BolshevismCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceHitlerLeninMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeURSS

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1939 Police in Action. the Memorial Day Massacre The New Leader Tops In the Its Own Jingo Record Labor Unions APPEAL ARMY to be assignsubscribers on our MILITARY RULE New York Housing Bill Sarkist micules: Doesn Answer Need and country en train store one the deler ungulite TIGHTENS IN HARLAN COUNTY Captain 1808 Front Newsstand Thomas Socialists Chastise Members of RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTION too. and we advise you to take DRIVE GETS UNDER WAY: prompt action. It would be a Youth Group Who Booed War Mongers The drive for 250 renewal good idea to tell your ex reader subscriptions by June 15 has about this when you pay your Not content with having mon members of the Thomas youth gotten under way nicely with visit for the subscription reopolized the joint May Daygroup who, goaded by WaldNew York City already hard at newal.
meeting of the Social Demo man war mongering. booed work.
cratic Federation and the So him.
We have already begun the Here the sub list for this By WIDICK cialist Party, and using it as a The May 13 New Leader carsending out of sample copies week which shows a considerforum for pro war propaganda ried this report, sent them by to those former subscribers able picking up over last Over the week end we were the Old Guard finished off the the City Central Committee of who have failed to renew their week s: subscriptions. This means that talking to a former coal miner incident by a news report, in the Socialist Party: NEW YORK CITY. 12 from Harlan County, Ky. now the New Leader, May which The Socialist Party in New the time to visit is right NOW Philadelphia 11 when they ve just finished read Los Angeles working in a gum shop in Ak gleefully crowed to high heav York City, through its highest ron, He has had much exen.
representative body formally.
ing an issue of America lead Massachusetts Lee, Waldman Urge Aid to and officially disavows, disaping revolutionary paper.
perience in the union drives Pennsylvania down there. One story he told Democracies, was the New proves and condemns the unWe hope by now all branch Indiana Illustrates in particular the Leader headline.
Socialist behavior of a few peoexecutive committees have or Foreign Full support of the democ ple at the Hippodrome United ganized their Sub Renewal feelings of the workers and St. Louis gives a clue to an understand. racles in any struggle with the May Day Meeting who expressCampaign committees and are Minneapolis ing of their militancy now nations aligned with the Rome ed their disapproval of the rehard at work.
Newark Each and every comrade is against the National Guard Berlin Axis was urged by Al marks of speakers by booing Montana terror.
gernon Lee and Louis Waldman during the speech.
to visit one of In of the earlier coal at the first joint May Day dem Two kinds of politics are here Total strikes in Kentucky, the miners onstration of the Social Demo revealed the serious politics of lists. When you visit this exsubscriber, make sure you have an F: The only bundle order intive job of keeping scabs out. Party and the workmen Cir. actionary: and the un serious. sub blank for him to fill out. crease of the week came from So the impotent, capitulatory politics And if he isn home the first George Whiteside of Kansas the called for and cle, the news report began Waldman called on all of the Norman Thomases.
time well, then call again!
sent in National who increased his order to Guardsmen.
American progressive forces to per issue.
SPECIAL BOUND VOLUME This didn please the strik unite behind the foreign policy ers one bit. They planned a lit. of President Roosevelt, thus Studs Lonigan We are offering for a limited We ve had to cut off the tle reception for the National the New Leader summarized time a special arrangement by Philadelphia and San Francisco In Grudge Game Guard when it detrained. its keynoter speech. Algerwhich you can have the two branches completely from its No sooner did the train stop non Lee, city chairman of the bound volumes of the Appeal Appeal supply because of their By BILL CLAM (1937 and 1938) at a greatly re failure to make any payments dreds of coal miners, well support of the democracies, it The Studs Lonigan Athletic duced rate. The two together for months. Sorry, but you ll equipped to defend themselves, continued.
Club made frantic haste to col. are now selling for only 00. have to get down to business on took positions about 100 yards Serious Polities passed by the New York State that they have no intention of lect its forces when James There are not many more on the appeal before we can reaway from the railroad station Being serious politicians, deLegislature last week, reveals taking the housing questior cannon, captain of the Marxist hand (we really mean this. sume!
the fact that the legislators seriously. Guard Moves on termined to have their pro(Continued from Page 1) care not one whit about clear Roosevelt, pro war line prevail had challenged the Loniganites Speeding The captain of the Guards come what may, the Old Guard to a return baseball match to SOCIALIST APPEAL NEW INTERNATIONAL combat trucks ing away the shameful Slums ANGLO RUSSIAN be held Saturday evening, June men stepped off the train and thus squeezed the last ounce outarmed with light artillery pa of New York City and else10, at Heckscher Foundation, Can be obtained at the following Newsstands looked around with great anxl of the situation. Like the trolled the streets, arresting 14 where in the state and provid. PACT NEARER 104th Street and Fifth Avenue.
