AntifascismBourgeoisieCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalItalyNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL In the World of Labor Appeal Dewey Cracks Down on Fritz HOLLYWOOD Salesmen Kuhn. For Failing to Pay Taxes MERRY GO ROUND Challenge Coughlin Labor By Paul Stevens Around the War Preparations: national solidarity, so to speak with their We ve always had our Own French counter parts.
The democracy specialists to Secretary of State Cordelling. to pay his income tax! idea about the English private Curious Spectacle of High Jinks Old and experienced, the reformists are of the New York City adminis. Hull against releasing pass The campaign against the used to the type of Internationalism in which tration have finally decided to ports to them.
Bundists is not based on the school system. The ChamberPopular unrest over the war preparations the labor bureaucracy plays its role accordFarcical Investigation crack down upon fascism, if fact that they are fascists, or lains, the cynical Churchills, ing to national needs. When Chamberlain has become particularly marked in the British the jubllant cries of the liberal tion of the Bund is from the truth of the matter is that as course, its products. From the How farcical the investiga even dangerous fascists, The the fastidious Edens are, of and French empires. Concrete indications of quotes Blum against them, they may be embarrassed but they merely shrug their shoul and Stalinist friends of Mayor standpoint of a blow at fascisma fascist it have been cited in this column and elseders, calm and well behaved.
LaGuardia and District Attor in this country, which the Daily Bund plays a far less impor time each young upper crust where in the Appeal in recent issues. In Great Not so the Stalinists. For instance, when ney Dewey are to be believed. Worker and various muddle. tant role than such outfits as snob enters the private school Britain, the trades unions have had to come Chamberlain cites the French Humanite (Continued from Page 1)
The cracking down took heads pretend to see in the the Coughlinites or the Silver until he leaves, ready to tako the form of a subpoena served Dewey (central organ of the as approving they liked. Police were assignsubpoena, may out officially against conscription, a London be Shirts, Inst is, the native the lumps for King and Emconference reaffirming this position only last conscription, William Gallacher, Jumpsed to protect the fascist last week on Fritz Kuhn, Judged from the following con fascists.
up excitedly and shouts: repudiate that salesmen, while an additional can Bund, the organization of LaGuardia does not lift a pire, he is drilled in the maFriday. In the French empire, the victory of completely. Gallacher is the only rep squad of thugs stood by, ready the Nazi scum in the United and LaGuardin are cracking for fear of losing a few votes: forebears. Attired in his strax Even formally. Dewey finger against the Coughlinites. ners and habits of his parasite Ta thu Thau in the Saigon elections and of the resentative in parilament. As a new blown op to attack anyone who an States. The paper, issued by down on the Bund not because For the same reason. all his hat, his starched collar and he Algerian People Party in the Algiers elec portunist, he naturally lacks the good man noyed their sellers.
Dewey in tions both reported in the last issue of the ners of his reformist fellow opportunists. He Attract Crowds consultation with it is a fascist organization, but condemnations of fascism have white gloves, the young Enghas to show demonstratively that his interLaGuardia, orders Kuhn to because it is alleged not to been directed specifically and lish snob is about as fine an Appeal show that, despite the tremendous nationalism doesn mean a thing.
Appeal salesmen attracted appear before the New York have given the city the legal exclusively against German example of the well dressed huge crowds as they sold the County grand jury to answer rake off due it from Bund fascism and have been signifi cootie as one can find in the social patriotic pressure, the masses are far from being in tow.
No Gratitude for Blum paper shouting Coughlin charges arising out of an in racket. In qher words, the cantly silent about the Musso animal kingdom. His name, by fascist aims exposed. Cough vestigation of the Bund and its fascist business is all right, lini variety. On the contrary, phenated to stretch beyond the The disparity between the mood of the From the French Bosses lin wants to be the American affiliates in connection with also long as it is run in more often than cord for the sake of some good Ital horizon masses and the needs of the ruling classHitler, and Read the truth leged shortages in their funds ance with the financial set up ian votes in the city. LaGuar appended with that last, en which is still groping for the final war line up One would think that Leon Blum would at about the Jew baiting labor and failure to pay their city tax of the government.
and therefore cannot yet afford to show its least get some recognition from his ruling bating fascist Father Cough liabilities and penalties.
dia has even appeared at out dearing index to pedigree stark totalitarian face leaves the reformists The action if it may be spokenly fascist celebrations, Junior. In other words, the sun class for his attempt to get the British La lin.
