CommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1939 Stalin Rejects British French War Pact Offer THREATENS TIE British, French Socialists Do SUPREME COURT WITH GERMANY Their All for Bosses War Plans OUTLAWS OKLA. Selling the Twice a Week Appeal AS ALTERNATIVE JIM CROW LAW In the Labor Unions APPEAL. ARMY Sosialist Appeal YORKERS CAN DEFEAT HITLE Spro cialist Socialis workers pape Briggs Strikers Picket Boss Owned Ball Park (Continued from Page 1) presented with an official France and other nations for Philip Noel Baker. Labor resolution which condemned war purposes.
member of parliament who on conscription but offered no pro In the end the conference By WIDICK Eastern Guaranty is the same day engaged in a posals for combatting it. In consummated a definite break Admits that States The strike called this week at the Toronto, Canada plant Likely to Be Next Forsynisttackilon Chamberlain stead the delegates were called with the Stalinists but reconpoured upon to approve a detailed La ciled the factions on the mat Continue to Bar of the Seiberling Rubber Co. Demand by Stalin scorn on the Hammersmith bor Party plan for. a min ter of foreign policy by endorsmarks the climax of a series proposal by demanding to know istry of defense! The Laboring the Daladier government Negroes from Polls of struggles of rubber workers (Continued from Page 1)
whether a general strike of the leadership claimed in this plan foreign policy. In other words, in that area.
Finally Molotov brought in light conscription.
workers was being proposed to that it would do a better job of the party kept a foot in both Premier Hepburn has made a the question of the Far East, Are they going to ask us to ing it into war than the Torles! Daladier into a new period of decision written by Justice Fepreparing the nation and lead camps and is ready to follow (Special notorious reputation for him where Soviet Japanese tension, use extra constitutional methWASHTA! the beel) In a self as a baiter. His always latent, was brought to ods and say we will not ob The French Congress appeasement if such should lix Frankfurter, declaring unstrike breaking activities make a fresh boll during the past ten the rule of the ballot box? he was played at the Socialist or into war. similar two faced game prove possible and necessary, constitutional an Oklahoma him a rival of Tom Girdler In the face of this situation. dubious origin. By reaffirming statute, the Supreme Court on days by a series of incidents of asked.
Party congress in Nantes. The It is interesting to note that May 22 avowed in effect that the United Rubber Workers of Russia intention to defend shouts from many parts of the going through a faction fight in went through a break al Yes, if necessary! came French Socialist party has been the British Labor Party also for 60 years Negroes have been America has been organizing Outer Mongolia against Japahall. Many of the representa the past period. Paul Faure, though not in quite such exdenied the right to vote deCanadian plants, and the rub nese attack, Molotov was in all tives present reflected the pow. old line reformist politician and plicit form for there was less he Constitution.
spite the 15th Amendment to ber workers have been calling probability laying the groundstrikes and winning them this erful opposition among the machine boss of the party, has to break with from the comspring Rendering an opinion in the REBUFES ENGLAND British masses to the headlong been advocating appease. munists. The Southport confer case of Lane vs. Wilson, the Local 118 of the plunge toward war.
ment of Hitler and Mussolintence confirmed the expulsion court held unconstitutional an struck for wage increases, seBut the Labor Party machine and a total break with the Com of Sir Stafford Cripps, who had Oklahoma statute passed in niority rights, stabilized work rolled right over them and the munist Party. Leon Blum has been attempting a campaign 1916 which required persons ing hours, collective bargain motion was voted down by been the protagonist of the for British People Front who had not voted in 1914 to ing rights and a signed con 670. 000 mandates to 286, 000. collective security policy of ranging from the Communist register within ten days or for tract. The wage demand calls Next day the conference was pacts and alliances between party to Winston Churchill. ever lose their right to vote.
for a 10 percent increase for The British Labor Party and This statute, which caught the employés earning more than 60 the French Socialist Party are Negro population unawares, cents an hour now, and 15 per straining every sinew to bolster was designed to circumvent a cent for those making less than their support of the British and 1915 Supreme Court decision 60 cents hourly. The plant em French capitalists in the com which outlawed the grandploys 150 men of whom 125 aling war to prove that their father clause then common in ready are on the picket line, services will be so valuable the state constitutions and statunion leaders said.
that fascist repression will not ute books of virtually every Victory Expected be needed. An essential ele southern state.
