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Bow Down! Their Majesties Are Their Coming to Weld War Relations Government EMANUEL GARRETT Members: SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1939 age, is taken rather lightly in these upper reSOCIALIST APPEAL gions. The European ruling class for many Vol. III, No. 36 May 26, 1939 months now has been shipping its gold to this By James Burnham country for safe investment, though never has Published tootce a toeek by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN. a strong gold position been so vital for the deat 116 University place, New York, NY fense of their various fatherlands. In September Telephone. Algonquin 854 and October of last year almost 1, 000, 000, 000 The Heads of an Imperial Democracy Whose History Is Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. For in gold was shipped into the United States from Written in Blood Have Been Sent Here on a Good Will War cents per copy in the United States: cents per copy in all foreign countries. Single copies: cents.
Europe, and the stream has continued ever since. Mission by Britain Real Rulers, the Bankers and Merchants Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are. 60 for six So serious has this drain become for the BritBy SHERMAN STANLEY HISTORY OF BRITISH ish government and its Bank of England that Reentered a second class matter February 16, 1989. at connected with British indus The speech on the 1940 elections delivered by the post office at New York, under the Act of March Wafted along by a gale of DEMOCRACY trialism her brother is the Sir John Simon, the Chancellor of the ExcheEarl Browder to the Ninth National Convention ballyhoo and expensive propa Secondly, every thinking per chairman of an important Eng quer, has been issuing appeals to the patriot ganda. His Majesty, George son knows that there is no lish mining company dominof the Young Communist League, and immediateEditor: VI, by the Grace of God, of such thing as British democ ates the events of the visit. Her ism of English brokers, bankers, and investors ly issued as a pamphlet, carries the very impresMAX SHACHTMAN Great Britain, Ireland and the racy. How can a democratic job is to prop up the failing sive title, How the People Can Win. Nowhere, HAROLD ROBERTS Associate Editors: FELIX MORROW to Buy British in stocks and bonds as well as British Dominions beyond the government be presided over king! At the host of petty ana however, is it specified what it is that the people JOSEPH HANSEN in pots and pans. The Times of May 18 seas, King, Defender of the by a feudal king who sucks up ridiculous functions that go to can win, nor what people are going to win it, what Buxiness Manager Faith, Emperor of India, and countless millions each year of make up regal life, Queen Elizreports that Simon unofficial ban on the buy ever it may be. STANLEY his Queen, Elizabeth, are well his futile existence? Has not abeth tries bravely to cover up ing of American securities may well become, in The speech was reported in the general press as entrained on their month long everyone heard of the role of the deficiencies of her weak tour of Canada. Perfidious the near future, an official governmental edict.
advocating the re election of Roosevelt. This is (the ling husband.
FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST Albion not strictly accurate. Week by week, the Stalinists It is safe to predict that until this step is taken, On June 7th Their Imperial world cleverest double cross Let the sob sisters pile up WORKERS PARTY FOR: Majesties will enter the United er) in world affairs? The en column upon column of hugrow more modest in the demands that they put to the American ruling class. The ruling class the tophatted gentry of The City will continue states the first time such an tire might of the Empire rests man interest stories! Let the doesn like socialism, so they give up socialism. job and a decent living for every worker. to put class interests ahead of national interests. event has occurred in the his upon the 500, 000, 000 native peo press editorialize on their kingtory of the British Empire. ples who slave and sweat in ly virtues! Nothing can hide labor party might stir up class divisions, so they Open the idle factories operate them under An even more dramatic example of the realisabandon the labor party. popular front is rather They will proceed to make brineta e colonies The Todian Ceylon Canadlaho und Interican visites and speed br the Uniteemste testic proroosevelt and workers control.
tic approach of finance capital to international politics may be found in a dispatch from Otto at a garden party whose of George VI was carved and years has evolved along lines royally by our democratic so precariously upon the head Twenty Billion dollar Federal publio works Canada over period of substitute. But even Roosevelt is a bit leftish for and housing program.
