Anti-naziAntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionLeninMarxismMussoliniNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers Party

FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor Father Coughlin Is Labor Mortal Enemy Friendship for Labor Dies Investigation of Is So Much Eyewash Fascists Is Adjourned ployer.
Empty Seats Greet Del Vayo the Rockefellers. America By Paul Stevens Sixty Families.
Labor interests are in unFourth Internationalists Organize the Amis de Syndicats countered the compromising conflict with Jouhaux Stalinist war mongering with nothing Coughlinism, which is the most Anti Nazi Fight in Denmark but a pro Munich type of pacifism. In the hypocritical, the most insidiofficial Socialist Party (S. where Leon It is fast becoming a fact that wherever ous, and therefore the most there is organized, militant struggle against Blum joined the Stalinists in their pro war dangerous manifestation of fascism, there the Fourth Internationalists line, the crisis brought forward the pro Munich American fascism today.
tendency of Paul Paure. Now the rift has widwill be found at the forefront; wherever a sec(Continued from Page 1)
ened considerably. Continued from Page 1)
seek to smash the unions and Coughlinism means concentra stand, he forgot all the detion of the Fourth International exists. there the fascists cannot take to the streets without The syndicalists, with their blind apathy Guard to terrorize the 12, 000 force workers to meek acception camps, forced labor, a tee, which Dies characterized talls concerning the letters he had written fascist Campbell.
facing battle.
toward politics and their superficial anti stal miners on strike. The com tance of their bosses hand prison regime for the workers as vaguely cordial.
In one of the letters found by Knights of White Camelia mander of the National Guard outs. Coughlin wants no con of America.
The Socialist Workers Party brought the inism, were bound to flounder into dangerous If the workers are passive the committee, McWhirter The committee then began inmasses into the streets to meet the provocawaters. At first, their agreement with the has given his men the brutal flict between labor and emHe wants national and deluded here as they were asked Campbell if Gov. Alfred vestigating Maj. Gen. Mosetions of the Nazi Bund and the various homeFlandin Bonnet group of capitalist Munich order: Shoot to kill!
baked varieties of fascism in New York, PhilWhere does Coughlin stand unity, the corporative state in Germany, Coughlinism will Landon, former Republican ley connection with the antiois appeared to be a mere coincidence. When adelphia, Los Angeles and San Francisco in their pamphlets were reprinted in the press on this clear cut labor issue? a la Mussolini. National uni succeed in depressing their liv candidate for the Presidency. Semitic campaign. They called for questioning, not Moseley, the course of the past year. The Revolutionary of this imperialist gang, that should have been with the workers? Of course ty, says Coughlin (Social Jusing standards to the level of the was of Jewish descent.
The two Republican mem but George Deatherage, head Socialist Party of Belgium stopped Degrelle cause for them to pause. It was, but instead not. He stands where he al tice, May 8) will solve the prob Chinese coolie. To stamp out lem of the unemployed.
of re evaluating their phoney kind of pacifism. ways stands, with the bosses.
The American fascism before it bers of the committee protest of the Knights of the White CaRexists in their tracks in one mining town after another, when the fascists attempted to they began to reconsider. their syndicalCoughlin entities an article course of national unity will breeds and spreads, the worked vigorously over this phase of melia.
Deatherage gave the history ism.
on the Harlan strike (Social be open to Americans the day ers must prepare now to pro the investigation and later penetrate the proletarian strongholds of the They have finally arrived at a conclusion Justice, May 22. Troops Pro. they forget they are. worktect their unions, their meet Hamilton was called in for of the Knights of the white ca Borinage region. And now, word comes that which makes their class collaboration no bet tect Men Working in Kentucky ers or capitalists and decide to ings and their organizations, questioning by Dles. Hamilton mella and its revival as a tasthe newly organized section of the Fourth In ter, and in a sense even more dangerous than Mines. The men working cooperate in putting the United Workers must form defense denied any political connection cist movement. It had been his ternational in Denmark, the Internationalist squads to beat back the fascists between himself and Campbell hope, he testified, that Moseley Communist Party whose formation we greeted that of Jouhaux and the Stalinists whom they naturally are scabs, but this states back on its feet.
in these columns but a short few months ago have been fighting for years. Joint meetings the plous father conveniently No unions, no strikes, unt whenever they launch an at and issued a long statement to would lead a movement to es the press characterizing the tablish fascist form of go led a successful counter demonstration against with the bosses association representatives forgets to mention. Coughty between workers and capi The Socialist Workers Party Dies attack as based on innu ernment in the United States.
