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1939 Visits Palestine, Finds Communist Party Pursuing Anti Jewish Line IN THIS CORNER 1879 pension.
called Radicals led by Daladier, had abanSOCIALIST APPEAL doned it some time ago.
Vol. III, No. 39 June 6, 1939 more inglorious end to a movement for Published twice a week by the which such fabulous promises were made, is SOCIALIST APPEAL, PUBLISHING ASS hard to imagine at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone: Laconquin 8547 The Popular Front was going to unite the How Melach Epstein, Former Freiheit Editor, Saw the workers into a solid bloc and win to its banner Subscriptions: 00 per year 00 for six months. For Full Viciousness of the Stalinist Line and Was Driven elgn: 00 per year, 50 for six months. Bundle orders cents per copy in the United States: cents per copy in the progressive capitalists. It succeeded only all foreign countries, single coples: cents.
in yoking the workers to the chariot of the Into Exile for Telling His Objections to the Bureaucracy Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for adx By Max Shachtmanmonths; 00 for one year.
ruling class.
How Melach Epstein, editor, tions of the Arab masses and to do anything about them led Reentered a second class matter February 16. 1939, at the post office at New York, under the Act of March It was going to consolidate and extend the of the Communist Party Yid the corrupt and unprincipled him finally to break with Stal Some of our readers may be aware that the gains won by the workers by their own militant dish daily, the Freiheit, went game played by the Mufti and inism.
Lovestoneites are carrying on shamefaced cam his terrorists, the Palestinian class action, especially during the powerful sitEpstein never succeeded in Editor: to Palestine and was horrified Stalinist organization not only bringing the matter to the paign for union into one organization of them MAX SHACHTMAN to discover the Palestinian defended the bombings and as point of discussion in the Censelves, the Socialist Party and the Socialist Work Associate Editore: down strike movement of June 1936. First unHAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW ers Party. Shamefaced, because the and der Blum and then under Daladier, every one Staff Members an anti Jewish policy: how he sassinations carried on by the tral Committee. He was mere the editors of the Workers Age do not take a posiEMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN of these gains was taken away from the workers, Business Manager: returned to seek the interven. Itself engaged in such bomb tee and contronted with ly called before a sub commitS. STANLEY tion on the question yet that their idea of givwho were cajoled, browbeaten and forced into tion of the Central Committee ings, Epstein discovered.
of the American party and Jewish ready made resolution supportabandoning them under the plea that it was in Communists were ing the policy of the Comintern ing leadership but, with mock humility, they how, as a consequence of rais singled out for the horrible in Palestine. print inspired letters from the rank and file in FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST the interest of the Popular Front.
ing the question he was driven task of throwing these bomba. without much courage. Epstein bureaucrat which the standpoint in favor of union is given from his editorial post, has now In cases where Arabs were as soon enough capitulated. His the better play.
WORKERS PARTY FOR: It was going to bar the road to the advance been told by Sh. Weber, who signed, the Jews were required sole act of resistance was to reOn another occasion, our own opinion on the of the fascists in France, to the rise of totali1. Job and a decent living for every worker.
from 1932 to 1937 was a colto manufacture the bombs.
question will be put forward at greater length.
tarianism. The fascist gains are stronger and league of Epstein and co city fuse to write an article at the Suffice it for today to print a communication Meets Oppositionists editor of the Freiheit. Details Open the idle factories operate them under time defending the line of the which shows the lengths to which Lovestone is more impudent in France today than they were workers control.
of this story appear in an ar Epstein had a meeting with central Committee resolution, going in his anxiety to unite with the Trotsky.
three four years ago. The advance of totalitariThe jackals around him took ticle by Weber in the Jewish a group of Jewish Communists works Twenty Billion dollar Fed ists a letter Just received from an old friend who had been driven out of the Daily Forward, May 27.
anism, of dictatorial rule, of government by ivanta of the weakening of in Paris, under date of May 21. It reads in part: and housing program.
decree has been swifter and more stunning durWhen Epstein arrived in organization, and learned fur Epstein position as the result come to less pleasant subject, Lovestone details of his raising the Palestine Palestine in the Spring of 1936, along the same line. Since question, and after a period of Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage and his lecture. It was reserved for a half hun30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on ing the period of the Popular Front governprominent figure in the Comdred members of the plus several in then, these dissidents have or defending himself, Epstein was all Jobs.