these days, so the Stalinists will be content with Tolischus in the Times for May 16, report cost has been estimated at a bejeweled by handicraftsmen that have made of it an inde whatever the New Deal wings of the Democratic ing that Party has to offer. Thirty thirty! 80 weekly minimum wagedemocracies have just renewed the standstill ton, our royal guests will be by the mighty uprising of these own right. It is only nominally 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on All Jobs.
moratorium agreement on the 276, 000, 000 Bank, and then embark peasants. The story be British much as King Beorge is poney Browder as Democratic Elder Germany still owes them and their clients. upon a destroyer which will imperialist rule in its colonies nominally the ruler of the Em candid reading of Browder speech might Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability land them at the tip of Man is one of endless murder, vio pire. Actually, American im easily suggest that Browder is making a bid for pension. This agreement, bluntly writes Mr. Tol hattan island. short visit to lence and treachery against perialist interests are far more a place on the Democratic Party national com6. Expropriate the Sixty Familles.
ischus, will continue to help finance the Reich the World Fatr will be fol the colonial masses. important in Canada and have mittee. More than half of it is devoted to explainforeign trade and therewith the armament of the And finally, in the very per much more to say about Canbia University over which the sonalities of these imperial rep adian political affairs. The All war funds to the unemployed.
ing how the Democratic Party can win the 1940 election. Jim Farley is doubtless studying it careAxis powers. The financial representatives of perennial Nicholas Miracu resentatives we have a fine king visit to Canada is a the fully between stops on his tour. Jim, after all, is people referendum on any and all wars.
the democracies proceeded on a strictly business lous Butler will preside. Then reason for the natural repul atrical gesture having as its hardly more than an amateur in these questions: No scoret diplomacy.
basis and completely disregarded all the political comes the return trip to the sion that every American work motive the effort to tighten up and, besides, does not have the benefit of the priisles of Britain and home in er feels towards them. Sur the loosening ties that bind her considerations that dominate the economics of vate Kremlin cables.
10. An independent Labor Party.
Buckingham Palace. rounded by countless lackeys formally to England. The The progressive and democratic majority in the totalitarian states.
WHO ARE THE 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante and flunkies whose sole task masses of Canada have long this country, which put Roosevelt into office, is The head of the American delegation, Harvey REAL RULERS?
and Fascist attacks.
appears to be an endless scrap ago expressed their unwiiling a coalition between the Democratic Party and the who are George VI and his ing and bowing (except when ness to send inen overseas to independent radical one third of the electorate. Gibson, a leading New York banker, told the queen, Elizabeth? In the eyes they have to change His Mal fight in another British war for The Democratic Party can win the next elections press that the greatest possible consideration of the American press which is esty clothes, which apparent the preservation of its imper if it continues this coalition through defeating the was given by debtors and creditors alike to the in danger of over straining it ly happens The Peace Front continuously. ialist hegemony. Chamberlain, Garner Glass Wheeler combination in the convenrequests of each other. The Reichsbank told self in its task of pumping up George VI emerges as a com more aware than ever of the tion. The radical one third of the voters, for their majestic virtues, while at pletely colorless, lifeless and cracking up of the British Em whom Browder so authoritatively speaks, find it When the New York Times speaks coldly and the press that the negotiations were again con the same time attempting to dull personality.
pire, is seeking support among necessary, therefore, to wish for and work for vicauthoritatively in its editorial columns about ducted in a spirit of mutual understanding. homey folks (just like you dramatic and colorful kings. alms. That is why he has sent Convention.
