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Y. Fights Education Budget Cuts in Jobs for Youth Campaign IN THIS CORNER Behind the Scenes Submarine Disaster Britain Offers the Jews a Haven Unfit for Agriculture or Indus ry SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1939 court against its victims for 7, 500, 000. It SOCIALIST APPEAL claims that the workers who joined the Little Vol. III, No. 37 May 30, 1939 Steel strike committed unlawful acts of force, intimidation, threats, violence, destruction of Published twice a week by the SOCIAL MEDIAPRE PUBLISHING ASSN property, injury to persons and obstruction of at 116 University Place, New commerce to and from the plants. that is, Telephone: Algonquin 8547 every crime of which the corporation was actu While the New Dealers Suggest Additional Schooling as Subscriptions. 00 per year 00 for six months. For etken 00 per year. 50 for six months Bundle orders. ally proved ten times guilty. Their Solution for America Locked Out Generation cents per copy in the United States: cents per copy in All foreign countries. Single coples: cents.
Irony is speechless before hypocrisy as coldBronx and Manhattan subacriptions are: 50 for six blooded, monstrous, and sordid as this.
They Continue to Restrict Educational Opportunities By Max Shachtman months: 00 for one year. Reentered a second class matter February 16, 1939, at It is high time that the leeches who bleed this By MARTIN EDEN the post office at New York, under the Act of March is thus dispelled. The institu doned completely. Mesger as 90 section of the steel industry were pulled off the The Young People Socialist tion of teachers in training. they have been, they afforded What was first considered funny story eircuthroats of the workers and allowed to digestele against the educational become teachers is to be com tional life. Gyms, pools, social is organizing lated by a town wit finally been confirmed in Editor: their blood removed from the sight of decency.
MAX SHACHTMAN slash instituted by the La pletely discontinued.
halls, already built, are to reproad daylight as the sobering truth: Heywood Associate Editors: Broun has joined the Catholic church. To the Guardia New York City ad Impossible to Learn HAROLD ROBERTS The workers who have been so basely slanFELIX MORROW main idle. Youth will be forced ministration. The League recreader who may think that this is a dull joke Staff Member: EMANUEL GARRETT JOSEPH HANSEN dered, terrorized, and violently attacked by the cgnizes that the fight for the tion, says Roosevelt In his rooms, and in the alley of their Extend the period of educa costay on the corners, the pool and retort, Hasn he been a Stalinist all along?
Business Manager: stockholders of this corporation are more than STANLEY we reply. It isn a joke at all. Heywood Broun right to an education is part speeches. But the War Deal slum tenements.
of its national Jobs for Youth Slashes make a farce out of The institutions curtailed by renounced the devil and all his works and all his capable of running all the mills under their own campaign.
pomps, and after an appropriate preliminary FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST control and management in such a manner that The Roosevelt administration education. The proposed allot the budget slashing mount up period during which he was indoctrinated by Republic Steel and its similars will no longer cannot and will not provide City will have a minimum of who will be denied basic eduMonsignor Sheen, he has finally been accepted WORKERS PARTY FOR: into the arms of the Church of Rome jobs for the nation total of 56 students in each class over cational facilities. The thouconstitute a perpetual menace to the masses.
seven million unemployed sized classes in rooms made sands of youth who are affect At first blush, the latest conversion of Heywood Job and a decent living for every worker.
Broun may appear to be just a bit unexpected poses is that the period of edu fire hazards by stuffing the ed by the cuts must be mobilA little reflection will reveal, however, that the Open the Idle factories operate them under Try ized to fight against the forces sudden jump from dilletante radicalism to Roman cation be extended so that the and learn something in such which have engineered the Catholicism is not entirely in conflict with the workers control.
schools will not pour youth so classes. cuts. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works rapidly onto glutted labor natural order of things.
