AntifascismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandExtremistFascismFranceGermanyHitlerItalyMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers Party

TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1939 SOCIALIST APIEAL By Dwight Macdonald SPARKS IN THE NEWS Millions Starve On Relief Stalinist Literary Front Cracks From the Third American Writers Congress comes news of the resignations of Babette Deutsch, and of Frances Winwar, who was a member of the executive committee of the League of American Writers, which sponsors the Congress. Both resignations are protests against the increasingly obvious corruption and reaction of the Third International and against the Communist Party behind thescenes domination of the Congress. From out side the Congress, not one but two opposed groups of writers and artists have on the scene. One of these new groups is the Dewey Hook Committee for Cultural Freedom, of which more later. The other is the League for Cultural Freedom Socialism.
Unlike the Hook Committee, the League has issued a militant and revolutionary manifesto It is too early to judge the response to the League manifesto, which is only now being published. But already it is clear that the Hook Dewey manifesto has the Stalinists wor ried. Its roster of names is incomparably more distinguished than that of the signers of the call to the Third Writers Congress. The liberal Post reprinted the manifesto in full and commented favorably on it editorially. And so it is not surprising to find both the Nation and the New Republic this week devoting major editorials to polemics against the Committee. Whatever one quarrels with the manifesto, and have a good many, one can but welcome its aid in the struggle against Stalinist control of cultural activities. Once that heavy hand is lifted off our arts and letters, we can all breathe more freely The Committee for Cultural Freedom, Again The editors of the Appeal have turned over to me the following postcard: Gentlemen: In one of your recent issues am coupled with the Dies Committee. In another am listed as a player on the Studs Lonigan team in a coming game with the Marxist Maulers. You are wrong about both items. cannot prevent you or your Mr. MacDonald (correct spelling: Macdonald) from coupling the Committee for Cultural Freedom with the Dles Committee since the Stalinists have already done so. But since specifically refused to authorize the use of my name in connection with your coming game, shall be obliged if you will stick to the facts. Yours, etc. Sidney Hook. don know about the baseball game, although might say that Professor Hook complaint is the precise opposite of mine. He WAS put on the team against his will, while I, in my innocence, volunteered to play again for the Studs Lonigan only to be informed, indirectly, that have crossed the Rubicon and am now a Trotskyist and so not eligible for the Studs Lonigan team. don at all object to being called a Trotskyist, but suspect that Captain Farrell is taking this devious method to keep me off his team rather than come out with the real reason, which is my ineptness at the game. In any case, this seems to me a clear case of a writer being discriminated against on political grounds, or worse, and as such bring it to the attention of Professor Hook committee. The whole Why Coughlin Superiors Keep Silent On His Vicious Activities GEN. MOSELEY TESTIFIES AT DIES HEARINGS clear Fighting against starvation business badly needs to be aired in public.
relief stanI am glad of the chance to explain more Relief Millions Are Refugees as Truly fully why consider it legitimate to draw pardards, thou.
As the Victims of Old World Oppression allels, of course on a strictly limited basis, sands of between the Dies and the Dewey Committees.
Is Finding of Social Workers Report All men of good will, of whom hope and be Cleveland lieve am one, must agree with the Dewey Committee that totalitarianism is an evil workers (Continued from Page 1) ceive them, tiring of horror to be fought against. But must still insist There are no toilet facilities. piled on horror.
staged a sitthat the Dies Committee one of whose hear.