England in its time produced the Canadian rulers for his war tory for the Roosevelt wing in the Democratic political problems, it may be considered the And Walter Funk, successor to Schacht and one and they appear as symbolic But in its period of decline, the his royal perica here too the on their visit Here, then, is set the task of the Stalinists And voice of American capitalism laying down the of the chief devils in the Nazi hell. gave a special greatest Empire. They are the represented by this impotent, motive is crystal clear. Cham representatives of the world British Empire can only be As for all other men of good will for the next period: to line.
wish for and work for victory for the Roosevelt wing in the Democratic Convention. You can see Political agents, propagandists, and professonally thanked them for their thoroughgoing best altes, the British. They minds us of the imbecilic whose tool he 1s, realizes that now why any attack against the Roosevelt reller sional apologists of capitalism will take their consideration of the German proposals. the rule of Anglo Saxon civ. puppet film, The New Gullitent upon Roosevelt and the slashes is obviously the work of the Fifth Column.
cue, therefore, from the leading editorial in last Whatever their political puppets may say for lization. The American press ver. To witness his feeble at more powerful capitalism of Sunday edition of the Times and make the public consumption, these gentlemen understand deliberately hinterested in to tempts ate majestici posing on America for support not mere Looking the Gift Horse over following change in the slogans to be used in front conception, is engaging his nervous, emply and useless especially in the suppression of But what is it that the people are going to recruiting cannon fodder for the impending unite! You have nothing whatever to lose!
in a high pressure campaign to efforts at speechmaking is to the colonial revolts that are inwin by dutifully returning the Democratic Party world war: to office? and what have they won by keeping it put across Their Majestles.
We can easily understand the come face to face with the re evitable in the near future alities of this so called king.
there during the past six years? Search most Instead of Defend Democracy change the difficulties involved in this INTENT OF VISIT ing of the Anglo American al minutely, and you will have a hard time finding slogan to read Defend the Peace Front.
scheme. The British Empire, IS CLEAR liance because he needs Amerany answer to these seemingly appropriate questions in Browder speech.
like all world empires, is ruled As for his wife, Queen Eliza ican imperialism as a source of Democracy, states the Times, is too difficult President Lebrun of France recently signed over by a handful of bankers, beth, it is apparent that she is supplies in the suppression of The people, one would imagine, want to end unto explain and requires too much apologizing.
another of Premier Daladier arbitrary decrees pers. The imposing facade of lacking in George vi. What needs America as an ally ti employment and to get jobs. But not a word does The new term, which was coined by Premier Browder say about unemployment and jobs, not against the labor movement.
Chamberlain last week is better than any other royalty can serve only as de would the American capitalist help preserve the British Em single word. Can it be that the people to This decree makes it mandatory that an unceptive front, covering up the press have to say If not for pire. Hence we are blessed whom Browder is talking already have their jobs?
It avoids the pretense that all governments naked imperialist banditry be her! This daughter of a Scot with the visit of his good will Browder can hardly, at this date, pretend that which want peace are democratic or liberal. employed worker who is offered a job ANY ninedit.
tish earl, whose entire family is agents.
the New Deal has ended unemployment. Nor does WHERE in the country at ANY wage, at no he feel called upon to claim that it is going to. Neither Poland, nor Turkey, nor Greece is matter what trade, must take that job; if not, Browder policy is firm: it is not going to be ata democracy, points out the Times. There is he will be thrown off the relief rolls.
fected by a little item like ten or fifteen million no pure democracy south of the Panama Canal.
Democratic Marianne seems not only to have You might think that the people would be The British in India, the Dutch in Java, the interested in the campaign against the democratic French in Africa have achieved pure de doffed the Phrygian cap for a steel helmet, but to have doffed other garments as well, leaving rights of labor that is now advancing on namocracies.
tional scale. But there is no mention of it in this democracy in a state that must be quite Browder speech. Indeed there is no mention of (Naturally the capitalists are too busy plunany economic or social issue, save for a housing dering those countries to concern themselves embarrassing to the war for democracy (Continued from Page 1) the British people will ratify, isn really so bad, etc. etc. fakers.