Trade Schools Hamstrung Who Did It and housing program. faint allusion to the extensiveness of the Parotted Stalinist Line This is intended to place The vocational schools. The budget was slashed, city Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage international network of spies organized by the Roosevelt in the favorable fundamental need for unem and state, by Democrat and For the last few years, Broun has consistently 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on Roosevelt government was given by Secretary parotted every slogan, idea and war cry of the light of seriously considering ployed youth, and youth in Republican, liberal and Tory all jobs.
youth problems and of ex dead end jobs who want to alike. When Hull in an electrically transcribed radio talk in the cut went Stalinists. Nothing was too outrageous, nothing Republican contending educational facilities learn a trade bear their share through the too fantastic in the activities of the Communist Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability the Cabinet Series of the National Emergency for youth. Belying his finely of the slash. The fact that the trolled state legislature, DemoParty. either here or in the Soviet Union, for pension.
Council wrought speeches. however, existing trade schools are al cratic Governor Lehman said Broun to swallow. His weekly column in the New are the legislative steps which ready taxed beyond their ca not one word in protest. In the Republic became a veritable repository of Stalin6. Expropriate the Sixty Familles.
In an attempt to defend the secrecy of the his supporters take against the pacity. that they need addi city, the Fusion War Deal forc 1st agitation on any and all subjects. The Stalin7. All war funds to the unemployed.
Roosevelt government over its war alliances and very solution he ostensibly pro tional funds to continue funces were as vigorous as Tam ists in the trade unions were boon to labor poses.
its exact knowledge concerning the behind thetioning at all, is disregarded many in planning the cut. The Stalinists in the Soviet Union were as innocent people referendum on any and all wars.
War Deal Slashes by the budget makers. Eve Straus. Fusion member of the and benevolent as one of Broun present saints.
stage agreements to carve up the world among It goes without saying that the Trotskyists were In New York, the city and ning trade schools are to be en City Council and La Guardia 9. No secret diplomacy.
the various capitalist nations in advance of the state budgets call for various tirely eliminated.
friend, said, The Mayor is as like mud under his feet. They weren radical 10. An independent Labor Party.
war, Hull stated. slashes in educational appropri The colleges are similarly interested in cutting the budget enough for him; or else they were too damned radical; or else they were simply agents of Hitler 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante If we were to make public everything that ations. The city appropriation curtalled. College is to become as anyone.
for 1939 contains a cut of a vast lecture hall where no in every neighborhood, in and Franco.
and Fascist attacks.
is reported to us we would. have half the 3, 600, 000 from last year rig teacher student relationship is every school, the calls The man who made such a stirring defense of nations of the world not speaking to us within ure. The state budget cuts at all possible. Evening ses for the formation of protest Sacco and Vanzetti, who denounced the frame up in Massachusetts in such bitter terms twelve years thirty days.
lotment 5, 000, 000 of it from Summer schools are not even youth petitions to swamp the ago, sank, under the pressure of his Stalinist The governments of the capitalists organize New York City share.
mentioned in the budget. This City Council. The Young Peo friends, to revolting depths in his at once frivolous Effect Teachers summer they are to be run ple Socialist League proposes and vicious attacks upon the victims of Stalin More than the explosion of a Navy Zeppelin intricate international networks of spies to penetrate the secrets of their allies and opponents in rally the neighborhood Moscow frame ups.
immediate elimination or 8, 819 schools. Next summer, when forces in a sweeping City: wide Now he is himself the unwitting victim of the or the crash of a pursuit plane, the sinking of order to maintain peace, as Hull puts it, teaching positions in the city. these funds will be exhausted, demonstration.
Stalinists. At least, that hypothesis about his apa submarine catches the imagination of the The fight is a vital link in the parently sudden conversion is as sound as any we and other legitimate objectives of foreign pol one thousand of those to be there will be no classes.
people. They try to place themselves in the posidropped have been teaching for No Recreation Centers struggle for jobs the fight of have heard.
five years. Any illusion about tion of the men far below the surface, waiting icy. The capitalists of the United States are The community and recrea: the locked out generation for Something He Ate No Doubt no exception.
the security of the profession Ition centers are to be aban la chance to live.
inside a thin steel hull helpless at the ocean We do not know how religiously Broun now Only by putting a government of the workers reads Scriptures, but it is generally known that bottom, waiting for the terrific pressure, the and farmers in power in Washington can the he read the Daily Worker and other Stalinist Hit eternal silence and blackness and icy chill to people hope to rip away forever the dark cloak erature with an appetite that baffled dieticians.
close upon them.
