BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStrikeSubversiveTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1939 Whipping Up the War Spirit It All in the Mobilization Day Plan produce.
IN THIS CORNER it wilde EMANUEL GARRR Members stress God Save the King!
of averaged about ten tons daily.
SOCIALIST APPEAL Thus ONE man now produces in a day what Vol. I, No. 35 May 23, 1989 it formerly took a little more than 37 men to Phedol wruk Du the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
Yet hours per day have remained at a comAt 116 University Pace, New York, NY. picte standstill and instead of 37 men retaining Telephone. Alconquin. 513 With Day Not Far off the Generals Have Perfected their full wages and dividing up the time saved Subrortpuns: 00 per year 00 for six months. For by the machines, the companies have fired 36.
The Methods of Propaganda and Censorship Which Will copy in the United States: cents per copy in given their wages to the stockholders, and kept all foro ke countries Single copius. cento.
Be Used in Mobilizing the Morale of Workers for War Bronx and Manhattan one man slaving at the ancient schedule of By Max Shachtman do ta mbante Fuscriptions are for ox By HAL DRAPER ered as and class matter February 16, 293. At reliable information concerning, decide whether it is neceshours.
at Since 1926 in the steel plants alone, the introThere Is a French book on aims and activities of the Clov. sary. As a result of the twingthe last war called How They ernment. To combat disaring of the Congressional conThe question of the war danger dominates all duction of 27 new type mills, according to Re Mobilised Our consciences. foction at home. To combat science, some of the later the other problems of the labor movement. Any MAX SHACHTMAN Search Director Harold Rutenberg of the Today, before she war crisis, enemy propaganda at home bills exempt the press from working class organization, any working class Steel Workers Organizing Committet, ers your conscience your ato rules and resulations for cent them (including that of Sen.
Asociate Editors: leader, that fails to pass the best of war, isn HAROLD ROBERTS FELIX MORROW has thrown 85, 000 nsen out of jobs.
rale they call it as an article sorship. To enlist and stator Nye) Include another pro worth con. Big talk, even mitant talk, and the JOSEPH HANSEN nos solenn resolutions, have none but a decepli the length of hours worked were RE. to be mobilized along with pervise a voluntary censorship Vision which is just as effective quartermaster supplies and the of the newspaper and perludi This is the priority proviDUCED WITH NO REDUCTION IN PAY.
tive meaning unless they are translated into the lives of draited men.
cal press.
sion, according to which the daily practise of a consistent fight against imall these nien could have the jobs they are en Bernard Baruch, the line The Plan further proposes soveroment can deprive a giv. perialist war and the war mongers.
cretielart of the Industrial that the Administrator gather en newspaper or paper, ink and Next to revolution itself, war is the greatest and Mobilization Every union in the country must inscribe iu WORKERS PARTY FOR: Plan, lakes to forether a personnel compris. all other supplies, and thereby most difficult test to pass. Even before it breake out, tlte whole weight of organized bourgeois pres. Job and a decent wage for every worker. its program of demands from the Boss a sliding speck of the live s which also apable journalists, adver. punich it if it refuses to sub stire is brought to bear upon all the varieties of scale of hours with no reduction in pay! Then are, men, money, maintenance tion picture experts, and others sho. Nye own Invesugation war opponents, Chjolery and threats the latter to Open the Idle factortes operate them under every one can have a decent job at a living wage.
10 increasing extent are employed to shalter the workers control.
As the use of machinery and more efficient resistance of the masses, to deprive them of ar and morale. Assistant Secre whose influence in their respeo proving that this cntals the tary of War Johnson states whose professional and business War Department admitted it at Live fields are extensive and power of censorship, and the ticulate spokesmen. The chauvinist tash Swuns Twenty Bulion dollar Federal public works methods increases, the number of hours to be To conduct a modern war suc associations give them intimate the bearings. The War Departto whip the masses and their leaders into line, and and housing program.
Spent on the job decreases cessfully. a nation must pro knowledge of and access to the ment further admitted that for those who remain unyielding in theor oppos!