the Danish Nazis in Copenhagen on May in the general interest of the country have lin whitewashes the bosses the been organized by such prominent syndical same bosses who were so scath talists this is the fascist an calls upon the workers to spurn endoes. He answered Camp. He had discussed the perspecClose to the German border and thus more arrogant than elsewhere, the Danish Nazis ists as Georges Dumoulin and Delaisi in the ingly criticized for their anti swer to the problems of decay. fascist appeals, solidify their bell letters, he stated, be tive with Moseley but the gen North, where they are in control of the unions. labor practices by the LaFoling capitalism. It is the an. ranks, and form their own decause they were brought to his eral had not committed him provocatively announced a mass meeting in Dumoulin writes in their paper, Syndicats.
ats. lette Civil Liberties Committee swer of Coughlin and his back. fense squads. This is the way attention by McWhirter.
one of the city public squares on the workWhen McWhirter took the Deatherage predicted a wave ers holiday. The social democrats and the with a cynicism characteristic of those last year. Coughlin throws the ers, the DuPonts, the Morgans. to fight Coughlinism.
of suicides in the United States whom he has fought entire blame for the conditions Stalinists responded to this challenge in their the past: like that which swept the Suusual cowardly fashion. they demonstrated There are, of course, some risks. We in bloody Harlan County onto detenland after the Nazi occuunder the national flag in a park miles away haven abandoned a particle of our class feel. John Lewis and the union, pation, and stated, In spite of from the Nazis. Only our Danish comrades ings; we merely think that, like everything and seeks to shatter the strikwhat 20, 000 Dies committees took up the challenge. Thousands of leaflets else, the class struggle has changed. It has ers morale.
Peddles Boss Lies taken on new forms. In every case, construccan do, you are going to have calling for a counter demonstration were disCoughlin peddles the lies of civil disorder. Any expedient is tributed by the throughout Copenhagen tive work requires collaboration and no durjustified if it peaceful. The on the day before the demonstration and, on able construction is possible without loyal col the bosses. Says Social Justice: time is over for taking pills laboration. To guarantee the men their May Day, at the rallies of the Stalinists and We must have a surgical oper the social democrats The syndicalists are thus well on their way right to work, Governor Chand ation.
Everywhere the appeal was greeted enthusinto the camp of the Munich group of French ler found it necessary to call By FELIX MORROW ing an advertisement appeared munist party members and His surgical operation would iastically. Fifteen hundred workers joined the capitalists, just as their stalinist opponents out nearly 1, 000 National Guard in active combat at the Nazi meeting have already lined up with the pro war group. troops to stand guard over the Negrin last minute failure in the New York Times. an friends who stayed away from be the substitution of military courts for the Federal governmines. The article states furto appear, the failure of Delnouncing Negrin appearance the Stalinist meeting Although the police protected the latter, they Paul Faure Lines up ther: Lewis defied the forces Vayo and the other speakers that evening. But at the farDel Vayo Ducks ment and the State govern could not make themselves heard. Every The against Blum of law and order in Harlan to answer any of the questions end of the meeting after the Conscious that his audience ments until such time as the speaker was pelted with a multitude of projectiles from the crowd, which was wellIn the same tendency is re County. Ky. where Governor which have been troubling collection it was suddenly an wanted an answer to the Ara people of the country should equipped with rotten eggs and ripe tomatoes.
flected in the struggle between the Paul Faure Chandler said that 75 per cent Communist Party members, nounced that Negrin had been quistain and Krivitsky charges, have re established their abil ity to govern themselves.
In this action, the for the first time and Leon Blum factions. Under the cry that of the mine workers desired to and thousands of empty seats, unable to return because he Del Vayo began by saying that brought into the public streets of Denmark the heavy obligations imposed by national work, despite Lewis command sent the audience away with was busy arranging for the en it was no time to make a polit The Dles committee asked the transitional slogans of the Fourth Interdefense are serving as a pretext for a policy that they continue in idleness. no questions answered and new try of refugees into Mexico, ical speech. When would be the General Moseley it he would He did not say. His testify voluntarily or if it would national. Inscribed on placards, they were of social reaction. Faure demands, not a de. The cry of revolt (against ones raised, at the Negrin Del The announcement conveyed time?
Negrin opening formula was, however, be necessary to subpoena him.
greeted enthusiastically by the assembled nunciation of national defense by coalitions Lewis) was heard in other sec Vayo mass meeting at Madi the implication that merely a pretext for not anThe General replied that it was workers. Altogether, it was an auspicious bapwith the capitalist parties. but a break tions, sickened by Lewis one son Square Garden Monday was in Mexico.