Settlement of the strike of (Continued from Page 1) Chrysler, Hudson, West Sidement in this effort is the keepGrandfather Clause 750 rubber workers at the anybody out of the park. But Dodge. The shock troops of oring of a safe distance between The grandfather clause prothat didn make any difference ganized labor gave the world themselves and the Stalinist vided that any person whose THE DANGER SIGNAL IS Kitchener, Ont. plant of the were given names from the exB. Goodrich Co. was ex to the thug ridden police de real impressive demonstra gente supporters are the less but srandfather had not voted pri STILL FINCENG partment. They had orders.
pired sub list and are to con pected this week with indications that the strikers would The orders really came from We are glad to report that tact these people.
It was a grim and humorous which are recognized as for unless able to pass severe edu Here a rough sketch of win major concessions.
the Briggs corporation. But the sight to watch how dearly the eign agents e. as instru cational requirements. Inas: the branches have finally beThe Goodrich strike began in mouthpiece for these orders, nightstick savages, on the in ments of Joseph Stalin poll much as Negroes were not for immediate payments to al subscriptions. 2) Visit a al gun to respond to our requests our campaign. 1) Get renewcies the shoe department where the characteristically enough, was structions of their bosses, lowed to vote (even in law) beKeeping Skirts Clean workers demanded a cents a liberal, a so called friend treasure the good old red, fore 1866, the disfranchisement keep the semi weekly Appeal special contact list being drawn In neither Britain nor France. of the Negroes continued.
of labor, none other than Dun white and blue. The first obgoing. But the danger is by no up by the lit agent. 3) Every per hour increase and were turned down by company offi.
can McCrea, Prosecuting At. Ject of their attack was the despite the current pact nego But how utterly ineffective forward to an even greater rescriber. 1) Libraries, public, We are looking comrade must become a subcials. They walked out and soon VYASCHESLAV MOLOTOV torney. This gentleman was flag bearers, about hait a Llations. Is there were joined by the rest of the work for bringing the Far Eastelected by the votes of Detroit dozen, leading the picket lines. that Anglo French support to tual practice was demonstrated sponse within the next few college, etc. are to be visited days.
for subs.
employes and a full strike workingmen after he had made They clubbed these men and Russia is to be taken too seri precisely by the fact that not St. Louis In order to increase sales ern problem into the Anglowas called.
Akron, Chicago.
a profession out of such harm wrestled with them trying to ously. What the city and the until 1915 did the Supreme their Bourse want is assurance of Court outlaw one kind of loop New York City. Newark, we will (1) Cover more newsless projects as prosecuting drag the flags from Two prolonged strikes in French. Soviet negotiations, Henry Ford when he knew he hands.
Russian support to Britain and hole, and the additional fact February and March were won possibly at a later stage.
these are the branches that stands. 2) Hold street sales by Locals 67 and 68, The net effect of this latest couldn get a conviction, or if Cops led a color guard down France. Naturally there is that despite that decision south have come through with heal times a week. 3) Have speby roving crews in at the Dominion Tire and the development is to leave Rushe did he couldn enforce it. the street the color guard about as much mutual trustern states continued to invent thy payments within the past cial sal sia pretty much where it has working class districts once Merchants Rubber Co.
few days.