Lion, there is the mailed list of brutal and uncon. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage That will kill the lay offs and stop machines, distance sur les med fedts: Important medlums of public any ingenious man, familiar cealed persecution, 30. hour weekly maxinum for all workers on which can be a boon to mankind, from replacing ment, and a supporting public The Public Relations Admin could in two hours work out 40 all jobs.
men on the payroll!
opinion. Seouring all these be divided into different ways to establish a How It Done istration things is our problem, Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability five divisions, with appropriate press censorship by the terms The varieties of pressure used to convert oppo pension.
The new emphasis which is bureaus: of the nents of war into active or passive patriote. er placed upon morale on the Division of Administra MAKING YOU Infinite in number. One is tipped off that opporsi Expropriate the Sixty Famillos.
home front was expressed by tion.
LOVE IT tion to war means the suppression of the organiza Baruch before the Army Indus. Division of News domes As for the propaganda angle tion which he and his comrades spent so many All war funds to the unemployed.
There is a move in Congress to halt all distrial Collece training school tic: foreign of public relations. we can hard years to build up. Another is made to fee people referendum on any and all wars.
for the army I. men) Division Pictures give foretaste here by quotcussion on foreign policy while the King of need hardly bring to your fums: posters, cartoons: phong Herbert Bayard Swope on the lbcrensing frigidity of social ostracism, and No secret diplomacy.
England visits these shores, for fear that some attention what must be done by tographs: scenarioa.
there are, alas, mary labor leaders who wince the art of propaganda, before at the thought of being snubbed by respectable Congressman Inight inadvertently say something line and mobilization of 168 Non speakers: women organ nation in arms the disci Division of Civic Coopera the Congressional committee: 10. An todependent Labor Party society. The desire for victory must about Great Britain that would not prove to the moral and material forces. izations; war expositions.
Stil another is assured that he would be sur 11. Workers Defense Guards agalpst vigilante become universal To win is liking of His Royal Highness.
Judgment bors of experience Division of Advertising and Fascist attaoks.
to carry out the will of God in prised to learn how friendly the government and shows that the moral or spiritu radio; newspapers, magazines: the popular mind; to win bethe army Are to his radical views. but that they It is difficult to see why Congress docsn goal is the greater of the two billboards: bulletins comes the great national pursimply find themselves forced to take military the whole hog. what occasion could be more forces. Ludendorff bitterly The radio is taken care of by pose. So in the philosophy of measures because a critical national emer gency las supervened. Some are simply bribcd; Shoot To Kill!
auspicious than the King visit to admit that complained that his military the Communications Act of war opposition bocomes disobeothers are blackmailed or browbeaten. At the we were wrong after all.
long after what he called the tered and pitoted through con lege as well as unpatriotic.
crucial moment, their opposition collapses anal News dispatches from Harlan County, Kenthen begins a series of the most patheuc explans tucky, where Governor Chandler has sent That we want to return the thirteen colonies home front bad crumbled. Na Kress by the Roosevelt Admin. assuraing a nation to be acti which our ancestors took away from Great Brit poleon said: In war, the mora)istration. By the terms of this vated by a nearly universal imLions for the turn about face.
National Guardsmen to break the coal strike ain by means of such a violent bloody revolution.
is to the physical as to Act, the President can take oulse, sharp measures can be case in point is the political degeneration of at bayonet point and open the mincs to gun carthe Independent Labour Party of England on th Civil morale therefore is fully over all radio and wire offices taken against the few opposing That we are sorry for protesting Great Brit. as important as military mu in any national emergency, the national wiil howevor in eve of the war. The party leadership has been rying scabs, report that Brigadier General Eller ain impressing American seamen in that little ralo.
HOW CENSORSHIP telectual, however honest. taling loudly for some ume against the war an Le Carter, commanding officer of the military war of 1812, and if the king wants to he can The problem of civil mo WILL WORK however courageous they may war preparations. At the same time, in contrast to strikebreakers revealed he has been given the burn down the White House again while he is rale is divided into two AS The Plac reference to be.
our sectariaalsm, the party bas continued to pecls negative, that is, cenvoluntary censorship of the Censorship and propaganda tolerate not only in its ranks but in tbe leadership following orders by Chandler: here.
sorship, and positive, that is press Is of course an official are the agencies of domination a collection of parliamentary politicians who have The troops are under orders to SHOOT Also that we take back all the nasty things we propaganda. The Plan puts joke. The meaning of this car. It is rare is never demonstrated over and over again that they have TO KILL when necessary. There will be no both of these functions into the was explained by Herbert Bay that a nation is instantly gal nothing in common with revolutionary politics and pushing around of soldiers on duty.
said during the Civil War about Great Britain hands of an Administration of ard Swope. tesutying before vanized into the vast emotion that they would never stand up in time of crisis running through Abraham Lincoln blockade Public Relations.
the War Policies Commissionalism that is needed in war. The testa preliminary but quite decisive test Although there were absolutely no disturof the slave states.