One of the ideas that he must have absorbed from this literature, especially in recent times, The Squalus submarine disaster which has of secrecy which masks Roosevelt foreign commitments.
was that of the outstretched hand to the Cathhorrified the nation underlines once again the An end to spies, to secret treaties, and secret olics. By this the Stalinists did not mean the meaning of Roosevelt war preparations.
hand of comradeship and common struggle to the diplomacy! The people have a right to know The submarine is an instrument of war, deCatholic proletariat and peasantry throughout the what goes on behind the scenes!
By DOROTHY WILLIAMS be desired, it would appear Signor Giglioli on the possibill world a common struggle also against the reacsigned for war, useful for nothing else but war When Chamberlain so kindly The principal occupation of ties of settlement of the in tionary Catholic hierarchy which collaborates so a death trap that belongs in the museum beoffered the interior of British the district is cattle raising. terior of British Guiana are amicably, and as in the case of Spain, so aggres.
side the dinosaur Guiana for resettlement by but the commission decided it more graphic however, in their sively, with fascist barbarism. No, the Stalinists Jewish refugees, he could not would be impractical for the hints as to real conditions. offered, as they continue to do, an outstretched have been unaware of the fact Assyrians to undertake it for Generally speaking, the mishand primarily to the Catholic hierarchy itself.
suffocate, strangle, or drown within its hull can By a vote of 241 to 140 on May 16 the House There was the famous, history making open letbe considered advance casualties of the coming gold brick. The whole of the ans know little about it. The diate possibilities of settlement ter of Amter to the late Pope Pius XI, pointing of Commons in Great Britain turned down a interior of British Guiana Assyrians are a pastoral people were very limited and that the out all the advantages the Vatican would obtain war.
But a most curious fact is evident on studying proposal that 20 year old youths called up for sounded like something solid ema haweatheen. raising Sheep eventual prospects depended from an alliance with the Kremlin in Moscoobana Browder in the United States. Unfortunately, no the list of the men who were trapped undersea compulsory military service should receive the ugees, however limited, was in little about raising cattle, how cultural conditions, of market answer was ever received by Amter from Plus much less must the Jews knowing conditions and above all of right to vote in parliamentary elections. sight. The well known humaniin the Squalus.
XI, and as for his successor, he apparently never Not one was a Banker whose holdings the On the same day, these well fed gentlemen tarianism had the Britisha cox shown nothing unles cite teave the sente le foto tante por theke got around to it because of his activities in helping Franco win the civil war against the infidel Reds.
Squalus was designed to protect.
turned down two more proposals one to guar But what is the character of and 2) The present cattle sis place only gradually, but even Then there was the famous Message to Garcia this huge territory which the uation is not satisfactory, be under the most favorable con Not one was an Industrialist whose profits the antee that militiamen will have the right to conof Twentieth Century Americanism brought to so cause the breeds are mixed, ditions the territory available British Government has tinue their membership in trade unions.
the United States by Robert Minor. It was the an Squalus was scheduled to defend with its torkindly put at the disposal of poor in quality and a very heavy would. afford only a par swer of the Pope to the propaganda of the out pedoes.
Another milestone is thus passed in Great the Jews? Examining the doc death roll for reasons not es tial solution its ultimate stretched hand given through Cardinal Verdier of France. In effect, it merely said that if any Not one was a Stockholder whose ownership Britain headlong plunge toward a dictatorship uments of the League of Na tablished was reported particu capacity after successful pretions, we find that the British larly in 1933 34. Moreover the liminary trials being estimated of the erring souls in the Stalinist movement are of the nation industry the Squalus was in. not one whit different in murderous barbarism Government, once before, tried prices at present obtainable on by Dr. Gigliol from the point ready to give up their pagan ways and seek the tended to perpetuate.
from that now existing in Nazi Germany or to give it away for the resettle the coast are scarcely remu. of view of agricultural econom consolation of the Church, the Vatican is not The mission ics at not more than 1, 000 famment of another people, the nerative.
averse to smoothing the road for the converted Not one was a Congressman who voted for Fascist Italy.
Assyrians of Iraq. But no As therefore concluded that any illes (5, 000 persons. Assyrian sinners. This rather stereotyped formula was the appropriations that built the Squalus.
The capitalist agents who sit in the House syrians ever settied in British attempt to establish the Assy resettlement plans were made hailed by Minor and other high priests of the Sta!