ment, especially Daladier s, than ever before in munist movement, he found vited guests, among them. You can well imagine ganized around the paper pub finally forced to resign his post that under the circumstances Lovestone had nothFrance.
himself greeted with open hos lished in both Arabic and Heb Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability tility by the Arab secretary of as editor, and go into exile for ing of the innocent abroad about him. The aim It was going to secure peace, to stave off the Palestinian party. Who rew. Haor El Nour, on a pro two years at the other end of gram of Arab Jewish workers the country.
he assigned himself, on the basis of an exposiwar, to halt Hitler. It did none of these. Not sent for you, who needs your and peasants unity.
tion of the American trade union situation, was Expropriate the Sixty Families.
The Basic Line only is war more imminent, but the masses are visible from the beginning to the end of his les Epstein learned of the asstein. We get our advice from signment of two young Jewish All war funds to the unemployed.
Weber story provides ture but only if ne were a little familiar with more disoriented and demoralized in face of that Moscow, and you stop interfer this situation and with things in America in gen8. people referendum on any and all wars.
mortal threat to their lives and liberties. Still Ing.
Communists to throw a bomb minor link in the broader story at a Jewish meeting in Tel which requires no revelations eral. It was a bit long and tiresome because Lovemore: both the Socialist and Communist Parties No secret diplomacy. Anti Jewish Aviv. He sought out those as at all, but is known to the Jew stone does not speak French and his translator As a result of his encounters signed, and prevailed upon ish workers and Arab workers wanted to translate bit by bit and himself spoke 10. An independent Labor Party.
ended their Popular Front collaboration by bewith this man and his investi them to abandon the project. and peasants of Palestine. The very slowly, sometimes haltingly. But he was a coming the most zealous patriots, the most fugations of the actual conduct of Horrified by what he had stalinists have sought to win true colleague, who did his all to accentuate, by 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante rious shouters for a preventive war against the Stalinists in Palestine, Ep. seen in his tone, the points that smothered over, here and Fascist attacks.
Palestine, Epstein the good will of the Arab landstein was driven to the concluand there, and you know our proverb that est le Hitler and Co.
went to Spain and there saw owners and bourgeoisie in prefsion that the general secre: the chieftain of the colonial de erence to that of the Palestin ton qui fait la chanson (It the tone that makes It was going to lead to a united party oi tary of the Communist Party of partment of the Communist In ian masses. Having no faith in the song. the Jews.
gulf between the social democrats and the Stalinappealed to by Epstein, told indicated for the Near East, Moscow appointee as chief him that his only recourse was the Stalinists prefer to link On every point he was obviously tendencious.
The Pennsylvania legislature has just passed ists is wider today than at the beginning of the tain of the Palestinian Stalin to secure e aid of the Central themselves with the Arab ex Even when he pointed out, at the outset, that there bill outlawing sit down strikes, abolishing the Popular Front. The social democrats have be ists worked on the basis of the Committee of the American ploiters and to use them as a were now two trade union movements in the come more rabid national French patriots. The outlook, which he expressed to party form of pressure upon Britain check off of union dues, and granting the emUnited States, he insisted on the fact that they were Epstein, that all Jewish Com Epstein Tells His Story on behalf of Stalin diplomatic two genuine movements, nothing like what the Stalinists have become more openly nationalist munists were actually secret ployer the unwarranted privilege to interfere The foregoing facts were re moves. The Stalinists never Comintern had tried to do formerly when it sought Russian patriots. The one is no more honorable sympathizers with the Zionist ported by Epstein to a select criticise the Arab exploiters, everywhere to split the existing trade unions with workers rights by calling for a union electhan the other.
movement. As a consequence, meeting of members of the and have discouraged all Similarly with respect to the trade union wofk of he took measures to drive most Jewish Buro of the and ed moves to organize the Arab tion whenever he wishes.
the members of the Lovestone group. Ninety perAs the Iron Front class collaboration in of the Jewish Communists out itorial associates on the Frel workers as an independent cent of them are unionists the other ten percent This bill is part of the nation wide offensive Germany opened the road to Hitler. As the of the organization.