James Farrell, captain of Cherry Katherine Sta. Monroe MANHATTAN Eckhart 317 Straight to Stenay veteran of many strike strug. they constantly denounce, the sisted of walking on the public quarters for slum dwellers.
In view of last fall rete (Continued from Page 1) the Studs Lonigan outfit, ac Madison St. K statio 104 Washington St.
gles sauntered up from the Old Guard understands that in highways.
between free nations and cepted the challenge with a de. Near Knickerbockervillanery Store joint meetings as well as their The armed guard continued endum authorizing 300, 000 NEW HAVEN. Conna Nodeiman Newsstand lard General Store, Essex ze strikers ranks.
The fiant snari.
Iancey St. Houston Clinton CHICAGO and deliberately. The silence advance fundamental political fixed through residential sec totally ignore the problem. So quiet, authoritative way leads club defeat of last season, Ave. BN. 9th St. Ave. DI He looked the captain over. own meetings, their task is to sending squads with bayonets 000 for housing, they dared not totalitarian nations, New York Times, which in its Asked to comment on his Nelsel Bookshop Grand Attorney Sta P: 100 Wells, Rm. 108 Cor: 67th Blackstone was oppressive and the atmos policies.
tions. Invading homes and they resorted to every kind of phere tense. Finally the miner Their attacks on the fac shoving unprotected citizens political trick to prevent its be pointed out on Sunday that the al victory for the Marxist Ave. 2nd Ave. 9th St. Stuyvesant the whole pack of war hounds Cannon replied, It was a mor Candy Storo, 2nd Ave. 2nd st. Cor 12th Kedzie 2nd Ave. 4th st. 17 Firat ing handled effectively. They Ceshinky Book Alonso 2730 Division st drawled out, You figuring on tionalism of the Bolsheviks on about at gun point. peace front was not a com Maulers. We lost due to a Casino. Ave, 10th St. getting off the train here?
When General Carter set a stalled off all action until the BALTIMORE, MD this score are rank hypocrisy pound of pure democracles. combination of unforeseen cir. Waverly SE, Cate Box. Sam Weber MORE Why, yes, the captain re. They take up the cry of fac censorship on speeches at a inal week of the session, wher (See editorial on page Next cumstances. We plan to whip File 13th st. 14th St. Univ.
Frigate Books Baltimore North Howard St.
plied. Well, the boys told me to worth in befuddling the Nor last Sunday and threatened ure making only 50, 000, 000 day Anne Hare McCormick, the stuffings out of that Loni h ayunin Robert Zettlemoen weicomitos ALLENTOWN PALE tell you in that case to be sure man Thomas following and fat wholesale arrests, union off available for housing during foreign affairs commentator for gan bunch this trip.
the Times, was also bola Masked Marvel Exposed 4th Ave. 10. 14th St. 4th Ave.
to be shooting when you get oft headed intellectuals. In praccials cancelled the meeting and the coming fiscal year.
Paul Sherr, 7th Hamilton Although 2nd stand inth 3rd Ave. because we sure as hell are gotice, the Farrell sw. 14th St, ard Ave NWuth So shameful was the bil as enough to write: Guard can give sent a bitter protest to the genNorth ast. As a test of ideologies, seemed skittish about releasing LOPD. Jotterson Theatre with ing to be, the veteran declar cards and spades to a lot of eral, copies of which were giv presented that its sponsors Cor. 11th and Market Sta.
ed, and walked away, 10th St, and Girard Ave were forced to accept certain events in the past two months his name, the Marxist Maulers and see svest AS SE people in pushing a political en to the press.
Sth St. and Arch St.
The National Guard did not line. We can learn from them: Although under the protec liberalizing QUAKERTOWN, PA.
detrain. They went to a nearby political line is the fundamen tion of machine guns and bay. year amortization instead of between systems are easily a find who is a frequenter of Man veth West Broad Sta town instead. dividing force, political line onets twenty five of Harian 40 year amortization, prevail Jumped when fundamental na Newport receptions, a bon vi 6th Ave. 8th st. sth Ave 38th St Similar in many respects is determines everything.
the attitude of the miners in Not being serious politicians. ing for a week with scarcely workers instead of an annuni National Socialism merely uses bathtub soprano and a whit och NEI. stm Andelman Treinons ODD. Hotel the current strike. Anyone fa the Norman Thomases under any coal moving. The men sent wage rate for construction deadlier weapons to push fortler; in fact, he is none other store only. Pls Rand Book CAMBRIDGE, MASS.