Bed bugs make sleep almost And what is the program of ings attended last week Is just as explicit, down strike impossible, but there is no mon the New Deal? No proposals no doubt for the worst sort of political reaey for ridding the house of whatsoever for direct relief.
sons, in its denunciation of all forms of diein the City these cracked plaster pro Wiping out entirely of the Jobs tatorship as is the Dewey Committee. In Hall. The vides a good breeding place for formerly provided by the questioning the fascistic Mr. Deatherage, Conthem Reduction as proposed by gressman Dies made it quite clear he conalarmed city Mr. Stinger, his wife and Roosevelt W. message of ceives of himself as the great protector of nine children, live in three April 27 of jobs to an the common man against all extremists, officials told rooms of an old butcher shop. average for the coming year of whether of left or right, and that liberty and so infested with rats that he two million.
the workers democracy to im were dearer than pelf or and the two year old baby who Every last dollar that the his very heart blood. No, it all depends on have been bitten are taking Roosevelt administration can to eat the analysis one makes of the social roots and rabies treatments. He sits up segregate now goes to the war meaning of totalitarianism. And on this crupotatoes. at night to guard the children machine. The two billions now cial point, the Hook Dewey manifesto is inadefrom the rats, although he him earmarked for that purpose quate to the point of scandal. Its basic idea is Here we see one of medi come directly out of the hides that totalitarianism is a foreign growth them getting cal recommendations is rest of these twenty three million which is insinuating its tentacles into our fair and freedom from orry.
people dependent on relief. The American democracy: Through subsidized the potatoes The Forgotten Man New Deal has become the War propaganda, through energetic agents, through From Atlanta, Ga. Relief Deal, and nothing else. Twentypolitical pressure, the totalitarian states sucon which grants are low. in no sense three million people will save ceed in infecting other countries with their they are are minimum needs met. Food themselves from starvation false doctrines. can see less difference allowances, set at an arbitrary only by the most irreconcilable than should like to between this sort of redexpected amount determined by the assault upon the ruling class and black totalitarian baiting, and the allnumber of persons in the fam. and its executive committee, black totalitarian baiting of the New Deal and to live. ily, amount to a little over 20 the Roosevelt administration.
its Stalinist allies. In each case, the broad of what the average family acAtlantic stretches between the heroic defendtually needs. minimum staners of democracy and the enemy.
dard budget based on Atlanta The only specific reference to the internal prices for a family of four forces that may bring about dictatorship is would come to 31. 61 a month the single sentence: Even in the United The amount that is actually beStates, its the totalitarian idea. beginnings ing granted to such a family is are all too evident in the emergence of local 70 a month.
political dictators, the violation of civil rights, In numerous cases, there is the alarming spread of phobias of hatred dino allowance being made to rected against racial, religious, and political families in which there is an minorities. think that Professor Hook and active able bodied man no matmany of his co signers would agree, in priter what the size of the family vate, that this is inadequate, to say the least.
is. Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
and that their manifesto emphasis on the Occasionally, it is true, some ment on the Franco order.
On December 4, 1886. Father Catholic dignitary denies that Against AH Workers In one instance adduced as tempt, speaking as he pleased.
foreign menace aspect of totalitarianism is McGlynn was ordered to Rome. Coughlin speaks typical of a widespread pracshooting back stift answers to for the The Catholic worker and the great threat to freedom of any sort in this pelled from the pastorate of be considered as meaningless derstand that whatever type of the money allocated to the max of his oratorical bursts distorting. think they would agree that the shortly thereafter he was ex Church. Such statements must Catholic anti fascist must un tice of spreading thin over the committeemen, who took it as many families as possible, humbly, and reaching the clicountry comes not from sinister foreign plots St. Stephens. In July, 1887, he so long as his superiors refuse fascist state emerges in this county from the state office but from the struggle of the American ruling was excommunicated from the to take any effective action country, their rights will be has been and has sometimes rule be established immediateclass to maintain its rule in the face of a dis Church.
against him.
Integrating economic system. Yet their mani Father Coughlin has not been Continued toleration of the of all other workers and all per family per month.
sacrificed along with the rights reached a level as low as ty in the United States.
festo is discreetly silent on this theme the ordered to Rome. He has not pro fascist It ought to be handled in very heart of the whole business, been expelled from his Church.
Father Coughlin other anti fascists.