heit. Weber was at this meet force. This is the basic policy being ineligible and eighty percent hold trade of Big Business and the War Deal against labor People Front. class collaboration in Spain Une af refusing to distinguish ported by Epstein and the fall orientation of the Palestinian In accordance with Moscow ing, and the terrible facts re lying behind the anti Jewish union positions, often modest ones but permitting them to carry on good work of education, he and belongs to the same category of legislative facilitated the triumph of Franco. In France between the genuine spira Iure leadership stalinist organization.
said. They are model unionists, disciplined and and judicial attacks as the vicious anti labor the collapse of People Front collaboration with respectful of the rules and regulations. To be sure.
capitalism makes it possible for the workers and they defend their points of view and try to have bills passed in Oregon and Washington, the sitthem prevail, but if they are in the minority, they submit and apply the decisions adopted. They down prosecutions in Los Angeles, the decision ranks, to turn the helm in the right direction, never maneuver to impose their proposals from of the Supreme Court in the Fansteel case, and and with their invincible united strength, crush above as was the case with the wicked Bolsheviks. They are true democrats. However, that the 7, 500, 000 damage suit of Republic Steel the war mongers and capitalist exploiters. There holds true only of strictly union questions. When it against the workers it shot down.
is yet time for this.
is a matter of political questions for example, the struggle against the war they intend to preserve With the development of the sit down strike And let us learn the clearly indicated lessons (Continued from Page 1) the name of a democratic er in a socialist democracy. In a complete freedom of action, even though the and the great wave of union organization that irom Europe. The Popular Front that means mium is put upon the conveni front against tyranny abroad the revolutionary reconstruc majority decides against them. However, they created the and built up the membership the subjection of labor to capital; that means tional and the academic. The they put up with increasing tion of society lies the hope of form fractions inside of all organizations.
social sciences are witnessing tyranny at home.
ignominious defeat.
In short, the world, the promise of a of the of to new heights, the American As for the two trade union organizations, the the revival of various forms of they have surrendered the free humanity, a new art, an older. the is well known for its conservaworker demonstrated that he had unlimited pow Progress, victory these are possible only by obscurantism, the rise of an in right and duty to protest al unrestricted science.
tive tendency. Yet, it is a democratic organization, means of the United Workers Front, of Class tolerant orthodoxy. Educators injustice, to investigate all The defense of intellectual er to bring the employers to heel and put a stop each affiliated union maintaining the right to act are being intimidated through formulae, to challenge all dog freedom requires. moreover, to bosses acts of intimidation, violence, spying, as it pleases. Whereas in the o. there is no against Class.
loyalty oaths. Government cen mas, to think through all prob. that we reject all theories and democracy whatsoever. What more, when the reshootings in the back, low wages, long hours, sorship cripples Ar theatre, lems. And Inspired by Stalin practices which tend to make constitution of unity was possible, because the and colossal profits for the stockholders.
art, and literary projects. Terist and social reformist propa. culture the creature of politics, accepted the new principle of organization rorism is exercised by the ganda they advocate a new even revolutionary politics. We But the employers own, control, and manage Catholic church over such cul war for democracy. Yet this demand COMPLETE FREE on an industrial basis, it was Lewis who pulled out.
showing thereby that he wanted above all to keep the government and the courts. As soon as the tural enterprises as the movies. war must give birth to military DOM FOR ART AND SCI his center, of which he was the all powerful masmilitancy of the workers seemed to die down, Hate War Roosevelt continues to hate Covert sabotage hinders the dictatorship and to forms of in ENCE publication of work by indepentellectual repression far more PARTY OR GOVERNMENT.
NO DICTATION BY ter. That is why the Lovestone group, after having the employers launched a counter campaign, util war in his own inimitable fashion.
worked with the and having rejoiced over dent and revolutionary writers. violent than those evoked by Culture not only does not seek its creation, moved away from it. Lovestone said izing their government as the instrument of Having turned over to the war machine the And in heresy hunting bodies the last war.
orders but by its very nature nothing, of course, of his activity and of his per like the Dies Committee, many attack Among advanced intellectual cannot tolerate them. Truly in sonal interventions, of his collaboration with Homfunds belonging to the unemployed and spent of these tendencies find official circles in the United States the tellectual creation is incompat er Martin, etc.