Ave Sword 4th Felix Monchusetts Ave, at Harvard miliar with Harlan County will stand this as little as they un underground by the operators workers which would have ward the old German drangthan Schmelka Gainsborough.
The line up announced by the Stern South side and st. PB LYNX, MASS.
find nothing strange in the derstand anything else. That are scabs or white collar em meant a considerably reduced (drive. At the scratch, Hitler Lynn Labor Lyceum, union statement on the shoot why the Old Guard was able to ployees who know nothing about wage rate, and permitting full is no more racist than the studs Lonigan is as fol Ave St. 2nd Lt way. Candy Store. eeth St.
Sam Comer, Olympia Square ings that took place last week. dominate the Joint May Day mining and whose lives are in tax exemption on housing Kaiser. Aly nations are pri lows: ROXBURY, MARA Readers will recall that varl meeting, as they will dominate constant danger from the usu projects thus easing the finan marily concerned, as they al James Farrell First base Columbus nave 96th steentek ways were, either to save what Max Eastman Right field West. 110th st Columbus Ave Friendly Variety, Warren St. Grove ous skirmishes have been re the united party for which al mine hazards with which cial burden placed upon cities Bill Still Fake they have or to acquire what william Phillips Center field, Nin 15Lat St St. Nicholas Ave.
ported between the Guardsmen negotiations are now being car. they do not know how to cope.
Sidney Hook Labor Book Store 01 Marquette Contracts Signed Third base Madison Alvelo 2016 Wigerson But none of the amendments they haven and alleged strikers. The union ried on.
90th St. Three contracts have been attack the fundamental weak In other words, it is admit Arthur Pincus Kroman Fourth Nicollet leaders denied that their men Norman Thomas Answer signed with the union, but the ness of the bill its failure to ted here that the war in prep David Glusker Left field Longwood Ave, Southern Boulehad participated in the battles The sole reaction of 410 Washington Blvd the Catcher and ist st Fulton Ave for a very simple reason. Thomas Socialists to the mon. die hard Harlan County Coal make available sufficient mon aration not a war over hu. John MacDonald The Book ACTION MO Shortstop Toth St, Jerome Ave.
Book Nook Merama Rob LAND: OHIO Our boys could hit a mos opolization of the joint meet operators Association is still ey to permit inception of the man rights or civilization Albert Margolies 1072. 100 store quito at fifty yards and nobody ing was to publicly chastise the desperately risking their sales badly. needed comprehensive or democracy or any of the Schmelka Gainsborough. pitcher Rende selst studs Prospect outlets in the hope that the building program, Housing ex rest of that meaningless bunk The Marxist Maulers, draw Areth stoman Boston Statham Killes: Meriam Building. Room 214 can tell me that they fired fifty miners can be forced back to perts are agreed that housing but a cold blooded war over ins on their out of state farm bridge Rd. Jerome Ave, Bast Mo shots (as the Guard claimed)
Schroeder Book Shop. Publle se Ave. Meellan Grand Concourse YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO dig coal at the point of Roose needs are so vast that use of dollars and goods, markets and clubs, have augmented their without someone being hit, Special Offer!
Nick s, Wick St. and Commeree the union leaders said.
velt bayonets.
the entire 300, 000, 000 would profits, machines and the labor pitching batteries with a numTWO BOUND VOUMES ber of promising young hope BROOKLYN Two representatives of the not have solved them. But use power of colonial slaves.
This is absolutely true. Using Straus cor. Pitkin Ave. Tompkins Church St. bet. Chapel fuls. Their names will not be cor. Myrtle Ave. Havemeyer cor.
of the United States Department of of such a sum in slum clear But this sudden rash of disclosed until contract diff Sutter Pro Xon Sonderen Embarcadero newsstand South Side of Market Stener In Harian County are noted for SOCIALIST APPEAL Justice have been sent into the ance and erection of low. rented frankness is designed not as a culties are settled.
Meanwhile, Rokykloster Rockaway cor. Pitkin Ave. 173 Sutter MacDonald Bookstore, 66 6th St.