The Bund, three of its related called that now being taken such as the one organized by never sets upon a shaven Britin a most uncomfortable spot. They want with all their souls to support the war mongering bourites behind conscription. But there is no the hands of the fascist hood. Individual figures, are involved all fours with the beroe mees: Circle couple of years edo to make one scorn the playing Threatened with beatings at corporations, and eight of its against the Bund leaders is on the Blackshirts at Columbus ish chin.
foreign policy of their respective bourgeoisles. gratitude in politics. Le Temps, the semi ot lums, the Appeal salesmen in a report and affidavits sub ure finally taken by the Fed: The Bund is the target of fields of Eston, there is still the As if all this were not enough but they can support specific internal meas ficial French government paper addresses it were protected by squads of mitted by Commissioner of In eral Government against Ai Clever demagogues like Dewey ures that such a policy requires because their self to the former People Front premier Anti Fascist Guard vestigation William Her Capone. The gang leader went and LaGuardia because it is a matter of the schoolmaster to rank and file won let them.
about as follows: members who patrolled the lands. One of the individuals, unscathed for years during German outfit. And it suits the reckon with. And for that final Under the slogan of Collective Security You say that (British) conscription is one Guard present, the fascists did have skipped to Germany with laged without let or hindrance, aims of such people as La Mr. James Hilton and Metro the Labourites have been able to put over the war mongering reckoning, we are indebted to government A. Air Raid Preparation of the capital acts upon which the peace of not dare attack.
program) and even the so called National the world hangs. True. You point out the. The Socialist Workers Party ing the malodorous Kuhn, were from the bootlegging and as anything or anybody connected Goodbye Mr. Chips.
Register, although with some difficulty. But explicable contradiction between Labour is going to continue its cam prevented from making a sim: sociated rackets. The Gwith Germany, especially when conscription is too much for their following policy of firmness against the aggressors paign to drive the fascists out iar trip by LaGuardia appeal men finally got him for fails such action is facilitated by the English Pattern and its present attitude. Quite correct. But of New York. Further articles to swallow especially since they still have Mr. Chips is less an individalmost universal disrepute in fresh in their memories the manner in which isn there an inexplicable contradiction be exposing Coughlin will continue tween the foreign policy which your party ad to appear in the Socialist Ap Kuhn Addressing His Fellow Bundits Daladier used the conscript army against the which the slimy Bund 1s held. ual than a type. Stolid, deadFrench general strike last November. Hence, vocates and its opposition to Daladier de peal and the comrades not so bad in the eyes of the deed, the stodgy essence deterIn other words, fascism is panned, he is as institutional the British tweed. He is, inthe Labour Party makes a peculiar spectacle cree laws? Aren they too capital acts will be back on Times Square democratic American au of itself in parliament.
upon which the struggle against the dictators to sell them.
thorities provided it is na Cliveden sets, fox hunts and mining the ducal pattern of depends? Don you suffer from the same con The Socialist Workers Party Chamberlain Quotes Leon Blum tradiction as the Labourites?
is sending a protest to Mayor tive and, above all, patriotic. imperial polo. In the larger Why Deceptive matter of Empire defense, the Against the Labour Party And Blum finds it very difficult to answer LaGuardia condemning the acthese embarrassing questions. The trouble is tions of the police and demand The action against the schoolmaster is the gear in the Bund which is no action at wheel. He stands ready. He In the House of Commons, Chamberlain that like the British fakers, he would gladly go ing an answer from him on all, in reality is deceptive raises his voice an octave highmakes his just complaint against his Labour the whole hog and probably will, at the criti whether or not he is going to opponents. You urged me to give up appease.
from another and perhaps the er for God, King and Country cal moment; only there are the working class tolerate suppression of the Apmost important aspect. La With a last, full measure of his ment for your policy of collective security. followers to reckon with they are not ready peal while the fascists are al Guardia and Co. realize, es for everything as yet. What he and his like forded every protection by the he says well, did. Collective Security, devotion, he pushes, nay urges, our French partners tell us, he continues, re can understand is why the bosses embarrass police.