But if so, why the advertise. swering the charges. For his not convenient for him to aptism in action for this fighting infant in the with the Stalinists on the part of Leon Blum man rule over their jobs, homes night, May 22.
The meeding took place un and the Socialist Party. Having been the gen and happiness.
ment that morning? Even more masters, the Stalinists, would pear at present. The committee ranks of our internationel.
More power to the Danish Bolshevik Lenineral secretary of that party Paul Faure lined responded stirfly that it could How about the bosses tyran der the shadow of up large majority at the party convention ny over the workers, Father tions of Walter we revela pertinent, why was he listed not and could not answer.
for as guest the following eve The only reference to the no longer await his convenience ists!
last week end in a test vote on whether to de Coughlin? How about the boss mer chief of the Soviet Mili ning in New York at a party charges that they permitted and adjourned indefinitely.
Ranks of French Labor Leaders bate a resolution on this subject which he had es iron grip over the jobs, tary Intelligence in Western for Dorothy Parker? Negrin him was: Certain elements Split by Munich Crisis presented and the National Committee had homes and happiness of the Europe, and of Luis Araquis failure to appear indicates a say we blocked the social revo 400 Hear Shachtman new schism within the ranks lution in Spain; but the same Some time ago, this column indicated the alignment with the Flandin Bonnet group of Coughlin is silent. He always ist leader.
Faure does not yet openly propose strikers. On these points tain, left wing Spanish Social of the Stalinists and their al elements also say we are Speak at Harvard rift created in the ranks of the major French French capitalists. But his stand in the Munich attacks the workers when they Corroborating authoritatively lies. They deny it? Let them Reds.
labor organizations after the September crisis. crisis leaves no doubt that he is headed in the seek to strengthen their unions. the charges made by revolu produce Negrin on a platform!
This tricky attempt to find a BOSTON, May 27A splenIn the General Federation of Labor (C. same direction on the political field as the He has no word of criticism tionists in Spain and abroad Two other speakers promi contradiction in the charges is did turnout of more than 400 the formerly militant syndicalist minority syndicalists are on the trade union field. against the bosses strike concerning the scabby and nently advertised that morning of course thoroughly dishonest. students of Harvard University, breaking sabotaging role of the Stalinist failed to appear Archibald There is no contradiction. They members of the faculty, and Chandler calls out the troops Negrin regime, these revela MacLeish and Fannie Hurst. aid block the social revolution workers of Boston filled one of against the striking miners. tions have aroused throughout polemic in the next issue of the in Spain, destroyed the work the large halls on the UniverThe National Guard comman the Communist Party and its New Masses against MacLeish ers and peasants morale, and sity campus for a showing of der gives the order shoot to sympathizing circle wide Indicates a break there too. As made possible the victory of the film, From Czar to Lenkill. Father Coughlin ap spread demand for an answer for the distinguished woman Franco. And they did so in al in, which was followed by an plauds vehemently, and shouts from Negrin and the Commu informed that she refused to shipe which wanted no social tion of the Russian Revolution Hurrah! and Amen! nist leaders.
EN ROUTE One night last week am sit bunch of the boys from the Lazy ranch who That the sort of man that But Negrin did not appear. share the platform with Negrin revolution in Spain, but on the delivered by Max Shachtman, ting in Molly Cafe in Milford, Utah, enjoying are all hot about the idea of organizing. It Coughlin is an enemy of the and the explanation finally givand Del Vayo after reading Arcontrary, sought to demon editor of the Socialist Appeal. glass of lukewarm beer and listening to the he calls them in, would mind?
en for his absence was obvi.
aquistain exposure of their strate by their conservative, The gathering took place unnickel music box which is playing my favor They come tramping in and when their hard Coughlin anti union policies ously lame. That very morn role in destroying the Loyalist counter. revolutionary policy. der the auspices of the Univerite swing tune, the Beer Barrel Polka, when boots hit Molly new mail order linoleum, it cause in Spain.
that Stalin deserved an alliance sity Socialist Club (4th Interthe door swings open with a bang and in stalks sounds like a herd of wild mustangs racing Thousands Stay Away at the hands of British and nationalist) and its success was a long, slim guy all dolled up in a red silk across a tin roof. It looks like a rodeo, what Krivitsky and Araquistain French imperialism.
all the more gratifying in view shirt and cowboy boots.
with all the blue, green and yellow shirts and exposures, and the truth told He stands the doorway for a couple of the horse opera hats.
