BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceImperialismItalyMarxismSandinoSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers PartyWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1939 Day for s: Mobilizing Their the Medical Profession for War Government forces Suppressed Chapter used.
Communist Yankee Imperialism in his veins. Bude other than unbreakable opposi If King George Held Court for His Exploited Subjects at World Fair grievances Jobs for Youth tried out by Tom Girdler on a small scale, as the SOCIALIST APPEAL workers attacked in the Little Steel strike will Vol. III, No. 38 June 2, 1939 remember: armed company guards, paid comBy James Burnham pany spies, tear gas, rifles, machine guns, barbed Published to ce a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS wire, standing orders to company thugs and poat 116 University Place, New York, lice to shoot to kill.
Telephone! Algonquin 8547 In the Next World War the Medical Profession Will Now Tom Girdier and his cohorts propose to Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for mix months. For ele: 93. 40 per year. 60 for six months. Bundle orders. launch that plan on national scale. Now they Not Be Asked to Volunteer Its Services the GenCorolen countries. Single capientes contents per copy. In propose to wipe out with bullet and poison gas erals Have Already Made Plans to Draft the Doctors Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for six inonths: 00 for one year.
and frame ups every voice that is raised in proBy SAM PORTNOY The result of the Day Plan home to recuperate. Shell test to their inhuman system of exploitation for No one need envy Jerome his new special Roentered as second class matter February 16, 1988. At the post office at New York, under the Act of March The May issue of Medical will be that many more doc shock and war neurosis cases. ty. After several years as Browder commissar 1679.
Economics, the business tors will be ou in no man writes the author, will not be in Hollywood, where he was so conspicuously sucThe period of the New Deal is coming to a sent directly home as in the magazine of the medical pro land with the troops than eve cessful in winning strip tease artists, humorists MAX SIAN close. The period of the show down battle be fession, carries an article en before. In its drive to militar early days of the World War.
Associate Editors: Instead, they will be treated and glamor girls to the cause of peace and detitled When Day Comes. ize the medical profession, th HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW tween the workers and the fascist legions of The author describes how the War Department has arrange on the spot.
mocracy, Kremlin style, Jerome has now a much Stadt Members: Big Business is opening EMANUEL GARRETT. JOSEPH HANSEN entire medical profession in the for front line medical detach NOW GOING ON United States is geared into ments which will be staffe TEST MOBILIZATION less luscious assignment.
BUSTAND: It is time to prepare!
the Mobilization Day Plan of by eight physicians, rangin The Day plan for physiHe has become the ace trouble shooter of 13th the War Department.
Street. Whenever a crack or dent appears in the in rank from first lieutenant to cians is being experimented FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST No longer will the civilian major. Their most impor with daily. In Brooklyn, party ideological armor, Jerome is dispatched World Fair Note practitioner be asked politely tant job: to furnish first aic Col. Louis Goldblatt, post haste to rivet it together again. He operates WORKERS PARTY FOR: to volunteer his services. says under fire.
commander of the 18th Mediunder the label, Questions from the People. run You know that big mural to the right as you cal Regiment, called out sixty the article. He will be con1. job and a decent living for every worker.
The medical regiments, physicians in the nation first scripted. As the War Depart. commandeered by physician: test medical when occasion demands on the editorial page of enter the Soviet Building, the one where all the big mobilization.
ment sees it, this is the fairest officers, will be in the thick of Completely the Daily Worker. The questions are worth keep2. Open the idle factories operate them under Soviet heroes are smiling? Some one pointed to method of fining existing gaps all military encounters, super geared for action, the doctors uniformed and the man three removed from Stalin the other day workers control.
ing track of. They show that even the ten ton steel and said to his companion. What he got to smile in the military medical intending the removal of the sped from private offices to plate of Stalinism cannot prevent heretical ideas Twenty Billion dollar Federal publie works about? That Litvinov who got himself purged out wounded, commanding ambu meet at the organization from now and then driving toward the surface.
and housing program.
of a soft job. The other fellow scowled. hope the Not many army doctors, el. lances, and providing emergen headquarters. The demonstra few months ago, Jerome was hard at work on Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage Trotskyites don learn about this, he muttered. ther, says the writer, will be cy hospital treatment. They ll send a bunch up to stand here and laugh assured of a comparatively tion was voluntary on the part the refugee problem. Even the most loyal party 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on all day. Meyer Berger, New York Times, May safe berth behind the lines. not regard front line service as cially sanctioned by army highArmy leaders, however, do of the regiment; but was offimembers couldn help wondering why no refuall jobs.
