AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCommunardsCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarIndividualismInvasionItalyLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL By Dwight Macdonald Cops Break Anti Coughlin Rally SPARKS IN THE NEWS ers Whoop It Up POLICE SHOW CoughlinFor Country. and War SYMPATHY FOR Agent of COUGHLINITES The Sixty Families days Ungilded Lily It would be gilding the lily to comment on the following society item from the World Telegram for May 16. Tommy Krock, long lost member of the Manhattan stag line, turned up with a neatly alipped mustache and a monocle. ve lost touch with my New York friends, he told Elizabeth Churchill who, with her fiance, been fighting in Spain with Franco for eighteen months. expect to be here tin September attending to a few munition deals. Mrs. Oliver Jennings, her hat composed of two bluebirds, diving into two pink roses, accepted Rcocktail from Nicky de Molas.
The Protean Father Sheen These are bewildering days. The political kaleidoscope clicks into new patterns overnight, the pieces getting all scrambled up again just as one had become accustomed to the old arrangement. The other day, for example, the Reverend Fulton Sheen, associate professor of philosophy in Catholic University.
defined a two thirds American as one who eondemns Nazism and Fascism without say.
ing anything about communism. He also remarked of Hitler and Stalin: They are both dictators. They both suppress minorities. They both say that all rights come from the state.
There is nothing remarkable about such remarks coming from a mildly liberal Catholic priest except that it struck me that these formulations are almost identical with the statements made in the Hook Dewey manifesto on behalf of cultural freedom. Father Sheen also revealed the Man Behind Stalin.
His name is Satan. Again, nothing so strange in this from a Catholic priest. But, unless am much mistaken, the priest who is even now giving Heywood Broun his spiritual preparations for his imminent entry into the Church of Rome is none other than this sam Father Fulton Sheen. May we shortly expect Comrade Broun the American Newspaper Guild of the followers of Stalin and Satan?
The Manton Case Up to a few months ago, Martin Thomas Manton was the tenth ranking judge in the Federal judiciary system, coming next in line after the nine justices of the Supreme Court. The revelation that Judge Manton for years had been selling his decisions to the highest bidder was the most sensational of a whole series of which have been suddenly breaking out in all parts of the judiciary system. After months of delay. Judge Manton has finally been put on trial. His defense is in the competent hands of Mr. Noonan of Albany and Mr. Golder of Philadelphia. Mr.
Noonan used to be Arthur. Dutch Schultz)
Flegenheimer lawyer, and Mr. Golder used to represent Al Capone.
There are two episodes in Judge Manton long career on the bench which the press seems to have overlooked so far. One is the to purse MEN AND WOMEN OF LABOR Gandhi Admits Milk and Honey second Masses trial during the last war, the Brought No Gains one in which Max Eastman made his brilliant three hour speech against war and for socialThe hunger fast of Mahatism. The presiding justice was none other ma Gandhi against the ruler than Martin Manton, who had just been Convention Features Jitterbug Contest appointed to the bench by President Wilson.
of the state of Rajkot, India.
attracted world wide pubA more recent, and typical, episode was the And Patriotic Baiting of Revolutionists licity.
Associated Gas Electric case. For years When the ruler and the (Continued from Page 1) was the major scandal of the utility industry, which is a large statement. Its corBritish By IRVING HOWE Socialist Appeal. He also made authorities made Detroit priest anti Semitic porate structure, for good reasons, was of a NEW YORK The Young a collective suicide appeal to certain promises and agreed rag complexity remarkable even for utility holdCommunist League ended its youth to be ready to die in the to negotiate, Gandht called Lesson of Germany off his fast and announced ing company, so complicated, in fact, that it Ninth National Convention last coming imperialist war. This This was in distinction, Wer (Continued from Page 1)
used to be said that only the little known and victory. The world capital week by writing into its con section of his speech set the ner pointed out, to the police st press showered its praises rather sinister Howard Hopson, master. it crippled Germany. The institution a provision for the au tone for the major note of the terror against Coughlin workmind of could really understand it. iquities of that treaty Coughlin tomatic expulsion of any convention: pumping the rank on Gandhi and pointed to his ing class opponents. Drawing peaceful, milk and honey Sitting spiderlike in the middle of the great utilizes, as does Hitler, to jus er who advocates the and fille delegates full of propan historical parallel, Werner methods as an example to web of interlocking subsidiaries he had cre: tity the wars and aggressions overthrow of the American gov. aganda for supporting capitalated, Mr. Hopson successfully defied Investors of Rome and Berlin. Needless ernment by force or vlo. Ist wars.