pecially after the famous coun his exquisite brood into the quires that Britain raise a conscript armiy them so, why they don sympathize with them ter demonstration of the work fray. Ah, England, that EngWhy, ers at the Nazi Garden rally, land, that land, that realm, in their plight why they are so ungrateful. Newark SWP, YPSL French politicians including Leon that the masses feel an increas that spot of earth, that other Blum socialists and even the Communists demand British conscription. Where is your tunists never learn from history. They don Defy Coughlinites ing restlessness at the growth Eden, that jewel set in the silwant to realize that the bosses act like class At Four Corners socialist consistency?
of the fascist movement in this ver sea.
country. They fear that these conscious bourgeois rulers and never no matThe Labour benches remain quietly embar Goodbye Mr. Chips atter what the national danger forget to pur.
masses, learning from the mis tempts to humanize the imperrassed. At party meetings, Scotch labor sue their fight against the working class. Special to the Soclalist Appeal)
takes of their brothers in Italy, sonal, fatuous, English pedapaper informs us, organizers, watching the never miss an opportunity to split its ranks NEWARK, May 20. e perplexed faces of the audience that used to Germany and Austria, will not gogue. The film winds a whimand to demoralize it.
be told: Workers of the World, Unite, tell the of Newark Leading the protest wait forever, allowing the fas sical way from diapers to dotYet, hope for the future of humanity de labor to the provocation of fol speaker at the conclusion of his oration: For cists to gather momentum, on age, ending with a moist cheek pends upon just this realization and upon the lowers of Father Coughlin who the one hand, and the phoney and a blurred eye for dear old.
God sake don deal any more with foreign logical conclusions drawn from it. Before the were shouting Jew baiting. democrats to talk about wise old, moldy Mr. Chipe affairs, stick to Old Age Pensions.
British and French workers can really plunge union smashing, and Negro anti fascism, on the other. passing westward. Robert Don Internationalism in Action: into the final struggle against the bosses and hating slogans in the heart of Growing numbers are reallat, as Mr. Chips, makes the their wars, they will have to cast aside their this city, members of the izing that the only way to versatile change from blb to Reformist and Stalinist Variety reformist and Stalinist leaderships. Such lead Young People Socialist crush fascism is to organize whiskers with all the proficienerships only lead. to fascism. Victory de League (4th International) and and consolidate the fighting cy of a Paul Muni in one of his It is interesting to note the difference in the pends upon a consistent class struggle policy, the Socialist Workers Party de solidarity of the workers, to life cycle performances. On the reactions of the reformists and the Stalinists a policy which is today upheld only by the fended themselves successfully give the fascists a dose that whole, it fair to muddling when Chamberlain challenged them to inter Fourth International from attempts by the dupes of they will not quickly forget. rugby.
the Detroit fascist leader to The democrats fear the orNAT LEVINE drive them from ganized militancy and class in Four Corners.
dependence of the workers a Statement of Determined to arouse the thousand times more than they fear fascism.
Rochester Branch growing insolence and provocaIt is for the purpose of pretions of the Coughlinites, the venting this militancy from The Rochester Branch of the Socialist Workers Party and (By State Writer)
fascist hooligans who had made crats make their futile legal licly declares that since April materializing that our demo Socialist Workers Party pub.
Once upon a time there was a great prophet they figure they better run to the boss and League issued a Leaflet coepires fascist hooligans with beatings when they saw the Guard sional democrats to save it connected with the Solaris the Young People Socialist NEW YORK Threatened by threats to stop the meeting gestures against fascism.
who wore a long beard. This prophet was 1, the date of his resignation, If labor waits for profes Richard Posner has not been known the world over for his wisdom and abil. manity. Each one runs as fast as his two legs sented by the Coughlin fascists if they attempted to hold ity to teach great lessons. And although he will carry him to reach the boss first in the and calling for the organization street corner meeting on the they remained quiet.
ready to protect the meeting, from fascism, it is doomed as Workers Party and any politidied many hundreds of years ago his fame hope of being rewarded in some small way of Workers Defense Guards. corner of 46th Street and 13th surely as were the German and cal actions of his since that has never dimmed because of one particular One fascist in the crowd Italian workers. Labor has no lesson taught to a herd of wild animals.
No matter how long they are led about by the Party and youth members Avenue, Brooklyn, the Boro threatened to wash the speak saviors outside its own date have been on his own ronose they just refuse to break away.
appeared at Four Corners It seems the prophet came across this gathsponsibility.
