BourgeoisieCommunismFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismURSSWorkers Party

Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III No. 39 TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1939 3c a Copy MILLIONS STARVING ON RELIEF!
The Real Ideology N03 TE Why Coughlin Superiors Are Silent On His Activities Survey Report Depicts Slow Starvation of Jobless Socialists Back Boss War Plans FASCISTS DEMOCRACIES Stalin Throws Monkey Wrench Into Anglo Soviet Negotiations Relief Millions Are Refugees as Truly As the Victims of Old World Oppression Is Finding of Social Workers Report The Rev. Charles Coughlin is a regularly ordained priest who speaks in the name of the Catholic Church, and brands his critics as critics of Christianity. He uses his That unemployment relief is characterized by the almost chapel as a forum for spreading his fascist doctrines. He incredible inadequacy in the relief provided. obviously concollects money to further his religious activities in Laborites Con demning tens of millions to slow starvation, is the horrifying reality, his glorification of fascism over the radio. In the conclusion reached in an authoritative survey compiled by name of Catholicism, he promotes pilgrimages of the faithscription. French the American Association of Social Workers, and released ful to his Shrine of the Little Flower Bury People Front May 31.
The hierarchy of the Church is neither deaf nor illiterSo horrible were the conditions of the unemployed revealed ate. The bishops and archbishops hear Coughlin The British Labor Party and that in releasing the survey Walter West, secretary of the speeches and read his magazine. With knowledge of what French Socialist Party lined up social workers, was moved to state: at their respective annual conhe is doing, they permit him to carry on his political activ Today the millions dependent on reliei are refugees just ities.
the imperialist war plans of as truly as the victims of Old World oppression. They are If the Church disapproves of his utterances, it has powthe French and British gov American refugees with no ernments.
erful weapons with which to voice that disapproval. He place to go.
general (direct) relief rose The British Laborites diseven more sharply by 19 per could be unfrocked, deprived of his church, excommunitrust Chamberlain e. they The extent of this misery, cent. During that period 310, cated. None of these measures have been taken. Why?
fear that he will not be suffic. the report points out, is indi 000 were laid oft but The Church has never hesitated to bring the full weight iently resolute in forcing the cated by the fact that in Jan relief rolls increased by more war issue in Europe.
of its authority to silence a priest who spoke up for the The French Socialists dis uary, 1939, there were nearly than 241, 000 cases.
underdog. The one outstandingly pro labor priest in the like Daladier e. they are seven million families depen Within those two months the United States was unceremoniously kicked out of the offended at the way Daladier dent on relief more than amount the Federal governChurch contemptuously dismissed twenty three million people. from 72 in wages for ment was spending decreased CAPITALIST PROFITS We refer to the well known Father Edward McGlynn, them from the government and The need for relief was great every dollar expended by began forthwith to build a to pastor hens, who was activ Henry George alitarian government in er in January and February, al relief to 59. Since then, France.
Single Tax campaign in 1886. The Single Tax movement 1939, than in the correspond additional slashes in the was then a movement friendly to labor. Its activities at the Agreed on Essentials time were described as a formidable demonstration of Yet at their annual confering period the year before. rolls have brought them down from the November, 1938 ence in Southport, the British Figures indicate that the refigure of 3, 350, 000 to the present organized labor.
Labor Party leaders fought lief load has continued to in figure of less than 600. 000, Father McGlynn was one of the leaders of Henry down rank and file attempts to crease since January.
Lower Relief Standards George party. He was also head of an organization called organize a fight against conscription Exposes Roosevelt Commenting on the meaning the Anti Poverty Society. An avowed friend of labor, At their annual congress in Roosevelt administration re damning indictment of the of Roosevelt W. slashes.
he was attacked by the Church as early as 1882 for his Nantes the French Socialist let policies is implieit in the the survey states. The principal change has propaganda speeches. Father Coughlin, friend of the Party leaders endorsed Dalad survey, on a number of major been shift from one type of ier war alliances and ap counts: bosses, utters his propaganda speeches with impunity day relief program to another, proved the imposition of col1. Since the fall of 1935, wher from a higher standard of asin and day out. lective national discipline (in the Federal government abansistance to a lower, from fed. Continued on Paro 3)
Molotov Speech Indicates Stalin Inten. Moscow believes London upon the workers for war pur doned its previous policy of eral funds to state and local.
making Federal grants to Almost Incredible states for direct relief, the un The vast majority of the unJUDGE FREES GEN. MOSELEY tion to keep on Raising Ante Warns of the Russians into a position of Fighting Conscription chestnut pulling for the Westemployed have been entirely at employed are now at the mercy Closer Relations with Axis Powers ern powers at minimum cost been placed in the embarras treasuries, with no relief what The British Laborites have the mercy of local officials and of local direct relief agencies.