As soon as Del Vayo stated of the attempted boycott of the seconds like a fire alarm box before he spots by the revolutionists finally that he was not going to make Stalinists and of the fact that Cowboy and Cattle Owner seeping down into the ranks of a political speech, a large many students were unable to me and then he makes a beeline for my table.
and then he waits for a lull in the music beIt seems that there is considerable unemthe Communist Party and its number in the audience left. attend due to the crowded exsympathizers accounted, too. They had come to hear the anployment, and cowboys are being forced to ams period.
fore he opens up that down at the post office The June number of the Newtion to assist the magazine he heard am in possession of radical literaapply for home relief and jobs digging International, reviewed else creatly through an organized seats in the Garden Workers, munist Party to the mountain present stalin regime with the Shachtman contrasted the for the thousands of empty swer of Negrin and the Comditches which is a sorry come down the way where in the appeal, is off the effort to obtain renewal sub disgusted with Stalinist policy of evidence growing against period in which Lenin and the ture Sure, says, knowing it is too late to make a quick exit and with a quiver in my otherabout washed up and that means just home press. On this occasion it is scriptions: in Spain and with the failure these destroyers of the relief.
NEW YORK: necessary, and painful, to anManhattan of the Stalinist press to answer fascist struggle. They heard the revolution and showed the wise normal voice, it is still a free country nounce that the New Interna.
Lo some extent and the post office ain run Bronx Brooklyn, Long is the insistent questions raised nothing, because the Stalinists incompatibility of the two poAt the same time the cattle Ownerseesett tional WILL CEASE PUBLI ation is raising hell and blaming Roosevelt. CATION FORTHWITH unless land City on all sides, voted with their cannot and dare not answer.
litical theories and practices.
by Hitler is it?
because he has signed a trade treaty with its readers come to its support MINNEAPOLIS feet, staying away in droves.
Slim Beaver Explains Himself Argentine to ship beef in cans from south immediately. Revenue has falST. PAUL This was particularly signifi No, he says slowly, and he smiles just a America for the Army and Navy here in the len off sharply. Particularly CHICAGO cant since the Communist Parlittle which right off makes the severe pain Now these cattle owners are Republic have many units negLOS ANGELES ty had staked its prestige on in my solar plexus ease up considerably. ans who want to put the Democrats on the lected to pay for their bundles CLEVELAND filling the Garden. Weeks of Then he smiles again like before, and intro spot, but at the same time they are very strong for a considerable period. This SAN FRANCISCO whirlwind preparations for the NEWARK duces himself as Slim Beaver, and explains patriots who saying that this country could failure to pay for the bundles is meeting, front page banners in that all he wants is some information on So lick the whole world and that we must pro the immediate cause for the ST. LOUIS the Stalinist press, had been BOSTON cialism because he is in a jam since 1932 when tect South America from invasion because the crisis with the New Internaclimaxed on the day of the he voted a straight Socialist ticket merely Italians and the Germans have their eye on it tional. Likewise, the Branches PHILADELPHIA because he figured that the other two parties and by right it belongs to us. They tell the have failed to take advantage drive by the Party and Not an empty seat in the Gar: From Gas Poisoning, An organized subscription hortation in the Daily Worker: Refugee Family Dying Spends 1, 000 a Day on the ballot are nothing but horses from the unemployed cowhands to join the Army or of first class opportunities to units can unquestionably den tonight. Nevertheless, a same nest even if they do call each other dirty the Navy and show their patriotism and grat obtain subscriptions, especially result in a very large number On Racing Stable names, and no matter which gets a grip on itude at being born in a free country.
good third of the auditorium Charged with Homicide After Leaving Poetry the public payroll the difference is the same, RENEWALS, of which several of renewal subscriptions right was a panorama of gaping Now the cattle owners are in a fix because hundred have expired. Now the away.
Two weeks ago, Rheinhart Many, many years ago, say whereas the Socialists might be on the level.
rows of empty seats how can they keep a straight face when they management stresses the im Party and Units!
only what happened to the Socialist Party The talk about defending American trade rights perative need for the BRANCH whether the New International sponsored Garden meeting into a life of freedom and happi young and dark eyed and soft only other seven generations of Stalinist Lowengart. 40, looked forward six or horses ago, Helen Hay was anyway and how can he find out where it is? in South America, when these trade rights ES TO PAY THEIR BUNDLE is again to appear depends on many years which was as ness as he embarked for this to look on and she was known Now Slim is in a tough spot and his difficulties increase all the time because for one throws men out of jobs and on to the home re WISE THERE WILL BE NO BILLS AND ORGANIZE ruary 27 Communist party their year old son, Manfried. wrote poetry and illustrated the country with his wife, 27, and as the Rose of Washington. She thing, as everybody knows, Norman Thomas lief and the A, which the Republicans JULY ISSUE OF THE NEW SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE!
