DemocracyFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismInvasionNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III No. 38 FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1939 3c a Copy Dies Committee Adjourns Coughlin an Enemy Seafarer Union Ties Fake Investigation of of Trade Unionism Up 14 East Coast Ships; Fascist Activities in Tanker Strike Continues eyewash.
aktivom feine cene werd aangetooth Twin City Unions Call for Hugel PA Protest Parade any Father Coughlin poses as a friend of the worker, but. he consistently carries out the anti labor policies of the bosses. His pretended compassion for the underdog is just Committee Fails to Call Main Witnesses Nazis Join so much But NMU Leadershp Seafarer International Union Wages But Evidence Disclosed is Enough to Coughlinites Coughlin favors the abolition of all real trade unions.
He plugs for the company union in preference to the authenEndangers Strike by Most Thorough Strike Action of Year Show Extent of Fascist Organization ST. LOUIS German tic trade union.
Policy on Hot Oil Strengthens Cause of Militant Unionism branch of the Union for Social Justice has recently This is Coughlin real program, just as it is the proDeclaring that his committee will soon ask for a 50, 000 inBy DAVID COWLES been established in St. gram of America Sixty Ruling families. fresh breeze of progressive maritime unionism hit crease in its 100, 000 appropriation so that we can go into Louis, and is now holding subversive activities more thoroughly, Congressman Dies regular weekly meetings.
For the time being the radio priest is forced, in the seventh week, the effectiveness the East Coast as the Seafarer International Union com(Democrat, Texas) adjourned his committee indefinitely on May This German branch was usual fascist manner, to conceal his true aims behind high of the strike is being weakened pletely tied up the 14 vessels of the Eastern Steamship ComUnited States. pseudo organized by the local Nazis. sounding, but deceptive, phrases. For were he to state his by the Curran leadership pany, in what the boss press correctly describes as the most investigation of fascist activities in the members of the German aims openly, his support would vanish overnight, and he stop the shipment of hot olla thorough strike action of this year, on Friday, May 26.
The committee may not meet again until August.
American Bund. The chairIn questioning witnesses darby the large oil companies, man of this branch is Albert would cease to be of use to his Big Business backers.
Failing to get their demands for improvement in overing the week, the Dies commit Camelia, Felix McWhirter, Insuch as Esso and Standard.
Mueller, fuhrer of the St. Coughlin unsavory labor record bears looking into time and hours, and in wage increases of 10 to 15 for the tee shifted the center of its in dianapolis banker and treasurLouis Nazis, who has, in the Back in 1935, before the successful unionization drives u. Cerebeaboard cohet. be Luck deck, engine and stewards departments, the after a terest temporarily from com er of the Republican state or past, presided at many Nazi in the auto industry, a semi company union, the Automotive enbach took the stand that strike vote, ordered the 1, 000 munism to fascism. The move canization of Indiana. They almeetings.
was astutely designed to ac so found correspondence beIt is possible that the Industrial Workers of America, was set up in the automobile its finky to go into a filing sta seamen from the company counterskole Centrale merican complish the following objectween Campbell and John Nazis in other parts of the industry. Its greatest strength was in the Chrysler Corporation and take on five callons of vessels and left the ships mo posed to invading when they tives: Hamilton, chairman of the country are also entering Without really uncovering Republican National CommitCoughlin organization, tion, but there were branches elsewhere, including a local in bunker dock and take 1, 000 bar tionless in ports from Port do it. What they oppose is the (Continued on Page 3)
the Motor Products Company at Detroit.
the extent and danger of the rels of ofl. And they forced the land, Maine, to Richmond, seamen to invade the swollen fascist movement, to gain an This union received Father Coughlin blessing, and company to stop taking hot oil. Virginia. The strike was profits of the plutocrats who aura of impartiality in preparwas known as a Coughlin union. It was created, as are the militant Houston leadership called at the strategic time dominate and control not only company unions generally, to prevent the formation of a real, forced the Lykes Brothers when the company opera the whole economic and polius on working class organizations. To make political capital fighting union, and to force the workers to agree to the Steamship Co to use only fair tions were nearing the peak cal We of the country, 01. Pilot of May 12. of activity for the Democrats by linking bosses terms.
1939. Brazen Attitude the Republican Party with the The next act of the bosses movement for fascism in the Blesses a Company Union Blow at Class Cooperation The membership of the and their press, performed with The strike strengthens the United States.