Even through the official several years ago as e World The issues, colored and ex of this leadership and this policy was made last bances in Harlan County, and the coal miners statements in the Plan Atselt War expert in public rela cllative. must be brought home September. Chamberlain came flying back from That we re so glad in fact to make amends for the ben seen the fron Heel tions. Censorship of the press to each. Every manner of ap Germany with the results of his appeasement were peacefully exercizing their right to pick, our past errors that besides the thirteen original which will be set upon the he said. can be brought about per propaganda. how must be employed. policy, triumphantly offering England that imper these troops have set up loaded machine guns masses in wartime. The in part by voluntary agreetalist peace which is at once mere Interlude beon the public highways and in the residential colonies, we offer to return to England the 35 outlines the functions of the ment, but behind this there ever naive at times, shall pro.
tween two wal and part of the preparations for states that have joined the union since, and toss Peblic Relations Administrat must be some sort of licensing claim our virtues, subllmate the one that is to come.
They march through the streets in armed in Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Hawaiian tion as follows: To mobllize syslem established so that of our aims and accentuate our a. existing mediums of public rendors may be punished. successes and indict the vices Solving a Serious Problem Islands, and the Panama Canal.
squads and shove the civilian population about ity. To coordinate the pub. The Plan Itself contains the of the enemy and minimize his Now the real leader of the in Englano with fixed bayonets as if they had been turned All we humbly ask the King is that he give us hicity programs of the various censing system. Any business achievements.
is James Maxton, member of the House of Com toosc by a fascist dictator to terrorize the public India, Ceylon, Jamaica, South Africa, and Pal. to which the public and the a license in order to operate. based upon questions of nationbetter treatment than he accords his subjects in Government agencies. 70 over which Goverament con For home consumption all are are mons. This representative of the revolutionary Governor Chandler, in brief, is doing everyworking class rose in Parliament to express his solidarity with the Prime Minister of British im thing possible to provoke bloodshed. President estine. Otherwise Congress couldn guarantee world may look for proper and the President has the power to al honor.
perialism. He did not as Karl Llebknecht would that the King wouldn have another subversive Roosevelt, although he has full power to curb have done, use the national tribune for the purpose Governor Chandler armed violence, so far has movement on his hands like 1776.
of unmasking the whole dirty imporlalist gang and God save the King!
donc nothing. Nor will be lift a finger to saleabove all, its spokesman, Chamberlain. On the contrary, he used it to summon the working class guard the civil libertics his kind of democracy is to get behind Chamberlain.
supposed to guarantee unless a mighty wave of Browder and Miaja The scandal was too outrageous to remain with out roporcussions in the National Secr mass indignation forces a change in the intolerable situation.
In his speech to the mass meeting opening the tary Fenner Brookway, aware of the truly and (Continued from Page 1) The 1923 Command Paper: misscs the truth about Eng9th convention of the Young Communist League, war and anti imperialist spirit of the membership The capitalists and THEIR government Earl Browder referred to the Casado Besteiro with the blurred ine capable was, however, not itself tha, lend policy and, or the con solved the problem very simply. He issued a per Chandler is a typical capitalist politician with Council of Capitulation which opened the gates of sonal statement politely dissociating himself fror of future re interpretation. This beginning of the whiteling away rary, have deliberately con Madrid to the fascists. Can it be that Browder has is true both of Sir Henry Mc of the Balfour Declaration but. cealed from them the full out the slightest hesitation resort to violence, the position taken by Maxton. That all! No use Mahon letters to the Arabs in inct. merely recorded what meaning of England polley. creating bad blood between comrades. you sec forgotten that the Council was headed by General terror, and the shedding of blood in order to and of the Balfour Declaration had already been achieved by One might forgive the Zionist Jose Mlaja? Not at all. He remembers it only too and above all, no sense in offending your parlia British colonial authorities in leaders of 1917.