Not one was a Washington Statesman who of Commons are as shrewd in their maneuvers Guiana. Why?
rians as cattle ranchers in the on a basis of 10. 000 persons to inist church with such frenzied enthusiasm, that agreed to the secret commitments that decided to obtain maximum benefit for their class out At its meeting on September Rupununi under existing condi be resettled. In its proposal to it could not but have made a profound impression 26, 1934, the Council of the tions would be disastrous. hand over the area to the Jews, on the highly impressionable Mr. Broun.
whom the Squalus would fight and where. of the coming war as a pack of timber wolves League of Nations listened to What of the agricultural pos the British Government de Again, the Daily Worker would print such sugNo!
cutting into a flock of sheep.
the offer of British Guiana sibilities of the district? The clared that 10, 000 wou be re gestive ems as the information that such reThe men who were trapped at the bottom of made by the British Govern prospects of agricultural closo settled within a year.
nowned pillars of the Communist party as Max The SUCKER game they are working is ment on behalf of the Assy. settlement were difficult to es ADMIT SETTLEMENT Bedacht was an altar boy in his youth a fact, if the ocean were not members of that small handrians. In making the offer, the timate.
very simple. Though the territory IS POSSIBLE it is one, which Bedacht must have tried to keep full of imperialist families who have decided British note declared that was extensive, its possibilities To continue with the com quiet for years and which was joyously rediscov(1) The capitalists sit at home, run the votthat the American people shall go to war and while the area appears to. were found to be seriously ered by the Stalinists a short time ago.
have possibilities of further de restricted, partly by wide mission conclusions: For who ordered relief funds be seized to build the ing machines through the control exercised by Stretched a Little Too Far their government, and rake in the profits. velopment as a stock raising flooding in the wet season and period of years at least it was Squalus and all the death traps like it.
Now Broun must already have assimilated what he considered the outstanding contribution of com The Congressmen, the Bankers, the Indus (2) The working class and farmer youths area, its agricultural potential partly by the fact that the soli impossible to expect the set ities have not yet been properly possesses a limited fertility tlement of more than a few go ahead at the command of the capitalists and tested and much further extrialists, the Statesmen, the Stockholders were munist tactics boring from within. All he did which would involve a frequent hundred Assyrians in British amination will be necessary change of patches of cultiva Guiana and it was equally evi. was to combine this tactic with the propaganda of all safe on shore. It is not their duty to do the thrust their bayonets into the stomachs of the outstretched hand. Or else, being a man with particular regard to con tion in forest areas (read fun dent that the territory suggest siderations of health and cli fighting, the dying in the coming war! That is youths like themselves and are bayoneted in the gles) and in the savannahs and ed was even then unlikely to be who rarely does things by halves, he must have stomach in turn. The stomach has no bones mate and to pastoral and agrithe adoption by the Assyrians capable of maintaining in pros stretched his hand out so far that he lost his up to the patriotic workers and farmers!
fraction of equilibrium and landed right into the arms of cultural conditions before the of the local system of rotation perity more than The Upper Class must preserve its hide for a in which the bayonet might stick, making it diffithe Church district can definitely be proof crops in cattle corrals. How those for whom it is the com nounced as suitable for Assy can the settlers have cattle mittee wish to find a home. We are not sure that he will have more success sterner task, the most patriotic task of all cult to wrench free. 3) If sentiment at home becomes too out rian settlement. Note in the corrals if they cannot raise cat As a result of this survey raking in the profits when they start sinking all in winning the College of Cardinals, to saying nothing of His Holiness Himself, to the Popular same report they admitted that tle. It was clear at all made by Brig. General Browne the sister ships of the Squalus with torpedoes, raged at the capitalists and their profiteering Front, by working from within, than Browder and the militiamen stamp out this sentiment by bay the lower areas flood to a events that an individual fam and Dr. Giglioli, the League bombs, and high explosive rifle shells.