explained that before Hitler all those who wish to proand consumers for years. The Securities Ex to say, he is silent as the grave lence. This act typified the rise to power in Germany, the Patriotle Americans sest against their conditions.
police of the Weimar Republic change Commission has finally, after a long about the no less iniquitous spirit in which the convention After months negotia The main youth report, delivalso protected the Nazi thugs struggle, forced to some measure of treaty of Brest Litovsk which was held: utter capitulation to ered by Carl Ross, Nations, Gandhi has finally left while labor and Socialist antihouse ning. But back when partitioned Russia to the ad boss rule and frantic toadying tonal Secretary, again played lowing statement: have Rajkot and issued the folfascist demonstrations were Mr. Hopson had things his own way, his trail vantage of Germany.
to capitalist youth organiza on the jingo note. Ross declarbroken up by the so called decrossed that of Judge Manton.
Were America to left empty handed, with remain tions, no matter how reactioned that We (the are fenders of democracy.
In June, 1934, certain security holders of neutral in the coming imary they may be. An this was patriotic Americans guided by body shattered, hope creA. filed suit under Section 77 to reor perialist war, Coughlin alle. done in the name of support a desire to defend our counmated. have told Dur.
ascending the platform to introduce the next speaker, ganize the company. It took Federal Judge glance might be in doubt.
bar Virawala (the ruler. ing democracy.
Julian Mack year to cut sufficiently Rosen was dragged to the try. He also raised the slogan am defeated. May you win.
they of giving youth the right to About Face Ahead Concretely, however, through the legal red tape put in his way by ground by cop who had Placate the people by giving the lawyers to declare there was a But America will not remain demonstrated their conception work. But his inability to go as much as possible and broken through the crowd.
prima facie case of insolvency and to issue neutral. Roosevelt is already of democracy by touring their beyond mere platitudes about wire to me so as to revive Fascist Cop an injunction. It took him another year, until headed directly for war, and in goon squads around Madison old age for leisure and youth Booked at the Bathgate Avethe hope which seem to night the for work stands in sharp conhave lost for the moment. nue police station, the arrested examination of the company books. Republicans as well as the convention opened with a mass trast with the specific point demonstrators were taken in a Alarmed, Hopson lawyers asked for Judge Democrats. American Imperia meeting with orders top blck program for unemployed youth simple truth that workers Black Maria to Night Court.
Mack disqualification on the ground of alist interests will be furthered off members of the proposed by the everywhere, whether in the By the third day of the conOn their way down to Court, most advanced capitalist na Police Officer Murphy, guardcharge as frivolous. Then, at last, the des caust that is being brewed, and distributing a printed appeal to vention. It was felt by the leadtion or the most backward. ing the eleven arrested demon perate utility magnate played his last, and for that reason American work the ers urging them to ership of the that the can win only by depending strators, spoke freely of his as it turned out, trump card. The tenth rank ers will be called upon to sac break with Stalinism and to convention was definitely lagupon their own strength and sympathy with Father Cough ing Federal judge in the land suddenly rifice their lives.
Join the revolutionary move ging in spirit. The delegates action. The method of stepped into the case and over ruled both lin. Sure. said officer MurBecause of this, Father ment. In most cases the sight had been given lengthy reGandhi the world leading phy. read Social Justice Judge Mack and Judge Patterson.
Coughlin will most certainly of determined Yipsels ready to ports on democracy by the Popular Frontist today can every week. Asked to explain It would be interesting to know what gal cease beating the drums for prevent provocation prevented leadership and swing exhis embrace of Father Cough vanized Judge Manton into action.
Hitler and Mussolini. He has them from doing their dirty hibitions by delegations only lead to defeat.
lin, Murphy amplified himself Book Note no future apart from that of work, but in one instance they and they were getting bored by declaring that LaGuardia America 60 families. Support pounced on a Yipsel and with both. In order, therefore. Fruits of Fascism is a communist and anyway all Thorstein Veblen wrote a number of impor of the Rome Berlin axis when slashed him on the forehead so to liven up the convention the communists are Jews.