did not get elected and another thing, as want to do away with outright instead of dip. INTERNATIONAL rally which was held just a everyone in Milford knows, the way you vote lomatic like Roosevelt is doing it? This is the Address checks or money or week after the great February Today, their third day in poems herself. She was an arIn the matter of SUBSCRIP ders for SUBSCRIPTIONS 20 demonstration organized by America, all three are dying tistic young person.
in a small town is public news, and for an main question out in the cow country and Slim TIONS, with main reference AND and his friends are anxious to hear the an here to RENEWALS, the fol to: other thing Slim doesn know a thing about But that was many years BUNDLE PAYMENTS the Socialist Workers Party in Bellevue Hospital, where ago, and it came to pass that Socialism, and ever since that election he has swer because things are getting tougher every lowing cities have several hun.
against the Nazi Garden meetbeen pestered by the local yokels to explain day.
THE NEW INTERNATION ing: the Stalinist boycott of the they were taken from a fur Helen Hay married into the Marxism, which is a complete mystery to Well, am almost stuck because these fel de follows up paired as the scriptions 4, 116 University Place, New anti Nazi demonstration was nisbechembet 305 Sist st. Whitney family, which thinks a Slim, but which he knows would pin back the to follow and are in a posiYork, answered by thousands of Com them overcome by gas. thoroughbred race horse, and ears of these birds, if only he had the an by somebody in this whole mess and that if Lowengart and his wife, as a thoroughbred race horse may swers, and he knows from just figuring out this little misunderstanding would only be signed to the prison ward, were speak only to god.
Now my pain is entirely gone. encourage cleared up everything would be hunkydory ESCAPE FROM THE WORLD FAIR! formally charged with attempt Today Helen Hay, now Mrs.
Slim to go ahead and ask questions. He does. and answer, without once using words like plain that there is no mistake and that no one chance they recover from the a day on the upkeep of her recapitulation and bourgeois, which would really fooled by all this except a few dopes effects of the gas, they will be Greentree Stable, and she no sound like the Ladies Afternoon Literary Club who cannot see through the game which is Studs Lonigan brought to trial.
longer writes poetry.
in a jam session fit to suffocate any cow part of a system. Little by little try to show Lowengart, police said, had When Payne Whitney died in puncher who might be in the same corral. them that the bosses are forced into situaCaptains James Cannon and James Farrell promise a rip roaring kame slashed the wrists of his wife 1927 he left behind the world After five or six beers, Slim and are now tions which can be solved only by a war. Then Proceeds so to the American Fund for Political Prisoners and Refugees and son, and then his own, af largest recorded estate 200, the best of pals, and he is hanging on every go on and explain also how the patriots in ter the gas jets in the tiny room 000. 000 and before Mrs. Whit word, as tell him about the Socialist Workers had been turned on. He left no ney could catch her breath and Party and the Fourth International and how fending America and all the while they are SATURDAY, JUNE 10 HECKSCHER FOUNDATION note of explanation, but despon get the news from the Departit was organized by revolutionists from every dency was thought to be a con ment of Taxation, a bull marknook and cranny of the country and was pre into bullets and how the armament bosses sell P.
104th Street and 5th Ave.
tributing cause.
et sent the securities up anparing to have a real show down with Capi arms and patents to any country which will Police and an emergency other 100, 000, 000. Here was all talism, and how he ought to join up and fight buy them for good money, regardless of who crew from the Consolidated this money and nothing to do against the war which the bosses are aiming will get shot with all the guns they sell. Patrito set off in order to boost profits in the name Edison Company worked fran with it, so the former poet otism depends entirely on profits and it is only tically on the trio, using tanks spread eagled into the sport of of Democracy, and also explain why the natural that they will give your life for their Stalinists have taken to sitterbugging to the beaucoup of oxygen in the attempt to millionaires with country if you let them get away with it. It tune of the Star Spangled Banner.
save their lives. But they con splash and in the last twelve can be otherwise unless we organize and put Admission: 850 Special price to Yipsels sidered the chances for success years has tossed more than Slim eats it all up. Then he says he has a the damper on them in a hurry.
slight. 10, 000, 000 into the racing pot.
On the Line. with Bill Morgan New International to Suspend Publication, Unless.
SOCIETY NOTES: BASEBALL The Marxist Maulers in a Return Match with the SWIMMING Exclusive Use of the Pool