Millmore Bookstore their accuracy. We are con 1937 and 1938 Marxist provide hack propagandists of nounced their line up to in. Ade Biomara Ave Sia Ave. 40th.
Sutter Fillmore Sto Maulers erties have been flouted fla a beginning.
that the vinced shooting Sth st Soth St New Utrecht Golden Gate News Agency. 21 scrapes last week were put up Both for only 00. Inolud grantly for the last turbulent By refusing to authorize this the war machine with new for clude: ald Dit week, they announced that they sum and authorizing instead mulas for covering over the to. James Cannon ing postage Ray Smoke Shop. 1303 Butter Jobs by the coal operators and Room 11. 612 Valencia St.
3023 Grand Ave. 91 10 Broadway.
the National Guardsmen to were not alming their inquiry the niggardly 50, 000, 000, plus tal absence on either side of George Novack SWP)
This 25 reduction holds Bookstore, 502 Haight (nr. Fillmorg)
seek to justify the strike breakinto possible violations of civil another 100, 000. 000 allocated what the Times so coyly calls James Burnham good for only a few weeks!
Left field 433 Clinton str N. Clinton St. Scdkertente acaristancos rights at any one faction. but not now available, the pure democracy.
ing terror of the Guardsmen.
Felix Morrow. Third base Cor: Cumberland Clinton Ste LOS ANGELES, CALIE. cor. Mencinton sis 233 Broadway, Room 13 Nat Levine. Center field cor. Main South Ave.
Universal 1166. st.
Bloody Record. SAN DIEGO. CALIE Marty Abern.
Main Street East Clinton Ave.
Broadway There has never been a more Dwight Macdonald and base Main Street Brerestore stirring chapter in labor hisSherman Stanley Catcher NAKRON, OHIO SE Exchange, 51 tory than the story of the HarMax Shachtman 208 Clinton Av. North at Cumb land Pitcher Levine Delicatessen, Next cor. Bartgen. Main Bt.
lan miners attempts to organIn addition to the baseball Ave, North at Westcottonton OAKLAND CALIF.
Cart Brothers, 433 Clinton Ave.
ize unions. Fourteen operators Authoritative confirmation of Araquistain points out, in the telligence has since revealed under secretaryships of War, match, there will be swimming NEWARK, are now under indictment for Walter Krivitsky charge that right wing of the Socialist deliberately provoked bloody Navy and Air, the under secre in the Heckscher pool, an eveReitman cor. Brond William 13th, bet. WAY and Washington Andrew Williams ning of dancing and a host of Lorenzo Washeton Market, sw.
Brondway, near 19th acy to murder, to slug eines for Stalin sabotaged the Loyalist Party, especially Juan Negrin street warfare in Barcelona to tariat of Propaganda, etc.
other diversions. Tickets are Caballero Complicity Chust Bread Springfield Ave.
Socialist Appeal Club, DETROIT, MICH union men, so bad have been fight against Franco came this two were chosen because of repressive government than But Araquistain explana eighty five cents each and can 3513 Woodward Ave. Room ST. LOUIS, MO the conditions there, week from Luis Araquistain, their pliancy and in spite of that of Caballero.
tion is disingenuous. The one be secured by mail from the Case Book Mart Poster Book Company SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Bloody Harlan has a record the outstanding theoretician of the fact that they were almost Stalinist Blackmail speech Caballero did make American Fund for Political Rymer Book Store, 906 3rd Ave.
Roth Clear store, 1407 First Ave.
of killings of union organizers the left wing of the Spanish So un prom my vantage point of blackmail to remove those he had no program. For in ac Stalin used Russian help after his removal showed that Prisoners and Refugees at 100 Gunbello Stationery Store 4033 University Way Fifth Avenue, Room 1609.
and men unequalled anywhere cialist Party, associate of Ca the Paris Embassy could no who would not do his bidding, tuality he had preceded Negrin Despite all this terror, the ballero and Loyalist ambassa tice with surprise that already so that the Soviet Union would as the darling of the Stalinists ANNOUNCEMENTS United Mine Workers gained dor to France until June, 1931. at the beginning of 1937 some continue sending us war mate who had, as Araquistam now strength. It is powerful there Loyalist Spain was for Stalin liberal newspapers of London, rial, it was necessary MOVIES, DANCING, Refreshnow unbeatable if the union coming to bermain ing chointer, which let themselves be in: nate the men on whom the pompous Proveed hime panties ments. Social at the Debs leaders stick to their guns.
spired more or less consciously Communists placed their veto. Lenin. Caballero, in fact, haal Unit, 1601 42nd St.