The Theory of Business Enterprise and The America comes closer to the severely that hospital treat. leaders suddenly presented William Foster as a Close tie up of Nazi policies Murphy outspoken views Engineers and the Price System. So far as vitiate Coughlin usefulness to On the last day of their con surprise speaker. The fact that and capitalist interests was indicate the probable extent to know, Indeed, the only one of his books that his American capitalist backvention, May 15, a group of at Foster represents in the eyes glaringly revealed once again with fascist sympathizers and is still in print is The Theory of the Leisure Class, which can be had in the Modern Li ers. careful reading of Cough Yipsels who were distributing militancy and revolutionary in a Prague dispatch this week. is a revealing commentary on good news that Viking is reissuing one of lin magazine shows that he resignation statements of two politics and the additional fact The Reich Protector has or the vicious Veblen books. But the volume selected is already paving the way for former CL, members, Ruth that Foster gave a leftist dered the Czechs to pay rep against the Bronx anti Cough lin demonstration.
turns out to be one of his perial Germany and the dial Revolution. find him uttering such state beat them so severely that one socialism was the goal of the to the Coburs family. After the Fordham district Bands of Jewish youth in the who have This was written during the last war, and Vikments as the following more Ylpsel was left dazed on the Stalinist movement, led to the farmers unrest against the antiunable to move. The statement mendous ovation, much more forced the Czech government Semitic Coughlinites have been rt of the cultural preparations Hitler and his policies are the revived as por: When Lewis for the next being distributed declared that enthusiastic than that given to to break up the large feudal slugged and beaten.
To Be Tried Men Must Act said, Veblen book should be the souls of those who bought the signers, formerly active any other speaker at the con Coburg estates for small peasant farms. Now the wealthy rereissued as Russian revolution and members of the did not vention.
The eleven arrested demon a contemporary document, which the This ovation for Poster actionary Coburgs will receive strators are to appear in Bronx it is, Viking decided the time had come to its consequent communism. want to accept Earl Brow radical speech showed quite better treatment from the in Magistrates Court, 161st Street heed the suggestion. To quote the Bard. Coughlin March 26 radio ad der invitation to collective su The evil that men do lives after them; the dress. The thing to note here icide in the next imperialist clearly that, despite the fact Vader government than and Third Avenue, on Wednesgood is oft interred with their bones.
is that Coughlin is already des. War and urged the that they would later with me from their own. And the day, May 31. They are Arthur the only real anti war force by law against overthrow of will pay the cost, just as they Golden, Joseph Greenberg, JeAmerican Product the revolutionary movement of the American government the have in Germany, itself. rome Hochstein, Manfred WerCoughlin can borrow his the Fourth International. rank and flle delegates still repropaganda methods from HitNo Discussion tain vague hopes for socialism ner, Fred Nussen, Sam Neisel, ler and Mussolini, and he is The convention itself was even if they don yet realize Join the Socialist Frank Brill, Lester Watters heavily indebted to them. But marked by the usual stalinist that the is the last place and Milton Brown.
he can only support the foreign unanimity. Every speech, re. in the world to help achieve it.
Workers Party Brown was assaulted on the policy of his fascist pals up to port, resolution and nomination 72nd Street subway sta certain point. That point is was enthusiastically tion by two Coughlinites after reached when German and ceived and accepted. There he had been released from Night Court and was on his By EMANUEL GARRETT Llism comes into sharp conflict the rank and file delegates and particularly Japanese Imperi. was very little discussion from way home. Brown was carry.
ing a number of the anti Cough massacred by the hundreds. Given every op Then, to continue to serve the tional sessions, not during the Aid for Chinese Comrades lin placards The assault portunity to escape punishment, Louise re interests of American fascism, political sessions.
against Brown was halted by fused treatment different from that given her he will part company with his The political sessions were a number of workers who brothers. Not even her persecutors could help foreign fascist friends, attack run in the form of reports from In response to an urgent appeal from our comrades of chased off the attacking Coughadmiring the courage of this splendid woman. Ing them with a 100 Ameri the and leaders the Fourth International organization in China, the Nation linites.