Fireside Chat Material five minutes from the White The only reference in the entire manifesto. He has not been excommuniwithin the ranks of the Catholic Uner fascism in the United In St. Louis, Mo. imited House, he said. The method and this is hardly believable when one readscated. Again we ask, why? only one way. The Vatican istian fascism or Hitlerism funds make it almost impos he proposed was that the Presclergy can be interpreted in States, whether it be Chrisuse the rmy, unto it, to either the labor movement or the accorded a pro labor prlest, ocratic capitalism is doomed and nationalities have nothing setseveral creder. During the dete samo der a law passed in 1929, which war issue, the single reference is this, smug and an entirely different type and that the choice for the fu to gain and everything to lose relief has been made it the duty of the Presigled in at the end of a paragraph: Ominous of treatment accorded pro ture in the United States Their standards of living winnied to any family containing dent, he declared to take such shadows of wan are gathering in our land. boss priest. Behind them lurk dangers not only to a free The conclusion is elsewhere is one between re be depressed to bare existence one or more employable per ty of citizens were threatened.
labor movement but to free culture. The Father McGlynn activities ing socialism actionary fascism and liberat levels; they will be forced to He was full of praise for the virtue of such a formulation, and practically sought to promote the welfare work ten, twelve, fourteen The District of Columbia, ad German American Bund, deits only virtue, is that James Rorty and Doro of the masses at the expense Vatican Chooses Fascists hours a day at the lowest pos ministered by Congress itself claring its meeting in Madison thy Thompson can agree on it. The first sen of the wealthy, particularly the Garden on February 20 tence is particularly impregnable. But in my land owners. As a pro laborlot with the brutal fascist dic. ed in concentration camps:Ils confined to families in which Vatican invariably throws in its test will be promptly imprison of the country: General relief Sque When it comes to a choice the sible salaries; those who pro sets foul example for the res impressively patriotic.
opinion the price was much too high to pay, priest, he was considered. tatorships.
even for 80 valuable an autograph as that of menace to the church and its Italy and particularly in Ger accepted fact, every male except for terpurary aid in anled the demonstration of antieven though in forced labor will become an there is no employable person. The Socialist Workers Party the Sibyl of the Herald Tribune.
meeting. extensive land holdings. The many. there has been a good the country will be compelled emergency such as an evic fascists which protested this strongest weapon in the hands deany otherictions between the to spend years of his life in the tom.
of the Vatican was used against Church and fascist bureaucre army: women will lose all the able for public welfare is so nied by a retinue of attorneys, In Arkansas, money avail. The General was accompahim: excommunication.
cies. If fascism in the Hitler freedom and equality they Father Coughlin, on the other style were to come to the have thus far gained. The limited that general relief is and one member of the House, hand, is the mouthpiece of now being granted only to those Representative Thorkelson of American fascism. The Church United States, the Church could worker, his wife and his chilsees no conflict between his ac expect approximately the same dren will become the virtual who are either physically or Montana, who has lately gained mentally handicapped. or notoriety in the fascist press, tivities and its own interests.
treatment here as it has re slaves of the capitalist state a hard life being described by William He is permitted to retain his ceived in Germany.
This is the ideal which that they are feeble although Dudley Pelley, head of the 511standing in the Church, to To forestall this eventuality.
Hitler has toisted upon the they are not yet 65 years old, ver Shirts, as a new statesGerman workers; it is the By EMANUEL GARRETT preach, to spread his influence the Church authorities have ev. ideal which Franco is now In Taos, New Mexico, gen man rearing high above this It was brought out during the ods known to the modern Church itself must promote the imposing on the Spanish work eral relief is limited to persons miasma of skullduggery.
The revolution ended victoriously. In 1887 world.
fascist movement from the ers with the aid of the firing who are incapacitated or 10 he had met Fritz Kuhn, leader Good Neighbor Until a few weeks ago his start and subordinate that squad. It is the ideal of the urgent need of medical care. questioning of the General that bridge he had invented, more to spread his rabidly anti Semitic and pro movemente entrets renthe acethe Duponts America sixty fam. ditions and Puerto Rico defies at the home of Mrs. Rudyard The cold description of con of the German American Bund, revolutionary labors. There he hurled a de fascist magazine, Social Justic churchestierarchypitalisme. ilies and it is the ideal of underlining There is no gen Uzzel, 85 12 165th Street. Jathe of Man, at the smug heads of British consersion of His Superior. When Their ideal is Catholic fas.