program which Browder discusses not to advocate with whether they should establish a pure or building of a Jewish Homeland such a decision, for the real Firstly and most immediately, but only to argue that such programs help and But the Zionist leaders have de England will thereby suffer, because every British blow has do not hurt capitalism, an impure democracy under their rifles. Representative Sam Hobbes (D. Ala. said the liberately hid from the Jewish made this contribution: message from Cyrus Adler been followed by a virtual col In fact, the outstanding point of Browder Without wasting any time to explain or to Japanese airplane that bombed and sank the lapse of Zionist income from speech is not his brazen, shameless acceptance of apologize for its term pure democracy or to United States gunboat Panay in China was powmasses the true facts about the can only express the hope voluntary collections: and so outright capitalist politics, but the appearance in name a single spot on the globe where pure fields. Well, business is business, as the bosses ered by fuel taken from California maritime oil hostile British government pol that the action of the present the Zlonist Organization pro this speech of the sharpest criticisms in several icy in Palestine. The Appeal British Government does not ceeded to reassure its followers years of Roosevelt and New Dealism. That these democracy exists, the Times asserts The insay.
ventured a prediction: It is a people and that another and because the British blow was not, of course, bother so old a hand at dialectics terests of the United States link us firmly with safe wager to predict that the more just policy will come into not what it appeared to be. As Browder.
the peace front, and then advocates backing Zionist leaders will continue being in the not too distant fu The Main Reason He goes out of his way to stress the retreats this deceitful policy.
And precisely this happened The other speakers spoke in damentally, the Zionist leaders But secondly and more funof the New Deal, which unquestionably weaken and demoralize the mass support of the New Deal, with our industry and raw materials.
On May a Federal grand jury in New York at the Hippodrome meeting. similar veln. And in the same have concealed from their fol.
and open the way for reactionary demagogy. He Against whom and for what?
found three men, associates of the Robinson Not one of the speakers tola nende eest, tipe was adopted lowers the consistent course of op governmental intervention in economy, the re Against the central dictatorships, explains Rubens couple now imprisoned in Moscow, the anxious, questing audience at the end, appealing to the British policy because these treat made by the New Deal under the pressure the Times and for economic power.
that nothing can be expected conscience of England.
The same tune is played leaders have never been, nor of monopoly capital attack. These are strong It longer the democracies versus the guilty of a conspiracy to obtain fraudulent from nothing competir espected that the fight for the defense everywhere by Zionist leaders. would they now be willing to words from Elder Statesman Browder, not heard dictatorships for capitalist markets and capi tenced to two years each in the penitentiary.
of the Jews from reaction must Ben Gurion, the Histadruth transform the policy of the for many moon.
talist profits.
The government prosecutor has declared that be fought with a clear recog leader in Palestine. wrote Fri Jewish nationalist movement nition that to Britain the Jews day in Davar: This document as it would have to be trans. Browder Names His Price It the peace front versus the central dic the men were acting for a foreign espionage formed are only a pawn on the politi is not the final word of the secuey will turn to the Great eign policy: We cannot fail to note and criticize cal chessboard.
tatorships for capitalist markets and capitalist service. The men offered no defense.
British people. The conto be futile.
But the tone gets really sharp in discussing for The Conservative, Liberal science of Britain can still be profits.
Eighteen months ago Stalin organs, Pravda and Labor Parties whatever awakened.
White Father in the White those mistakes, weaknesses and inconsistencies new propaganda act is scheduled for the and the Daily Worker, declared that Rubens and politicians have ruled on be Rabbi Stephen Wise issued House and implore him to in the Administration execution of these policies in practical life. Gravest of these was the unforsawdust, from Ring Master Roosevelt right his associates were Trotskyist agents of Hitler.
half of the capitalist class of a statement to the press on change Chamberlain mind.
England have all carried out Friday in which he set himself They will begin a new series givably stupid and criminal surrender to the down to the lowest and funniest clown in the If so, why did the Daily Worker fail to send a the consistent British policy up as a better manager of the of the back stage conferences Chamberlain non intervention policy toward Spain, brought to a climax by the indecent haste ring, Earl Browder, now cavorting in the rear reporter to the trial in New York and fail to during these twenty two years. British empire Interests than so beloved by Welzmann, hop end of the democratic peace front donkey. print a line about the trial? Eighteen months to you be the policys of Britain chachamberlain may cancel the berlain to retreat an inch, ana ognition. Thus did the Roosevelt Administration Strike up the band, war mongers!
ago the Freiheit charged that some Trotskyite list regime and controls Pales. Balfour Declaration but he can get ready to hail that as a great gratuitously smear itself with complicity in the fascist aggression and destruction of democracy Yiddish writers were involved in the Rubens tine.
not repeal the true and abiding Victory.
ring. Now that three members of the ring have But not a hint of this crept purpose of the British Em Even in the Jewish Agency in Spain. by this act the Administration weakout of the speeches at the Hip pire.
protest statement, they characened and undermined its own prestige and moral been convicted, why does the Freiheit fail to podrome.