And when after six months imprisonment she can chauvinistic fury. which laid down the line with al Committee has undertaken to raise a fund of 200 to aid was brought to trial, she spat at the court: It is not, we repeat, because out any discussion or any op them in their work do not wish to defend myself. belong Coughlin is saying a few kind portunity for other viewpoint The Bolshevik Leninists of China are conducting an entirely to the social revolution, and accept words for the policies of Rome to be expressed.
heroic struggle under the most difficult conditions. Fightfull responsibility for everything have done. and Berlin that he constitutes The major speech, by Ear Since it seems that every heart that beats for hold at the same time the true interests of the Chinese ing valiantly against the Japanese imperialists, they upliberty has the right only to a lump of lead, a danger to the American work Browder, came out for a thir people and point the way to their liberation from all forms shall never cease to shout vengeance on you because he adapts fascist ideol. cal significance of this has al of oppression. Neither imperialistic invasion from abroad who have killed my brothers.
ogy to the American scene. ready been analyzed in the nor repression and Stalinist provocation at home have Because he and his move. been able to dim their spirit or halt their struggle. One The court sentenced her to life exile in the ment are a strictly American lin at the present time is the their anti thing they need from us. That is material support to conSpewing forth penal colony of New Caledonia. Hardly had product, they cannot be fought head of the fascist camp of the tinue their work and circulate their propaganda.
semitie, labor hating filth in the heart of New York City, she arrived, when she began to organize by sending soldiers to Europe. United States. And it is Cough We appeal to all readers of the Socialist Appeal and classes, and otherwise help the prisoners. Coughlinism. e. American linism that must be fought more than 700 fascists met in all sympathizers of our movement to make a contribution often with great hardship to herself. After fascism) can be fought only right here on our home soit if the Great Northern Hotel, last to this cause. All contributions should be sent to the Naeight years spent in New Caledonia, she was Wednesday night, while more through the militant action of the American worker is not to released in the general amnesty of Commu the American working class. be imprisoned in a fascist tional Office of the Socialist Workers Party. 116 University than 100 of La Guardia cops Place, New York City, which will arrange for their transnards in 1880.
labeled American fascism is the main straight jacket duly protected their meeting.
mission to our embattled Chinese comrades.
The meeting was held under Inciting to Murder enemy in this country. Cough. Made in America.
the sponsorship of several Back in Paris, the bourgeoisie were willing avowed fascist organizations to cater to the old woman. But Louise including the American Patri Michel hurled the insult back into their faces.
ots, Inc. the American Nation She resumed her activity establishing refuges alist Party, the American Federation Against Communism, for the politically persecuted, raising funds for relief of impoverished or imprisoned and the Coughlinite Christian workingmen.
By RUTH JEFFREY rive and hand over the friend when it wasn invited, Italy call a strike by Friday unless Front.
In 1883, the Paris workers clamored for May Dr. Bianchi of Por ship flame before Roosevelt didn come.
the chorus girls by Mainly Coughlinites action against the deepening horror of their tugal, dedicating his country declares war against Japan at the Conof misery. Louise Michel organized the hungry pavilion, referred to the hap.
Coughlin followers made up May 14 Orated Radu Irim. Beauty are paid for their past the major portion of the crowd The eleven rates of the Fair men and women of Paris and led them in a py condition in our country, were picketed yesterday by escu, Rumanian Minister to the five weeks in rehearsal. attending the meeting.
march to demand bread. Again she was ar where peace, order and pros the strike of all skilled merested for inciting to violence and murder perity prevail, translated into Fair Ground Workers hair, we turn to look upon the chanics and construction work the organized labor movement Speaker after speaker baited. and sentenced to six years in jail. stable government, balanced Unlon, Local 1420, of third generation of our ruling ers at the World Fair is be and indicated their plan to But Louise Michel was as great a danger budgets, reduced debts, free affiliate. 1500 workers are in family. King Carol II, the hope ers in jail, as out. The rift raft (that what the trade, free currency, no unem volved in the protest over the of a New Rumania, the creator ing planned by of smash it to bits. And every bourgeois hounds called the hungry and home ployment and advanced labor firing of union workers and the of a powerful and dynamic unions, in sympathy with the speaker poured hatred on the country of 20, 000, 000 people, 1500 ground maintenance men were inspired to action by the very mention ties, no trade unions, no free hiring of scabs.
During the speech of State 15, 000, 000 of whom, in spite of out on strike for union recognl Senator John McNaboe, the of her name. After three years in jail she press, no elections, the Doctor LaGuardia opened the Italian statements to the contrary by tion and a living wage. The fascist scum in the audience pavilion with the hope that our enemies, are full fledged skilled workers protest the use constantly punctuated his inthe fall until her fellow prisoners who were Motion Picture Operators Lo Italy would continue to devote Rumanians. And with graying of scabs to break the ground citing speech with Throw the Thereafter, Louise Michel spent the greater union operation of the Arkan The crowd yelted in reply: 000 come from?