Last week the miners showed declared Araquistain, in ar by Communists or Communist In fact, in the last months of done the bidding of the Stalin See the successful May Day their contempt for the National ticles written from exile in sympathizers, began to print the Largo Caballero Govern ists until rank and file pressure Demonstration, the first Guard terror by trying to pick the New York Times on May 19 Juan Nedd eulogies of Dr.
Paris and published here by pictures ment, supplies arrived scantily from his own ranks against the hike of the summer et at the mines even though and 21.
then Minister of and in bad condition.
mounting reaction drove him all in color. Admission, 15c.
bayonets were thrust at their the Treasury, without any vis The Soviet war material to some resistance to Stalinist stomachs. And when a machine Joseph Stalin did not want ible reason. The hidden motive was never sufficient. Araquis demands.
APARTMENT OR LARGE gun was mounted, unarmed us to win the war because that was that in Moscow he had tain says, and advances as the room wanted. Cooking facilities. Write Morrow, o An Unusual Combination Offer!
Only the arrival of additiona: cellor Hitler otherwise his been selected as successor to hypothesis which confirms the the first big steps were taken Spanish Premier Francisco suspicions that some of us against workers control of the Socialist Appeal. until June 15th)
forces kept the miners back.
help would have been more Largo Caballero.
Spaniards had as early as factories and peasants collecCOMRADE copious and efficient. Nor did SEEKS When one remembers that in he want us to lose it too soon, ROOM Making Nobody Somebody Dr. Negrin held the chair using Spain as a bargaining the first decrees dissolving the 1937, that Stalin was merely tives: under Caballero came Manhattan preferred. ComIn Combination municate details to Socialist NO, Norwood, etc. because of the because, once the Spanish con. of physiology at the Madrid point with Hitler.
workers militias and replacing FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and mere threat of the National flict was liquidated, Herr Hit School of Medicine and be SOCIALIST APPEAL for one year both for. 75 the Harlan miners stands out dom of action to carry out his enged to the Socialist Party. the Left Socialists seek to office red army when the estas Sale 75 (Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign. policy of aggression in Eastern cally nor scientifically known criminal statsses against the inists turned Caballero out.
Sale. 20 or FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and The Harlan strike is a great Europe and even against the outside of Spain and in Spain quistain explains that this linked with their policies, that 00 SOCIALIST APPEAL for six months both for Two Weeks Only Soviet Union itself. Mr. Stalin only within a very limited uni could not be done because of he could not extricate himself.
embarrassment to the apolo (Manhattan, Bronx, Foreign. 56 gists of democratic capitalism. war sine die, to keep Premier pare international opinion and Caballero sought to make a se came too late to help the LoyAraquistain revelations Hundreds of Labor Titles NO. Visit The down last week. Here, union Mussolini and Hither busy and manufacture quickly a states. ries of speeches after his realist struggle against Franco.
FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS and men can see capitalism stark force the latter, in the end, to man reputation for him. The moval, he was forbidden by the Nor will they serve to absolve LABOR BOOKSHOP NEW INTERNATIONAL for one year both for 75 naked, a rule by force.
come to an understanding with Communists are masters in the Negrin government to continue Caballero and his associates now at (Foreign. 25 In the Spanish art of artifically creating rep after the first, and then was ar from their responsibility for the Order from: Fortunately, the boys in Harthe lan County come from a grand war Stalin only saw a strategic resentative men.
rested and confined to his rest Spanish defeat. But they do 116 University Place Negrin school where they learned diversion.
became premier dence in Valencia. In addition, provide an authoritative addi3rd Floor PIONEER PUBLISHERS 116 University PI.
matchless militancy, depenStalin Tools New York City when the Stalinists ousted ca the whole press was controlled tion to the mountain of evidence on one own strength. To carry out this anti Loyal ballero on May 15, 1937, after by the Stalinists, directly or dence which damns Stalin and Open 12 to P.
New York City and dauntless courage. Watch list policy, Stalin needed obe having as Krivitsky, then through the censorship which his agents as the destroyers of Send for Catalogue them whip the operators. dient tools and he found them head of the Soviet Military In they manned, as they did the the Spanish revolution.
Second base BRONX Ave.
First base QUEENS South Brotheront of awards Araquistain Confirms Krivitsky Testimony Fascism and Big Business The New International Socialist Appeal Appeal.