But something in the plans of the Coughlins and the and the SI. was reported organized power of militant, an air of injured innocence, is To show that the present United Front Meeting, Set for June 2, Is Chryslers and the Fords went wrong. The workers decided in the official Pilot as class struggle unionism and to say that they really, really, government is taking care of Expected to Be Largest Ever Held in Area the problem of fascism, and so cannot afford to pay the into strike for better conditions. On November 15, 1935, all operation in the right to stop deals a blow at the employer creases demanded. The implihead off any move of the massthe members of the Motor Products Co. local of Coughlin the hot oil. From Houston came cooperation untonism of the ma Curran Bridges cation is that the seamen ought es to meet the fascist danger (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Automotive Industrial Workers union downed tools. This West Coast ship Lena LuckenNo Competitive Bidding for to be, you know, more considwith actions of their own. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. erate. This is an utterly braW. Trucking. For the union comprised the majority of the workers in the plant. bach had come into the u. the progressive con the zen attitude. Just how much Attention Shifts united front demonstra That nation wide attention is tion, the largest of its kind Lesinsky Bill Another union represented there the Mechanics Education hall and announced they consideration is the company East Coast would be the begin shifting somewhat from the ever attempted, will be held in under Enlarge the Pro al Society of America (an independent union) went out in stances circumshowing when it lays the men war danger back to the inter, would accept hot ning of a great wave of organgram.
the Twin Cities on Friday, Junc nal problems which are more At the initiation of two sec. State demands call for a spe for work.
sympathy with the Coughlin unionists. Not a man reported bunkers until the had izing on the East Coast, the off during the slow season?
acute than ever after six years tions of General Drivers Union cial session of the legislature Perhaps the men can afford to take the wage losses?
of the New Deal, is indicated Local 544, the Federal Workers Tremendous pressure was exerted by the bosses, the same report said. The same plutocrats, some of whom are Their last act however is kind of solidarity was evt financially interested in the guaranteed to bring the house turning its attention to fascism, Sectik owners sectione persoane sium clearance and housing National Metal Trade Association, the bureaucracy. denced in New Orleans, where byt by the wide publicity given Action Committee has been set act; a tax on corporate wealth and the police, to break the strike Squad cars and motor: four Ships Inansowe begun a propaganda ortensive down, especially if it should happen to be a seamen audi ence. To live to see shipowners biele bien presse. dourdaea terenier up. This Action Committee has to provide for the unemployed: cycle details patrolled the plant gates daily. Other squad cars fered to tie up rather than take to het them. on the spot.
ticle in the Saturday Evening worked out all details of the cash relief: larger old age pen. carried scabs to work. Strikers were harassed and attacked. 12. 1939. on hot ofl. Pilot, May leading metropolitan dallles re weeping about the lack of deflect their alarm at the appear mocracy in the is to fascist groups in the United will take the form of a motor sions: abolition of the Stassen Faced with this powerful, unified opposition, the strikers One week later have lived to some purpose. It The arrest during the same sand and relief work State Youth Ald program in Coughlin. delegation of strikers was sent to call upon the Take Hot 011 Bunkers and the Sailor me note of the Pacific ized parade. At least five thou. Labor Slave Act; provide a thought they could turn for aid to their protector, Father was printed from Galveston ancan die unter poflitants on the might be suggested to the comthat Ships Refuse to the same international as the pany union loving shipowners week of Fritz Kuhn, leader of ers and truck drivers are ex proportion to the need.
that, should they turn the mil.
the German American Bund, pected to participate.
priest to present the strikers viewpoint and enlist his help. Result was the ship was They have built up a picture o: lions of dollars they spend an.
on criminal charges, is signifi The two Local 544 sections City demands call for no What did Coughlin do? Coughlin flatly refused to see moved to a fair dock for fuel. the invading the east nually to smash unions through cant in this respect, as is the will mass at 257 Plymouth sales tax: a housing program the strikers delegation! He refused to intercede with the Pilot, May 19, 1939. coast, in order to raise a bogey the employment of scabs.