28, 1939.
The mechanized slaughter of the physician greatest contri er ups. Regular training pe: gees from anywhere were being admitted into the Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability today calls for a complete bution to the prosecution of the riods have been arranged for land of the final triumph of socialism; and Jerpension.
streamlining of the wartime war. Surgeon General Charles the doctors in which they will ome acrobaties in explaining would have got him medical machine. The mule: Reynolds says: Preventive rehearse their assignments un a place on almost any vaudeville circuit. while Expropriate the Sixty Families.
drawn sanitary trains that medicine is our great field. Ader the guidance of War Deback he had a few points of Spain that badly needlumbered after the have large number of physicians will partment officials. All war funds to the unemployed.
ed cleaning chapter of Lawrence Seven Pillars been doomed as slow and therefore be assigned to com Thus we see how far reach8. people referendum on any and all wars.
clumsy. In their place, small bating epidemics, examining re ing Roosevelt war preparaWe re in the Army Now of Wisdom which was suppressed on advice of mobile motor units will be No secret diplomacy.
cruits, and eliminating the eco tions have become. Not only How Jerome must long for the day when his George Bernard Shaw and for political reanomic waste entailed by sick will the people in general find party will hold state power, and anyone who even 10. An Independent Labor Party.
WILL SHARE DEATH sons, has just been published.
breathes out of key can be answered with a rifle ness. Psychiatrists will be themselves completely suborWITH THE SOLDIER expected to perform special dinated to the war machine. or an automatic! It so much easier, more effi11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante The chapter explains that if it had not been standing ermy order functions. Thousands of young but the next war will also find and Fascist attacks.
cient, that way. But here it still one trouble after quoted in the article, reads as workers, bluffed into the the medical profession regi. another: refugees, then Spain, and last week the for Lawrence promises and the promises of follows: The medical depart trenches driven insane by mented and undoubtedly deci question. What is the position of the the British government that they would be given ment will function as a part of the bursting of shells and the mated in the thousands. In its Party of Great Britain on conscription?
self government, the Arabs would never have the regular army in the com poison gas, will not be permit headlong drive to disaster, the very good question indeed, and one that cerrisen against the Turks during the World War. bat zone.
ted to leave the front and go capitalist class spares no one.
tainly needs answering. And how revealing of the So gross was Anastasio Somoza betrayal of But while these promises were being made, degeneracy of a pretendedly Marxist party that such a question could even be raised in its ranks!
Nicaragua in the agreement he signed the other both Lawrence and the British government knew Could a man with a single drop of Marxist blood day with President Roosevelt, that the bourthat they would never be fulfilled. Lawrence debate whether he would geoisie of other Latin American nations are taksays that he was continually and bitterly ing alarm over the full implications of what the ashamed of the part he played in the deception.
tion to conscription. the slave driver whip whereby imperialism drives the unwilling masses good neighbor policy of American imperialIf the suppressed chapter were translated into to their death on the battlefields of wars to make ism really portends.
Arabic and distributed among the colonial fightthe world safe for profits. An issue long ago settled for Marxists: but not In an editorial in El Universal, conservative ers who followed Lawrence behind the Union By SHERMAN STANLEY ing my cattle on the plain lands unite against the British it eiso easy for Stalinism. Stalinism is prepared to Mexico City daily which represents by and Jack, they would gain greater insight not only In the days of feudal Eng of my country. Then your po ther are to ever be free. support one coalition of imperialist powers in war large the interests of the nationalist bourgeoisie land the king would now and lice and Territorials drove us DOCK WORKER, BRIT against another. And the terrible logic of poll into the leadership of Lawrence but into the then invite his subjects to visit all off the land. You took our ISH WEST INDIES: We dock decrees that if you support the war, you must supof Mexico, the agreement is flayed as evidence whole dark and bloody history of their oppres the court and present their best cattle. What you left us workers have organized into port the means taken to fight the war. In the demthat Roosevelt good neighbor policy is sion by the British imperialist democracy.