The auto workers found out holding old Glory high in his among these politicians as escape clauses.
been ever since the current hat nightsticks didn feel any hands. He was being marched among players at a profession with one kind of loop hole We are still waiting to hear each week. 4) Cover subways, Signed agreements containing sweeping concessions for crisis opened in the middle of softer when wielded at the or to the Jug. The old truth be al poker game.
or another the southern states from the coast branches, Phil. theatre districts, ball games, the rubber workers ended the road between the two op ders of And you can bet for strikebreaking purposes. Iternational reflect this by seek the polls.
beral than a re came clearer: this flag is made The parties of the Second In continued to bar Negroes from adelphia, Detroit, Flint. Bosete.
those strikes. An arbitration posing camps in Europe, hold actionary.
committee was selected to ading out its favors for the high your bottom dollar lot of made to lead men to their ing to keep themselves exclu statute requiring education of our need. The twice week can successfully be put into Elther by some ton, Toledo and Minneapolis.
We can only repeat the urgency All of this sounds well and est bid.
Just the wage increase demand It is headed by Prof. Norman As we have pointed out in thinking and talking about real its in China, Latin America or capitalists and remaining free the less subtle methods of paper is still in grave danger practice. But we must emphastrikers and unton men were death for Morgan prof. sively the agents of their own proofs impossible to meet, or MacKenzie of the University of these columns repeatedly the trade union men as their rep Europe. The flag of the Dough to carry out their bosses or force, Negroes, except in a few and we must raise much more size again and again that our Toronto. An hourly increase of Russian position would indeed resentatives in the future. ocracy can lead workers for ders if those orders should be cases, have been dented the money than we have so far.
need is immediate and urgent.
five cents was asked by the be a strong one if the Stalin Workers Defense Guards real democracy on the strike against the Soviet Union. That franchise and equality which regime in Russia were itself strikers. The report of the ar lines. The bosses are too senis why the Stalinists are being the 13th, 14th and 15th Amend Here are some of the branch The only solution to our prob.
For two solid Yours, the cops sitive about it. The atmosphere kept at long arm length, ments allegedly bitration committee is also ex strong, both in itself and in the lem is quick, concerted action guaranteed responses: when al At the last meeting of the by all the branches and party pected to announce its decision support of workers all over the mercilessly lines. And for two solid hours of strikes is too clean for their while the effort to dupe the them. Only recently world.
workers into supporting the considerable number of Nesoon.
Akron branch your communi. comrades acting together.
Organization in the Goodyear But the Stalin regime and the the lines kept reforming. The And right after the flag bear war plans of the distrusted Groes voted for the first time in cation regarding the current financial crisis was read and has been coming along fairly the terrific and bloody purges the air. And the lines held preters came the women. Pum Chamberlain and the distrust a Florida election, challenging acted upon. We will pay ourat low point. The results of and Firestone plants in Canada Red Army have been rent by strains of solidarity filled Ku Klux Klan intimidation and Subscriptions are still down of the past two years and So ty fast despite the furious melled and clubbed, they were ed Daladier is carried on.
well. All in all, the Canadian dragged down the street into despite the freedom supposedly old bill as rapidly as possible. our drive for renewal subscriprubber workers at present are viet economy as a whole has charges of the horses.
the station house. But it took guaranteed them ever since the m sending the first Install tions are far from good as yet.
doing the sort of job that the fects of the purge as well as line and in its back bone there ing women down and a lot of Because at the head of the a lot of cops to hold these striksuffered heavily from the efCivil War) the act was hailed, ment, 10. 00, and the remain and rightly so, as a great vicAkron rubber workers did in from its own basic contradic was more than the spirit of manpower to pull them out of der will be paid in the next two The success of this drive will tory for the Negro race.
go a long ways toward liquidat 1936 37.
weeks or sooner.
tions Importance of these successFor these reasons the union solidarity, more than a the picket lines. They were Not Yet Won We also have made plans ing our financial emergency.
list for last week: es is three fold: The 1o. is Soviet position really remains wave of anger and indignation right up with the flying squadThe case of Lane blue uniformed agents of rons In the front lines.