Deceive Members man before the eyes of the pub thugs, stool pigeons, and other officials into Maj. Gen. George The Workers Alliance contin: homes for workers: the refused to atter one word in his radio broadcasts in defense Stalinist machine behind it, are which however, cannot fall but increases in wages, installation The Curran leadership and lic, the intelligent section of such democracy lovers, toward tions with movements to estab. gent will fall in line at Eighth budget for single work of the strikers and in protest against police intimidation, however, trying to deceive the to see the blatant hypocrisy of and Marshall. Local 544 In Tish fascism by violence.
membership into believing that such propaganda improvement their filthy Main witnesses of the Dies dependent Truckowners secers; and no camps for singleAnd with Coughlin help, the bosses smashed the strike.
tion will furnish trucks to con the is trying to break the committee were Dudley Pler vey all demonstrators. After is not food menus for the seamen, Many unemployed youth are More than three years have passed since then. Coughlin tanker strike. They continue aware of the long What informed pending in their crocodile tears might.
repont Gilbert in New York marching on the district expected to join the demonstra policy today is as much, and more anti labor, as it was in the this deceptive propaganda in vasion of the shipowners inte perhaps, begin to affect us.
order to hide the fact that on the living standards not only of The facts are: Two out of Motor Products strike.
of Owensboro, Ky, and George torized demonstration will pro State officials have the all important East Coast east coast seamen, but of al three departments voted strike, Deatherage of St. Albans, ceed to St. Paul, where it will been warned to declare June Harlan County, Kentucky, is again the arena of a labor they have refused to take any workers throughout the world therefore, the deck and black Va. All advocated a military nationalistic form of govern tingent of workers from St. be lost by the workers.
be joined by another large con a holiday, so that no time will conflict. Governor Chandler has called out the National direct action to stop the move what of the United Fruit Com gang men were called out. The (Continued on Page 3)
ment, and all of them were Paul, White Bear. Continued on Page 2) pany invasion and domina Eastern Steamship Company Hastings thereupon cooperated by firing pro fascist and rabidly antl. Isanti and Anoka, to bear down the steward dept. Very conSemitic.
on the state offices in siderate. They are therefore, Wide Publicity The Dies committee began to the state capitol to Governor downtown St. Paul, and thence locked out.
What the shipowners are its questioning of these men Stassen really afraid of is just that dewith elaborate maneuvers to Militant Demands mocracy that does exist in the gain publicity. It announced They it is deep secrecy for its hearings. The demands adopted by the guarantee that their stooges It transported witnesses across Joint Action Committee call, in narrow ledges five stories part, for: Plans for a demonstration on Lehigh County Unemployed will not be able to bore from First returns from the emergency call to time of the convention, we shall have liqui within for very long. They above ground 80 that they Bread Not Bullets June 26 in Washington against Leagues, Allentown, Pa. the branches for the payment of delinquent bunUnemployed and Project Workdated our account. We are taking other steps would not meet one another and know that it means rank and Open the Idle Factories the cuts were an ers Union of New York, the dle order accounts to save the Twice a Week to build up the circulation of the paper here: would be seen by no one but file control of the union, which Let Us Earn a Living.
representatives of the press. It nounced this week in a call American Workers Committee Appeal came in during the past week. comrade Stanley will notice a rise in the means that the union will fight Reinstate announced it had uncovered ali discharged signed by a number of of Milwaukee, and the Peoples for what the seamen think is workers and provide amount of subs we are sending in this week: The results so far are coming in too slowly well organized anti Semitic of MI.
worth fighting for, and not for and relief workers organiza Unemployed League funds immediately to employ tions.
campaign which had attracted to ease the situation. As a matter of fact the we shall continue to get renewal subs where what the shipowners might the attention of Maj. Gen.
all employables continuously think they should not fight for The call, addressed to unions The call also states that, preever possible; we are going to contact our at trade union wages.
crisis has deepened and unless the branches George Van Horn Moseley.
It is that democracy which and unemployed organizations, ceding the demonstration, there entire party contact list personally within show more speed and action, we are soon We insist upon Our Right to was signed by the workers Re will be held on June 24 25 a Then it gave long releases to was a principal factor in makone month in an attempt to get more new Work Decent Jobs for All.
coming to a blow up. There are no two ways the press and admitted report.
ing a small group of 6, 000 sealief and Union of New conference to explore the possubs; we are now going out onto the streets For Twenty Billion Proabout it. Our reserve fund is exhausted.
ers and spectators to its hearark, Unemployed Workers Unsibilities of building a militant men (S. such a mighty ings. At the end of the week it gram of Housing and Public ion of Wilkesbarre, Project national organization of unem Either the branches must pay their bundle of the city, into the heart of the city, at least force on the West Coast, ready and able to challenge the gov.
adjourned indefinitely without Works.