Park branch of the Socialist ering of beasts on the edge of a wide desert. Pity the Rich where the cousblindtes were workers Party last Friday er mouth with soap and give ranks. It is from these ranks Asked the prophet, What would an animal engaged in their nativities and night held one of the largest him a dose of custom rom right ately, a mighty Workers Dei There are many workers who think that began the distribution Join the Socialist require for a three day journey across the des.
without the boss there would be no work. They leaflet and of the Socialist ApStreet moothes every held in here and now if he mention fense Guard laboris shiela ert?
argue that unless the rich spend money on pealand Challenge of the outen protected by two squads of the again. The speaker kept on name against the fascist barbarians.
Workers Party Six bundles of hay and three bags of water, they replied. That is indeed a fair price, said the and race horses the workers would starve to peat and 100 copies of the Chili Anti Fascist Labor Guard.
Two weeks ago, a street cor exposing Coughlin anti Semitdeath. They say we sure are lucky to have lenge were sold to workers prophet, but have work for only one beast and will not pay six bundles of hay and three when some bird like Judge Manton or Mr. 2, 500 leaflets were handed out: up by the fascist scum, who present and he slunk out of the lots of rich folks around to provide work. And gathering around, and over ner meeting held by the ic campaign. The fascist saw at the same corner was broken the Anti Fascist Labor Guard bags of water. Who will go for less. Whitney of the Sing Sing Whitneys gets caught More papers would have been kept shouting kill the Jews crowd like a rat.
swindling honest folk with phoney stock or sold had there been a larger and Build a Christian world.
Why Donkeys Are Asses Several young anti fascists loaded justice the donkeys come to their de supply on hand.
Threats were made at that who witnessed the splendid The animals then withdrew to a distance and Police intervention and held a meeting. After considerable discussion Poor Mr. Rockefeller, they moan, He coughlinite provocations failed would beat up any meeting was protected from Millionaire Heiress And time by the fascists that they way that the street corner and heated debate they elected a spokesman gives so much money You Wait 10 Years a fox who then announced to the prophet to church every Sunday. Why, it is people like and comrades member who tried to speak the hooligans, expressed their again.
that the price of a three day journey across Charity Will Provide desire to join the Anti Fascist Finds Publicity you Reds who drove Mr. Insull almost crazy who had the sympathy of hunHooligans Silent Labor Guard the desert was still six bundles of hay and with your demonstrations and committees and dreds of workers attracted to Bitter Boomerang Cemetery Lot three bags of water.
strikes. It is people like you who force the the scene. One spontaneously On Friday night, as the All over the country people However there were some animals who had Ten years ago a textile mill rich people of this country to spend their made contribution on the Da street corner, meeting Quit Join are wondering if Brenda Fra mechanic from Ohio brought not taken part in the conference of the anizier has a press agent 1f she his young bride, Geraldine, to mals. These were the donkeys. They decided And when a depression comes along the support of their paper, the Guards stationed themselves 4th International to act as free individuals. They approached poor donkeys try like all get out spent thousands of dollars to Augusta, Georgia, where he around the platform. Scores of starve in Challenge.
the prophet and each offered to undertake the secure the national publicity had located a job. The nostalsilence. They carefully spend each penny and NEW YORK. Since the statement issued two weeks that has transformed her into sic girl sickened not long afterjourney for less than the others.
when the pennies are gone they trade in the One donkey offered to go for six bundles of the nation No. Glamor ward and died.
old milk bottles one by one for the three cents ago by fourteen members of Girl.
the Socialist Party and its His wages too low to pay fuhay and only two bags of water. Another deposit and all the while keep up the pretense asked only six bundles of hay and one bag of of being comfortable so that the Joneses youth orghinization resigning Brenda has no press agent neral expenses, the young huswater One especially long eared donkey won suspect the awful truth. That the from those groups and join and it hasn cost her a single band left her body at a mortustepped out and under cut all the other don Joneses themselves are about to apply for ing the Socialist Workers penny to secure the newspaper ary and returned to his home keys by agreeing to make the trip for but one home relief is a secret to the neighborhood. Party. Mitchell Raffer and and magazine build up that with hope he would soon earn bundle of hay.