Co. have had by groveling from without. Privately depth of from one to four feet ily would require far more committee for the Resettle oneting their rebellious fathers and brothers.
we are inclined to be skeptical about the prospect.
in the rainy season. land than had been anticipated ment of the Assyrians of Iraq And no trade union membership must hinder CATTLE RAISING and that this factor would came to the reluctant conclu But then, we are not convinced that Broun will make too many efforts in that direction. He is a WITHOUT CATTLE this laudable end!
greatly complicate the ques. sion that it was impossible for man who goes the whole hog, and never stops at The League Council decided tion of village settlement, be it to accept the responsibility This merry process of getting the workers to appoint a commission to ex sides affecting that of the total for embarking upon a scheme his first drink, so to speak. His motley political of settlement, which was clearrecord shows it. Stalinist, he tried to outdo his Only the Republic Steel Corporation could and farmers to bayonet their fellow men is called plore the area and make a sur capacity of the region.
vey, and appointed Brig. Gen HEALTH CONDITIONS ly of so speculative a nature in associates. Catholic, he will probably soon be have thought up a memorial as fitting for its by the capitalists defending denocracy.
eral Gilbert Browne, an Eng FOUND UNCERTAIN more Papist than the Pope, The Daily Worker itself and which even under which used to reprint his picture and his wise saymassacre of two years ago as the one which has Not a single capitalist believes that the boys lishman, and Dr. Guido Renzo In regard to conditions of the best conditions could not ings with clock work regularity, may soon be been filling headlines in the newspapers.
who are drafted are intelligent enough to VOTE Giglioli, member of the Royal health in the district the com. be regarded as offering a so pleading with him to stop his violent denunciations Two years ago on Memorial Day it will be on the question of their bayoneting each other. Colonial Institute of Agricul mission had the following to lution of the large and urgent of Marxist infidels and join it in a common Holy ture in Florence, Italy, to pro say: The mission considered problem the resettlement of recalled, the Republic Steel Corporation in conNo, not even President Roosevelt, self professed ceed to British Gulana and it essential that a medical cen War for Democracy. man like Broun, or any 10. 000 Assyrians) which the other Stalinist, is, after all, capable of the most junction with the Chicago police shot down ten guardian of democracy, thinks that anyone out make the necessary survey, tre should be established in the League has been asked to asamazing transformations.
of its employes, placing the bullets brave men side the Wall Street wolves is intelligent enough The result of their survey was area before the arrival of the sist in solving.
communicated to the League Assyrians. The British Gov It would appear that Cham Stephen Chadwick, national commander of the that they are in the backs of their unarmed to vote on this question.
Council on May 18. 1935 (see ernment thought it unneces. berlain and the British Gov American Legion, said that the Ludlow amend victims.
They might vote against it!
League of Nations 211. 110 sary to make this recommen ernment feel no such responsi ment providing for a national referendum before 1935. VII. But without a single exception all the capi dation when offering the area bility in embarking on a plan war could be declared, would destroy national This act of brutal violence culminated a long The mission travelled 2, 000 for Jewish settlement. It rec. of so speculative a nature in unity in emergencies. Such unity is essential in reign of terror and bloodshed conducted by the talists are UNANIMOUS in believing that no miles, of which 1, 000 were acommended also a prior enquiry resettling the Jews in British preserving the nation through a crisis, he said.
Republic Steel Corporation in which every one can bayonet, bleed, and die more intelligent complished in the saddle or on into reports which had reached Gulana. After all, what are Whose crisis? we ask.
foot of the remainder some it of respiratory diseases the lives of a few thousand vicious and illegal practise against labor con ly in defense of democracy than these same 700 were covered in small among the Indians and into refugees against the fact of To prove that western students are superior ceivable to the minds of the stockholders and suckers while the smart boys who get their boats. on rivers difficult to the comparatively recent ap having made so grandiose a gulpers to eastern and mid western scholars the thugs, detectives, and spies they hired was spending money by clipping coupons sit com navigate owing to rapids and pearance of malaria in the gesture of humanitarianism Hubert Fraker, University of Oklahoma Journal fallen trees. The excellence country and its rapid spread.
fortably at home raking in the profits of the particularly when British pres ism student, made his own news by tearing up perpetrated with complete ruthlessness.
of transportation facilities in The general conclusions of tige has fallen on such evil football and swallowing it. Some college students Now the company is filing a damage suit in slaughter.
British Guiana leaves little to Brig. General Browne and days!
can swallow anything and do.
Whenever a submarine sinks, the men who Bayonets and Votes