Why Zionists Lied terize themselves as Britain authority.
name the Yiddish writers who would immediateMayor Thus does Browder echo Stalin speech to the LaGuardia who friends, and deplore the White Unite!
Why have the Zionist leaders Paper because It delivers Soviet Party Congress, criticizing democratic imly be subject to arrest?
spoke after consultation with concealed from their following Britain friends into the hands perialisms to cover up overtures to Hitler thus The answer is simple. The Stalinists are si blamed the Holy Landsitut: British policy? Why, after the The tragic Jewish Zionist leaders on his speech the fact of this consistency of of those who are biting her. does he attempt to safety valve srowing discon: The workers have no fatherland, and neither lent because it has been proven beyond the tion not on imperialist Britain ery British move, have the Palestine, misled by huath in tent among his own following with the pro Roosehave the international bankers. In these hys shadow of a doubt that the Rubens ring is in Europe and expressed faith then devoted themselves to as many of them wih die at the Thus, it becomes a necessity of American Hor but on the general confusion Zionist leaders first bewalled, ist leaders, will fight now and the Zion velt policy; and thus does he reveal the real crux of his own proposals.
terical days and star spangled nights, when Stalin ring.
in the fair play, senerosity suring their followers that the every, one from Dorothy Thompson to Earl Now the must begin to manufacture of Britain. move is an accident, the next the Zionist point of British bayonets; but and under consisted of don cabinet will repair it. the moveue, as ever, hanging on the His advice ders the inevitable cooperation between the and Browder is so exercised about defending what a new lie to cover up Stalin and his blunderers.
the lose your head, keep cool, they call democracy. it is refreshing to breathe They will do this with as little consideration etc. and to let the British coat tails of the British govern.
This is what it all boils down to the rest is so NOTICE the atmosphere of international finance a mo for the fanatically devoted trio who are going people know what is going on ment.
much hogwash. Give the Kremlin an alliance.
says Browder, keep a pro Soviet orientation in the ment. Up here, the air is clear and things appear silently to prison as they showed for their Yez ed with the hope that reason for all party and They will not, cannot let go. very important meeting because to break with the Brit: State Department, and forget the rest; forget un as what they really are not as the cloudy ab hov or their Yagoda. They will not hesitate, it will come to those invested members of local New York ish implies a new kind of pol employment and wages and democratic liberties.
Never mind the candidate or even the party. Give stractions of liberal patriotic rhetoric. In this it suits them, to declare that this convicted with the responsibility of guid icy which these respectable will be held on Wednesday, ing the destiny of the British me that, and only that. On that basis, ll go along.
bankers and businessmen of May 31, 8:00 at Beebusinesslike realm, no one bothers to pretend Stalinist trio is really a Trotskyist outfit. empire.
thoven Hall on East 5th St, the Jewish Agency cannot and that an abyss yawns between democratic capital Whether the prisoners will play the game as Senator Wagner appealed to All members are instructed will not undertake and carry The Fascist Spanish Falange organization in ism and fascist capitalism.
prisoners do in Moscow courts is, however, an British power and British to attend. Admission by out. For that new policy, an cuba was dissolved by the government under honor not to yield to the card only.
entirely new kind of Jewish terms of decree prohibiting anti democratic for.
Even patriotism, the supreme virtue of our other question.
Arabs. cannot believe that leadership will be required. eign organizations in the island republic.
Strip Act Huge Protest Meets British Plan To Reduce Jews to Ghetto Status up the military strength of the peace from Robinson Rubens Case Bankers of the World,