This custom has died for lack of food. And now militant industrial unions. This ocratic countries as in the fascist, the masses do transforming itself into a league of dictators lapsed for centuries.
you make us work as laborers has stimulated the organization not want to fight in the very popular, very demo Let us assume that George on these farms.
with the United States destined to guarantee of sugar mill workers, trans cratic wars of imperialism. And, consequently, IV would hold a court of griev. Our wives and children die port workers, plantation labor every imperialist nation, either today or tomorrow the slavery of Latin American peoples.
ances when he visits the like flles. We wonder whaters, etc. General strikes World Fair. His Majesty in your Queen would do if her against the intolerable condiwhen the war begins, must introduce conscription. The Nicaraguan government handed over Therefore, in the end, Stalinism must accept vites representative people two princesses were starving tions imposed by your indus conscription in every nation where it supports the the entire republic to the Americans in exchange Two speeches at the annual convention of the from among his vast colonial She do something about it trialists and landlords have for a mess of pottage, continues the editorial.
war. Not merely are the Stalinists recruiting holdings.
and we intend to do something. swept over the West Indies. agents for the war. They are and must be pre Hereafter any Latin American dictator of the Boys Clubs of America provide some illuminatEach one, of course, has only too!
You sent down a commission pared to be jailers a brief moment in which to ing facts about the problems facing the youth of judges and executioners of draft evaders that is, of workers who try to Mestizo race (privileged half whites) can obA COOLIE WORKER OF which has requested some America and the bankruptcy of the capitalist keep their heads off the chopping block of impertain the moral and material support of the easily. Let us listen to some loading and unloading English legal phrases on paper will spokesmen.
United States to exploit his own people on conof them: satisfy us!
But there seems to be a contradiction. Jerome Howard Bell, director of the survey of CEYLON TEA PLANTA merchant ships. watch day dition that, for a set price, he agrees to share Our islands have been known explains that the Stalinists are against the present TION WORKER: Your Majes after day the resources of my as the most loyal section of the British conscription measure. Have been unjust power with Yankee imperialism or convert him the American Youth Commission, reported that ty. your English soldiers and people being drained off in British Empire. But no longer. and slanderous? Are the Staliniste suddenly reself into a simple vassal.
20, 000 youths had been interviewed from many turning to virtue?
The petty tyrants, the plundering dictators, parts of the country and in all walks of life. sealed for months against the your ships. The Chinese sold our loyalties go now to our The contradiction does not even penetrate the lers certainly could use that brother colonial slaves. all outside world. work on a Here are the facts summarized by the survey: the alley murder statesmen like Somoza, the assurface. All that Jerome really says is that the British plantation from dawn food and supplies in our war 500. 000. 000 of them who are against the Japanese! My struggling to shake off your Stalinists are not now ready to support the pressassin of Sandino, who flourish south of the Rio Three out of every ten youths in the labor to night for a few English brother workers in Japanese death grip.
ent conscription bill.
Grande, do not represent the Latin American market are out of school and totally unemployed, pence per day. Your hired Shanghai are no better off than FROM THE GAYA DIS. Why not? Because support of conscription is the people over whom they wield the bloody lash of while another is only partly employed. The six blackest treachery to the workers? How absurd! am. You English hate the TRICT, BRITISH BIHAR agricultural laborer union. Japanese, but it is only be PROVINCE: Your Majesty is Communists, Jerome explains in his first senterror others who have jobs work for a median weekly And you are trying to smash cause they are rivals and in also the Emperor of India. tence, are not opposed to conscription in prinThey represent no one but the servants of wage of 13, and 43 per cent of those employed mangh (Socialist Party. When we have finished pay ciple.