ny Hlusions they perpetuate profits at what they think is a rea.
mentary leaders.
well, and the memory is most painful one. Gen The most the Jewish leaders Palestine itself where from might have had in 1917 about But the ottenness revealed by the Maxton sonable ratc.
eral Mla. you see, was a leader of the Spanish Communist party. Browder hasn forgotten this (notably those of America who 1918 on they had revealed the Declaration, or in 1922 speech could not so easily be passed over, and the There is no lesson more important to the had in exchange for these systematic hostility to further about the Command Paper. whole affair came up for review at the recent na for one moment. But he would like everyone pledges innown all possible ance of Jewish immigration But when, in 1931, after having worker than this one Chandler is giving in Ken else to forget it tional convention of the party. And it was there weight la England favor in and bu! lding.
In the first flush of rage cor that the completo hopelessness and worthlessness fucky; namely, that American capitalism is ab the war) could secure to writ And 1922 is but one in a long rectly characterized the Pass of the was crudely revealed.
solutely ruhless.
tag in the Balfour declaration series of dates recording sys flela White Paper as designed The party leadership, in its report, coolly enIt lives by VIOLENCE and TERROR.
was the phrase: the establish: tematic British destruction of to destroy the Jewish Home dorses Maxton speech and there is a motioa to ment in Palestine of a national the Zionist dream. Another de. lend, they then went on to ex. congratulate him! The radical rank and Ellers, Is the capitalist stockholders thought it would keen analysis of the new theory of the state home for the Jewish people. cisive stap in this destruction plain it away with the help of minority, qulle correctly and consistently demnan open the mines over which they have gained con now being put forward in the Soviet Union, Simultaneously the British as was the Passfield White Paper a face saving letter from Ram Maxton expulsion. third point of view proposes trol, the machine guns in Harlan County would the coming issue of the Now International, The made by Leon Trotsky in his feature article for sured Arab leaders that the of October, 1980, which Stephen say MacDonald, they were 110 repudiation of Maxton. fourth motion timidly Declaration protected them Wise then correctly de longer under any Musions. proposes to refer back that part of the leadership mow down the inners and their wives and chil.
Bonapartist Philosophy of the State. An Interest. against Jewish Slate by ste scribed as designed to undo They were deliberately hiding dren tomorrow as mercilessly as they report which endorses Maxton, that is, tacity, a provision that nothing shall be and eventually destroy ing contrast is made in the analysis between stalthe from the Jewish masses the Tebuke.
were hi present philosophy and his theory of so done which may prejudice the Jewisb National Horpe. An. true facts about the Palestine mowed down by Franco capitalist mercenaries All motions are defeated The refereace back is cleiis in one country.
civil and religious rights of ex: other step was the partition situation, above all the true voted down by 66 to 43, the motions to repudiate in Spain.
Among other articles in the June Issue, which 1s to be of the press this week, are: in Palestine. The same phrase scheme, pressed during the last facts about British governmen to congratulate, to expel, aro voted down in turn What Harlan County needs is a detachment Class Politics in Palestine, by L, Rock, as well of WORKERS DEFENSE GUARDS to proassurance of civ! rights to Briush, however, in accustom that the Zionist leaders will Jews were told, meant merely years, but successfully fought tal policy.
as an article by the editors of the Palestine Jour.
It is a safe wager to predict In a word, things remain cxactly as they were.
tect the lives of the people who are menaced nal, Haor, on the situation in that country, and Arabs in the ordinary sense of sng Zioniats who were pre continue this decettful Doiley. Principles Don Matter by Chandier National Guard civil liberties the National letters from readers all of which make up pared tacitly to accept parti When Winston Churchill arises symposium on the Jewish and Palestinian ques The White Paper hypocriterion to the idea that at best Dext week in the House of Com How car such thing happen? Are the mem Guard of which Franklin Roosevelt is Com tions.
cally states that the British only part of Palestine would mons to speak against the bers, or even the delegates, for Maxton position?
mander in Chief.