Catholic priest. Father Coughlin eral relief program in Puerto malca, Queens. Moseley devatism. The British censors howled in bitter this permission was withdrawn, cism, in which the Church and United against Fascism Rico nor are the provisions of scribed Mrs. Uzzel as a fine agony. They sued him for libel. They threat no criticism either direct or state are one and the power of the Social Security Act extend patriot, very much interested ened him with all Chased out of the coun implied was made of Father the Church is safeguarded and The Catholic Church shieldsed to the island. An investiga in the critical situation in New try, he went to France where the revolution Coughlin or his utterances. It even enhanced as was the Coughlin. His ideal must al tion made in January, 1939 by York City.
ists greeted him with welcome arms, elected was withdrawn merely because case Dollfuss Austria. so be considered the real aim the certification unit of the pub Moseley had apparently arhim to the National Convention.
the Detroit Archdiocese conThe ovations given by Rome of the Church.
lic works agency showed that ranged to have the committee Here however Paine failed to perceive the siders Social Justice a secular. and by Father Coughlinto the With or without the blessing 63 of the total population was room packed with sympavictory of the fascist Butcher, of the Catholic Church, Cough in need of relief.
full depth and needs of the revolution. Friend not Catholic organ.
thizers. Whenever they thought ly with the moderate elements, he found him Church Support General Franco, in Spain, are linism must be fought. The In Texas, there is no gen he had made particularly self at loggerheads with the left, which was The Church has given more a glaring confirmation that this Catholic worker as well as eral relief program except on good point they laughed or appushing the revolution ahead relentlessly, un substantial support than this to is the real policy of the Cath the Jew, the Negro, or the a limited basis in a few coun plauded.
compromisingly. For protesting the execu Father Coughlin. On the Sun olic Church, Spain, we are When Moseley made his tion of the King. Paine was for a time kept in day back in 1934 when the cre is a Christian corporcold. Protestant must be in the ties. Aside from the forefront of that struggle. only assistance available in the statement that the commuprison. Released, he lived several years in ation of his National League State that is a fascist state The Socialist Workers Party majority of Texas 254 counties nist danger could be handled France, at odds with the growing reaction.
for Social Justice was an in which the state and Church calls upon all workers, regard. is federal surplus commodi in five minutes a committee nounced. Coughlin was intro apparatus become fused and less of race or creed, to join ties. In Georgia. likewise, member asked: In what Unmasked Hypocrisy of Religion Finally, in 1802, and much to the disgust of duced to the radio audience by that it is a lovely thing to be hands against the common en the state makes no contribu: way?
emy. fascism. Protection of tion toward the cost of direct Wants Dictatorship the American conservatives. Paine returned op Michael Gallagher, of De The Church has not silenced workers rights by workers de relief. Twelve counties grant If were in the white to America. He had meanwhile written his troit, Coughlin own Bishop. Father Coughlin, has not un fense guards against fascist on no direct relief at all.
House, denunciation and expose of organized religion.
he responded, Today, Social Justice (May frocked him, nor excommuni. slaughts from whatever quar Equality for All would issue an order immediPaine Age of Reason ripped the hypocrisy 29) reports that a group of cated him, precisely because it ter they come this is the key and falsehood off the church, and its instru Catholic clergymen are get hopes to use him and his propa to the successful struggle are the aliens, now barred munist in the Government and Outside the pale altogether ately to discharge every comment, the bible of a thousand and one con ting out a booklet defending ganda as the nucleus for creat against Coughlinism and every from and non res everyone giving aid and comtradictions. The hypocrites and conserva fort to tives, satisfied with the freedom they (not thCoughlin against those who ing in the United States are other brand of American fas dents, including many who would release the army the Communists.
the have attacked him.
pressive, anti labor govern. cism.
have lost legal residence status masses) had won, bellowed furiously, asked in the search for work. One ex from its present position. It for his hide, spread the vilest slanders against ample: In most of the south can make plans for attacking him.