The American imperialism.
feel that they are in dead end jobs that offer no four million Ceylonese workers how to oppress us they are cumulated over an endless pe work. You first taught them ing rent, interest of debts ac The reason for the present pseudo opposition is two fold: On the one hand, the present British gov The agreement signed by Somoza is an agree opportunity for advancement.
and peasants are united in only apt pupils.
their determination to riod, land taxes; well taxes ernment hasn yet come through with what Stalin oust ment between an agent and his boss. It can be About 40 per cent of the married youths are wants of it, chief of which is the formation of a your bloody imperialist agents When work all day for my etc. we have absolutely noth put into force only with rifles furnished by genuine anti aggression pact with the Soviet forced for economic reasons to live with parents Wait till you go to war! Then copper pennies and my bowl of ing left. We must forage fo: Union. Chamberlain no mention of course of American imperialism.
rice, then understand that food and clothing. Is it any or relatives.
our opportunity will come.
both of you are enemies of the wonder that our Province has British Imperialism and the British ruling class The Nicaraguan people are even now gatherAN IRISH NATIONALIST More than 90 per cent of the youths interhighest death rate in the ich Chamberlain authentically speaksOF THE IRISH REPUBLICAN Chinese people.
ing their forces to smash through the violent rehasn been playing ball. Therefore a conscription BANTU, INDIAN, NEGRO world?
viewed considered unemployment a responsi ARMY: was objecting to the Your British Indian army her pressions of Somoza cruel dictatorship. On the bill introduced by Chamberlain must be (tempo bility of the government, hold your vampire landlords WORKERS OF SOUTH AFRIday they put an end to that dictatorship, they rarily, for bargaining purposes) opposed. But let and merchants have kept on CA: We toil in the South Afri. joined with the goondas o a new government be formed speaking, natuwill at the same time put end to every one of In the light of such facts as these, it is little Ireland for hundreds of years. can mines, extractine gold and the native landlords to smash wonder that modern youths have lost some of your method of dividing Irejewels for you. At night, wher our peasant unions. But we rally, for the same imperialism and the same rul the rotten concessions granted by Washington ing class with just the tiniest change in foreign we leave the mines, they lock have learned from the Russian their traditional enthusiasm for adventure and land in half and giving the six policy, and then support of the conscription bill bloody stiletto and firing squad puppets.
counties Ulster to your us up in compounds. In Ger peasant who acted in 1917. JUTE WORKER OF CAL will become the duty of every man and woman are, instead, so preoccupied with the unromantic agents, your hated army of oc many and Italy they call these except counter revolutionary Trotskyists. Or let business of tomorrow board and room, con cupation in the North. So places concentration camps. CUTTA: In the British jute Chamberlain get together with the Kremlin cluded Mr. Bell.
planted a noise bomb to draw But we had them long before mills along the Ganges there are 200, 000 Moslem and Hindu (though this chance is circumspectly not referred the attention of the English they did.
David Sarnoff, President of the Radio Corpo workers to what was going on Your government legislates proletarians. We have fought to by Jerome) and in a twinkling his conscription interests of the factory owners for years.
bills will change their spots At the forty eighth general meeting of the ration of America, took the floor to explain how in my Ireland. Your judges against us in On the other hand, the Stalinist must go slow American Iron and Steel Institute which elected youth could find a way out.
with the false wigs sentenced the tiny white minority. They We are India vanguard in the from a different motive: the English workers are own everything. We live like struggle against imperialism. Weir to the presidency of the Institute to With a general strike, we overwhelmingly against conscription, so much so Don be misled, he said. into believing Builty of? Agitating for the the negroes in the south of the United States. We have many smashed your efforts to cut our that even the Labor Party has to pretend to be freedom of my people!
succeed Tom Girdler, a very significant speech that somehow the world owes you a living or PEASANT IN EGYPT: more Jim Crow laws here wages last year. Our unions politely against it. The Labor Party and Stalinist was made by Senator Millard. Tydings of you ll wake up working for the boy who didn Your Highness, my comrades than in America.