Workers Union of Harrisburg. ployed and workers.
once a week. The Appeal noted that last order bills and pay them right now! or we calling the most important witernment itself. That is what can have the Twice a Week Appeal.
Saturday we did good work in disposing of the shipowners are really ness, Moseley the Appeal at the city busiest corners. This afraid of. And they better be.
The committee centered its The following branches are setting the pace is a turn for the better in Newark, and it is because the membership of the investigation upon the antiand the example: only the beginning. The rest of the summer and the are depaign, as brought out by the Faces Death for Anti Militarist Work Quakertown sent in 50 to pay their bill am positive will see us increasing our bun termined to keep their union up to date.
committee questioning, was dle order for sure.
democratic, seamen style.
The class struggle unionism organized as follows. Special to the Socialist Appeal) will not be tried by a civil court tent by the fact that a new law Lynn, Mass. Paid 00 up to date.
From Boston, literature director, John Dudley Gilbert, wealthy of the is now on the East New Yorker, learned highly PARIS, May 24. Leon Rig but by a military court martial. in France (two months old)
Coast, with a great future beWorcester, Mass. Paid 80 up to date. Taber writes: Boston owes only for the last fore it. Having the assured coinflammatory details of con audias, leading militant of the The axe of imperialist justice makes even mention of the fact Berkeley Yipsels 50 almost up to date.
six issues. just received the bill and will operation of the longshoremen versations in the Harmonie Fourth Internationalist is about to descend with par of his arrest a crime of trea send comrade Stanley money order to pay and the teamsters, the strike Club of New York through an Internationalist Workers Particular force upon Rigaudias son (betrayal of military seCleveland sent in 10. 00 on account and informer, alleged to be waitshould be a success. The ty) and the Revolution because the 4th International crets. punishable by a fine of for it in full.
is demonstrating the kind of er. He sent statements about ary Socialist Youth. was arists are the only ones carrying 3, 000 to 30, 000 francs and or promises to clean up the back bill as quickly these conversations to James rested two weeks ago by the on a consistent and aggressive months to years of forced as possible.
The following branches are the outstanding real unity that brings shophold outs who have thus far not responded to owners to their knees. Campbell, 42 year old re French authorities, it was anti war activity among the labor.
serve army captain at Owens learned here today. for anti workers and the soldiers. The In order to do everything Los Angeles is paying cash for each bunthe emergency call: Philadelphia, Chicago, dle, plus 00 weekly on their delinquent Toledo, Akron.
boro, Ky. who in turn sent militarist activity among the conditions of the latter are possible to save Rigaudias WAR NOTE them to a select mailing list. mobilized troops. The charge abominable, and Rigaudias from a long prison term and bill.
Get busy comrades! Bundle order accounts WASHINGTON, The Campbell also sent out against him is of the gravest agitation against them has in possibly execution, funds are Army is about to start must be paid right now or the Twice a Week From Newark, organizer George Breitman speeches by Moseley and Fath kind and, if proved, is punish furiated the army martinets. urgently needed and an appeal the most feverish recruiting writes: We decided last night to divert hall Appeal is going down. Branches which are It is significant that the bur is made to workers everywhere campaign er Coughlin. These mailings able by death.
the since World were financed by Gilbert. Rigaudias is imprisoned in den of proof of innocence lies to furnish financial aid. the proceeds of a social affair scheduled for back in their bills must find the ways and War. To line up the suckers The Dies committee seized the fortress of Metz under strict with the defendant the army (The Socialist Appeal will be this coming Saturday evening as part pay means to pay them by emergency action.
who will be first to get shot, bayonetted, blown apart, or the correspondence files of army conditions, held incom prosecutor being under no obli glad to forward to the proper ment on our Appeal bundle account, and to Other branches must make special efforts to Campbell and found letters municado so that not even his gation to prove guilt.
bodies in France all funds adgassed, high pressure salesdo the same thing in the near future, in the pay a few issues in advance to help us over The hands of Rigaudias dressed to it by readers for the from George Deatherage, lead intimate family or his lawyer manship will be used, says hope that by the end of next month, by the this desperate emergency.
er of the Knights of the White is permitted to visit him. He friends are tied to a large ex defense of Rigaudias. Major Gilbert, in charge.
Plan Demonstration on Slow Response of Branches Is PA Cuts for June 26 Peril to Twice a Week Appeal now Leading Militant of French Fourth Int