The quiet and dignified manner in which donErnestine Simons, two addihas been the envy of many enough to provide burial. Came Said the prophet, Thou art a disgrace to keys can almost starve to death is a wonder tional members have left the movie stars who do have press the Fall of 1929. Jobs grew (Continued from Page 1)
the animal kingdom. No beast could possibly to behold. The clean shirt and the empty stom balking at being branded as disseminators of race hatred. youth organization and scarce. The young mechanic agents, make such a dangerous journey on only one ach are carried with pride.
joined with the Fourth In Brenda is easy on the eyes wrote he must delay.
bundle of hay and no water. Thou art an ass.
This is a healthy sign. Catholic workers know from their own When workers in the neighborhood organize During the depression other ternationalists what they call photogenic. True, said the donkey, but only wanted and fight to win better conditions higher re first hand experience that they have no quarrel with their JewThe effect which these resnotes pleaded for added time.
and don overlook the fact The undertaker waited srimly.
to get the job.
lief or decent housing the donkeys never reish fellow workers.
ignations is having within she heiress to four or five Then another note the me And from that day to this donkeys have been fuse to accept the increase. They won pickCatholics likewise know what has happened to their co religthe ranks of the and its million dollars.
chanic had broken his leg, had known as asses.
et that isn nice. They won contribute to lonists in Hitler Germany. They know that Catholics are being youth can be seen from the But other debutantes resent no job. He failed to answer And from that day to this there have been the strike fund or attend the demonstrations. deprived of their rights.
fact that the leadership of Brenda Frazier publicity. The further letters from the under many human beings who have also been But boy, oh boy, how they welcome the 10 Jew Baiting Is a Fascist Sign that organization found it jealous ones have canged up taker.
known as asses because they merely wanted increase in pay! Charity is what they expect. The overwhelming majority of American workers are anti necessary to take the un to keep Brenda from being in Recently when Mortician to get the job.
But even donkeys can be educated. It is a fascist to the bone. Jew baiting is one of the fascist weapons by precedented step of publish vited to parties.
John Curtis had concluded arThese donkeys have never really stopped long and hard task but it really can be done means of which the Hitlers and the Coughlins seek to divide the ing what they call the po First evidence of this cam rangements for a pauper burto think about what can happen to a man who if one has patience. The many hours of argu working class and thus prevent the united front of all workers, is not paid enough to live decently. All they resignees, in which they atpaign was when she failed to ial, Judge Henry Hammond ing and endless discussions will bear fruit if all unemployed, all youth, against their common enemy, fasget a bid from the Junior heard the story of Geraldine are worried about is the job. The pay and the the revolutionist is on the spot when events cism. The growth of Jew baiting is the surest sign of the growth tempt to show that the fourconditions these are secondary matters. And Assemblies goal of all Grade and her ten year wait for a happen which strike the donkey right between of the fascist movement. Fascism means the straitjacketing of teen comrades were, at New York debutantes.
when a man falls ill on the job or the kid grave. His Southern hospitality the ears. And these donkeys must be heart, always Trotskyists.
the labor movement, concentration camps, and slavery.
That was only the beginning. aroused, he promptly offered a cough develops into TB these donkeys figure cated. They make fine fighters once they As the opening gun in the campaign against fascism, racePoor Brenda can understand cemetery lot. Other Augusit is the hand of fate or the will of the Althan the crustrated donkey notutins avengetariife their head. The Socialist workers Partesh te ale upon every mante At Your Service mighty or something equally remote.
why other girls of her own age tians gave money for the novel. some of them richer should burial. Geraldine was then inAnd when their fellow workers on the job time of misery. And when he is ready to make fascist. Catholic, Jew, Protestant or atheist. to join hands THE APPEAL organize to get better pay and conditions the that sacrifice for himself and his fellow work against the Jew baiting provocations of the fascists and their be jealous of her. Brenda Fra terred with Episcopal rites and donkeys get scared to all hell. Right away er he is no longer donkey but a fox. mouthpiece, the Detroit spellbinder, Father Charles Coughlin.
zier is discovering that public a small group who never saw POSTER SHOP lity can be a bitter boomerang! her alive mourned.
On the Line. with Bill Morgan NewarkAnti Fascist Labor Guard workers of the city ng binst the Defends Meeting SOCIETY NOTES Father Coughlin Is Vicious Anti Semite