are more powerful than ever.
bureaucrats must for the moment put up a front Maryland believe it.
and are called fellaheens. We of opposition though never enough to interfere When you ask us to die for a The British understand that the till the land in the famous Nile democracy we have never 5, 000, 000 industrial workers of with Chamberlain plans in order to It was the theme of the Senator speech that prevent the And if any youth wants a job he must first Delta areas. Since your troops known you will face united India constitute their main workers from seeing them in their true light and the period of costly experimentation out of the learn to do one useful thing thoroughly.
walking out on them.
threat. When we return to our took over our country and answer: No!
abundance of our great wealth and the accumuThe opposition of the workers to the war cannot marched further south to con AN ARABIAN PEASANT IN slum hovels in Calcutta a lation from former periods of prosperity is The 7, 000, 000 unemployed youth in the be broken in an instant, even at Stalin orders.
quer the Anglo Sudan area PALESTINE: To prevent Arabs night we know that it is our United States will join us in pointing out two we ve had a pretty hard time and Jews alike from seeing the action you fear most of all.
It must be worn down step by step, by carefully drawing to a close little flaws in Sarnoff solution to the problem of eou years backuperanted stirred up communal fighting brothers around Bombay re planned stages. Half betrayal today makes more few weeks ago when our readily possible full betrayal tomorrow Delivered before one of the most vicious antiposed by Mr. Bell us independence.
labor organizations in the country, an organiza In writing of England, did Jerome We don in this land of peace. For one sisted your efforts to enlist remember There isn a youth who would mind in think so! Your troops are sta year now you have been con hem in your imperialist army, France? There is universal conscription in France.
tion backed by the industrial over lords of the The Stalinists do not oppose it, but support it most nation, following as it does the President the least, waking up some day and finding him tioned in Egypt. along the ducting a violent war against your troops murdered 65 of warmly as they do all other defense measures.
speech which reiterated the necessity of continself working even for a boy who had different source uthe Suez Canal, and us. Thousands of Arabians them in cold blood. This is an And who is at the head of the French government beliefs.
uing New Deal policies, Senator Tydings adTana, the headwaters of the bombs and machine guns. assassinations, massacres and Is it not Daladier, Chamberlain Munich com rade?
dress can be considered the answer of Big Busi The capitalist system advocated by Mr. trying to convert our country your side as part of your war you have strangled us for 150 Now you want to win us to slaughters by means of which May suggest the next question for Jerome to ness to Roosevelt speech.
Sarnoff makes it impossible to learn to do one into a one crop country. You plans. But we trust you no years.
deal with: What is the position of the Communist The period in which American capitalism Party of France on conscription?
India has been called the useful thing thoroughly even if that would want us to grow nothing but further than we would a desert could afford to buy off the hungry masses with bring a job which it won t, as many craftsmen long staple cotton for your snake. Your imperialists are brightest jewel in your crown took your Fort Snelling privates who get married on a 30 relief allowances has come to an end. Roose who know even two or three useful things the price for the cotton, too. crossers! Arab and Jew must crown and all its jewels from per month wage have become a problem to the velt retrenchments are not enough.
thoroughly can testify.
No, Sire, the people of us. You will stop at nothing to Minneapolis relief department and the War DepartEgypt don consider them retain it. But the workers and ment is going to hear about it. The city has been Big Business demands a sharper, more effec There is only one way out for American selves free. They think there At Your Service Dogsants of India are leading providing supplemental relief to several soldiers tive way. Roosevelt plan must make way for youth and that is the road to a revolution which is still a long way to go before the drive of the colonial masser families because their army salaries would not Tom Girdler plan.
will destroy capitalism and establish the socialist they know real independence. THE APPEAL to destroy and wipe out forever stretch far enough. It looks like Local 544 of NEGRO GRAZER IN the world Empire of British Minneapolis will have to organize the soldiers.
And in essence that plan is the one already system of opportunity and plenty for all. KENYA, AFRICA: was graz.
POSTER SHOP Imperialism. 30 for 30 hours work should be the slogan.
if Period Ends