The ubiquitous Mayor LaJews out of Christian Amer.
part of her time touring France, lecturing. sas State movie travelogue ex Viva Mussolini!
Guardia turned up at the Rusica.
Her ideas were a compound of Marxian sohibit. Arkansas threatened to May 11 The British are at it May 15 When the Fair ends. sian ceremonies with an analEvery mention of the name cialism and anarchism. For myself am secede from the Court of again making good English the 200 acre area will be con sy between the birth of the of any leading fascist brought me repeat. side with all those who are at Fair Official, hopeful of his Louis Beale. British High Com city parks in America, at a said, the result of a bloody of the names they cheered ety: side with all of themwhether their guess they don know as the Declaration of Indepen. ance is a much more vital need did not achieve freedom by re cisco Franco, Mayor Hague of weapons are pick axes, bombs, or fire. Like much about unions in Arkansas dence is in direct descent from in our city now, but, you see, questing it on a postcard. Jersey City, Boake Carter, of parliamentary activity, and consequently sighed, no doubt.
self conscious laughter from President of Queens, and above opposed it. Like the Marxists she rejected the Stalinist audience. we all Father Coughlin.
with contempt the individualism of the anar May 10 Flame of rare largely founded upon that enable them to raise rents.
Robert Moses full title might fought for it! And that why, Going to and from the meet chists ship for the was started Louise Michel was in Marseilles on a lec on its way to the New York ception at the Albanian have better be Park Commissioner Mr. Mayor, the Socialist Working, as well as outside the hall, Real Owners ers Party didn send you Coughlin agents were selling ture tour when, after a life devoted to the World Fair from Japan, in a ion. Said the Albanians, They postcard when the fascists the reactionary Catholic cause of human freedom, she died on Janu silver urn watched over by a adn invite us, and we didn May 17 The American Fed were mobilizing at Madison Brooklyn Tablet, and So.
ary 10, 1905.
Japanese beauty. She may ar invite them. And this time, leration of Actors prepared to Square Garden!
cial Justice.
OUT OF THE PAST re National Committee Asks FASCISTS MEET FREELY IN Daily Highlights in The World of Tomorrow LOUISE MICHEL (May 29, 1830 Jan. 10. 1905)
Every so often there comes along a person who must inevitably become a revolutionist by the very nature of his being. The pain, the suffering, the hunger of the oppressed are his. Such a person was Louise Michel whose brilliant spirit lit the revolutionary ardor of the French working class.
Rarely has there been a man or woman more deeply and personally compassionate toward the oppressed and exploited than Louise Michel. bourgeois paper, writing of her while she was still alive, described her as Sister of Mercy without uniform or vow under the illusion that comparison with the denizens of the church might be a compliment to her. She was far more than compassionate for she was a fighter too. Against the oppressors, she was savage in her hatred. Force, violence would be needed to oust these monsters of society who rule by might.
The daughter owner son, Louise Michel life was divided of a serving maid and a landinto two sections. The first, she wrote. consisted of dreams and of study: the second only of events. Outraged by the poverty and the misery of the poor from the very earl! est years of girlhood, she sought ways and means of helping them to find food, to care for the sick, etc. Liberally educated, she qualified as a teacher with excellent grades, but was denied a position in the state school system because she refused to take an oath of allegiance to Napoleon III. When, shortly afterwards, she did become a teacher in private school, her reputation as a teacher spread quickly. Students sat spellbound as she unearthed the deep meaning of learning for them. This job she eventually lost the school proprietors found her habit of giving her clothes away to the needy too expensive for them to support.
On the Paris Barricades But all this was a mere prelude to the work which made her a legend among the Paris workers. When the Paris Commune struck its magnificent blow at tyranny, Louise Michel became one of its leading figures. Tirelessly she worked among the masses leading the Union of Women, organizing the nursing of the wounded Communards, taking her place with the fighters of the 61st Battalion of the National Guard, urging that all goods and Property be made communal for the general use of all. When the Communards made their last stand in the cemetery of Montmarte.
Louise Michel (the Red Virgin of Montmarte they called her) was there with them refusing to leave while others were being slaughtered. Arrested, she was allowed to go home to her mother on the promise that she would return. Return she did though her jaller had hoped she would break her promise.
Her comrades were on trial, were being