Blood curdling instances of the and inconvenience to the latter. sing position of having strongly soever provided in some local. oppression they undergo are By HAROLD ROBERTS The Stalin government with careful deliberation last Chamberlain and Daladier stii urged Chamberlain to take a Itles and adequate relief no contained in the social work ers survey. So far are these invigorous pro war line and then where.
hope to appease Hitler, and opposing such an elemen Cuts Unjustified stances from being exception.
al, that they drew from the sosia expense New Deal claims relating Speaking before the Supreme Soviet, Vyacheslav The latest British propo tion when the Tory government to are punctured by the cial workers organization or Bronx Branch of SWP Committee Hears Molotov Litvinov successor as foreign commissar an salck for loopholeance hicintaiped step. Naturally this opposi reached its peak in November wards in the conservatism of Pushes Its Campaign Him Expound Labor nounced that London and Paris had not yet raised the ante closer examination turned out to be more shamberlain and his 1938 but, the survey demon its description, the characterito be wide enough for the whole has been purely platonic.
friends shrewdly expected strates, at its peak. zation that the system reveals almost incredible inadequacy Hating Fascist Views sufficiently for Moscow to show its hand.
failed to absorb large groups of German army march Against Coughlin He referred bluntly to Stalin cherished ace in the hole through So when, at the Southport needy employable persons cer in the relief provided.
when he warned that Stalin would always find it possible Fascist Pact Envisaged conference the Labor Party tified as eligible for such em Among representative (By Star Writer. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
section of Hammersmith and ployment.
From these facts and as St. Pancras introduced a de other large groups were seek Simultaneously stances recorded are: NEW YORK Eleven antiWASHINGTON, June to arrange matters with Hit e Scientifically computed budfascist militants who were ar The Dies Cor Sittee. com ler and Mussolini if Britain Sreditatem the Reisecentrus clementionate a wo serem conclusion. mand that the party resisting certification.
gets of absolute minimum Mateo 24, While ceondueringens spending tive hours listening to and France failed to meet his December and January.
The that Britain and France may dustrier or military, peace shar Newt Sancel a kember the have been arriveawal 14 muins neighborhood anti. Coughlin Major General George Vanconditions.
or in war the Laborite lead rolls were justified by areas: no one has ever argued campaign on Tremont Avenue Horn Moseley, retired, declare Molotov revealed that ne tov added: To judge by cer war with the axis powers as ers quickly hammered it down, increased possibilities for pri that these budgets were generin the Bronx, were freed by bese belief ton mescisma andmthie gotiations for a trade agree dales son she shooting that the quentinha mosto be reservesonge even though the motion was vate employment are punc ous. But now, with depleted 10ment with Germany had may be resumed.
liberty of action make its confined only to such measures tured by the survey figures cal treasures, only a percentrates Court, Wednesday, May the United States.
31, after only five minutes of Last week when Moseley in been going on intermittently obar deal with the makeists These certain signs, it apwhose foreign policy labor can uary 1939, wages de is being paid out to the unemcontradictory testimony had formed the Dies Committee for a year. The latest offer, peared from Molotov speech should the opportunity present not trust.
clined sharply by nearly 10 ployed. Thus New Orleans pays (Continued on Page Molotov even made a special per cent in two months while 75 of the budget: Idaho coun ficer.
him to appear before it at the including a 200, 000, 000 mark lows.
point of stressing that the reties are paying from 40 to 80 Referring to the mass sales present time, the committee of the budget: South Carolina cent Italo German military alof the Socialist Appeal by the announced that it would recess pays two thirds of the budget.
liance was directed not against anti Coughlin demonstrators as indefinitely.
and so forth.
Russia but against the Western parade, Officer Thompson What occurred between the In Chicago, families of five powers, and besides his refer then proceeded to contradict committee and Moseley over to ten persons live in three ence to the German negotia himself by stating that the the week end remained a malrooms or families of three demonstrators stood ten feet ter of speculation. It was un tions, made a special point of sleep in a single room.
reminding his hearers in Lon apart while selling their paper. certain whether the committee common practice is that don and Paris that Russia had The Bronx Branch of the So had reversed its previous decl of making no regular allow cialist Workers Party, which sion not to subpoena Moseley Condemn Stalinism, Hook Dewey Committee a trade pact with Italy, recent had ance for rent, or if allowed, InCops Slug Pickets Who Prove that Bosses had organized the demonstra or whether Moseley cluding an amount that bears As Catering to Social Reaction ing of advantage to both Cannot Trade Workers Lives tion, is following up with a changed his mind about its belittle relation to actual rental countries.