Wilson for more systematic street and Here NEWARK obtaining firmer base in a major question mark. Yet at now goes back to the Oklaho house to house selling. Paul New York City Canada, the United Rubber the very fact that it is a gam Mr. Briggs. There were the The demonstration ma Supreme Court which will Fielding. Akron.
The union plished its purpose. First, it Enclosed find 00 on our have to decide Lane suit Pennsylvania Workers of America is boosting ble either way provides it with flying squadrons!
Chicago wage levels outside of Akron a certain superficial strength defense guards of the auto in kept a lot of Tiger fans from for 10, 000 against the regis account. will try to send you Dozens of husky, Ohio and thereby putting a damper in the present situation. Just dustry!
watching the ball game. They trar of Wagoner County, Okla. the balance of what we owe on decentralization to some ex what that strength will amount brawny auto workers, distin were far too absorbed in the St. Louis for denying him the right to shortly. Joe Carter. St.
Massachusetts tent, and Labor is realizing to when the real test comes, re guished by the legend Flying vicious game the cops werbetween the studs Lonican be that on the basis of the SuInterest in the grudge game register to vote in 1934. It may Louis Squadron on their overseas playing in the streets. Enclosed find money order that unlon struggles can be won mains to be seen.
Total The only sure thing is that caps or on their armbands Sluggers weren batting balls. captained by James preme Court decision the Okla: for 17. 00. We are getting busy lites neregimes controlling the stalin. like Hitler and Musso save the workers courage and they were batting human Farrell, and the Marxist Maul. homa court will decide in favor immediately on renewal subs The only bundle order ingovernment.
lini and their counterparts in confidence. They stayed in the skulls.
The militancy of the Canadi Second and more important: Cannon, rose to a new high for the National Association for you that the drive for renewals crease of the week came from survive the coming war what. bodies against the cossack at. It gave the whole city a notion with a dramatic set of charges the advancement of Colored will go forward with full force. Les formeeles wicha nagdedes not an rubber workers is explained by the conditions under which ever the lineups when it finally tacks. The flying squadrons of what the strike was about: and countercharges.
they work. Wages are way be1oes break out.
came from all locals, Briges, that the Briggs workers were in a letter to Farrell. James fore the Supreme Court, expect June 15 will be fulfilled and takes 200 coples per issue and on strike to stay until their de low Akron levels for the same Rorty protested against what a favorable verdict.
Chicago will do its share. work Akron workers do. Hours mands are granted. And it he called political purgings at present.
gave a very obvious lesson on claiming that the Socialist Ap that the southern States will There is no doubt, however, Sam Richter, Chicago lit agent. circulation job in the country At the branch meeting we are much longer, shop conditions Intolerable, and the the nature and role of the po peal had left him out of the find other means of circum decided upon a plan of action speed up limitless.
lice force.
Lonigan line up, whereas the venting the federal constitution to devise ways and means of Get Your APPEAL The strike goes on. Militancy mailed notice of the game put and Supreme Court decision. It increasing our bundle order is cemented with common him into it.
At the Newsstand In a bitter foot therefore rests in the hands of circulation and subs. Comrades!
Good News fighting experiences. It won note. Rorty declared that he the Negro and white masses. program of action for the establishment of a going, active be an easy matter for anybody would fight anybody who says working jointly, to enforce by from the Oklahoma labor front Good news came this week next three months, drawn up Cultural Center to write a different ending for he is not a better baseball mass action, a real equality of jury returned not guilty by the City Committee, was lowed the report, the branch victory workers strike than player than Schmelka Gains Negro and white resisting ter.
In the discussion which fol the verdict for 93 oil strikers at adopted at a general member organizers reported the deterborough ror, exposing fake schemes, inWhen questioned on the incl. sisting on the right of Negroes Tulsa on charges of unlawful ship meeting of the New York mination of the comrades they Martin Negotiates dent, Captain Farrell deplored to vote e without let or hinassemblage.