Japan, and Italy.
Denied even the privilege of voting in the ESCAPE FROM THE WORLD FAIR! rn countles of Floridablan Germany. hobo express is run. This plan but it can do a damn thing to nation he had helped create by the fire of his consists of transporting vag defend itself against the enemy arguments, Paine lived a retired and hounded rants (non residents) to the within our gates. They have county line and dumping been told not to investigate who had turned the proceeds of his writings them.
over to the Revolution, was denied a small As one reads these awful de Captains James Cannon and James Farrell promise a rip roaring game Last week Army officials anpittance by the product of the Revolution and tails, the mind refuses to renounced that they would invescondemned to poverty.
tigate Moseley connections DANCING REFRESHMENTS Though limited by the understanding and Sale with fascist stganizations.
knowledge of his time, Paine had struck 20 off Whether they wait continue with rebel blow at social despotism. Not even SATURDAY, JUNE 10 HECKSCHER FOUNDATION. such an investigation has not Hundreds of Labor Titles yet been announced. It is well with the other and less revolutionary heroes P.
104th Street and 5th Ave.
Visit The known that many army officers of American history, can dim the glory of harbor fascist sympathies.
this social rebel.
LABOR BOOKSHOP During the entire hearing.
Paine was buried in a corner of his New now at Moseley attempted to utilize Rochelle farm consecrated cemetery ground 116 University Place the proceedings as a sounding being denied. Twenty years after, William board for his fascist program.
Cobbett dug up the remains and carried them 3rd Floor No extra charge Bring bathing caps.
He brought in a great sheat of to England to give them impressive burial.
New York City papers containing his analysis Something happened to the scheme. His bones Admission: 850 Special price to Yipsels Open 12 to P.
of the national situation and the disappeared. Paine had no nation; he was Proceeds go to the American Fund for Political Prisoners and Refugees Send for Catalogue remedies he as a fasciat proburied in none.
poses for their solution.
Only six people followed Tom Paine to his grave. For years he had been living the life of a social outcast, shunned by all respectable people, feeding on bread and rum.
The Revolution of 1776 was, you see, long past. The set, comfortable merchants, who had earned dollars as well as freedom as a result of the Revolution, no longer had any use for the fiery propagandist of rebellion, the revolutionary journalist whose writings fell Mke a whip lash across the body of English tyranny. If the truth be known, some had indeed never quite approved of the man.
Speaks a Rebel Cry Tom Paine hadn come to the American colonies until 1774, a man of thirty seven years. The son of a small English farmer and corset maker, he hadn had much schooling. What learning he had, and it was enough to make him one of the most enlightened men of his day, he had picked up by reading in the hours after work as corset maker, tax collector, teacher. He came here with an introduction from Benjamin Franklin, himself by no means a respectable man, who had been impressed by the vigor and merit of Paine views. showdown was fast approaching between English rule and the American need to expand industrially and commercially independent of artificial restraints. The spirit of rebellion was in the air. Paine took hold of that spirit and fanned it into a burning flame.
above all in a simple pamphlet, Common sense, published in January, 1776. King is a political superfluity, he wrote.
Men must be loyal only to a society of their own creation, and not a government forced on them. The colonists must rise. We have it in our power to begin the world over again.
Within three months 120. 000 copies of this pamphlet were sold, an extraordinary pubIshing feat for those days.
Paine wasn content to be only an agitator.
Continuing his role as propagandist of the Revolution, he joined the army and plunged into the fighting. His tracts were required reading in all troop barracks. And in the barracks, the day fighting done, he put his pen to the service of the Revolution. These are times that try men souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.
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