Through their government, they are attempt ing to do away with the sit down strike which more money for warplanes, battleships, bombs, and concentrated expression most active forces of reaction ible with the spirit of confor That about all there was in the general exposition. It was already pretty tendencious and the won gains for labor so effectively. Through rifles, torpedoes, bayonets, and submarines than lenge to independent intellectu organizations under control of are to be true to the revolu picture of the was rather flattering. Just as their government they are attempting to impov any other peace time president in the history of als. Yet no existing cultural the Communist party. Pretend tion, they must first be true to organization is ready fully to ing to represent progressive themselves.
the picture of the Comintern of the good peried was calumniatory. But in the question period.
erish the union treasury by abolishing the checkthe United States, he has now launched a re meet the challenge. If in the opinion, these bodies are in eftotalitarian states intellectual fect but apologists for the convictions. Our principles are We are not alone in these off. Through their government they are attemptwhen Lovestone alone had the floor and always the cruiting campaign without parallel to expand life is an affair for the police. Kremlin last word, his fire was directed against the Amer dictatorship.
ing to put a complete halt to union organization They in lais army.
in America it is preparing, un outlaw all dissenting opinion those contained in a recent general agreement with ican Trotskyists. They are only a political sect.
Little influence in the trade unions. Only 400 500 by permitting the employer to call an election Huge recruiting stations on wheels are to be der pressure of anti fascist from the Left. They poison the manifesto of Andre Breton, the members (the Lovestone group has 2, 000, he said. whenever he is sure that the union for one reahysteria, for voluntary abdica intellectual atmosphere opened, new slogans are to be invented, and tion, Cultural circles, formerly slander. And they have suc the Mexican painter. Move with French poet, and Diego Rivera, The Trotskyists are Stalinists upside down. Their son or another does not have a majority in the turns are as abrupt as those of the Stalinists and progressive, are now capitulat. ceeded in imposing their views ments inspired by their mantposters, motion pictures, and the radio are to be plant if they criticize stalinism, they get their slogans marshalled for use. Major Harold Gilbert. ing to the spirit of fascism and methods on groups former festo have already appeared in from the Pope of Coyoacan. For example, after The first step in calling a halt to this offensive while ostensibly combatting its ly independent of the Commu France, recruiting officer in charge said that even some England and elseof Big Business is clear recognition that these having entered the Socialist party, they abruptly letter. They fight one false nist Party.
where hood with another. To the det high pressure salesmanship might be used.
left it, after having caused a good deal of trouble anti labor laws should be regarded by militant Against these forces we, the We appeal, therefore, to all fication of Hitler and Musso undersigned, believe that ar writers and artists in the Unitand having weakened it (this said for the benefit They ll need plenty of high pressure salesmanlabor with the same degree of contempt with Tint they counterpose the delft. tists and writers must unite to ed States who are in substanof the leaders of the who welcomed the ship. For, as the recent Gallup polls have shown.
which Big Business had them enacted.
cation of Stalin, the unqualified defend their independence astial accord with our views to French Trotskyists. Similarly in the trade union movement where they at first defended Homer not all Roosevelt charm has sold the American support of Roosevelt. The mys craftsmen, indeed, their very To the law of the employers: PROFITS unite with us in forming a revticism of Aryan supremacy right to work. It goes without olutionary league of writers Martin, then attacked him without anyone know workers and farmers on the idea of going to FIRST, the workers must reply: THE RIGHT ing why. Finally, in this case, a not very flattering they match with national. saying that we do not subscribe and artists. The function of portrait but one which will certainly not surprise war.
democratic myth conjured out to that currently fashionable this organization will be to give you. He said not a word, naturally, either of the of America historie infancy. catch word: Neither commu There is no deception, no violence, no frame To the war drive of the fascist nism nor fascism. On the con publicity to our aims, to pro Twice Weekly Appeal or of the New International up, no bloody or despicable deed which Big Buspowers they reply with a war trary, we recognize that the vide a forum for cultural disand cussion.
drive of their own An Embarrassing Question liberation of culture is insepar campaign In consequence the intellec able from the liberation of the cies in intellectual life whereagainst all reactionary tenden against labor. We must organize Workers De Yet one question embarrassed him: Is it true tual gains of recent decades working classes and of all huthat the Lovestone group approved the first Mos fense Guards immediately in every union local dispatch from Hong Kong reports that mastre being rapidly wiped out. manity. Shall we abandon the ever they arise.
cow trials and changed its attitude only with the in order to meet a new wave of machine gun terials are coming from Russia to the aid of The last war se moving in this ideals of revolutionary social THE LEAGUE FOR CUL third trial, when Rykov and Bukharin were in terror from the bosses.