Local of the Socialist Workers represented to carry out the the method adopted by Rorty drance.
It was a big blow to the complan of action in a disciplined With Briggs Co.
Party Wednesday night.
panies which have been trying in airing an alleged grievance, to break the picket line main activities for the New York Lo speeches met with enthusiastic Martin has entered negotia. ordination and the breaking The program outlines special and effective way. Their DETROIT, May 27. Homer adding that it tended to insubSpecial Offer!
tained for over six months by cal in the trade union field and response.
tions with the Briggs manageTWO BOUND VOUMES the oll Workers International One of the most heartening ment.
among the unemployed, and Whom does he repre hinted that if there were any of the It put a crimp in the com proposes intensive campaigns features of the meeting was the sent? Nobody. He claims at political purges, they were be SOCIALIST APPEAL An Unusual Combination Offer!
1937 and 1938 (until June 15th)
Hays, local president, and 36 against the fascists, particular the main problem now facing percent are on the o. picket refused to be quoted in any deFather Coughlin.
tail on this point. although Both for only 00 Includ.
militant unionists on charges In Combination special campaign was procrete action the general proThe challenged his pressed warmly by the reing postage NO. 1previous issues of the socialist posed to help build a labor de beam on which the party mema: phoney figures and the comporters present in his field This 25 reduction holds FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and Appeal.
good for only a few weeks!
The present victory of the oil in our campaign against the this problem. It was felt, could by the demand for an Captain Cannon, wearing SOCIALIST APPEAL for one year both for. 75 be solved only by greater seri election. Martin doesn want confident smile, asserted that (Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign) 75 workers was hardly expected the LaGuardia Administration ousness in carrying out daily an election.
He says that will his men had completed a high Lonigan bunts we expect from by the prosecutor, who went inFASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and to give them police protection assignments. Discipline, punc. only complicate matters. ly satisfactory training period the other team.
to a veritable rage when the 06 SOCIALIST APPEAL for six months both for constant will bring home the need for an tuality, plugging. Complicate them for Martin, to and that he had no doubts Jury announced its acquittal by The game will be played at (Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign. 56 about the outcome. He pointed the effective defense organization these are the main requisites be sure.
Heckscher Foundation, nine to three vote. The trial as never before, declared Ed for party advancement in the of Hays and the 36 unionists Martin can pow wow with the for confirmation to the favor 104th Street and Fifth Avenue, NO. roming period will have a different kind of ward Frank, City Organizer.
company all he likes. He ll able betting odds being offered at p. on Saturday, June 10. FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and who reported for the commit With accomplishment of have to do it alone, however, throughout the city and to the for the benefit of the American NEW INTERNATIONAL for one year both for 75 background than the oil com tee.
the series of tasks and cam because the real representa long record of his team in out Fund for Political Prisoners (Foreign. 25 panies and its stooges in the Other activities outlined in paigns outlined by the commit tives of the auto workers won pitching. out batting and out and Refugees. Admission, at 85 Order from: county administration expected.
clude a drive to raise 500 for tee for the coming period, a be caught sitting in the same running all previous contenders. cents, includes the exclusive At Your Service Build the Party Fund long step will have been taken room with this labor faker. doubt if we ll even have out use of the pool for swimming. PIONEER PUBLISHERS 116 University PI.
within sixty days, an intensive on the road to building the so He ll find a very much differ fielders in this game, he con Refreshments and dancing will New York City THE APPEAL drive to build up the circula cialist Workers Party into a ent reception on the picket cluded expansively, for Short also feature the evening protion of the Socialist Appeal and powerful instrument of the lines if he ever gets tired of stop (Google) Morrow will be gram. Everybody who is anyPOSTER SHOP the New International, and the workers of New York.
the hotel room.
enough to catch the feeble body is expected to attend.
Rorty Charges Baseball Purge In Bitter Note accom3 Membership Adopts City Program of Action Fascism and Big Business The New International Socialist Appeal