Martoy and Bolshevism is the subject of a de do not wish to contest the ever be thelre. Now the White Waite Paper, the Zionist lead Obviously not. as is indicated by their refusal to bate between Albert Goldman, who recently re view that Zionist leaders viewed Martov posthumous pamphlet, and at the time of Lssue of the Ral Paper completes the 22 year Crs will bail him and 1611 congratulate Maxton) on his speech. But why then process of destroying Zlonist remind their followers that President Roosevelt de les Arthur Krock story Alper, of South Africa Declaration did they not at least condemın blm for it, if not recognized hopes.
Churchil is the author of the that the President had sounded out Premier Mus. correspondent in Ching writes an extremely that an ultimate Jewish State British Consistenos Significant 1922 Command Paper. When expel him? Because they are poisored by the pol.
solini, and through him, Reichsfuehrer Hitler on reverling letter on the real situation in China and was not precluded by the terms It is extremely important to the Belush Lobor Party spokee icy of Lovestone darilng. Foaner Brockway. plan for the three to meet ether a sea or near Japan, and the status of the war in Asla. Another of the declaration. But the underline the fact that Britain men will join Churchill on this The Maxtons and McChoverns have merely to some neutral Island in order to arrive at solu contributor. Origlasso, of Sydney, writes on Paper omits where the Zionist has been a consistent policy, question, the Zionist lenders hint that a critical resolution will mean their deHon of the European crisis. It too bad it not Australie Cognita. Jan Buchar, a Czech mill.
leaders then got this view for from an understanding of will gurgle with joy and not parture from the party, and Brockway capitutrue. It would be a good idea perhaps to get the tant, writes on the National Question in Central pamely from the British cow this fact follows a complete bring up the fact that the Paus lenders on an Island and let them go to work on Jates! The Leader must not be offended. PrincEurope.
each other, instead of getting us blockheads to do Senment spokesmen who were condemnation of the policy field White Paper of 1880 was Max Shachtman, in Old Garbage in New telling them that precisely this pursued throughout by the Labor Party ples? The struggle against war? That all right their fighting for them.
Pails, writes or the argumests being made by the was embodied in the Balfour Zionist leadership. The role of Though the various sroups in for holiday Acorsions. for ceremonial rites, but labor war mongers in favor of the coming war Declaration!
outraged astonishment with Commons will jockey for Jew. not for everyday struggle. Those are phrases with And compares them with the arguments advanced The White Paper Ignores the which these gentlemen are is support, they are all at one you the ranks, but not rules that are twenty five years ago for the last democracy fact that fror 1917 until 1922 Calling the White Paper a on fundamental policy fr. Palcrusade, the Zionist movement declared breach of faith and a be estine: the consistent policy imposed upon the leaders.
The editors, in their monthly comments, deal a countless number of Umes trayal is ludicrous: Dobody that has been pursued through To make Maston toe the line, even the thin, new world production record was set on with a number of topical questions, above all, the that Palestine was to be a should be astonished that the out, whether Conservative, Lib.
trembung line of the that wowd be May by the Carnegic Illinois Steel Corpora States.
growth of the Coughlin movement in the United Jewish State, without any con English Imperiallst rulers con eral or Labor politicians ruled tradiction by Brittsh authorl tinue do what they have been on behalf of the capitalist class Trotskyist sectarianism.
tion 75, 000, 000 rvin Works plant when a Dwight Macdonald continuos with his popular ties. Now the paper brazenly doing and getting ready to do of England.
It should not be hard to judge, from Maxton crew of six men in an eight hour shift turned column, making, together with other features of proves that Palestine wes for over two decades. But the (Felix Morrow discussion of speech in September and from the way the out 446. tons of tinplate on a 52 inch, five the magazine, a rounded out number which is sure not to be converted into a Jew. Zlonist leaders are compelled the British White Paper will be convention dealt with. how serlous a force stand tandem cold reducing mill.
to Interest all readers. Advance orders, the man against Imperialist war the centrist will nger requests. should be sont in immediately to the Command Paper ISSUED the simplo reason that they continued in the next issue of On the old style hand mills a crew of five men 116 University Place. New York, IN 1922!
bave never told the Zionist the Socialist Appeal. be when the war has actually brokon out.
By Concealing the Truth Zionism Played Into the hands of Britain June New International זנו Reduce The Hours