planned campaign of colortul ing inconvenient for him to ap rates in the particular comstreet meetings and mass sales pear. In any event, the Dies significant group of Amer Not in this country alone but But Face Both Ways (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
of the Socialist Appeal.
show was playing to a full ican writers and artists this everywhere, culture is threat Nevertheless, it was apparent DETROIT, May 27. tiger parketo acquaint thousands of munity. Others make no allow.
workers of their grievances or for houseTen anti fascist youth from house at the beginning of this week announced the formation ened by advancing reaction. In from the general tenor of Molo fans weren very much inter and voice their protest against hold incidentals.
the 174th Street and Jerome week with Moseley as the star of the League for Cultural forcing the recrudescence of toy speech, that the Russians ested in who won the ball game come to.
Freedom and Socialism. social forms which had seemed intend to continue negotiating at Briggs Stadium today. They came down to picket peace our office requesting placement Bronx contacted the Bronx Anti Semite In a manifesto signed by obsolete, German and Italian with the British and French in were more concerned with the fully (for adoption) of their children Branch of the offering Denying that he was anti thirty established figures in fascism have at the same time the expectation that their terms bigger events taking place on Cops Slug Pickets because they are unable to con their aid in protecting street Semitic in his beliefs in one American intellectual life, the compelled the revival of obso will be met. These terms in the outside. 8, 000 Briggs work tinue their struggle to keep the But Briggs doesn like un family together.
meetings and in helping to com breath, in the next he de League was launched in terms lete modes in art and science. cluded a thoroughly and ex ers and their supporters from bat the Coughlin fascists. nounced international Jewish clearly distinguishing the new In the Soviet Union, on the plicitly automatic pact of mu other United Automobile Work ions or strikes or pickets. So The Abundant Life communism and asserted that organization from the Stalinist other hand, where nationalism tual assistance and the exten ers locals in the city were pick out came his flunkeys, Heinie Two typical cases of housing STATE OF CIVILIZATION the Jew is an internationalist controlled pro war League of and personal dictatorship are sion of the guarantees to all the eting the ball park.
Pickert cops and horses. Be in Indianapolis are cited: revolutionary Baltic states, as well as those Italy on June issued sever first and a patriot at home American Writers and from the replacing the That Walter Briggs could fore the picket line even got Mr. Brown his wife and al decrees which restrict the second.
bourgeois. democratic Hook ideals of freedom and democ already in effect for Poland. trade the best Tiger players under way, the cossacks were seven children from two to sixrights of the Jewish population, He declared himself as op. Dewey group.
racy, culture suffers regimen Rumania, and Greece. furand get away with it to the dis charging it, riding down men teen years age, live in a three separating it, in effect, from posed to fascism and then de The text of the manifesto tation and debasement no less ther point Molotov raised was gust of the fans has been obvi and women and swinging their room house for which the the rest of the community. fended organizations of the ex and the names of the first sig severe.
the question of the Aland Isous long ago. But Mr. Briggs clubs over the skulls of work Township Trustee pays Jews are hereafter compelled treme right as an anti toxin natories are: Nor are signs lacking of lands, strategic archipelago found out Saturday that he ers.
month. When it rains pans have to take surnames that are un for disease of communism. We address this statement to deepening social reaction in the commanding the Gulf of Fin couldn trade the jobs and The union men had clearly to be set on the bed and table Throughout the hearing he mistakably racial. Italy povall artists and writers who are United States. Increasingly, land, which Finland and Swe lives of the workers. They just declared before they went to catch the water as the roof erty stricken, and oppressed replied to the questions of the concerned about the present experimentation is discouraged den, with Hitler blessing, re won stand for it.
down to the stadium, that they leaks so it is impossible to find masses will no doubt feel their Dies Committee with open con drift of the United States to re in the creative arts; a pre cently decided to remilitarize. With the plants shut down had no intention of keeping a dry area as large as the bed. Continged on Pape 3)
misery lightened now.
action and war. Continued on Page Continued on Page 2) tight, Local 212 went to the ball (Continued on Page Continued on Pare 3)
ANTI FASCIST MILITANTS TESTIFIES AT DIES HEARINGS week threw another monkey wrench into the negotiations for larger the would be at rus ter were measure conserto to in Left Wing Writers Form League, Issue Manifesto Briggs Strikers Picket Boss Owned Ball Park