China on a greatly reduced scale. Not only have country a profound current of ism because one volved? There is no connection, said Lovestone.
political TURAL FREEDOM AND SO scepticism in respect to bour group while clinging to its Calverton, Eleanor Clark James Burnham between this question and the subject of my lecAnd we must organize to put into power our shipments been cut down, but the experts who geols values in art and life. name, has so miserably ture. But do not want to evade it. It is true that own government, a WORKERS GOVERNDavid DeJong, Dupee, Responsible for the finest cul trayed its principles? Shall we we were mistaken at first about the Moscow trials.
have been acting as a staff of advisors to Chiang tural achievements of the post MENT that will act to protect and increase the Clement Farrell, revert to a program of middle James But the does not pretend to have reached Kai shek have been withdrawn almost entirely.
William war period, this tendency culGruen.
rights of the great majority of working men inperfection as yet. It can make mistakes. If it were class democracy because the Greenberg.
minated after 1929 in the radi. Kremlin government, in obedilin IV. Dwight Macdonald, Melvin Lasky. James Laugh already perfect, we would no longer have anything stead of the small handful of stockholders whose Observers report that no new agreement has calization of a significant partence to its own interests to do!
been reached further aid from Russia and Charles of the intelligentsia. But now, which are no longer the inter vaults are bursting with ill gotten profits.
Malamuth, Sherry Pretty ridiculous, isn it? But what could be say?
that Stalin policy of helping China has abou!
in the name of a spurious ests of the Soviet people nor of Mangan, Clark Mills, George anti fascist unity, numerous the masses anywhere directs Morris, George Novack Even though the was still far from run its course enneth perfect and Lovestone subject to ror, intellectuals are deserting their us to do so? On the contrary, Lyman Paine.
aim he set himself was certainly no less affected What is the trouble? Has Stalin succeeded in hard won critical independence. We reject all such commandsen, William Phillips. Fairfield They are giving up their op Democracy under industrial Porter, Philip Rahv. James by it: it was to discredit the American Trotskyists draining away China gold supply the way he position to capitalist exploita capitalism can offer no perma Rorty, Harold Rosenberg, Paul and, by that, to reinforce, in the struggles develop By a decisive majority, the Congress of the ing at present inside the ranks of the the did Loyalist Spain s? Or is he finding that his alista domination of colonial worker and artist. In its insta Delmore Schwartz, Winfield tion and oppression, to imperi nent haven to the intellectual Rosenfeld. Meyer Schapiro, anti Trotskyist elements, Freemasons and others French Socialist Party voted to put an end to who find Trotskyism rather annoying. For me, becollaboration with the Stalinist party. apparatus cannot learn the Chinese lan lands. They no longer protest bility, it becomes the breeding Scott, John Wheelwright, and ing only an invited guest, not a member the repression and frame up in this ground of dictatorship. and Bertram Wolfe.
The decision marks only the formal burial guage as easily as it learned Spanish? Or did country in the Soviet Union, such few liberties as it grants (Please address all commuP. and respectful of the rules of well known and in other democracies his fishing agreement with Japan extend to the us today, it will violently re nications to: Dwight Macdon old French politeness, limited myself to listening of the Popuiar Front which has been dead on its feet these many months in France. The so borders of Tibet?
They have forsaken the strugvoke tomorrow. The idea of ald, Acting Secretary, 539 East and to recording the fact that had lost a good gle for the right of asylum. In democracy must come to flow. 88th st. New York City. evening.
mentalitat de les entry on country Manifesto Issued by League for Cultural Freedom and Socialism And How!
iness will not commit in its counter campaign Stalin Aids China The Front Collapses